The Railroad Paradox

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The Railroad Paradox

About thirty miles from Gotham City lay the community of

Suburbantown. Each morning, thousands of Suburbanites took the
Central Railroad to work in Gotham City. Each evening, Central Railroad
returned them to their waiting spouses, children and dogs.
Suburbantown was a wealthy suburb, and many of the spouses liked to
leave the children and dogs and spend an evening in Gotham City with
their mates. They preferred to precede their evening of dinner and
theater with browsing among Gotham City's lush markets. But, there was
a problem. To allow time for proper shopping, a Suburbanite would have
to depart for Gotham City at 2:30 or 3:00 in the afternoon. At that hour,
no Central Railroad train stopped in Suburbantown.
Some Suburbanites noted that a Central train did pass through their
station at 2:30, but did not stop. They decided to petition the railroad
asking that the train be scheduled to stop at Suburbantown. They readily
found supporters in their door-to-door canvass. When the petition was
mailed, it contained 253 signatures. About three weeks later, the petition
committee received the following letter from the Central Railroad.

Dear Committee:
Thank you for your continuing interest in Central
Railroad operations. We take seriously our
commitment to providing responsive service to
all the people living along our routes, and
greatly appreciate feedback on all aspects of
our business.
In response to your petition, our customer
service representative visited the Suburbantown
station on three separate days, each time at
2:30 in the afternoon. Although he observed
with great care, on none of the three occasions
were there any passengers waiting for a
southbound train.
We can only conclude that there is no demand
for a southbound stop at 2:30, and must

therefore regretfully decline your petition.

Yours Sincerely,
Customer Service Agent
Central Railroad

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