Gersh Zavodnik Motion To Disqualify Entire Supreme Court
Gersh Zavodnik Motion To Disqualify Entire Supreme Court
Gersh Zavodnik Motion To Disqualify Entire Supreme Court
Civil Division
SEP 2 6 2015
) The Honorable
("Mine"). pro
per. pcr sc. and moves the Coun on the Veried Motion To Immediately Set A
Disqualications IIcaring & Allowing Me To Rebul The Guilty" Verdict Without Affording Me Due
Process. and Zavodnik states the following:
& Allowing Me
To Rebul The
Disqualicatians Hearing and to allowing me to rebut the guilty" verdict issued by the upper courts in their
numerous opinions without affording me due process and while depriving me
of righls/money/properly.
2.8aidjudgcs and justices cannot be presumed impartial. because my evidence rebuts and will further
rebut that presumption. and since there are no safeguards available to me. those individuals and entities
3Duc to the fact that both said courts violated the very foundation ofourjudicia] system
to Ihc law and didnt remain steadfast
climate like that there is no substantial justice to Zavodnik, they must disqualify themselves. and/or
according to the Advisory Opinion 3-07, should set a hearing on their disqualications.
4.Both C A. and I.S.C. sabotaged my appeal and therefore deprived me of money/property and my
right to an appeal from the nal judgment. In the Indiana Law Review article Do You Want To Knew
0112* Judges,
of appellate
by the authority they are granted to review cases and partly by the restraints imposed on that review.
The Indiana Constitution provides that the supreme court, in part, shall exercise appellate jurisdiction
under such tenns and conditions as specied by rules except that appeals from ajudgmem imposing a
of death shall
be taken
of appeals. in part, appellate jurisdiction under such terms and conditions as the
Supreme Court shall specify by rules which shall, however, provide in all cases an absolute right to one
of this jurisdiction
only upon the evidence that is properly before the court and appellate courts are bound by that record
on appeal and cannot consider matters outside the record. This division
of responsibility
has been
eloquently described: The warp and woof of the fabric ofourjudicial system which guarantee all
citizens equal justice under the law depend upon the maintenance
restraint. and an absolute and conscientious adherence to the rules goveming ourjudicial tribunals at
each level. The structure
of our judicial
accomplished under the law, it must be attained rst at the trial court level.
appellate tribunals
if it is to be
will remain steadfast to the rules governing their respective duties and functions.
of its accomplishment.
5.The wrong acts by I.S.C. didn't only affect Zavodnik's life. while turning it into a nightmare. which
was the aim
and C.A.. but they also gave green light to those judges not to
impartiality through the primafacie hard evidence rebuning that presumption. and due to the fact that
you've been denying my due process, where for years youve been painting me in false light in order to
maximum impact on damaging me and my family, you all must be disqualied, for which you
must set an immediate hearing. which I demand. You've violated my due process and equal protection
rights: you didn't even let me conduct discovery and/or have an opportunity to rebut the facts-less
statements you made about me in your multiple ad Imminent attacks to smear
off my
name and
assassinate my character. yet you never afforded me an opportunity to be heard. but denied me that
opportunity. and you never gave me an opportunity to bring my evidence and make an offer of proof.
conduct discovery, or do anything else to rebut your lies, yet you don't treat altomeys the way you've
been treating me. and yet in your opinions you
want to be able to do discovery and cross-examine Vaidik and other judges andjustices involved.
have to have an opportunity to defend myself and completely rebut to the very end what you've slated
of what you
opportunity; nobody allowed you to violate my said rights. and be so unfair towards me. because law
turns on facts. not on your general assumptions and desire to do me in. Let me defend myself now
I demand
slight delay
and no harm would be done by it to the other side. Im entitled to due process and equal protection
opportunity to be heard. but denied me that opportunity. and you never gave me an opportunity to bring
my evidence and make an offer oiproof. to conduct discovery. or do anything else to rebut your lies.
yet you don't treat attorneys the way you've been treating me, and yet in your opinions you
so and to
WHEREFOR, Zavodnik requests I.S.C. and CA. allows for my due process and equal
protection, and immediately set an immediate hearing on the said judges' and justices'
disqualications, allowing me to conduct discovery and rebut what has been stated by all of you
in your numerous opinions, and for all other relief, all just and proper in the premises.
I. Gcrsh
the penalties for perjury. and therefore I afrm under the penalties for perjury that the statements in the
stated document are true. conect and accurate, which's my personal
Respectfully submitted
Afant/AppellecCIoss-Alpellanl/Gersh Zavodnik/Plaintifl
Afant/Appellce-CrossAppellant/Gersh Zavodnik/Plaintiff
9750 E. 25' 31.. Apt. 318.
Indianapolis. In 46229
verify and certify that the Appellees'-Cross-Appellants V the Veried Motion To Immediately
Set A
Disqualications Hearing & Allowing Me To Rebut The Guilty" Verdict Without AfTording Me Due
Process contains no more than 4,200 words.
G] gfgm/Mg
Afant/Appelle'Cross-Appllam/Gersh Zavodnik/Ilaintilf
Afant/Appellee-CrossAppellanI/Gersh Zavodnik/Plaintiff
9750 E. 25' St Apt. 318,
Indianapolis. In 46229
I hereby certify that
served a copy
Abrding Me Due Process on the following Clerk ofthe Indiana Supreme Court, Court
Tax Court. (by depositing the same through rotunda
mail. postage prepaid). this 26th day ofSepIembcr, 2016) to be delivered in person to 200 W.
Washington Street. Room 217 Statehouse. Indianapolis. In 46204.
(#9) w/3VL
AfanUApi/Jel]eeCrossAgpellant/Gersh Zavodnik/Plaimiff
Afant/Appellee-CrossAppellant/Gersh Zavodnik/Plaintiff
9750 E. 25 St., Apt. 318.
Indianapolis. In 46229
served a copy
& Allowing Me
To Rebul The
Abrding Me Due Process on the following counsel of record by placing the same in the United States
mail. postage prepaid, this 26th day of September, 2016 and sending the foregoing Appellee's-CrossAppellants Veried Motion In Objection To Not Pulling The Attached Petition For Transfer Into The
Docket & Veried Motion In Support Of Veried Motions For Disqualication to Chad D. Wuenz.
Attorney ID: 2665649, Attorney for Appellants (Doug Costello & Prot Search. Inc). Wuertz Law
Ofce. LLC. 210 Victoria Centre, 22 East Washington Street. Indianapolis. In 46204.
AfanI/AppelleeCross-Appsllant/Gersh Zavodnik/Plaintiff
AIanI/AppellecCross-Appellant/Gersh Zavodnik/Plaintif1
9750 E. 25 St.. Apt. 318.
Indianapolis, In 46229