6) What Is Stainless Steel and Classify Stainless Steel ?

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6) what is stainless steel and classify stainless steel ?

Stainless steel is an alloy of Iron with a minimum of 10.5% Chromium. Chromium produces
a thin layer of oxide on the surface of the steel known as the 'passive layer'. This prevents any
further corrosion of the surface. Increasing the amount of Chromium gives an increased
resistance to corrosion.
Stainless steel also contains varying amounts of Carbon, Silicon and Manganese. Other
elements such as Nickel and Molybdenum may be added to impart other useful properties
such as enhanced formability and increased corrosion resistance

martensitic stainless steels

ferritic stainless steels

austenitic stainless steels

duplex (ferritic-austenitic) stainless steels

precipitation-hardening stainless steels

7) Descried in detail Sulfide stress cracking ?

Sulfide stress cracking is a form of hydrogen embrittlement which is a cathodic cracking
mechanism. It should not be confused with the term stress corrosion cracking which is an
anodic cracking mechanism. Susceptible alloys, especially steels, react with hydrogen sulfide,
forming metal sulfides and atomic hydrogen as corrosion by products. Atomic hydrogen
either combines to form H2 at the metal surface or diffuses into the metal matrix. Since sulfur
is a hydrogen recombination poison, the amount of atomic hydrogen which recombines to
form H2 on the surface is greatly reduced, thereby increasing the amount of diffusion of
atomic hydrogen into the metal matrix. This aspect is what makes wet H 2S environments so
Since SSC is a form of hydrogen embrittlement, it is most susceptible to cracking at or
slightly below ambient temperature.
Sulfide stress cracking has special importance in the gas and oil industry, as the materials
being processed there (natural gas and crude oil) often contain considerable amounts of
hydrogen sulfide. Equipment that comes in contact with H 2S environments can be rated for
sour service with adherence to NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 for oil and gas production
environments or NACE MR0103/ISO17945 for oil and gas refining environments.

"High Temperature Hydrogen Attack" does not rely on atomic hydrogen. At high temperature
and high hydrogen partial pressure, hydrogen can diffuse into carbon steel alloys. In
susceptible alloys, the hydrogen combines with carbon within the alloy and forms methane.
The methane molecules create a pressure build up in the metal lattice voids, which leads to
embrittlement and even cracking of the metal.
Sulfidic corrosion, also known as sulfidation, is the term used for high temperature corrosion
(above 450F / above approx. 260C) of steel in contact with sulphur

8)Difference Between Carbon Steel And Stainless Steel

Carbon Steel is done by varying the amount of carbon. Generally, steel recipes have a weight
proportion of carbon in the 0.2% to 2.1% range. To enhance other properties of the base iron,
mixtures may also include chromium, manganese, or Tungsten
Stainless steel is a unique form of steel which does not corrode. It gets this property by
employing chromium as a special hardening agent. Most forms of stainless steel have a mass
proportion of 10.5% to 11.0% chromium. With the use of chromium, stainless steel has the
basic properties of steel with the addition of its inability to rust.

Inch Meter and Inch Diameter Concept

The purpose of inch meter and inch diameter is :
a. To find out piping erection load
b. Manpower planning
c. Piping work progress monitoring
d. Costing
The following example will illustrate the concept of the inch-meter and the inch-dia:
Q.1 Elbow 2" size, 20 nos., are to be fitted in a pipeline. Find out the inch dia?

Ans: Inch dia : size x no. of weld joints x no. of elbows

= 2 x 2 x 20 = 80 inch dia.
Q. 2 Find out the inch meter for 20 m pipeline of 2" size
Ans: Inch meter = Pipe size in inches x length in m
= 2" x 20 = 40 inch meter
Note : Inch meter will be more relevant in case of yard piping whereas inch dia will be
more relevant in case of plant piping.

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