Mulberry Cultivation in South India

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Dr. S. Krishnaswami


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Central Silk Board


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Central Sericultural Research & Training lnstitute, Mysore.

(Reprinted from the Bulletin No. 1 of the C. S. B. & T. 1., Mysore)


(Govt, of lndia

- Ministry of Textiles)




Reprint: November, 1986-5,000 copies

Published by:

Shri V. Balasubramanian, lAS,

Central Silk Board

United Mansions
No. 39, Mahatma Gandhi Road
Printed at:
Omkar, Offset Printers,
Bangalore-560 002.

Phone: 603601.


Rs. 3/-









i) Land PreParation
ii) Planting Material & Planting
iii) Spacing
iv) VarietY of




vi) Weeding & lnter-cultivation








ii) Weeding & lnter-cultivation

iii) Manuring
iv) Harvesting of Leaves
v) Leaf Yield
vi) Summary Schedule of Operations for Rainfed






ii) Weeding & lnter-cultivation

iii) Manuring-Dosage of chemical Fertrlisers for Row/Pit systems
iv) lrrigation
v) Leaf Harvest
vi) Yield
vii) summary schedule of operations for lrrigaied Mulberry under
Row/Pit Systems





A major factor determining productivity and hence the profitability in Sericulture

is the yield of mulberry crop. Maximisation of mulberry leaf yield per unit area wiil lead
to the realisation of two most important objectives namely increased cocoon production
per hectare and reduced cost of production. Therefore, it should be the primary aim
of every sericulturist to ensure that he gets maximum leaf yield from his mulberry crop.
It should also be realised that all measures taken to maximise leaf yield, simultaneously
help to improve the quality of leaves which automatically secures an insurance against
cocoon crop losses at lhe later stage of silkworm rearing'
Towards the above end, intensive agronomic research was carried out both at
Central Sericuliural Research Station, Berhampore and Central Sericultural Research
and Training lnstitute, Mysore and based on the results achieved, the first paper on
'Package of Practices for mulberry cultivation' was presented at a seminar organised by
the Central Sericultural Research and Training lnstitute, Mysore in November, 1972.
These recommendations have been since popularised by the lnstitute at Mysore and
the Departments of Sericulture in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh on a
large scale. With the result a large number of sericulturists, particularly those raising
mulberry under irrigation have been enabled to raise their mulberry yield from an
average of 15,000 kgs. in the past to 30,000 kgs. and over per hectare currently.
While the recommendations of the lnstitute on mulberry cultivation have been no
doubt helpful, ii is being observed, however, that the significance of some of these
practices have not been fully realised by the cultivators and hence, a revised paper is
being published now, incorporating some new ideas and research findings and
stressing the importance of these recommendations with due reasoning and
explanations, so that their full significance could be appreciated and followed in full
(without inadvertant lapses) by the sericulturists;


Mulberry is a hardy plant capable of thriving under a variety of agro-climatic
conditions. At the same time, it is also sensitive responding extremely well to optimum
agricultural inputs but showing practically no growth when plant nutrients and mositure
begjn to operate as limiting factors. This is evident from the fact that under the poor

rainfall conditions ol 25-go" (625-750 mm) prevailing in South lndia,

the current leaf
yield is of the order of only 3,000-3,500 kgs. per hectare whereas
under assured
irrigation and appfopriate fertiliser application, it can be stepped upto
30,000 kgs. or
so, or nearly ten times. Further, mulberry under South lndian conditions,
unlit<e in
temperate regions rike Japan, Korea and ussF, gives continuous growth
throughout the year, because of optimum temperature conditions and good
available lt is these aspects that should be properly appreciated and accordingly,
effort made to step up the leaf yield as indicated in this paper.


Mulberry can grow practicaily on any lype of rand except on very
steep lands.
Good growths, however, are obtained when it is raised on either flat
land or genly
sloping or undulating lands. On more slopy or steep lands, neeessary
attention to
proper soil conservation methods as contour drains, contour planting
or even bench
terracing should be given.
Mulberry grows in a wide range of soils, but best growth is obtained
in loamy
to clayey loam soils. The mulberry plant can tolerate stigntty acidic conditions
in the
soil' ln the case of too acidic soils with pH below 5, nelessary corrective measures

through application of Dolomite or Lime should be adopted. ln the

case of alkaline soits,

appiication of Gypsum should be resorted to, for correction of the

soif aff.afinii'.

Since mulberry is a deep rooted plant, the soil shouid be sufficienly

deep upto
about two feet in depth. ln respect of elevation, mulberry thrives well
upto about 4,000
feet, above which growth will be retarded because of irre cooler



Mulberry falls under the category of perennial crops and once

it is properly raised
during the first year, it can come to full yielding capacity during
tl.,u selono-yi",
last for over 15 years in the field without any significant deterioration
in the yield"no
leaf lt is, therefore, very important that the initia!. planting and establishment
of the crop
is carried out according to scientific methods for obtaining best yield results
in the
subsequent years.


Land Preparation:

Land shourd be prepared by deepry proughing with heavy

mouid board prough
upto a depth of 12"-1s" (30-35 c.m.) in order to loosen the
soil before planting, taking
advantage of the pre-monsoon showers during April-May. Thereafter,
the land may be
ploughed once or twice with a light plough or country ptough
to bring the soil to a fine

tiith. Afterwards, a basal dose of organic manure like compost or cattle manure should
be applied at the rate of atleast 10 tonnes per hectare for rainfed mulberry and 20
tonnes per hectare for irrigated mulberry. Finally, the manure should be properly
incorporated into the soil by ploughing and the land levelled and made ready for
planting during the monsoon rains of June-July. lt must be stressed here that
application of basal dose of organic manure like compost or cattle manure is essential
{or successful initial establishment of the plantation. Under very exceptional
circumstances, where these are not at all available, an alternative may be resorted to,
by growing nursery raised plants and transplanting them into the main {ield.

Generally, pit system of planting with wider spacing should be adopted for
rainfed mulberry while row system with closer spacing can be adopted for irrigated
mulberry. Therefore,for planting mulberry under rainfed conditions, pits should be dug
at a spacing of 3'x3'(0.9 mx0.9m). The pits should be of the size ltlo'x 1'lo' (95
cm. x 35 cm.) and atleast 1114' (gS cm.) deep. These pits are filled with soil, preferably
mixed with some cattle manure and in the pits, the cuttings or rooted saplings are

. ln the case of irrigated

gardens, the prepared land is thrown into ridges and

using a ridge former or working with manual labour) as indicated in the
diagram. The cuttings are later planted along the edge on the ridges as shown in
Figure 1.



oi Ridges and Furrows and Correct Way of

A- Ridge B-Furrow



It may be noted here that there is only one irrigation channel for every two rows

of mulberry plants. This helps in both saving and more effective use of the irrigation


Planting Material and Planting:

ln tropical conditions as in South lndia, mulberry can root easily and therefore,
can be easily propagated through cuttings with minimum of time and expenditure. The
cuttings should be prepared from 4-8 month's old hard wood branches which are brown

in colour and afleast'rr" 110-12 mm.) in diameter. The cuttings

shourd be afleast 7,,_g,,
(18-20 cm') long with a minimum of three bude (as shownln
Figure 2).The ends of
the cuttings should be clean cut with a sharp knife, without
splits or.bark pealing off.



Selection of Cuttingsand Their Response

Short and thin cuttings are unsuitable for planting.

Planting of unsuitabre cuttings means no rooting

formation and growth.



(though sprouting) or very srow root

Right type of cutting

Diameter and 7:B,, in length.
Root formation and growth
when right type of cutting is pranted.

It is in the serection of pranting materiar that mistakes

are often made
which result in poor establishment of the plants with
lots of failures and
resultant gaps. Cuttings eilher thin in diameter
or green in colour should be
avoided as the chances of their success are poor.
Therefore, to,. *.."]
rooting of the cuttings every care should be taken
to see that the cuttings
of the desired maturity, thickness and rength arone,
as indicated above, are
selected for planting. Because, only such cuttings provide necessary
for the buds to sprout and grow till such time that
adequate root formation
takes place.

It is also to be remembered that the soil should be very fertile containing

adequate quantities of organic matter. lt is, therefore, absolutely necessary that
whenever straight planting of cuttings is resorted to, the soil should receive a basal
dose of manure like compost or organic manure at the rate indicated already. The
manure should be thoroughly mixed with the soil before planting is undertaken.

At the time of planting, it is important to see that the cuttings are placed deep
soil around well compacted, leaving just one inch alone of the cutting exposed.
This ensures the cuttings being planted sufficiently deep in the soil resulting in the
formation of roots below the ground level. Further, this will prevent the cuttings from
drying up. While planting, the cuttings should be planted either upright or with only a
very slight tilt.

ln places where compost or cattle manure is not available, it is highly risky to

resort to direct planting of cuttings. Under such conditions, it will be found necessary
to raise rooted plants in nurseries and transplanl 2112 - 3 months old rooted plants with
about 3' growth and a stem thickness of about 10 mm., in the main field. While
transplanting nursery raised plants, it is important to see that the original cutting from'
which the plants have grown are burried deep in the soil atleast one to two inch below
ground level and the soil around pressed hard as in the case of planiing cuttings. This
ensures better anchoring of the plant

ln all the new plantings with either cuttings or nursery raised plants, it should be
sotimedthatthere is 1-2 months of rainfall following the planting operation, particularly
in the case of rainfed mulberry.



ln the case of rainfed mulberry gardens, the aim should be to raise mulberry
plant with a sturdier frame so that it is able to withstand prevailing drought conditions
better. Therefore, the spacing should be atleast 3'x3' (0'9 m. x 0'9 m.) as is being
currently practised. When cuttings are planted in the pits prepared for the purpose, they

should be planted in "threes" at a spacing of 6" ( from each other, forming an
equilateral triangle. When nursery raised rooted plants are transplanted, they may be
planted as single plants.

ln the case of irrigated mulberry, the overall advantage in raising mulberry for
both quantitative and qualitative harvest is in favour of planting mulberry with a spacing
of 2' (0.6 m.) between the rows and 9r10" (23-25 cm.) within the row. This slightly

wider spacing as compared to the existing Kolar system of row cultivation helps to
produce better quality leaves from the point of view of silkworm rearing. In the case
of irrigated gardens, where the practice of leaf picking instead of whole shoot harvest
is followed, it would be found necessary to adopt a wide spacing namely 2'x2' (0'6
m. x 0.6 m.). Upto 3'x 3'(0.9 m. x 0.9 m.) is also practised sometimes, but in this
case the plants tend to become almost small trees and present problems of harvest.


Variety of Mulberry:

An improved selection namely Kanva-2, also referred to as M5, is a superior

variety evolved by the lnstitute, which is a vigorous strain responding well to manuring
and capable of giving aboul 25To more leaf yield. This variety thrives weil both under
dry as well as irrigated conditionS. Qualitywise also, it is superior to the local variety
of mulberry and therefore, could be used with great advantage.



As pointed out earlier, application of a ba.sal dose of organic manure like

compost or cattle manure, is necessary for successful estabiishment of the garden.
Thereafter, the young growing plants should be assisted to put forth vigorous and
maximum growth through periodical fertiliser applications.

ln the case of the rainfed garden, which is planted in June-July during the
South-West monsoon season, the mulberry will receive sufficient rains from both the
monsoons and this fact should be taken full advantage of to achieve maximum growth
and build up a huge sturdy frame, so that the plant may stand the following drought
months, from January to April very well. This is achieved by applying two doses of
nitrogenous fertilisers such as Ammonium Sulphate or Urea at the rate of 25 kg. of
N/ha for the first application aller 2112 to 3 months of growth and again, another 40 kg.
of N/ha as the second dose after an interval of another three months. This would
enable the plants to reach a growth of about 6' (2 m.) in about 6 to g months'time.

ln the case of irrigated mulberry, where the plant will grow vigorously due to
assured irrigation, the first dose of nitrogenous fertiliser should be given after 21l,
months of planting at the rate of about 40 kg. N/ha. ln the next 2 to 21lz months, the
plants would be ready for first harvest of leaves. Thereafter, the normal fertiliser
application programme (described later) could be resorted to.


Weeding and lnter-cultivation:

During the initial stages of plant establishment in the field, weed growth should

be kept to the minimum, so that lhe growing young plants are not smothered by the
weeds. Atleast two weedings should be carried out during the first six months after
planting of cuttings. once after two months of planting and again a{ter an interval of
2 to 3 months. The weeding operation should be thorough and the soil should be dug
deep to remove the weeds with roots. This deep digging is carried out as a part of the
weeding operation and results in necessary loosening of the soil and stimulation to the
plants to grow vigorously. Thus,special care should be taken to reduce the weed
growth as much as possible in the first year of planting. Thereafter, the shade effect
of the fully grown mulberrv will tend to keep the weeds down. Similarly, periodicai

inter-cultivation should be resorted to, particularly in the case.of dry mulberry gardens,

during the first year so that soil loosening results in better aeration and stimulation of
plant growth. This also helps in catching the rain water and its deep penetration for
better retension of soil mositure.


During the first year, all attention should be concentrated on establishing the
mulberry field properly as indicated above. One should not be in a haste to take early
leaf harvests before the plants attain full growth. ln the case of mulber?y under rainfed
conditions, it will take ten to twelve months before first pruning is resorted to and
systematic cultivation is taken up. On the other hand, in about six months time, the
plants will reach {ull growth under the irrigated conditions and thereafter, systematic
cultivation can be taken up. These are described below.

A. Rainfed MulberrY:
As mentioned earlier, mulberry planted in June-July will be ready for first pruning
in June of the following year. Prior to that, two small harvests may be taken, once,some
time in November-December and again in April-May. The harvests should be light and
made by picking only mature leaves, leaving major part of the growing branch intact
covered with leaves.



For maintaining mulberry in a state of. vigorous growth and also for obtaining
good quality leaves, periodic pruning is necessary. Pruning should also take into
consideration the growth attained by the plants; normally the growth should be more
than 6' (2 m.) in height and stem or branch girth not less than tlo" 123 mm) at the

Rainfed mulberry should receive one annual bottom pruning in June coinciding
with the receipt of the South-West monsoon rains. lt is carried out by cutting the plants
at a height of 3" to 4" (8-10 cm.) above the ground ievel with a sharp pruning knife
or saw, in such a way that clean cuts are made without splitting the stem or branches,
as shown in Figure 3. The system of "guddali" pruning currently practised is too
drastic and cuts into the root zone which leads to reduced branching and gradually to
even ultimate rnortality of plants. Therefore, such a practice should be given up and
pruning carried out as indir:ated above.

Figure 3


Correct Way of pruning 3,,-4,, Above Ground

with Clean Cuts at Cut Ends

Weeding and lnter-cultivation:

Normally within a week of pruning, weeding and inter-cultivation

should be
carried out by ploughing or using a harrow. The weeds around the plants
which are
not generally removed by ploughing or harrowing are removed manually.
This operation
stimulates growth of plants and also assists in providing necessary
tilth and deep
penetration of rain water into the soil, resulting in better
conservation and utilisationof
the soil moisture. ln all, upto four weeding and inter-cultivation operation
should be
carried out in June, October. January and April.
Fii) Manuring:

The present low yields of leaf under rainfed mulberry is mainly due
to poor
rainfall and lack of or inadequate application of manures or fertilisers.
Even under the
limitations of scanty rainfall prevalent in South lndia, scope exists to
improve leaf yields
through optimum manuring of the fields. Therefore; manure should
be applied in the
form of both built organic manure like compost or cattle manure and
chemical fertilisers.

Organic manure should be applied at the rate of ten tonnes per hectare,
immediately after pruning and inter-cultivation and thoroughly incorporated in the soil.
This should be carried out systematically once in a year so that the organic content
in the soil is improved and as a result, the fertiliser application is more effectively
utilised. Alternatively, where organic manure is not available, a green manure crop like
Sunhemp can be raised annually during the rainy season and incorporated into the soil
to serve the same purpose.

ln addition to bulk organic manure, chemical fertilisers should also be applied at

the rate 100 kg. N,50 kg. P and 50 kg. K per hectare per annum, which may be
applied in two equal split doses. The first dose should be applied sometime in late
August, l.e. 6-8 weeks after the application of the organic manure and the second dose
sometime in late November during the North-East monsoon rains. The first dose may
be in the form of a complex manure like 15:15:15 or 17:17:17. About 300 kg. or 6 bags
of 17:17:17 will be required to meet the requirements of the first dose of 50 kg. N,
50 kg. P and 50 kg. K. The second dose may be given as 50 kg. N only which is
available in 250 kg. or 5 bags of Ammonium sulphate or about 100 kg. or 2 bags of

While applying the fertiliser, it should be spread close to the plant on either sides
along the row, as shown in Figure 4. After application, the fertiliser should be
incorporated wqll into the soil by digging with spade or forkinE in with a digging fork
for good results as shown in Figure' 5. This is very important operation, as otherwise,
the fertiliser would be wasted and would not be effectively utilised by the plant.




Figure 4

Fertiliser Application
on either side

rS of the


Figure-'5 lncorporation of ihe Fertiliser into the soil and working with the spade


Harvesting of Leaves:

Leaf harvest commences after about ten weeks from the time of pruning in June
and upto six harvests can be taken during the year at an interval of roughly Z-B weeks
in between harvests. The quantum of harvest will depend on the precipitation received
in the different seasons, being more during rainy season (more than 2/, of the iotal
harvest) from August to December during the first three harvests and comparatively
poorer during the drought months from January to May, except the "Mungaru" season
when pre-monsoon showers are received resulting in a slightly improved harvest.
Picking of leaves should be carried out in time, that is to say, when the leaves
are at the correct stage of maturity for harvest. Other.wise, part of the leaves will
become overmature or coarse and suffer in quality from the point of view of nutritive
value for the silkworms. Also part of the leaves may turn yellow, shed and be lost.
Therefore, timely harvest as the leaves reach the required stage of maturity will iead
to fuller harvest of the available leaves without wastage and realisation of maximurn


It is also important to stress here that while harvesting, the terminal buds of
branches should not be picked but allowed to grow till the plant reaches its full frame
o{ growth upto about 6' or so. Thereafter, the tips of the branches may be picked so
as to encourage the formation of secondary branches. Unfortunately, the current
practice is to strip the entire branch from top to bottom at every harvest which results
in serious set back to the growing plant. This is also one of the main factors
responsible for reduced harvests in the case of rainfed mulberry at present.


Leaf Yield:

By adopting the package of practices for the rainfed mulberry described abpve,
it should be possible to harvest upto 7,000 to 8,000 kgs. of leaf per, year per hectare
which will mean more than'100 per cent improvement in yield over the present level
of harvest which stands at about 3,000 to 3,500 kgs. per hectare per year.
The above schedules rnay be summarised as follows:Summary of Schedule of Operations for Rainfed Mulb,erry



Annual bottom pruning

With the commencement of South-West

monsoon rains (Early June)


1st weeding and inter-cultivation

Within a week after pruning (Mid June)


Application of bulk organic manure

at 10 tonnes/hectare and incorporation
of the same

Within a month of pruning (Early July)


1st picking of


Application of first dose of lertiliser

at 50 kg. N, 50 kg. P, and 50 kg. K
per hectare Le. 300 kg. or 6 bags


Aboul 21lz months after pruning (Mid August)

6-8 weeks after application of organic manure
and following first harvest of leaves

(Late August)

of 17:17:17


2nd weeding and


5-6 weeks after the I picking of leaves

(Early October)


2nd plcking of


Two months after the I picking of leaves

(Mid October)


Application of 2nd dose of fertiliser

at 50 kg" N per hectare l.e. 5 bags
of Ammonium sulphate or 2 bags of Urea

6 weeks after the ll picking of leituo(Late November)


3rd picking of leaves

Two months after the ll picking of leaves

{Mid December)




3rd weeding and inter-cultivaiion


2-3 weeks after the lll picking of leaves

(Early January)



4th picking of leaves

2 months after the tll picking of leaves

(Mid February)

4lh weeding and inter-cuitivation

With receipt of pre-monsoon rains. 6-7 weeks

after lV picking of leaves (Earty April)

13. sth picking of leaves

7-8 weeks after the lV picking of leaves

(Early April)


6th and final picking of leaves

7-B weeks after the V picking of leaves

(Late May-Early Junq)

B. lrrigated Mulberry:
t'.lnder irrigated conditions, mulberry register.s faster growth than under rainfed
conditions and therefore, the plant will attain sufficient growth up 6, (2 m.) in about 5-6
months' time and become due for first pruning or harvest. Thereafter, systematic
cultivation can be commenced and leaf harvests taken at roughly about ten weeks
interval, by resorting to bottom pruning in the case of row system of plantation and
about eight weeks interval where leaf picking method of leaf harvest is practised.



ln the case of mulberry under row system with closer spacing, pruning is carried
out at a height 1"-3" (2.s-7.5 cm.) above ground level by cutting the stem neatly with
sharp pruning knives as described earlier. ln all, five prunings combining five harvest
of leaves with twigs are carried out during a year,

ln the case of mulberry under pit system with wider spacing, pruning can be
carried out twice during the year, once early in June and again in late November
a height ol 3"-4" (8-10 cm.) above ground level, as in the case of rainfed mulberry,
taking due care to see that clean cuts are made without splitting the branches.


Weeding and lnter-cultivation:

This should be carried out invariably, imrnediately after the pruning operation so
that weeds are eliminated completely from the mulberry plots and the soil is worked
and loosened for necessary aeration and stimulation to the growth of the plants.


ln the case of row system of planting, the inter- cultivation is carried out by deep
digging of the soil upto g" (22 cm.) depth including thb space between the plants in
the row. Simultaneously, the ridges and furrows also should be re-formed so that the
furrows are sufficiently deepened to hold enough water during irrigation for necessary
deep percolation to the root zone. Where feasible, power tiller or bullock power with
mould board plough could be used for the purpose ol weeding and inter-cultivation in
order to save labour costs, but care should be taken to see that the implements do
not cut or damage the roots of plants. Still, for working around the plants, resort to
human labour will be found inevitable.
ln the case of pit system of cultivation, the power tiller and bullock drawn ploughs

may be used for weeding and inter-cultivation in the initial stage following the pruning
but as the plants grow, this may not be feasible. Only manual working will meet the



year, bulk organic manure in the form of cattle manure or compost

should be applied at the rate of 20 tonnes per hectare sometime during May-June prior

Once in

to the onset of the monsoon rains and well incorporated into the soil. This may be
carried out within one to two weeks following the pruning operation. Organic matter in
the soil helps to utilise heavy applications of chemical fertilisers better and hence, the
need for the organic manures. Thereafter, systematic application of chemical fertilisers
should follow at periodical intervals coinciding with each leaf harvest.
The total annual requirement of plant nutrients is roughly about 300 kg. N, 120
kg. P and 120 kg. K per hectare. This should be applied in five split doses in the case
of row system and six split doses in the case of pit system of cultivation coinciding
with similar number of leaf harvests made, as indicated below:

Fertiliser Schedule for lrrigated Mulberry

Pit System

Row System
1st Application

60 kg. N

60 kg. P+ 60 kg. K as complex 60 kg. N + 60 kg. P +60 kg. K as complex

lertiliser i.e. 7 bags ol 17:17:17.

lertilrser l.e. 7 bags of 17:17:17.

2nd Application

60 kg. N as straight fertiliser l.e. 6 bags of 40 kg. N as straight fertiliser Le. 4 bags oi
Ammonium sulphate or '13lo bags of Urea.
Ammonium sulphate or 23lo bags of Urea.

3rd Application

60 kg. N

+ 60 kg. P + 60 kg. K as com- 40 kg. N as straight fertiliser

plex fertiliser

4th Application

i.e.7 bags oI 17:17:17.

i.e. 4 bags of
Ammonium sulphate or 13/o bags ol Urea.

60 kg. N as straight lertiliser l.e. 6 bags of 60 kg. N

Ammonium sulphate or 2r

bags of Urea.

+ 60 kg. P + 60 kg. K as com-

plex fertiliser

i.e.7 bags oI 17:17.17.



Pit System

5th Application

60 kg. N as straight fertiliser r.e.6 bags of 40 kg. N as straight fertiliser i.e. 4 bags of
Ammonium sulphate or 23la bags of Urea.
Ammonium sulphate or 13/o bags of Urea.

6th Application

40 kg. N as straight fertiliser l.e. 4 bags of

Ammonium sulphate or i3/o bags of Urea.


300 kg. N +120 kg. P

120 kg. K

280 kg. N

120 kg.

p + 120 kg. K

Application of fertilisers should be carried out within three to four weeks {ollowing
pruning operation in the case of row system. ln the case of pit system, however, the
first application following the pruning is given within three to four weeks of pruning and

thereafter, subsequent applications are given within two to thrqe weeks of every leaf

The fertilisers should be applied with due care by spreading evenly on either
of the plants along the row and completely incorporated into the soil 6y digging in or
forking in for effective utilisation by the plants. Otherwise, they will run the risk of
getting decomposed in hot sun or leached out in heavy rains.



Among various agronomic inputs to which mulberry plant responds very well,
irrigation ranks high as it enables full utilisation of very heavy applications of fertiliser
for crop production. Since this item of input is fairly expensive, judicious use of water
for maximising production is very important.
Under South lndian conditions, particularly in Karnataka, the sericultural tracts
receive fairly distributed rains from May to November amounting to 25t30,, and all that

needs to be done for helping the plant growth is to supplement the rains with the
required irrigations which may be 5 to 6 in number. During the dry period from
December to April, however, systematic irrigation should be given regularly at roughly
about a week to ten days' interval, depending upon the soil condition and its water
holding capacity. ln light sandy loam soils more frequent irrigation at a week's interval
may be found necessary while in heavy clayey loam soils, irrigation at l0 to 14 days
inierval may be found adequate.
It is also important to remember that at the above intervals of irrigation, adequate
quantities of water should be supplied as irrigation at a time. lt has been estimated that
111, ta 2 acre inches of water is required per irrigation and therefore, this quantity
should be supplied without fail. lt is being observed that sericulturists have a tendency
to water their gai'dens lightly but too frequently, quite often at every three or four days

interval. For getting best results from irrigation, copious irrigation upto 1'l2lo 2 acre
inches should be given at a time, so that water fills the channels completely and
percolates deep, and does not get depleted from the root zone easily, due to
evaporation. lf necessary, whenever the irrigation channels get silted up, they should
be scooped and deepened at periodical intervals for ensuring optimum level of irrigation
(as shown in Figure 6).



Shallow channel and

superficial lrrigation


Correct Way of lrrigation


Proper size channel and

deep lrrigation

Thus, when irrigation is regulated as indicated above, best growth of mulberry

is obtained and water is also effectively utilised without any wastage.

v) teaf Harvest:
ln the case ol row system of cultivation, leaf harvests are taken by the shoot
cutting method, where in the twigs aiongwith the leaves are cut at the bottom; as in
pruning. ln fact, in this systemboththepruning and harvesting operations are combined
which leads to considerable saving of labour. ln all, five harvests are possible, at an
interval of rougly 2112 months or 10 weeks during the year. Growth, however, may be
delayed or hastened depending on the seasonal temperature conditions-being slower
in cold winter months and laster during hot summer months. Accordingly, harvesting
also should be adjusted by advancinE or delaying by a week or so. What is particularly
important to observe is that plant growth is adequate before it is harvested. As per the

recommendations made in this paper, particularly of manuring and irrigation, the growth


411, to 5 ft. height will be easily achieved in about ten weeks time and the ptants
will be ready for harvest.

Harvesting in the case of pit system is carried out by picking leaves individually.
The first harvest after pruning will become due after aboul 21/2 months time and
thereafter, subsequent harvests may be made at six to eight weeks interval depending
on growth. Care should be taken to see that the growing bud is not clipped before the
plant reaches full growth and attains frame of over 6' in height. ln all, six harvests may
be taken in this system of cultivation.



An average of about 25,000 to 30,000 kgs. of leaf (without twigs) can be

harvested per annum per hectare under the row system of cultivation. ln the case of
pit system, however, since only two prunings are made during the year, the plant is
enabled to develop a higher frame which permits of six harvests and also of heavier
and thicker leaves, which are comparatively superior in quality, although the total yield
may be of the same order as under the row systsem of cultivation. However, the
advantage of improved quality of leaves is more than offset by the heavy cost of labour
involved in leaf picking (Figure 7).

Figurg 7

Prgper lrrigation and Manuring Ensure lmproved yield

Tiie above schedule may be summarised as follows:Summary

of Schedule of Operations for lrrigated





With the commencement of South-West monsoon

rains (Early June)

1st pruning combining harvest

2. 1st weeding and inter-cultivation


Application of bulk organic manure at the rate

20 tonnes per hectare and


Within a week after pruning (2nd week ot June)


Within a {ortnight after pruning (Mid June)

incorporation of

the same


1st dose of lertiliser


1st harvest of


2nd weeding and



Within a month after pruning (Early July)

By pruning (Mid August)

Within a week of last harvest (2nd week of



znd dose of fertiliser application

Within a month of last harvest (Mid September)


2nd harvest of leaves

By pruning (Early November)


3rd weeding and inter-cultivation



of last

harvest (2nd week ol


10. 3rd dose of fertiliser




3rd harvesl of



4lh weeding and


Within a month of last harvest (Early December)

By pruning {Mid January)



of last

harvest (3rd week ol



4th dose of fertiliser application

Within a month of last harvest (Mid February)


4th harvesi of leaves

By pruning (Late March)


5th weeding and inter=cultivation

Within a week of last harvest (1st week ol April)


5ih dose of fertiliser application

Within a month of last harvest (Late April)

'17. sth harvest of leaves

By pruning (Early June)




1st Bottoni



Application of bulk organic manure at the rate



With the commencement of the South-West nron.

soon rains (Early June)


st weeding and

20 tonnes per

hectare and incorporation

Within a week after pruning (2nd week ot June)


Within a fortnight after pruning (3rd week of June)


the same


1st dose of fertiliser


1st harvest of


2nd weeding and



within a month after pruning (Early July)

By leaf picking (Mid August)



of last harvest (3rd week of



2nd dose of fertiltser


2nd harvest of leaves

By leaf picking (Early October)


3rd dose of fertiliser application

Within three weeks of last harvest (4th week of




3rd harvest of

2nd Botlorn




Within three weeks of last harvest (2nd week ol


By leaf picking (Late November)


after 3rd leaf harvest




3rd weeding and



a week afier 2nd pruning (1st week ol


'13. 4th dose of fertiliser



a month

after 2nd pruning (3rd week of


14. 4h

harvest of


5th dose of fertiliser


By leaf picking (Early February)


3 weeks after 'last harvest (4th week ol


16. sth

harvest of


(lst week of April)



a week after last




4lh weeding and


6th dose of fertiliser

19. 6th harvest of leaves


By leaf picking

harvest (2nd week of

weeks afier last harvest (Late April)

By leaf picking (Late May)


Flnally, a word about the qualiiy. The aim of mulberry cultivation for silkworm
rearing should be not only increased leaf yields, but also of .quality leaves. Therefore,
the leaves in the field at the time of harvest should be full grown, lush looking and dark
green in colour. Such quality harvests are readily achieved by following the package
of recommendations made in this paper. Paling or yellowing of leaves are symptoms
of deficiencies in plant nutrients or moisture availability, which should be promptly

Generally harvest under the row system of cultivation comprises of leaves

growing 0n the primary shoots which are vigorous in growth and thin because of the
close spacing. As a result, the leaves are also comparatively thinner and tend to dry
faster when severed from the plant. This disadvantage is overcome by the method of
twig harvest and twig feeding, or cutting the twings alongwiih leaves into larger bits and
then feeding. Again, since the leaves grow faster on thinnqr branches, they have a
tendency to get over-matured and turn yellow in comparatively shorter period. Further,
during the rainy seasons, they contain comparalively more moisture and therefore, build
up too much humidity in rearing beds, leading to outbreak of diseases, particularly,
Grasserie and Muscardine. Therefore, greater care should be paid to ensure better
ventilation of rearing rooms; harvesting leaves only when they are fully mature; avoiding
overfeeding in rearing beds; satisfactory drying of beds in between feeds and if
necessary to feed the worms with more mature leaves, i.e. with the normal second-age
leaves to first-age larvae, third-age leaves to second-age larvae and so on.
As pointed out earlier, in the case of irrigated mulberry under the pit system, the
leaves are comparatively thicker and heavier, and contain cornparatively less moisture
during rainy seasons. Hence, their feed value in the rearing bed is better and lasts longer.
From the pointof viewof preservingthe quality of leaves, harvest should be made
invariably in the rnorning or evening during the cooler hours of the day. Further, they
should be carried during transit properly covered with wet cloth or gunny, in bags or

baskets. Otherwise, the harvested leaf will suffer in quality due to drying and loss of
moisture, particularly during sum,-ner.
Another important point to be kept in view is that in the case of irrigated gardens,
one proper irrigation should be given invariably, when the worms under rearing pass
the fourth and final moult, so that succulent leaves are available for the last instar

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