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The requirements of all items contained in this section shall apply to the whole of the Works
regardless of the Trade Headings under which they have been described and are to be taken
into account when pricing these Contract Documents.

The term "approved" shall mean granting of approval by the S.O. in writing.

The terms "as specified" and "as described" shall mean as specified or as described in any part
of the Contract Documents.

Attention is directed to the Conditions of Contract, the Specification and the Contract Drawings,
and these Documents are to be read in conjunction with all other Contract Documents. They
shall be complementary to one another and be read as one Contract.

General directions and descriptions of works and materials given in the Specification are not
necessarily repeated in the other Contract Documents. Reference is to be made to the
Specification for this information.

The descriptions stated in the Schedule of Works or Bills of Quantities are not comprehensive.
Reference should be made to the Specifications' and other Contract Documents for details of
types of materials and quality of workmanship; the sections of "Preliminaries and General
Conditions" for conditions affecting the whole of the Works; and to these Preambles for methods
of measurement and pricing factors.

The Contractor shall be held to have understood fully all matters concerning the works to be
carried out under the Contract. Any query should be settled with the S.O. prior to the
submission of the tender. No consideration shall be given to any query raised by the Contractor
indicating lack of comprehension of work to be done or materials to be supplied after the
acceptance of the successful tender.

The prices entered against the items in these Contract Documents shall be the full inclusive
value of the finished work shown on the Drawings and / or described or implied in the
Specification and the Schedule of Works or Bills of Quantities and shall cover the costs for
supply of materials including cutting and waste, unloading, storage, packing, carriage and
cartage, hoisting, all labour for fabricating, setting, fitting and fixing in position, use of plant,
supervision, fuel, establishment charges; duty, taxes, profit and any other expenses and
everything else necessary for the due and proper completion of each item and all the
Contractor's obligations and liabilities under the Contract.

Where any item is not priced, the value of work under the particular item shall be deemed to be
included under other items in the Contract Documents.

Should the Contractor make any errors in his extensions and / or casts or in carrying forward to
or in casts of the summary, such errors shall, before the signing of the Contract, be so rectified
and adjusted that when correctly calculated, the total of the Summary of Tender shall represent
the same amount as that tendered by Contractor in the Form of Tender. The nett aggregate
amount of such errors, whether a nett deduction or a nett addition, will be calculated as a
percentage adjustment in the Summary of Tender, unless agreed otherwise in writing between
the Employer and Contractor. All unit rates throughout the Schedule of Works or Bills of
Quantities shall be subject to such percentage discount or premium as the case may be, and
the adjusted rates shall be used for the assessment of variations under the Contract. Provided
always that Provisional or Prime Cost Sums shall be excluded from the calculation and shall not
be subject to such percentage discount or premium.

Provisional sums and prime cost items are to be dealt with as provided for in the Conditions of

The quantities of works and materials supplied under these Contract Documents are meant for
guidance only and are not to be construed as limiting or extending the amount of works to be
done and materials to be supplied by the Contractor.


GENERAL (Cont'd)

The Measurements in these Contract Documents have been prepared generally in accordance
with the principles laid down in the "Standard Method of Measurement of Building Works for use
in Malaysia" (First Edition) (Metric) published by the Institution of Surveyors, Malaysia. Where
departures have been made from the standard Method of Measurement, the method adopted in
these Contract Documents will be adhered to for the purpose of measurement and ascertaining
the value of works executed and all variations.

The rates for all works in these Contract Documents shall include for any restrictions which the
Traffic Police and/or any other relevant Government Authorities may impose due to the location
of the site and the amount of materials and spoil to be moved to and from the works, all delays
due to inclement weather or any other difficulties not elsewhere mentioned which may be
caused by the nature of the site.

Unless otherwise specifically stated in the Schedule of Works or Bills of Quantities, the following
shall be deemed to be included in the prices for all measured work:(a)

All preliminary items described in the section of "Preliminaries and General



Labour and all costs in connection therewith, including supervision.


Materials, goods and all costs in connection therewith, including unloading, storage,
packing, carriage and cartage, duties, taxes and surtaxes.


Plant and all costs in connection therewith, including fuel and lubricating oil.


Assembling, hoisting, fitting and fixing materials and goods in position.


All cutting.


Waste of materials.


Establishment charges, overhead charges and profit.

Work described in these Contract Documents as curved or circular shall be deemed to include
for all junctions between straight and curved or circular work. Where no radius is stated to
circular-on-plan work, the Contractor is to allow for varying radii.

Prices shall include for all safety precautions to safeguard the public, etc.

The preliminary items included in the Schedule of Works or Bills of Quantities apply to the whole
of the Works under this Contract and the Contractor shall allow for complying with the same and
for any cost incurred for compliance therewith.



Generally, the piling operations are to commence from the filled or reduced or existing levels.

The work contained herein involves the pitching and installation of

determined and ordered by the S.O.

The rates for piling shall include for probing for the presence of obstructions at the position of
the piles and to have them removed in advance of the piling operations.

The rates for piles and piling are to include for :-

piles to the depths


All labour and materials for the complete pile inclusive of wastage.


All cutting/stripping of piles and exposing reinforcement/steel for marrying up to pile

caps as required.


All necessary excavation works incidental to piling works.


Coring, boring, chiseling, upholding, etc. in all soils (excluding hard rock as specified)
including all labour and equipment, plant, tools and steel casing lining.


Normal wet weather delays.


Replacement of defective, damaged, ineccentricity piles and piles which failed under


Filling up with approved fill materials any gap appearing between pile and ground due
to displacement of ground on completion of piling works


Standing time for equipment and labour due to all the foregoing circumstances.


Staging and platform for the installation of piles on embankments and slopes.


The Contractor shall allow in his rates for any difficulties, restrictions or obstruction due
to the nature of the site and shall rectify or compensate at his own cost any injury or
damage whatsoever arising out of or in the course of the execution of the works.


The likelihood of boulders, old concrete footings, etc. being present on site.


No additional payments or extension of time will be allowed for obstructions

encountered during operations.


The provision of adequate reference stations and equipment to monitor the horizontal
movements of the installed piles.


Keeping and submission of piling records in triplicate for certification by the S.O.


Eccentricity survey

Rates for Bakau piles shall include for handling, transporting, pitching, shaping ends, cutting off
tops and extra wastage in non-reusable cut-off lengths.

Payable lengths for piles shall be measured from the tip of shoe of the pile to the cut off level of
the pile, unless otherwise stated in the Schedule of Works or Bills of Quantities.

The rates shall include for any additional excavation or filling and the effects thereof.

The rates for piling shall include any soil investigation in addition to the information given
required by the Contractor and all costs in connection therewith are deemed to be included in
his tender.



The rates for supply of all type of piles shall include for :(a)
trial mixes
prestressing tendons, stressing and grouting
pile shoes, end plates, chamfers, sleeves for toggles and lifting position markings
curing and surface finish
matching members for identification and delivery in matching sequence
marking members for identification and delivery in matching sequence
transport and delivery to site, off loading, stacking and storing on site
removal of failed and rejected piles, waste and disused piles
substitution of failed and rejected piles or compensation piles
Piles that fail to meet the pile acceptance criteria will not be paid for. The Contractor is solely
responsible for assessing and ordering adequate lengths of piles required for the completion of
the Works.

The rates for driving of all type of piles shall include for :(a)
setting out of pile positions
taking from stores, handling, pitching and driving piles in accordance with the
driving piles to any inclination
driving trial piles to determine the pile length requirements
jetting where permitted by the Engineer
moving plant and equipment back and redriving risen piles
lost time due to moving plant and equipment and standing time and disruption caused
by the process of lengthening and overcoming obstructions
walings, ties and the like
achieving tolerances
redriving or further redriving of piles as directed
stripping of concrete and exposing the reinforcement pile heads and bending projecting
capping plate
continue driving to a driving resistance higher than twice the working load including
change to a heavier hammer where necessary to achieve the set requirement as
normal wet weather delays
replacement of damaged piles and piles which failed under tests
staging and platform for the installation of piles on the embankment and slopes
driving through hard shale and hard materials as Earthwork Specifications other than
hard rock, to any depth
all necessary excavation works incidental to piling including removal of all obstruction
The handling, pitching and driving of piles that failed to meet the pile acceptance criteria will not
be paid for.

The rates for load testing and PDA tests of all types of piles shall include for all necessary
labour, materials, plant, equipment including the following :(a)
setting up test rigs, pile caps, kentledge, cable anchorages, anchor piles and reference
bench marks and dismantling and removing them on completion
providing, calibrating, setting up, operating and maintaining instruments and apparatus
required to complete the tests
constructing temporary pile caps and subsequent stripping off and cart away debris
applying and re-applying the test load and releasing
taking readings, measurements and observations of pile performance under test and
recording and supplying two copies of the record of each test to the Engineer
moving plant and equipment from one pile test location to another and from site to site
including site preparation, levelling and access ramps
in the case of trial pile testing, all additional costs involved in bringing testing equipment
and kentldge to site and removing on completion of test
incidental excavation in all types of materials
execution of the required number of load tests on selected piles as directed by the S.O.



The rates for PDA test shall include the engagement of an approved specialist firm and provide
all necessary labour, plant, equipment, measuring instruments and other necessary items for the
execution of PDA tests on piles of varying sizes.

Cost for mobilisation and demolition of piling plant and machineries shall deem to include for :(a)

moving from pile to pile about the site as often and whenever necessary for the
execution of the whole piling operation
protection to newly installed instrumentation caused by the movement of plant and
machineries to the satisfaction of S.O.
standing or idling time
any necessary excavation, filling and staging required for moving the piling equipment,
tools, plant and ancillary equipment from differing levels of the site

The cost for all piling equipment, plant, tools and ancillary equipment shall include for their
transportation to site, handling, assembling, erecting, dismantling and removal off the site after
completion of the piling operation.

The rates for cutting-off surplus length of all type of piles shall include for :(a)

re-mobilisation of plant and machineries and removal the same off the site on
incidental excavation
removal of concrete and other debris
making good of damaged piles

Rates for performing extension joint to lengthen pile for precast concrete piles shall include for
flush fixing plate (male component) at foot of extension pile with fixing plate (female component)
at top of pile and welding with fillet welds around the perimeter of the two plates and including
two coats of bituminous paint on all exposed fillet weld surfaces.

The costs for piling records shall include compiling al relevant documents duly signed by the
Contractor and the S.O.s representative and delivered to the S.O. in the number of copies as
described in the Bills of Quantities or Schedule of Works as the work proceeds.

The costs for as-built drawings shall include compiling all approved relevant documents duly
signed by a licensed surveyor and shall be submitted to the S.O. in the number of copies as
described in the Bills of Quantities or Schedule of Works within two (2) weeks upon completion
of the Works.

Clearing site is measured area on plan.

Felled trees, grubbed roots and cut shrubs shall not be burnt without prior approval of the
Architect or local authority.





Rates for site clearance shall include;


clearing all general vegetation, tall grass, lalang, creepers, shrubs, bushes and small
trees and the stumps not exceeding 600mm girth


clearing all rubbish, debris and unwanted materials


unless otherwise explicitly described and included in the Bills of Quantities,

breaking up and removing disused structures, surface beds and pavings,
sewers, drains and drain pipes, manholes, underground wells, sumps, fencing,
posts, retaining walls and other such like structures, including disconnecting
and sealing off services, plugging any pipes cut off at perimeter of site, and


filling stump and root holes and voids caused by removal of existing structures
or obstructions with hardcore or suitable approved materials.

Rates for felling of trees shall include cutting up and removing all timbers off site.

Rates for lifting turf shall include necessary protection and maintenance to ensure
suitability of turves for reuse.

Methods of Measurement

The area of site to be cleared has been measured flat on plan.


Rates for all excavation work are to include for :(a)

Excavating and getting out.


Excavating by hand and/or mechanical means in any materials encountered including

below the water table.


Grubbing up roots of trees, breaking up disused sewers and manholes, breaking up old
reinforced and mass concrete and brick foundations and including extracting timber or
concrete piles and the like.


Keeping all excavations free from water, mud etc., by pumping or balling if required,
and for providing any temporary drains required and for taking all necessary antimosquito breeding measures.


Excavating around and removal of boulders not exceeding one cubic metre in volume


Levelling or grading and ramming of bottoms and trimming sides.


Multiple handling of excavated materials and all transport, royalty and handling charges
at loading and unloading ends, and working below the normal water level.


Planking and strutting which include all necessary means for upholding the sides of
excavation and ensuring the safety of adjoining structure.


Additional excavations and backfilling for planking and strutting or formwork, or to

batter the face of the excavation in lieu.



Returning, filling in and well ramming part of the excavated materials; and for wheeling,
depositing, spreading and levelling and consolidating the surplus excavated materials
in any position on site, or for removing the surplus from the site as specified; unless
otherwise described in these Contract Documents.


Clearing any falls of earth into excavations.


Complying with the S.O.'s instructions issued from time to time to ensure the safety of
excavations and adjoining structures.


Keeping all excavations free from water, mud, etc. by pumping or baling if
required, and for providing any temporary drains required.


Reinstatement to original condition of existing ground and surface finish affected by



Protection of all services encountered.


The rate of exported and imported earth shall be inclusive of any royalty.

All excavations and fillings have been measured nett and the Contractor shall allow in his prices
for increase in bulk after excavation or loss in consolidation as the case may be. Thicknesses
stated are those after compacting.

Unless otherwise described in the Schedule, excavation shall be deemed to commence at

finished platform levels.
Nature of Soil

The Contractor must judge for himself the nature of the soil. Prices for excavation shall include
for excavating by hand and/or mechanical means in whatever type of materials are met with,
excluding "hard rock" which is defined in the Specification.

Excavating in natural rock as defined in the Specification is measured separately.

To qualify for rock excavation rates, the Civil Engineer must certify that material encountered is
to be classified as rock and measurements of the volumes excavated agreed between the S.O.,
Contractor and the Quantity Surveyor.

In addition, rates for trench excavation for sewers and water mains are to include for sufficient
working space to both sides of trench, close-boarded sheeting, shoring, grading ground under
pipes, careful backfilling of earth and compacting.

Excavation for drain pipes, water pipes, conduits, etc. shall not be less than 300mm wider than
the internal diameter of the pipes or conduits unless otherwise described. Rates shall include
for grading ground under pipes, etc., and careful backfilling and compaction.

Basement and retaining wall excavation etc is inclusive of an allowance for working space of
600mm from the external face of the wall to be covered when necessary.
Earth Filling, Hardcore, etc.

Rates for earth filling, hardcore and similar material shall include for all necessary temporary
retaining boards and for compaction and consolidation. All filling is measured nett and all stated
thicknesses are finished after consolidation. The final quantities of filling will be ascertained by
comparing topographical levels before commencement of works with topographical levels after
completion of works. No allowance for sinking or erosion is made and the rates are deemed to
have allowed for these contingencies.

Rates for hardcore shall include for blinding with sand to receive concrete, ramming and
consolidating, all labour for laying to falls or chambers, hand-packing edges or haunching,
forming splayed edges and the like.



All excavations, filling and hardcore shall be approved before being concreted or covered up.

Rates for excavation or filling shall include the cost for topographical surveys of the original and
formation levels of the site, unless otherwise provided for in the Bills of Quantities or Schedule of
PVC Lining

The rates for PVC lining are to include for:(a)

All laps and joints including bonding adhesives, reinforcing or batten strips, etc.


Narrow widths.


Fitting and sealing around inlets, outlets, projections, etc.


Tests on joints.

Concrete Rates

The rates for concrete work are to include for :(a)

All hoisting or pumping and placing at required positions.


Working between and around reinforcement.


Compaction by tamping or with vibrators or with whatever means specified to give

thorough compaction.


Forming or cutting, including all making good,


grooves, rebates, chases, mortices and the like.


holes and other sundry like items, displacing 0.5 M or under of concrete.


openings in walls, floors, roof slabs and the like of 0.5 M superficial area or


Performing all tests on cement, aggregates, water and mixed concrete as stipulated in
the Specification.


All vertical and horizontal construction joints (including Engineer designed construction
joints) temporary formwork to form joggled joints and cleaning and preparing for
subsequent pours and lifts and treatment as specified. (Water bars have been
measured separately where required to be incorporated in construction joints).


Curing of concrete.


Continuous daily pours of very large quantities.


Laying on any type of sub-base and for preparing and leaving surfaces to receive
screeds, pavings or rendering.


Laying in bays or in such sequence of operations for all segments of work as specified
including all labours associated with projecting reinforcement and all necessary



Rates for all concrete beds and slabs are to include for laying any type of sub-base and for
preparing and leaving surfaces to receive screeds or pavings.

Rates for waffle slabs are to include for casting in panels not exceeding 200 M and leaving
900mm wide gaps (as shrinkage joints) between adjacent panels. The gaps are to be concreted
not earlier than 21 days after the main panels.

In addition, rates for concrete slabs, where settlement joints occur, are to include for concreting
the settlement joints upon completion of the structural frame.

Rates for rod reinforcement are to include for :(a)

Allowances for rolling margin and the weight of the welds.


cutting to lengths.


hooked ends and bends including bending to large radii.


bends including bending to various radii and shapes.


brushing, cleaning free of dust, mill scale, dirt, oil and any other deleterious matter and
placing in position prior to casting.


tying, tying wire, spacer bars, distance blocks, ordinary chairs and supporting while


distance blocks and ordinary chairs and spacers.

The rates for reinforcement in ground beams, columns and walls are also to include placing of
steel bars among or around existing starter bars.

The weight of rod reinforcement given in these Contract Documents excludes the weight of tying
wire, spacer bars, chairs and allowance for rolling margin; and the rates are deemed to include
for these items.

Fabric reinforcement has been measured nett and no allowance for laps is made. The rates for
fabric reinforcement are to include for :(a)

Allowance for rolling margin


Allowance for laps




Straight, circular and raking cutting and notching


Brushing, cleaning and fixing in position


Providing and fixing annealed iron tying wire at all intersections


Distance blocks and ordinary chairs and spacers



Rates for formwork are to include for :(a)



splayed edges


notchings, raking or circular cutting


allowances for overlaps, waste and passing at angles.


battens, filleting to form chamfered edges not exceeding 50mm wide.




bolting and wedging


erasing, striking and removal


oiling or lime washing surfaces in contact with concrete before concreting.


in addition to the above, the rates for wrot formwork shall include stopping all holes,
cracks, etc in cement mortar and rubbing off all board marks, fins and other
irregularities after removal of formwork.

Horizontal, Sloping and Vertical Faces above 3.5M


Rates for formwork to horizontal, sloping and vertical surfaces i.e. beams, columns, walls, etc.,
are to include for strutting of any height and length required.
Cornices, Mouldings, Arches and Curved Surfaces

Rates for formwork to the above mentioned surfaces are to include for strutting of any height
and radii, if none stated.
Fair Face Work

The prices for wrot formwork shall include for lining with plywood, etc., to produce a fair face as

"Wrot formwork" shall mean formwork to produce a fair faced concrete finish. If pattern is
required to be formed on the concrete surfaces, it shall be fully described.

"Sawn formwork" shall mean formwork to produce concrete surfaces on which plastering or tiling
will be applied, or to surfaces which will be concealed.
Precast Concrete

Rates for precast concrete shall include for all necessary moulds, for supplying and fixing all
necessary reinforcement, for all holes, rebates, notchings, sinkings, mortices and the like and
for hoisting and setting in cement mortar (1:3). Where precast concrete is described as
"finished fair" the rates shall include for lining the moulds with a suitable material to obtain a
perfectly smooth finish to the satisfaction of the S.O. and for all necessary pointing of the
bedding joints, etc.

Rates for precast concrete kerbs, channels, etc., shall include for all angles, stopped ends, etc.


Prestressed Concrete Works

Rates for prestressed concrete, formwork and all associated items are to include, in addition to
factors mentioned herein, all costs and expenses in complying with the Specification Clauses on
Prestressed Concrete as well as any Engineer's instruction arising directly therefrom.

The rates shall include for :(a)

forming all joints and junctions in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.


all labour and materials for the temporary joints in the concrete walls and slabs.

Expansion Joints

The rates for expansion joints are to include for all necessary formwork.
Waterproofing Membrane, Lining and the like

Waterproofing system has been measured nett and flat on plan.

No allowance for laps and straight is made.

The rates are to include for :(a)

All laps, joints including bonding adhesives, reinforcing or batten strips, etc.


Narrow widths


Fitting and sealing around inlets, outlets, projections and the like


Tests on joints


Preparing and priming surfaces to receive waterproofing membrane, lining and the likes


Protect coating, repair and replace damaged coating


Caulking at intersection of membrane with adjacent materials using specified sealant


Brickwork, Blockwork and Masonry

Rates for brickwork, facing bricks, blockwork and stonework shall include for :(a)

all rough and fair cuttings.


oversailing and receding courses.


rough relieving and discharging arches.


wedging and pinning and free ends.


raking out joints for flashings, roof coverings etc and pointing with mortar.


bedding plates.


bedding and pointing frames.


parging and coring flues.


labour eaves filling.


plumbing angles.


forming square or splayed reveals, cut squints or birds mouth and notches.


cutting or forming chases, holes and mortices.


cutting and pinning and/or building in ends.


leaving gaps for electrical and other sub-contractors to run conduits and making good.


filling up gaps between lintols and beams.


joints and connection between walls of different thicknesses, e.g. 75mm brick-on-edge
wall to 115mm brick walls.


all making good.


bonding ties one end casted in concrete columns, walls or the like including hole
through formwork, and other end built into joint of brickwork, spaced at centres
instructed by the S.O.


sundry like items.


All specially made blocks or bricks.


All staging and working platforms


Groove lines, mouldings and cappings


Reinforced concrete stiffeners and tie beams.

In addition, rates for half brick walls and block walls shall include for building in brick
reinforcement at every fourth course unless otherwise specified in these Contract Documents.

Rates for brickwork shall also include for building up to the requisite thicknesses with plaster
where bricks of the specified thicknesses are not available and bricks of lesser thickness are
allowed by the S.O. to be used.


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