3doodler Case Study
3doodler Case Study
3doodler Case Study
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A recent pilot project conducted in the UK demonstrated how new and emerging technologies
such as the 3Doodler can enhance, shape and inuence an educational setting in a variety of ways;
as well as encourage students to take on new challenges. The program specically highlighted how
the 3Doodler can be used to:
This case study looks in detail at the goals, methods, and outcomes of the pilot project, and
also highlights feedback from both students and teachers who participated.
Kinaesthetic learning when students learn optimally by doing. Such students may
Thinking Styles
ADHD - Attention decit and hyperactivity disorder. Students can be unable to focus, overactive,
or unable to control their behaviour
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Technology in Education
In September 2013, the United Kingdom updated its national curriculum. Design and technology
remains a compulsory part of the curriculum for students up to 13 years old, with a renewed focus
on ensuring that all pupils investigate new and emerging technology - Michael Gove, Minister for
Education. This applies not only to design and technology, but also to other areas such as science.
Under the new 2013 national curriculum, the integration of new technologies is required in order
for a school to achieve an evaluation of outstanding from Ofsted, the UKs ocial body for
inspecting schools.
The educators at St. Augustines identied the 3Doodler as an ideal way to introduce relevant
technology to their teaching across disciplines, as well as increase the level of engagement within
traditional subject areas.
The 3Doodler helps
you think about
As a part of the pilot program, the technology department also conducted a survey of all students
involved in the program to evaluate their reaction to the 3Doodler and its use in the classroom,
details of which are set out below.
While the 3Doodler was used in various disciplines, for the purposes of this case study we will
focus on the use of the 3Doodler in three specic subject areas:
The 3Doodler helps
you to learn, because
it makes you realize
the strength and
reality of things.
Sciences: Biology
The 3Doodler was chosen as a tool to teach students about the structure of the human heart.
The heart is a four-chambered pump that is constantly in motion, relying on a complex system of
valves, arteries, and veins. This can be a challenging topic for students. Traditional illustrations and
models frequently fail to convey the logic of the hearts structure, or how the parts interrelate and
impact each other.
For this exercise, students built three-dimensional models of the human heart. This required each
student to consider the structure and arrangement of each ventricular chamber, the placement of
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As part of the
education focus of
'closing the gap,' I
believe the 3Doodler
could play a vital part
in supporting
dierentiated learning
across all age ranges
(4-19) in our academy
and in particular
encouraging girls into
STEM subjects.
The 3Doodler has also been widely adopted in other schools across the
UK and in the US within art classes for the purposes of sculpting, model
making, pre-CAD drafting, as well as canvas work and the re-rendering
of well known 2D works of art into 3D.
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Pupil Engagement
Students were surveyed for their reactions to the 3Doodler. The results speak for themselves.
When asked to rate the 3Doodler on a scale from 1 to 10, 87% of students rated it as an 8 or
above. More specically: 26% rated the pen a perfect 10 and 29% rated the pen a 9.
This feedback, as well as the results of the individual classroom uses, have since been incorporated
into the Departmental Development Plan for the Technology Department at St. Augustines, and
the school is exploring how the 3Doodler can be further integrated into the school curriculum,
including into additional subject areas.
Student Incentivization
St. Augustines educators found that for many students, the 3Doodler was a powerful incentive to
outperform. Use of the 3Doodler provided an incentive to spend more time on exercises, as well
as a motivator to take on additional exercises.
Dierentiation as a teaching
The 3Doodler was a powerful tool for dierentiation in every instance where it was used within the
classroom. The pen is intuitively appealing to kinaesthetic and visual learners (a hallmark of which
is learning by seeing and doing), and also ensures that all students are able to progress and absorb
curricular materials, regardless of a given students learning style or ability.
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The most signicant result is that the 3Doodler bridged the gap between types of learners.
Using the 3Doodler, Convergent and Divergent thinkers performed equally well in classes
such as Physics. This stood in contrast to what we traditionally see in such subjects, where
Convergent thinkers generally obtain better results.
One of the classes we noticed a key dierence in was Mechanical Engineering, where the use of
a visual tool increased concentration levels and helped students understand dicult
concepts. Often visual learners nd some concepts quite hard to grasp, but when creating
items with the 3Doodler, we noted a measurable improvement in
It was a great leveller between boys and girls Normally, when I bring
in new machinery (e.g. Makita tools) the boys are very keen to use them,
whereas the girls are more resistant. Yet when they were using the
3Doodler, the girls were just as condent with the new equipment
and ideas...
A 3Doodled model of an atom.
Previously it would have been mainly the boys who would say they
wanted to be an Architect, but one female pupil told me that the
3Doodler had helped her to understand Architectural design and
Our Assistant Principal and Head of Curriculum Development also noticed an increase in the
uptake of girls choosing Physics following the lessons where we used the 3Doodler. It really
provided a way of thinking that they could identify with.
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The 3Doodler teaches
you to be steady, and
helps you think.
One student diagnosed with ADHD commented that the pen was helping them to learn to
concentrate, an outcome that has also been observed amongst other student groups in both the
US and the UK.
From an educator at St. Augustines:
Some children diagnosed with ADHD struggle to concentrate when taught with traditional
pedagogy. However, if we deliver teaching material in the form of a computer game we observed
that there is no problem with concentration or focus, and the same applied with the 3Doodler.
With the use of a template, the student maintained focus and was engaged throughout the task
Additional Resources
Educators and students around the globe are experimenting and integrating the 3Doodler into
their teaching and learning. We are constantly discovering inspiring new ideas for the use of the
3Doodler in education.
Below is a list of further examples, along with curricular materials and other resources that will be
useful for educators the world-over:
Full Q&A with Jacqui Winn - Head of Technology at St. Augustines Catholic High School, Redditch:
Curricular Materials
Curricular materials are available here:
They include:
Bridge Design Unit
Bridge Design Templates
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