Novartis Case
Novartis Case
Novartis Case
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Anu Khare
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Novartis , a Swiss based pharmaceutical company has filed two cases both on Indian Patent
Office on rejection of patent application for the cancer drug Imatinib Mesylate ( Brand name
Glivec) and the sec 3 d of the new Indian Patent lawcthat form base of opposition.
Imatinib Mesylate is (Glievac) is a cancer drug used in the treatment of Myeloid Leukemia
(cancer of blood). It is produced and marketed internationally by swiss pharmaceutical Novartis
and various Indian Pharma companies such as Cipla,Hetero, Natco and Ranbaxy. Novartis sell
gleivac at rate of 1,20,000 per patient per month in India. However generic version of drugs
costs at about 8000 per patient per month in India. Novartis filed the application for patent in
Chennai High Court in 1998 ,at that time India did not grant patents on medicine ,so they are
given EMR (Exclusive Marketing rights) , which excludes others from production and sales of
generic version in the market . After 2005 as India starts reviewing product patent applications
application of Novartis has been rejected on basis of sec 3d and pre grant opposition. Novartis
has filed two cases against Indian patent offices rejection of patent application for the cancer
drug Imatinib Mesylate (Glivec) and the section of the new Indian patent law which formed the
basis of the patent office decision.
Filing of patent by Novartis:
Novartis filed an application at Chennai patent office in 1998 to grant a patent on Imatinib
mesylate (glivec). At that time India did not yet grant patents on medicines but in Nov., 2003
Novartis able to get EMR (Exclusive Marketing Rights) for a period of 5 years based on previous
provision of Indian patent act. Granting EMR was a TRIPS obligation for countries like India
which do not give patent on pharmaceutical products. After 2005 , Indian Patent Office began
to review pharma product patent applications EMR are either given patent or are rejected .If
rejected EMR rights also ends. EMR works like a patent monopoly which prevents other pharma
companies to manufacture of sell generic products of Imatinib Mesylate.
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Glivec, by contesting the rejection of Glivec. Novartis supports TRIPS condition that promotes
access for developing countries. They are challenging to additional hurdles to patentability in
India that discourage both breakthrough and incremental innovation. If the patent law is
effective, with the help of this companies like Novartis can continue to bring improvements and
innovations to patients and societies. Moreover Glivec , a life saving drug of cancer is a true
innovation . Rejection of its patent application shows the deficiencies in Indian Patent system.
Court rejected patent application of Novartis on Glivec as it is not able to prove
therapeutic efficacy. Therefore the court held that sec 3(d) is not violative of article 14
of the Constitution of India.
Court also rejected the argument of petitioner that sec 3(d) is not compliant to TRIPS
The judgement is welcomed globally by treatment activists and public interest groups. Novartis
disagree with the judgement and warned that court ruling will discourage much required
investment in drug innovation.
As per judgement efficacy is judged on the basis of therapeutic efficacy of the drug.
Judgment is in favour of patients and developing countries.
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