CLIA Regulations Pertaining To Your Lab

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Your Laboratory
A Guide for Physicians
and Their Staff

November 2014

ACP 2014

The American College of Physicians (ACP) welcomes your interest in this guide to the
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA 88). We hope that you
will find it helpful in answering many of your questions regarding regulations for clinical
laboratory testing.
These CLIA regulations are far-reaching, and now regulate physician-office laboratory
(POL) testing on a national scale. ACP originally published this guide in 1988. It has
been revised periodically to reflect the changes made to the regulations as a result of its
implementation and ongoing modifications to CLIA. Among these changes are:
The creation of a second moderate testing category
A revised waived category
Compliance measures for states that are CLIA-exempt
Requirements for lab director certification for high-complexity labs
An updated fee schedule for CLIA certificates
This guide has been divided into nine chapters:
The first chapter, The Origin of CLIA 88: An Overview, traces the
legislative and regulatory history of CLIA 88 and details some of its key
The second chapter, The Implementation of CLIA 88, provides a stepby-step process for obtaining a CLIA certificate and the costs of the applicable
The third chapter, Private-Sector and State Alternatives to Federal
Certification, explains how POLs can meet federal standards, by becoming
accredited by a nonprofit, private accreditation program, such as COLA or a
CLIA-exempt state agency.
The fourth chapter, Waived, PPM, Moderate- and High-Complexity
Testing: How Will I Be Regulated? details the four levels of regulation and
the testing that can be performed in each category, and the applicable
standards that must be met to comply with CLIA 88.
The fifth chapter, The Proficiency Testing Requirements Under CLIA
88, describes proficiency testing (PT) and the standards that physicians
owning non-waived laboratories must meet to comply with the CLIA PT
The sixth chapter, Meeting the Quality Systems Standards, details the
required quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) standards with
which physicians owning laboratories must comply. This chapter also
addresses PT, test management and recordkeeping requirements.

ACP 2014

The seventh chapter, Complying with the CLIA Personnel Standards,

specifically outlines what testing personnel standards are needed to comply
with the requisite moderate- and high-complexity testing personnel standards.
The eighth chapter, The Inspection Process, details the process that is used
to ensure that POLs are meeting CLIA standards. This chapter also illustrates
the average cost of biennial inspections, and addresses the Alternative Quality
Assessment Survey (AQAS) form.
The ninth chapter, The Enforcement of CLIA 88, details the enforcement
procedures and sanctions that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
(CMS) may use to enforce the QA standards.
This guide follows a question and answer format. We hope that we have addressed most
of your concerns about the laboratory regulations in this guide. ACP members may call
our toll-free hotline at 800/338-2746, if they have additional questions about complying
with CLIA 88.
ACP strives to assist its members in navigating the complex and often perplexing
regulatory process. ACP has been a leader in reducing the regulatory burdens placed
upon physicians who operate their own in-office laboratories. These initiatives include:
reduced pre-billing time; the addition of a provider-performed microscopy category
(PPM); the AQAS form, which is a written survey in lieu of an onsite inspection; revised
personnel requirements; active involvement in COLAs expanded member services; and
Medical Laboratory Evaluationa PT program which operates as a part of ACP. All of
these accomplishments have been made on behalf of the entire community of physicians
who operate in-office laboratories.
Individual members of ACP benefit from the congressional advocacy provided by staff
lobbyists and analysts. ACP staff also mediates with CMS staff and other federal
officials on behalf of ACP members individual concerns: ACP members do not have to
navigate regulatory territory alone. For specific questions about CLIA and your
laboratory, call ACP at 800/338-2746.

ACP 2014

Chapter 1
The Origin of CLIA 88: An Overview
Section 1.A
The Legislative History of CLIA 88
1. How did the federal Quality Assurance (QA) standards for POLs
Before the enactment of CLIA 88, only hospital and independent laboratories
were required to meet the federal QA standards mandated by CLIA 67. Congress
first signaled its concern about the accuracy of POL testing by mandating
through the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 (OBRA 87)that high
volume POLs meet the same Medicare standards as commercial laboratories. It
was clear that Congress definition of high volume laboratories would have
included most POLs, and the task of writing such regulations fell to the Secretary
of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). By including this lastminute mandate into OBRA 87, Congress made it clear that POLs no longer
would be exempt from federal QAs. Physicians and the laboratory community
were forced to come to grips with the need for a workable approach to QA in
office laboratories, and OBRA 87 served as the stick to force such action.
Following enactment of the OBRA 87 provisions, media investigations into
laboratory practices caught the attention of Congress. Perhaps most notable was a
Pulitzer-prize winning series that was broadcasted by a Washington, D.C.,
television station, and followed by a compelling article in the Feb. 2, 1987,
edition of The Wall Street Journal that highlighted scandals involving several
commercial laboratories which inaccurately analyzed Pap smears. Several
women died from undetected cervical cancer because of these inaccurately
analyzed tests. Of the tens of thousands of laboratories run by physicians at that
time, only a handful performed cytology testing, but the public demanded that
Congress take action in response to these preventable deaths. Congress reacted by
holding oversight hearings which ultimately guided the drafting of CLIA 88,
which later was signed into public law (PL 100-578) on Oct. 31, 1988.The law is
far-reaching and regulates POL testing on a national scale.
2. To whom does CLIA 88 apply?
CLIA 88 applies to anyone who performs testing of human specimens for the
diagnosis, prevention or treatment of disease or health problems. This includes
everyone from physicians performing the most basic tests (e.g., dipstick
urinalysis) to the technicians working in POLs. The only exceptions are facilities
that perform testing for forensic purposes, research laboratories that do not report
patient results, and facilities that are certified by the Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to perform urine drug testing only.

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3. What were Congress key objectives in enacting CLIA 88?

Supporters of CLIA 88 believe that it was based on the best of intentions: to
protect patients from harm resulting from inaccurate testing. Additionally, the law
was designed to assure that all laboratories were meeting reasonable quality
standards that recognized the different levels of complexity of tests typically
performed in POLs. Drafters of the law tried to design CLIA 88 so that the
regulations would be workable and cost-effective, without jeopardizing access to
in-office testing. CLIA 88 established requirements to improve the quality of
laboratory testing, including standards for the performance of Proficiency Testing
(PT), Quality Control (QC), QA, patient-test management and personnel
4. What has been the effect of the CLIA 88 legislation?
CLIA 88 had a significant adverse impact on the quality and accessibility of POL
testing. Specifically, the CLIA regulations have affected the types of tests physicians now
are willing to offer in their office labs. To avoid the costs associated with CLIA
regulations, many physicians discontinued valuable in-office testing in the moderate-and
high-complexity categories. The prompt receipt of such test results and the capability to
evaluate specimens directly are useful to the physician and help to expedite decisions
about appropriate patient care. As a result, patients access to timely quality testing had
been compromised.
According to a 1995 survey performed by the American Medical Association (AMA) and
six other specialty groups, 63.3 percent of POLs had scaled back or completely
eliminated laboratory testing since the provisions took effect in 1988. Similarly, of those
that scaled back or eliminated their in-office testing, 81 percent reported an increase in
the time needed for patient diagnosis and treatment onset. Eliminating in-office testing
has seriously affected patients in rural areas who travel an average of 15 miles to
laboratory testing sites. Furthermore, the survey found that some patients were obtaining
more costly care in emergency room settings than in the laboratories referred by their
However, since that time, hundreds of tests have been approved for the waived category
and over 100,000 POLs exist today. The CLIA 88 regulations were rewritten in 2003,
and more than a decade of familiarity with them has encouraged many physicians to
continue or start up a laboratory within their practice.

ACP 2014

Section 1.B
The Rule-Making Process
1. Who is responsible for the implementation of the law?
Like most laws, the responsibility of implementation of CLIA 88 fell to a federal
agency. In this case, Congress delegated to CMSin consultation with the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)the responsibility of
translating legislative intent into workable regulations and then enforcing those
Unfortunately, many components of CMSs attempts to translate and enforce the
regulations have been unacceptable. Its first proposal in 1990 included regulatory
classifications that would have placed most POLs in the same level of complexity
as commercial laboratories conducting the most sophisticated testing available
thus requiring them to meet unacceptable and unworkable personnel standards.
This proposed rule would have put most POLs out of business. The proposal
conflicted with Congress intent to recognize the different levels of testing
complexity typically performed in office laboratories, and to preserve patient
access to in-office testing. Clearly, the proposed regulation had to be changed
In 1992, CMS published its final rules on the administrative process, quality
standards, fee collection and enforcement of CLIA. ACP offered suggestions to
CMS on each of these components to make CLIA less burdensome; unfortunately,
many suggestions were not incorporated into the final rule. However, ACP
continues to work with CMS officials to alleviate unnecessary burdens placed on
Although CLIA 88 regulations became effective Sept. 1, 1992, regulations
governing Provided Performed Microscopy (PPM) and PT did not become
effective until Jan. 1, 1993, and Jan. 1, 1994, respectively. Since then, the testing
categorizations have been revised on several occasions. The most recent change
was when the Quality Standards section of the regulation was streamlined and

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Section 1.C
Summary of the Final CLIA 88 Regulations
1. What are the key elements of the final CLIA 88 regulations?
CLIA imposes standards for laboratory personnel, patient-test management, PT,
QC and QA. The rule also imposes application procedures, fees for certification,
enforcement and sanctions. The key elements are summarized briefly below.
Laboratories performing moderate- and high-complexity testing must undergo
biennial inspections conducted by CMS or a private accreditation organization.
More detailed explanation of each can be found in later chapters of this guide.
CMS considers both the volume of testing and the number of specialties (e.g.,
bacteriology) being tested when determining the biennial inspection fees that
laboratories will be charged (see Chapter 8).
A. Under the final rule, CLIA requires moderate- and high-complexity
laboratories to participate in three PT events per year. Five challenges
(defined as the number of samples that must be tested per analyte) are
required per PT event for most testing. CLIA required laboratories to
be enrolled in an approved PT program as of Jan. 1, 1994; in 1995,
CMS began to impose sanctions for those not enrolled (see Chapter 5).
B. The QC requirements include control and calibration requirements
applicable to both moderate and high complexity labs. As of Jan. 1.
1994, QC requirements have been mandatory for all laboratories.
C. The QA and patient-test management requirements refer to the
comprehensive, ongoing process of monitoring and evaluating every
step of the laboratorys testing processincluding patient preparation
and specimen collection, test analysis and test-result reporting. Each
laboratory performing nonwaived testing must establish and follow
written policies and procedures for a comprehensive QA program that
is designed to monitor and evaluate the ongoing and overall quality of
the total testing process. (The QA requirements are described in
Chapter 6.)
D. The personnel requirements for moderately complex laboratories are
outlined in detail in Chapter 7.B.There are four personnel functions
that must be fulfilled in a moderately complex laboratory, including:
The director, who is responsible for the overall administration
of the laboratory;
The technical consultant, who is responsible for the technical
and scientific oversight of the laboratory and must be available
on an as-needed basis;
The clinical consultant, who serves as liaison between the
laboratory and its clients in matters related to reporting and

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interpreting results; and

Testing personnel, who are responsible for processing the
specimens and reporting results.
E. The personnel standards for highly complex laboratories have
modified the qualifications required for directors and supervisors of
high-complexity labs. There are five functions that must be fulfilled,
The director;
A technical supervisor;
A general supervisor;
A clinical consultant; and
Testing personnel

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Chapter 2
The Implementation of CLIA 88
1. Who must apply for a CLIA 88 certificate?
Anyone who performs testing of human specimens for the diagnosis, prevention or
treatment of disease or health problems must apply for a CLIA certificate. This
includes physicians who operate their own in-office laboratories. In fact, 2007
CMS statistics show that POLs constitute 52.9 percent of all CLIA-certified labs.
Independent laboratories and others make up the remainder. A separate
application must be filed for each laboratory location. However, laboratories
owned by the same entity, located in the same building and sharing the same
laboratory director only need to apply for one certificate.
2. Do I have to apply for a CLIA certificate even if I am only performing
a few simple tests in my office?
Yes. CLIA regulations apply to all laboratory testing used to assess human health
or to diagnose, prevent or treat disease (even those very basic tests performed as
part of a physical examinationincluding fecal occult blood or dipstick
urinalysisare subject to CLIA 88).These simple tests, which fall in the waived
category, are exempt from specific CLIA requirements, such as PT participation,
personnel requirements and biennial inspections that apply to moderate- and highcomplexity tests. The only requirements that physicians performing waived
testing must meet are to apply for a certificate of waiver every two years and
follow the manufacturers instructions including all that relate to QC
performance. A description of how to access a complete list of waived tests is
included in Appendix C.
3. Do I have to apply for a CLIA certificate if I am not billing Medicare
for laboratory testing?
Yes. Physicians with in-office laboratories must apply for a CLIA certificate
regardless of whether they are billing Medicare. CLIA 88 is intended to ensure
quality testing for all patients, not just Medicare beneficiaries.
4. What should I do first?
Any physician wishing to perform laboratory tests either waived or non-waived
must fill out a CLIA Application for Certification Form CMS-116. This form
may be obtained by contacting your State Agency (see Appendix A) or
downloaded from the CMS website at and click on the link
How to Apply for a CLIA Certificate, Including Foreign Laboratories After
filling out this form it should be submitted to the local CLIA State Agency for
processing. A fee remittance coupon and CLIA number will be returned from the
State Agency. A formal certificate will be issued upon remittance of the

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appropriate fee. Non-waived, non-PPM laboratories will receive a Certificate of

Registration if this is an initial application. This will allow the laboratory to bill
for testing performed prior to the initial on-site survey by either the State Agency
or an approved accreditation body.
5. What is the cost of a Certificate?
There are four types of certifications: Certificate of Waiver, Provider Performed
Microscopy (PPM) Certificate, Certificate of Compliance, and Certificate of
Accreditation. The fee for a Certificate of Waiver is $150 and the fee for a PPM
Certificate is $200. Each certificate is issued for a two-year period. For nonwaived, non-PPM laboratories, the fee for the initial Certificate of Registration is
$100. After a laboratory is successfully inspected, either by a State Agency or by
an Accreditation body, the Certificate of Compliance or Certificate of
Accreditation will be issued. The fee schedule for these two certificates is the
same and based upon the volume of tests performed in the laboratory. This
schedule can be found at the end of this section, in a table called CLIA Certificate
Fees. Fees for the inspection are separately billed by either CMS or your
Accreditation body.
6. What is the cost of an inspection performed by CMS?
The federal government has negotiated rates for inspection with each State Survey
Agency. There is a separate inspection fee schedule for each state. The fee
schedule is based upon the same testing volume categories as the Certificate fee.
Contact your State Agency for a copy of the inspection fee schedule for your
7. What are my rights if my application for a registration certificate is
If CMS denies your laboratorys application for a registration certificate, a
certificate of waiver, a certificate of accreditation, or limits the laboratorys
certificate, the agency must give the laboratory a statement of the grounds on
which the denial or limitation is based, and an opportunity to appeal. The
laboratory cannot operate legally as a laboratory unless the limitation or denial of
a specified certificate is overturned at the conclusion of the administrative appeals
process. Contact ACP for assistance if you encounter this problem.
8. When can I expect an inspection?
Except for waived and PPM laboratories, all laboratories must be inspected. CMS
randomly selects laboratories for inspections every few weeks. Following an
inspection, laboratories will receive the appropriate certificate or a certificate
of accreditation (a certificate of accreditation will be issued to those laboratories
that are seeking accreditation by a CMS-authorized accrediting body).This


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certificate is renewable every two years. In states with federally approved

licensure programs, a laboratory may obtain a state license in lieu of a federal
certificate. If your laboratory is located in a state with its own federally approved
QA program for laboratory testing, you will have to meet state standards only.
See Chapter 3 for information about nonprofit, private accreditation programs
such as COLAand state-exempt licensure programs.
9. What if the location or ownership of my laboratory changes?
A laboratory owner is required to notify CMS within 30 days if a change occurs
in the ownership, name and/or location of the laboratory. Laboratories also must
notify CMS within 30 days if the director or supervisor changes. Facilities
requesting a revised certificate must pay a modest fee to cover the costs of issuing
another certificate.
10. What if I change my testing menu?
In most instances, CMS will not require laboratories that add a new test or tests to
their testing menu to obtain a revised certificate before they begin the new testing.
Rather than list analytes approved for testing, the laboratorys certificate will
specify the specialties and subspecialties of testing (e.g., bacteriology) for which
the laboratory is certified. Provided the test additions are included in the specialty
or subspecialty for which the laboratory is certified, CMS will not require the
laboratory to obtain a revised certificate. The lab will, however, be required to
notify the agency of changes in its testing menu within six months. If the test is
not in the specialty or subspecialty listed on the labs certificate, CMS may
conduct a survey to determine compliance with CLIA standards. A laboratory
with a certificate of waiver must notify CMS before performing tests not on the
waived list; CMS then will authorize a restricted registration certificate for the
new services, granting permission for the laboratory to initiate new testing until it
determines whether the laboratory meets CLIA standards.
Laboratories issued a certificate of accreditation (e.g., those labs participating in
an approved, private, nonprofit accreditation program), must notify the
accreditation program within six months of performing any test or examination
within the specialty or subspecialty area that is not included in the laboratorys
accreditation. Laboratories also must notify the accreditation program within six
months of making any deletions or changes in the test methodologies for any test
or examination included in a specialty, subspecialty or both, for which the
laboratory has been issued a certificate of accreditation.
Laboratories increasing the volume or scope of testing may increase additional
fees for re-certification. Contact your CMS regional office or State Health
Department for further information. Currently, there is a charge of $75 to labs that
need to re-certify on this basis. There is no fee reduction (during your current
certification period) for decreasing the volume or scope of testing.


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CLIA Certification Fees


Fee Summary

CLIA Certificate Fees

Type of Lab
Low Volume A
Schedule A
Schedule B
Schedule C
Schedule D
Schedule E
Schedule F
Schedule G
Schedule H
Schedule I
Schedule J

Number of
3 or fewer
4 or more
3 or fewer
4 or more

Annual test volume

Less than 2,000
Greater than 1,000,000


certificate fee

ACP 2014

Chapter 3
Private-Sector and State Alternatives to
Federal Certification
Section 3.A
Private-Sector Alternatives to Federal Certification and Inspections

1. What are private, nonprofit, accreditation programs, such as COLA?

CMS has approved several private, nonprofit, accreditation programs. These
programs are offered by COLA (which is specifically tailored to the POL
environment), the College of American Pathologists, the American Association of
Blood Banks, the American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics,
the American Osteopathic Association, and The Joint Commission. These
organizations are responsible for helping your laboratory meet the federal
requirements set forth in CLIA. ACP strongly recommends that physician-owners
of in-office laboratories enroll in COLA. ACP members who have enrolled in
COLA experience fewer hassles and feel less of a bureaucratic burden than those
who do not.
2. What is COLA?
COLA is a voluntary education and accreditation program that reflects the efforts
of specialists in laboratory medicine and office-based physicians to assure that
office-based testing produces high-quality results. ACP co-founded COLA with
the College of American Pathologists, the American Academy of Family
Physicians, and the American Medical Association. The American Osteopathic
Association later joined COLAs governing board.
3. What advantages will physicians-owners of in-office laboratories reap
from participating in COLA, as opposed to seeking federal certification?
Unlike the CMS-certification program, COLA has indicated that it will provide
the following services to laboratories participating in the program:
The opportunity to conduct a comprehensive self-inspection using the
same criteria as COLA inspectors, to prepare for the survey.
An evaluation of the self-inspection and a report of deficiencies that
should be corrected before the onsite inspection.
Well-trained inspectors to assist laboratory staff and to offer
suggestions, hints and advice to improve your laboratorys
Up to 15 hours of Category 2 continuing medical education (CME)
credit for physicians participating in the COLA program.
An expert staff of medical technologists offering toll-free telephone
Timely information regarding all office-laboratory regulations,


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including CLIA, the Stark amendments, Occupational Safety and

Health Administration (OSHA) and others.
Concise articles on various aspects of office laboratory practice
articles that are easily understood and that provide specific information
to solve problems. The articles may be received via fax the same day
the request is made.
COLAs fee schedule is competitive with the cost of federal certification. Additionally,
COLA offers many added services (listed above) that the federal government does not
have the resources to provide. ACP members should note that privately accredited
laboratories are included in CMSs random 5 percent validation survey of accredited
COLA also offers ACP members discounts and will pay any switching fee from CMS for
the POL. Additional discounts can be obtained by using ACPs Medical Laboratory
Evaluation (MLE) program in conjunction with COLA.
4. How can I find out more about COLA?
Contact COLA at the following location and phone number:
9881 Broken Land Parkway, Suite 200
Columbia, MD 21046


ACP 2014

Section 3.B
State-Exempt Licensure Programs for Laboratories

1. What if my POL already is regulated by the state?

Some states already regulate POLs. According to CLIA 88 regulations, labs are
exempt from CLIAs requirements (and therefore, do not need to apply for federal
certification, pay any federal certificate fees, or undergo routine, federal, biennial
inspections) if they are located in states that have licensure and inspection
programs approved by CMS. In these cases, the lab must comply with state
standards, which must be equal to or more stringent than the federal CLIA
requirements, to renew exemption status.
2. What states currently are CLIA-exempt?
Washington and
New York (not including POLs).
3. What states now impose additional regulations on POLs?
The following states impose additional rules on POLs, over and above federal
Arizona (has a comprehensive program that regulates all POLs).
California (has a comprehensive program that regulates all POLs).
Connecticut (state law requires all POLs to have a state license).
District of Columbia (requires D.C. licensure of in-office testing).
Florida (requires state licensure of in-office testing).
Louisiana (requires state licensure of in-office testing).
Maine (regulates POLs performing referral testing only).
Maryland (has a comprehensive program that regulates all POLs).
Massachusetts (regulates group practices with three or more
Michigan (only regulates group-practice laboratories with six or more
physicians doing patient or referral testing).
Nevada (requires state licensure of all in-office testing).
New Jersey (group practices with five or more physicians operating
laboratories must meet independent laboratory standards).
Oregon (requires state licensure of in-office testing).
Pennsylvania (has a comprehensive program that regulates all POLs).
Washington (has a comprehensive program that regulates all
Puerto Rico (requires state licensure of in-office testing and also
requires physicians to prove laboratories are necessary prior to
obtaining permission to run an in-office laboratory).


ACP 2014

Chapter 4
Waived, PPM, Moderate- and High-Complexity
Testing: How Will I Be Regulated?
Section 4.A
Waived Tests

What are the criteria for waived testing?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) performed the
determination of waiver for tests until January 2000, after that time the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) took over this function. Under the current process,
waivers may be granted to : 1) Any test listed in the regulation; 2) Any test system
for which the manufacturer or producer applies for waiver if that test meets the
statutory criteria and the manufacturer provides scientifically valid data verifying
that the waiver criteria have been met; and 3) test systems cleared by the FDA for
home use. The statutory criteria include 1) they employ simple yet accurate
methodologies rendering the likelihood of erroneous results negligible; and 2)
they pose no reasonable risk of harm to the patient if performed incorrectly.

What tests are on the waived list?

As of February 6, 2008, the FDA (or CDC) has granted waived status to at least
one test system for each of 110 separate anlaytes. The FDA maintains a list of
these analytes with links from each analyte to a listing of the test systems waived
for that analyte at It
would be wise to check this listing prior to implementing any test indicated as
waived by the manufacturer. There have been a number of test systems placed
on the market indicating they were CLIA Waived when they were not. There has
been some confusion among distributors that purchase test systems for
remarketing under a private label that if they purchased an already waived
test system from another manufacturer and put their label on it that it was still
waived. The FDA has stated this is not the case and that each test system must
be separately approved by the FDA even if the only change is the name of the test
system, so the mislabeling generally was not an intentional effort on the part of
these distributors to mislead laboratories, but was a misunderstanding of the
requirements for obtaining waived status for their test system. However,
laboratories are still held accountable for ensuring that the test systems they are
using are in the waived category, and thus a check of the official listing at the
FDA website is advised.


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3. Must I meet any standards at all if I am performing waived tests

Waived laboratories must register and apply for certificates of waiver biennially
through CMS and affirm that they will conduct good laboratory practices (i.e.,
following a manufacturers recommendation for the performance of the tests, and
only performing tests approved for the waived category).Waived laboratories are
not subject to PT, specific QC, personnel standards or regular biennial
Note: CMS is currently conducting random surveys of approximately 2% of all
waived laboratories each year as a result of pilot studies conducted that
demonstrated that a substantial number of laboratories holding a Waived
Certificate were either performing non-waived tests or not following the
manufacturers instructions.
4. What will it cost me to comply with CLIA 88 as a waived
A waived certificate costs $150 every two years.


ACP 2014

Section 4.B
Provider-Performed Microscopy Category (PPM)
1. What is the PPM category?
This is a sub-category of Moderate Complexity that was added to the CLIA
regulations by the Jan. 19, 1993, technical corrections regulation responding to a
1992 recommendation made by the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Advisory
Committee (CLIAC). This was instituted to allow physicians and mid-level
practioners that perform direct microscopic examinations of patient specimens as
part of their evaluation of the patient during a visit to continue to perform these
tests without having to undergo a routine inspection of their laboratory every two
years. The specimens examined are usually labile and difficult to transport to
another laboratory for analysis and generally control materials are not available
for these procedures. Only Pysicians, Dentists, Nurse Practioners, nurse
midwives, and Physicians Assistants are allowed to perform these tests if
performing them under a PPM Certificate.
2. What are the criteria for the PPM category?
Tests must meet the following criteria to qualify for the PPM certificate category:
A. During a patients visit, a physician or a mid-level practitioner
personally performs the procedure on the specimen obtained from his
or her own patient or from a patient treated by the physicians group
B. The procedure is categorized as moderately complex;
C. The microscope serves as the primary instrument for performing the
D. The specimen is unstable, or a delay in performing the test could
compromise accuracy of the result;
E. Control materials are not available to monitor the entire testing
process; and
F. Limited specimen handling or processing is required.
3. What tests are on the PPM list?
The PPM list currently includes the following nine tests:
A. Urine sediment examinations;
B. All direct wet mount preparations for the presence or absence of
bacteria, fungi, parasites and human cellular elements (including red
and white blood cells, epithelial cells, etc.), including wet mounts of
vaginal, cervical or skin specimens. Wet mounts must be performed
using a limited- to bright-field, or phase-contrast microscope. This
should not include any procedures in which definitive identification or
enumeration is made or any staining is performed.
C. Pinworm examinations;


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D. Fern tests;
E. Potassium hydroxide (KOH) preparations;
F. Post-coital direct, qualitative examinations of vaginal or cervical
G. Nasal smear examinations for granulocytes;
H. Fecal leukocyte examinations; and
I. Qualitative semen analysis (limited to the presence or absence of
sperm and detection of motility).
Laboratories with PPM certificates may also perform waived testing.
4. What CLIA standards apply to PPM laboratories?
Laboratories must register and apply for PPM certificates. They must comply
with the following standards:
A. Participation in an approved PT program if applicable. PT is not
specifically required for any of the PPM procedures although
enrolling in a PT program is a convenient way to meet the requirement
that these procedures be compared with an entity outside of the
laboratory at least twice yearly. The specimens included in the PPM
category are generally not easily transportable, so PT is usually easier
than splitting a sample with another laboratory to compare results.
B. The personnel standards for PPM laboratories. The following
personnel are qualified to perform PPM tests: physicians, dentists,
nurse-practitioners, nurse-midwives and physician assistants.
Emergency personnel, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and
medical assistants are not qualified to perform PPM tests under the
PPM certificate (although they may under a moderate-complexity
certificate).They may, however, draw the specimen and prepare it.
However, the PPM certificate requires that only qualified personnel
view the specimen and make the final determination of results.
C. The appropriate QA and QC standards for a moderately complex
laboratory, as applicable. Daily quality controls are not typically
available for these tests. External QC checks (e.g., PT or split-samples
with an outside laboratory) must be performed twice yearly. Quality
assurance includes such things as slide cleanliness, microscope
maintenance, and fresh reagents or stains (if any).There should be a
procedure manual that includes a short description of how the test
should be performed and what troubleshooting activities should be
used if any problems occur.
Laboratories performing only PPM tests are not subject to biennial inspections, however,
they are subject to the same random inspections as waived laboratories.
5. What will it cost to comply with CLIA 88 as a PPM laboratory?
Regardless of the volume of testing, certifying as a PPM laboratory costs $200


ACP 2014

every two years.

6. How can I apply for a PPM certificate?

To apply for a PPM certificate, contact your State Agency (see Appendix A). In
your request, make sure to include your existing CLIA numberif applicableas
well as a list of the tests you plan to perform.


ACP 2014

Section 4.C
Moderate-Complexity Testing
1. What are the criteria for moderate-complexity testing?
CMS considered the following criteria when deciding whether a test method
should be categorized as moderately complex: (a) scientific and technical
knowledge required to perform the test; (b) decision-making required to perform
the test; (c) training required to perform the test; (d) experience required to
perform the test; (e) the difficulty and specifications for handling reagents and
materials required in the testing process; (f ) the characteristics (i.e., the ease of
control) of the operational steps (e.g., pipetting, temperature monitoring, or timing
of steps); (g) the stability and availability of calibration, QC and PT materials; (h)
the requirements for troubleshooting and equipment maintenance (e.g., the degree
to which judgment and training is required); and (i) the amount of interpretation
and judgment required in the testing process.
2. What tests are classified as moderate-complexity tests?
Tests are classified according to the assessment of the test system used. So
knowing the name of the analyte tested, such as Cholesterol, does not indicate
whether the method used in a given laboratory is classified as Waived, Moderate
or Highly complex. The specific test system (Kit name, Instrument/Reagent
combination) must be known in order to discover its complexity. The FDA
maintains a searchable database on the Internet that contains the classifications on
all test systems it has approved. See Appendix C for description of how to access
and use this database to determine the complexity of the tests in your laboratory
or tests you are considering implementing.
3. What CLIA standards must my laboratory meet to qualify as
moderately complex?
There are four standards with which physicians owning in-office laboratories
must comply before becoming certified to perform moderately complex testing:
A. Participation in an approved PT program (mandatory as of Jan. 1,
1994).The program evaluates the laboratorys accuracy with
interpretation and judgment. Participation is verified and testing is
checked for satisfactory performance (see Chapter 5).
B. The personnel standards for moderately complex facilities (see
Chapter 7.B). Laboratory personnel must have the knowledge needed
to perform tests and an appropriate amount of training and experience.
C. The appropriate QA and QC standards (see Chapter 6). Reagents and
materials are evaluated for proper preparation and analysis.
Operational steps and calibration methods also are reviewed.
D. Biennial onsite inspections (see Chapter 8). Laboratories are surveyed
to see if they are meeting appropriate standards.


ACP 2014

Section 4.D
High-Complexity Testing
1. What are the criteria for high-complexity testing?
CMS considered the following criteria when determining whether a test method
should be categorized as highly complex: (a) scientific and technical knowledge
required to perform the test; (b) decision-making required to perform the test; (c)
training required to perform the test; (d) experience required to perform the test;
(e) the difficulty and specifications for handling reagents and materials required in
the testing process; (f ) the characteristics (i.e., the ease of control) of the
operational steps (e.g., pipetting, temperature monitoring, or timing of steps); (g)
the stability and availability of calibration, QC and PT materials; (h) the
requirements for troubleshooting and equipment maintenance (e.g., the degree to
which judgment and training is required); and (i) the amount, interpretation and
judgment that is required in the testing process.
2. What tests are classified as high-complexity tests?
Tests are classified according to the assessment of the test used. So knowing the
name of the analyte tested, such as Cholesterol, does not indicate whether the
method used in a given laboratory is classified as Waived, Moderate or Highly
Complex. The specific test system (Kit name, Instrument/Reagent combination)
must be known in order to discover its complexity. The FDA maintains a
searchable database on the Internet that contains the classifications on all test
systems it has approved. See Appendix C for a description of how to access and
use this database to determine the complexity of the tests in your laboratory or
tests you are considering implementing. Test systems not yet included in this
database, no matter how simple they may appear, are considered highly
complex until they are classified officially.
3. What CLIA standards must my laboratory meet to qualify as highly
The standards for high-complexity testing are listed below.
A. Participation in an approved PT program (mandatory as of Jan. 1,
1994) for newly regulated laboratories. Laboratories required to
perform PT under CLIA 67 must continue their participation in PT
(see Chapter 5).
B. The personnel standards for highly complex facilities (see Chapter
C. The applicable QA and QC standards (see Chapter 6.B and 6.C).
D. Biennial, onsite inspections (see Chapter 8).


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4. How do I find out which level of regulation (PPM, moderate- or highcomplexity) applies to my particular test, assay or examination (e.g.,
how is Abbott Spectrum categorized)?
The most recent categorization of test systems can be obtained through the
Internet (see Appendix C for instructions on how to access). Additionally, you
also may ask your manufacturer whether your particular instrument or kit is
moderately or highly complex.


ACP 2014

Chapter 5
The Proficiency Testing Requirements Under
Section 5.A
Proficiency Testing Requirements for Waived Laboratories
1. If my laboratory is performing waived testing, do I have to comply
with any CLIA 88 proficiency testing requirements?
No. Waived laboratories do not have to meet any PT standards.


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Section 5.B
Proficiency Testing Requirements
1. What is proficiency testing?
CLIA 88 mandates PT, which is a source of external quality control. This
practice of testing unknown specimens from an outside source provides an
additional means to assure quality laboratory testing results. Although most
laboratories perform daily internal quality controlwith high, low or normal
assayed controlsexternal quality control allows for important interlaboratory
comparisons to determine the accuracy of testing procedures. By participating in a
PT program, laboratories receive specimens at scheduled shipping times for
testing. PT programs will be required to ship specimens at least three times a year
at approximately equal intervals and to include five challenges (specimens) for
each analyte. After your laboratory has tested the samples, you must return the
results to the PT program for grading, where your laboratorys results will be
compared with your peers lab results, using similar methodologies. CMS does
not offer a PT program, so laboratories must look to the private sector for
2. Who must enroll in PT?
All laboratories performing tests in the moderate- or high-complexity categories.
The most often cited deficiency for all laboratories enrolled in the CLIA program
is failure to enroll in a PT program.
3. Does ACP offer a proficiency testing program?
Yes. Beginning in 1973, ACP offered a proficiency testing programthe Medical
Laboratory Evaluation (MLE) Program. For information about ACPs MLE
program contact:
The American College of Physicians
The Medical Laboratory Evaluation (MLE) Program
Suite 800, 25 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20001-7401
All proficiency testing programs must be approved by CMS to make sure they meet
federal standards for purposes of CLIA 88.
4. What occurs after I participate in a PT event?
After your laboratory performs the tests and returns the results to the PT program,
you will receive data comparing your laboratorys performance with that of other


ACP 2014

laboratories performing the same procedures by identical (or similar) methods.

5. When must I enroll in a proficiency testing program?

Laboratories must be enrolled in PT anytime they are testing patients. Some
states require that PT testing be performed prior to a new laboratory testing
patients, however, the federal regulations do not have this requirement. PT
programs operate on a calendar year basis. Enrollment or re-enrollment in PT
programs typically occurs in the fall. However, laboratories may enroll at any
point during the year. It is recommended that enrollment or re-enrollment take
place as early as possible in the fall to ensure that your laboratory can obtain
specimens for the first event of the year. PT programs generally must place their
orders with manufacturers of the PT material in the late fall and they generally
order enough to cover all the laboratories already enrolled and then more for
anticipated enrollees. Sometimes enough material is not available to serve all late
enrolling laboratories and these laboratories would then be unable to perform PT
for the first event. This could lead to regulatory problems, since non-participation
is considered by CMS to be a failure.
6. How do I enroll in a proficiency testing program?
Appendix B lists the proficiency testing programs that are approved by CMS.
Each differs slightly in price and in the tests (analytes) offered. Physicians may
contact each program for information and assistance in finding a program best
suited for their testing needs. Enrollment in proficiency programs runs from Jan.
to Jan. Although laboratories may enroll mid-year at a lower fee, it is necessary to
enroll in the program in the fall prior to the program year to ensure receipt of all
7. What are the federal requirements for enrolling in PT?
The laboratory must:
A. Notify CMS of the approved program(s) in which it chooses to
B. Designate the program(s) to be used for each specialty, subspecialty,
analyte or test if the laboratory participates in more than one approved
PT program.
C. Participate for one year before designating a different PT program, and
notify CMS of the change.
D. Authorize the PT program to release testing data required to show
E. Establish and maintain the accuracy and reliability of any testing
procedure not included in the list of regulated analytes.


ACP 2014

8. What are the federal requirements for the performance of proficiency

To comply with the PT requirements, the laboratory must:
A. Test the samples it receives from the proficiency testing program in
the same manner as it tests patients specimens. Specifically, the
laboratory must:
Utilize the routine testing personnel for the examination or testing
of the PT samples. The individual testing the samples and the
laboratory director must attest to the routine integration of the
samples with the patient runs; and
Test the samples the same number of times routinely performed for
patient samples.
B. Not engage in any inter-laboratory communications pertaining to the
results of the PT samples. This also applies to laboratories with
multiple testing sites.
C. Not send PT samples or portions of samples to another laboratory for
analysis. Specifically,
Any laboratory that intentionally refers its PT samples to another
laboratory for analysis will have its certification revoked for one
Any laboratory that receives PT samples from another laboratory
for testing must notify CMS of the receipt of those samples.
Note: CMS has revoked certificates of laboratories comparing PT. In some
instances the laboratories had employee(s) in common and the respective
laboratory directors did not even know each other. CMS did not consider it an
acceptable excuse that the Laboratory Director was unaware that the comparison
took place. These rulings have been upheld through all levels of appeal in the
Administrative Law Court.
D. Document the testing process for the PT samples by:
Maintaining a copy of the PT results on the test result form as furnished by
the PT program;
Showing proof of the attestation statement as signed by both the
laboratory director and the analyst performing the proficiency testing; and
Keeping these records for two years.
Document the review of the evaluation report received from the
Proficiency Testing program. If there are any Unsatisfactory or
Unsuccessful results (see Section 5.D) document all corrective action and
the verification that these actions were successful in correcting the
E. Enroll in PT for only the test system, assay or examination used as the primary
method for patient testing during the PT event.

9. Are there any special enrollment requirements?


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Microbiology is considered differently for PT purposes than any other specialty.

Other specialties (Chemistry, Hematology, etc.) have individual analytes, such as
Hematocrit or Glucose. Microbiology has been separated into five subspecialities as the lowest level of grading: Bacteriology, Mycology,
Mycobacteriology, Virology, and Parasitology. Within each of these categories it
is required that at least five challenges per testing event be performed. However,
these challenges need to include utilizing all the various methods for identifying
the organism. For example, if a laboratory performed a Rapid strep (non-waived)
test, a back-up culture plate for negative rapid tests, and performed gram stains all
of these procedures would need to be included. If the Rapid strep kit was waived,
then only the throat culture plate and gram stain would count toward the 5
regulated challenges required. Each PT program has its own way of handling
this, but there must be at least one of each regulated component included in the 5
challenges each event for Bacteriology. These requirements make Microbiology
the most confusing area of PT enrollment. Do not hesitate to contact prospective
PT programs for assistance in determining the proper enrollment in Microbiology
sub-specialties for your particular combination of testing.
10. What if I change my test menu mid-way through my PT enrollment?
If physicians change their test menu mid-way through PT enrollment, they must
notify the PT provider immediately in writing. CMS also needs to be notified of
this change. Fees will be prorated according to appropriate increases or decreases
in the testing menu.


ACP 2014

Section 5.C
Successful and Satisfactory Performance of Proficiency Testing
1. Does the PT program have to send my proficiency testing data to the
The CLIA regulation requires that, to be in compliance, all non-waived
laboratories participating in an approved PT program authorize that PT program
to release its testing data. However, the proficiency testing program will send
your testing data to CMS only if you provide written authorization to do so. ACP
recommends that you provide this written authorization to the PT program at the
time of your enrollment.
2. What will CMS do with my testing data?
CMS will be using the testing data to determine whether your laboratory complies
with the CLIA requirements for satisfactory performance and successful
performance (both terms are defined below) of proficiency testing. These
requirements are intended to serve as an external QA measure to make sure the
laboratory is performing accurate testing.
3. What is the definition of satisfactory PT performance?
Generally, satisfactory PT performance means attainment of the minimum
satisfactory score for an analyte, test, specialty or subspecialty for a testing event.
4. What is the definition of successful PT performance?
Generally, successful PT performance means attainment of the minimum
satisfactory score for an analyte, test, subspecialty or specialty for two
consecutive, or two of three consecutive testing events.
5. What are the specific requirements for satisfactory performance and
successful performance of proficiency testing for each specialty and
The subspecialties in bacteriology, as well as the subspecialties of microbiology,
mycology and syphilis serology must meet the following:
A. Satisfactory performance means attaining an overall testing score in
each subspecialty of at least 80 percent per event, i.e., attaining correct
results for four out of five samples in the testing event.
B. Successful performance means maintaining this satisfactory score for
two consecutive testing events, or two out of three consecutive testing
For the specialty of hematology and the subspecialties of routine chemistry,


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toxicology, general immunology, ABO group + D(Rho) typing and unexpected

antibody identification:
A. Satisfactory performance means:
Attaining a score of at least 80 percent (100 percent for ABO
group + Rh type) of acceptable responses for each analyte in each
testing event; and
Attaining an overall event score of at least 80 percent (100 percent
for ABO + Rh type) in each specialty and subspecialty.
Successful performance means:
Achieving satisfactory scores for the same analyte/test in two
consecutive testing events, or two out of three consecutive testing
events; and
Achieving an overall event score of at least 80 percent (100
percent for ABO + Rh type) for two consecutive testing events, or
two out of three consecutive testing events.
6. How will I know if I have performed satisfactorily in proficiency
The evaluation and reporting of a laboratorys results is the responsibility of the
PT program, which will provide you with an evaluation of your testing results,
including a cumulative report of whether you meet CLIA standards for
satisfactory performance of PT for each analyte per testing event. If you are not
satisfactorily performing PT, the technical representative for your instrument
manufacturer or test system and/or your PT program, can provide you with the
technical assistance you need to assess the problem.


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Section 5.D
Unsuccessful Participation in Proficiency Testing
1. What is the definition of unsatisfactory PT performance?
Unsatisfactory PT performance means failure to attain the minimum satisfactory
score for an analyte, test, specialty or subspecialty for a testing event.
2. What is the definition of unsuccessful PT performance?
Unsuccessful PT performance means a failure to attain the minimum satisfactory
score for an analyte, test, specialty, or subspecialty for two consecutive, or two of
three consecutive testing events.
3. When will CMS consider my proficiency testing data unsatisfactory?
CMS will consider performance in a proficiency testing event unsatisfactory
performance for the following reasons:
A. If a laboratory fails to attain the minimum acceptable testing event
score (80-90 percent).
B. If a laboratory fails to return results within the time-frame specified by
the program.
C. If a laboratory fails to participate in a testing event.*
4. What must I do following an unsatisfactory testing event?
As follow up for any unsatisfactory testing event for reasons other than a failure
to participate, the laboratory must:
A. Undertake appropriate training and employ the technical assistance
necessary to correct problems associated with a PT failure;
B. Document remedial action taken to correct the problem; and
C. Maintain the documentation records for two years from the date of
participation in the PT program.
5. Will CMS limit or revoke my laboratorys approval or certification
for an entire specialty or subspecialty if my laboratory performs PT
unsuccessfully for a given analyte in that specialty or subspecialty?
No. CMS will allow a laboratory that performs PT unsuccessfully for a given
analyte or challenge to elect to withdraw performance of that analyte voluntarily
until the laboratory can demonstrate proficiency in performing the assay.
Demonstration of proficiency in performing the assay usually entails successful
participation in two PT events. Many PT providers, including MLE, offer offschedule testing, which allows a laboratory to demonstrate proficiency in a timely
fashion. A laboratory may be required by an accreditation body to stop testing a
failed analyte after repeated unsuccessful PT performance. In this case, a


ACP 2014

laboratory will be required to perform two PT events successfully prior to

performing any further patient testing. These two events can either be the
regularly scheduled events, which could take up to 6 or more months or by
purchasing off-schedule PT events.
6. What must I do if my laboratorys certificate is limited or revoked as
a result of a failure to participate successfully in PT?
If a laboratorys certificate is suspended or Medicare or Medicaid approval is
terminated because it fails to participate successfully, the laboratory must:
Demonstrate sustained satisfactory participation on two
consecutive PT events, one of which may be onsite; and
Take corrective action and reapply for certification if the
laboratorys certificate is suspended.
* Consideration may be given to those laboratories failing to participate in a testing
event only if: Patient testing was suspended during the time-frame allotted for testing and
reporting PT results; The laboratory notifies the inspecting agency and the PT program
within the time-frame for submitting PT results of the suspension of patient testing and
the circumstances associated with failure to perform PT testing on the samples; and the
laboratory participated in the two previous testing events.


ACP 2014

Chapter 6
Meeting the Quality Systems Standards
Section 6.A
Quality Systems Standards
1. How is Chapter 6 organized (i.e., what sections apply to my office
A. Section 6.B discusses the Quality System standards that apply to all
physicians performing non-waived laboratory tests.
B. Section 6.B discusses the general CLIA Analytic Systems
requirements for physicians performing testing.
C. Section 6.D discusses the additional specialty and subspecialty
requirements for Analytic Systems. All physicians performing tests in
these specialties must comply with these standards and facilities
D. Section 6.E discusses the pre- and post-analytic system requirements.
E. Section 6.F outlines a recommended practice for meeting laboratory
systems record keeping standards and facilities requirements.


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Section 6.B
Complying with the Quality System Standards
1. If my laboratory is performing only waived testing, do I have to
comply with any CLIA 88 laboratory systems standards?
No. Waived laboratories do not have to meet any specific laboratory systems
standards. They only need to follow the manufacturers instructions, including
any QC related instructions contained in the package insert.
2. What is a quality system?
A quality system is the comprehensive, ongoing process for monitoring and
evaluating every step of the laboratorys testing process from patient preparation
and specimen collection, through test analysis and test result reporting. It assesses
the success of the laboratorys pre-analytic, post analytic, and analytic systems.
The inspection process will place the greatest emphasis on the quality component
of the CLIA regulation. The survey process will involve observing laboratory
personnel at work, interviewing the personnel, and reviewing records. This
process will look at the pre-analytic, analytic, and post-analytic stages. However,
if upon initial review, the laboratory appears to be functioning well and things
appear to be in good order, a short interview and review of the records is all that is
needed. Exhaustive surveys should be done only if the surveyor identifies
significant problems early on in the survey.
3. Do all laboratories have to perform quality system activities?
All laboratories performing non-waived testing must establish and follow written
policies and procedures for a comprehensive quality system program that is
designed to monitor and evaluate the ongoing and overall quality of the total
testing process. Only laboratories performing waived testing are exempt. These
policies and procedures must be revised as necessary, based on the results of
evaluating the total laboratory operation. All quality system activities must be
documented. Problems that arise must be assessed and documented with
subsequent performance of corrective actions.
4. What should guide the development of a quality system?
The standards as outlined in the regulations can act as a guide for your laboratory
as you design a quality system that is appropriate for the services offered, the
complexity of the testing performed, and the unique practices of the testing entity.
The extent of your laboratorys quality system should be proportional to the
laboratorys test volume, scope and complexity of the operation.


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5. Who is responsible for the quality system?

Although all laboratory personnel should be involved in quality system activities,
the laboratory director ultimately is responsible for the overall management of the
laboratory quality system.
6. What are the key elements of a quality system for non-waived
The laboratorys quality system must:
A. Evaluate the effectiveness of its policies and procedures;
B. Identify and correct problems;
C. Assure the accurate, reliable and prompt reporting of test results; and
D. Assure the adequacy and competency of the staff (and consultants, if
7. What specific activities are required to assess the quality system?
The laboratory must have an ongoing mechanism to evaluate the effectiveness of
corrective actions taken as required by the quality systems assessment standards
This mechanism must evaluate and review the effectiveness of corrective actions
taken for:
A. Problems identified during any analytic systems activity.
B. Problems identified during any pre-analytic or post-analytic systems
Policies and procedures shuld be revised to prevent the recurrence of problems.
Discussion of the above mentioned reviews are to be held with appropriate personnel.
Documentation of all quality system assessment activity is vital.

8. What are the general laboratory system requirements ?

Greneral Laboratory system requirements include:
A. Comparison of test resultsIf a laboratory performs the same test
using different methodologies or instruments, or performs the same
test at multiple testing sites, the laboratory must have a system that
twice a year evaluates and defines the relationship between test results
using different methodologies, instruments or testing sites. If a
laboratory performs tests that are not included in a PT program, the
laboratory must have a system for verifying the accuracy and
reliability of these test results at least twice a year. One of the ways
this may be accomplished is by split sample testing.


ACP 2014

B. Relationship of patient information to patient test resultsUltimately,

it is the responsibility of the physician to evaluate whether the test
results received are consistent with the patients condition. However,
the laboratory must have a mechanism to identify and evaluate patient
results that are inconsistent with relevant criteria. POLs are unique in
that their testing is more easily correlated with patient history than that
of hospitals or independent laboratories. Key components of a patient
test-management plan should include: (a) patients age; (b) sex; (c)
diagnosis or pertinent clinical data, when provided; (d) distribution of
patient test results, when available; and (e) relationship with other test
parameters when available within the laboratory.
C. Personnel assessmentThe regulation allows the laboratory the
flexibility to develop its own mechanism to evaluate staff
performance. However, the laboratory must have an ongoing
mechanism to evaluate the effectiveness of its policies and procedures
for assuring employee competence and, if applicable, consultant
D. CommunicationsThe laboratory must have a system in place to
document problems that occur as a result of problems in
communication between the laboratory and the authorized individual
who orders or receives the results of test procedures or examinations.
The corrective actions taken to resolve the problem and minimize
miscommunications must be documented. It is not necessary to
employ sophisticated computer software to assess breakdowns in
E. Complaint investigationsThe laboratory must have in place a system
to assure the documentation of all complaints and problems that are
reported to the laboratory. Investigations of complaints must be made,
when appropriate, and corrective actions must be instituted, as
necessary. The regulations allow the laboratory to decide when and to
what extent an investigation will be made based on its established
policies and procedures.
F. Confidentiality of patient dataThe laboratory must maintain the
confidentiality of patient information throughout all phases of the total
testing process.


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Section 6.C
General Control and Analytic Systems Requirements
1. What are control procedures?
Control procedures are a part of the overall analytic quality system Each
laboratory must establish and follow written control procedures to monitor and
evaluate the quality of the testing process for each test method, to assure accurate
and reliable patient test results. CMS requires compliance with both general
and individual specialties and subspecialties requirements stated in the
2. With what kinds of general CLIA analytic systems standards must I
The manufacturer instructions should include guidelines for the general QC
standards: (a) test methods, equipment, instrumentation, reagents, materials and
supplies; (b) procedural manual; (c) establishment and verification of method
performance specifications; (d) equipment maintenance and function checks; (e)
calibration and calibration verification procedures; (f) control procedures; and (g)
remedial actions. These standards are explained in Questions 3 through 11.
3. What are the CLIA analytic systems standards for test methods,
equipment, instrumentation, reagents, materials and supplies?
The laboratory must:
A. Select methods and equipment, and perform testing to provide test
results within its stated performance specifications; and
B. Use appropriate equipment, supplies and materials for the type (as
presented in the procedure manual) and the volume of testing.
C. Define criteria essential for proper storage of reagents and specimens,
including, if applicable, for water quality, temperature, humidity and
protection from electrical fluctuations.
D. Document remedial action taken to correct any condition that fails to
meet the criteria.
E. Label reagents, solutions, culture media, control materials, calibration
materials and other supplies, as appropriate, to indicate the following:
Identity, and when significant, titer, strength or concentration;
Recommended storage requirements;
Preparation and expiration date; and
Other pertinent information.
Note: Containers (vials) too small to label may be stored in larger containers that
are properly labeled.
F. Prepare, handle and store appropriately reagents, solutions, culture
media, controls, calibration materials and other supplies to ensure that:


ACP 2014

Supplies are not used if they have exceeded their expiration date,
are deteriorated, or are of substandard quality; and
Components of reagent kits with different lot numbers are not
interchanged unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer.
4. What is a procedural manual, how can I develop one, and what are
the analytic system standards for a procedure manual?
The procedure manual provides a reference to the laboratorys operation and will
be an important focus of an inspection. Laboratory consultants also are
accustomed to developing procedure manuals. The laboratory should establish a
means to document that each employee performing the tests has read the manual
initially and is made aware of any changes to a procedure. The protocols for a
comprehensive quality systems program (Chapter 6.B) do not need not to be
documented in the procedure manual, but if not included, should be available to
all personnel in its own manual.
The analytic systems standard requires a written procedure manual for the
performance of all analytical methods used by the laboratory. It must be readily
available and followed by the laboratory personnel. Manufacturers inserts or
operators manuals may be used when applicable. However, any section not
provided by the manufacturer must be provided by the laboratory. Textbooks
may be used as supplements to the written procedure manual, but cannot be used
in place of it. Specifically:
A. The procedure manual must include, when applicable to the test
1. Requirements for specimen collection and criteria for specimen
2. Requirements for patient preparation, specimen processing,
transportation (if applicable), and referral (if applicable);
3. Procedures for microscopic examinations, including detection of
inadequately prepared slides;
4. Step-by-step performance of the procedure, including test
calculations, and interpretations of results;
5. Preparation of slides, solutions, calibrators, controls, reagents,
stains and other materials used in testing;
6. Calibration and calibration verification procedures;
7. Reportable range for patient results (include demographic variables
such as age and sex, if applicable);
8. Control procedures;
9. Remedial action to be taken when calibration or control results fail
to meet the laboratorys criteria for acceptability;
10. Limitations in methodologies, including interfering substances;
11. Reference ranges (normal values);
12. Panic values;


ACP 2014

13. Literature references;

14. Appropriate criteria for specimen storage and preservation to
ensure specimen integrity until testing is completed;
15. How to report results and the protocol for reporting panic values;
16. What to do when the test system is inoperable; and
17. Criteria for referral of specimens.
B. Procedures must:
Be approved, signed and dated by the director prior to use;
Be re-approved, signed and dated if the directorship changes; and
Changes to procedures must be approved, signed and dated by the
5. What are the CLIA analytic system standards for establishing and

verifying method performance specifications?

Laboratories are not required to verify or establish performance specifications for
any test system in use prior to April 24, 2003. Any test introduced into the
laboratory after April 24, 2003 that is FDA approved and unmodified must be
verified as follows.
Verification may be accomplished by thoroughly testing reference samples or by
comparing results of tests performed by an established alternative method. If
reference materials or alternative methods are not available, verification may be
accomplished by comparing split sample results with results obtained from a
method that has been shown to provide clinically valid results. Method
verification should provide evidence that the accuracy, precision, and reportable
range of the method will be adequate to meet the physicians needs in managing
their patients health care. For each method, a laboratory may use the
manufacturers performance specifications, adjusted as necessary to meet any
special patient testing conditions and addressing particular patient populations.
The manufacturers validation must correlate with the in-house test performance,
and the laboratory should verify the manufacturers claims before initiating any
patient testing.
If the laboratory introduces a new procedure using a modified procedure, uses an
in-house procedure, or a procedure without performance standards provided by
the manufacturer, it must verify or establish the performance characteristics for:
(a) accuracy; (b) precision; (c) analytical sensitivity (that how much analyte must
be present to be detected); (d) analytical specificity (the method measures only the
analyte it is reporting; what causes interference or affects the test method); (e)
reportable range of patient results; (f ) reference ranges; and (g) other
performance characteristics.
The laboratory then must establish calibration and control procedures for the
test method, and be able to document the verification or establishment of all


ACP 2014

applicable test performance specifications. For quantitative methods, the

laboratory must define and verify minimum detection limits, specificity and
sensitivity, and document that the concentration to be detected can be
measured or observed.
6. What are the CLIA analytic system standards for equipment
maintenance and function checks?
Daily activities and checks are performed before patient testing to ensure that an
instrument is functioning correctly and is properly calibrated. In many cases, the
performance of control procedures serves as an instrument function check, since
the testing of the control samples checks all of the operating characteristics of a
test system, including instrument stability and calibration.
For ease in record-keeping and documentation purposes, it is advisable to develop
and maintain a separate instrument maintenance manual in conjunction with the
procedure manual or other laboratory records. All maintenance records for each
instrument should be documented and maintained in this manual for easy referral
by the laboratory director or for inspection purposes. A separate information sheet
should be developed for each instrument or piece of equipment. The references
provide examples of such forms.
A laboratorys maintenance program should be divided into two parts:
Unscheduled repair work when needed; and
Scheduled preventive maintenance to prevent breakdowns or
malfunctions, to prolong the life of an instrument and to maintain
optimum operating characteristics.
A. For instruments and procedures unmodified and approved by the
FDA, the laboratory must:
Perform maintenance and function checks as defined by the
Perform maintenance and function checks with at least the
frequency specified by the manufacturer; and
Document the maintenance and function checks performed.
B. For procedures modified or developed in-house, or for which no
maintenance and function check protocols are provided by the
manufacturer, the laboratory must:
Establish a maintenance protocol to ensure accurate testing;
Perform the maintenance at the frequency established;
Document all maintenance performed;
Document all function checks and include function check protocol
and background or baseline checks; and
Document all calibration and calibration verification procedures.
Note: Function checks must be within the laboratorys established limits before patient
testing can be conducted. There are many reference books, particularly the COLA
Guide, that detail these steps.


ACP 2014

7. What are the CLIA analytic system standards for calibration and
calibration verification procedures?
Procedures for both calibration and calibration verification standards are outlined
in the CLIA regulation. The requirements are based on the methodologies used in
the laboratory. Many of the instruments used in the POL have built-in
calibrators, or simple calibration methods. Calibration and calibration verification
procedures are required to substantiate the continued accuracy of the test method
throughout the laboratorys reportable range for patient test results.
A. Calibration is the process of testing and adjusting an instrument to
provide a measurement of the value of the substance being tested.
B. Calibration verification is the assaying of a calibration material in the
same manner as patient samples to confirm the calibration.
Both of these procedures are performed to verify the continued accuracy of the
test method. For each quantitative test method or analytical system, the laboratory
must evaluate the stability of calibration and other operating characteristics in
establishing the calibration schedule. The calibration records should reflect the
use of calibration materials for both the high and low end of the laboratorys
reportable range.
Perform calibration procedures:
1. According to the manufacturers instructions, using calibration
materials and with at least the frequency recommended by the
2. Whenever calibration verification fails to meet the laboratorys
acceptable limits for calibration verification, and
3. In accordance with the criteria established in the laboratory.
Criteria must include:
a. The frequency of calibration (if not provided by the
b. The number, type and concentration of the calibration
c. Acceptable limits for calibration verification; and
d. Appropriate materials for the methodology, if possible,
traceable to a reference method or reference material of
known value.
Perform calibration verification procedures:
1. In accordance with manufacturers calibration verification
instructions when the instructions meet or exceed the
requirements established by the laboratory; and
2. In accordance with the criteria established by the laboratory.
Criteria must include:
a. The frequency of calibration (if not provided by the
b. The number, type and concentration of the calibration
materials; and


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c. Appropriate materials for the methodologyif possible,

traceable to a reference method or reference material of
known value.
[The calibration materials must be appropriate for the
methodology and verify the laboratorys reportable range of
patients test results, which must include at least a minimal (or
zero) value, a mid-point value and a maximum value at the
upper limit of that range.]
d. Calibration must be completed at least once every six
months or whenever the following occur:

A complete change of reagents for the procedure is

introduced unless the laboratory can demonstrate that
changing lot numbers does not affect the range used to
report patient test results, and control values are not
adversely affected by reagent lot number changes
(Note: If reagents are obtained from a manufacturer
and all of the reagents for a test are packaged together,
the laboratory is not required to perform calibration
verification for each package of reagents, provided the
packages of reagents are received in the same
shipment, and contain the same lot numbers.)
ii. There is major preventive maintenance or replacement
of critical parts that may influence test performance.
iii. Controls reflect an unusual trend or shift or are outside
of the laboratorys acceptable limits and other means of
assessing and correcting unacceptable control values
have failed to identify and correct the problem.
iv. The laboratorys established schedule for verifying the
reportable range of patient test results require more
frequent calibration verification.
Document all calibration and calibration verification procedures.
8. What are the CLIA standards for control procedures?
The laboratory must determine what control procedures must be performed based
on the methods used. Control procedures are performed on a routine basis to
monitor the stability of the method or test system; control and calibration material
provide a means to indirectly assess the accuracy and precision of patient test
The regulations state certain parameters that must be met for control procedures to
adequately meet the goal of verifying proper performance of a test system prior to
patient testing by that system. The general control procedure standards are
superceded by the specialty or subspecialty specific control requirements. The


ACP 2014

specialty and subspecialty requirements can be found in section 6.D.

Listed below are the general control standards included in the regulations.
A. For each test system, perform control procedures using the number and
frequency as specified by the manufacturer or established by the
laboratory as long as they meet or exceed the following requirements;
Each day the patient specimens are assayed or examined:
a. For quantitative procedures, include two control materials of
different concentrations
b. For qualitative procedures, include a positive and negative control
c. For procedures with graded or titered results, include one negative
control and one control with graded or titered reactivity
d. For procedures including an extraction phase, include two controls,
at least one of which tests the extraction phase portion of the test
There are further requirements for molecular amplification, thin layer
chromatography, and electrographic procedures.
B. Whenever there is a complete change of reagents, a major preventive
maintenance is performed, or any critical part of a test system is
changed, control material testing is required prior to the start of any
patient testing subsequent to these events.
C. Control material testing is required to be rotated over the time among
all operators performing each test system.
D. Control material is tested in the same manner as patient specimens.
E. If calibration material is used as the control material, the material used
as a control must be from a different lot of calibration material from
that used to calibrate or verify the test system.
F. Each laboratory must verify the acceptability criteria for each control
material used. For quantitative testing, statistical information must be
defined and available (e.g. Mean and Standard Deviation).
Manufacturer defined statistical information is acceptable provided the
stated value is for the methodology and instrumentation used by the
laboratory and the laboratory has verified the material. Statistical
parameters for unassayed control materials must be established over
time by the laboratory through concurrent testing of control material
having previously determined statistics.
G. For reagent, media, and supply checks the laboratory must do the


ACP 2014

a. Check each batch (prepared in-house) or lot number (commercially

prepared) and shipment of reagents, disks, stains, antisera, and
identification systems when prepared or opened for positive,
negative, and graded reactivity (if applicable).
b. Test staining materials with positive and negative control material
each day of use
c. Immunohistochemical and fluorescent stains must be checked for
positive and negative reactivity each time of use.
d. Prior to each initial use:
Each batch of media must be checked for sterility
ii. Each batch of media must be checked for its ability to support
growth and, if appropriate, select or inhibit organisms
iii. Document the physical condition of the media if it appears
deteriorated or otherwise compromised and report this to the
e. Follow the manufacturers specifications for use
H. Control material must perform within the laboratorys acceptability
criteria (be within the acceptable range) prior to patient testing.
I. Document results of all control material testing.
J. If no control materials are available for a test system, the laboratory
must develop an alternative method to detect immediate errors and to
monitor and the system over time. Document all checks.
9. What are the CLIA analytic systems assessment standards?
The laboratory must establish and follow written policies and procedures for an
ongoing mechanism to monitor, assess, and when indicated, correct problems
identified in the analytic systems.
It is most important, with regard to control procedures, that corrective action be
taken and documented regarding any control material testing results that fall
outside of the laboratorys established acceptable range. No patient testing may
take place until corrections are made and control material testing results are again
within the acceptable range for that test system.


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Section 6.D
Control Procedures for Specialties and Subspecialties
1. What are the specific control requirements for specialties and
subspecialties of testing?
This manual reviews the specific requirements of those specialties and
subspecialties commonly performed in a POL, in addition to the general control
A. Bacteriology
Laboratories performing bacteriology procedures must:
Document all control activities.
Check positive and negative reactivity with control organisms:
1. When each batch, lot number, and shipment of antisera is
prepared or opened and every 6 months thereafter;
2. Each day of use for beta-lactamase except when using the
Cefinase TM method.
3. Each week of use for Gram stains.
For antimicrobial susceptibility tests, check each new batch of
media and each lot of antimicrobial discs before or concurrent with
initial useusing approved reference organisms. (These may be
purchased through the media supplier, or through an agreement
with a hospital or reference laboratory.)
1. The laboratorys zone sizes or minimum inhibitory
concentration (MIC) for reference organisms must be within
established limits before reporting patient results.
2. Each day tests are performed, the laboratory must use the
appropriate control organism(s) to check the procedure.
Note: Approved reference organism(s) means either an appropriate control strain or
an equivalent commercial strain. American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) control
organisms are not necessarily required. If a laboratory uses in-house isolates for
control organisms, however, it must have established reactivity for each organism.
The CLSI (formerlyNCCLS) standard, M2-A9 Performance Standards for Antimicrobial
Disk Susceptibility Tests, Nnth Edition, provides validation methods for susceptibility
testing procedures.
B. Parasitology
It is the laboratorys responsibility to: accurately and reliably identify
the organisms it examines; specify on the test-report the laboratorys
method for screening fecal specimens; and upon request, provide
information to clients that may affect the interpretation of test results.
If a laboratory is performing parasitology testing, it must:
Document all control activities;
Supply a reference collection of slides or photographs, and if
available, gross specimens for identification of parasites. The lab
must use these references in the laboratory for appropriate


ACP 2014

comparison with diagnostic specimens;

Calibrate and use the calibrated ocular micrometer for determining
the size of ova and parasites, if size is a critical parameter; and
Check the permanent stains each month, using a fecal sample
control that will demonstrate staining characteristics. For example,
since the working iodine solution for parasitology staining is stable
for approximately two weeks, it is advisable to make up and use
solution that is less than two-weeks old and to check for its
staining characteristics.
C. Chemistry
Laboratories performing blood-gas analysis must:
Calibrate or verify calibration according to the manufacturers
specifications and with at least the frequency recommended by the
Test one sample of control material for each eight hours of testing;
Use a combination of calibrators and control materials that
includes both low and high values on each day of testing; and
Include one sample of calibration or control material each time
patients are tested unless automated instrumentation internally
verifies calibration at least every 30 minutes.
Document all control activities.
D. Hematology
For the specialty of hematology, the laboratory must meet the general
control requirements, as well as the following specific requirements:
Document all control activities; and
Laboratories performing manual cell counts (hemocytometer) must
perform cell counts in duplicate (both patient and controls); one
control is required for each eight hours of operation;
E. Coagulation
All laboratories using automated coagulation systems must:
1. Include two levels of controls for each eight hours of testing; and
2. Include two levels of controls each time a change in reagents
Each individual performing coagulation tests using manual coagulation
systems must:
Test two levels of controls before testing patient samples and
each time a change in reagents occurs; and
Perform patient and control testing in duplicate.
Document all control activities.
F. Immunohematology
Laboratories performing immunohematology procedures must:
Perform all testing according to manufacturers instructions;


ACP 2014

Perform ABO group by concurrently testing unknown red cells

with anti-A and anti-B grouping reagents;
Confirm ABO grouping by testing the unknown serum with known
A1 and B red cells;
Determine D(Rho) type by testing unknown red cells with anti-D
(anti-Rho) blood grouping reagent. (Du variant testing is not
addressed; however, when it is performed, it must be in accordance
with the manufacturers instructions); and
Document all control activities.


ACP 2014

Section 6.E
Pre and Post Analytic Systems
1. What is required under CLIA 88 to assure accurate, reliable and
prompt ordering, collecting and reporting of patient testing?
Each laboratory that is performing non-waived testing must establish and
maintain a system that ensures that patients are adequately prepared, as well as for
the proper specimen preparation and collection, identification, preservation,
transportation, processing and test reporting. This system must assure optimum
patient specimen integrity and positive identification throughout the pre-testing,
testing, and post-testing processes.
2. What protocol must be included in a pre- and post-analytic systems?
The CLIA 88 regulations require laboratories to review their policies
continuously for pre- and post-analytic systems, which include, ordering tests,
handling specimens and reporting test results. The review should ensure that
everything is being done according to policy, that the policy is achieving its
intended results, and that the test reports include all information that the offering
physician needs.
Pre- and Post-analytic systems protocol must include:
A. The criteria established for patient preparation, specimen collection,
labeling (including name or unique patient identifier), preservation and
B. The information solicited and obtained on the laboratorys test
requisition for its completeness, relevance and necessity for the testing
of patient specimens;
C. The use and appropriateness of the criteria established for specimen
D. The completeness, usefulness and accuracy of the test report
information necessary for the interpretation or utilization of test
E. The timely reporting of test results to authorized individuals based on
testing priorities (e.g.,stat, routine, etc.);
F. The accuracy and reliability of test-reporting systems, appropriate
storage of records and retrieval of test results;
G. Specific policy and guidelines related to the referral of specimens;
H. Method for notifying ordering individual when errors are identified
and for producing, delivering, and retaining a corrected report; and
I. Establishment of alert or panic values including a procedure for
prompt notification when these levels are exceeded.
3. Should my patients laboratory results be reported using automated
or manual reporting systems under CLIA 88?
The laboratory may use manual or automated test systems, or both. The test
record system must be monitored, evaluated and revised on a continual basis. The


ACP 2014

lab must document these quality assurance activities, and make the documentation
available to CMS upon request. CMS most often makes these requests in
connection with surveys. If information regarding test requests is transcribed or
entered into a record system or a laboratory information system, a system to
ensure that this transcription or entering is accurate must also exist.
4. For the pre-analytic system, what specific element must be included in
the test request?
Ordered by an authorized person (this is a person that is allowed to
order laboratory tests under your individual state law)
Name and address of person ordering test; if submitted by another
laboratory, the name and address of that facility is required.
Contact person for reporting life threatening values, if obtained
Patients name or unique identifier
Patients sex and age OR date or birth
Tests to be performed
Source specimen, if applicable
Date of specimen collection (time should be added if pertinent to
Any additional information that is relevant to the testing (e.g. drugs
patient is on, fasting/non-fasting)
5. Do I need separate requisition slips to be in compliance with the Preanalytic systems requirements?
No, the patients chart or medical record may be used as the test requisition as
long as it is available to the laboratory at the time of testing and is available to
CMS or a CMS agent upon request.
6. Can I accept verbal requests for testing?
You may accept a verbal request, but you must also ask for a written or electronic
authorization within 30 days of the acceptance of the request and must maintain
the authorization OR documentation of efforts to obtain the written or electronic
7. For the Post-analytic system, what specific elements need to be
included in the test report?
The name and address of the laboratory where the test was performed
The test report date
The test performed
The specimen source, if applicable
The test result and units of measurement when they exist
Interpretation of test result, if applicable
Information about specimens condition
What was done with the specimen if it did not meet specimen
acceptability criteria
Normal values (as determined by the laboratory performing the test) if


ACP 2014

not already available to the person using the test results

8. If I send testing out, can I transcribe the results onto my testing forms
for ease of charting?
No, you may not make any changes to reports received from another laboratory.
The results must be given to the authorized person using the tests directly via the
test form received from the outside laboratory OR an exact duplicate (photocopy)
may be given. An original or exact duplicate of the result from the send out test
must be retained by the ordering laboratory.


ACP 2014

Section 6.F
Complying with the Laboratory Systems Record-Keeping Standards and Facilities
1. What records do I have to keep and for how long?
Test requisitions 2 years (including if on a medical chart)
Test procedures 2 years after discontinuance of use (include dates
of initial use and when discontinued)
Analytic systems records
a. Quality control records 2 years
b. Patient test records (including instrument printouts) 2 years
c. Instrument maintenance records 2 years
d. Performance specification initial verification for length of time
of instrument use, but no less than 2 years
e. Immunohematology records and reports (ABO, Rh, Antibody
Screen, etc.) 5 years (or as required by the FDA)
f. Proficiency testing records 2 years
g. Laboratory system quality assessment records 2 years
h. Test reports 2 years after date of report
i. Pathology test reports 10 years after date of report
If the laboratory ceases operation, the laboratory must make provisions to ensure
that all records are maintained and available for these time frames.
2. Do I need to keep specimens for any length of time?
Generally, you do not. The exception to this is cytologic and histopathologic
slides, blocks and tissues. These types of specimens are generally not processed
in a physician office laboratory and are beyond the scope of this publication.
3. What are the CLIA standards for facilities?
The laboratory must:
A. Ensure adequate space, ventilation and utilities necessary for
conducting all phases of the test process, including the pre-analytical, and
B. Establish, post and observe safety precautions to ensure protection
from physical, chemical, biochemical, and electrical hazards, and
biohazardous materials;
C. Minimize contamination of patient, specimens, equipment,
instruments, reagents, materials, and supplies;
D. Ensure that there is appropriate and sufficient equipment, instruments,
reagents, materials, and supplies for the type and volume of testing it
E. Comply with all applicable Federal, State, and Local laboratory
F. Maintain and store records under conditions that ensure proper
preservation. Note that many instrument printouts are printed on heat


ACP 2014

sensitive paper, which makes temperature control important for these



ACP 2014

Chapter 7
Complying with the CLIA Personnel Standards
Section 7.A
Personnel Standards for Waived Laboratories
1. If my laboratory is performing only waived testing, do I have to
comply with any CLIA 88 personnel standards?
No. Waived laboratories do not have to meet any personnel standards.


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Section 7.B
Personnel Standards for Moderate-Complexity, Including PPM, Laboratories
1. What are the personnel standards for moderate-complexity
There are four personnel functions that must be fulfilled in a moderate-complexity
A. The director is responsible for the overall administration of the
B. The technical consultant is responsible for the technical and scientific
oversight of the laboratory and must be available as needed;
C. The clinical consultant serves as liaison between the laboratory and its
clients in matters related to reporting and interpreting results; and
D. Testing personnel are responsible for processing the specimens and
reporting results.
2. Must a physician who owns a moderate-complexity in-office
laboratory hire four different people to fulfill these four laboratory
personnel functions?
No. A single individual (e.g., a physician), if qualified, could perform multiple
personnel functions or all four functions, if needed. For example, in a physician
office laboratory, a physician with one year experience in moderate-complexity
testing could perform the duties of the director and clinical consultant. The
physician also could perform the duties of technical consultant provided he or she
has at least one year of training or experience in the appropriate specialty of
laboratory testing. If you are a physician and you and your staff perform
hematology, chemistry, and microbiology tests in your office, you must have
either one year of experience in conducting these tests in your office or at least
one year of training or experience in hematology, chemistry, and microbiology to
qualify as a technical consultant.
If you cannot meet the technical consultant requirements [e.g., do not have the
one year training or experience in the specialty or subspecialty of testing you are
performing or do not have a staff person who meets the qualifications of one of
the other appropriately-degreed people (see question 4)] you must hire a qualified
person as a consultant to perform these technical functions until you or a staff
member acquire the necessary experience. The technical consultant must be
available on an as-needed basis and is responsible for selecting test methods,
implementing a quality control program, and enrolling in and monitoring the
laboratorys participation in proficiency testing.
3. Can a physician qualify to be a laboratory director?
Yes. The following individuals would be qualified to serve as a director in a
laboratory performing moderate-complexity testing:
A. Pathologists.
B. Physicians with at least one year of laboratory training or experience
(e.g., operating a laboratory that conducts moderate-complexity


ACP 2014

testing) qualifies a physician to fulfill the role of director as well as the

other three functions. Physicians who do not have the necessary
experience to direct moderate-complexity laboratories must obtain the
necessary laboratory training. This training can be gained through a
residency training program or by completing at least 20 hours of
continuing medical education in laboratory practice commensurate
with the responsibilities of the moderate-complexity laboratory
director. This training should include principles and theory of
laboratory practice and hands-on laboratory testing. Physicians gaining
laboratory training and experience during their residency training
programs for specialty certification will be qualified under the
regulations to direct a laboratory performing moderate-complexity
testing (e.g., a board-certified hematologist/oncologist).
C. Individuals who have earned a masters degree in chemical, physical,
biological or clinical laboratory science or medical technology from an
accredited institution and have at least one year of laboratory training
or experience or both; and at least one year of laboratory supervisory
D. Individuals who have earned a bachelors degree in chemical,
physical, biological, or medical technology from an accredited
institution and have at least two years of laboratory training or
experience; and have at least two years of laboratory supervisory
E. Individuals who qualified by Sept. 1, 1995, as a laboratory director
under state law are qualified as a director for moderate-complexity
laboratories under the federal CLIA standards.
Items C and D allow medical technologists and other health care
professionals (e.g., nurses and physician assistants) to serve as
directors of moderate-complexity testing provided they have the
requisite degree in science and can meet the laboratory training,
experience and supervisory requirements.
4. What are the responsibilities of a laboratory director?
Generally, the director is responsible for the overall operation and administration
of the laboratory, including employment of personnel who are competent to
perform test procedures and to record and report test results promptly, accurately,
and proficiently. The laboratory director must be accessible during testing. Each
individual director can direct no more than five laboratories. Specifically, the
laboratory director must:
A. Ensure that the testing systems developed and used for each of the
tests performed in the laboratory provide quality laboratory services
for all aspects of the test performance;
B. Ensure that the physical plant and the environmental conditions of the
laboratory are appropriate for the testing performed and provide a safe
environment in which employees are protected;
C. Ensure that the testing methods selected have the capability of


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providing the quality of results required for patient care. Ensure that
verification procedures used are adequate to determine accuracy,
precision, and other pertinent performance characteristics of the
method. Ensure that laboratory personnel are performing the test
methods as required for accurate and reliable results;
Ensure that the laboratory is enrolled in an approved PT program and
that all the requirements for participation in PT are met;
Ensure that the QC and QA programs are established and maintained;
Ensure the establishment and maintenance of acceptable levels of
analytical performance for each test system;
Ensure that all remedial actions are taken and documented whenever
significant deviations from the laboratorys established performance
specifications are identified;
Ensure that reports of test results include pertinent information
required for interpretation;
Ensure that consultation is available to the laboratorys clients on
matters relating to the quality of testing;
Employ a sufficient number of laboratory personnel who are
appropriately qualified to provide consultation, supervise and perform
tests and report test results prior to testing patient specimens;
Ensure that policies and procedures are established to monitor
individuals who conduct pre-analytical, analytical, and post-analytical
phases of testing, and whenever necessary identify need for remedial
training or continuing education;
Ensure that an approved procedural manual is available to all
personnel; and
Specify in writing, the responsibilities and duties of each consultant
and each person engaged in the testing processincluding an
identification of which procedures and examinations each individual is
authorized to perform, whether supervision is necessary, and whether
consultant or director review is needed prior to reporting patient

5. Must the laboratory director be onsite during all testing?

There is no provision in the CLIA law that requires the lab director be onsite
during all laboratory testing. CLIA regulations state that the lab director must be
accessible to the laboratory to provide onsite, telephone, or electronic consultation
as needed
6. Who can serve as a technical consultant?
The following individuals qualify to fill the role of technical consultant in a
moderate-complexity laboratory:
A. Pathologists.
B. Individuals who hold a doctoral or masters degree in a chemical,
physical, biological or clinical laboratory science, or medical
technology from an accredited institution with at least one year of


ACP 2014

laboratory training or experience in the designated specialty or

subspecialty areas of service for which the technical consultant is
C. Individuals who have earned a bachelors degree in chemical,
physical, biological or medical technology from an accredited
institution and have at least two years laboratory training or experience
in the designated specialty or subspecialty area of service for which
the technical consultant is responsible.
D. Physicians who have at least one year of laboratory training or one
year of experience or both, in the specialty or subspecialty areas for
which the technical consultant is responsible. The training or
experience may be acquired simultaneously in more than one specialty
or subspecialty. For example, those physicians who have obtained
laboratory training or experience during their medical residency
training programs qualify as technical consultants of any specialty or
subspecialty area related to their training or experience (e.g., boardcertified hematologists would be qualified as technical consultants of
all examinations and test procedures in the specialty of hematology).
E. The technical consultant requirements for laboratory training or
experience in each specialty or subspecialty may be acquired
concurrently in more than one of the specialties or subspecialties of
service, excluding waived tests. For example, an individual, who has
at least a bachelors degree in biology and additionally has
documented two years of work experience performing tests of
moderate complexity in all the specialties and subspecialties of service
would be qualified as a technical consultant in a laboratory that
performs moderate-complexity testing in all specialties and
subspecialties of service.
7. What are the responsibilities of the technical consultant?
Generally, the technical consultant is responsible for the technical and scientific
oversight of the laboratory. The technical consultant does not have to be on site
but must be accessible to the laboratory to provide on site and telephone
consultation as needed. Specifically, the technical consultant is responsible for:
A. Selecting test methods;
B. Verifying the test procedures and the establishment of the laboratorys
test performance characteristics;
C. Enrolling and participating in an approved PT program;
D. Establishing a QC program (See Chapter 6);
E. Resolving technical problems and ensuring that remedial actions are
taken when needed whenever test systems deviate from the
laboratorys established performance specifications;
F. Ensuring that patient test results are not reported until corrective
actions are taken and the test system is functioning properly;
G. Identifying training needs and assuring that each individual performing


ACP 2014

tests receives regular in-service training and education appropriate for

the laboratory and testing being performed;
H. Evaluating the competency of all testing personnel and assuring that
all staff maintain their competency to perform the test procedures and
report patient test results promptly, accurately and proficiently. The
procedures for evaluation of competency must include, but are not
limited to:
Direct observation of routine patient test performance;
Monitoring the recording and reporting of test results;
Review of intermediate test results and worksheets, QC records,
PT results and preventive maintenance and function checks;
Direct observation of performance of instrument maintenance and
function checks;
Assessment of test performance through testing previously
analyzed specimens, internal blind testing samples or external PT
samples; and
Assessment of problem solving skills.
I. Evaluating and documenting the performance of individuals
responsible for moderate-complexity testing at least semi-annually
during the first year the individual tests patient specimens. Thereafter,
evaluations must be performed at least annually unless that
methodology or instrumentation changes, in which case, before
reporting patient results, the individuals performance must be reevaluated to include the new methodology or instrumentation.
8. Who can be a clinical consultant?
The following individuals qualify to fill the role of clinical consultant in a
laboratory performing moderate complexity testing:
A. Pathologists.
B. A physician licensed to practice medicine in the state where the
laboratory is located.
9. What are the responsibilities of the clinical consultant?
Generally, the clinical consultant must be qualified to consult with and render
opinions to the laboratorys clients concerning the diagnosis, treatment and
management of patient care. Specifically, the clinical consultant must:
A. Be available to provide clinical consultation to the laboratorys clients;
B. Be available to assist the laboratorys clients in ensuring that
appropriate tests are ordered to meet the clinical expectations;
C. Ensure the reports of the test results include pertinent information
required for specific patient interpretation of test results; and
D. Ensure that consultation is available and communicated to the
laboratorys clients on matters related to the quality of test results
reported and their interpretation concerning specific patient conditions.


ACP 2014

10. Who qualifies as testing personnel?

Specifically, the following individuals qualify to fill the role of testing personnel
in a laboratory performing moderate-complexity testing:
A physician (medicine or osteopathy) who is licensed to practice in the state
where the laboratory is located.
Individuals who have earned a doctoral, masters, or bachelors degree in
chemical, physical, biological or clinical laboratory science or medical technology
from an accredited institution.
Individuals who have earned an associates degree in chemical, physical,
biological or medical technology from an accredited institution.
High school graduates or equivalents who have successfully completed an
official, military medical laboratory procedures course of at least 50 weeks
duration and have held the military enlisted occupational specialty of medical
laboratory specialist (laboratory technician).
Individuals who have earned an academic high school diploma or equivalent; and
have documented training appropriate for the testing performed prior to their
performance. The director must certify that laboratory personnel have the
following skills:
Understanding proper specimen collection, including applicable
patient preparation, labeling, handling, preservation or fixation,
processing or preparation, transportation, and storage of specimens
Able to implement all standard laboratory procedures
Able to perform each test method and operate each instrument
Able to perform instrument maintenance, troubleshooting, and
calibration as required
Has a working knowledge of reagent storage and stability
Understanding and ability to implement all quality control policies
and procedures
Awareness of factors that can influence test results
Able to assess and verify the validity of patient test results through
the evaluation of quality control values prior to reporting test
11. Would a nurse in a physician office laboratory be able to perform
patient testing?
Yes. In most cases, a nurse, as well as other qualified individuals would be
able to perform the laboratory testing in a physician office laboratory.
12. What are the responsibilities of testing personnel who perform
moderate-complexity testing?
Generally, testing personnel perform the actual testing process.
Specifically, testing personnel must:
A. Follow the laboratorys procedures for handling specimens, processing
tests, analyzing tests, and reporting and maintaining records of patient


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B. Maintain records that demonstrate that PT samples are tested in the

same manner as patient samples;
C. Adhere to the laboratorys QC policies, and document all QC
activities, instrument and procedural calibrations, and maintenance
D. Follow the laboratorys established corrective action policies and
procedures whenever test systems are not within the laboratorys
established acceptable levels of performance;
E. Be capable of identifying problems that may adversely affect test
results and either must correct the problems or immediately notify the
technical consultant, clinical consultant or director; and
F. Document all corrective actions taken when test systems deviate from
the laboratorys established performance specifications.


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Section 7.C
Personnel Standards for High-Complexity Testing
1. What are the personnel standards for high-complexity laboratories?
The personnel standards for high-complexity laboratories are appropriately more
stringent than the requirements for moderate-complexity facilities. There are five
functions that must be fulfilled in high-complexity labs:
A. Director;
B. Technical supervisor;
C. General supervisor;
D. Clinical consultant, and
E. Testing personnel.
Like the moderate-complexity testing sites, many individuals or a single individual with
the appropriate training or experience could fill all five personnel roles required in a
high-complexity laboratory.
2. Who may qualify as the director of a laboratory performing highcomplexity testing?
The following individuals would be qualified to serve as a director in a laboratory
performing high-complexity testing:
A. Pathologists.
B. Physicians with at least one year of laboratory training during
residency (e.g., physicians certified either in hematology or both
hematology and medical oncology) or at least two years of experience
directing or supervising high-complexity testing.
C. Individuals who hold a doctoral degree in a chemical, physical,
biological or clinical laboratory science from an accredited institution
and are certified by the American Board of Medical Microbiology, the
American Board of Clinical Chemistry, the American Board of
Bioanalysis, the American Board of Medical Laboratory Immunology
or other Boards deemed acceptable by the Department of Health and
Human Services.
D. Individuals who hold a doctoral degree in a chemical, physical,
biological or clinical laboratory science from an accredited institution,
but who are not board certified can qualify if they served as a director
of a high complexity laboratory prior to February 24, 2003 and have
two years of laboratory training or experience and two years directing
or supervising a high complexity laboratory.
E. Individuals who served or could have qualified as a laboratory director
under CLIA 67 prior to February 28, 1992.
F. Individuals who qualify under state law as a laboratory director
provided they qualified by February 28, 1992.
G. Dentists certified by the American Board of Oral Pathology or who
have equivalent qualifications.


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3. What are the responsibilities of a laboratory director for highcomplexity testing?

The directors responsibilities for a high-complexity facility are the same as for
the moderate-complexity testing sites (see Section 7.B, Question 4) with one
additional responsibility: The director must ensure that the general supervisor
provides onsite supervision for high school graduates, trained in non-degree
training programs, performing high-complexity testing. The director of a highcomplexity laboratory may delegate these activities to qualified personnel but still
is responsible for the proper performance of all duties. The director is responsible
for the overall operation and administration of the laboratory, including hiring
personnel to perform test procedures and track test results promptly, accurately
and proficiently. The laboratory director must be accessible during testing. Each
director can direct no more than five laboratories.
4. Who qualifies as a technical consultant of a high-complexity
Individuals who have a bachelors degree and four years of laboratory training or
experience in the specialty or subspecialty of testing are permitted to provide
technical supervision of high-complexity testing in the specialties and
subspecialties of hematology, radiobioassay, microbiology, immunology and
chemistry. Individuals with a masters degree in science must have two years of
laboratory training and experience to fill the role of technical supervisor. A
physician without certification in the specialty of pathology will be allowed to
serve as the technical supervisor in all specialty and subspecialty areasexcept
cytology and histopathologyprovided the physician has one year of training or
experience in the specialty or subspecialty of testing being supervised. Those
physicians who are not pathologists but who have medical laboratory residency
training and experience acquired during their training programs for specialty
certification will be qualified as technical supervisors of any specialty or
subspecialty related to their residency training or experience. Specifically, the
following individuals would be qualified to serve as a technical supervisor in a
laboratory performing high-complexity testing:
A. Pathologists.
B. Someone with a medical degree, an osteopathy degree or a doctoral
degree in science with one year of laboratory training or experience for
the specialty (i.e., chemistry), at least six months of which are in the
C. Someone with a masters in science with two years of laboratory
experience or training in the specialty with a minimum of six months
spent acquiring proficiency in the subspecialty.
D. Someone with a bachelors degree in science with four years of
training or experience, with six months spent acquiring proficiency in
the subspecialty.
5. Who may qualify as a technical supervisor?
The qualifications for this position depend on the specialties or subspecialties
being supervised. Individuals with a doctoral, masters, or bachelors degree and


ACP 2014

the appropriate experience qualify. The amount of time required for appropriate
experience varies according to the academic credentials of the individual. A nonphysician with a doctoral degree needs one year of experience, the masters level
requires two years, and the bachelors level requires four years. With the
exception of the following, all specialties and subspecialties require a
combination of academic degree, laboratory experience and subspecialty
experience: cytology, pathology, histocompatibility, clinical cytogenetics and
6. What are the responsibilities of the technical supervisor?
Generally, the technical supervisor is responsible for the technical and scientific
oversight of the laboratory. The technical consultant does not have to be onsite
but must be accessible to provide onsite and telephone consultation as needed.
Specifically, the technical supervisor is responsible for:
A. Selecting test methods;
B. Verifying the test procedures and the establishment of the
laboratorys test performance characteristics;
C. Enrolling and participating in an approved PT program;
D. Establishing a QC program (See Chapter 6);
E. Resolving technical problems and ensuring that necessary remedial
actions are taken whenever test systems deviate from the
laboratorys established performance specifications;
F. Ensuring that patient test results are not reported until corrective
actions are taken and the test system is functioning properly;
G. Identifying training needs and assuring that each individual
performing tests receives regular, in-service training and education
appropriate for the laboratory and testing being performed;
H. Evaluating the competency of all testing personnel and assuring that
all staff maintain their competency to perform the test procedures
and report patient test results promptly, accurately and proficiently.
The procedures for evaluation of competency must include, but are
not limited to:
Direct observation of routine patient test performance;
Monitoring the recording and reporting of test results;
Review of intermediate test results and worksheets, QC records,
PT results and preventive maintenance and function checks;
Direct observation of performance of instrument maintenance and
function checks;
Assessment of test performance by testing previously analyzed
specimens, internal blind testing samples or external PT samples;
and . Assessment of problem-solving skills.
I. Evaluating and documenting the performance of individuals
responsible for moderate-complexity testing at least semi-annually
during their first year. Thereafter, evaluations must be performed at
least annually unless the methodology or instrumentation changes, in
which case the individuals performance must be reevaluatedbefore


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reporting patient resultsto include the new methodology or

7. Who may serve as a general supervisor of a high-complexity testing
The following individuals can fill the role of general supervisor in a laboratory
performing high-complexity testing:
A. Physicians are qualified to function as general supervisors if they have
at least one year of laboratory training or experience during medical
residency training programs for specialty certification.
B. Individuals who are qualified as directors or technical supervisors of
high-complexity testing are qualified to function as general
C. Individuals with a doctorate, masters or bachelors degree and one
year of experience in laboratory training can qualify as general
supervisors. This will permit nurses and other allied health care
professionals to qualify as general supervisors.
D. Individuals with an associates degree in laboratory science or
medical technology also are qualified to be general supervisors
provided they have at least two years experience in high-complexity
E. Individuals who qualify under the Medicare/CLIA 67 regulations or
under applicable state law as general supervisors for high-complexity
testing, provided they qualified by the date of publication of these
F. Individuals with a bachelors degree in respiratory therapy and one
year of training or experience in blood gas analysis and those
individuals who have an associates degree related to pulmonary
function and two years of training or experience in blood-gas analysis
can serve as general supervisors in a blood gas laboratory.
G. Someone with a high school degree or the equivalent who began
serving as a general supervisor on or before Sept. 1, 1992provided
the individual has at least 10 years of training or experience in high
complexity testing, or six years of supervisory experience between
Sept. 1, 1982 and Sept. 1, 1992.
H. Individuals who have graduated from an accredited laboratory
training program (Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools,
Commission on Allied Health Education Accreditation, etc.).
I. Individuals who successfully have completed a 50-week U.S. military
medical laboratory training program and hold the military enlisted
occupational specialty of medical laboratory specialist (laboratory
8. What are the responsibilities of the general supervisor?
The general supervisor must provide day-to-day, but not necessarily onsite,
supervision of testing personnel. However, direct onsite supervision will be


ACP 2014

required for high-complexity testing performed by a high school graduate who

does not meet the qualification requirements for testing personnel. In other cases,
the general supervisor must be accessible to the laboratory to provide onsite,
telephone or electronic consultation, as needed. Specifically, the general
A. Is responsible for monitoring test analysis and specimen examinations
to ensure that acceptable levels of analytic performance are
maintained; and
B. Is responsible for the day-to-day supervision of personnel providing
high-complexity testing. Additionally, the director or technical
consultant may delegate to the general supervisor the responsibility
Assuring that all remedial actions are taken whenever test systems
deviate from performance specifications;
Ensuring that patient results are not reported until all corrective
actions have been taken and the test system is functioning
Providing orientation to all testing personnel; and
Annually evaluating and documenting the performance of all
testing personnel.
9. Who qualifies as a clinical consultant?
The following individuals may fill the role of clinical consultant in a highcomplexity laboratory:
A. Any physician who meets the training or experience requirements for
directing a high-complexity laboratory.
B. A physician licensed to practice medicine in the state where the
laboratory is located.
10. What are the responsibilities of the clinical consultant?
Generally, the clinical consultant must be qualified to consult with and render
opinions to the laboratorys clients concerning the diagnosis, treatment and
management of patient care. Specifically, the clinical consultant must:
A. Be available to provide clinical consultation to the laboratorys clients;
B. Be available to assist the laboratorys clients in ensuring that
appropriate tests are ordered to meet the clinical expectations;
C. Ensure that the reports of the test results include pertinent information
required for patient-specific interpretation of test results; and
D. Ensure that consultation is available and communicated to the
laboratorys clients on matters related to the quality and interpretation
of test results.
11. Who qualifies as testing personnel?
CLIA 88 eliminates the delineation of medical technologist,clinical laboratory
scientist,medical laboratory technician, and clinical laboratory technician,
and instead refers to all non-management personnel as testing personnel. The


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following individuals can fill the role of testing personnel in a laboratory

performing high-complexity testing:
A. Any individual qualified as a laboratory director, clinical consultant,
technical supervisor or general supervisor;
B. A physician or an individual with a doctoral or masters degree in
science is qualified to perform high complexity testing in specialty
areas other than pathology;
C. An individual with an associate degree in science can perform highcomplexity testing without direct, onsite supervision by a general
D. Until Sept. 1, 1997, CMS allowed high school graduates to perform
high-complexity testing under the onsite, direct supervision of a
general supervisor. CMS expects that these individuals will complete
the course work necessary to obtain an associates degree in laboratory
science or medical technology to continue to qualify to perform highcomplexity testing.
E. Individuals hired after April 24, 1995, but before Sept. 1, 1997, must
have obtained an associates degree by Sept. 1, 1997.
F. Individuals who graduated from an accredited laboratory training
program (i.e., Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools,
Commission on Allied Health Education Accreditation, or another
program approved by HHS);
G. Individuals who have successfully completed a 50-week U.S. military
medical laboratory training program and hold the military enlisted
occupational specialty of medical laboratory specialist (laboratory
technician); and
H. Non-degreed individuals who have completed 90 semester hours in
medical laboratory technology or laboratory science (including either
24 hours of medical technology, or six hours of chemistry, six hours of
biology and 12 hours of courses in chemistry, biology or medical
laboratory technology in any combination). In addition, individuals
must have completed either an approved or accredited clinical
laboratory training program or three months of documented training in
each specialty in which the individual performs high complexity
I. Respiratory therapy personnel with bachelors or associates degrees
can perform blood-gas analysis in a blood gas laboratory.
12. What are the responsibilities of testing personnel performing highcomplexity testing?
Generally, testing personnel perform the actual testing process. Specifically,
testing personnel must:
A. Follow the laboratorys procedures for handling specimens, processing
tests, analyzing tests, and reporting and maintaining records of patient
B. Maintain records that demonstrate that PT samples are tested in the


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same manner as patient samples;

Adhere to the laboratorys QC policies, and document all QC
activities, instrument and procedural calibrations, and maintenance
Follow the laboratorys established corrective action policies and
procedures whenever test systems are not within the laboratorys
established acceptable levels of performance;
Be capable of identifying problems that may affect test results
adversely, and either correct the problems or immediately notify the
technical consultant, clinical consultant or director; and
Document all corrective actions taken when test systems deviate from
the laboratorys established performance specifications.
Earn an associates degree by Sept. 1, 1997, if hired after April 24,


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Chapter 8
The Inspection Process
1. As a waived laboratory, will I be inspected by CMS?
You are required, at the time of application for a certificate of waiver, to agree to
permit CMS to conduct an inspection when the agency has substantial reason to
believe that your laboratory is being operated in a manner that constitutes an
imminent and serious risk to human health; in response to complaints from the
public; or on a random basis to determine whether your laboratory is performing
nonwaived tests, and following manufacturers instructions.
CMS is randomly inspecting 2% of all Waived and PPM laboratories each year.
A pilot study with 10 states has shown that there is significant non-compliance
with manufacturer instructions in Waived category laboratories. As a result, CMS
decided to expand its random surveys of these laboratories to all states. The
results nationally have been essentially the same as shown on the pilot. Through
2002, approximately 60% of these laboratories surveyed either did not have
manufacturer instructions available or were not performing the Quality Control
required by the manufacturers instructions. Nearly a quarter of the laboratories
had certificate issues. There were other categories of deficiencies as well. This is
a significant issue being examined by the CLIAC (CLIA technical advisory
2. As a PPM laboratory, will I be inspected by CMS?
PPM laboratories are subject to the same random inspections as waived
laboratories. (See above.) PPM laboratories are subject to Moderate Complexity
regulations, since these laboratories are only exempt from the personnel
regulations included in CLIA, but are subject to all other requirements. These
laboratories showed problems in the following areas: 38% did not perform
Proficiency testing (or otherwise did outside evaluations of the procedures they
were performing at least twice per year); 36% had no centrifuge or microscope
maintenance; 28% had no director approved procedure manual; 25% did not
document personnel competency; and 23% had certificate issues.
3. Are laboratories that perform moderate- and high-complexity testing
subject to inspection?
Yes. Laboratories performing moderate- (not PPM) and high-complexity testing
are subject to a regular inspection every two years to ensure compliance with
CLIA standards.
4. Is it possible to avoid an onsite survey inspection?
Yes. Laboratories that received an exceptional rating during their last onsite
inspections are eligible to complete the Alternative Quality Assessment Survey
form in lieu of participating in an onsite inspection. CMS mails the survey form to
eligible laboratories, which are expected to complete and return the form within
15 days. Laboratories not meeting this deadline will be scheduled for an onsite


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inspection. Unfortunately, the cost of the paper survey is the same as the cost of
an onsite inspection. Laboratories performing cytology (Pap smear) testing are
not eligible for this paper survey.
5. Who performs the inspections?
Inspections are usually performed by state agency surveyors under contract to
CMS. Most of the surveyors worked as laboratory technologists before working
for the state agency. Each state maintains its own CLIA implementation program
through which these surveyors work. Laboratories registered by private
accrediting organizations are inspected by one of the programs full-time or
volunteer (depending on the organization) surveyors. These surveyors have
laboratory backgrounds as well.
6. What will inspectors look for?
CMS has developed guidelines for inspectors to help them to determine whether
or not a laboratory is in compliance with all of the CLIA requirements. These
guidelines were developed with a greater emphasis on outcomes. As a result,
quality and PT components will receive the greatest degree of review. The
guidelines are expected to place a greater emphasis on outcomes. COLA already
has provided its participants with suggestions on how to prepare for an inspection
and a list of items for which inspectors will be looking. The CMS guidelines can
be found online at:
Dont forget that one of the advantages of participating in the
COLA program is that you will be given an opportunity to selfinspect your laboratory before a COLA inspection. COLA will
provide you with an evaluation and report of your deficiencies
which you will be able to correct prior to the official inspection.
Procedure manuals are necessary and are likely to be one of the
first things the inspectors ask to see.
Advance preparation will ensure that the survey process goes
smoothly and quickly. Surveys last from two hours to three days.
Laboratories that have all materials well-organized and easily
accessible tend to find the survey less cumbersome.
7. Other than the biennial inspection, will CMS further inspect my
CMS or its designee can inspect all laboratories that have been issued a CMS
certificate or a certificate of accreditation, or state-exempt laboratories at any time
as part of a complaint investigation. Additionally, CMS conducts random, sample
validation inspections of privately accredited laboratories and laboratories in
states with approved licensure programs (see Chapter 3).


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8. How is the biennial inspection with CMS scheduled?

CMS inspections are announced except when following up on a complaint.
Accreditation agencies may set their own policies but their surveys are almost
always announced as well.
9. Do I have to pay for the biennial, and/or unannounced inspection?
Yes. Laboratories are required to pay for this biennial inspection as well as for the
costs of investigations resulting from complaints if a problem is found. Please
note that the actual inspection fee will depend on the number of specialties your
laboratory performs and the volume of testing. Contact your state agency
(Appendix A) for specific fee information.
10. How do these inspection fees compare to the fees of private and state
accrediting programs?
The CMS fee schedule and the fee schedule for private state accrediting programs
often is comparable. COLAs standard fee is competitive with CMSs fees.
11. When must I pay the biennial inspection fee?
CMS bills laboratories for the survey that will take place during the next two-year
survey cycle halfway through the current cycle. For example, a laboratory that
paid for its current inspection in Jan. 2007 will be billed in Jan. 2008 for the
inspection that will take place sometime between Jan. 2009 and Jan. 2011.


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Chapter 9
The Enforcement of CLIA 88
1. What is the purpose of the enforcement standards?
The purpose of the regulations detailing the enforcement procedures of CLIA 88
is to protect all individuals served by laboratories and to motivate laboratories to
comply with the Medicare and CLIA 88 standards, which promote accurate and
reliable laboratory test results. The level of deficiencies within the lab determines
sanctions that result from noncompliance. For this purpose, CMS has defined
what constitutes a deficiency and has identified three levels of deficiency.
2. What are the three levels of deficiency?
CMS has created the following three types of deficiencies (defined as
noncompliance with any of the conditions that a laboratory must meet to obtain a
CLIA certificate):
A. Condition-level deficiencies with an immediate jeopardy;
B. Condition-level deficiencies without an immediate jeopardy; and
C. Deficiencies below the condition level without an immediate jeopardy,
which are referred to as standard deficiencies.
3. What kinds of sanctions may be imposed on my laboratory?
A. Principal sanctions: The HHS Secretary may suspend, limit or revoke
a laboratorys certificate. When CMS suspends or revokes any type of
CLIA certificate, it concurrently cancels the laboratorys approval to
receive Medicare payment for its services. When CMS limits the
laboratorys certificate, it concurrently limits Medicare approval to
only those specialties or subspecialties that are authorized by the
laboratorys limited certificate. This type of sanctioning is likely to be
imposed on a laboratory that poses immediate jeopardy to patients. In
2006, CLIA certificates of 73 laboratories were suspended, limited, or
B. Alternative sanctions: The HHS Secretary may decide an alternative
sanction is appropriate. If so, a laboratory would be subject to a
directed plan of correction, onsite monitoring, and/or a civil monetary
penalty, typically $3,000 or $10,000 per day of infraction. This type
of sanctioning is likely to be imposed on a laboratory that does not
pose immediate jeopardy to patients. This is the type of sanctioning
most often imposed on POLs. The purpose of the alternative sanctions
is to give CMS some flexibility in penalizing laboratories prior to
suspending, limiting or revoking a labs certificate issued under CLIA
(defined as principle sanctions)which cancels the laboratorys
approval to receive Medicare payment for its services. In 2006,
alternative sanctions were imposed on 89 laboratories.
C. Civil suit: CMS also may bring suit to enjoin continuation of any
laboratory activity that would constitute a significant hazard to public


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D. Criminal sanctions: Any individual who is convicted of intentionally

violating the CLIA standards may be subject to criminal sanctions.
Five laboratories were convicted under federal or state laws relating to
fraud and abuse, false billing, or kickbacks in 2004. One lab owner
was sentenced to 60 months in prison and ordered to pay restitution of
more than $2.5 million.
4. What factors will CMS consider when imposing a sanction?
CMS has developed a procedure for implementing sanctions that consider:
A. The nature, incidence, duration and severity of the deficiencies;
B. Whether the same condition-level deficiency has been identified
C. The relationship of one deficiency to another or others;
D. The overall compliance history of the laboratory;
E. The corrective and long-term compliance outcomes that CMS hopes to
achieve through the application of the sanction; and
F. Whether the laboratory has made any progress toward compliance.
5. Will I be notified before a sanction is imposed?
If CMS identifies a laboratory that has a condition-level deficiency, the laboratory
will receive written notice stating:
A. The condition-level noncompliance that has been identified;
B. The sanction or sanctions that CMS proposes to impose on the
C. The rationale for the proposed sanction or sanctions;
D. The projected effective date and duration of the sanctions;
E. The authority for imposition of the proposed sanctions; and
F. The time allowed for the laboratory to respond to the notice.
6. How many days in advance will I be notified of a pending sanction?
Laboratories cited for deficiencies that do not pose immediate jeopardy will
receive notification 15 days prior to the imposition of the sanction. Those
laboratories cited for deficiencies that do pose immediate jeopardy will be given
five days notification prior to the imposition of the sanction. Laboratories may
respond to the notice of a deficiency and the applicable sanction during this
notification period.
Additionally, at the end of an inspection, the inspector should conduct an exit
interview, at which time the laboratory director will be given information about
any deficiencies for which the laboratory is likely to be cited.
7. How long do the alternative sanctions remain in place?
Alternative sanctions continue until either the laboratory corrects all conditionlevel deficiencies, or CMS suspends, limits or revokes a laboratorys CLIA
certificate. Alternative sanctions are not lifted until a laboratorys compliance
with all condition-level requirements is verified. When a laboratory submits a
credible allegation of compliance, CMS determines whether to certify compliance


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on the basis of the information presented or to revisit the laboratory to verify

8. How long do I have to correct deficiencies once CMS imposes an
alternative sanction?
Twelve months from the last day of inspection.
9. What happens if I am unable to correct the deficiency within 12
If the laboratory does not correct the deficiencies once CMS imposes an
intermediate alternative sanction within 12 months of the last day of inspection,
CMS may:
A. Cancel the laboratorys approval to receive Medicare payments, and
discontinue Medicare payments as of the day the cancellation takes
B. Following a revisit that indicates that the laboratory has not corrected
deficiencies, CMS can notify the laboratory that it intends to suspend,
revoke or limit the CLIA certificate (it also should notify the
laboratory of its right to a hearing); and
C. Impose another alternative sanction that does not pertain to Medicare.
10. What sanctions can CMS impose when deficiencies are below the
condition level?
Technically, if the laboratory has minimal deficiencies (e.g., lacks a current
procedural manual), then the laboratory could be cited and would be responsible
for submitting an acceptable plan of correction. If the laboratory does not correct
the deficiency within 12 months, CMS could cancel the laboratorys approval for
Medicare payment, notify the laboratory of its intent to cancel the CLIA
certificate and of the laboratorys right to a hearing or both. However, CMS
surveyors are being encouraged to cite only deficiencies that have a direct
negative effect on the quality outcome of patient care. If a deficiency that does not
directly affect the outcome of patient care is discovered, surveyors are encouraged
to alert the laboratory personnel of the problems and teach them how to resolve it.
If you experience a survey in which you believe the surveyor has cited several
areas that do not directly affect the outcome of patient care, you are encouraged to
notify ACP staff.
11. Can an inspector visit my laboratory during the time allowed for
correction of deficiencies?
Yes. The state survey agency or another CMS agent may visit the laboratory to
evaluate progress during the period covered by the facilitys plan of correction,
and at the end of the period to determine whether the deficiencies have been
corrected. If, during a visit, the laboratory provides credible evidence that it has
achieved compliance before the visit, the sanctions are lifted as of the earlier date.
If, during a revisit, the laboratory has not corrected its deficiencies, CMS may
propose to suspend, limit or revoke the laboratorys certificate. If, at the end of
the plan of correction, all condition-level deficiencies have been corrected, but


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deficiencies still exist that are less than the condition level, CMS may request a
revised plan of correction. The revised plan of correction may not exceed 12
months from the date of the inspection that originally identified the cited
deficiencies. If, at the end of the period covered by the plan of correction, the
laboratory still has deficiencies, additional alternative or principle sanctions may
be imposed.
12. Can CMS suspend part of the Medicare payments for laboratory tests
rather than all Medicare payments for laboratory testing when a
deficiency in my laboratory has not been corrected?
Yes. CMS may suspend part of Medicare payments if a laboratory is found to
have condition-level deficiencies (i.e., inadequate PT results or lack of a
procedural manual) with respect to one or more specialties, rather than all
laboratory payments if the laboratory agrees not to charge Medicare beneficiaries
or their private insurance carriers for those specialties and subspecialties. Before
imposing this sanction, CMS must notify the laboratory and provide an
opportunity to respond. This sanction continues until the laboratory corrects the
deficiency, but no longer than 12 months.
13. When can CMS suspend all Medicare payments for laboratory tests if
a condition-level deficiency is present?
CMS can suspend payments for all laboratory services if the laboratory has
condition-level deficiencies when the following conditions are met:
A. The laboratory has not corrected its condition-level deficiencies
included in the plan within three months from the last inspection; or
B. The laboratory has been found to repeat condition-level deficiencies
during three consecutive inspections; and
C. The laboratory has chosen (in return for not having its Medicare
approval immediately canceled) not to charge Medicare beneficiaries
or their private insurance carriers for those services for which
Medicare payment is suspended.
Before imposing this sanction, CMS must notify the laboratory and provide an
opportunity to respond. This sanction continues until the laboratory corrects the
deficiency, but will not exceed 12 months. If all deficiencies are not corrected
within 12 months, CMS may cancel the laboratorys approval to receive Medicare
14. What happens if I am issued a directed plan of correction?
When imposing a directed plan of correction, CMS must give the laboratory an
opportunity to respond. CMS directs the laboratory to take specific, corrective
action within a specified time period and directs the laboratory to submit the
names of laboratory clients for notification purposes within ten calendar days.
The laboratory clients must be notified of the sanction within 30 days of when the
state agency receives the information.
If CMS imposes a principle sanction following the imposition of an alternative
sanction, and CMS already has obtained a list of the laboratory clients, the agency


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may use this list to notify clients that a principle sanction has been imposed. If
CMS imposes a directed plan of correction, and on the revisit it finds that the
laboratory has not corrected its deficiencies within 12 months of the last day of
the inspection, the following rules apply:
A. CMS cancels the laboratorys approval for Medicare payments, and
notifies the laboratory of its intent to suspend, limit or revoke the
CLIA certificate.
B. The directed plan of correction continues in effect until the day of
suspension, limitation or revocation of the certificate.
15. What will CMS consider when determining a civil monetary penalty?
CMS may impose a civil monetary penalty against any laboratory it determines
has deficiencies, regardless of whether those deficiencies pose a serious risk.
Factors CMS would consider in determining the amount of the penalty include:
A. The nature, scope, duration and severity of the deficiency;
B. The existence of repeat deficiencies;
C. The laboratorys overall compliance history including, but not limited
to, any period of noncompliance that occurred between certifications
of compliance;
D. Intent or reason for noncompliance; and
E. The accuracy and extent of laboratory records.
16. What are the ranges of civil monetary penalties that may be imposed?
A. For a condition-level deficiency that poses an immediate danger or
jeopardy, the range is $3,050 to $10,000 per day of noncompliance or
per violation.
B. For a condition-level deficiency that does not pose an immediate
jeopardy, the range is $50 to $3,000 per day of noncompliance or per
If immediate danger is removed (within five days) but the deficiency continues,
CMS will shift the penalty amount to the lower civil penalty range. The final rule
provides conditions under which CMS can increase or decrease penalty amounts.
For example, if a laboratory does not request a hearing, CMS may decrease the
penalty amount by 35 percent.
17. If a civil monetary penalty is imposed, does a laboratory have the
opportunity to appeal?
The laboratory has 60 days to appeal the civil monetary penalty to an
administrative law judge. CMS also has the ability to settle any case at any time.
18. Can CMS impose onsite monitoring?
Yes. CMS may require continuous onsite monitoring as a plan of correction to
make sure the laboratory makes the corrections. The laboratory would pay the
cost of the onsite monitoringwhich would be computed by multiplying the
number of hours by the hourly rate negotiated by CMS and the state. Before
imposing this sanction, CMS will notify the laboratory and give the laboratory an


ACP 2014

opportunity to respond. Once imposed, onsite monitoring will continue until

CMS determines that the laboratory has the capability to ensure compliance with
all condition-level requirements. If the laboratory does not correct all deficiencies
within 12 months, and a revisit indicates that deficiencies remain, CMS may
cancel the laboratorys approval for Medicare payment for its services and notify
the laboratory of the agencys intent to suspend, limit or revoke the laboratorys
19. If I fail to perform PT successfully, can CMS impose training and
technical assistance?
Yes. If the laboratory fails to perform PT acceptably on any specialty tests, CMS
may require the laboratory to train its personnel and to obtain technical assistance,
if necessary, to meet the requirements of PT.
20. When would CMS likely suspend, revoke or limit my CLIA
CMS may initiate adverse action to suspend, limit or revoke a laboratorys CLIA
certificate if it finds that a laboratory owner or operator or one of its employees
A. Been guilty of misrepresentation in obtaining a CLIA certificate;
B. Performedor represented the laboratory as entitled to performa
test for which it is not certified;
C. Failed to comply with certificate requirements and performance
D. Failed to comply with reasonable requests for information that CMS
concludes is necessary to determine the laboratorys continued
E. Refused a reasonable request for inspection;
F. Violated or abetted in the violation of any provision of CLIA;
G. Failed to comply with an alternative sanction; and/or
H. Within the preceding two-year period, owned or operated a laboratory
that had its CLIA certificate revoked.
21. Can CMS suspend, limit or revoke a CLIA certificate without a
No. Except in the following circumstances:
A. If the laboratorys deficiencies pose an immediate jeopardy;
B. If the laboratory has refused to respond to a reasonable request for
information; and
C. If the laboratory refuses to allow an inspection.
22. When can CMS cancel a laboratorys Medicare approval?
CMS can cancel a laboratorys approval for Medicare payments under any of
these circumstances:
A. When the laboratory is out of compliance with a condition-level


ACP 2014

B. If the laboratory fails to submit a plan of correction; or

C. If the laboratory fails to correct its deficiencies within the specified
time period.
The laboratory must be notified and given an opportunity to submit evidence
against cancellation before the effective date of cancellation but is not necessarily
given a hearing before that time.
23. Is my laboratory entitled to a hearing?
Laboratories are entitled to only one hearing.
A. The following actions (as initial determinations) would be subject to
The suspension, limitation or revocation of a certificate by CMS
because of noncompliance, or by the OIG because of fraud and
abuse, or for conviction of crimes related to CLIA certification;
The denial of a CLIA certificate;
The imposition of alternative sanctions (but not the determination
as to what sanctions to impose); and
The denial or cancellation of the laboratorys Medicare approval.
B. The following actions are not initial determinations and therefore are
not subject to appeal:
The finding that a laboratory accredited by a CMS-approved
accreditation program or state licensing agency is no longer
deemed to meet CLIA standards;
The finding that a laboratory has below condition-level
The determination not to reinstate a suspended CLIA certificate
because the reason for the suspension remains and is likely to be a
problem again;
The determination as to which alternative sanctions to impose,
including the amount of civil monetary penalty to impose per day
or per violation;
The denial of approval for Medicare payment for the services for
which the laboratory does not have a certificate;
The determination that the deficiency poses an immediate
jeopardy; and
The amount of the civil monetary penalty assessed per day or for
each violation.
Out of 12 actions appealed in 2003, 10 cases were found in favor of CMS and 2
cases were dismissed.
C. Except for laboratories with continued operation that would pose an
immediate jeopardy, the suspension, limitation or revocation is not
effective until after a hearing decision has been issued. However, the
effective date of discontinued Medicare payment would not be delayed
just because a laboratory has appealed under this section and is waiting
for a decision to become final. The administrative law judges
decision would be final unless a laboratory or affiliated party requests


ACP 2014

an Appeals Council review within 60 days. Laboratories may request

reconsideration of the judges decision.
24. Can CMS initiate a civil action against a laboratory?
Yes. If CMS has reason to believe that continuation of any of a laboratorys
activities would constitute a significant hazard to public health, the agency may
bring suit in a U.S. District Court to enjoin continuation of the specific activity
that is posing harm. Upon proper showing, the court would issue a temporary
injunction or restraining order, without bond, against continuation of the activity.
25. Will CMS be making information available to the public about
laboratories that have been cited for deficiencies?
Yes. Once a year CMS will print information in its registry that is useful in
evaluating the performance of laboratories. CMS must send an advance copy of
the draft registry to its regional offices for verification of the information
contained in the registry before making it available to the public. The information
in the registry includes:
A. A list of laboratories convicted in fraud and abuse activities;
B. A list of laboratories that have had their CLIA certificate suspended,
limited or revoked;
C. A list of people (laboratory owners, operators or employees) convicted
of violating CLIA requirements;
D. A list of laboratories on which alternative sanctions have been
imposed, showing corrective action taken by the laboratory and the date
the laboratory achieved compliance;
E. A list of laboratories whose approval by private accreditors has been
revoked and the reasons for revocation;
F. All appeals and hearing decisions; and
G. A list of laboratories that have been excluded from Medicare and
Medicaid and the reason for the exclusion.
This registry can be found at
26. Does CMS have to grant a laboratory a hearing before imposing a
No. CMS does not have to offer a laboratory the right to a hearing before
imposing an alternative sanction; however, the agency is required to provide a
reasonable opportunity for the laboratory to respond. This is not the case for civil
penalties or principle sanctions which grant laboratories an opportunity to a
hearing prior to the effective date of the sanctions (except laboratories that have
deficiencies posing immediate jeopardy).


ACP 2014

Accuracy: How close a determination is to the actual or true value.
Analyte: A substance or constituent for which the laboratory conducts testing.
Authorized Person: An individual authorized under state law to order tests or receive
test results, or both.
Automated: An instrument or test system in which all analytical processesincluding
sample and reagent uptake, sample/reagent interaction, chemical/biological analysis,
result calculation and result readoutare mechanized.
Batch: A specific quantity of a sample that has uniform character and quality within
specified limits; it is produced according to a single manufacturing order during the same
cycle of manufacture.
Calibration: The process of testing and adjusting an instrument, kit or test system to
provide a known relationship between the measurement response and the value of the
substance that is being measured by the test procedure.
Calibration Materials: A solution with a known amount weighed in; this wording is
used to replace the terms standards and calibrators because some are used
Challenge: For quantitative tests, an assessment of the amount of substance or analyte
present or measured in a sample. For qualitative tests, the determination of the presence
or the absence of an analyte, organism or substance in a sample.
CLIA: The Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988.
Condition-Level Deficiency: Noncompliance with any of the conditions of the
regulations. A condition-level deficiency is more severe than a deficiency and thus
carries greater sanctions.
Control: A substance that is used to determine whether the test results on unknown
substances are valid.
Deficiency: Noncompliance with any of the standard level requirements that are below
condition level (lower level requirements).
Event (PT): Each testing period during the year provided by proficiency testing
providers. Each regulated analyte must be tested 3 times per year with a minimum of 5
challenges each cycle.
Exact Duplicates: Wording used to replace records or copies of an original report.


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Function Checks: Activities performed regularly to ensure that an instrument, device or

test system is performing properly. These activities usually are described by the
manufacturer and may include such things as evaluating electrical levels, optical
alignment, background counts, etc.
HHS: The Department of Health and Human Services, or its designee.
Interference: Occurrence of substances within a specimenother than the one under
studythat adversely influence the result.
Kit: All components of a test, which are packaged together.
Laboratory: A facility for the examination of materials derived from the human body for
the purpose of providing diagnosis, prevention or treatment of any disease, or the
assessment of the health of human beings.
Levey-Jennings Chart: A daily quality control chart with a calendar format.
Linear Range: The working range for each procedure, which is designed to produce
accurate results.
Lot: May be an entire batch or a portion of a batch.
Non-regulated analyte: An analyte not listed in Subpart I of the CLIA regulations.
Proficiency testing is not required by CMS, but some method of external evaluation must
be done at least twice per year. If proficiency testing is available, this is the simplest
method of meeting this requirement.
Operator Variance: The variance between individuals performing a test; this is a
significant factor in test systems that are dependent on technique and therefore must be
considered when determining frequency of quality control checks.
Performance Characteristics: A property of a test that is used to describe its quality
e.g., accuracy, precision, analytical sensitivity, analytical specificity, reportable range,
reference range, etc.
Performance Specifications: A value or range of values for a performance
characteristicestablished or verified by the laboratorythat is used to describe the
quality of patient test results.
Precision: The degree to which repeated analysis of the same materials approximate each
Quality System: An ongoing process for monitoring and evaluating every step of a
laboratorys testing operation.


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Random Error: A determination error that may occur that is not inherent to the
procedure itself.
Recalibration: The repeat performance of the calibration procedure after a certain time
period or when an event has occurred that may have caused a shift in test values.
Rechecking: Involves using another group of samples of known concentration or activity
to verify that the procedure is operating properly.
Regulated Analyte: An analyte listed in Subpart I of the CLIA regulations for which
proficiency testing is required by CMS.
Referee Laboratory: A laboratory, currently in compliance with applicable CLIA
requirements, that has a record of satisfactory proficiency testing performance and has
been designated by an HHS-approved proficiency testing program for the purpose of
determining the correct response for the specimens in a proficiency testing event.
Reference Range: The range of test values expected for a designated population of
individualse.g., 95 percent of individuals presumed to be healthy (normal).
Reliability: A measure of the ability to achieve accuracy and precision over a period of
Reportable Range: The range of test values over which the relationship between the
instrument, kit or systems measurement response is shown to be valid.
Run: An interval within which the accuracy and precision of a testing system is expected
to be stable; it must not exceed a period of 24 hours and must not be less frequent than
the manufacturers specifications of including controls and calibration materials.
Sample: Material contained in a vial, on a slide or in another unit that is to be tested by
proficiency testing participants.
Semi-Automated: An instrument or system in which some of the steps in the analytical
process are mechanized but others require operator intervention.
Shift: Values distributing themselves above or below the mean on six or more
consecutive days without either a consistent rise or fall.
Specificity: How well a method distinguishes the substance being tested for from other
substances present within the specimen.
Standard: Refers to a primary reference material that is of fixed or known composition;
it is capable of being prepared in essentially pure form and can be used to establish a
reference point for all measurements.


ACP 2014

Standard Deviation: The difference between an individual value and the arithmetic
Trend: An increase or decrease in values occurring over six or more consecutive days.
Unsatisfactory Proficiency Testing: Failure to attain the minimum satisfactory score for
an analyte, test, subspecialty or specialty for a testing event.
Unsuccessful Proficiency Testing: Failure to attain the minimum satisfactory score for
an analyte, test, subspecialty or specialty for two consecutiveor two of three
consecutivetesting events.
Verification of Reference Range: Necessary before reporting patient results;
accomplished by testing a random sample of (normal) patient specimens and comparing
the results with the reference range established by the manufacturer or documented in the
Waived test: A test determined by the Food and Drug Administration to meet the criteria
established for exemption from most CLIA regulations. These are not entirely
unregulated. Following of manufacturers instructions, including quality control
performance/frequency, is mandatory. Two percent of all Waived category laboratories
will be randomly inspected each year by CMS.


ACP 2014

APPENDIX A CMS Regional & State Offices (CLIA Contact List)

For the most recent state and regional office contact information, visit


ACP 2014

APPENDIX B CLIA Approved Proficiency Testing Programs 2008

205 West Levee Street
Brownsville, TX 78520-5596
11400 Tomahawk Creek Parkway
Leawood, Kansas 66211-2672
P.O. Box 999
Westford, MA 01886
(800) 665-2575
1159 Business Park Drive
Traverse City, MI 49686
(800) 333-0958
Suite 700
25 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20001-7401
(800) 338-2746, (202) 261-4500

325 Waukegan Road
Northfield, IL 60093-2750
(800) 832-7000
202 Fashion Lane, Suite 219
Tustin, CA 92680-3320
(714) 730-1944

College of American Pathologists
325 Waukegan Road
Northfield, IL 60093-2750
(800) 323-4040
Office of health Care Quality
Laboratory Care
Spring Grove Hospital Center
Bland Bryant Building
55 Wade Avenue
Catonsville, MD 21228
(410) 402-8029
State of New York
Department of Health
The Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller
State Plaza
P.O. Box 509
Albany, NY 12201-0509
(518) 474-8739
Department of Health
Bureau of Laboratories
P.O. Box 500
Exton, PA 19341-0500
(610) 280-3464
Public Health Laboratories of Puerto
PO Box 70184
San Juan, PR 00936-8184
(878) 274-6827

ACP 2014

Proficiency Testing Program
465 Henry Mall
Madison, WI 53706-1578
(800) 462-5261
CMS updates this list annually. For the
most recent listing of approved PT
programs, contact your CMS regional
office. (See Appendix A.)


ACP 2014

Internet Browser
The FDA has made a searchable database available to the public. This can be found at:
This database is searchable by Test System Name, Analyte Name and a number of other
variables. It is recommended that the drop down box be selected rather than entering
free text as the system finds things only entered exactly as listed in the database. For
instance, if ESR or SedRate is entered as the analyte, rather than Erythrocyte
Sedimentation Rate, no records will be found.


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