Unitrigmt6500 Dump Pump

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Technical Manual




5. Measure the vertical distance between the horizontal centerlines of the driveshaft's front and rear bearings. It should be 3/16 inch (4.6 mm). If not, adjust
as outlined in the Installation instructions at the end of
this module.


The dump pumps are the larger tandem gear pumps
mounted in series with the smaller steering piston
pump assembly. The pumps are mounted on a special bracket assembly between the main frame rails,
just in front of and above the nose cone receiver.

6. Test the operation of the pumps as outlined in the

dump system testing instructions in Section 5 - Hydraulic System.


REMOVAL (Figure 2)

The pump assembly operates in two basic configurations:

The oil supply for the pumps is drawn through the inlet
ports from the reservoir and is routed internally to the
pump inlet chambers between the pump gears. As
the gears turn, they cause the oil to pressurize and direct it to the outlet chambers. There it exits the pump
through the outlet ports. Wear plates are incorporated
into the housing to provide increased sealing capacity
and rebuilding capability.


5. Install a suitable lifting point directly above the

pumps (e.g. weld eye to dump body, crane, etc.).

1. Verify that all components are secure and all

mounting bolts are tight.
2. Inspect the pumps for evidence of wear, leakage, or
damage. Repair or replace as required.


2. Shut off the oil supply to the pumps by closing the

valve on the supply line (near the reservoir tank) or
other approved method.

4. Install a 1/2 inch NC threaded eye bolt in the

threaded hole in the center of the pump bracket accessible through the cut out in the large mounting

NOTE: The pumps themselves require no internal

maintenance or adjustment beyond periodic verification of the pumps ability to maintain required pressures and flows.

4. Verify that the proper distance between the pump

bracket front surface (non-pump mounting face) and
the face of the pump drive adapter (on the rear of the
main traction alternator) is maintained. If not, adjust
all brackets as outlined in the Installation instructions
at the end of this module.

1. Park the truck in SAFE POSITION. It must be

secured by means other than the truck's friction brake

3. Remove the inlet and outlet hoses from the pumps.

Periodic maintenance should include the following


3. Visually inspect the large pump mounting bracket,

especially the isolation mounting pads for evidence
of looseness, deterioration, or damage. Repair or
replace as required.

The triple pump assembly may be removed as follows:

6. Install a come-along or equivalent means to the attachment points in steps 4 and 5 and tighten until only
a small amount of slack remains in the device.

NOTE: Provisions should be made for lowering

the pumps to the floor, a distance in excess of 6 feet
(2 meters). The combined weight of the pumps is
approximately 535 lb (245 kg) plus the weight of the
mounting bracket.
7. Remove the capscrews (15) and hardened flatwashers (17) securing the pump mounting bracket
(8) to the pump platform (7). Use care to prevent fore
and aft movement.
8. Slide the pump assembly rearwards slowly (while
supporting the driveshaft) until the pump drive splines
are out of the driveshaft.



NOTE: The remaining steps reference Figure 1 un-

9. Lower the pump to the ground.

10. Remove the rear or tail pump support bracket (9).
11. Remove the capscrews (11) and locknuts (10) securing the pump assembly to the mounting bracket (8).
12. Remove the pump.

less otherwise indicated.

2. With a grease pencil, ink marker or other suitable

marking tool, mark each housing cover on the parting
line in a manner that will allow for reassembly in the
same position.

NOTE: These marks will be used to assist in matching parts for reassembly of the pumps.

Prior to beginning disassembly of the pump:
1. Clean the work area of dirt, grease, foreign material
or other items that might contaminate the pump.
2. Clean the unit thoroughly with a solvent. Remove
all sharp edges from splines, drill points, keyways and
end of shaft. Mark the adapter and cover/housing
sections to ensure correct reassembly.
3. To aid in disassembly and reassembly, the pump
should be retained in some manner. For example,
a steel plate bolted to and extending over the edge
of a workbench will suffice. The plate should have a
whole large enough for the adapter flange pilot to drop
through, and two holes in the adapter flange. The
pump can now be firmly fixed to the plate by bolts.
This is especially helpful in removal and torquing of

3. Clamp the pump assembly in a vise with the shaft

end up.

NOTE: Use clean wooden blocks or other soft material to protect the machined surfaces (particularly the
port faces) from damage.
4. Clean the driveshaft extension and remove any
burrs or other damage. This will prevent damage to
the seal lips.
5. Separate two dump pump sections as follows:

a. Remove capscrews (27) and washers (28)
holding the two sections together.

b. Carefully separate the pump sections making
sure the splined shafts and couplers are not damaged.

The pump may be disassembled as follows:

1. Remove the steering pump section from the rear of
the dump pump assembly as follows: (Figure 2)

a. Remove the capscrews (12) and lockwashers
(13) securing the steering pump (rear piston pump assembly (2)) to the dump pump sections (1).

b. Carefully separate the two pump sections, making sure that the splined shafts and couplers are not

Do not attempt to pry the pumps apart with a

screwdriver or other means. They should be
separated by tapping with a soft-faced hammer.

NOTE: For detailed information on servicing the

steering pump assembly, refer to the instructions in
Section 5 - Hydraulic System.

Do not attempt to pry the pumps apart with a

screwdriver or other means. They should be
separated by tapping with a soft-faced hammer.
6. Remove the nuts (13) and washers (14) securing
flange (1) to the pump body assembly.
7. Remove the flange (1). If the flange does not move
easily, use a plastic hammer or wooden mallet and tap
the edges of the flange to loosen it.
8. Remove the O-ring (23).
9. Grasp and lift the front drive gear shaft (5) to dislodge the top pressure plate (8) with it while holding
the pressure plate face against the gear with your





NOTE: If the pressure plate hangs during removal,
do not force or bend the plate. Tap lightly with a plastic hammer to drive the plate back down into position
and start the removal process over.

16. Lift the bearing plate (3) off.

10. Remove the pressure plate from the drive gear.

Inspect and discard the seal strips.

17. Repeat steps 6 through 16 for the bottom section

of the pump.

NOTE: Lift the plates straight up off of the shaft.

18. Repeat again for the removal of the adapter plate

(4) if required.

NOTE: When disassembling the pump sections, the

parts should be laid out in a group and in the same
order removed.
11. Lift the idler gear (7) straight up out of the bore of
the body.

1. Clean all metal parts in solvent and dry with compressed air. Inspect for evidence of wear, damage,
cracks, or leakage. Repair or replace as required.

B. Tighten until it is secure on the plate.

c. Apply a light forward and back force to the
puller handle and dislodge the plate.

2. Inspect gear bores. Normal gear track-in on the

suction side of the body is approximately 0.005 inch
(0.127 mm) but should not exceed 0.015 inches (0.38

NOTE: If a bearing puller is not available:

1. Grind a screwdriver shape on the short end of an
Allen wrench.
2. Insert the ground end of the wrench into the shaft
bore and lift the plate up.
3. Move the wrench to the opposite bore of the plate
and lift up.
4. Repeat this action until the plate has been dislodged.

a. If the track-in burr rolled over the OD of the
bottom pressure plate, remove the burr using a sharp
knife. Blow clear with compressed air to remove all
loose chips and other material.

b. Replace the body if the groove is too deep or
the gear bores look as if they had been sand blasted.

13. grasping through the bore holes, lift the plate

straight up and out.

NOTE: Use extreme care in removing the plate. Do

not pry or attempt to force it out. If the plate binds in
place, move it up and down until it is free, and then lift
it out.
14. Lift the front body (2) straight up and off of the
studs and dowels.

NOTE: If the body is bound on a dowel, use a plastic

hammer or wooden mallet and tap around the body to
loosen it.


20. Inspect and remove all remaining seals and components.

The disassembled pump may be serviced as follows:

a. Insert an expandable bearing puller into the
shaft bore of the plate.

15. Remove the splined coupling (21) from the rear


19. Remove the capscrews and O-ring.


12. Remove the bottom pressure plate (9) as follows:

NOTE: It may be necessary to tap the plate lightly

with the mallet to loosen it from the dowels.

NOTE: Due to the hydraulic loading of the gears, the

cut will start on the suction side of the body and will
continue about one-third of the way around the gear
bore. It should be smooth and with no deep grooves
or scratches.
3. Discard any pressure or wear plates that show excessive wear on the trap side. Also discard the plates
if deep, curved wear marks or evidence of contamination abrasive wear, cavitation damage, or heat discoloration are visible.
4. Discard the gear assemblies if:

a. The shaft journals show excessive wear or pitting, especially on the journals, sides, or face of the



gear, or at the point where the drive gear rotates on

the lip seal.

e. Coat the bearing OD and bore hydraulic oil
compatible with that in the trucks hydraulic system.

NOTE: Journal wear is excessive if contamination

f. Using a suitable press and tooling press the
bearing into place until it is flush to 0.010 inches (0 to
0.25 mm) below the surface.

b. The gear OD is less than 3.0375 inches (77.2


has caused the journal surface to lose their mirror finish and appear as a sanded or scratched surface.

c. The gear teeth show excessive wear.

d. The gear face is scored or cracked.

1. The split in the bearing must be oriented with the

split in the bearing and the bearing lube groove each
approximately 15o on each side of facing the dowels.
2. Use extreme care not to tilt the bearing relative to
the bore.

e. The driveshaft spines or keyways are badly

5. If the bearings are worn beyond the gray Teflon

into the bronze material, it is recommended that the
complete flange or housing be replaced. Replacing a
bearing in an old component is not recommended.

NOTE: In the event of bearing failure, verify that the

gears have not cut a track in the housing deeper than
0.015 inches (0.38 mm). If they have the housing
must also be replaced, typically causing replacement
of the entire pump.
If, however, a bearing must be replaced, it may be
done as follows:

a. Place the body in a vise. Clamp on the sides
of the body using cardboard to prevent marring by the

b. Using a 3/8 inch end mill on a Bridgeport or drill

(1) Align and center the body to allow the cutting to begin at the center of the bearing opposite the
split in the bushing.

(2) Move into the bearing wall and make cuts
until through the bearing shell.

IMPORTANT: Do not cut into the bore wall.

c. Grip the bearing with vise grips and remove by
squeezing the parts together and using a twisting motion.

d. After removal, wash the parts in solvent and
remove any burrs that may have occurred.

g. Remove all residues from the bearing area.

6. Replace the seals in the pump flange as follows:

a. Lay the flange plate on a work bench or other
suitable work surface. Face the pilot down and protect the machined surfaces from dents or scratches
by using a piece of clean wood, heavy cardboard or
other suitable material between the plate and the work

b. With a 1/4-inch (7 mm) punch or a screwdriver
with the tip bent, insert through the drive bearing and
inner seal until against the edge of the outer seal
case. Tap at 3 locations around the seal case driving
the seal out of the bore.

NOTE: Use extra caution not to scratch or damage

the bore or bearing surfaces or their end projections.

c. Turn the flange over with the pilot face up, and
using a suitable tool, remove the snap ring (16).

d. Remove the inner seal (17) as outlined in step
b. above.

e. After the seals is out:

(1) Thoroughly clean the bore with solvent.

(2) Inspect the bore for scratches or gouges
that might interfere with the installation of the new

NOTE: If found, the bore can be smoothed with No.

400 Emery paper (only). Clean the bore after the
smoothing process is complete.

(3) Clean and prepare a suitable seal press
ring or plug and two small pieces of wood, 8 to 10





inches (200 to 250 mm) long for use when installing
the new seals.


NOTE: The following procedures are outlined for use

with a vise, but they can be adapted to the use of a
press if an appropriate one is available.

1. Prior to reassembly, all parts should be deburred

by sanding or stoning; washed in a solvent, wiped
with a clean lint free cloth and, if available, dried with
compressed air.
2. All seals should be replaced each time the pump is

(4) Coat the seal OD and flange bore with a
light coat of sealant (Permatex No. 3 or equivalent).


(5) Open the vise jaws wide enough to accept
the combined thickness dimensions of the flange,
wood blocks and the press ring or plug.

The pump may be assembled as follows: (Figure 1)

(6) Place the two wooden blocks flat against
the fixed jaw of the vise.

2. Place the rear pump body (2) with the adapter plate
(4) installed on the work area, oriented so that the
matching marks made during disassembly are facing

(7) Place the flange plate against the blocks
in such a position that the bearing projections are
between the blocks and are clear of the vise jaw.


1. If new components are being installed, make

sure that the side facing you is the same as the side
marked on the old component.
2. Observe that the body has a wide and a narrow
boss. The side having the wide boss is always the
suction side.

(8) Position the inner seal (18) so that the
garter spring enters the bore first.

(9) Place the press ring in position, centered
above the seal.

(10) While making sure that the seal stays
centered and true with the bore, start applying pressure with the vise. Continue applying the pressure
until the seal just clears the snap ring groove in the
bore (1.030 inches (26 mm) deep from the pilot face).

(11) Open the vise and remove the press ring.

(12) install the snap ring (16) in its groove in
the bore so that the weep hole is directly over the gap
in the snap ring.

NOTE: Make sure that the snap ring is seated

properly in the groove and is properly oriented before


(13) Repeat steps 5 through 12 with the outer
seal (18) to a depth of 0.390 inches (9.9 mm) from the
pilot face.

(14) Install a new weep-hole plug (20) in the
3/16-inch (4.7 mm) drilled hole at the outer surface of
the flange.

(15) Remove the flange plate assembly from
the vise.

1. Verify that all parts are clean and dry.

3. Coat the inner bore of the body with clean hydraulic

oil compatible with that in the trucks hydraulic system.
4. Install the bottom pressure plate (9) in the suction
side in the bottom of the body with the rounded edge

NOTE: There is a difference in the pressure plates.

The one for this location has the radius on the outer
edge that mates with the bottom of the gear bore.

5. Install the new pressure balance seal strips into the

grooves in the back of the plates, using heavy grease
to hold in place.

NOTE: There will be one sealing strip (21) and on

O-ring (22) per groove.
6. With the bronze side facing up and the rounded
trap slots toward the discharge side of the body, slide
the pressure plate (9) down into the gear bores until it
rests firmly on the bottom of the pump body.

NOTE: Do not force the plate down the gear bores.

If the plate binds on the way down, move it back and
forth carefully until it slides freely into position.

(16) Wash clean in solvent and allow drying.



























8 (TOP)


22 21



Adapter Plate
Adapter Plate
Front Drive Gear
Rear Drive Gear
Idler Gear
Top Pressure Plate
Bottom Pressure Plate
Sap Ring

16. Dowels
17. Plug
18. Seal
19. Snap Ring
20. Plug
21. Sealing Strips
22. O-ring Strip
23. O-ring
24. O-ring
25. O-ring
26. O-ring
27. Capscrew
28. Washer
29. Journal Bearing







7. Coat the rear drive gear journal and faces (6) with
clean hydraulic oil compatible with that in the trucks
hydraulic system.

have become displaced. Do not force into position.

Lift the flange and position the seal strips correctly
using a small screwdriver on the middle and the ends
until the flange drops into place without force. Do not
drive the flange on with a hammer or the seal strips
may be damaged

8. With the long splined end up, install the drive gear
in the bore nearest the mark that was made during

20. Install the dowels (16) in the adapter plate (3).

9. Coat the rear idler gear (7) with clean hydraulic oil
compatible with that in the trucks hydraulic system.

21. Install the upper pressure plate (8) with the

grooves up.
IMPORTANT: The pumps have a trap relief on the
surface facing the gear. The plate should be assembled so that the trap is off-centered toward the outlet
or discharge port side of the pump.

10. Install the rear idler gear in the bore opposite the
drive gear.
11. Install the dowels in the body.
12. Install the upper pressure plate (8) with the
grooves up.
IMPORTANT: The pumps have a trap relief on the
surface facing the gear. The plate should be assembled so that the trap is off-centered toward the outlet
or discharge port side of the pump.

22. Install the pressure balance seal strips in the plate

(9) as outlined previously.
23. Lubricate the threads on the studs (15). Screw
the studs into place until they are snug.

13. Install the pressure balance seal strips in the plate

(9) as outlined previously.
14. Lubricate the threads on the studs (15). Screw
the studs into place until they are snug.

24. Install the dowels (16) into the body (2).

25. Install the mating O-ring (23) in the surface groove
on the flange plate. Use clean, heavy grease to secure it in the groove temporarily.

15. Install the dowels (16) into the body (2).

26. Coat the splines on the drive shaft extension with

heavy grease.

16. Install the mating O-ring (23) in the surface groove

on the flange plate. Use clean, heavy grease to secure it in the groove temporarily.

NOTE: This is to prevent damage to the seal lips as

the flange plate and seals are installed. If necessary
use a seal guide or tape to protect the seal lips.

17. Coat the splines on the drive shaft extension with

heavy grease.

27. With the O-ring in the flange plate facing down,

and the mark made during disassembly facing you,
slide the flange plate down over the studs and shafts
until the plate makes contact with the pump body.

NOTE: This is to prevent damage to the seal lips as

the flange plate and seals are installed. If necessary
use a seal guide or tape to protect the seal lips.
18. With the O-ring in the flange plate facing down,
and the mark made during disassembly facing you,
slide the flange plate down over the studs and shafts
until the plate makes contact with the pump body.
19. Tap the plate gently with a plastic hammer or
wooden mallet until the O-ring rests firmly against the
pump body.

IMPORTANT: If the flange stops approximately 1/8

inch (3.2 mm) open, the pressure balance strips may

28. Tap the plate gently with a plastic hammer or

wooden mallet until the O-ring rests firmly against the
pump body.

IMPORTANT: If the flange stops approximately 1/8

inch (3.2 mm) open, the pressure balance strips may
have become displaced. Do not force into position.
Lift the flange and position the seal strips correctly
using a small screwdriver on the middle and the ends
until the flange drops into place without force. Do not
drive the flange on with a hammer or the seal strips
may be damaged



29. With the gear bores turned up and the matching

marks facing you, slide the front pump body (2) down
on the studs until it rests firmly on the O-ring in the
bearing plate.

37. Using an appropriate tool, turn the driveshaft. The

movement of the shaft should be tight, but it should
turn freely with a maximum of 5 to 10 ft-lb (7 to 14
Nm) of torque.

29. Install the idler gear (7).

NOTE: If this does not occur, disassemble the pump

and examine the parts for burrs or foreign material
causing a build-up or interference between the parts.

NOTE: Make sure that the bronze side of the plate

faces down and the traps face the discharge side of
the body.
30. Install the pressure balance seal strips in the plate
(9) as outlined previously.
31. Install the mating O-ring (11) in the surface groove
on the flange plate. Use clean, heavy grease to secure it in the groove temporarily.
32. Coat the splines on the driveshaft extension with
heavy grease.

38. Install the steering pump on the rear transition

plate as outlined in the instructions in Section 5 - Hydraulic System.

The pump assembly may be installed as follows:
1. Install the pump assembly on the pump bracket (8)
with capscrews (11) and locknuts (10).
2. Install the rear or tail support bracket (9) and supports with the appropriate capscrew on the pumps.

NOTE: This is to prevent damage to the seal lips

as the flange plate and seals are installed. Check the

driveshaft for sharp edges. If necessary, use a seal
guide or tape to protect the seal lips.

3. Install the lip seal (3) on the front side of the pump
4. Check the installation of the large pump platform
(7). Verify that all mounts are tight and in good repair.

33. With the O-ring in the flange plate facing down,

slide the flange plate (1) down over the studs and
shafts until the plate makes contact with the pump

5. Install a 1/2 inch NC threaded eye bolt in the top

center of the pump bracket.

34. Tap gently into place with a plastic hammer or

wooden mallet.

IMPORTANT: If the flange stops approximately 1/8

inch (3.2 mm) the journal bearings in the flange may

have caught the pressure balance strips. Do not force
into position. Lift the flange and position the seal
strips away from the journal using a small screwdriver
in the middle and ends until the flange drops into
place without force. Do not drive the flange on with a
hammer or the seal strips may be damaged.
35. Lubricate the threads and install the washers (20)
and nuts (23) on two opposite studs. Tighten in a
crossing pattern in even increments to a final torque of
160 to 175 ft-lb (215 to 240 Nm).
36. Carefully aligning the shafts and coupler (10) mate
the two sections of the pump assembly.
Secure with capscrews (27) and washers (28).

6. Position the pump assembly under the truck and

route the come-along or other suitable lifting device
down through the opening in the center of the upper
7. Raise the pumps into place and loosely secure with
the capscrews and hardened flatwashers.

NOTE: Do not install the driveshaft at this time.

8. Slide the bracket fore and aft as required to obtain
the required distance between the front edge of the
upper bracket and the face of the drive on the rear of
the alternator.
If this dimension is not available, it will be necessary
to adjust as follows:

a. Remove the mounting hardware securing the
bracket to the frame.

IMPORTANT: Use care not to force or damage any

components during the mating.



01. Tandem Gear Pump

02. Steering Piston Pump
03. Oil Seal
04. Pump Driveshaft
05. Not Used
06. Not Used
07. Pump Platform
08. Pump Bracket
09. Pump Tail Support
10. Locknut
11. Locknut
12. Capscrew (Grade 8)
13. Lockwasher
14. Capscrew (Grade 8)
15. Capscrew (Grade 8)
16. Capscrew



Hardened Flatwasher
Capscrew (Grade 8)
Support Bracket
Hardened Flatwasher
Shock Mount
Mounting Washer
Hose Assembly
Hose Assembly
Hose Assembly
Flange Kit


Not Used
Not Used
Hex Nut
Driveline Guard
Flange Kit
Hose Clamp Bracket
Clamp Cap Plate
Not Used
Clamp Halves
Not Used
54. Not Used
Bolting Pad






b. Remove the weld securing the bushing mounting block to the mount. Grind all surfaces smooth to
prevent binding.

c. Repeat steps 4 through 8 adjusting the bushing mounting block fore and aft to obtain the required

12. Remove the lifting eye bolt from the pump bracket.
13. Install the inlet and outlet hoses on the pumps and
secure in place.

d. Tack weld the block in place.

14. Re-establish flow from the reservoir to the pumps.

e. Remove the pump bracket assembly and finish
weld the bushing in place.
9. Reinstall the pump bracket assembly.
10. Verify the inch (6.4 mm) vertical distance between the horizontal centerlines of the front drive face
and the pump drive spline. If not held, use mounting
washers to obtain this dimension with the mounting
bolts tight.


11. Install the driveshaft as outlined in the instructions

in Section 5 - Hydraulic System.

15. Start the engine and let operate at low idle until
all air is purged from pumps. Bleed all entrapped air
from the system as described in instructions for the
individual components.
16. Test pump operation by rechecking individual
system operation and test procedures in Section 5 Hydraulic System.



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