STAGE 1: Curriculum Links: Backward Design - UNIT PLAN TEMPLATE
STAGE 1: Curriculum Links: Backward Design - UNIT PLAN TEMPLATE
STAGE 1: Curriculum Links: Backward Design - UNIT PLAN TEMPLATE
Ethical Behaviour
Intercultural Understanding
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LEARNING OUTCOMES: What relevant goals will this unit of work address? Draw these out of the content descriptors and the achievement
Students will be able to......
Introduction to letters:
Looking at examples and functions.
Students experience with letters eg. Who receives letters? Why do you
receive them? Do your caregivers receive letters? Do you know why
(Bills etc.)
Structure of letters
- Write a letter to a celebrity/ imaginary figure/ students can choose; as
a class (teacher lead)
Practice using formal language, teacher lead writing a more formal letter
Review and practice what is already known about persuasive writing
(was studied at the beginning of term)
Plan and draft a letter to Miss Hogg, discussing why students should get
a day of free time every Friday.
Example letters;
-Letter to the editor
- Bill (Services)
- Email (Functional
- Example letter from War
(Keeping in touch with
loved ones)
- Postcard (Sharing
Writing books
Computers/ IT room
Persuasive writing
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Show students the Power Point presentation and analyse the text on
Complete Planning an Exposition task as a class
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4 marks
No greeting, introduction,
body and conclusion
0 marks
Greeting included.
Brief introduction and
conclusion, short body of
only one sentence
1 mark
Greeting included.
Introduction, body
paragraphs and conclusion
all consist of at least two
2 marks
Appropriate formal
language has been used
2 marks
3 different reasons with
basic evidence
2 - 3 marks
3 or more persuasive
writing techniques used
3 - 4 marks
Greeting included.
Introduction, body
paragraphs and conclusion
are clearly presented in full
3 marks
A diverse and engaging
range of formal language
has been used
3 marks
3 or more strong reasons
included with persuasive
and relevant evidence
4 marks
Range of persuasive writing
techniques used in various
and creative ways
5 marks
No spelling and
grammatical errors
3 marks
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