Consciousness Ejection Into A Mirror Universe

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Taras Handziy

Consciousness Ejection into a Mirror Universe

The article Consciousness Ejection into a Mirror Universe will be useful for those people, who
would like to obtain theoretical and practical information how to eject a consciousness (soul)
into a mirror (parallel) universe.
The most important expected results are:
1. Healing of a consciousness and body
2. Slowing of the time flow. It means that, for example, since the time of the first
transferring of a consciousness into the mirror universe (2016 year), only about 5 years
will pass for a body for the period of 15 years (2016-2031). It could probably lead to the
arrested aging.
The article is based on my mystical (religious) experience in 2001 and fifteen years of the
research (theory, practice, experiments).
According to the results of my research, it is possible for a person to eject her or his
consciousness into the mirror universe where time runs backwards. The ejection of a
consciousness to the parallel universe, by means of mind and act of will, will be in a great deal
directed into healing and slowing of the time flow for a body.

Nearly all of us have some dogmatism in mind. We often take into consideration some
statements or views as they were established facts. We have heard about them since our early
childhood, we studied them at school. We even have not thought that these statements or points
of view may be wrong.
One of these statements is following. We, in the majority, think that flow of time goes in the
same direction and with the same speed for all us. Let us take into account the following
example. Let us take into consideration the person A. who is, say, 30 years old now (in 2016). If

we ask how old A. will be in 2036, the answer will be 50 years old (if this person is alive in that
Here is a mistake in the answer. Nobody knows how time will flow for A. Maybe, this person
will experience the slowing of time flow in the mentioned period. Or, perhaps, the time will stop
for her or him. The critics will probably state that they have not heard about such cases and that
it is impossible at all.
People probably have not heard about such cases in the history. But, for example, nobody knew
about the internet in the 19-th century.
It seems it is possible to slow the time flow. So, the person A. may be only 35 years old in 2036.
It means that her or his physical body (in its physical and biological sense) will be only 35. If a
person does not do anything with the aim of the slowing of the time flow, time will probably run
normally for him or her. Since a person ejects a consciousness into a mirror universe, slowing of
the time flow will begin.

Main Part
The process of a consciousness ejection into a parallel universe consists of two main stages.
Firstly, it is necessary to eject it from the body through the central channel and seventh (crown)
chakra. Secondly, it is necessary to transfer it to a mirror universe.
The process of a consciousness ejection through the central channel and seventh (crown) chakra
is called phowa in Buddhism.
The consciousness ejection is not an astral projection when only part of a persons sensitive
energy is projected outside, and the majority of the energy stays in the body. [1] The
consciousness should leave a body by means of mind and act of will.
Phowa is an advanced meditation. If a consciousness is ejected according to the phowa, it will
probably lead to drastic results. These consequences may appear as the complete healing of your
mind and body and beginning of slowing of time flow for a body.
My PhD thesis Consciousness and Its Evolution: from a Human Being to a Post-Human
describes the particular case of phowa meditation that could lead to healing and slowing of the
time flow. [2] The main idea of the advanced meditation is to transfer a consciousness inside a
Planckian (minimum possible) black hole.

The meditation deals with the mental imagery of the geometric point. The geometric point is
taken in a peculiar way. It is taken on the ray going from the person perpendicularly to the
surface of the Earth. The point is visualized as the point full of power, love, light, and wisdom.

The Earth as a globe and the direction of the geometric point visualization

In fact, it will be the mental imagery of the virtual space that can be compared with a geometric
The concentration is carried out on the singular desire to reach a horizon of the Planckian black
hole. Even more, the individual stream of a consciousness should flow inside the Planckian black
hole. But the black hole itself should be visualized as a geometric point.
Individuals should empty their mind of thoughts with the exclusion of the thought about their
streams of a consciousness flowing inside the Planckian black hole. One more thought will be to
remain alive and in good health on the Earth. The mind should be empty of any dogmatism.
Individuals should hold the feelings of joy, love to everybody and everything, and fully
developed will.
This may result in the ejection of the consciousness from the body. The stream of the
consciousness will begin flowing continuously to the visualized geometric point.
There is one characteristic feature that is peculiar in this case. The unusual fog will appear on the
way to a Planckian black hole. The consciousness will follow this unusual fog. The weird fog,
which is sometimes called electronic fog, is a sign of the expected time travel.

On the way to the visualized geometric point, the consciousness will have to cover the entire
field of spirits, souls (both incarnated and non-incarnated). This process may last for several
hours. It will be the first shamanic journey.
The stream of a consciousness will suddenly stop at the horizon of the Planckian black hole. It
will be the first destination of the consciousness flow. It seems the experience there will be
similar to the experience of Gautama Buddhas Enlightenment. In fact, the consciousness is at
the end of the universe, mind (as an agent of interactions between the persons consciousness,
body and the environment) could be everywhere in our universe.
This initiation is called as the initiation of Transfiguration in Alice Baileys The Rays and the
Initiations. It is believed that Gautama Buddha was the first who took this initiation. [3]
In some period of time, the consciousness will appear inside the Planckian black hole, and later
in the wormhole (time and space tunnel). It will be the second destination of the consciousness
flow. Time and space, in our understanding, do not exist inside the wormhole. The experience
there will be similar to the experience of Jesus Christs Crucifixion. In fact, the powerful streams
of energies going from our universe into a mirror one and from a mirror universe into our
universe will go through the person. It will be painful, as far as these streams of energies will
tear the consciousness. Exactly these streams of energies will tear so-called karmic body, i.e. a
part of the consciousness that did not give the possibility to enter the mirror universe, but
typically led to the reincarnation on the Earth after the death.
This initiation is called as the initiation of Renunciation in Alice Baileys The Rays and the
Initiations. It is believed that Jesus Christ was the first who took this initiation. [3]
In some period of time the consciousness will appear in the mirror universe. It will be the third
and last destination of the consciousness flow. It will be time travelling of the consciousness a lot
of years ahead. And time and space in the parallel universe are completely different from our
universe. Most probably, time runs backwards there. [4]
The most interesting and useful experience will be in the mirror universe. Something could be
seen here; a lot of things could be understood. And it will be a serious test at the end of the
first staying in the mirror universe.
This initiation is called as the initiation of Revelation in Alice Baileys The Rays and the
Initiations. It is also written in the book that some time after the initiation is taken, the body of
a person will not change anymore. [3]

By the way, Alice Baileys The Rays and Initiations did not provide the key to the initiations.
It is written that this key will be revealed at the beginning of the twenty-first century (the book
was written more than half a century ago). [3]
The consciousness, in the majority of its streams, will return back to the body. But its part will
remain in the mirror universe.
Well-known Irish physicist John Bell proved mathematically that there are genuine nonlocal
connections over great distances. The principle of non-locality allows a person to feel a soul at
the same time in our and a mirror universe. Moreover, the parts of a soul will be united with the
years. The result of such existence at the mentioned different locations will be slowing of the
time flow for a persons body.
Years are necessary to transform the consciousness and body after a consciousness ejection into
the mirror universe the first time. Consciousness will be more and more expanded in our and
mirror universe. One day the moment of equilibrium will come and the body will not change

I do not state that everything written in this article is the absolute truth. I state that the meditation
described in the article may be dangerous for your health and life. I state that the described
meditation may lead to healing of some illnesses that could not be healed by traditional
medicine. I state that the meditation could lead to the process of slowing of time flow for a

Taras Handziy received his Ph.D. in philosophy for the thesis Consciousness and Its Evolution:
from a Human Being to a Post-Human from Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin,
Poland in 2015. He has been carrying out practical and theoretical research dealing with
slowing of time flow for a body since 2001.

1. Through Tenabah, Phowa (Consciousness Ejection), 2009, Retrieved May 17, 2016
2. T. Handziy, Consciousness and Its Evolution: From a Human Being to a Post-Human
PhD. Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, Poland,
Retrieved May 17, 2016, pp. 98-101
3. A. Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations (A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Vol. V), Lucis
Publishing Company, 1993. ISBN 10: 0853301220 / ISBN 13: 9780853301226.
4. B. Crew, Scientists propose a 'mirror universe' where time moves backwards, Jan 25,
2016, Retrieved May 17, 2016

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