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Impact of Westernisation on

Indian Society
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M.N. Srinivas defined it:

I have used the term westernisation to characterize the changes
brought about in the Indian society and culture as a result of over 150
years of British rule. Westernisation occurs at different levels: in the
levels of technology, institution, ideology and values. The term
westernisation is ethically neutral. So, it does not carry the value of
good or bad.

Characteristics of Westernisation
1. It is inclusive as it can accommodate various outside elements.
2. It is complex as it includes many aspects such as behaviours
aspect, knowledge aspect etc.
3. It is many layered for it occurs in many levels.
4. Emphasis is given more on humanitarianism and rationalism.
5. Westernisation primarily focuses on cultural changes.
6. Westernisation results in the introduction of new institutions and
brings changes in the old institutions.
M.N. Srinivas found contradicting situations in relation to
westernisation. For example, the manipulation of western technology
does not mean that the manipulators have accepted a rationalistic and
scientific attitude. That is why, he found, the bulldozer driver of
Rampura village was a black magician. He thought that this situation
represents a carryover of traditional magico-religious beliefs into the
new world of modern technology.

There are also instances where westernisation has given birth to

forces which are mutually at cross-purposes. For example, the
introduction of printing machine. Printing machine helps in the
transmission of modern knowledge as well as knowledge of the
traditional epics, mythology, religious literature etc. Likewise, in the
political and cultural field, westernisation has given birth to nationalism
and also to revivalism, communalism, casteism, linguism and
Prof. Srinivas used concepts like primary westernisation, secondary
westernisation and tertiary westernisation. In primary westernisation
the linkage between western stimulus and Indian response is simple
and direct. It is easy to identify the stimulus and responses. For
example, increase in literacy due to printing machine.
In secondary westernisation the links are numerous and are not visible
on the surface. For example, it is very difficult to find out the
connection between westernisation and the student unrest. There are
some areas where it is too difficult to find out the linkage between
western stimulus and Indian response. It is known as tertiary

Primary Westernisation and Changes in Little Tradition:

Primary westernisation indicates the changes induced by the western
impact on the Indian little tradition.
Such changes are of two types:
(a) Emergence of westernised sub-cultural patterns.
(b) The process of general diffusion of western cultural traits.
(a) Emergence of Westernised Sub-Culture:

The westernised sub-cultural pattern was first emerged through a

minority section of Indians who first came into contact with western
They had done three things:
Firstly, these people acted as the link between the Indians and the
Secondly, they themselves adopted various western elements such as
dress pattern, food habit, ideas, values etc. They adopted cognitive
aspect of British culture as well as style of life.
Thirdly, they supported the rapid expansion of all these elements
among the people.
This group can be broadly divided into two classes:
(i) Commercial mediator class
(ii) English educated class
(i) Commercial Mediator Class:
Social composition of the commercial mediator class differs from one
region to another. In Kolkata they were Baniyas or Vaishyas by
caste. In Chennai they were Brahmins and in Mumbai they were
Parsis so, it was localized. The most important thing in the growth of
this class of quasi-westernised middle men and traders was that even
if they were less in member, but the cultural break through was
initiated by them.
In the process of westernisation, this class contributed in diverse
ways. Of course, their contribution was not always in an organised
form but through them a sub-culture of westernisation was gradually

established. It also continued to expand in India, throughout the

eighteenth century.
The job of commercial mediator class required three things.
Firstly, specialized training to deal with the Britishers.
Secondly, English education to interact with the Britishers. Thirdly,
ability of rational managerial administration far different from traditional
mode of transaction in business. This group was utilizing western
cultural elements mainly to gain economic benefit out of the business.
(ii) English Educated Class:
Growth of this class was possible because of western educational
The result of establishment of these educational institutions was
(a) The interjection of the western values and ideologies among the
members of the new educated class.
(b) The rise of social and cultural reformation movements.
These changes combined with expansion of Christianity, gave a
further push to the process of westernisation. The members of this
English educated group were influenced by the value system of British
culture. They were rational and they developed a scientific outlook.
They were in favour of humanitarianism, equalitarianism and
individualism. They wanted to bring reforms related to the social
practices and traditions of the Hindu culture.
The second type of primary westernisation in the little tradition refers
to the process of general diffusion of western cultural traits such as

changes in dress pattern, food habit and style of life. It also includes
use of new technology. These elements diffused among laymen and
scholars, rural as well as urban people.

Secondary Westernisation in Great Tradition:

Secondary westernisation is deeply rooted in Indian social system.
Mainly there are three reasons:
(i) Impact of different reform movements.
(ii) Role of the reformers and the leaders of the national movement.
(iii) Cumulative effects of the changes in the little tradition.
In this process two important changes are found in structural pattern
of Indian society such as, introduction of new institutions and
replacement of old institutions. In this connection various examples
are there like introduction of universalistic legal system, expansion of
modern education, introduction of wider national network of
transportation and communication.
Establishment of Universalistic Legal System:
In the traditional Indian society, (before the contact of the British)
the legal system had three important characteristics:
1. It was hierarchical as punishment was given according to the
position of the individual in the caste hierarchy.
2. It was particularistic for, the legal system and its practices were
changing from one region to another.
3. It was also non-equalitarian as legal system was giving emphasis to
the fulfillment of sub-cultural requirements.

The new legal system abolished hierarchy and established universal

legal system v the norms of equality and equity in matters of its
The new legal system had two results:
(a) The establishment of the principles of equality.
(b) The creation of consuocisness of positive rights.
The new legal system helped in bringing changes in the customs and
structure of the Indian society. Personal laws have been made with
new interpretation which are related to family, divorce, adaptation, joint
family guardianship, minority, inheritance, succession etc. It also
helped in giving recognition to the individual as the unit in all matters
of negotiation.
Expansion of modern education:
Traditional educational system was philosophical and metaphysical.
Education was available for only higher caste groups. The teachers
and the students were from higher castes. Westernisation introduced
modern and universal educational system. It differs from traditional
educational system in two aspects: Firstly, in its orientation and
secondly, in its organisation.
Modern educational system contains liberty, equality, modern scientific
world view etc. It has a professional structure which is not ascribed to
any specific group or class but can be achieved by merit. Some
branches of modern education such as science, engineering and
modern medicine are introduced.
Introduction of modern scientific and technological education helped
the process of growth of industrial centres. It leads to the expansion of
urban centres. Wider national network of transportation and

communication such as expansion of railways, roadways, post and

telegraph etc. have broken the barrier of isolation among the regions.
Growth of nationalism is also the impact of westernisation. Modern
democracy is the outcome of western culture.
Changes due to westernization:
1. Introduction of industrialisation and urbanisation.
2. Introduction of new institutions like election system, christian
missions, etc.
3. Modification in the old institutions through reform movements. For
example, putting an end to some of the inequalities that were part of
Hindus by introducing British Procedural law.
4. Introduction of new judicial system on the basis of principle of
5. Importance was given to humanitarianism through the
establishment of hospitals, orphanages.
6. Changes are found in behavioural level like taking food by sitting on
the floor to dining table.
7. Weakening of customary diet, from vegetarian to non-vegetarian
among the Brahmins.
8. Introduction of new educational system which contains modern
scientific world view.
9. Change of giving importance to ascribed status to achieved status.
10. Introduction of wider national network of transportation and

11. Growth of nationalism through establishment of national congress.

12. Introduction of new ideas such as welfare state, parliamentary
During the British rule acceptance of western cultural element was not
appreciated by Indians. But social reformers and activists introduced
radical changes in Indian society by adopting western ideas and
ideologies. Then, the building of railways, the growth of the press, and
the spread of education were added to it. After independence western
cultural elements have gained social sanction and western values are
rapidly being absorbed into Indian culture and life style.

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