Mates Orals Syllabus

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Grade :- Chief Mate (FG)

Function :- Navigation
Level:- Management
A.) Bridge Team Management
1. Voyage planning and Navigation for various conditions such as in restricted water/
meteorological conditions/ice/TSS/Restricted visibility/
areas of extensive tidal effect/ship routing and reporting systems criteria.
2. Position determination in all conditions by celestial terrestrial observation.
Various Publications of modern electronic aids with knowledge of
principle/error/corrections etc. Knowledge of principles of Magnetic/Gyro
compass and Master Gyro System and care of all other navigational
equipments on the Bridge.
B.) Traffic Management
3. Thorough knowledge and application of collision /Regulations/ Buoyage system.
4. Thorough knowledge and application of the principle to be observed in
keeping an effective navigational watch (Senior Officer duties).
5. Assist Master with command decision making situation on Bridge.

C.) Weather Management

6. Ability to understand and Interpret synoptic chart to forecast area weather
taking into account local weather conditions and Information received by
Weather Fax and weather routing.
7. Knowledge of characterizes of various weather systems including TRS,
avoiding actions in storm centers/dangerous quadrants

Knowledge of Ocean currents system/tidal calculations/publications relating to this.

D.) Crisis Management

9. Handling of various emergencies/beaching, grounding,
collision/assessments of damage control/emergency/stealing/
emergency towing arrangements and towing procedures

Grade:-Chief Mate (FG) Orals
Function:- Cargo Handling and Stowage
Level:- Management
A. General
1) Knowledge of Cargo related technologically/load/destiny/stowage factor/angle of repose
and various plans used for cargo loading.
1-a) Knowledge and applications of International Regulations Codes concerning safe
handling, stowage, securing and transport of Cargoes, Examples:- Bulk
code, Grain code, Lashing Code, IMDG Code, Timber Code, ISGOT, etc.
2) Knowledge and application of the effect on Trim & Stability of Cargos and its operations
3) Use of stability and Trim diagram and stress calculating equipment including Automatic Data based
equipment, hull, stress calculation within acceptable limits.
B. Dry Cargo Stowage
4) Stowage and Securing/Trimming of various types of cargoes on various ships i.e. General Cargo (Steel
plates, pulp, bagged cargo)/ Bulk(Urea, MOP, Coal, Sulphur, Iron Ore, Concentrates/Container/Various
types of Container including Refrigerated type, Passengers (Duties relating to Passenger/Cargo) ,
Timber ( Wood Pulp, Saw n Timber, Lumber) RO-RO (Various types Light /Heavy vehicles and
knowledge of Livestock/Pure Car Carrier, Refrigerated cargo ship )
5) Definition of Heavy Lifts Loading/Stowage & Securing of Heavy Lifts on a General Cargo/Multi
Container/Bulk Carrier.
C. Specialized Cargo Stowage
6) Knowledge of Oil/Chemical/LPG/Tanker Operations relating to Ship Operation, care of personnel and
stowage Tanker (Various types o heavy and Light Oil) Chemical (Various types of Chemical as per
chemical code ), LPG (Various types of gases as per gas code)
7) Carriage of IMDG/ Dangerous, Hazardous and harmful cargos
D. Transit Care
8) Precautions during loading and unloading and care during voyage of said cargoes.
E. Documents
9) Knowledge and application of various cargo related documents such as stowage plan, shipping list, boat
note, Mates receipt, B/L, shipping documents DG Manifest.
10) Documents with regard to cargo claim, disputes, damage etc, note of protest and knowledge of
collection of evidence.
F. Crisis
11) Contingencies plan/remedial action during loading/unloading of cargoes. Example:- Cargo gear
Breakdown/Power failures/Oil Spillage, Bilge Leakages into hold with cargo, concentrates becoming

Grade : First Mate (FG)
Function : Operation and Care of Personnel
Level:- Management
A.) General
1. Definition of operation/Environment Protection
1-a .Knowledge of fundamental principles of ship construction, various ships
Plans/manuals used for operation ballasting and de-ballasting deck machinery.
2. Statutory Certificates requirements and their validity including various documents relating to Official
Log Book, Chain Register thorough knowledge of Deck Labour Regulations
3. Knowledge and application of Article of Agreements and after Biparty /triparty, Agreements on board
Indian/foreign ships. Knowledge of Provisions for indications on board under various Rules/Regulations
4. Knowledge of ISM/STCW 95 Code relating to the duties of Chief Mate
4-a. Knowledge of statutory certificates/class/port state control/flag state/damage etc. ,
surveys and Inspections
B.) Maintenance Management

A thorough knowledge of LSA/FFA and L& SS (Screening of Navigation Lights).Regulations/

Organisations of Drill and maintenance of these appliances under SOLAS
6. P.M.S for hull deck machinery, accommodations, emergency /steering gear and anchor cable.
7. Knowledge of Personnel Management Organization and Training onboard as head of Deck Department.
C.) Emergencies
8. Knowledge of occupational hazards on ship, crew welfare, social responsibility. In accordance with code
of safe working practice for merchant seamen.
9. Preparation of contingency plans for response to various emergencies:Fire, Explosion, Collision or Grounding, Cargo Shift, Flooding, Foundering, Piracy and Pilferage
D.) Seamanship Aspect
10. Anchoring/ Mooring:Procedure for use of these equipments including slipping of cables, foul cable anchor dragging and
ground tackle
11. Brief knowledge on maneuvering of ships in rivers & harbors/berthing alongside under various
conditions without tugs
12. Management of ships in adverse situation at sea, heavy weather duties/handling of disabled ship
13. Preparation of dry-docking/Undocking. Use of shores, Bilge blocks and bilge shores
14. Measure to be taken to prevent the spillage of oil during cargo work, Bunkering or oil transit. The
keeping of records under the M.S (prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil) Rules

Presentation of Answers: Clarity of mind

Personality: trusting, dependable and cooperative
Assessment of Orals :

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