Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2015 2016
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2015 2016
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2015 2016
1/ a. Injection analgesia on the foramen mandibulae and its complications (direct and indirect methods,
extent of the anaesthesia).
b. Trismus causes, types, main principles of the therapy.
c. Neck dissections definition, indications, lymph node levels.
2/ a. Distraction osteogenesis, principles, indications and examples.
b. Inflammation of the submandibular space (the anatomy, symptoms and signs, modes of the therapy).
c. Osteosynthesis indications, techniques. Miniplates.
3/ a. Viral infections and orofacial region HIV (forms, prevention of AIDS) and other infections.
b. Benign tumors of the mouth and jaws the characteristic, types by the origin tissue, diagnosis
and the therapy.
c. Classification of mandibular fractures, their symptoms, signs and X-ray picture.
4/ a. Extracapsular disorders of temporomadibular joint, symptoms, signs and principles of the treatment.
b. Carcinoma of the lip clinical picture, early diagnosis, the histopathology, treatment.
c. Healing of the maxillofacial fractures and its failures.
5/ a. Radicular cysts of the jaws pathology, clinical picture and the therapy.
b. Tumours of paranasal sinuses. Carcinoma of the maxillary sinus an early diagnosis and therapy.
c. Temporary fixation of the maxillofacial fractures basic types and technique of performation.
6/ a. Dentigerous cysts of the jaws pathology, clinical picture and the therapy.
b. Complications of radiotherapy and chemotherapy in orofacial oncology, their prevention and tretament
(including bisphosphonate necrosis)
c. Luxation of the mandible clinical picture, diagnosis and the therapy. Habitual luxation.
7/ a. Cysts of soft tissues in the orofacial region.
b. Acute osteomyelitis of the mandible diagnosis, clinical course and principles of the therapy.
c. Symptoms and signs of midfacial fractures.
8/ a. Maxillary sinusitis origin, diagnosis, therapy and the complications.
b. Sialoadenitis causes, diagnosis and the therapy.
c. Reduction of the fractured jaws closed and open modes.
9/ a. Bleeding after tooth extraction causes, haemorhage controle, local and general treatment.
b. Odontogenic tumours origin, diagnosis and the therapy.
c. Conservative treatment of the maxillofacial fractures principles, indications, technique.
10/a. Hypesthesia of the lower lip, differential diagnosis. Possibilities of treatment.
b. Diseases of the lymph nodes inflammations (nonspecific and specific) and tumours (primary
and secondary). Classification of the neck lymf nodes. Metastasis e loco ignoto.
c. Division and classification of the midfacial fractures.
11/a. Injection analgesia on the tuber maxillae and palatal foramen technique, extent of the anaesthesia,
b. Subperiostal abscess of alveolar processes of the jaws causes, clinical picture and the treatment.
c. First aid in patients with maxillofacial injuries.
12/a. Difficult eruption of the wisdom tooth definitiv, acute and chronic forms, conservative and surgical
b. Osteomyelits of the jaws in childhood signs, treatment and consequences.
c. Symptoms and signs of the maxillofacial fractures (main and acessory).
13/a. Possibilities of canine tooth exposure and orthodontic extrusion indications, technique.
b. Specific inflammations in the orofacial region diagnosis and the therapy.
c. Luxation (avulsion), subluxation and fractures of the teeth. Fractures of the alveolar processes diagnosis,
28/a. Principles of treatment in patient with bleeding tendency. Preparation of the patient before surgery.
b. Clefts in maxillofacial region aethiology, classification and the treatment.
c. Condylar fractures mechanisms of the injury, treatment.
29/a. Removal of impacted canine evaluation of its position and the operation technique.
b. General principles of treatment of malignant tumours in the orofacial oncology.
c. Preprosthetic surgery of the mandibule. Indications, main surgical techniques.
30/a. Asymptomatic third molar, characteristics, indications of extraction.
b. Principles of prevention in the orofacial oncology.
c. Fractures of atrophic mandible signs, possibilities of treatment.
31/a. Inflammations of the tongue causes, diagnosis and treatment.
b. Bisphosphonate osteonecrosis of the jaws causes, clinical picture and possibilities of treatment.
c. Intermaxillary (maxillo-mandibular) fixation definition, technique and indications.
32/a. Ankylosis of TMJ causes, clinical picture, possibilities of treatment.
b. Precancers of the orofacial region carcinoma in situ, characteristics, principles of treatment, follow up.
c. Epulis pathology, diagnosis and the therapy.
33/a. Retromarginal fractures of the orbit (blow-out fractures) clinical picture, treatment.
b. Principles of tretament in the orthognathic anomalies.
c. Differential diagnosis of pathological findings in maxillary sinuses signs, therapy.