Bee 14 Question Bank
Bee 14 Question Bank
Bee 14 Question Bank
D.C. Circuits.
1. Define the following
a) Current
b) Voltage
c ) Power
d ) Energy
2. Define Ohms Law and its limitations.
3. Define and explain KCL and KVL with simple examples.
4. Explain resistive series and parallel circuits with simple examples.
5. Derive an expression for voltage division and current division in series and parallel circuits.
6. Two batteries, one with an e.m.f. of 100V and an internal resistance of 1.5 and the other an e.m.f.
of 60V and an internal resistance of 0.5, are connected in parallel to supply a load of 2. (a)
Calculate the current taken from each battery and the current flowing in the load. (b) If the load
resistance is increased to 3 find the currents now flowing.
7. Two resistors in parallel, A of 20 and B of unknown vale, are connected in series with a third
resistor of 12. The supply to the circuit is direct current. If the potential difference across the ends
of resistor C is 180V and the power in the complete circuit is 3600W, calculate: (a) the value of
resistance B (b) the current in each resistor; (c) the circuit voltage.
8. For the circuit as shown in figure below calculate the current in the
various branches and the power consumed?
9. Calculate the current I in the circuit shown in figure. All the resistances are in ohms
10. Find the current in branch AB of the give network. Calculate the power
loss in it.
11. The equivalent resistance between A & B for the circuits shown below is
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12. Find the branch currents in the various branches for the circuits shown
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With the aid of neat sketches explain the constructional details of 3 phase induction motor.
Compare squirrel cage and slip ring induction motors.
List some application of squirrel cage and slipring induction motor.
With the aid of vector diagram explain the production of rotating magnetic field in the 3 phase induction
5. Define a) synchronous speed b) Motor speed c) Slip and slip speed
6. Derive an equation for frequency of induced emf in the rotor of 3 phase induction motor.
7. What is starter? What is its role? With the aid of a sketch explain the working of Star delta starter for 3
phase induction motor.
8. A 4 pole three phase induction motor is supplied from 50 Hz supply. Determine its synchronous speed if
its full load speed is observed to be 1410 rpm. Calculate its full load slip.
9. A 4 pole 3 phase 50 Hz induction motor has a slip of 4% on a certain load. Calculate the speed of the
motor at this load.
A 4 pole 50 Hz induction motor has a slip of 2% at no load. When operated at full load the slip
increases to 3%. Find the change in speed of the motor from no load to full load.
11. An 8 pole 3 phase I.M is supplied at 50Hz and the frequency of induced e.m.f in the rotor is 2Hz Find the
slip and speed of the motor.
12. A 3 phase, 6 pole, 50Hz, Induction motor has a slip of 1% at no-load and 3% at full load. Find (i)
Synchronous speed (ii)No-load Speed (iii)full-load speed (iv)frequency of rotor current at stand still
(v)frequency of rotor current at full load.
13. A 2 pole, 30 h.p. 3phase, 400V, 50Hz, Induction motor operates at an efficiency of 0.85 with a power
factor of 0.75lag. Calculate the current drawn by the induction motor from the mains.
14. A 3phase induction motor being supplied from a balanced 3phase, 50Hz source at 1440rpm. Find the
slip and no of poles of the same. If the name plate rating be 5h.p. , what current does the motor draw
when being supplied from a balanced 3phase, 400V, 50Hz source. Assume power factor to be 0.67 and
efficiency of 0.76
D.C Machines.
1. Explain the working principal of DC motor.
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13. The e.m.f generated by a 4 pole d.c. Generator is 400 V when the armature is driven at 1000rpm.
Calculate the flux per pole if the wave wound armature has 39 slots with 16 conductors per slot.
14. An 8 pole lap connected armature, driven at 350r/min, is required to generate 260 V. The useful flux
per pole is about 0.05 Wb. If the armature has 120 slots, calculate a suitable number of conductors
per slot.
15. A 6 pole d.c. Motor has a wave connected armature with 87 slots each containing 6 conductors. The
flux per pole is 20mWb and the armature has a resistance of 0.13ohms. Calculate the speed when
the motor is running of 240 V supply and taking an armature current of 80 A.
Measuring Instruments.
1. Explain the construction and working principle of dynamometer type watt meter with a neat diagram.
2. Explain the construction and working principle of single phase induction type energy meter with a neat
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Domestic Wiring.
1. Explain the service mains, meter board and distribution board with an example
2. Explain the conduit and concealed types of wirings with suitable diagrams.
3. Explain two way and three way control of lamps with neat sketchs.
4. What is fuse and MCB? Compare them
5. Define electric shock, What are the first aid to be done for a affected person?
6. What are the precautions to be taken against electric shock.
7. Explain the necessity of earthing for an electrical installation.
8. Explain the pipe earthing and plate earthing with the help of a schematic sketch.
9. Explain the working principle of RCCB with neat sketch.
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