Chicken Chettinad Pepper: If That People at Pepper
Chicken Chettinad Pepper: If That People at Pepper
Chicken Chettinad Pepper: If That People at Pepper
Wet Paste
This is really the flag-bearer o f Chettinad food. I f there is one dish that people at
India and the world know o f Chettinad cuisine, Chicken Chettinad Pepper
is it! This is easily the most requested dish at The Bangala, its unique wet po^
blend dominated by black pepper, giving it its Chettinad credentials. This recipe jr
the real thing - a f a r remove fro m the overly spiced, fiery-hot imitationsJounfa
most restaurants. It has balanced fa v o rs with the mildly numbing but subtlehtg
o f black pepper as the underlying essence that continues to linger on the poktt,4
wonderfully soaked up by the chicken. A t The Bangala, chicken is often substitute
with locally bred Japanese quail.
1. Place a heavy tava or flat pan on low heat and dry roast the fennel seeds,
peppercorns, cum in seeds, dried red chillies and coriander seeds until
fragrant and slightly darkened. Grind them on an ammi or mortar-pestle,
adding a little water, or run them in a w et grinder / blender to make a paste,
Add turm eric, garlic and gin ger to the wet paste and mix welL Set aside.
2. Place a large kadhai or w ok over high heat and add oil. When hot but
not sm oking, add cinnam on, cardam om and onion and stir. Reduce heat to
m edium and saute for about 4 m inutes or until onion is lightly colored
before adding the tomato puree. S a u t e for an additional minute.
3. A dd the reserved w et m asala paste to the kadhai, breaking it apart with
a spoon and stirring w ell to incorporate. Continue to cook for 10-12 minutes
scraping the bottom o f the kadhai, till the oil separates from the masala. The
mixture should look w ell cooked and should have darkened
4. Sprinkle in the sea salt and stir. T hen add the chicken, stirring to coatwell
with the mixture. Continue cooking for 1-2 minutes before adding 1Xcups
o f water. Scrape the bottom o f the kadhai to deglaze and bring to aboil on
high heat. Let boil for 3 -4 m inutes, then turn heat down to low and cookfor
15-20 m inutes, covered; stir occasionally.
5. Uncover and reduce till the sauce thickens to coat the chicken.
6. Remove from heat. Serve immediately.
Cook's Note:
For a healthier alternative, reduce the quantity o f oil to A cup to begin, and then m
more oil i f needed to prevent the m asala from sticking and burning.
Substitute an equal w eight o f q u a il (around
C hettinad Pepper M asala. C u t the q uail into two pieces each, separating the breasts
from the legs and follow the recipe above. A lso try this masala with potatoes or
m ushroom s fo r a vegetarian C hettinad Pepper Masala.