Word List

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1) Ubiquitous (you-be-quit-us)
Meaning: Being everywhere at once, omnipresent
Usage: With such a striking talent, shes becoming ubiquitous
2) Propitious (pro-pe-shus)
Meaning: benevolent, advantageous, auspicious
Usage: It is only because of propitious conditions, we could achieve it.
3) Sporadic (spo-radic)
Meaning: Rare and scattered, pattern less
Usage: the stars appear sporadic tonight
4) Insalubrious (in-salu-briyuss)
Meaning: Unhealthy, not providing or promoting health
Usage: That restaurant is insalubrious. It serves only junk food.
5) Invigorating (invi-gorating)
Meaning: Giving strength, refreshing, energy or vitality
Usage: A sip of cool water can be so invigorating during summers
6) Erratic (E-rratik)/ Eccentric (ek-cent-rick)
Meaning: Round about, not a focal point, unusual, not the centre.
Usage: His notes were very helpful though his speech was eccentric.
7) Intimidate (In-timi-date)
Meaning: Fear, threat, dishearten, abash, daunt
Usage: He is trying to intimidate you by playing such tricks.
8) Decipher (de-sy-fur)
Meaning: To decode, cipher to plain text, to find a solution to a problem
Usage: It is difficult to decipher this letter in such conditions.

9) Remiss (re-miss)
Meaning: at fault, negligent, reprehensible
Usage: I would certainly be remiss if I fail to serve my country.

Temerity (te-me-rity)/ Impudent (im-pyu-dence)

Meaning: Bold-faced, daring, Impertinent, without shame.

Usage: The impudent would not stop talking in the class.

Trite (try-it)

Meaning: Outdated, hackneyed (hack-need), clichd, unoriginal

Usage: Everyone was coming up with trite ideas at the meeting.

Extravagant (extra-vagant)

Meaning: excessive, exorbitant, profuse, prodigal

Usage: Extravagant man, extravagant life

Loathe (lo-the)

Meaning: to hate, detest, revile

Use: Loathing the honeyed cakes, I longed for bread.

Preeminent (Pree-min-ent)

Meaning: Important, notable, excellent, outstanding, notable

Use: What is preeminent about this structure is its dome.

Humongous (hyu-mong-us)

Meaning: Enormous, massive, gigantic, immense and large.

Use: There needs to be a humongous improvement in the performance.

Bleak (Bleek)

Meaning: Pale, dull, pallid, unhappy, cheerless, miserable, desolate

Use: he was feeling bleak after the fight.


Timid (T-mid)

Meaning: lacking in courage or confidence, timorous, daunt

Use: John is a very timid person by nature.

Mar (Maar)

Meaning: to spoil, to damage

Use: The area was totally marred, where the flight crashed.

Confined (kun-fined)

Meaning: to stick to, reserved with

Use: He was confined to what his beliefs were.

Primitive (pri-mitive)

Meaning: Primary, radical

Use: The primitive purpose of solving the issue was to avoid the crises.

Identical (i-dentical)

Meaning: Similar characteristics, same features.

Use: Tony and his brother look so identical to each other.

Piffle (pif-uh-l)

Meaning: nonsense, as trivial or senseless

Use: It is evil piffle to assert that he aimed not at me, but at the gray-locked
gentleman behind me.

Rhapsodic (rap-sod-ik)

Meaning: extravagantly enthusiastic; ecstatic, pertaining to, characteristic of, or of

the nature or form of rhapsody
Use: If you should consume them, I would be more than just happy, perhaps even
rhapsodic, and I will personally get you another from my own personal cellar.

Aver (eh-ver)

Meaning: to assert or affirm with confidence; declare in a positive or peremptory

Use: Though he hardly got any sleep, he averred that hed slept extremely well.

Extemporize (ik-stem-puh-rahyz)

Meaning: to speak with little or no advance preparation, to do or manage something

in a makeshift way
Use: He can extemporize on nay of a number of subjects.

Agog (uh-gog)

Meaning: highly excited by eagerness, curiosity; in a state of eager desire, excitedly

Use: She was as adventurous, as imaginative, as agog to see the world as he was,
but she was not sent to school.

Middling (mid-ling)

Meaning: mediocre; ordinary; commonplace; pedestrian; medium; moderate

Use: Belle had a little education, played the piano fair to middling, and paid Mama
to tutor her in this and that.

Cynosure (sahy-nuh-shoor)

Meaning: something that strongly attracts attention by its brilliance, interest etc.;
something serving for guidance or direction
Use: Currently the cynosure in the space programme is the Moon landing.

Legerity (luh-jer-i-tee)

Meaning: physical or mental quickness; nimbleness; agility

Use: His own tricky legerity discourages solemn praise.

Maudlin (mawd-lin)

Meaning: tearfully or weakly emotional; foolishly sentimental

Use: It was a maudlin story of a little orphan and her lost dog.

Gauche (gohsh)

Meaning: lacking social grace, sensitivity, or acuteness; awkward; crude, tactless

Use: Their exquisite manners always made me feel gauche.

Brume (broom)

Meaning: mist; fog

Use: The silver brume swirled around the hedge in the early morning.

Emblem (em-bluh-em)

Meaning: an object or its representation, symbolizing a quality, state, or class of

persons; symbol
Use: The olive branch is an emblem of peace.

Magniloquent (mag-nil-uh-kwuh-nt)

Meaning: Lofty or grandiose in speech or expression; using a high-flown style of

discourse; bombastic
Use: It was his magniloquent manner due to which people did not notice his
financial problem.

Indemnify (in-dem-nuh-fahy)

Meaning: to compensate for damage or loss sustained, expense incurred; to guard

or secure against anticipated loss; security against
Use: After the hardships and toil during the day, I was expecting that hospitable
reception at home would indemnify me.

Sodality (soh-dal-i-tee)

Meaning: fellowship; comradeship; an association or society

Use: There was a sodality of investors working just down the block.

Astir (uh-stur)

Meaning: moving or stirring, especially with much activity or excitement; up and

about; out of bed
Use: The field was astir with small animals, birds, and insects.

Interosculate (in-ter-os-kyuh-leyt)

Meaning: to form a connecting link; to interpenetrate

Use: We need to use certain words that interosculate the incomplete sentences.

Speculate (Spey-q-late)

Meaning: to predict, forecast

Use: They speculated the changes in the weather, September onwards.

Lethargy (le-thaar-gee)

Meaning: to feel sleepy

Use: I usually feel very lethargic during the day if I dont get adequate sleep at

Yearn (ye-urn)

Meaning: to want; to wish for; require

Use: She yearned to come first in class so as to make her parents proud.

Rummage (rum-age)

Meaning: to look for; hunt for

Use: He rummaged around the attic to find the old photo albums.

Divulge (dee-vuhl-jh)

Meaning: to say to; to disclose

Use: Cathy warned her younger sister to not divulge their secrets to anybody else.

Aesthetic (es-thet-ik)

Meaning: artistic; visual

Use: The painting made by the amateur artist had aesthetic value.

Affiliate (eh-fill-e-yate)

Meaning: to associate with; to be a member of

Use: My college is affiliated to the University of Mumbai.

Ascertain (uh-cer-tin)

Meaning: to find out; to discover

Use: Kate went to the library to ascertain some facts about Stonehenge.

Edify (eh-dee-fy)

Meaning: to teach; educate

Use: It is not only the responsibility of the parents but also the teachers to edify a
child about manners.

Predicament (pre-dee-ka-ment)

Meaning: Problem; trouble

Use: She pondered while eating her lunch on how to escape her current


Hindrance (hin-dr-ence)

Meaning: drawback; obstruction

Use: The only hindrances in her career were her interfering friends.

Liaison (lee-yeh-zon)

Meaning: relationship; link; bond

Use: This group of men is the liaison between the people and the Government.

Contemporary (con-temp-po-rary)

Meaning: modern; new

Use: The new choreographer was well-versed with contemporary dance forms.

Grapple (graa-pple)

Meaning: struggle; come to grips with

Use: The mother grappled to accept the fact that her daughter got married without
informing her.

Jurisdiction (jew-ris-dik-shun)

Meaning: control; power

Use: The officer had to stop investigating the case as the criminal fled to a region
outside his jurisdiction.

Prodigy (pro-dee-jee)

Meaning: genius; sensation

Use: Robert was famous as a cricketing child prodigy.

Ambivalent (am-bee-va-lent)

Meaning: unsure; in two minds; undecided

Use: The society has an ambivalent attitude towards gifted individuals.

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