Assignment of CAO
Assignment of CAO
Assignment of CAO
4. Output: This is the process of producing results from the data for
getting useful information. Similarly the output produced by the computer
after processing must also be kept somewhere inside the computer before
being given to you in human readable form. Again the output is also stored
inside the computer for further processing.
Invoking a subroutine (versus using in-line code) imposes
some computational overhead in the call mechanism.
The subroutine typically requires standard housekeeping code
both at entry to, and exit from, the function (function prologue and
epilogue usually saving general purpose registers and return
address as a minimum).
In stacks, the last inserted object is first In queues, the object inserted first is
to come out.
first deleted.
What is Stack
A stack is
What is Queue
A queue is a linear data structure that also serves as a
collection of elements. Both ends of a queue are accessible for
performing operations on elements and are typically
called head and tail. Two principal operations can be
performed on a queue; enqueue and dequeue. Enqueue is the
insertion operation while dequeue is the deletion operation
performed on a queue.
When an element is enqueued, it is added to the tail of the
queue. Performing adequeue operation will remove an
element from the head of the queue. Since the enqueued
elements are always dequeued in the same order as they were