Sale of Goods Act 1930 Summary
Sale of Goods Act 1930 Summary
Sale of Goods Act 1930 Summary
This act extends to whole of India, except the State of Jammu and Kashmir.
The word Indian was omitted the title of the Act in 1963 (22 sept.)
This Act does not deal with the sale of immovable property.
The transaction relating to immovable properties, e.g., the sale, lease, gifts, etc.,
are governed by a separate Act known as Transfer of Property Act, 1882. This
Act is beyond the scope of this book.
would be bound to take the delivery of them in accordance with the contract.
Documents of title to Goods 2(4)
A document of the title to goods may be described as any document used as proof
(viii) Any other document used in the ordinary course of business as document of
title (as described in the preceding paragraph).
Document of Title v. Document showing the title :
A document of title enables a person named therein to transfer the property by mere
endorsement and delivery, whereas a document showing title does not confer any right to
transfer by way of endorsement and delivery.
For example, a share certificate shows that the person named therein is entitled to the
shares represented by it, but does not allow transfer of the shares by mere endorsement
and delivery of the certificate.
stock and shares, growing crops, grass and things attached to or forming part of
land which are agreed to be severed before sale or under the contract of sale.
You may notice that money and actionable claims have been expressly
excluded from the term goods. Money means the legal tender. Money does
not include old coins and foreign currency. They can, therefore, be sold or
bought as goods. Sale and purchase of foreign currency is, however, also
regulated by the foreign Exchange Management Act,
Actionable claims, like debts, are things which a person cannot make use of, but
which can be claimed by him by means of a legal action. Actionable claims
cannot be sold or purchased like goods, they can only be assigned, as per the
provisions of Transfer of property Act.
Grass, growing crops, trees to be cut and their log wood to be delivered, malba of
a building to be demolished, etc. are goods. Similarly, things like goodwill,
copyright, trade mark, patents, water, gas electricity are all goods and may be the
subject matter of a contract of sale.
Partners are not regarded as separate persons for the purpose of sale of the
partnership property. They are the joint owners of the goods and as such they
cannot be both sellers and buyers [State of Gujarat v. Ramanlal S & W.
(1965)]. But, a partner may buy goods from the firm or sell goods to the firm.
There must be price involved. Price means money consideration for sale of
Exchange of goods for goods is barter.
If Exchange is for partly goods and partly for money it is sale.
Formation. The contract of sale may provide for any of the following methods.
Property means general property in goods and not merely special property in goods. It
means ownership of goods. Special property in goods means possession of goods.
Hire Purchase
Property in goods is transferred Agreement where hirer uses goods
from seller to buyer immediately by paying regular installment and
having option to purchase goods on
payment of last installment
Applicable Act
How it made?
Transfer of ownership
Risk of loss
Return of goods
Sale tax
Transfer of property in goods for price
Property is transferred
Consideration is in form of price, i.e., money
Delivery of goods for specific purpose that it
will be returned to bailor or disposed of as per
his direction
It remains with bailor.
Gratuitous bailment is possible
Some contract involves use of both service and goods. This type of contract is considered
as contract for work and skill.
This kind of contract involves exercise of skill and labour by one party on some goods or
materials supplied by other party or supplied by party who exercise skill and labour for
price. It is immaterial who supply material. Alternatively, it can be said that in this kind
of contract, main purpose is to exercise work and skill. Supply of own goods is only
subsidiary. Intension of parties is to transfer goods only after exercise of some skill and
As it is not falling within categories of contract for Sale no sales tax is payable.
A dentist agreed to supply a set of artificial teeth to a patient. The material was
wholly found by the dentist. Held, it was a contract for the sale of goods.
An artist was asked to paint a portrait. The material was supplied by the party and
not by the painter. It was held to be a contract for work and labour and not of
Ascertained Unascertained
Types of Goods
Existing goods are the goods, which are owned and possessed by the seller at the time of
sale. Existing goods may be of three types;
These goods are merely described by the parties at the time of contract of sale.
Future goods are those goods, which do not exist at the time of the contract of sale.
These goods are to be manufactured or acquired by the seller after the making of the
contract of sale.
Future goods cannot be sold, but there can only be an agreement to sell.
A, a manufacturer agrees to sell 5 tables and 50 chairs to B at Rs.10,000. B agrees to
purchase it. However, tables and chairs are yet to manufactured by A.
Contingent goods
A agrees to sell the goods loaded on the ship Titanic, which is coming from London to
Bombay. The ship may or may not arrive. So, these goods will be called as contingent
Futures Goods
Contingent Goods
1. Meaning
Goods that are yet to be Goods, the acquisition of which by the
manufactured produced or acquired Seller depends upon a contingency,
by the Seller after making contract of which may or may not happen.
2. Element of Acquisition of Future Goods does The procurement of Contingent Goods
not depend upon and uncertainty.
is dependent upon an uncertain event.
3. Scope
Future Goods do not include They are wider in scope, it includes
contingent Goods because of the future Goods.
element of certainty.
4. Effect of Where by a contract of Sale, the There may be a Contract for Sale of
Seller purports to effect a present Goods, the acquisition of which by the
sale of future Goods, the contract Seller depends upon a contingency
operates as an agreement to sell which may or may not happen [Sec.6
the Goods[Sec.6(3)]
5. Example
B agrees to buy the entire crop of A agrees to sell to B a certain painting
wheat that would yield in Ss farm, only if C, its present owner, sells it to
him. The sale is contingent upon the
at the rate of Rs.1000 per quintal.
sale by C.
Price of Goods Sec 9 10
Price is specified under the contract. It is the most common method of determining the
price. Here, parties decide the price in advance.
Price may be determined in accordance to custom and usage of trade. This method is
applicable if parties regularly trade.
Where the price is not fixed as above, the buyer shall pay the seller a reasonable price.
What is a reasonable price is a question of fact and circumstances.
The consequences of destruction of specific goods can be discussed under the following three
If goods perish after the Agreement to sell; but before Sale [Sec. 8]
The contract is void if subsequently the goods have perished, and there is no fault on the
part of the buyer or seller in perishing the goods.
A horse was delivered upon trial for 8 days. However, the horse died within 8 days,
without the fault of buyer or seller. Held, the seller must bear the loss, as the contract
was void.
Therefore, if unascertained goods are destroyed either before or after making the
agreement, the contract shall not become void. Thus, in an agreement to sell
unascertained goods, even if the entire stock of goods is destroyed, the contract that not
become void and the seller will have to perform his promise.
A agreed to sell to B 100 bags of wheat from his stock of 1,000 bags in his go down.
The entire stock was destroyed by fire. A is bound to deliver 100 bags of wheat or else
he will be liable for damages.
If the contract does not otherwise provide, then
Stipulation as to time of payment is not deemed to be essence of contract.
Stipulation as to time of delivery is deemed to be essence of contract.
Generally, at the time of sale, the seller makes some representation, statements of
stipulations for the praise of his goods. Some of representations are in nature of opinion
others are in nature of facts. Representation as to fact which becomes a part of contract
of sale is called as stipulation.
Stipulation which is collateral to the main purpose of the contract is warranty. Breach
of warranty gives rise to the aggrieved party right to claim damages but contract cannot
be terminated.
Express conditions and warranties are those, which the parties agree expressly, i.e. orally
or in writing.
Implied conditions are those, which are implied by the law in the absence of any
agreement to the contrary.
The following are the implied conditions which are contained in the Sales of Goods Act:
Conditions as to title sec 14(a)
If the title of seller out to be defective, the buyer must return the goods to the true owner
and recover the price from the seller.
Where the goods are sold by description, there is an implied condition that the goods
shall correspond to the description.
A machine was sold. The buyer has not been the machine, but the seller described it as a
new one. However, it was found to be a very old one. Held, the machine was not
according to the description.
Sale by sample Sec 17
Where the goods are sold by sample, the following are implied conditions.
The bulk shall correspond to sample in quality.
The buyer shall be given a reasonable opportunity to compare the goods with the
The goods shall be free from any defect, rendering them un merchantable. It is to
be noted that this implied condition applies only in the case of latent defects, i.e.
those defects which cannot be discovered by ordinary inspection. In fact, such
defects are discovered when the goods are put to use or by examination in
laboratories. The seller is not liable for apparent or visible defects which can be
discovered by examination.
Sale by description as well as sample Sec 15
If the sale is by sample as well as description, both conditions shall be satisfied. Goods
must correspond with sample as well as description.
Example :
A agreed to sell to C some oil described as Foreign refined oil and warranted only
equal to sample. The goods supplied were equal to sample, but contained a mixture to
hemp oil. Held, C could reject the goods.
Conditions as to quality and fitness for buyers purpose Sec 16
Where the buyer, expressly or impliedly, tells the seller the particular purpose for which
he needs the goods and relies on the skill or judgment of the seller, there is an implied
condition that the goods shall be reasonably fit for such purpose.
When the article can be used only for one particular purpose, the buyer need not inform
the seller the purpose for which the goods are required.
A purchased a hot water bottle from a chemist. While the bottle was being used by As
wife, it burst and injured As wife. Held, the seller was liable for damages as the bottle
was not fit for the purpose for which it was meant Priest vs Last.
Exceptions to the implied condition as to quality or fitness
The condition as to quality or fitness well not apply, if the buyer is suffering from an
abnormality, which renders the goods unsuitable for a particular purpose and the buyer
does not inform the seller about that abnormally.
A purchased a coat. He had abnormally sensitive skin, By wearing the coat, he got skin
complaint. Held, there was no breach of condition, as he had not disclosed the
abnormally of his skin.
Where the goods can be used for a number of purposes, the buyer should inform the
particular purpose for which such goods were required. If the does not disclose, there is
no such conditions of quality or fitness.
Conditions as to merchantability
Where goods are bought by description from a seller, who deals in goods of that
description, there is an implied conditions that the goods shall be of merchantable
Merchantability means that there is no defect in the goods, which renders them unfit for
sale. Thus, a watch that will not keep time and a pen that will not write cannot be
regarded as merchantable.
A radio set was sold to a layman. The set was defective. It did not work in spite of
repairs, Held, the buyer could return the set and claim refund.
Condition as to wholesomeness
In the case of eatable and food stuff, there is an implied condition that the goods shall
be wholesomeness, i.e., free from any defect which renders them unfit for human
A Purchased milk from B, a milk dealer. The milk contained typhoid germs. As wife on
taking the milk got infected and died. Held, A was entitled to get damages Frost vs
Aylesbury Dairy Co. Ltd.
The following are the implied warranties which are contained in the Sales of Goods Act:
Warranty as to quiet possession Sec 14
In the absence to any contract showing contrary intention, there is an implied warranty
that the buyer shall have and enjoy quiet possession of the goods. If the buyer is
disturbed in the enjoyment of the goods, he can claim damages from the seller.
Unless the circumstances of the case are such as to show a contrary intension, there is an
implied warranty that the goods shall be free from any charge or encumbrance in
favour of any party not declared to the buyer before or at the time contract is made.
However, there will not be any such warranty if charge is declared to buyer at the time of
Warranty as to quality and fitness by usage of Trade Sec 16
In case of sale of dangerous goods, the seller is under an obligations to warn the buyer
about the probable danger. Failure to do so will make the seller liable to pay damages.
Example :
A sold a tin of disinfectant to B, knowing that it was likely to be dangerous to the tin,
whereupon disinfectant powder went into her eyes, causing her injury. Held, A was
liable in damages to B, as he failed to warn B of the probable danger.
Difference between Condition and Warranty
If breach?
Essential to main purpose of contract
Collateral (subsidiary) to main purpose
of contract.
Buyer has no right to cancel the contract .
Buyer has right to cancel contract
Can claim damages
Breach of condition may be treated as Breach of warranty cant be treated as
breach of condition
breach of warranty
It means that the buyer while purchasing goods must act with a third eye and ear,
He should be careful to see that the goods purchased will serve his purpose well.
If the buyer is not careful and he finds later on that the goods do not serve his
purpose, he cannot hold the seller liable for it.
Implied conditions as to quality or fitness. It means when buyer has specified his
purpose and relied on skill of seller, the doctrine of caveat emptor is not applicable.
When the consent of buyer is obtained by fraud, the provision of doctrine of caveat
emptor is not applicable.
Transfer of property from seller to Buyer 20-22
State Price not
At the time
when contract determination
of price
is made
(a) On approval.
(b) Adopting the
(c) Retains without
notice of rejection
for a long time.
completion of
process to
make it
Ownership is transferred immediately at the time of making the contract if all the
following conditions are satisfied:
Example :
A sold to B, 100 bales of cotton lying in his godown. Before the bales could be identified
and separated, all bales were destroyed in fire. Here, seller is liable for damage because
ownership is not transferred.
Section 21
If the goods are not ready in deliverable state at the time of making contract of sale,
ownership of goods is transferred after formation of contract of sale when following
conditions are satisfied;
Fact that the goods are put into deliverable state has come to knowledge to the
Example :
Certain quantity of oil was purchased by A. The oil was to be filled in tins. B filled up
some of the tins and informed A to take the delivery. In the meantime, a fire destroyed
the entire quantity of oil. Held, A will bear the loss of the oil which was filed in the tins
and the seller must bear the loss of the balances.
Section 22
If the goods are not weight or measured at the time of making contract of sale, ownership
of goods is transferred after the formation of contract of sale when the following
conditions are satisfied.
Fact that the goods have been weighed or measured in order to determine price has
come to knowledge of buyer.
A sold 10 kg wheat. The wheat was to be weighed. Before the wheat was weighed,
it was carried away by the flood. Held, the ownership of the wheat left with the
seller and it did not pass to the buyer.
Transfer of ownership in the case of unascertained goods Sec 18 and 23
In the case of unascertained goods, when both parties come to know which particular
goods shall be delivered, ownership is transferred.
Appropriation :
For property to pass u/s 23, the following conditions must be satisfied
The must be in a deliverable state, i.e. the Goods are in such state that the Buyer would,
under the contract, be bound to take delivery of them.
The assent of the parties may be given expressly or impliedly and can be given either
before or after the appropriation.
Example: A having a quantity of sugar in bulk, more than sufficient to fill 20 bags,
contracts to sell to B 20 bags of it. After the contract A fills 20 bags with the sugar, given
notice to B that the bags are ready and requires him to take them away. B says he will
take them as soon as he can. By this appropriation by A, and assent by B, property in the
sugar passes to B.
It means buyer has the option either to return goods. Here, property in goods doesnt pass
from seller to buyer:
When the buyer given his approval or
When the buyer does some act of adopting the
When the buyer fails to return the goods.
(a) If time is fixed for return of goods.
(b) If no time is fixed
Certain jewellery was delivered to a buyer on sale or return basis. The buyer pledged the
jewellery. Held, the buyer had adopted the transaction and as such property had passed and the
seller could not recover the jewellery from the Pawnee.
Right to disposal of Goods Sec. 25
Where the railway receipt or the bill of landing is in the name of the buyer, but is sent
through the bank with the instructions that the same is to be delivered against the
acceptance of the bill or payment of the price, the property in the goods shall not pass.
The general rule is that risk passes with ownership. We can say that risk and ownership
and ownership to together. However, express agreement between parties may provide
When delivery is delayed because of fault of any party, he is liable for risk.
Where the delivery of goods has been delayed due to the fault of buyer/seller, goods are
at the risk of the party in fault.
Sale by Non Owners or Transfer of Title by Non Owners Sec 27 30
The general rule is expressed by maxim Namodat quod non habet which means no one
can give what he does not himself posses. If sellers title is defective, then buyers title will
be defective.
Alternatively, we can say that the seller cant give a better title to the buyer than be himself
The following are the exceptions to the above general rule:
Where the owner by his conduct or by his act leads the buyer to believe that the seller has
the authority to sell and induces the buyer to buy the goods, he shall be estopped from
denying the fact that seller had no right to sell the goods.
Example : (Refer Classroom Notes Hira Sweets)
A mercantile agent means an agent having in the customary course of business as such
agent authority either to sell goods, or to consign goods for the purpose of sale, or to buy
goods, or to raise money on the security of goods [Section 2(9)].
A and B Jointly purchased a car. The car was in the possession of A with the consent of B.
Later on A sold the car to an innocent purchaser. The purchaser will get a good title.
The owner cant be found or found but refuse to pay lawful charges to finder.
The Goods are perishable in nature or in danger. To save goods from loss, finder can
sale it.
Meaning Sec.2(2): Delivery means voluntary transfer of possession from one person to
Duty of Seller Sec. 31: It is the duty of the Seller to deliver the goods and of the buyer to
accept and pay for them in accordance with the contract of Sale.
which has the effect of putting the Goods in the possession of the Buyer or of any
person authorized to hold them on his behalf.
Actual Delivery
It is a delivery where
goods are handed
over to the buyer or
his authorized agent.
It means goods are
physically put in
possession of the
Symbolic Delivery
Constructive Delivery
Delivery of key of the car.
A sells 100 bags of
cement lying in Bs
godown. B agrees to hold
the 100 bags of cement on
behalf of A.
Forward Delivery
Where delivery is to be made in future, and not at the time contract is entered into.
Payment and delivery are concurrent Sec 32.
General rule suggest that the delivery of goods and payment of price are concurrent
conditions. However, parties may provide otherwise.
Part Delivery Sec34.
A delivery of part of goods with an intention of giving the delivery of the whole amounts
to the delivery of the whole for the purpose of transfer of ownership of goods but a
delivery of part of goods with an intention of separating it from the whole lot does not
amount to the delivery of the whole of the goods.
It is sellers duty to be ready and willing to deliver the goods to the buyer. But he is not
bound to deliver goods unless the buyer makes a demand for delivery of the goods.
If the buyer fails to demand the delivery of goods, the seller is not liable for breach;
Buyer must demand delivery within a reasonable time. However, contract may provide
Rules as to Delivery [Sec. 36]
Place of delivery:
Place where goods are to be delivered
If contract specified the place of delivery At the place specified
Contract does not specify the place of At the place at which goods are at the time of sale
In case of sale
In case of agreement of sell
(i) In respect of existing goods
(ii) In respect of future goods
Time of Delivery
If the contract specified time of delivery, goods shall be delivered within such time.
If no time is specified in contract as to time of delivery of goods, it should be delivered
within reasonable time.
Unless and until such third person acknowledge to the buyer that the holds the goods on his
However this provision shall not affect the operation of the issue or transfer of any documents of
the title of the goods.
Demand or tender of delivery may be treat is reasonable unless made at reasonable hour. That is
reasonable hour is a question affects.
Expenses of delivery
If the seller has delivered excess quantity, the buyer has the following options:
Right to reject the goods in excess of the contract does not apply where the variation is
Further, the right to reject the goods is not similar to the right to cancel the contract. If
the buyer rejects the goods (either because they are less than or in excess of the quantity
contracted for), the seller has a right to tender again the contract quantity and the buyer is
bound to accept the same.
Reject the goods not complying with quality or quantity and accept the rest.
[Contract is not repudiated] means subsisting
Delivery by Installment Sec 38
Delivery by installment is not valid except when the contract provides so or buyer accepts
the delivery in installment.
Seller is required to give notice to buyer to enable him to insure goods. If not to do
then his risk.
Where the seller agrees to deliver the Goods at his own risk at a place other than at which they
are sold, the Buyer shall bear the risk of deterioration necessarily incident to the course of
transit, unless otherwise agreed.
Buyers right to examining goods Sec 41
Delivery doesnt mean acceptance of goods, Buyer has deemed to have accepted the goods
under the following circumstances:
When he doesnt inform seller about rejection of goods within a reasonable time.
Buyers not bound to return the rejected good Sec 43.
He is required to intimate the seller about rejection. (Buyers not bound to return the rejected
Liability of the Buyer for refusal of delivery of goods Sec 44
If the buyer wrongfully refuses to take delivery of goods, he is liable for damages and
expenses like storage cost and transportation cost to the seller.
Section 45
A seller of goods is deemed to be unpaid in the following cases:
The price must be due but not paid. (When the whole of the price has not been paid
or tendered)
A negotiable instrument, like cheque, bill of exchange etc., was received, but the
same has been dishonored.
Seller who has obtained a decree for the price of the goods will also be an unpaid
seller, if the decree has not been satisfied.
When the seller has been paid the large amount but small portion of payment remains
to be paid.
By Estoppels i.e. where the seller so conducts himself that be leads third parties to
believe that the lien does not exist.
Lien is not lost merely become the unpaid seller has obtained a decree for the price of
the goods
Part delivery Sec. 48
Part delivery of goods does not disentitle the unpaid seller from exist lien on the remainder
Right of Stoppage in Transit Sec 50 to 52
Right of stoppage goods in transit Sec 50
The right of stoppage in transit is an extension of the right of lien.
The right of lien is a right to retain possession, whereas right of stoppage in transit is a
right to regain possession.
The right of stoppages in transit can be exercised, if the goods are in transit, and the buyer
has become insolvent in the meantime.
Conditions : unpaid Seller + possession of goods with carrier (independent) + insolvent buyer
Duration of transit Sec 51
As Sellers Agent : In this case, the seller has lien on the goods, so question of right
of stoppage in transit does not arise.
As Buyers Agent: In this case, the seller cannot exercise the right of stoppage in
In an Independent Capacity: In this case, sit from the time they are delivered to a
carrier for the purpose of transmission to the buyer, until the buyer or his agent takes
their delivery.
Goods are deemed to be in course of transit from the time they are delivered to a carrier for
the purpose of transmission to the buyer, until the buyer or his agent takes their delivery.
The goods are in transit, even if the buyer asks the carrier to take them to some other
destination until they are delivered to the buyer at some other destination.
If the goods are rejected by the buyer and the goods are in the possession of the carrier, the
transit is not at an end, even if the seller has refused to take them back.
How Stoppage in transit is effected Sec 52
By giving notice of his claim to the carrier, who holds the goods
Effect of sub sale or pledge by the buyer Sec.53
The unpaid sellers right of lien or stoppage in transit is not affected by any further sale or other
disposition of goods by the buyer.
o When seller has given his assent to such mortgage or other disposition of goods made by
the buyer.
o When a document of title has been transferred to the buyer and the buyer transfer the
document to a person who has brought the goods in good faith for value.
The goods are in actual possession of the
This right can be exercised even when the
buyer is solvent but fails or refuses to pay
the price.
This right comes to an end when the seller
parts with the goods.
This is a right to retain possession over
the goods.
This right can be exercised by the seller
Stoppage in Transit
1. The goods are in possession of an
independent carrier or bailes.
2. This right can be exercised only when the
buyer becomes insolvent.
3. This right commences only when the seller
delivers the goods to a carrier.
This is a right to regain possession o the
4. This right can be exercised by the seller
through the carrier or the bailee in whose
possession the goods are.
In case of perishable goods, unpaid seller can resale the goods if following conditions
In case of other goods (not perishable) unpaid, the seller can resale goods if the following
conditions are satisfied:
In case of resale
after notice
Not available
In case of resale
without notice
No Available
Suit for
damage for
delivery JHA
Suit for
of contract
Suit for
Breach of
Suit for
It means transporter or bailee to whom goods are delivered by the seller for
transportation to buyer.
When goods are delivered to a carrier, it is deemed delivery of goods to the buyer if
following conditions are satisfied:
The Buyer has informed carrier name, address and goods required to be delivered.
It means public sale. The seller invites the interested parties by advertisement to offer the
price. (i.e. bid)
Advertisement of auction sale is not offer but an invitation to make an offer and therefore
if an auction sale is not held on appointed day, bidder cant sue auctioneer.
Every bid amounts as offer and acceptance is given by auctioneer by some usual mode of
acceptance e.g., fall of hammer, going going gone or one two three.
Auction sale starts with placing of bids. Auctioneer accepts the highest bids but he may
accept lower bid without giving any reason. When bid accepted, valid contract is formed.
Bid once made can be withdrawn before fall of hammer even if expressly prohibit.
Seller can bid at auction sale if bidders are informed of fact. (pretended bidding)
If the seller makes use of pretended bidding to raise the price, the sale is voidable at the
option of the buyer. The bid is said to be pretended when it is made by the seller or some
one on his behalf.
Auctioneer may set reserve price or upset price. Bid lower that which is invalid.
In the case of Knockout agreement, the buyers joint their hands to eliminate competition
among themselves at an raise the bid against each other and only one of them will bid at
the auction. When the profit. Prima facie, a knockout agreement is not illegal. However, if
the intention of the parties to the agreement is to defraud a third party, this will be illegal.
Sale in lots :
When the goods are put up for sale in lots, each lot is deemed, prima facie, to be the
subject matter of a separate contract of sale.
Delivery of Goods in Contract by Sea Route
Here, the price of goods includes the cost of goods, insurance and freight expenses.
The essential of CIF contract is that seller shall deliver shipping documents to the
buyer usually through the bank. If the seller fails to deliver the documents within
reasonable time, he is liable for breach of contract.
Ownership of goods is transferred to the buyer, when he pays the price of goods
while receiving shipping documents. If buyer refuses to pay the price, the seller can
claim damages for breach of contract.
FOB Contract
It means free on board. Here, seller is required to put the goods on board of ship at
his expense.
Buyer is liable for all the expenses and risk one goods are loaded on ship.
The ownership of goods is transferred to the buyer as soon as goods are loaded to
Ex Ship Contract
It means contract in which the seller has to deliver the goods to the buyer at the port
of destination.
All the freight charges and risk during voyage for goods remain with seller.
Ownership of the goods is transferred to the buyer when goods are actually delivered
at the port of destination.