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World Energy Focus

#19 january 2016


monthly insights from the Councils global leadership community

For sustainable energy.

a sustainable future, the answer is a

clear yes.
Paris has made it absolutely clear
that we need to get started on the
decarbonisation pathway. True, we
do not have an international carbon
price, which would be the best
solution for the energy sector. But we
have a shadow price: we know that
implementation of the INDCs (national
climate plans) will reduce emissions
from 59 GT to 55 GT in 2030. That
may be a second-best solution, but it
provides one aspect of clarity. And we
know its just a start. Its only one-third
of where we need to get. The plans
will be reviewed and ambitions will be
ratcheted up to meet the goals.

Interview Christoph Frei,

Secretary General
World Energy Council

The key message

from Paris:
be part of the
innovation frontier
Photo Grantly Lynch

The key message of the COP21 Paris climate agreement is that business
should be part of the drive towards renewable energy and part of the
innovation frontier, says Christoph Frei, Secretary-General of the World
Energy Council in an interview with World Energy Focus. The long road
from Paris is to build on the best technology, to develop and deploy
innovation. If you are not on the forefront of this, you may not be around
in the foreseeable future. Frei (47), who has been the Councils leader
since 2009, spells out what Paris means for the utility sector, oil and gas
companies, coal companies and investors. He notes the world is going
through a triple transition: a decarbonisation transition, a market design
transition and a resilience transition. To navigate these transitions, you
have to be very clear on where your priorities are.

World Energy FOCUS is sponsored by DNV-GL

Does Paris provide a clear enough

signal for energy companies and
investors to set them on a new
course for the future? That is after
all what the energy sector has been
asking for []
most of all from policymakers: an
end to uncertainty, predictable policy,
balanced regulatory frameworks.
According to Christoph Frei, who has
worked tirelessly to unite the global
energy sector behind a vision towards

Frei says the outcome of Paris exceeds

expectations. A year ago, we hoped
to get some 100 countries to submit an
INDC. In the end we got 185 countries.
Yes, there are gaps to be closed
an ambition gap, a financing gap
but there is a deal. That was never
obvious. He adds that it was clear that
Paris was not going to lead to a clear
carbon price. That was not even on
the agenda.
If you were CEO of a big energy
company, what would you do now?
You have to put another piece in there
thats very important: innovation. The
INDCs are a commitment to promote
renewables and cleantech. You have to
combine that with the innovation story.
Twenty countries
> see page 2


Special report World Energy

Council: Why energy storage
may be less expensive than
we think.

A narrow focus on levelised cost of

energy (LCOE) can be misleading

when looking at the business case

for energy storage. This is one of the

major conclusions of a study carried

out by the World Energy Council into

the real costs of energy storage.

According to the study, many storage

applications provide additional value

that is not included in the cost picture

News Focus

CEOs of utilities: change

requires high CO2 prices

Power production at risk from

climate change

OPEC warns of future oil


Energy prices plunge in 2015

US adopts largest energy

efficiency standard in history 6
News in brief

Country Focus

Frances pragmatic energy



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For sustainable energy.

are doubling their RD&D budget over

the next five years. Industry leaders
have announced a Manhattan-type
innovation drive. If you are not on the
forefront of that as an energy company,
you are going to lose out. There may
be no legally binding deal to force you
to do things, but if you are not part of
the innovation frontier, you may not be
around in the foreseeable future. That
is the biggest outcome of Paris. Its
a huge pressure but also a massive
We know there is a carbon budget
now that will limit growth of fossil
fuels. How should companies active in
fossil fuels deal with that?
Well, a number of companies, such as
Eon and RWE, have already decided
to split off their fossil fuel activities.
If you are coming from a traditional

We could not
support the logic
of the industry
that coal is needed
to provide access
to energy
for the poor
context, and you have to move to a
new environment, with different types
of investors, different timeframes,
dealing directly with households, that
requires different skills. That said, we
will also need a system backbone. We

cover story
will need gas in many economies for a
very long time. We also need the skills,
the investors, the policy measures, to
deliver this backbone. So these players
have their justification as well.
Utility companies may be able to
split up, but what about oil and gas
The demand for oil is mostly driven by
transport. If you get growth in natural
gas, biofuels and e-mobility, you will
want to make sure as a company that
has infrastructure that you can use and
monetise this infrastructure in the future
as well. You will want to have fuelling
stations that can offer a mix of fuels.
On the supply side, many international
oil companies are changing from oil
to gas but they are also investing in
renewable energy. I expect some major
announcements on that front. On the
upstream side, some serious questions
need to be asked. OPEC has been
ruled for a long time by the Hotelling
logic [], which
holds that as the availability of a finite
resource is reduced over time, its
marginal value will go up (named after
a theory of the US economist Harold
Hotelling, editor). The whole discussion
on unburnable carbon destroys the
Hotelling logic. Oil-rich countries will
have to rethink the context in which
they produce and this will weaken cartel
thinking. The logic to produce as much
as you can now is becoming stronger.
What about coal companies, what
future do they have?
In our latest scenarios report [http://] we already said coal

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faces great uncertainty, which was not

a story the companies really wanted to
hear. We could not support the logic
of the industry that coal is needed
to provide access to energy for the
poor. This certainly does not apply in
sub-Saharan Africa, which has a rural
agenda, not the centralised one that
coal stands for. And we said that CCS
(carbon capture and storage) would
not be as easily picked up as many
were claiming. So it is not easy to have
a view of a prosperous future for coal.
Companies need to get really proactive on CCS if they want to believe in
the future of their resource. If they dont
come up with a coherent long-term
vision for CCS development, its going
to be difficult to do anything that shows
true scale and goes beyond a project
by project approach.
The World Energy Council has set up
a Global Gas Centre []
to provide a better understanding of
the role of gas in the energy mix. Do
you see gas as a bridge to the future?
Gas is still a strong story for the near
future. As a substitution for coal, but
also as a bridge in other areas, for
example, in transport, or as storage
medium for renewable energy. There
will be a lot of opportunities for gas.
This is why we have set up a Global
Gas Centre. We believe gas has a key
role to play.
What about energy efficiency?As usual
we are not hearing much about that.
This is one area where reality has fallen
short of what he hoped for. Yes, we
are making progress. Over the last 20

World Energy Focus #19 january 2016 page 2

years, we have made energy intensity

gains of 1.3% per year on average. In
the decade before 2000 it was 1.6%,

I think
its a mistake
to call
energy efficiency a
low-hanging fruit
then in the first decade of the 2000s it
was 1%, in 2010-2012 it was back up
to 1.7%. Still, this is far below the 2.6%
which we assume in our scenarios
and in the Sustainable Energy for All
programme. A much greater effort must
be made. I think its a mistake to call
energy efficiency a low-hanging fruit.
It requires complex cross-constituent
and cross-sectoral leadership, whether
its in transport, shipping, housing, and
so on.
Do you think climate change has
become a bigger story lately in
developing countries and in resourcerich countries that have traditionally
been defensive on this topic?
A country like Saudi Arabia has
embraced solar energy and energy
efficiency, because they know if
they dont do that, it will limit their
export opportunities for oil. Thats
not motivated by climate change of
course. If you look on the climate side,
the biggest change I have seen is in
Latin America, which has been hit

hard by extreme weather events, such

as droughts and floods. You also see
that in parts of Asia and Africa. People
are becoming aware that the unlikely
events of yesterday have become
todays reality. That affects the way
they look at climate change. But the
biggest change Ive seen is in business.
People are now looking at renewables
as a business model in many more
places than before.
How do you see the activities of the
World Energy Council develop with
regard to climate change?
What is important to understand is
that after Paris the world is entering
a triple transition. First the transition
of decarbonisation. Then there is
what you might call the market
design transition: the need for new
regulatory frameworks and incentives
to adapt to the new realities caused
by the renewable energy revolution.
This goes much beyond electricity, it
also affects gas, transport and other
sectors. Third, there is the resilience
transition. This is where we are doing a
lot of work with our Financing Resilient
Energy Infrastructure project [http://], where we look at the
impact of extreme weather events,
cybersecurity threats and the energywater-food nexus on the energy sector.
This implies a different way of thinking
about infrastructure and critical
systems. To navigate these transitions
with limited resources, you have to
be very clear what your priorities are.
This is exactly what our scenarios, our
work on the energy trilemma and on
resilience is about.

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For sustainable energy.


of home solar systems, even allowing

people to go off-grid, it could help
catalyze a revolution in electric cars and
it could solve problems of grid overload.
The problem is that this Holy Grail is
still eluding us. The main reason is that
storage is regarded as too expensive.

Special report World Energy Council

Why energy storage

may be less expensive
than we think

But is it? There are reasons to believe

the picture for energy storage is
actually considerably brighter than
what is commonly understood. A new
study from the World Energy Council,
with DNV GL as lead authors, shows
that the LCoE metric, which is used
as a standard in measuring electricity
generation costs, can be highly
misleading when applied to energy
storage. The most important reason for
this is that this formula is incomplete,
since it ignores the revenue side it
ignores the value that storage can bring.

Photo DNV GL

A narrow focus on levelised cost of energy (LCoE) can be misleading

when looking at the business case for energy storage. This is one of the
major conclusions of a new study Wind and solar with storage: shifting
from cost to value carried out by the World Energy Council into the real
costs of energy storage. According to the study, which is due out on 19
January, many storage applications provide additional value that is not
included in the cost picture.

World Energy Focus #19 january 2016 page 3

Storage has often been described as

the Holy Grail of the transition to a
low-carbon energy system. Affordable,
efficient storage would enable variable
renewable energies to be better
integrated into electricity systems, it
would greatly improve the economics

In electricity generation, revenues are

fairly easy to measure and compare,
but when it comes to storage, the
value supplied varies depending on
the application. For example, storage
can enable suppliers to deliver energy
at specific hours, when the price is
higher. It can also provide generation
capacity that is needed in certain
circumstances. Or it can allow users to
go completely off-grid, which can be
beneficial in rural or isolated locations.
There may also be indirect benefits,
such as greater security of supply or
reduced price volatility.

Different elements

According to Hans-Wilhelm Schiffer,

Chair of the World Energy Resources

study group, which coordinates 15

Knowledge Networks within the World
Energy Council, including the fairly new
Storage Knowledge Network, storage
should be viewed as a totally new,
separate element in the energy system.
There are four different elements in
the energy system: conventional and
renewable generation, grids, customers
and storage, he says. You cannot
simply apply LCoE values of, for
example, conventional generation to
storage applications.
Schiffer gives the example of a village
where a diesel generator is replaced
by a solar-plus> see page 4


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For sustainable energy.

Energy Storage
Knowledge Network

The World Energy Councils Storage

Knowledge Network is one of the
15 knowledge networks currently
operating within the World Energy
Council. They include networks on
Renewable Energy Sources (RES)
Systems Integration, Carbon Capture
and Storage, Oil, Gas and others.
The Storage Network was initiated
after the World Energy Congress
in Daegu, South Korea in 2013,
and became operational last year.
Like all the Councils Networks, it
includes experts from across the
world, both from companies as well
as academia. Companies active in
the Storage Knowledge Network
include DNV GL (lead authorship),
PwC (which made a significant
contribution towards the cost
analysis), Siemens, Voith, Iberdrola,
Enel Green Power, and others.
The Storage Networks study, Wind
and solar with storage: shifting
from cost to value, which will be
published on 19 January, looks at
two applications of storage: storage
with solar and storage with wind.


storage system. Storage can increase

reliability, help reduce air pollution,
lessen dependence on external
sources, help integrate other new
renewable sources. LCoE alone does
not capture these values.

fees, in addition to the dues and fees

the customer has to pay on electricity.
This is a double burden which is not
justified. We believe there should be a
level playing field. And more should be
invested in R&D.

According to the study, the

preoccupation with cost stems from a
number of areas. First, it is a hangover
from the renewables industry, which
tends to have a narrow focus on
LCoE due to benefiting from policy
mechanisms which derisk its revenue
streams. Second, it has to do with
the fact that in most energy markets,
flexibility is not sufficiently valued or
monetised. Too often, industry is only
equipped to talk about one half of the
profit formula: cost, the study notes.

The study has led the authors to

make three broad recommendations
for policymakers:
To go beyond a narrow levelised
cost approach to storage technology
assessment. The renewables
industry has become accustomed
to technology assessment based on
levelised cost, where only the lowest
cost technologies are rewarded. This
LCoE assessment is then used to
inform policy development, so that the
cheapest technologies are promoted.
But this approach wont cut it for
storage. The cheapest technologies
might not necessarily deliver the
greatest value.

Storage is usually not

getting the same kind
of policy support as
Policy recommendations

Schiffer says policymakers and

regulators should look at the broader
picture when designing regulatory
frameworks. Storage is usually not
getting the same kind of policy support
as renewables or as other flexibility
options like demand response. In
many countries energy storage is seen
as belonging to end customers. That
means: the electricity which is taken
into storage is charged with dues and

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To examine storage through holistic

case studies in context, rather than
place faith in generic cost estimations.
The best way to understand the
value of storage is to consider
specific applications - such as solar
in combination with storage - or
else specific services being offered
by storage - such as frequency
response. It is also important that these
case studies are not examined in a
geographic vacuum: the local energy
market is what critically determines the
revenue available for each service.
To accelerate the development of
flexibility markets, working with

World Energy Focus #19 january 2016 page 4

Costs of storage set to

decline 70%

The Storage Networks study not

only shows that a narrow focus
on cost can be misleading, it also
concludes that costs will come down
rapidly in the coming years!
The findings show a significant drop
in cost for the majority of storage
technologies from 2015 to 2030.
Battery technologies show the
greatest reduction in cost, followed
by sensible thermal, latent thermal
and supercapacitors. Battery
technologies show a reduction
from around 100-700 /MWh in
2015 to 50-190 /MWh in 2030;
this is a reduction of over 70% in
the upper cost limit in the next 15
years. Sodium sulfur (NaS), lead
acid and lithium-ion technologies
leading the way. Pumped storage
shows the lowest cost reduction, due
to the current maturity level of the
technology, followed by compressed
air energy storage.

system operators, transmission

operators and regulators. The growth
of deployment in variable renewables is
creating new urgency around flexibility
markets, including the need to ensure
that ancillary services markets are
designed so as to be a level playing
field for all. The development of
flexibility markets will help address the
revenue risk associated with storage
plant. As clearer monetary signals are
assigned to flexibility services, this will
increase the energy sectors literacy on
flexibility, and help to build the business
case for storage.

World Energy Focus
The World Energy Focus
magazine is published monthly by
Energy Post Productions.
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us at
Karel Beckman and
Matthew James
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World Energy Council
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News Focus

For sustainable energy.

CEOs of utilities:
change requires high CO2 prices
A new survey by the Global Electricity Initiative (GEI) of electric power
utilities reveals that the real price of CO 2 is a fundamental trigger for them
to change their business model. 40% of CEOs surveyed said they need a
price of over $100/tonne to make them change their business model, far
higher than current market prices.
The GEI, led by the World Energy
Council and the World Business
Council for Sustainable Development,
aims to enhance electricity utilities
efforts to ensure reliable electricity
supply, improve access and mitigate
the impacts of climate change. The
utilities participating in the GEI are
from countries that together account
for more than 80% of global installed
generation capacity and the CEOs who
have completed the survey come from
five continents.

Philippe Joubert

Philippe Joubert, Executive Chair of the

Global Electricity Initiative, said: Our
survey shows that utilities consider the
introduction of a meaningful agreement

on greenhouse gas emissions

reduction a priority. For them the real
price of CO2 is a fundamental to trigger
a shift in utilities business models.
Altogether 94% of CEOs participating in
the survey confirmed that their companies are already being affected by
extreme weather events. All of them responded that they are regularly consulting
and working with governments on
the development of energy policies,
strategies and regulations.
The survey, presented by Joubert to
key stakeholders during the climate
conference in December in Paris, also
found that:
89% of utility CEOs consider a
global agreement on greenhouse
gas emissions vital to their business
sustainable success
Nearly two thirds of utility CEOs
agree that the CO2 emissions price
should be determined globally and
by the market, whereas the other
third would prefer a price introduced
by mandatory fiscal measures on a
national level
72% of utility companies have
already introduced voluntary

World Energy FOCUS is sponsored by

World Energy Focus #19 january 2016 page 5

Power production at risk from climate change

More than 80% of thermal power
stations and 61-74% of hydropower
stations in the world will suffer
decreases in usable capacity as a
result of climate change, according to a
new paper published in Nature Climate
Change [].
The reasons are changes in water
availability and higher water tempera
tures as a result of global warming.
The researchers have investigated
1400 thermal power plants and 25,000
hydropower systems, representing
28% and 78% of global capacity. They

have brought together their results in

two maps as shown below.
According to the research, lower
water availability and higher water
temperatures will lead to an average
annual reduction in power of 7-12%
for thermal plants and 1-4% for
hydropower plants. In some months
capacity reductions could exceed 30%.
Dr Michelle van Vliet of the International
Institute of Applied Systems Analysis

(IIASA), one of the authors, said in a

press release that in particular the
US, southern South America, southern
Africa, central and southern Europe,
Southeast Asia and southern Australia
are vulnerable regions.
The research confirms the findings of
a study by the World Energy Council
published in September last year,
which alerted the world to the risks
of extreme weather events for the
energy sector and the need to improve

Where climate change

could hit electricity production

measures to limit greenhouse gas

Access and security of supply rank
among the highest business priorities.
The great importance electricity
utilities attribute to climate policy is
also reflected in the preview results of
the 2016 edition of the World Energy
Councils World Energy Issues Monitor
Report: A global climate framework
is one of the most critical issues for
the participating utilities, in terms of
uncertainty and impact.
Visit for more
information on GEI.

Change in usable power plant capacity [%]

<-15 -15 to -10 -10 to -5 -5 to 0 0 to +5 +5 to +10 +10 to +15 >+15

Impacts of climate and water resources change on annual average usable capacity of exsisting traditional
power stations [upper map] and hydropower plants [lower map]. Results are for the 2050s [2040-69], under a
high emission scenario [RCP8.5] and relatieve to 1971-2000. Source: van Vliet et al. [2016]

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For sustainable energy.

News Focus

OPEC warns of future oil shortage

While oil prices continue to probe new
lows, OPEC warns that another price
spike may loom down the road, as
investment may be inadequate to meet
future demand.
In its annual World Oil Outlook,
published in December, OPEC sees oil
demand rise from 91.3 million barrels
per day (mbpd) in 2014 to 97.4 mbpd in
2020 and 109.8 mbpd in 2040, driven
by population and economic growth:

to dominate global energy supply. It

sees the share of oil go down from
31.5% to 25.2% in 2040, and that of
coal from 28.4% to 24.6%, whereas gas
will grow from 22.1% to 27.9%. Nuclear
will provide 5.9% of primary energy
demand (up from 4.9%) in 2040, hydro
2.5% (stable), biomass 9.5% (down
from 9.8%) and other renewables
4.3% (up from 0.9%). According
to Salem El-Badri poor people in
developing countries need access to

World Energy Focus #19 january 2016 page 6

Energy prices plunge in 2015

Prices of oil and gas declined 41%
on average last year, reports the US
Energy Information Administation
(EIA), based on the S&P Goldman

Sachs Commodity Index. This price

drop is considerably higher than price
reductions in other commodities, as
shown by this graph:

Solar cooperation Russia
and India

The Solar Energy Corporation of India

(SECI) and Russian Energy Agency
(REA) have signed a memorandum of
understanding (MoU) to set up large scale
solar photovoltaic (PV) projects in India
between 2016 to 2022. The two agencies
have agreed to draw up a roadmap for
the development of solar projects and
equipment of manufacturing facilities in
India. REA will offer its state-of-the-art
advanced technologies and low cost
financing, while SECI will assist in securing
relevant approvals and clearances.

Dubai announces $7.3

billion in renewable
energy tenders

To meet this growing demand, almost

$10 trillion in investment (in 2014
dollars) is required, most of it in nonOPEC countries. With oil companies
cutting back spending, OPEC worries
that this investment may not be
forthcoming. The market could find
that there is not enough new capacity
and infrastructure in place to meet
future rising demand levels, and this
would obviously have a knock-on
impact for prices, writes SecretaryGeneral Abdalla Salem El-Badri in the
foreword to the report.
In spite of the Paris Climate Agreement,
OPEC believes fossil fuels will continue

reliable, safe and secure modern energy

services. For them, he notes, it is not
about reducing emissions or using more
energy efficiently.
OPEC does not believe electric vehicles
will make great inroads into the
transport sector. By 2040, only 6% of
the passenger car stock will be running
on non-oil fuels. Without a technology
breakthrough, battery electric vehicles
are not expected to gain significant
market share in the foreseeable future.
Besides the high purchase price, there
are serious challenges in terms of
convenience, such as range limitations
and poor battery performance.

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US adopts largest
energy efficiency
standard in history

save $167 billion on their utility bills

and carbon pollution will be reduced
by 885 million metric tons.

The US Department of Energy in

December announced historic new
efficiency standards for commercial
air conditioners and furnaces.
Developed with industry, utilities,
and environmental groups, these
standards will save more energy than
any other standard issued to date,
said the Department. Thanks to the
new standards, US businesses will

During the Obama administration, the

Department of Energy has finalised
new efficiency standards for more
than 40 household and commercial
products, including commercial
refrigeration equipment, electric
motors, and fluorescent lamps,
which will save consumers nearly
$535 billion and cut greenhouse gas
emissions by over 2 billion metric tons
through 2030.

The Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

(DEWA) has announced it will float
tenders worth Dh 27 billion (US$7.35
billion) to set up renewable energy
projects. The projects are expected to be
commissioned through the independent
power producers model. Dubai has set a
target to increase the share of renewable
energy in its total energy mix to 7% by
2020. The medium-term and long-term
targets for renewable energy share are
25% by 2030 and 75% by 2050.

Bangladesh, Russia agree

$12 billion nuclear deal

Bangladesh and Russia have reportedly

agreed to invest $12.65 billion in a
project to build two 1200 MWe nuclear
power units at Rooppur. According to
Reuters, the agreement was signed on
25 December by Bangladesh Atomic
Energy Commission (BAEC) and Russias
Rosatom. Russia will finance up to 90% of
the total cost of the project.

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For sustainable energy.

country focus
Each country must find its own way
forward, depending on its resources
and priorities.



Sarrans hydropower plant France. Photo jbdodane

France last year adopted a comprehensive energy transition for green

growth law that enjoys broad acceptance throughout society. Jean Eudes
Moncomble, Secretary-General of the French Committee of the World
Energy Council (Conseil Franais de lEnergie), views it as an example of
pragmatism. It is a mixture of evolution and transformation that could
serve as an inspiration for other countries but each country has to
find its own way forward, he notes. He adds that this is also what the
Paris Climate Agreement is about: to let all countries move in the same
direction, but according to their own plan.
Jean Eudes Moncomble is proud
of what his country achieved at
the COP21 climate conference in
December. The main success is
that we have an agreement. I know
some people would like to have seen
detailed prescriptions. But we must
be pragmatic and reach effective and
efficient solutions. The review process
of the INDCs (the national climate
plans) will ensure that progress will
be made, he says. Its a naming and
shaming agreement.

Moncomble, who worked for more

than 10 years in the corporate strategy
division of EDF, the largest European
utility, and was also professor of energy
economics at the Ecole Centrale de
Paris for many years, says he was
shocked by some of the ideas he heard
in the media from so-called experts
in the months prior to the summit. I
heard some very unrealistic proposals.
He is convinced that in order to meet
the climate challenge, there is no
place for ideology, only for pragmatism.

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France is generally not perceived as a

frontrunner in renewable energy such as
solar and wind power. But that doesnt
mean the country is not interested in
clean energy. Far from it. We may not
be leaders in solar and wind, says
Moncomble, but we are in hydropower
and energy efficiency, as we have
ambitious initiatives in building and
transport. And mainly thanks to our high
share of nuclear power, we have very low
CO2-emissions (4.8 t CO2 per capita; the
EU28 average is 6.6 t CO2 per capita).
Despite the countrys favourable
climate profile, the government felt the
need for a comprehensive new energy
and climate policy. This started in 2012
with a broad public debate organised
by the previous (conservative)
government and eventually led to the
adoption of the energy transition act
(transition nergtique) in July 2015.
As a result, says Moncomble: we now
have a comprehensive law that enjoys
broad acceptance throughout society.
The law has six main objectives:
1. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions
by 40% in 2030 compared to 1990
2. To decrease fossil fuel consumption
by 30% in 2030 compared to 2012
3. To increase the share of renewable
energy in final energy consumption
to 32% and in electricity generation
to 40% in 2030
4. To reduce final energy consumption

World Energy Focus #19 january 2016 page 7

by 50% in 2050 compared to 2012

5. To diversify electricity generation,
including reducing the share of
nuclear energy to 50%, in 2025
6. To decrease waste in landfills by 50%
in 2050

Teething problems

In some media reports, the impression

has been given that the new law means
that France has embarked on a gradual
nuclear phase-out, but Moncomble says
this is certainly not the case. Actually,
the law says that the generation of
nuclear power must be maintained at
the current level (63.2 GW). So to build
a new nuclear power plant an old one
must be closed. In practice, this is
likely to translate into a reduction of
70% to 50% of nuclear in the power
mix, because electricity consumption is
expected to go up (in contrast to total
energy consumption).
According to Moncomble, it will be very
difficult to reach the 1.5 or 2 degree
climate targets without nuclear power.
Of course nuclear power must be safe
and competitive, but we cant do without
it. As to the French EPR reactors
developed by Areva, the first ones of
which are now being built in Finland and
France, they have experienced some
difficulties as they were the first in a new
series. But this, he says, are teething
problems. We know now how to solve
them and reduce costs. EDF is planning
to build new EPR reactors in the UK at
Hinkley Point and in China.
With regard to energy efficiency, the
target of a 50% consumption reduction

in 2050 (in absolute terms) is very

ambitious, Moncomble admits.

Electric cars

In renewable energy, France is

looking to promote not only solar
and wind, but also energy production
from biomass and waste, as well
as hydropower. Feed-in-tariffs are
more and more replaced by bidding
auctions. Auctions are more efficient,
says Moncomble, especially for large
projects like offshore wind. He does
not see any reason why France, which
currently derives 14% of its energy
from renewables, should not be able to
reach its renewable energy targets.
Moncomble says its not possible to
describe the French energy transition
as either a revolution or an evolution.
Its a complex picture and a matter
of perception. Some people may see
a revolution where some will only see
an evolution. I see it as a revolution
in energy efficiency, an evolution
in renewable energy, stability in
nuclear power. We also have strong
programmes for clean transport
including electric cars and the
circular economy.
Its the pragmatism behind the French
approach that Moncomble believes
should serve as an example for
other countries. In this France differs
from the more radical, ideological
approach taken by Germany with its
Energiewende. But even if the results
of the German model do not look
encouraging yet, I hope we will all
be successful.

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For sustainable energy.

Africa Energy Indaba

Johannesburg, South Africa

16-17 February 2016
The Africa Energy Indaba (AEI) is
the foremost African energy event
for energy
professionals from
across the globe.
The event gathers
international and
African experts to
share their insights
and solutions to

2016 World
Energy Congress
Istanbul, Turkey
913 October 2016
With only 9 months remaining until
the 23rd World Energy Congress
kicks off in Istanbul under the theme
Embracing New Frontiers, more than
100 top level energy leaders from more
than 50 countries, including 20 energy
ministers, have confirmed to speak.
Running since 1924, the triennial
World Energy Congress is the World
Energy Councils global flagship
event that enables dialogue among
Ministers, CEOs and industry experts
on critical developments in the energy
sector. As the worlds premier energy
gathering, the Congress offers a
unique opportunity for participants to

Africas energy crisis, while exploring

the vast energy development and
investment opportunities in Africa.
The AEI has been designated the World
Energy Councils African regional event
and is presented by the South African
National Energy Association (SANEA),
the Councils national committee. It
is supported by the African Union
Commission and the NEPAD Planning
and Coordinating Agency.

member committee events

USEA 12th Annual state of the
energy industry forum
Washington D.C., U.S.A.
21 January 2016
The Forum convenes senior energy
trade association executives to offer
their views and engage in dialogue on
major cross cutting issues facing the
energy industry in 2016.
Contact: Kimberly Grover

better understand energy issues and

solutions from a global perspective.
The Congress has an unrivalled
reputation as a global platform
for governments, businesses and
specialists in terms of addressing
important energy-related issues in
the context of meeting the needs
of producers and consumers,
Hasan Murat Mercan the Chair of
the Organising Committee said

World Energy Focus #19 january 2016 page 8


Register quickly to benefit from a
discount on the registration fees and
be included in the draw of a further
discount plus the opportunity to
win a Istanbul city tour. Also, media
registration is now open.

Asia-Pacific Energy Leaders

Summit - Delivering Resilient
Energy Infrastructure

Wellington, New Zealand

16-17 March 2016
The Leaders summit will explore how
the Asia-Pacific energy system can
build resilience and prepare for the new
normal. Providing a unique platform
to challenge ideas and look to futureproof the energy systems of the AsiaPacific region, participants will seek to
develop a shared understanding of the
growing resiliency risks and challenges
presented by climate change, emerging
technologies, extreme weather events,
cyber security, and the energy waterfood nexus. The summit, preceded by
a Future Energy Leaders event and an
Asian Regional Meeting on the 15th
of March, will give Asia-Pacific energy
leaders an opportunity to discuss
existing and emerging solutions and/or
mitigate these risks and challenges.
Contact: John Carnegie

About the COUNCIL

The World Energy Council has been at the

forefront of the energy debate for nearly a
century, guiding thinking and driving action
around the world to achieve sustainable and
affordable energy for all. It is the UN-accredited
energy body and principal impartial network,
representing more than 3,000 organisations
public and private in almost 100 countries.
Independent and inclusive, the Councils work
covers all nations and the complete energy
spectrum from fossil fuels to renewable
energy sources.

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agenda to promote affordable, stable and
environmentally sensitive energy for all.
As the worlds most influential energy network,
the World Energy Council offers you and your
organisation the opportunity to participate in
the global energy leaders dialogue.
Find out how you can:

join a Member Committee;

become a Project Partner, Patron or
Global Partner;
take part in annual industry surveys, study
groups and knowledge networks;
by visiting our website and contacting our team

Contact us
The World Energy Council invites
authors to provide their insights by
the end of February on a theme of
For sustainable energy.
their choice relating to World Energy
For more information and registration,
See more COUNCIL events AT
World Energy Council
Scenarios, World Energy Resources
visit the official congress website
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London EC3V 3NH Black and White
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United Kingdom
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Energy Infrastructure.

World Energy FOCUS is sponsored by



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