Petrel - Isatis Link: User's Guide
Petrel - Isatis Link: User's Guide
Petrel - Isatis Link: User's Guide
Users Guide
The Petrel Isatis Link consists in a module/plugin in Petrel Petrel 2013, Petrel 2014 and Petrel 2015. The
module is provided for 64-bit versions of Petrel.
To install, use Petrel/Ocean Plugin Manager from Petrel File Menu and select the appropriate .PIP file. After
installation and Petrel restart, new icons (for Petrel 2014+) and Processes are available. The new Icons are
located in the Property Modeling Ribbon. The IsatisLink Processes can be used either interactively or in a
This plugin allows the exchange of data from PetrelTM to Isatis and vice versa. Four processes are available:
A Grid+Wells export from PetrelTM to Isatis. The objects that can be exported by this interface are:
A Grid import from Isatis to PetrelTM which allows you to get one grid variable back from Isatis to an
existing Petrel pillar grid. A consistency check is performed to verify that the numbers of nodes in all
directions match and then the cell values are copied in the new or existing Petrel grid property.
A Points import from Isatis to PetrelTM which allows you to import a Points File as a Petrel PointSet.
A Surface import from Isatis to PetrelTM which allows you to import one surface variable from Isatis to
a new Petrel surface.
A Surface Export from PetrelTM to Isatis which allows exporting a simple Regular surface to Isatis.
The Petrel-Isatis Link adds a button About IsatisLink in the Help menu that gives information about the
configuration. In case of troubleshooting, send the content of the display to Geovariances Technical Support
Table of contents
A. Export Grid and Wells to Isatis
A.I. Petrel Input Data
A.II. Isatis Output Data
A.III. Exporting
B. Import Isatis Grid Variable into a Pillar Grid
B.I. Isatis Input File
B.II. Petrel Output File
B.III. Importing
C. Import Isatis Points
C.I. Isatis Input File
C.II. Petrel Output PointSet
C.III. Importing
D. Import Isatis Surface Variable into a new Petrel surface
D.I. Isatis Input File
D.II. Petrel Output File
D.III. Importing
E. Export Surface to Isatis
E.I. Petrel Input Data
E.II. Isatis Output Data
E.III. Exporting
F. How to update the Data File Manager in Isatis
G. Advanced Connection Parameters
H. Troubleshooting
This interface allows you to export a Pillar Grid and some of its properties along with Wells with their well
continuous/discrete logs, and/or markers.
Export Grid Properties. In this mode, you will specify a Pillar Grid and its properties. It will be
exported flattened (equivalent to the SimBox visualization mode). You can export either all Zones at
Once or only some Zones, export some Horizons, compute Volumes between Contacts and specify some
Grid Properties to export. When exporting only some zones, youll get as many Isatis Grid as you
specified zones.
Export Well Logs only. In this mode, you will specify some Input Wells along with Continuous or
Discrete Logs plus some optional Well Markers. Those will be exported as an Isatis Lines files in real
Export Grid Properties and Flattened Well Logs. This mode combines the two previous ones except
the Well Logs will be exported Flattened (each log sample is located in the SimBox Grid and exported
with SimBox coordinates). You will get as many Lines files as you specified Grid Zones to export.
Export Grid Properties and Upscaled Logs as Isatis Pseudo-Wells. This mode is equivalent to the
first one but adds a list of Upscaled Logs to export as Isatis Pseudo-Well Logs. You will get as many
Lines files as you selected Grid Zones and those Lines files will contain only vertical Pseudo-Well, each
well corresponding to a particular (I,J) column.
Pillar Grid. Select a grid (model) in PetrelTM main interface then press the arrow to drop the grid name
in the export interface.
All Zones at Once. When checked, all zones will be sent at once. Youll get one Isatis Grid file, one
Well Lines file, one Surface Grid file When unchecked, you need to select a list of Zones of interest and
the Export will create as many files of each kind as you have selected zones.
Zones. When not exporting all Zones at once, you can here select Zones from the Grid Zone Filter list.
When selecting a Zone that does contain sub-zones, sub-zones are selected instead.
Export Surfaces. If activated, this option will export the Top and Bottom surfaces of all the selected
Zones of the Pillar Grid. The Bottom and Top surfaces will be exported as variables in an Isatis 2D Grid.
When exporting All Zones at once, all the surfaces will appear in the same Grid file. Otherwise, youll
have as many Grid Files as you selected Zones, each file containing the Top and Bottom Surfaces
variable. The surfaces are adjusted in order to ignore dead cells (no-volume cells) in the zone.
Compute Volume between Contacts. Check this option if you need to get the Volume of each cell
stored as a new variable in the Isatis 3D Grid file. Indeed, an expansion factor between the flattened
grid cell volume and the real Petrel cell volume is to be stored. You may select a Top and Bottom
Contact between which the volume is computed.
Pillar Grid Property. If needed, select one or several properties in Petrel TM main interface then press
the arrow to drop the property names in the export interface.
If no parent grid has been previously defined, it will be automatically set in the drop box above.
Wells. Select one or several Wells in PetrelTM main interface then press the arrow to drop the Wells
names in the export interface. Note that if dropping Well folders, all the Wells inside the Wells folder are
selected instead. You can also use the Drop Plus Arrow that will append to the list instead of replacing
the whole list. When selecting Wells, the list of Well Logs and Well Discrete Logs are automatically
Upscaled Logs to export as Pseudo-Wells. Select one or several Upscaled Logs in PetrelTM main
interface then press the arrow to drop the Upscaled Logs names in the export interface. Upscaled Logs
must belong to the already selected Pillar Grid. Upscaled Logs can be either Discrete or Continuous.
Optional Well Index. Select one Well Index variable in PetrelTM main interface then press the arrow to
drop the Well Index property name in the export interface. The Well Index property must be a Discrete
one and its associated names will be used to name the Vertical Pseudo Wells created during the export.
To create the Well Index property if you dont have one in the Pillar Grid, please use Property Modeling > Geometrical Modeling from PetrelTM processes window.
Check the option Export All Continuous Logs if you want to export all Well Continuous Logs in
one go. This feature is particularly useful when the process is run from a workflow. Leave this
option clear if you wish to select the properties to be exported from the list.
Check the option Export All Discrete Logs if you want to export all Well Discrete Logs in one go.
This feature is particularly useful when the process is run from a Workflow. Leave this option clear if
you wish to select the properties to be exported from the list.
Check the option Export Well Markers to export the markers associated to the selected Wells into
a separate Isatis point file with the same name as the Well Marker.
The Drop Arrow allows you to select Marker Collections. If left empty, all the Marker
Collections will be used, possibly allowing several points to be exported for the same
well/marker name combination.
Advanced. Click this button to specify the advanced Isatis database connection parameters. The
default is to run locally a new database server.
Connect. After setting the advanced parameters, click this button to connect to the database server.
Existing Study. Once connected, select the Isatis Study where the data will be exported.
(New) Directory Name. Enter the name of the directory where the output files will be stored. This
directory name can be a non-existing one in which case it will be created.
(New) Grid File Name. Enter the name of the grid file where the imported data will be saved. This file
name can be a non-existing one in which case it will be created.
Grid Definition. Enter the grid mesh for the created grid. It allows you to get a flattened grid with
better coordinates (You may enter a new origin (X0, Y0, Z0), a new mesh (DX, DY, DZ) and a rotation
angle around Z).
Approximate from Pillar Grid. Automatically sets the Grid Origin, Mesh and Rotation to get the
Isatis grid use almost the same coordinates as the Petrel Pillar Grid (can be useful in cases where
the Grid is almost regular). The Revert I Axis and Revert J Axis are also set by this action.
Revert I Axis, Revert J Axis: Export the cells with higher I (respectively J) index to Isatis Cells
with the lowest IX (respectively IY) rank and vice-versa. This option allows to mirror the grid
horizontally or vertically.
(New) Lines File Name. Enter here a name for the Lines File to be created. Two files are created in
Isatis, a Lines File that contains the sample values and an attached Header Points File that contains the
header information (i.e. Well Id) (see Isatis documentation for more info). This character string will be
used for naming the four files (ex: File_Name (Logs), File_Name (Discrete) and their Header
Check Create Lines File to create new Lines (+ Points) file in the Isatis database. If the file
already exists, it will be first deleted and created again.
Check Append to Existing Lines File to append data to already existing Lines file if it exits.
A.V. Exporting
Press OK to export the selected grid and wells and close the interface.
Press Apply to export the selected grid and wells while leaving the interface open.
Note that Isatis can only support Regular 2D and 3D Grids so when you export the grid, it is exported
flattened (like it appears in the Simbox visualization mode of Petrel). The grid will be flattened and the grid
mesh, origin and rotation will be the ones you indicated in the interface.
If you export the wells alone, they are exported in the real space. If you export Wells and Grid at
the same time, Wells are exported in the system of the flattened grid. This means that all coordinates of
the wells-related files will be either flattened-grid space or real-world coordinates depending on the fact
A Continuous Log Lines file plus its linked Header Points file. Those files are only created if some or all
Log Properties have been selected.
A Discrete Log Lines file plus its linked Header Points file. Those files are only created if some or all
Discrete Properties have been selected.
A Markers Points File containing all the markers for the selected wells. If a grid is specified, only the
markers that are inside the grid are exported in this file.
All those wells-related files will be deleted if they exist and if the option Create Files is selected. If the
files already exist and the option Append to Existing Files is selected, new samples will appear in all
those files.
Also, when wells are exported at the same time than a grid, only samples falling inside grid cells will be
When you choose to export All Zones at Once, all the previously mentioned files are created/updated. If
the option in cleared, the same bunch of files will be created for each Zone with all the filenames being
prefixed by the name of the exported Zone. Each 3D Grid created by this export has information attached
about the Top and Base K of the Zone so that new variables retrieved from Isatis to Petrel later on will
come in the right position.
If the Revert I Axis or Revert J Axis options are checked, the properties will be mirrored and the
information will be attached to the file so that importing back Isatis variables of this exported Grid will
populate the right cells of the Pillar Grid.
For the Markers File, you may create a macro selection on the well name variable using the Isatis File ->
Selection -> Macro menu.
If you create new variable in the Isatis flattened grid, you can reload them in Petrel using the Petrel
module Import Isatis Grid Variable into a Pillar Grid described below.
This interface allows you to import one Isatis grid variable inside an existing Petrel Grid. The Isatis grid and
the Petrel underlying regular grid must have the same number of cells in all directions.
Advanced. Click this button to specify the advanced Isatis database connection parameters. The
default is to run locally a new database server.
Connect. After setting the advanced parameters, click this button to connect to the database server.
Existing Study. Once connected, select the Isatis Study from where the data will be read.
Directory Name. Then select the directory where the grid file to be imported is stored.
Grid File Name. Select the grid file containing the variable to import.
Variable Name. Select the variable that you want to import. If this variable is a macro variable, you
may either read the Whole Macro Variable or specify which index to read (Macro Variable Index).
Import the Whole Macro Variable. When the imported variable is a Macro variable, activating this
option will create as many properties in the Petrel Pillar Grid as the Isatis Macro Variable has indices.
Warning: this may be very long and may clutter the Petrel Data Tree with a lot of unuseful variables.
Pillar Grid. Select the grid (model) in Petrel TM main interface then press the arrow to drop the grid
name in the import interface.
If you want to make use of an existed property, check the option Use Existing. Then select the
Grid property of your choice in PetrelTM main interface then press the arrow to drop the property
name in the import interface. This Grid property will be overwritten with the variable contents. If no
parent grid has been previously defined, it will be set automatically in the drop box above. This
option is not available if you asked to Import the Whole Macro Variable.
If you want to create a new property in Petrel, check the option Create New. Then enter the name
of a new property that will be created.
B.III. Importing
Press OK to import the Isatis grid variable into PetrelTM and close the interface.
Press Apply to import the Isatis grid variable into PetrelTM while leaving the interface open.
The geometry of the Isatis grid is checked against the one of the Pillar Grid (the grids must have the same
number of nodes). Then the Isatis variable content is transferred to the selected property. If the property
has to be created, it will be attached to the General Template. You will have to modify it afterwards.
When the grid comes from a previous Export Grid & Wells to Isatis, some (hidden) information has been
attached at Export time. Complete Grids can come without this information attached but partial grids
(corresponding to one Zone) or mirrored (I or J Axis Reverted) must have this information. This means
that you cannot create the grid corresponding to one Zone only from within Isatis.
This interface allows you to import one Isatis 3D Points file with a selection of float variables as a new
Petrel PointSet. The Isatis file can be of any organization (Points, Grid, Lines) but the complete geometry
will be lost for the two latest ones. Note that importing Isatis 2D points in Petrel is not possible. If you wish
to do so, please convert the points in 3D beforehand using File/Data File Manager/Convert 2D-3D.
Advanced. Click this button to specify the advanced Isatis database connection parameters.
Connect. After setting the advanced parameters, click this button to connect to the database server.
Existing Study. Once connected, select the Isatis Study from where the data will be read.
Directory Name. Then select the directory where the 3D point file to be imported is.
Points File Name. Select the 3D Points file containing the variable to be imported.
Import All Float Variables. When true, it will list all the float variables contained in the Input Points
File at Import time so that you dont have to select them in the list. It is particularly useful for
workflows if the list of variables have changed since the last time you imported your file.
Variable List. Select the float variables that you want to import if you do not ask to import them all.
New PointSet Name. Enter the name of the PointSet that will be created in PetrelTM.
C.III. Importing
Press OK to import the Isatis Points file + variables into PetrelTM and close the interface.
Press Apply to import the Isatis Points file + variables into PetrelTM while leaving the interface open.
A new folder named Import from Isatis is created in the Petrel project. If it already exists, the new
pointset will be added to it.
When the variables are imported, properties will be created in PetrelTM and will be attached to the General
Template. You will have to modify it afterwards.
This interface allows you to import one Isatis surface variable, i.e. a 2D grid variable, inside a new Petrel
Advanced. Click this button to specify the advanced Isatis database connection parameters. The
default is to run locally a new database server.
Connect. After setting the advanced parameters, click this button to connect to the database server
Existing Study. Once connected, select the Isatis Study from where the data will be read.
Directory Name. Then select the directory where the grid file to be imported is stored.
Grid File Name. Select the grid file containing the variable to import.
Variable Name. Select the variable that you want to import. If this variable is a macro variable, you
also have to specify which index to read (Macro Variable Index).
New Surface Name. Enter the name of the surface that will be created in Petrel TM.
D.III. Importing
Press OK to import the Isatis surface into PetrelTM and close the interface.
Press Apply to import the Isatis surface into PetrelTM leaving the interface open.
A new folder named Import from Isatis is created in the Petrel project. If it already exists, a new surface
will be added.
Note that if the variable is of Length type in Isatis (please refer to the Isatis documentation for more
information), it will be converted in meters while being imported into Petrel. If it is a standard floating
variable, it will be imported as it is (by default, it will be considered as being in meters).
This interface allows you to export a regular Surface from Petrel to Isatis. It will create a new Grid File with
an Elevation variable. If several surfaces share the same regular grid definition, the same Isatis Grid File
can be used.
Surface. Select a PetrelTM regular Surface from the main interface (Input tab) then press the arrow to
drop the surface name in the export interface. Horizons from the Models tab cannot be selected.
The Surface must be regular and either be in the Elevation Depth domain or contain one and only one
Depth property.
If no Grid File name or Variable name has previously been defined, they will be automatically set in the
drop boxes below (respectively with the Surface Name and Elevation).
Advanced. Click this button to specify the advanced Isatis database connection parameters. The
default is to run locally a new database server.
Connect. After setting the advanced parameters, click this button to connect to the database server.
Existing Study. Once connected, select the Isatis Study where the data will be exported.
Directory Name. Enter the name of the directory where the output files will be stored. This directory
name can be a non-existing one in which case it will be created.
Grid File Name. Enter the name of the grid file where the imported surface will be saved. This file
name can be a non-existing one in which case it will be created. If it does already exist, it must have
the same regular grid definition (at least in terms of number of nodes). It the existing grid file is
incompatible, youll have to delete it from the Isatis interface.
(New) Variable Name. Enter here a new variable name corresponding to the Elevation.
E.III. Exporting
Press Apply to export the surface while leaving the interface open.
This window allows you to choose some advanced parameters for the connection to the Isatis database.
This connection is made by running a special tool called GTXserver which reads and writes in the Isatis
database. The default parameters should work in most cases however under specific installation cases, you
may have to specify some of those parameters.
The first option allows selecting between running a new GTXserver instance or connecting to an existing
Run GTXserver: This option (the default) runs a new GTXserver each time you click the Connect
button in the main Import/Export interface. This is the preferable way to connect to the Isatis database
except for debug purposes or to connect to a remote machine.
Force GTXserver Path: When this option is left clear, the application tries to locate the Isatis
installation and run the associated GTXserver executable. If you wish to run another executable,
select this option and specify in the next field which executable to be run. Activating this option
should only be useful if the application cannot find the Isatis installation by itself.
GTXserver Path: name of the executable to be run instead of the default one.
Use an already running GTXserver: This option enables the connection to a server which has been
started manually by either double-clicking on the GTXserver executable in the Isatis installation folder
or by starting it from the command line. The GTXserver may have been started either on the local
machine or another machine on the network. The computer running GTXserver may not necessarily run
Windows, it could be a PC/server running Linux.
Host: name of the machine on which the GTXserver has been started manually. You may use the
reserved word localhost to mean the local machine on which Petrel is running or enter the name
of the machine on the network on which GTXserver has been run.
Port: TCP/IP port on which the GTXserver is being listening. By default, GTXserver listens on port
5500. However, you may override this default setting when manually running GTXserver by
specifying the -port option. In this case, the same port must be used when connecting to the
server. Note that if GTXserver is running on a separate machine through a firewall, this port must
have been unblocked in the firewall configuration on the server machine.
DATA Path: this field should be left blank in most cases. The interface needs to locate Isatis
studies on the target machine. Isatis keeps a list of studies with their physical paths in the users
profile. If the same user is running GTXserver and Petrel, this should not be a problem. However, in
a multiple user environment, you may need to specify where the study list is located. On a Windows
Settings\username\Application Data). Under UNIX/Linux, this is $HOME/.isatis.
H. Troubleshooting
Installation failed and said that another version of the module is already installed.
You must uninstall the plugin/link if already installed. Use Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs. Locate
the IsatisLink entry and remove it, then install the new version.
The portion of file should end-up with a text equivalent to the following one:
The IsatisLink menu is present, but when I try to open a process, a window opens with only a
quick explanation of what it does instead of the full User Interface.
When this happens, a Message Box appears beforehand to tell you what happened. If so, please send us a
screenshot of the message + a copy of the Help->About IsatisLink information (available only in Petrel
2009.1 and higher).
I received an unexpected exception and have being said that the exception log contains more
information, what should I do?
First try to reproduce the problem and send a message to Geovariances Support explaining what operation
you are trying to do (a screenshot of the Import/Export window may help). Attach to your email the Ocean
Log Files that can be found in the Petrel installation folder. For example, with Petrel 2009.1, the files to be
Files\schlumberger\Petrel 2009.1\OceanPetrelException.log.