Worldenergyfocus 19 201601 PDF
Worldenergyfocus 19 201601 PDF
Worldenergyfocus 19 201601 PDF
The key message of the COP21 Paris climate agreement is that business
should be part of the drive towards renewable energy and part of the
innovation frontier, says Christoph Frei, Secretary-General of the World
Energy Council in an interview with World Energy Focus. The long road
from Paris is to build on the best technology, to develop and deploy
innovation. If you are not on the forefront of this, you may not be around
in the foreseeable future. Frei (47), who has been the Councils leader
since 2009, spells out what Paris means for the utility sector, oil and gas
companies, coal companies and investors. He notes the world is going
through a triple transition: a decarbonisation transition, a market design
transition and a resilience transition. To navigate these transitions, you
have to be very clear on where your priorities are.
News Focus
Country Focus
We could not
support the logic
of the industry
that coal is needed
to provide access
to energy
for the poor
context, and you have to move to a
new environment, with different types
of investors, different timeframes,
dealing directly with households, that
requires different skills. That said, we
will also need a system backbone. We
cover story
will need gas in many economies for a
very long time. We also need the skills,
the investors, the policy measures, to
deliver this backbone. So these players
have their justification as well.
Utility companies may be able to
split up, but what about oil and gas
The demand for oil is mostly driven by
transport. If you get growth in natural
gas, biofuels and e-mobility, you will
want to make sure as a company that
has infrastructure that you can use and
monetise this infrastructure in the future
as well. You will want to have fuelling
stations that can offer a mix of fuels.
On the supply side, many international
oil companies are changing from oil
to gas but they are also investing in
renewable energy. I expect some major
announcements on that front. On the
upstream side, some serious questions
need to be asked. OPEC has been
ruled for a long time by the Hotelling
logic [], which
holds that as the availability of a finite
resource is reduced over time, its
marginal value will go up (named after
a theory of the US economist Harold
Hotelling, editor). The whole discussion
on unburnable carbon destroys the
Hotelling logic. Oil-rich countries will
have to rethink the context in which
they produce and this will weaken cartel
thinking. The logic to produce as much
as you can now is becoming stronger.
What about coal companies, what
future do they have?
In our latest scenarios report [http://] we already said coal
I think
its a mistake
to call
energy efficiency a
low-hanging fruit
then in the first decade of the 2000s it
was 1%, in 2010-2012 it was back up
to 1.7%. Still, this is far below the 2.6%
which we assume in our scenarios
and in the Sustainable Energy for All
programme. A much greater effort must
be made. I think its a mistake to call
energy efficiency a low-hanging fruit.
It requires complex cross-constituent
and cross-sectoral leadership, whether
its in transport, shipping, housing, and
so on.
Do you think climate change has
become a bigger story lately in
developing countries and in resourcerich countries that have traditionally
been defensive on this topic?
A country like Saudi Arabia has
embraced solar energy and energy
efficiency, because they know if
they dont do that, it will limit their
export opportunities for oil. Thats
not motivated by climate change of
course. If you look on the climate side,
the biggest change I have seen is in
Latin America, which has been hit
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News Focus
CEOs of utilities:
change requires high CO2 prices
A new survey by the Global Electricity Initiative (GEI) of electric power
utilities reveals that the real price of CO 2 is a fundamental trigger for them
to change their business model. 40% of CEOs surveyed said they need a
price of over $100/tonne to make them change their business model, far
higher than current market prices.
The GEI, led by the World Energy
Council and the World Business
Council for Sustainable Development,
aims to enhance electricity utilities
efforts to ensure reliable electricity
supply, improve access and mitigate
the impacts of climate change. The
utilities participating in the GEI are
from countries that together account
for more than 80% of global installed
generation capacity and the CEOs who
have completed the survey come from
five continents.
Philippe Joubert
Impacts of climate and water resources change on annual average usable capacity of exsisting traditional
power stations [upper map] and hydropower plants [lower map]. Results are for the 2050s [2040-69], under a
high emission scenario [RCP8.5] and relatieve to 1971-2000. Source: van Vliet et al. [2016]
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News Focus
Solar cooperation Russia
and India
US adopts largest
energy efficiency
standard in history
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country focus
Each country must find its own way
forward, depending on its resources
and priorities.
Teething problems
Electric cars
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Africa Energy Indaba
2016 World
Energy Congress
Istanbul, Turkey
913 October 2016
With only 9 months remaining until
the 23rd World Energy Congress
kicks off in Istanbul under the theme
Embracing New Frontiers, more than
100 top level energy leaders from more
than 50 countries, including 20 energy
ministers, have confirmed to speak.
Running since 1924, the triennial
World Energy Congress is the World
Energy Councils global flagship
event that enables dialogue among
Ministers, CEOs and industry experts
on critical developments in the energy
sector. As the worlds premier energy
gathering, the Congress offers a
unique opportunity for participants to
Register quickly to benefit from a
discount on the registration fees and
be included in the draw of a further
discount plus the opportunity to
win a Istanbul city tour. Also, media
registration is now open.
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the end of February on a theme of
For sustainable energy.
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