AFMS Conference Louisiana 1999

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DP Metering for the New Millennium

Philip A Lawrence
McCrometer, Inc.
Kingwood, TX 77345


Basic Principles

For many years, differential pressure meters

were the only devices available, for measuring
volumetric flowrate in a pipe with reasonable
This family of meters holds the
largest share of the market even today.

In general, differential pressure meters rely on

the fact that if a fluid flows through a constriction
it must accelerate. This causes its kinetic energy
to increase and therefore its pressure to fall by a
corresponding amount in accordance with the
principle of the conservation of energy. (Total
energy in a closed system being a constant).

A more recent addition to this technology is the

V-Cone differential pressure meter, which uses
a centrally mounted cone to generate a DP. The
purpose of this paper is to outline the
characteristics of the device, its unique design
construction and operation.

See Fig 1:

History of (
P Measurement)
Differential pressure devices have been
commercially used with great success for about
85 years. The first experiments being made by
Bernoulli during the 1740s from which the
Bernoulli principle was derived, this lead to the
concept of a flow nozzle by Venturi and
subsequently the orifice plate, which is used
today worldwide.

Development of these devices has continued

with refinements in size, body geometry, inlet
/outlet parameters, removable plates and edge
profiles. It was only recently that the concept of
compressing the fluid to the center of the pipe
was radically changed to compression at the
pipe wall using a cone, (circa 1986).

Further development of this idea with removable

(insertion top plate) cones was designed a few
years later. The latest device being a wafer
meter with field removable cones.

Fig 1

A fluid at mean velocity v1, and density, 1,

passes a X-sectional area of A1, it then also
passes the smaller X-sectional area A2, at v2,
and 2.
By application of Bernoullis equation and the
principle of continuity between these two sections
then it can be shown that for an ideal and
incompressible fluid:

m = ratio A1 / A2

& P = P1-P2

If the fluid concerned is compressible, (example

a gas) then, a second empirical coefficient, or
Expansion Factor must be introduced, this
depends on the physical characteristics of the
gas being measured as well as the geometry of
the flowmeter. For practical use the equation
would then become:

The Orifice Plate is simply a plate with a

concentric hole (or not so concentric) forming a
partial obstruction to the flow, large amplitude
eddies are formed downstream which can reduce
the turndown and accuracy of the device.
See fig 3 :

= adiabatic expansion factor C = coefficient of discharge

When high accuracy is required circa +/0.5% of
rate, the coefficient, C, must be found by
calibration of the meter over a range of flowrates
and corresponding Reynolds numbers.
If an accuracy of between +/-1~2% is acceptable
then the value of C, can be obtained from
national and international standards, (Orifice &
Venturi Meters).
V-Cone devices are always calibrated when
good accuracy is needed (circa +/- 0.5% of
flowrate ) this is generally carried out at the
manufacturer or at an independent laboratory
traceable to NIST or National Standard.
A repeatability of +/- 0.1% the norm for this type
of unit at 8000 Re and above.


V-Cone Meter General Concepts

The V-Cone meter comprises of a centrally
mounted cone with the major apex facing the
flow, a cone with a more acute angle is fixed to
the trailing edges of this cone to allow a smooth
transition of the flow into the low pressure zone,
downstream. Upstream pressure tapings (pipe
wall) and downstream (cone center) are used to
obtain the DP across the cone. See fig 4

Venturi & Orifice General Concepts

The Venturi meter or tube is the original form of
the P meter. (Strictly speaking the VenturiTube is the primary device and the name
Venturi-meter refers to the combination of
primary and secondary) see fig 2


Fig 2

Generally, Venturi meter discharge coefficients

are near to unity however, this may change due
to wear and usage.

Unique advantages derive from this construction

since the flow is not compressed to the center or
abruptly changed by the blockage. The meter
generates high frequency low amplitude
downstream turbulence (eddies) which allow a
low noise signal to be generated at the pressure
transducer. The resolution available at the lowpressure port is better than 1/10 Wg which
allows large turndown and repeatability using
only one pressure transmitter.

V-Cone Technical Attributes

This coefficient is called the Adiabatic Expansion

Factor (or Y factor), for the V-Cone :-

All DP meters use the same type of

mathematical equations with some slight
differences, for sizing and for implementation
The following are examples of algorithms for the
V-Cone device. (Other meter data being
available from ISO 5167, ANSI 2530(AGA 3)
Beta Ratio

1 - [ DP/ PL ]

(Term used to simplify

the equation above)

Velocity Profile & Flow Conditioning

Most DP meters require flow conditioning to
obtain a good velocity profile and removal of swirl
from the fluid to be measured.

= Beta Ratio D = I.D.of Pipe

Cone / Orifice void space
Cone Diameter

d = O.D.of

d in = Din 1 2

Recent work performed at GRI indicated even

with long lengths of smooth upstream piping
(100 Ds) errors where noticed, the situation
being worse when short lengths, or incorrect
installation practices were used. From this work
certain types of new flow conditioners have been
produced to assist in maintaining a good velocity
profile, however the V-Cone meter does not
generally require this type of conditioning. The
meter itself reprofiles the flow due to the way in
which the cone interacts with the fluid being
measured: shown in fig 5

Flow rate calculation for the V-Cone

For liquids the following equation can be used:

Fig 5

If a gas is to be measured, it is necessary to

apply a correction factor (Adiabatic Expansion
Factor) to correct Bernoullis Theorem since
density changes due to pressure change across
the constriction does not apply to liquids. It is
necessary to multiply the Y factor by the Cd or
Cf .

Since the V-Cone is not affected by velocity

profile it is possible to install the units in a smaller
area (envelope) than conventional DP Devices.
The cost of ownership is enhanced by the
reduction of flow conditioning elements needed.

A typical V-Cone installation is shown below,

note the short upstream runs (0-3Ds) and short
downstream runs at (01Ds).
see Fig 6

Signal stability can be a major issue with most

DP meter types, they can produce signal bounce.
V-Cone meters produce high frequency low
amplitude vortices down stream of the cone. This
type of signal enhances the
obtainable from a pressure transducer and
allows large turndowns to be obtained, since the
signal is not being swamped with erroneous
noise . Applications in compressor control being
ideal in this area.
See fig 8 a& b ;

Fig 6

Total Cost of Ownership and Reliability

Most DP meters have no moving parts and thus
can be considered to be mechanically stable,
however, it can be seen that if beta geometries
change, (as with conventional units) the impact
on the
measurement accuracy may be a
V-Cone units are manufactured so that the beta
edge is not worn by contact with the fluid .
The high velocity core flow is forced in a
streamlined way to interact with the boundary
layer near to the pipe wall, a secondary
boundary layer is distributed over the cone area,
the net result is a near complete mixing of the
pipe velocities and this enables the meter to
perform in a predictable manner.
If there is any long term erosion this occurs at
the front of the cone where there is no impact on
performance and also where there is a strong
material content / support structure.
See fig 7:

Fig 8a

Fig 8b

New areas of use for the V-Cone

BLM (Bureau of Land Management)
Wet gas measurement to custody transfer
standards, using conventional means can show
errors due to response time of a transmitter when
saturated with liquid, together with the problem of
water retention, say up/downstream of an orifice
This problem was recognized by the BLM and
remedial use of the V-Cone meter was put into
place late last year (98) at a BLM controlled site.

The result being that a tighter uncertainty was

obtained and a dispensation to allow the V-Cone
meter to be used to current CTM guidelines
granted per location basis.

Testing and acceptance was implemented over

the latter part of last year (1998) and further
usage is planned for 1999.

Fig 7

Wet Gas Chart Recorder Results (BLM Site)

V-Cone Slugging showing
quick dispersal of water
through the meter

The experimental results showed:

An increase in the gas flow reading was recorded
when liquid was entrained in the gas. Standard
meter calculations would, therefore, overpredict
the amount of gas passing through the meter
when liquids are entrained.
The amount of increase depended upon the
meter beta ratio, the liquid massfraction, the
operating pressure, and the gas flow rate.
The beta 0.67 meter had the highest gas
measurement error, with a maximum error of
1.5%. The beta 0.45 meter showed the lowest
gas measurement error for the meters tested at
30 psia. At 110 psia, the beta 0.59 meter had the
lowest gas measurement error for the range of
conditions tested.

Change out to V-Cone

Slugging showing water
retention (orifice plate)

Fig 9

Figure 9, shows water being retained at the

up/downstream sides of the orifice plate, and
then moving into a slug flow condition.
The resulting situation being an overall widening
in the uncertainty of the measurement station.
The V-Cone showed a quick response time
when the slugging occurred which is shown in
the chart results Fig 9. The V-Cone DP tracking
the changes in static pressure instantaneously.
Wet Gas Testing
Recently the GRI (Gas Research Institute)
performed some wet gas testing, (report number
04-8639-02) with the V-Cone in conjunction with
orifice plates to see what effect a two phase
mixture would have on these types of devices.
The testing was independently performed by
GRI staff and evidence produced that the
V-Cone could handle wet gas to the
concentrations tested with good accuracy.
Tests were conducted on 4-inch diameter
meters installed in a horizontal orientation. Beta
ratios of 0.67, 0.59, and 0.45 were tested at
three different gas flow rates for each meter. At
each gas flow rate, the liquid mass fraction was
varied from 0-5%. The tests were conducted
using nitrogen and water at pressures of 30 and
110 psia.

The two smaller beta ratio meters provided gas

measurement accuracy better than 1% with liquid
mass fractions up to 5%. V-Cone meters,
therefore, can be used in wet gas applications
when measurement accuracy of this magnitude is
Further data is expected to be obtained from the
Joint Industry project (JIP) currently being set up
to examine wet gas measurement in further
Installation and Usage
V-Cone meters can be used for any liquid or gas
measurement application where robustness and
longevity is required; the meter is virtually
maintenance free and does not require periodic
Inspection is required only if the meter is in
extreme process conditions.
As with any primary instrument it is necessary to
use good secondary instrumentation, which
should be re-calibrated according to the
manufacturer instructions.

Canadian Custody Transfer

Reference Documents

Industry Canada granted certification for the

V-Cone last April, this allows usage for CTM
service for meters from 1/2inch to 36 inches.
The test results superceded the standard
performance of the V-Cone family at +/-0.5 %
well inside the Government guidelines.


Szabo / Winarski

V-Cone Meter for Natural

Gas Flows

Ifft / Mikkelsen

Pipe Elbow Effects on the

V-Cone Flowmeter


Flow Measurement
Handbook (Latest Edition)


Wet Gas Research

V-Cone 4 inch Diameter


V-Cone Technology 1998

(Old Wine in a new Bottle)

Differential Pressure meters are here to stay
despite advances in vibrating tube meters,
vortex meters, and a whole complexity of new
units out there.
The technology is easy to work with, to
understand, and works well.
VCone units operate with mature principles but
packaged a little differently, the increasing use
of the device is solving many flow-related
problems in the real world today and for the next

A Basic Guide and Source

Book for Users

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