Vasudeva Punyahavachana
Vasudeva Punyahavachana
Vasudeva Punyahavachana
common theme in PuNyAhaa Vachanam for the word Pavithram is One that is
cleansing or Purifying .
The First half of the mantram prays : May that Bhagavan , VaasudEvan , the Lord
of all ( Sarva Swami/ParAth Paran ) be the Pavithram to cleanse this YaagasAlaa ,
the Yajamaanan of the Yajn~am to be conducted and all material and vessels used in
the Yajn~am to commence .
This mantram appeals to Lord Vaasudevan , The supreme most Lord
( ParAthparan) endowed with the six attributes leading to the name , BhagavAn .
These ShadarNa , sukha dhAyaka attributes are : Jn~Anam , Power (Sakthi) ,
Strength (Balam) , Lordship(Iswarya) , Virility (Veerya) and Splendour (tEjas) .
BhagavAn is a term used extensively in PaancharAthra Aagamam . The
Ahirbudhnya SamhithA of PaanchrAthram comments on the every aksharam that
goes into the formation of the word Bhagavaan and defines BhagavAn as the
Supreme/ultimate Reality known as Brahman and ParAthparan . That ultimate
reality of VedAntha identified by PaancharAtram and VishNu purANam is the
PurushOtthaman , VaasudEvan.
The 563rd Sri VishNu Sahsra Naamam defines BhagavAn ( Vaasudevan of the
Aagamam as SarvahEya Prathyaneekan ( opposite of all defects/blemishes) ,
KalyANAthmakan ( endowed with all auspicious attributes /saguNa Brahman) and
PoojyAth Poojyataman ( the worthiest among all worshippable Gods) .
The PaacharAthra Aagamam is the first one to develop the concept of VyUhaa .
Vyuham is one of the fivefold maniferstations of Sriman Narayanan : (1) Para
(2) VyUha (3) Vibhava (4) Archa and (5) antaryaami . The Vyuha avatAras of
the Parama Purushan is viewed by the PaancharAthram as fourfold : VaasudEva ,
SankarshaNa , Prahdyumna and Aniruddha .
The second paadham of the First mantram appeals to SankarshaNan , the Second of
the Four VyUha Moorthys and requests Him to be the Purifying instrument
( Pavithram) just like VaasudEvan and salutes SamkarshaNa dEvan as Parama
Purushan and Mahaan ( tathaa SankarshaNO dEva: pavithram paramO mahaan ).
If VaasudEvan possesses all the six attributes of the name Bhagavaan and becomes
Qualified to be saluted a s Para VaasudEvan , then the other three vyUha Moorthys
split up the three attributes as unique to them . For instance , Sankarshana
possesses Jn~Ana and Bala ; Pradhyumna is endowed with Iswarya and Veerya ;
Aniruddha accounts for the sakthi and tEjas attributes . SankarshaNa takes care of
the dissolution of the Universe and promulgation of the Bhagavath Saasthrams .
Pradhyumna takes care of the creation of the universe and the establishment of
dharma . Aniruddha has the assignment of protection of the universe and the
teaching of Brahma vidhyaa .
In this first mantram , two of the vyUha moorthys are beseeched to become the
cleansing instruments(agents/forces) in the BrahmOthsavam or any Uthsavam done
according to PaancharAthra Aagamam .
specifically mentioned . Seethaa appearing during the ploughing of the field before
Yajn~am by king Janaka has to be remembered here .
horn(Vedic usage) sanctify this ground , uthsavam participants and the vasthus
used in this Yajn~am !
Meaning and commentary : Here is a prayer for the parisuddhi of the four varNaas
( BrahmaNa , Kshathriya , Vaisya and Soodhra varNams) and the different
Aasramams ( Brahmacharya , Gruhastha, Vaanapratha and SanyAsa Aasramams).
Prayer for Parisuddhi is extended to the King , his Citizens and the residents of the
KshEthram, where the Uthsavam is conducted .