Cost audit is a review of a company's cost accounting records and systems to check for accuracy and compliance with cost accounting principles. It was introduced as a statutory requirement in India to regulate key industries. A cost audit verifies cost accounts and ensures adherence to the cost accounting plan. It examines whether costing methods are properly implemented and figures are correct. A cost audit provides reliable cost data to management for decision making, price setting, and control. It aims to improve efficiency, protect consumers from unwarranted price increases, and ensure social justice. The main types of cost audit are those that aid management, are conducted for customers, are required by the government, or are mandated by statute for certain industries in India.
Cost audit is a review of a company's cost accounting records and systems to check for accuracy and compliance with cost accounting principles. It was introduced as a statutory requirement in India to regulate key industries. A cost audit verifies cost accounts and ensures adherence to the cost accounting plan. It examines whether costing methods are properly implemented and figures are correct. A cost audit provides reliable cost data to management for decision making, price setting, and control. It aims to improve efficiency, protect consumers from unwarranted price increases, and ensure social justice. The main types of cost audit are those that aid management, are conducted for customers, are required by the government, or are mandated by statute for certain industries in India.
Cost audit is a review of a company's cost accounting records and systems to check for accuracy and compliance with cost accounting principles. It was introduced as a statutory requirement in India to regulate key industries. A cost audit verifies cost accounts and ensures adherence to the cost accounting plan. It examines whether costing methods are properly implemented and figures are correct. A cost audit provides reliable cost data to management for decision making, price setting, and control. It aims to improve efficiency, protect consumers from unwarranted price increases, and ensure social justice. The main types of cost audit are those that aid management, are conducted for customers, are required by the government, or are mandated by statute for certain industries in India.
Cost audit is a review of a company's cost accounting records and systems to check for accuracy and compliance with cost accounting principles. It was introduced as a statutory requirement in India to regulate key industries. A cost audit verifies cost accounts and ensures adherence to the cost accounting plan. It examines whether costing methods are properly implemented and figures are correct. A cost audit provides reliable cost data to management for decision making, price setting, and control. It aims to improve efficiency, protect consumers from unwarranted price increases, and ensure social justice. The main types of cost audit are those that aid management, are conducted for customers, are required by the government, or are mandated by statute for certain industries in India.
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Cost Audit is a critical review undertaken to verify the
correctness of Cost Accounts and to check that cost
accounting principles and planning have been efficiently followed. It is noteworthy that India is the only country which has introduced statutory cost audit to regulate about 45 vital industries of the country. Cost Audit has been defined by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) of Landon as the verification of cost accounts and a check on the adherence to the cost accounting plan. This definition implies the following: (i) The objects of cost accounting with reference to which the cost accounting plan must have been drawn up have to be kept in mind to see whether or not the plan itself and the figures collected will lead to the achievement of the goal or objective set. For instance, if the objective is to achieve maximum efficiency, the plan and the analysis of data will be different from the case where the only objective is to fix prices. (ii) It has to be examined whether the methods laid down for ascertaining costs and other relevant decisions are being implemented. Treatment and determination of abnormal losses of gains or treatment of certain expenses as direct or indirect are cases in point. (iii) The correctness of the figures has to be vouched Statutory Cost Audit is a system of audit introduced by the Government of India for the review examination and appraisal of the cost accounting record and added information required to be maintained by specified industries (ICWA of India).
The chief advantage of a cost audit will be that
management will be sure to get reliable data for its objectives price fixing, decision-making, control, etc. Existence of such a system of audit will also be of great use for maintaining internal check and control and will be of great help to even financial audit. But it must be understood that the aims of financial and cost audit are different. The former aims at prevention of frauds and errors and with presentation of Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet which exhibit a true and fair view of the state of affairs (of profit earned during the year and of financial position at the end of the year). It is concerned with totality of expenditure and revenue rather than its functional analysis. Cost Audit will establish the accuracy of cost of each product, job, activity, etc., and is concerned with proper analysis of information and its estimation so that management gets the necessary information promptly. Apart from reliability of data, cost audit should afford certain incidental advantages. Rather, it should be said that cost audit will help consolidate and realize advantages expected from a system of costing. Following statement of the HR Gokhale Ex-minister of Law, Justice and Company Affairs emphasizes the social advantage of cost audit. The objective of this measure (cost audit) is to protect consumers from unwarranted increase in prices. Reasonableness of the prices charged can only be ensured by correct determination of costs and the margin charged by producers and their retailers. Another object underlying this step is to make the industries covered by such rules alert and efficient and also to make them know their rational cost with a view to reducing it to the extent possible. Thus by resorting to this method, the interest of consumer is safeguarded and it is definite step towards removal of social injustice.
The concept of cost audit has been elaborated by
ICWA as an audit of efficiency of minute details of expenditure, while the work is in progress and not a post mortem examination. Financial audit is a fait accompli, cost audit is mainly a preventive measure, a guide for management policy and decision in addition, to being a barometer of performance.
The advantages, briefly, are as follows:
Cost Audit can be called efficiency audit. It is
evidenced by amendment in section 209 which reads. The object of the amendment of the section is to ensure specified company proper records relating to utilisation of material labour are available which would make efficiency audit (cost- audit) possible
(iii) Through fixation of individual responsibility,
management by exception will be possible.
Advantages of Cost Audit:
(i) A close check will be maintained on all wastages
materials in store, labour, etc.and they will be promptly located and reported. (ii) Inefficiencies in production (or efficiencies) will be located and converted into monetary terms.
(iv) The system of budgetary control and standard
costing will be greatly facilitated with cost audit at the hands of a qualified cost accountant.
(v) Records will be up-to-date and information for
various purposes will be available. (vi) Cost audit may unearth a number of errors and frauds which may not be revealed otherwise. This is because a cost auditor examines expenditure minutely and compares it with standards and ascertains exact reasons for discrepancy. Cost audit offers many advantages to management, cost accountant, shareholders, statutory auditor, consumers and the government. These advantages are summarized below: Advantages to Management: (i) Errors in following costing principles and techniques are detected. Inconsistencies and frauds can also be detected. This keeps everyone alert and promotes efficiency.
(i) Audited cost data helps him to determine the value
of stocks, remuneration of managerial personnel, etc., with ease and accuracy. (ii) Data and statements of cost audit help him to prepare his audit programme and plan so that he concentrates more on those aspects which have not been adequately covered by cost audit. Advantages to Consumers: (i) The direct benefit accrues where a statutory cost audit has been done to fix a reasonable price for the consumers. (ii) Since cost audit aims at ensuring efficiency in the organisation, this may also get reflected in reduced prices to the consumers. Advantages to Labour:
(ii) Cost audit can serve to measure performance of
managers and better performance can be rewarded.
(i) If cost audit is done thoroughly labour also stands
to gain through increased profitability in the shape of bonus and other benefits.
(iii) It helps to prepare accurate cost reports and this
business planning can be more accurate.
(ii) Also it brings into focus the role of labour in
improving efficiency in term of increased productivity.
(iv) Inter-firm comparisons can be made with ease and
this might be a very useful proposition if industrial intelligence is good.
Advantages to Shareholders:
(v) Cost audit can give an idea about the comparative
operational efficiency of each department of division; and may thus pin-point deficiencies and also encourage to operate in a competitive spirit.
(i) There is correct valuation of all kinds of
inventories. This may project a true picture of the organisation before shareholders and other investors and help them to assess its performance.
Advantages to Management/Cost Accountant:
(ii) External cost audit highlights efficiency or
inefficiency, utilisation of manpower and other resources, adequacy of return, etc.
Important advantages are:
Advantages to Government and Economy:
(i) His task is facilitated since errors, deficiencies, etc.,
are pointed out. Costing plans can be prepared to take care of these things.
(i) It helps the government to settle accounts where
cost-plus contracts have been made.
(ii) Cost audit may help in easier reconciliation of cost
and financial accounts. (iii) If the cost auditor is an outsider and is an expert, he can certainly give some practical and sound advice to streamline costing systems and organisation. (iv) Cost audit helps to focus attention of management on the problems faced by the cost accountant. This helps him to realize his goals and objectives with ease. Advantages to Statutory Auditor: Important advantages are:
(ii) The government can intervene to protect the
interests of the consumers, labour, shareholders and investors from exploit-age or inefficient managements. (iii) At the national level, cost audit promotes cost consciousness and overall efficiency. This means that every rupee invested produces the maximum quantity of goods and services.
Types of Cost Audit:
The main types of Cost audit are the following: (i) Cost Audit as an Aid to Management:
The aim is to see that all information placed before
management is relevant, reliable and prompt so that management can discharge its duties well. It must also be seen that no relevant or pertinent information is suppressed. (ii) Cost Audit on Behalf of a Customer: Often contracts are placed on Cost Plus basis. In other words, the customer will determine the final price to be paid on the basis of exact cost plus an agreed margin of profit. The customer, in such a case, usually gets cost accounts of the product concerned audited to establish correct cost and, therefore, price. (iii) Cost Audit on Behalf of Government: Sometimes the Government is approached with request for financial help or protection. Before taking a decision on the request, the Government may choose to get cost accounts of the applicant audited to establish whether the need for help is genuine or is a result of mere inefficiency. (iv) Cost Audit under Statute: The Amendment Act of 1965 has inserted a new section, 233B, in the Companies Act, 1956 whereby the Central Government may order that certain classes of companies will get their cost accounts audited by a member of the Institute of Cost and Works Accounts of India. Only such companies as are required to maintain proper records regarding materials consumed, labour and other expenses under Section 209 (as amended to date) and may be required to get their cost accounts audited.
full information about production capacity and the
relative efficiency of productive processes. Appointing Authorities of Cost Audit:
A cost auditor may be appointed by:
(i) Internal authorities i.e., by the same management to conduct cost audit as an aid to management. (ii) By external authorities such as, by (a) Government to conduct audit on behalf of Government. (b) Customer to carry out cost audit on behalf of customer. (c) Trade association or tribunal to facilitate cost audit on behalf of trade association or tribunal What is an audit committee? The primary purpose of an audit committee is to provide oversight of the financial reporting process, the audit process, the system of internal controls and compliance with laws and regulations.
The powers and duties and manner of appointment of
the cost auditor are the same as that of external financial auditor and the same disqualifications will apply. The cost auditor will submit his report to the Company Law Board with a copy to the company. The right to investigate all aspects of cost accounts is presumably granted to the cost auditor.
The audit committee can expect to review
significant accounting and reporting issues and recent professional and regulatory pronouncements to understand the potential impact on financial statements. An understanding of how management develops internal interim financial information is necessary to assess whether reports are complete and accurate.
The aim of cost audit under statute seems to be that the
Government wishes to know, as an instrument of control, the costs of various goods. Government has the power to prescribe the forms in which cost audit reports are to be made out. These are designed not only to verify information, but also to convey good deal of information to Government.
The committee reviews the results of the audit
with management and external auditors, including matters required to be communicated to the committee under generally accepted auditing standards.
(v) Cost Audit on Behalf of the Trade Association:
Sometimes trade associations seek to maintain prices at a certain level. For this purpose, the accuracy of costing information submitted by various concerns has to be checked. The trade associations may seek to have
Audit committees will consider internal controls
and review their effectiveness. Reports on, and management responses to, observations and significant findings should be obtained and reviewed by the committee. Controls over
financial reporting, information technology
security and operational matters fall under the purview of the committee Role of Audit Committee
Oversight of companies financial reporting
To recommend statutory auditor to Board,
their appointment, re-appointment, substitution or elimination, terms and amount of audit fees , approval for payment for any other services rendered by statutory auditors.
To review quarterly and annual financial
statement with the management before put forwarded to the board for sanction, with particular reference to :
1. o Matters required to be included in the
Directors responsibility Statement to be included in the Boards reports in terms of clause(2AA) of the section 217 of the Companies Act, 1956 2. o Changes, if any, in accounting policies and practices and reasons for the same. o
Major accounting entries involving entries
based on the exercise of judgment by management. 3. o Significant adjustment made in financial statement arising out of the audit findings. 4. o Compliance in listing and other legal requirement relating to financial statement 5. o Disclosure of any party transactions 6. o Qualifications in draft audit report
To review the statement of uses/
application of funds rose through any issue and IPO proceedings.
To review performance of statutory and
internal auditor and the adequacy of internal control system and function
Discussion with the internal auditor and
any momentous conclusion and follow up there on and review finding of any internal investigations by internal auditors where fraud and irregularity is suspected