Data Upgrade From Infor LN 10 2

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Data upgrade from Infor LN 10.

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Publication date: December 13, 2012


Performing a data upgrade from Infor LN 10.2 to 10.2.1 ................................................................. 5

Step 1 - Display the run information ................................................................................................ 5
Step 2 - Create and initialize a new run .......................................................................................... 5

Data upgrade from Infor LN 10.2 to 10.2.1 | 3

Performing a data upgrade from Infor LN 10.2 to


To perform a data upgrade from Infor LN 10.2 to 10.2.1, complete these steps:

Step 1 - Display the run information

Complete these steps:

Start the Data Upgrade Runs (ttspt2500m000) session.

Go to the Run Information tab.

Select the relevant package combination.

Step 2 - Create and initialize a new run

Perform this step only if the data upgrade run does not exist yet.
To create and initialize a new run:

In the Data Upgrade Runs (ttspt2500m000) session, click New. The Initialize Data Upgrade Run
(ttspt2200m000) session starts.

Fill out the fields in the session. Among other things, specify this information:

Select the Special Run check box.

In the Upgrade Task Source field, select PMC Solution.

In the Base VRC field, specify B61 a8.

In the PMC Solution field, specify 1360728-24.

Select the companies you want to upgrade.

In the Source Feature Pack field, specify 7.

Caution: Ensure the correct source feature pack number is filled in. The data upgrades to be
performed will be based on the specified source feature pack number:
Data upgrade from Infor LN 10.2 to 10.2.1 | 5

Performing a data upgrade from Infor LN 10.2 to 10.2.1

If the number is too low, too much data will be converted. Possibly data will be
overwritten with wrong values.

If the number is too high, not all data will be converted. Possibly data will not be


The initialization process assigns the specified feature pack number to all upgrade tasks
in the run.

After an incorrect initialization, you can correct the Source Feature Pack for the upgrade
tasks / upgrade programs in the run. To perform this correction, use the Global Change
Source Feature Pack (ttspt2220m000) session.

Note: If you select the Start Data Upgrade Engine After Initialization check box, the run starts
automatically after the initialization is finished. You cannot check the source feature pack or finetune the run before it is started.

Click Initialize.

When the initialization is finished, a "Process completed" message is displayed. To remove the
message box, click OK.

Close the Initialize Data Upgrade Run (ttspt2200m000) session. The new run is displayed in the
Data Upgrade Runs (ttspt2500m000) session.

Start the upgrade by using the Data Upgrade Engine option in the Specific menu of the Data
Upgrade Runs (ttspt2500m000) session.

6 | Data upgrade from Infor LN 10.2 to 10.2.1

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