MCA-Indonesia Social and Gender Integration Plan (SGIP)
MCA-Indonesia Social and Gender Integration Plan (SGIP)
MCA-Indonesia Social and Gender Integration Plan (SGIP)
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................... 5
2. Background: Key Social and Gender Issues, Concerns, and Trends ..................... 7
Gender and Social Gaps at the Legal and Policy Level ......................................... 8
Womens Participation and Leadership ............................................................... 13
Women in the Economy ...................................................................................... 14
The National Gender Mainstreaming Framework ................................................ 17
3.Institutional and Programmatic Review of Related Donor and Womens
Organizations .......................................................................................................... 19
4. Social and Gender Integration Action Plan .......................................................... 21
Green Prosperity ................................................................................................. 21
The Community Based Health and Nutrition to Reduce Stunting Project ............. 31
Procurement Modernization................................................................................. 34
Cross-Cutting Gender Concerns: Gender Targeted Activities .............................. 38
4. Monitoring and Evaluation ................................................................................... 45
6. Communications.................................................................................................. 47
8. MCA Capacity Assessment ................................................................................. 47
9. SGIP and Its Implication to other Compact Documents, Contracts and Reports .. 48
10. SGIP Review and Update Process .................................................................... 48
List of Figures
Figure 1: Gender Development Index by Indonesia Province ................................ 9
Figure 2: Percentage of Education Attainment BPS Gender Statistic 2011 .......... 12
Figure 3: The fraction of births attended by skilled professionals varies across
East Asian and Pacific countries ......................................................................... 13
Figure 4: Employment sectoral composition by gender in Thailand and Indonesia
overtime .............................................................................................................. 14
Figure 5: Percentage of males and females labor (>15 yrs old) based on gender
and sectors.......................................................................................................... 15
Figure 6: Wage in IDR based on sex and sectors ................................................ 15
Figure 7: Womens Entrepreneurship in Indonesia: Select Figures from the World
Bank Enterprise Survey, Indonesia and Regional/Global Comparisons ............... 16
Figure 8: Female-headed households in rural areas are less likely than maleheaded households to have................................................................................. 22
EAP Report
1. Introduction
Indonesia was selected by MCCs Board of Directors as eligible for a Compact in
December 2008, and on 19 November 2011 the Government of Indonesia and the
US Government signed the Compact. The MCC Compact consists of three main
projects: Green Prosperity, Community-based Health and Nutrition to Reduce
Stunting, and Procurement Modernization. The objective of Green Prosperity is to:
(a) (i) increase productivity and reduce reliance on fossil fuels by expanding
renewable energy; and (ii) increase productivity and reduce land-based greenhouse
gas emissions by improving land use practices and management of natural
resources (the GP Objective). The objective of Community-based Health and
Nutrition to Reduce Stunting project is to (b) reduce and prevent low birth weight and
childhood stunting and malnourishment of children in project areas, and to increase
household income through cost savings, productivity growth and higher lifetime
earnings (the Nutrition Objective). The procurement modernization project aims to
(c) achieve significant government expenditure savings on procured goods and
services, while assuring their quality satisfies the public need, and to achieve the
delivery of public services as planned (the Procurement Modernization Objective).
These projects are expected to ensure broad and equitable benefits, including
especially for the poor and women. However, there are substantial gaps in ensuring
equal economic opportunities for women and men as well as other vulnerable groups
in Indonesia. In particular, womens legal and social status is problematic. To
address these gaps, social and gender analysis is being integrated into each of the
three compact themes and across activities to inform their design. Additional funding
in the amount of $5million is available in the Compact to focus on broader
crosscutting policy, regulatory and legal issues that inhibit womens full economic
participation and ability to benefit from potential project benefits. While these
activities will complement the other compact themes, they are not substitutes for
gender integration into each project.
The Social and Gender Integration Plan (SGIP) is an operational document designed
to systematize and ensure gender integration across compact projects and activities.
It is also intended to highlight particular social constraints and opportunities that may
be relevant across sectors as well as risks that need to be managed. As one of
MCCs Gender Milestones and Operational Procedures, this plan is a requirement for
the Compact and a Conditions Precedent for second disbursement of Compact
funds. The Compact states:
To maximize the positive social impacts of the Projects, address cross-cutting social
and gender issues such as human trafficking, child and forced labor, and HIV/AIDS,
and to ensure compliance with the MCC Gender Policy, the Government will: (x)
develop a comprehensive social and gender integration plan which, at a minimum,
identifies approaches for regular, meaningful and inclusive consultations with women
and other vulnerable/underrepresented groups, consolidates the findings and
recommendations of Project-specific social and gender analyses and sets forth
strategies for incorporating findings of the social and gender analyses into final
Project designs as appropriate (Social and Gender Integration Plan); and (y)
ensure, through monitoring and coordination during implementation, that final Activity
designs, construction tender documents and implementation plans are consistent
with and incorporate the outcomes of the social and gender analyses and social and
gender integration plan.
According to AMAN (and using AMANs definition of indigenous community), the number of
indigenous people in Indonesia is between 50 and 70 millions.
Cultural diversity of indigenous peoples is recognized in:
The national motto Bhineka Tunggal Ika or Unity in Diversity.
UUD 1945 (the Indonesia Constitution): Article 18B (2): the traditional rights of the
indigenous people are recognized and respected by the state; Article 28I (3): cultural identity
and traditional rights of the Indigenous peoples are respected and protected by the state as
a human rights
TAP MPR RI No.9/IX/2001 - the Government recognizes, respects and protects the rights of
the Indigenous people tradition in natural resource management
Law No. 27 Year 2007 About Coastal area and Small Islands
permission of their husbands.4 Moreover, a 2010 survey by the Pew Research center
found that only 64% of respondents noted that women should have equal rights. In
the same survey, while 88% of respondents agree that women should be able to
work outside the home, 74% believe that when jobs are scarce, they should go to
Indonesia does not pass the MCC Gender In the Economy indicator in its scorecard
used to measure country eligibility for MCC assistance. The scorecard is based on
data from the World Banks Women, Business & the Law project, which assesses
womens legal capacity compared to that of men in a number of areas, including
signing contracts in their own name, becoming the head of household or getting a
job, among others. For Indonesia, the issue of the head of household results in its
non-passage of this indicator, due to the discriminatory description of the head of
household rooted in the Marriage Law.6 This issue is further examined later in this
report in the section dealing with crosscutting policy, capacity and institutional issues,
and given the direct tie to MCC work, included as a priority area as part of MCA-Is
policy work on gender.
Figure 1: Gender Development Index by Indonesia Province
The disparity of GDI in Indonesia persists. Indonesias GDI in 2011 is 67.80 and only
ini berarti
score above
the national
GDI. Thebahwa
good news is the gap is
year. Likewise,
GEI is getting
each year. In 2011, the GEI
di semua
telah better
reach to the point of 69.14 compared to 68.15 in 2010.
kemajuan, tetapi masih perlu upaya lebih kuat lagi untuk
laws perempuan
and policies mengingat
currently persist
at national and subnational
di semua
Secara nasional,
Letter (SEMA)
No.03 Year
1963 has attempted to
tahun 2010 IPG Indonesia mencapai 67,20, setahun kemudian IPG 108 and 110 that
disallow women to testify before the court and enter into a contract without
Indonesia meningkat sebesar 0,60 poin menjadi 67,80.
permission and assistance from her husbands. But patriarchal traditions and norms
ini menunjukkan
prevail IPG
in practice.
For example,
the civil dalam
code provides for equal
will depend
on whether
an ethnic group within Indonesia
bila dibandingkan
UNDP. 2010. Womens Participation in Politics and Government in Indonesia. A Policy Paper. UNDP,
Pew Global Attitudes Project. 2010.
is patrilineal or matrilineal, and Islamic law dictates that women inherit less than
men.7 Until now, the national law (among others, the circular letter of Ministry of
Labor No.7 year 1990) regulated that married female civil servants are always
counted as a single person meaning the married working women will not be provided
by benefits for the husbands and the kids.8 Komnas Perempuan notes that at least
282 regulations in 100 districts and cities in 22 provinces across country have
discriminated against women. These regulations, among others, have banned
women from leaving homes in the evenings, regulated women to cover their heads
and body, and have restricted their freedom of movement. These not only stigmatize
women but also reduce their opportunity to work in evening shifts or more generally
be economically active.9
The passage of the new law on gender equality remains uncertain, and its provisions
may not be sufficient to repeal numerous discriminatory regulations and laws, nor
would it invalidate traditional customs. MOWE has informed MCC that currently five
different versions of the gender equality bill drafts are around in the national
parliament, and they are interested in having one common draft. Any constitutional
guarantees and national legislation may play out at the local level differently, given
the complex interactions of civil, customary, and religious law as well as Indonesias
decentralization. This dynamic and complex set of variables will merit close
inspection in the design of all our activities across the three themes.
While the legal age of marriage is 16 for girls and 19 for boys (still too young for
girls), in practice girls are often marry even earlier. This dynamic impacts especially
the nutrition project given the implications for womens childbearing and caregiving.
In parts of Java, some of the women interviewed as part of Compact development
had gotten married as early as 13 or 14. Violence against women is prevalent and a
significant problem that impacts womens lives. While data on this subject is
generally difficult to come by and cases are often under-reported, the 2012 Komnas
Perempuan Annual Report indicated that 216,516 gender-based violence cases were
reported to various legal institutions and womens crisis center across Indonesia
during 2012. Since 2004, Komnas Perempuan noted the total number of genderbased violence cases that were reported to the legal institutions have been
increasing significantly (double) each year.10 According to the National Commission
on Violence against Women, the largest share of victims experience violence in the
domestic domain and personal relationships. These trends indicate the need for
educational messages across our activities on how violence against women and
early marriage impact womens lives and economic potential which could be
incorporated into either ongoing project outreach/training or through separate
outreach and awareness raising campaigns, as appropriate. 11 This should be
especially done for the nutrition project.
The establishment of the National Commission on Anti Violence against Women or
Komnas Perempuan is the GOIs effort to deal with the high incidence of genderbased violence. At the moment, sexual violence that occurs in private and public
sphere is criminalized by various regulations such as the Indonesia domestic
Indonesia Country Gender Assessment. 2006. Asia Foundation, ADB, CIDA, NDI, World Bank.
BPS-MOWE. Gender-based Human Development 2011. BPS-MOWE. Jakarta.
Diskriminatif accessed by 2 May 2013.
National Commission on Violence against Women. 2010. It is not only at home: womens experience
of violence in unequal power relations. Jakarta.
(household) violence law, the children rights protection law, and the anti trafficking
law as well as the Indonesia criminal code (KUHP). The anti-trafficking law in
Indonesia criminalizes the perpetrators either individual or institutional and
determining the minimum sentences and fines for the perpetrators. As the country
with many islands and many Indonesian working abroad as migrant workers, cases
of trafficking in persons in Indonesia are still rampant. The Indonesia provinces that
are situated in the borders with other countries such as West and East Kalimantan
and the mining areas in which international companies are operating such as in
Papua and East Nusa Tenggara, trafficking of women and girls is likely very high.
The Greater Mekong region and Indonesia are the two main hubs for human
trafficking in South-east Asia.12 In 2012, the US government placed Indonesia in Tier
2 category, meaning the GOI does not fully comply with the TVPAs minimum
standards, but is making significant efforts to be compliant with those standards.
Meanwhile, few NGOs and womens organizations in Indonesia really focus on
trafficking in persons. IOM, ACILS, and ICMC are some of the most prominent
international organization based in Jakarta while national NGOs such as GAT
(Gerakan Anti Trafiking) and some other national NGOS work on migration issues.
TIP is considered by MCC in making decision of country eligibility. MCC has a zero
tolerance policy on TIP and contractually requires all contractors and their subcontractors to adopt the same policy. If the issue is specifically identified as a risk for
a particular project, additional measures on education on this issue may be
incorporated into project activities, and contractors may be asked to develop TIP risk
management plans. In Indonesia, TIP risks are most likely to arise in GP. The
establishment of workers camps for renewable energy infrastructure and any
infrastructure works may contribute to transport of persons vulnerable to TIP
offenses or facilitate easier access of potential victims of human trafficking.
Sexual harassment is another area requiring emphasis by both MCA and
contractors. Even though vaguely regulated in Indonesia, sexual harassment article
in KUHP criminalizes the perpetrator of sexual harassment. Article 281 of KUHP
reads: Imprisonment of a maximum period of two years and eight months or a
maximum fine of Rp. 4,500 will be imposed on: (1) whoever intentionally breaks the
norm of decency in a public place; or (2) whoever intentionally breaks the norm of
decency in the presence of any other individual who is present without his or her own
desire. The MCC has recently amended bidding documents for large works
contracts, noting specifically prohibitions on sexual harassment. The language
requires contractors to implement a sexual harassment policy, and an appropriate
incident and referral plan that the workforce is well informed of. This article is
particularly relevant to GP and procurement modernization project that will involve
the hiring of large numbers of staff to implement the activities, and relevant
provisions on sexual harassment prohibition should be incorporated into contracts
and implementation plans, as appropriate. Sexual harassment should also be a topic
of the MCA wide gender training for staff and relevant contractors and implementing
partners, based on HR (human resources) regulations developed on this by MCA.
Gender Gaps in Education and Health
There have been improvements in educational attainment rates in Indonesia. Female
literacy levels are higher than in other countries with comparable income levels. 13
The WDR 2012 acknowledged that some gender gaps have closed, including in
Urban + Rural
7 12 years old
13 15 years old
16 18 years old
Source: Susenas 2010
Currently, women and children in 20 provinces have critical health problems that
cause Indonesia difficult to reduce the percentage of mother and infant mortality
rates and reach the MDGs target. By targeting to reduce 25% of mother and infant
mortality rates, the Ministry of Health created EMAS (Expanding Maternal and
Neonatal Survival) by strengthening the health services quality that is initially carried
out in six provinces (North Sumatera, Banten, West Java, Central Java, East Java,
and South Sulawesi) experienced with the highest percentage of mother and infant
mortality rates.15
Many womens health issues persist until now. Womens access to reproductive
health care could be constrained by norms. For example birth deliveries at home are
culturally preferred in parts of Indonesia. This might jeopardize women since
Indonesia has substantial disparities across provinces related to pre-natal care.
Jakarta has 97 percent of births attended by a skilled provider while Maluku has only
33 percent. 16 The World Bank data below showed that Indonesia is one of the
countries in the East Asia Pacific with low contraceptive use and low rates of births
delivered by professionals. Indonesia has the highest maternal mortality rate in
Southeast Asia and may not achieve the maternal mortality MDG goal of 112 deaths
by 2015. Their current maternal mortality ratio (MMR) is 228.17
mor-Lesteare precisely those with low rates of contraceptive use and low rates of
rofessionals (figure 2.11 and figure 2.12). As shown in figure 2.11, Pacific Island
e low contraceptive prevalence compared to East Asia. In Timor-Leste, for example,
omen age 1549 use contraception, leading to high fertility rates and very short periods
Less than 20 percent of the births there are assisted by professionals. Delivery at home
help and without easy access to a functioning referral center poses high risks, particularly
ons. The absence of the factors that explain progress elsewhere is at play in these
de constraints from households, including social norms about pregnancy and birthing
upply-side provision of care explain the poor health outcomes in these countries. The
from context to context.
3: 2.12.
The The
of of
skilled professionals
attended by
across East
across and
East Pacific
Asian and
The median age of marriage in Indonesia is 16 for girls and as highlighted earlier,
in practice women often marry even younger. This has implications for womens
educational attainment, future economic opportunities, as well as increased health
risks. Pregnancies in early marriage, for example, are associated with higher
maternal mortality, and young womens lack of education may contribute to
inadequate feeding practices. 19 Encouraging later marriage should be part of any
educational efforts carried out through PNPM Genarasi, such as the communications
campaign. The high levels of violence against women are also especially relevant to
this theme.
Womens Participation and Leadership
Womens political participation and presence in top leadership is limited. Women
constitute less than 1% of officials with decision-making authority.20 Data of Podes
2008 showed that female village heads only constituted 4% of the total number of
village heads in Indonesia. Meanwhile, only 10 out of 492 regents/majors across
Indonesia are female. 21 In many villages in Green Prosperity areas in Jambi and
West Sulawesi such as in Karampuang island none village or sub-village heads are
women. This under-representation especially affects the representation womens
voices in community meetings due to many regulatory in relation to land and village
boundary depend upon the representation of village heads. Men usually participate in
civil society organizations related to community-level governance, physical
infrastructure, environmental improvements, and neighborhood security, whereas
women participate in organizations that focus on family welfare, economics, and
World Bank. 2008. Investing in Indonesias Institutions: Country Partnership Strategy FY09-12.
Indonesia Country Gender Assessment. 2006. Asia Foundation, ADB, CIDA, NDI, World Bank.
Asia Foundation et al. 2006
BPS-MOWE. Gender-based Human Development 2012. BPS-MOWE. Jakarta.
EAP Report 2012
While women are well represented in the overall civil service at 45.4% of the civil
service labor force, they are concentrated in the lower echelon and make up only 9%
of those working in the first echelon.23 Womens very limited participation in decisionmaking bodies has implications for our projects because it will require extra efforts to
ensure women are involved in any consultative processes during project
development and implementation so that their views and experiences can be
properly reflected. This under-representation of women also has implications for
ensuring a gender balance at decision-making bodies relevant to our projects such
as project working groups, Steering Committees, and Multi Stakeholder Forum
(MSF) where the representation of appropriate womens groups should be ensured.
The initial Multi-Stakeholder Meeting carried out for GP already reflect a difficulty in
ensuring balanced representation. Extra efforts to integrate gender language through
project guidelines or operating procedures should be done to increase womens
presence and participation.
The State of Gender Equality in East Asia and the Pacific
y sector
same amount over the period (Rozelle et al. 2000). Nonetheless, agriculture remains
as still the largest sector of employment in the region (figure 1.18).
A growing number of women have been joining the workforce. Yet, female labor
among women who do not have children, and the gaps widen with age. In rural and
the labor market.28 When they do work, women are more likely to be found in lowpaying, low-skilled occupations and in the informal sector where worker protections
and benefits are weak. In particular, women whose husbands are self-employed are
significantly more likely to be unpaid workers than those whose husbands are wage
Women dominate in informal sector employment and have much lower salaries than
men. For example, the WDR 2012 report indicated that women are 70% of informal
workers in Indonesia, and Sakernas 2010 data showed 72.32% of unpaid workers
above 15 years old are females. Meanwhile, the EAP report 2012 indicated that
gender earnings gaps are more pronounced than in the formal sector.
Figure 5: Percentage of males and females labor (>15 yrs old)
based on gender and sectors
Average female earnings (in US$) are 2,2889 versus 4,434 for men. The latest BPS
data showed that in 2011 the average male wage is IDR 1,649,472 while females is
iDR 1,275,653, and for the last five years (2007-2011) female earnings only slightly
increased compared to males wage increase. A study on six countries (Cambodia,
Indonesia, Mongolia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam) indicated that
Indonesia has the widest earnings gap among the six countries examined, and the
study found substantial heterogeneity between rural and urban areas, both in terms
of the size of the gap and the factors contributing to it. 30 Lower earnings among
women and occupational segregation are worth noting and taking into account in all
3 projects, most especially procurement modernization and GP, with a need to
emphasize non-traditional career paths and skills building as a way to increase
female participation and earnings.
Figure 6: Wage in IDR based on sex and sectors
Non agriculture
women SMEs,33 though one of the potential reasons for high entrepreneurship rates
for women may be linked with poorer formal sector employment opportunities.
However, the WDR 2012 stated the significant differences of profitability of firms
owned by male in rural areas compared to the females. Also, although women are
considered to be an important market for microfinance, targeting of women has never
been a hallmark of the Indonesian microfinance industry.34 The MCC-funded gender
vendor survey has found that female enterprises tend to employ more females than
male-owned ones, both as staff and in management. This is an important trend to
consider, and the potential of female enterprises as a boost of female employment
more generally, in light of womens low labor force participation rates in the country.
Women entrepreneurs are much less likely to be at a larger enterprise level and
much more likely to be found at the small and micro enterprise sectors. According to
data from the Indonesian Women Business Association (IWAPI), out of sixteenthousand members in 2006, around 85% were concentrated in small sized
enterprises, 12% in medium-sized enterprises and only 3% in large scale enterprise.
There are around 3,500 women cooperatives, which is 30% of the total number of
cooperatives in Indonesia.35 Most of them are located outside Jakarta and 82% of
women-owned or managed small medium enterprises have monthly revenue of less
than $5,000. 36 More than 90% of women-owned or managed small medium
enterprises used their own savings to establish their business. At the same time,
World Bank enterprise surveys indicate that Indonesia fares better than the overall
sample of countries in terms of female participation in ownership of firms, females as
top managers and full time workers (see figure below). In Indonesia, there are more
firms with female participation in ownership than firms with female top managers,
demonstrating that although women might be owners, there are fewer women in
decision-making positions to articulate their voice and preferences.
Figure 7: Womens Entrepreneurship in Indonesia: Select Figures from the World Bank Enterprise Survey,
Indonesia and Regional/Global Comparisons
% of Firms With Female Participation in Ownership
% of Full Time Female Workers*
% of Female Permanent Full-time Non-production Workers
% of Firms With Female Top Manager
Indonesia Region
Generally, the capacity of female-owned firms has affected their decision to access
government contracts that offered by national ministries, and national or subnational
institutions. A gender vendor survey carried out by MCC indicated that female-owned
firms are just 5% of those receiving government contracts, and women themselves
are less likely to participate in government bidding. Female-owned firms stated that
the bidding requirement is too complicated in that they thought they would not be
winning. Likewise, the issues of corruption, collusion, and nepotism have
discouraged many more female-owned firms to compete for government contract.
Access to finance remains difficult for women. Access to capital is the most important
constraint reported in both male- and female-run informal firms, and female-run
informal firms appear to have substantially less capital than male-run informal firms.
Female micro firms also have lower levels of start-up capital than male-run micro
firms. Women have access to bank loans and credit, but available data indicate
differential access to finance. In a recent World Bank survey on access to financial
services, 11% of men had borrowed from microfinance institutions, versus 9.4% of
women. The same survey found that women are more likely to borrow from pawn
shops and informal sources. A slightly higher proportion of men demonstrated
financial literacy than women (54% vs. 50%), with men doing better in the
mathematics test in particular (83% vs. 79%). 37 An IFC survey found that women
experience higher barriers getting loans (35% of women vs. 25% of men noted
difficulties getting loans).38 This was confirmed by the recent Gender Vendor Survey,
which found similar trends regarding womens lower access to finance.
The National Gender Mainstreaming Framework
A 2000 Presidential Instruction on Gender Mainstreaming directs all government
ministries and agencies to adopt a gender mainstreaming strategy. Indonesia has a
National Gender Mainstreaming Strategy. Womens groups are also proposing
changes to the Family Law which is discriminatory in many respects, though effecting
any change on this will likely be difficult.
The Indonesia People Assembly or MPR Decree No. IV/MPR/1999 obliges government to revise the
discriminatory laws particularly those drafted and inherited from the colonial era including gender
discrimination. Below is some national regulatory that is gender sensitive and prioritize womens rights
Law No.52 of 2009 on population growth and family development especially obliges sexdisaggregated data on population data and poverty condition that burdensome to female-headed
households should be alleviated.
Law No.23 of 2004 on violence within households has strengthened the elimination of domestic
violence occurred within households context and obliged government to provide services for the
Law No.23 of 2006 on population administration applied non-discriminatory principles in
providing services for each citizen in Indonesia.
Law No.2 of 20011 political party specify the quota of womens participation in politics shall be 30
per cent at the minimum. This definition has been referred to and used nationwide by, among
others, the subnational government womens empowerment unit for womens participation in
general community participation.
gender integration that headed by governor or regent, and the members are all
government unit in provincial and district government respectively. The Ministry also
emphasizes the need for continued institutional capacity building for government and
NGOs. To do this, the GOI working plan 2013 stated the increasing of institutional
capacity of gender mainstreaming and womens empowerment including increasing
the capacity of human resources became one of the three national issues addressed
by the work plan.
Finally, government capacity to implement gender commitments especially at the
local level is low. In our meetings with the Ministry of Womens Empowerment and
Child Protection, this low capacity was raised as a significant obstacle to ensuring
gender mainstreaming. For example, the government has developed the gender
analysis pathway as a method of gender analysis but it appears that this method is
not gaining much traction and is not well understood. It is unclear how, if at all, it is
being used in designing and implementing activities. Gender budgeting is another
recently developed tool with uncertain application in Indonesia or to the Compact.
The womens empowerment units at provincial and district level have important roles
for the gender mainstreaming and gender integration both for the government
themselves and also for the community. The womens empowerment unit at
provincial level in Jambi has been actively conducting gender training for other
government units. They also have been actively involving womens groups in many
social activities. In the same vein, other womens empowerment units in many
provinces and districts across Indonesia have done similar gender mainstreaming
although they have different topics/focus such as gender-based violence or
economic empowerment. These locally based organizations will be important touchpoints and possible collaborators for certain MCA-Indonesia activities, in particular on
Green Prosperity.
The limited local capacity to mainstream gender perspectives into policies and
programs40 indicates the need for MCA to support local capacity to implement gender
objectives. During a meeting with the Ministry of Womens Empowerment, lack of
capacity to implement gender goals at the local level was raised as an issue and a
request for additional support was made to the MCC, and conversations on how best
to operationalize collaboration on this have been ongoing as of the writing of this
report. MOWE requires that each ministerial and government institutions to integrate
gender in their development program planning and budgeting. To expedite and
support gender integration in relation to Compact project implementation the MCA-I
will strive to coordinate and cooperate to the extent it is feasible with MOWE and
MOHA at national level and womens empowerment unit at provincial and district
level, including ensuring local womens empowerment units are part of any GP
consultative processes and capacity building efforts.
improving womens access to government social protection programs; increasing womens access to
jobs and removing workplace discrimination; improving conditions for womens overseas labor
strengthening womens leadership for better maternal and reproductive health;
strengthening womens leadership to reduce violence against women.
workplace discrimination, and maternal and reproductive health will have possible
overlaps. MAMPU might address FHH groups social protection that might affect the
nationwide social protection for FHH including in GP areas. Meanwhile, its work on
access to jobs and workplace discrimination will be helpful in assist the female
entrepreneurs in formalizing their companies that eventually will help them to access
governments contracts.
Apart from MAMPU, the AusAIDs PRSF (Poverty Reduction Support Facility) will
also overlap mainly on the FHHs policy reform dialogues. AusAIDs project on tax
reform (AIPEG) that soon will end and be extended has helped Compact gender
integration on the gender and tax analytical work. Another potential collaboration with
AIPJ (AusAIDs law and justice reform program) is a possibility in the areas of legal
identity since one of its program focuses on realizing rights. GIZs Strengthening
Womens Rights (SWR) program that directly in cooperation with MOWE office focus
to strengthen womens rights in the grassroots including the rights female-headed
households through various community dialogue. Initial dialogue has been carried
out with GIZ, which might be followed up by collaboration on the issue of reforming
the definition of female-headed households.
land use are not possible. Without meaningful consideration of womens energy
needs in the households it would be difficult for RE project investments to ensure
benefits for women, and potential for additional economic benefits may not be
Due to a variety of socio-cultural and practical factors, women are less likely to
participate in public forums or consultative processes. Women generally work
longer hours in the domestic sphere and thereby cannot afford to be active in
many village meetings. Though there is regional variation on this issue, at the
local level, they are much less likely to participate in local governance or
leadership roles (as detailed earlier in this report) and more likely to let their
husbands take care of public matters, such as attending any external meetings
or sessions. This dynamic will result in inadequate representation of women and
vulnerable groups in GP consultative processes (e.g. for boundary-setting or
NRM or RE project consultations) unless extra efforts are undertaken to ensure
both their numerical and meaningful participation.
Women and other vulnerable groups are often poorly represented in local dispute
resolution mechanisms, and as a result, decisions on local disputes involving
land may not always ensure favorable outcomes for them or reflect their views
and needs.
Figure 8: Female-headed households in rural areas are
Less likely than male-headed households to have
Receive credit in the last 12 months
IFC Performance Standard 7 state that the process of community engagement needs to be culturally
appropriate and commensurate with the risks and potential impacts to the Indigenous Peoples. In
particular, the process is to include the following steps:
Involve Indigenous Peoples representative bodies (for example, councils of elders or village
councils, among others)
Be inclusive of both women and men and of various age groups in a culturally appropriate
Provide sufficient time for Indigenous Peoples collective decision-making processes
Facilitate the Indigenous Peoples expression of their views, concerns, and proposals in the
language of their choice, without external manipulation, interference, or coercion, and without
Ensure that the grievance mechanism established for the project is culturally appropriate and
accessible for Indigenous Peoples
To date, SGA requirements have been embedded into key contracts such as those
with NREL and Abt. The SGA team has produced guidance on ensuring inclusive
consultations, which are being applied in the rollout of the Multi-Stakeholder Forums
(see box x). Early experiences suggest the need for separate MSFs in expanded
districts with womens groups, as reaching high numbers of female participants has
been difficult and women themselves have suggested separate womens forums. A
set of detailed SGA criteria has been prepared to embed in the finance facility for
helping evaluate the above-mentioned equal access criteria in proposed projects,
and additional analytical requirements have been incorporated into NRELs prefeasibility studies for the eight signature projects. Finally, a series of capacity building
materials and modules have been commissioned to ensure various GP stakeholders
(government, potential project implementers, GP contractors and implementing
entities, and civil society organizations) have sufficient knowledge to support the
inclusion of women, indigenous people, and other vulnerable groups in GP activities.
Initial discussions have started on best ways to ensure opportunities for as part of
GPs activities. The GP action matrix contains activities to help further address
above-identified issues.
Illustrative Project-level SGA Requirements for Renewable Energy Projects
Project preparation
Apply established social and gender evaluation criteria in proposal reviews
Analyze gender-differentiated impacts of RE infrastructure on employment, workloads, and the
division of labor
Assess energy budget costs, labor savings, and how and where time and money is spent
Ensure gender analysis has been applied to implementation plan and that plan include strategies
for enabling womens active participation in projects (e.g., jobs in training, maintenance)
Include gender considerations in off-take analysis (who uses and how) and team (constituency,
and for training in operations and maintenance)
Ensure project developer proposals include above gathered info on gender-differentiated impacts of
RE infrastructure on employment, workloads, and the division of labor as well as strategies for
addressing gaps
Ensure short and long term risks (and opportunities) are identified and addressed (produce
matrices that can be tracked during implementation)
Project Implementation:
Project implementation plans incorporate gender analysis and include strategies for enabling
Status (updated
consultations (see
also MCA-Is
ESMP for
All community
consultative processes
include: a) minimum
30% participation of
women and vulnerable
groups; b) separate
FGDs with womens
A range of capacity
building materials are
produced to help
various stakeholders
understand and apply
SGA requirements;
Improving GP
capacity to
issues that will be
conducted by the
SGA team using
the complementary
Trafficking in
Persons and
Sexual Harassment
periodically, as needed
Sexual harrasment
MCA-I policy
incorporated into
contractor TORs and
langugage- enforced
via trianing for large
infra projects
support for
strengthening legal
empowerment femaleheaded households
initatiated in started
districts as a pilot
learning initiative (* to
households (more
details on this are
in the Gender
Targeted Activities
District Readiness
be funded through
complementary gender
Establish formal
linkages between
these FHH groups and
GP project
opportunities (e.g.
ensure consultations
for project definition
include these groups;
allow FHH access to
job training to take part
in project economic
Produce a separate
gender chapter
summarizing key
findings across DRA
tasks on SGA Issues
(including in Strategic
Land Use
Planning (PLUP)
Participation criteria
and requirements to
involve women and
vulnerable groups for
balanced and inclusive
participation in land
use planning and
boundary setting to
be included in village
boundary mapping
guidance and public
Land use assessments
to consider the interest
mens and womens
different usage, rights
and ownership
GP Facility
gender requirements
and gender evaluation
criteria (e.g. staffing
and competency)
Any implementing
entity agreements (IE)
signed for GP include
SGA project
requirements and
clarify responsibilities
on this between MCA-I
and IE, with TA to
meet SGA issues
provided through
MCAs TA mechanisms
(some initial training
may be done using the
GP gender training
materials developed by
MCA, and others may
draw upon GP funds
for additional technical
At a project basis & for
the facility as a whole,
adopt as an
overarching theme the
issue of promoting
proactive economic
opportunities for
women and vulnerable
groups in projects
through jobs for
complementary skills
building and small
enterprise support, or
other activities to
incentivize their
economic participation
and benefits ensure
investment criteria and
follow up evaluations
of projects adequately
and consistently
incorporate this
GP investment criteria
to include evaluation
criteria for equal
access of women and
vulnerable groups
Terms-sheets/ cofinancing agreements
outline technical
criteria for social and
gender issues
Evaluation criteria for equal
access of women and
vulnerable group is included
in investment criteria
Equity objectives identified
by reporting guidelines in
the pipeline review process
Staff hired with gender
competency to help comply
with equity requirements for
evaluating funding
# of women hired in project
and maintenance
# of individuals benefitting
from skills building/trainings
(disaggregated by sex, age,
# of micro and small
enterprises (including
women-owned enterprises)
Investment Committee
composition includes
individuals with social
Investment Committee
making process
ensures that each
project approved
includes an adequate
plan for addressing
social/gender issues
At a project basis
commercial and grant
facility track how equity
objectives are being
met and whether
vulnerable groups
benefit include
reporting guidelines
into the pipeline review
projects incorporate
TIP language into
contracts and
loan/grant agreements
Develop small grant
facility manual (with a
big focus on
supporting for
groups through small
Embed SGA
requirements emerging
from the analysis into
large grants manual,
including specific
criteria to ensure
involvement of women
and vulnerable groups
Consultant (PMC)
PMC staffs to be
trained using GP
gender modules (will
be conducted by the
SGA team using the
complementary gender
assistance and
oversight (using
GP funding)
firms/consultants doing
TA and oversight have
knowledge on staff
Implementing partners
understand and apply
gender requirements fin
developing GP proposals
The Green Knowledge activity is still evolving. Therefore this section lacks details at this stage and
will be further developed together with that activity.
section focusing on
women, vulnerable
groups and other
marginalized groups in
the ESMP with
detailed actions and
resources allocated to
implement them.
PNPM Generasi
Health Provider
Support sensitization
of key stakeholders to
gender issues
Formative research
awareness campaign
Community facilitators
and NMC consultant
training modules and
guidelines, reflect the
findings of the gender
assessment and
incorporate a
strengthened gender
Ensure revise the
manual to include the
stronger and explicit
focus on gender and
father involvement
Final health provider
training modules to
include a more
representation of family
roles and encouraging
messages regarding
fathers involvement
Consider and
implement incentives
for health service
providers on
strengthened fathers
Organize a stakeholder
workshop to improve
understanding of
gender issues and
identify priorities for
joint responses within
Generasi Plus among
key agencies, including
and others.
Formative research for
the national nutrition
campaign to apply a
gender lens, and
integrate an
assessment of the
differential roles,
behaviors and
expectations of women
and men in facilitating
behavior change, with a
particular focus on the
role of a father and
other men in the
community can
contribute to behavior
awareness campaign to
include a dedicated
Information sharing
and learning between
MCAs implementing
CDD projects
Impact evaluation
Sanitation and
focus on fathers
through a healthy
families campaign by
promoting responsible
fatherhood and fathers
involvement in child
rearing and nutrition
and womens as well as
the issue of early
marriage and how it
affects mortality
opportunities for
womens proactive
involvement and
economic potential in
interventions into this
activity design (e.g. use
women as peer
Organize information
exchanges and lessons
learning between MCAI and MCA-P and
implementing partners
on gender in CDD
Incorporate a specific
gender focus into the
PNPM Generasi impact
evaluation strategy and
Incorporate gender into
the ongoing design of
triggering event
Procurement Modernization
The Procurement Modernization Project will support two Activities (1) improving the
procurement function by increasing the capacity and professionalization of the
procurement function (the Procurement Professionalization Activity); and (2)
supporting the development of procurement policies and procedures which would
improve procurement outcomes, the rate and success of public private partnerships
(PPPs), and environmental sustainability (the Policy and Procedure Activity).
Along with the implementation of these Activities, the Procurement Modernization
Project will work to strengthen LKPPs capacity to integrate gender concerns into the
procurement realm.
During Compact development, various activities were initiated to support an
understanding of gaps and opportunities for gender integration into this activity. A
gender assessment was carried out, followed up by additional analysis of key areas,
including a gender assessment of key relevant regulations, an attempt to sexdisaggregate data on procurement staff and gain a better understanding of key
issues facing female procurement professionals, as well as the commissioning of a
gender vendor survey, which examines the extent to which female enterprises are
able to benefit from government procurement opportunities. Key findings included:
GOI does not actively seek out diverse vendors or collect statistics on women
owned businesses that register as vendors, submit proposals, or win contracts.
There are some clear gender differences and gaps in the knowledge,
experiences and perceptions of government procurement among male and
female-owned firms. Knowledge of procurement regulations, especially on the
Presidential Decree 54/2010 Article 100 that would allow small companies to become
suppliers up to Rp. 2.5 billion, is still limited, and this knowledge is lower among
female enterprises. Half of female-owned firms and 40% of male-owned firms do not
know about this regulation. There are strong gender gaps in the firms access to
financial services.
The main barriers to access government funded tenders or projects cited are:
too many regulations, Sistem Pengadaan Secara Elektonik or Electronic
Procurement System (SPSE) confusing and often troublesome, confusing
regulations, and KKN (Corruption Collusion, Nepotism). Around one-fourth of female
owned firms that did not participate in a tender believe that they would not get the
contract as this tender is only a formality process, and the government has decided
the winner already. Fifteen percent of survey respondents (both female and maleowned firms) report that corruption is one of their main reasons for not participating in
a government tender. In the focus group discussions, participants noted that
although e-procurement could be an effective way to reduce corruption, however,
some room for maneuver still remains. One of the obstacles in the usage of eprocurement is the lack of skills.
Procurement Modernization Activity Action Plan
Ensure final
MoUs signed with
ULPs mention
gender objectives
Assistance and
support for the MoU
particularly for the
gender objectives
entity agreement
signed between
to outline gender
Assistance and
support for the IEA
particularly for the
gender criteria
Consider staffing
needs groups of
consultants may be
needed to
implement tasks
Gender vendor
Gender vendor
survey completed,
published, and
Publication/reports printed
and uploaded to MCA-I
agreed upon and
follow up actions
Follow up activities
Consider targeted
# of female benefitting
Capacity building
# of seminar/workshops held
for female
(using findings
from the gender
vendor survey)
(*funded through Gender
Targeted Activities)
education and
knowledge needs
and tailor any
outreach to these
accordingly based
on competencies/
types of enterprise,
Organize and
support Womens
information sharing,
Support campaigns
women to become
involved in tender
process (e.g.
posters, flyers, etc)
Capacity building
for procurement
(using info from
the gender vendor
survey), targeting
especially female
Organize and
support Womens
information sharing,
support, informal
training; Consider
transfer of
to other ULP
female staff
Consider whether
and how content
might be included
in training of
professionals, as
appropriate, on key
gaps and issues
Initial discussions
with authorized
section on
competencies for
should include a
Consultation with
the relevant section
under LKPP or
other institutions to
identify social and
gender dimensions
related to
competencies of
Desk review to
gather example or
good practices from
other countries
Focus Group
Discussion (FGD)
on the findings of
two activities above
to determine the
next steps in the
data collection
and monitoring
A set of sex-disaggregated
data produced and reported
Initiate discussions
with PMIS
consultant on
whether collecting
data on female
accessing tenders
can be
Support gender
balance among
recruited for the
PM capacity
building program,
in particular
through targeted
outreach for
Encourage women
to obtain certificate
in procurement to
increase their
capacity and
Consider how to
incorporate sexdisaggregated
data collection
into eprocurement
Providing inputs
and suggestions for
data collection (add
field on sex of
bidder firm)
policy to include
provisions, as
If midway through
process, gender
balance is poor,
consider remedial
measures to
address the gap
for gender work to be undertaken at the policy, institutional capacity building and
community levels (the Targeted Gender Activities). Annex II sets forth the MCC
Funding allocated for the performance of the Targeted Gender Activities. Prior to the
second disbursement of Program Funding for the Targeted Gender Activities, MCAIndonesia shall have completed detailed action plans and provided evidence of
demonstrated commitment of relevant stakeholders to addressing policy constraints
identified in the Work Plan.
The activities to be funded for this complementary fund shall be meeting the following
1. Significant gender-based policy constraint that impacts womens economic
participation and ability to fully benefit from MCC Compact activities
2. Solid link and positive contribution to leverage several MCC Compact themes
rather than impact just one Compact activity
3. A good opportunity for MCC Compact to potentially make a significant
contribution and demonstrate leadership on gender.
During Compact development, various analytical work has been undertaken, as well
as consultations, gathering of best practices and discussions with other donors,
government agencies, and stakeholders to help narrow down the range of issues to
include in this work. Below is a summary of key issues identified to date, with
potential open to incorporate additional issues during Compact implementation in
addition to those listed below, as they arise and are deemed appropriate given the
focus of this activity.
Support for Addressing Capacity Building Issues and Needs across the Compact
One of the key areas to be supported through the complementary Targeted Gender
Activities is building capacity of various stakeholders involved in the Compact to
understand and apply SGA criteria, and ensure benefits and opportunities to women
emanating from Compact activities. Capacity building needs and gaps have been
identified for the three Compact activities, and are briefly discussed below. The list is
not exclusive, and as the list of capacity needs evolved, additional activities and
areas might be supported.
Capacity needs for GP: One of the key GP project selection criteria is ensuring
equal access for women and vulnerable groups to the project or its benefits. To
help GP meet this objective one key gap relates to the capacity of various GP
stakeholders to understand and meet the social and gender requirements. Capacity
building on gender would enable local governments, NGOs, banks, project
implementers and other GP implementing partners to effectively integrate Indonesian
& MCC gender requirements in districts where Compact activities will be funded.
MCA-I has engaged a consultant to develop a range of materials training modules,
tip-sheets and tools. Following the completion of these materials, training and roll-out
of them should be carried out, as needed, during implementation. This might be done
through dedicated trainings and workshops, or one-on-one mentoring and support.
Some of the roll-out and training might be combined with training on ESMS issues, if
Capacity needs in procurement modernization: a key need identified during due
diligence for this project relates to the capacity and knowledge of female enterprises
to understand government procurement rules and procedures. To help address this
gap, MCA-Indonesia may undertake a series of training sessions targeting female
enterprises. This might be combined with additional capacity building for women in
joining business associations and networks a key gap identified in the Gender
Vendor Survey.
PEKKA and Ausaid. 2010. Access to Justice: Empowering Female Heads of Households in
PEKKA and Ausaid. 2010. Access to Justice: Empowering Female Heads of Households in
TNP2K and Ausaid 2013. Gender Analysis of Unified Database
PEKKA and Ausaid. 2010. Access to Justice: Empowering Female Heads of Households in
participation. 49 According to the World Banks Women, Business and the Law
Database, a womans tax-liability as a percentage of a mans is 120% in Indonesia. 50
This situation may also increase the difficulty for married women to engage in formal
financial activities, such as apply for credit if this requires independent tax IDs. Being
taxed at higher rates (for married women) will become especially burdensome as
Indonesias economy grows and more women join the formal labor force. At the
moment, Indonesia has a very low labor force participation rate for women, and it will
be important not to dis-incentivize their greater participation through discriminatory
tax regulations.
This issue can be especially burdensome for women who are separated from their
husbands but not divorced. Research by AusAID published in 2010 found that a high
number of women do not choose to pursue divorce due to the high cost of it. This tax
situation therefore particularly penalizes women who are separated from their
husbands but unable to afford the high costs of divorce. While the MCCs control of
corruption threshold activity identified the tax issue as a constraint, nothing was done
about it at the time. During the Compact development process, a paper analyzing
legal and gender analysis of taxation has been drafted and consulted with LKPP, the
Directorate General of Taxes, MOWE, Bappenas, and womens organizations in
Jakarta as well as international donor organizations. AIPEG Program of AusAID has
helped to accommodate a presentation of the papers findings, including
representatives from the Directorate General of Taxes (Ministry of Finance), BPS,
and other donor organizations within and outside of AusAID. The newly initiative
launched by the US Government, the Equal Future Partnership in which the GOI is
partaking, is an opportunity to further examine these types of legal barriers, and
MOWE, which is the lead agency for Equal Futures, has signaled willingness to
formalize a partnership on this with MCA.
Gender Targeted Activity Action Plan
cooperation with
MOWE (via MoU or
another modality, as
agreement drafting and
negotiation with MOWE
GP gender capacity
consultants to carry out
training, as needed, for
GP stakeholders using
modules developed by
capacity building
Print and
disseminate/publish GP
gender training
modules/tip-sheets and
# of capacity building
seminar/etc. are held
# of sex-disaggregated
participants of the
capacity building event
Report from the firm
emanating from the
Sheng, Claire Ye. 2007. MCC Control of Corruption Project Gender Assessment. Prepared for
World Bank Women, Business and the Law Database. Accessed January 14, 2011:
other materials
Support capacity
building on
involvement for
workers, as outlined
in the health section
capacity building
indicating the
improvement of
participants knowledge
Contracting individual
consultant to develop
module and training
materials for the capacity
building for female
consultants to carry out
capacity building
(training) for female
entrepreneurs and
A report indicating
inputs/views on the
head of household
definition that better
households position
broad range of
stakeholders, including
ministries and
government institutions,
on the most appropriate
language to adopt in
revising the definition of
heads of households,
including key steps and
actions to be undertaken
by the most appropriate
agencies to ensure the
revised definition is
An agreed upon revised
Public consultation on the
proposed definition
Initiate process to
relevant ministries to
adopt the definition
In-depth research on
gender implications
for macroeconomic
policy making, in
particular focusing
on taxation (jointly
with MoWE, as per
Equal Futures
Carry out
discussions/FGDs with
MoWE, tax authorities,
Coordinating Ministry on
Economy and Finance
and others to refine
approach and questions
Contract international
and national consultants
for in-depth research
future proposed
definition on heads of
households that
accommodate the
A position paper that
contains the proposed
A report of the public
A decree on the newly
adopted definition (A
regulation issued with
the new definition of
heads of household
that better
womens position in the
family and requires
consistent usage and
adoption on this
definition across
government agencies)
TOR/SOWs prepared
Research carried out
Toolkit completed and
widely disseminated
Policy discussions on
key issues identified
and awareness raised
on needed next steps
In-depth research
finalized and translated
into practical toolkit for
policymakers and
consultation for the
findings of the research
above and dissemination
of results
Formalizing the
definition of female
potentially through
inclusion in the
Policy on Household
Consultation with
relevant stakeholders to
determine entry points
and language to include
in policy jointly with
An agreed upon definition
adopted and incorporated
into policy
Awareness-raising on the
new definition and follow
up sensitization of key
A report indicating
inputs/views on the
future proposed
definition on female
A position paper that
contain the proposed
A decree on the newly
adopted definition
Awareness raising
activities and
stakeholders on its
Contracting womens
organization working on
FHH issues and other
womens rights
awareness (and all the
works below) in pilot GP
Organization of FHH
groups in pilot GP
Female paralegals
assist the FHH
organizations and
awareness raising
economic activities
created for FHH
members linked to GP
6. Communications
The importance of MCA-Is commitment to gender equality is crucial in enhacing
MCA-I image and encouraging all potential beneficiaries to take advantage of the
opportunities. The strategies to comminucate this message are:
A decided section of the MCA website should address SGA issues and
highlight success stories.
Ensure all major materials by MCA-I include social/gender objectives and
images of broad range of beneficiaries (women, men, children, elderly)
A brochure will be developed on the SGIP.
A separate brochure for Gender Targeted Activities.
Additional materials for GP gender and available opportunities should be
developed for GP and for procurement modernization.
Press releases for any important event and milestone of the gender-related
Compact activities (e.g. upon completion of SGIP).
Hold events at key milestones or holidays celebrating accomplishments on
gender under the Compact (e.g. International Womens Day, Kartinis day,
Hari Ibu December 22nd)
BPS-MOWE. Gender-based Human Development. BPS-MOWE, 2012.
BPS. Gender Statistics Indonesia. BPS, 2011.
Britt, Charla. Operationalizing Gender Integration:
Recommendations for Green Prosperity, June 2011.
Britt, Charla. Gender and Social Inclusion for Green Prosperity: Trip Report, July
Green Prosperity Social and Gender Assessment. Summary of Report: Trip to
Karampuang Island, January 2013.
IFC. IFC: Sustainability Framework. 2012.
IFC: IFC: Guidance Note. 2012
ILO. Global Employment Trend. UNDP, 2013.
Lockley, Tobias, and Adama. Gender Analysis of the Unified Database. TNP2K and
AusAID, January 2013.
Millennium Challenge Corporation. Gender Integration Guidelines, March 2011.
___________________________. Initial Social and Gender Analysis for Indonesia,
March 2011.
___________________________. Gender Policy, May 2011.
___________________________. Principles into Practice: Gender Equality and
Poverty Reduction through Growth, September 2012.
___________________________. MCCs Approach on Trafficking in Persons. Issue
Brief, March 2010.
MOWE. Policy Paper on Gender Mainstreaming, 19 June 2011.
National Commission on Violence against Women. It is not only at home: womens
experience of violence in unequal power relations, 2010.
Novirianti. Summary of Report Trip to Jambi and Sulbar. 2011 2013.
PEKKA and Ausaid. Access to Justice: Empowering Female Heads of Households in
Indonesia. PEKKA and AusAID, 2010.
Shatifan, Nina. Gender equality as a key dimension for improved maternal and child
nutrition to reduce stunting, 2011.
Sheng, Claire Ye. MCC Control of Corruption Project Gender Assessment. Prepared
for USAID, 2007.
The Asia Development Bank. Indonesia Country Gender Assessment, 2006.
The World Bank. Gender Equality and Development. World Development Report,
The World Bank. Toward Gender Equality in East Asia and the Pacific. A Companion
to the World Development Report, 2012.
The World Bank. Improving access to financial services in Indonesia, 2009.
UNDP. Womens Participation in Politics and Government in Indonesia. A Policy
Paper, 2010.
Vazques and Novirianti. Applying a Gender Lens to the Government-Procurement
Modernization Project in Indonesia Assessment, August 2011.