Miscalculation 1: These Reactors All Suffer From The Central Column

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Description: Gravitational and Energy system

An important part of research on energy happened since about 1940
when the quest for nuclear power and its control really started. We see
5that several concepts were developed since then. Some special more
performing concepts without the nuclear waste problem are still under
development, like the Tokamak reactors. The world of nuclear industry
seems to be infatuated by the dream to create the power of the Sun on
Earth. But a change in the physical design structure of the present
10reactors is needed because the fusion industry of today has not
managed to produce any sustainable and substantial amount of energy
after some fifty years of research and development. The reason for the
failure of these reactors is rooted in the following three major
15Miscalculation 1: These reactors all suffer from the central column
syndrome. That is to say that, these all have a center solid body right in
the middle of the reactor. This is to facilitate the physical loops of the
magnetic coil rings, so that the magnetic fields can be produced and
maintained to bring the plasma to the right temperature and speed, in
20order to achieve fusion.
This is a fundamental problem if the scientists are trying to imitate and
reach the temperature of the center of the Sun. As when has any one
seen a central column in the center of the Sun?
Miscalculation 2: The fundamental reversal of laws of physics. If one
25looks at magnetic field forces in the universe. The magnetic force is
created and maintained, from the center outwards, in any star in
possession of fusion core. In these man-made designs, the laws of
physics are turned inside out, where the magnetic fields are enforced
from the outside, inward. This is an explanation as to why the scientists
30are using so much energy for such a small output.
Our view: The magnetic field force has to be created and maintained
from the inner part to radiate out and thus allowing creation of the
second magnetic field force inwards, to contain the plasma within the
center of the core.
35Miscalculation 3: Current concepts of fusion production and
maintenance lack a source of Gravitational Field Forces like the one in
the center of the Sun.
Our view: The secret of the Sun in holding together all the elements that
can sustain fusion, is the existence of a massive gravitational field force
40at its core. What this means, is that the center of the Sun possesses and
maintains a very high level gravitational field force, that can hold on to
the plasma of its massive body.
This gravity around the center of the Sun is calculated to be in the order
of hundreds and thousands of times more powerful then the gravitational
45force on the surface of the Earth.

If one reads all the past and present reported results of the tests on
TOKAMAK-type fusion reactors.
Even, when one asks the men in charge of the latest fusion experiments

5in UK, they all report the gravity in the reactor core to be a fraction of the

gravitational force on the surface of the earth. This is primarily due to the
fact, that, there is no system devised to create and maintain a
gravitational field force to hold the plasma in the reactor core and pull it
10If this was or could be achieved there would not be a need for such a
large input of current to create the magnetic field force from outside
So how can a nuclear fusion reactor maintain its power without the

15existence of a Gravitational Field Force?

This is like baking a sponge cake without having any flour or egg in the
dough. How can one achieve fusion when they do not posses the main
ingredient to hold the plasma together to sustain fusion?

20When these problems are understood and rectified by the scientists they
may then use these forces and materials appropriately as in the

The other problem which scientists in the world of fusion do not tell and
25have not considered, is the truth about the one hundreds million degrees
centigrade temperature they try to create in the TOKAMAK reactors.
A few thousand degrees melted the Columbia shuttle on re-entry into
earths atmosphere.
30The present technology cannot handle a few thousand degrees
temperature. The question is: How are they going to handle one hundred
million degree temperatures for a long time in a two-meter diameter
TOKAMAK core without making provision for removing heating from the


Another important misconception is that plasma can only have high

temperatures. In example Wikipedia says: Temperature controls the
degree of plasma ionization. In particular, plasma ionization is
determined by the electron temperature relative to the ionization
40energy (and more weakly by the density) in accordance with the Saha
equation. A plasma is sometimes referred to as being hot if it is nearly
fully ionized, or cold if only a small fraction (for example 1%) of the gas
molecules are ionized (but other definitions of the terms hot plasma and
cold plasma are common). Even in a "cold" plasma the electron
45temperature is still typically several thousand degrees. Plasmas utilized
in plasma technology ("technological plasmas") are usually cold in this
sense. In addition, by unknown in prior art, today plasmas can also be
created at room temperature or below, and at normal atmospheric
pressure or below. As we have show in our simple reactors, like a cola

bottle, a lunch box and a photo-film container. These plasma reactors
deliver voltage and current, and can simultaneously separate carbon
from the plastic of the bottle and deposit this carbon on copper
electrodes under the form of atomic carbon (sp2 and sp3).

This question is what the fusion engineers are avoiding to answer. They
are hoping to have an answer in fifty years, after spending thirteen billion
dollars in the next twenty years from the common market and Japan.

10Nor we see the correct approach in patent-applications by other

inventors. All patents and patent-applications miss an essential key to

create and manage plasmas, namely that in the correct combination of
materials and their contact with radiation sources magnetic fields can be
created without initial triggering by heat, magnets, electric pulses,
15positioning in layers, motion. We show this in our working prototypes, like
the static cola bottle (Fig. 11), with produces AND electricity, AND
separates materials at atomic level.
Prior Art.


Prior art shows in general the tendency to reproduce the conditions and
processes in the Sun, and most concepts refer to tori-shaped devices
with magnetic confinement, like in patents: US 4363775 (Bussard), US
4367193 (Bussard) and 4363776 (Yamanda et Al).


The processes described by Mills (US2004/0247522A1 dd Dec 9, 2004)

are initiated by laser and [0768] describes a chemically generated
plasma. Further, claim 5 stipulates in 3. a source of atomic hydrogen.
Non of these three specifications is used in our approach, since no laser
30is used, our process to create hydrogen is atomic, and not chemical, and
we dont use a initial source of atomic hydrogen because the atomic
hydrogen is generate by itself during the process. Therefore claim 5 and
all claims dependent from claim 5 are not to be considered prior art.
Further our reactors can start in a complete immobile set-up without any
35triggering system, and is able to self-generate plasmas. Mills system is
not fit for such.
In the description but not in the claims - of WO 02/05292 A2 , Yensen
describes a apparatus and assembly for heating and compression of
40plasma, ions, to overcome the Coulomb repulsion) and to fuse into
heavier element(s), and describes that this can be realized by the use of
a plasma generator, a pump to circulate fluid, a plasma separator (14
and 22 of Fig. 1), etc. Pag 13, Line 39 43 explains that a starting
temperature of 25,273 K is needed! The fluid (Mercury or an electrically
45conductive fluid) is essential because Yensen assumes - it will hold the
plasma bubbles (from 2mm to 10 mm diameter) which are later
compressed. Further it is important to notice that the ionization doesnt
happens in a reactor but in a pre-preparatory set-up the whole patent
application does not mention fission, since the object is to create heavier

element(s). However, in none of the broad independent claims the
apparatus (itself) is described, where the claims should claim at least
one embodiment or assembly.
There is no resemblance of all of that patent application with ours.

US 4,428,193 (Papp) describes a very complex mechanical apparatus

using compression caused by mechanical piston(s) (claim 1, 2) and a
plurality of coils to create magnetic fields, and other means like filters,
ray tubes, a polarizer, ionizers, supplies for electrical current to ionizing
10means, etc. This apparatus or engine through heat excites adjacent
helium to create a plasma (Column 11, line 53 line 54). Papp isolates
the helium first by other layers, and secondly from the walls by the use of
a modest vacuum caused by coils and by the movement of the piston. In
column 13, line 5 - 7 Papp describes his way how the gasses are caused
15to circulate in the cylinder by the change of polarity of the coils, our way
is different since no coils are claimed. To Papp this is essential, so this is
no prior art. Further Papp describes in column 13, line 25 27 that he
needs to energize the top and bottom coil to produce two separate fields,
where no coils are used in our approach. In our case the separation
20between layers of inert gasses in the case where we use rotating
reactors - is mainly provoked by self-generation of plasmatic magnetic
energy fields between those layers or by introducing small amounts of
specific materials, like atomic metallic vapour, between the layers of inert
gasses which enhance the plasmatic magnetic energy fields.
25The Papp concept is totally different from our reactors, since in our
reactors the introduced materials already create initial plasma(s) by
themselves like by self-generating radioactive isotopes - or by
triggering separate radioactive source(s) in the reactor or in the
introduced materials.


In US 2003/0002611 A1 (Greatbatch) claim 1 described an electrostatic

fusion reactor with a potential well, which is surrounded by one or more
collector cages. Paragraph 15 specifies clearly that this reactor is
especially adapted for 3He reactions, and includes two concentric high35voltage spherical grids, where the outer grids is grounded and the inner
grid can held at a high negative DC voltage. Paragraph 18 specifies that
the potential well is formed by either a spherical grid anode or a virtual
anode, and cages are added around the well to slow down the speeding
protons. Paragraph 24 specifies that the grid is made by wire material
40(like tungsten), and paragraph 26 explains that the reactor output energy
is in the form of high-velocity protons, that must be converted in
electrons by a cage. We do not use cages, nor grids. Paragraph 32
points out that an outside voltage source of 200Kv is needed which is
lead to the center, which is not in our case since we dont use an initial
45electrical source in the center of the reactor. Since paragraph 57 refers
to totally different concept it is not to be considered prior art, even other
materials then 3He could be implemented. Independent claims 1, 11 and
12 all mention either a grid and/or a potential well, which are not used in
our system(s), therefore also all dependent claims are not relevant.

In US 4,831,627 of J.L. Campbell uses fixed magnets to create magnetic
fields, where in our approach internal interaction processes of the
materials create the plasmatic magnetic fields, which themselves lead to
5further processes of fusion, fission and fusion/fission (called semifusion). Our materials dont need to be injected like in Campbells
patent but can enter the reactor embodiment by non-pressurized ports.
Campbell claims in claim 1 and 12 to use gas molecules thus combined
atoms. If we use gasses, these are at atomic level. His claim 1 (d) clearly
10identifies that the cause of colliding are magnetic fields created by said
annular magnet which is positioned on the walls - and by said
magnetic means. In our approach the elements inside the reactor create
plasmatic magnetic fields themselves due to their interactions between
themselves due to the use of principles like scintillation and ionization
15and creation of independent magnetic fields, which never has been
achieved in prior art, neither has even been mentioned. We have proven
this principle of self-generation of PMEF in our static and dynamic
prototype cores (Image cola bottle reactor). In a simple cola bottle we
show the origin of creation of energy through creation of plasma where
20as Fig 12 and 13 shows - power is generated in the plasma,
demonstrated by two electrodes that are totally in the pure plasmatic
environment (above the liquid). At the same time we demonstrate in the
same core that energy is created primly through ionization at the atomic
level, at room temperature and normal atmospheric pressure, which has
25never been achieved in prior art. Where the process for the creation of
atomic hydrogen necessary for ionization and matters needed for
production of magnetic fields are done through a continuous process of
fusion, fission and what we call a semi-fusion state. However in
dependent claims we disclose that additionally we can add a number of
30technical features which will enhance the outcome, or speed up the
To fully understand our approach it is important to grasp the difference
between normal magnetic fields (NMF) and plasmatic magnetic energy
35fields (PMEF). A PMEF can be defined as the magnetic energy which is
already possessed by the plasma and it is inherent in the construction of
any atom. All atoms are collections of specific entangled plasmatic
magnetic fields (SEPMAF), thus all atoms and molecules also posses
SEPMAFs, and have more complex combinations of such PMEF. Also
40electrons are SEPMAFs , but certain other SEPMAFs can have
identical of similar magnetic energy strength to electrons without being
electrons themselves. The consequence of this is, in example, that when
two nuclei approach each other, a fragment of their PMEF be released
and such smaller PMEF can reposition and act as being an electron.


Some interesting remarks are made by Nobel Prize laureate Wilczek

related to the strange background processes in the quantum mechanical
concepts. To Wilzcek (arXiv:physics/0511067-v2, dd 11 Nov 2005) In
modern quantum mechanics, an electron is no longer described as a
particle in orbit. Rather, it is described by a vibrating wave pattern in all
5space In Schrdingers account light is emitted or absorbed when the
electrons vibrations set the electromagnetic field aether, if you like in
motion, by the same sort of sympathetic vibration that leads to the
emission of sound by musical instruments, when their vibrations set air in
motion. These regular, continuous processes replace the mysterious
10quantum jumps from one orbit to another that were assumed, but not
explained, in Bohrs model. So the notion of using protons and
neutrons as elementary building blocks, bound together by forces you
would just go ahead and measure, became untenable. And: Asymptotic
freedom says that an energetic quark (or antiquark or gluon) will
15frequently emit soft radiation, which does not significantly change the
overall flow of energy and momentum; but only rarely emit hard
radiation, which does produce changes in the flow. And: We know from
many experiments that electrons and positrons have no significant
internal structure, so theres no question that when we make these
20collisions we really are doing the same thing over and over again., and
further: what we perceive as empty space is in reality a highly
structured and vibrant dynamical medium.
Where Wilczek claims that protons and neutrons are composed of
25quarks and gluons, in our almost similar understanding, we see there
several complex SEPMAFs which PMEFs are loose interlocked, and
thus where the energy generated by the plasma is much greater than
energy provoked by much smaller electrons, hence a more powerful
energy source magnetic field can be attained from the dynamic plasma.
30This is the method behind our simple power production in the reactors
where we use plasma at room temperature and room pressure. Then
creating ionization and vast amount of energy is possible without
needing to have in advance vast amount of energy to create ionization.

35Related to the generation of energy, the interaction of two such PMEF

will lead to the release of fragmentation in the form of smaller PMEF,

where the accumulated energies from these fragmentations can reach
the energy level equal to the energy of electron charge (13.2 eV), but not
being an electron itself, which the motion of these electric charges within
40the dynamic core once extracted through the walls or through electrodes
from the embodiment, can lead to generation of current. In the Fig. 14
we show in a graph the outcome and this accumulation in mV and mA
between several electrode of a cola-bottle reactor.

45In relation to the production of matter, by introducing in the reactor

embodiment specific materials, be it gasses, matters or plasmas which

all have their specific PMEFs , one or both PMEF of an element will
have a passive or active effect on other PMEFs in the reactor. So that
they can attract and/or repel away from their position. For them to create
a temporary state of fission of atoms from their combined atomic
5structure with or without a use of a additional plasmatic magnetic
energy source and for a condition to be created in the reactor
embodiment for atoms to create a state of cold fusion condition, for the
matter to absorb energy in a plasmatic magnetic level for it to create a
temporary semi-fusion state for the atom for it be able to reconstruct
10itself in atomic level and to be relocated individually or as a collection of
atoms or as a atomic layer on a given predetermined position. Where the
energy for diffusion is through additional source allowing the liberation of
the atom or diffusion of matter in atomic level, leading to liberation of
matter in atomic level.


Evidence for this is given in static prototypes like the cola bottle reactor
where separation at atomic level happens, at room temperature and
normal atmospheric pressure, where these dynamic released atomic
matters can lead to creation of energy in electrovolt levels. By the
20appropriate choice of materials, where the conditions through creation of
vacuum and scintillation by the use of radioactive source(s) and inert
gasses, will lead to the creation and release of EUV waves, which in
interaction with the hydrogen created through semi-fusion condition
process, will lead to creation of positively charged plasma which is
25dynamic -, which in turn this with interaction with the metallic or semimetallic materials in the atomic and molecular level, or the atomic
metallic conditions, in plasma within the core will create the necessary
plasmatic magnetic field within any confined position within the core.
Where the interaction of such two fields will be created at the atomic or
30molecular level, which although these could be of the similar magnetic
field strength, and partitioned within the core, where due to the physical
partition and dynamic characteristics of the core, the unattainable
interlocking of the two PME will create the condition for the rotation of
the partition wall between the two fields, which this rotation of the
35partition wall will guarantee the centrifugal or rotative condition,
necessary for the materials on both side of the partition wall in
maintaining dynamic rotative characteristics of both PMEFs, which in turn
guarantees the creation and control of both of the MPEF on both sides
of the partition wall, which the interaction between these two fields will
40lead to the creation of a superimposed double magnetic field method

necessary for the creation of gravitational and spherical magnetic field
around the reactor embodiment .
Where in specific conditions one single dynamic plasmatic magnetic
5energy field will be sufficient to create gravitational and anti-gravitational
conditions necessary for motion in respect to a second independent
outside gravitational magnetic field force. Between both will be then a
double attractive and repulsive relationship, and depending from
programmable positioning one will be stronger than the other.


We explain how to release an atom by using matter in conjunction with

any type of radioactive materials for the creation of positive plasma
ionization, where by the motion of the charged matter within a metallic or
semi-metallic matter, or within imposed atomic metallic conditions we
15create the essential magnetic field conditions necessary for the creation
of gravity.
An other aspect are mediators and the facilitators among said materials,
where the mediators are the elements which allow the facilitators to
20reach, be kept, be available or to be transported to and/or at a certain
point in the core, where the facilitators can deliver their energy or carry
out their functions in that specific point or area, and where the facilitators
are the particles, plasmas, atoms and molecules which carry or can
absorb or can deliver the release of plasmatic magnetic field of materials
25within the confinement of the said embodiment, where the fascillators
are the materials which accommodate the transfer of energy between
the recipient and/or the donor plasmatic magnetic energies, which
are/can be used within the system.
In the light of the above mentioned approach and collected evidence we
30claim three methods.
The first method consist to process a reactor, which comprises:
a. sustainable wall means;
b. at least one chamber that can be sealed;
35c. port means for introducing materials in said chamber and for
retrieving materials from said chamber; (after the introduction of said
materials or able to add and/or retrieve materials during or after the
d. sealing means for the closing of said chamber, and which contains

e. said materials from which at least one sub-quantity being radioactive
and/or being able to be transformed in a radioactive isotope during
the internal process;
f. said materials from which at least one sub-quantity being an inert gas
and/or being able to be transformed in an inert gas or in inert gas
vapour during the internal process;
g. said materials from which at least one sub-quantity being a atomic or
molecular metallic material and/or being able to be transformed in a
atomic or molecular metallic material, in metallic gas or in metallic
vapour during the internal process;
h. said materials from which at least one sub-quantity is hydrogen
and/or being able to be transformed in a atomic or molecular
hydrogen, in during the internal process, and
where upon the sealing of said chamber said materials, preferable in
15conjunction with the matters of said wall, start a controlable interaction
process of repositioning the plasmatic magnetic energy fields of the
introduced elements, where a number of the dynamic actions between
them lead to the creation of new plasmatic magnetic energy fields,
process called fusion, like in atomic, plasmatic and molecular level, and
20simultaneously lead to the fragmentation of existing plasmatic energy
fields, process called fission, and where certain related energy events
can be collected for useful output, and where the interaction with other
plasmatic magnetic energy fields can lead to the creation of
superimposed plasmatic magnetic energy fields which will cause
25gravitational effects within and/or around said reactor, which means the
creation and control of gravitational (positive or negative in respect to a
given or a reference gravitational field) and magnetospheric field forces.
The second method is to produce, in and around the embodiment of a
30reactor, a gravitational and/or anti-gravitational effect, where applying
such effect will lead to be able to process matters in a new way, namely
at atomic level, and at room temperature and normal pressure, or able to
change positions of matters in respect to each other, which can be used
in all where by the use of a semi-fusion (fusion/fission combination)
35chain of events, certain matters within said reactor are brought into a
location to interact with each other, where the outcome of these
interactions will create dynamic plasmatic magnetic energy fields
(PMEF), where upon the interaction of at least two such PMEF in respect
to each other, a fluid dynamic plasmatic repulsion and attraction field will
40be created (according to the principle of simultaneous attraction and

repulsion of two similar and two dissimilar polarities), which the outcome
of the interaction of the two dynamic fields, will lead to creation of double
(superimposed) plasmatic magnetic energy fields, which are loosely
interlocked spherically one on top of the other, creating a combined
5PMEF which one effect will be the gravitational and second effect will be
the magnetic field effect around and within said embodiment, which this
combined PMEF, is itself due to the principle of loose dynamic magnetic
realignment at atomic and molecular level, will create the gravitational
and spherical magnetic fields, within and the surrounding environment of
10the embodiment of the reactor, where these two created magnetic fields
are created independently and separated from each other within said
embodiment by means of a physical partition, where this partition can be
made of any physical tangible barrier (like a wall) or could of plasmatic or
liquid origin, or could be by the creation of two simply indifferential
15magnetic field strength as a separation barrier, where said reactor
embodiment comprising:
a. sustainable wall means;
b. at least one chamber that can be sealed;
c. port means for introducing materials in said chamber and for
retrieving materials from said chamber; (after the introduction of said
materials or able to add and/or retrieve materials during or after the
d. sealing means for the closing of said chamber, and which contains
e. said materials from which at least one sub-quantity being radioactive
and/or being able to be transformed in a radioactive isotope during
the internal process;
f. said materials from which at least one sub-quantity being an inert gas
and/or being able to be transformed in an inert gas or in inert gas
vapour during the internal process;
30g. said materials from which at least one sub-quantity being a atomic or
molecular metallic material and/or being able to be transformed in a
atomic or molecular metallic material, in metallic gas or in metallic
vapour during the internal process;
h. said materials from which at least one sub-quantity is hydrogen
and/or being able to be transformed in a atomic or molecular
hydrogen, in during the internal process, and
where upon the sealing of said chamber said materials, preferable in
conjunction with the matters of said wall, the initial controllable
interaction process starts;

where said initial process is enhanced by (external) (internal) motion
means of said reactor.
The third method consists to create a gravitational producing system and
5related processes by the use of fusion, semi-fusion, ionization, and/or
fission of materials within the confined reactor-embodiment, by the
correct combination and association between the materials within the
embodiment, where by the release of plasmatic magnetic energy created
by the interaction of different materials and dynamic turbulent conditions
10of these materials and a radioactive source placed in the core can
leading to the production of dynamic plasmatic magnetic fields within the
embodiment, where upon at least two such fields interaction with each
other, in the same core or in different locations or superimposed on top
of each other, leading to creation of an interlocking double magnetic
15field, behaving as a whole as a gravitational field system, where by
principle of attraction and repulsion of two similar and dissimilar magnetic
polarities, a combined fluid plasmatic magnetic field within and/or in the
vicinity of the two fields within the reactor is created or within its
surrounding environment is created, which this creates the condition for
20availability of applicable gravitational field force for the reactor, where
this newly created gravitational field can determine the position of the
embodiment in respect to other gravitational fields which are created by
other gravitational systems, within the vicinity of the reactor-embodiment,
where this gravitational field force could be varied according to the
25strength of any of the two plasmatic magnetic energy fields which have
created it, where this can be used for directional positioning and
directional movement of the core embodiment within its surrounding,
where the separation of the two magnetic field could be created by the
method of creation of different magnetic field densities in respect to each
30other or by placement of a physical separation wall which could be gas,
liquid, solid or any other combination, and where said reactor will have:
i. sustainable wall means;
j. at least one chamber that can be sealed;
k. port means for introducing materials in said chamber and for
retrieving materials from said chamber; (after the introduction of said
materials or able to add and/or retrieve materials during or after the
l. sealing means for the closing of said chamber, and which contains

m. said materials from which at least one sub-quantity being radioactive
and/or being able to be transformed in a radioactive isotope during
the internal process;
n. said materials from which at least one sub-quantity being an inert gas
and/or being able to be transformed in an inert gas or in inert gas
vapour during the internal process;
o. said materials from which at least one sub-quantity being a atomic or
molecular metallic material and/or being able to be transformed in a
atomic or molecular metallic material, in metallic gas or in metallic
vapour during the internal process;
p. said materials from which at least one sub-quantity is hydrogen
and/or being able to be transformed in a atomic or molecular
hydrogen, in during the internal process, and
where upon the sealing of said chamber said materials, preferable in
15conjunction with the matters of said wall, the initial controllable
interaction process starts;
where said initial process is enhanced by external and/or internal motion
means of said reactor.

20One of the methods which is claimed in this patent application is such

that - under centrifugal and vacuum conditions - a turbulence, rotation,
compressive and heating of a gaseous matter is created in a reactor by
at least one central rotative magnetic field with the purpose of creating
additional plasmatic conditions leading to various physical phenomena.


However above is described that the materials in the reactor will create
already a initial process. The presence of radioactive materials in the
wall, on the wall, on the central column, on a electrode, in the liquid, as
separate source, all these can provide conditions to start the initial
We claim also a method where - under centrifugal and vacuum
conditions in presence of ionization condition - a turbulence, rotation,
compressive and heating of a gaseous matter is created in a reactor by
35at least one central rotative magnetic field with the purpose of creating
plasmatic conditions leading to the creation various magnetic fields
where at least the interaction of two magnetic field would lead to the
creation of at least one gravitational force phenomena.

40In this patent-application we disclose a concept, method and technology

for more efficient and higher, electric energy levels as well as creation of

gravity and anti-gravity within a center of an object or a matter that can
be created at a relatively very low cost.
It is important to understand that we see an analogy with the planetary

5concept and positioning of planets in our solar system. The Earth and all

planets and stars possess a centrally heated core. The creation and
maintenance of the heat and motion is not in the level and method which
scientist have chosen for motion and energy technological progress up
to this moment in time. Planets possess and maintain heat, magnetic
10forces and gravity through one integrated system with mostly one
common element as the source of the energy. In the center of planets
the temperature acquired is more like in thousands of degrees
centigrade rather than millions of degrees as in stars. But all the same,
all effects in creating heat, magnetism and gravity can be achieved at all
15temperatures. It is to be proven through the design of the reactor in this
patent that the strength of magnetic field and gravity of these planets is
more dependent on the composition of the material and the speed of
motion in the center core of the planet, rather then the size or any other
factors in the planet or the star internal structure. In the universe vast
20amount of heat are not suddenly produced and presented in one
instance for fusion to takes place for systems and stars to be created.
There are laws and procedures to follow to succeed in achieving a large
or a small system in the universe.
These laws have to be followed to the letter in the design of any system
25or reactor for creation of heat, magnetic forces fields and subsequent
gravitational forces field and so on, for a system to be successful and
operational. Planets and stars using the natural laws of physic and
materials do all these, all at once and together without separate
machinery and control rooms and fuels. They do this as one fully
30integrated system. Thus for the first time in the world of technology and
intellect, in and by the design of this reactor, fundamental principals are
set out and developed to show how all these above effects and many
more could be very simply attained. All at the same time and as in a
natural universal manner in one fully integrate system.
35This is explained very explicitly in the annex that is joined to this patent
application. That annex is integral part of this patent application, and
may help the reader to better analyze and understand the concepts and
ideas about our new reactors and their functioning.

40The invention relates to a gravity producing system, method, concept

and technology whereby in a reactor (10) a chain of energetic events is

created via a rotative magnetic (17A), initiation of a basic ionization of a
gas (i.e. hydrogen 18A) or other matters, which then triggers a
controllable chain of energy transfers (so called Scintillation) to the next
45following layer(s) of introduced gasses (i.e. He 18B, Ne 18C, Ar 18D, Kr,
Xe 18E), of all other introduced elements of the periodic table (i.e. Li, Be,

K, Ca, Ti, Pt, etc.) and/or their introduced molecule combinations (i.e.
a vapor).
Without scintillation in a low density, low volume ration of atomic
5hydrogen environment of galaxies, the process of ionisation will not take
place, that the rest of the chain of events for the creation of any system
or galaxy can take is initiated. Scintillation is the ignition key for start of
creation of any system in the universe.

10All inert gases in conjunction with different materials and conditions in

the cores can be used for or as scintillation material in the core of the

The use of liquid helium and neon and other inert gases as scintillators is

15the essential ingredient of the operation of any system that needs to

generate heat, power and gravity. Helium and neon have no unstable
naturally occurring isotopes, therefore any inherent radioactive
backgrounds. That is why these are good source for creation of the
extreme ultraviolet ray catalyst source needed for initial ionisation of
20hydrogen atoms to start the heating of gases and plasma in the caroline
In galaxies the ultraviolet photons from reminisce of the explosion of
stars have sufficient energy to strip the electrons completely away from
25hydrogen atoms and ionised hydrogen atoms. When and if the atom of
hydrogen absorbs a photon with wavelength of 912 .the atom is ionised
with the extra energy going in to kinetic energy of the electron. This
requires a photon energy greater then 13.6 eV or wavelength of 912 in
the ultraviolet region.


Collision between electrons thermalise their energy, this energy heating

the gas in the region to higher temperatures.
Theoretical models of the installer cloud are providing new insights into

35the role of extreme ultraviolet rays and soft X-ray photoelectric heating,

as well as thermal conductive interfaces, in explaining the observed high

ratios of hydrogen HI at very low pressures . These indicating not the
need for the use of ionised Hydrogen but natural hydrogen in the
process of heating up a gas to Plasma State.


At the present most considerations are given to use of ionised hydrogen

and its relation with extreme ultraviolet rays emissions. Recent research
and findings allows the endeavour to new territory of reverse state of
condition. Where it has been observed in the galaxies that ground state
45hydrogen receiving energy photons in the extreme ultraviolet rays range
would and is excited to be ionised. Then by returning to ground state
through catalyses it can be used to release this energy to heat up the
surrounding gas to heated Plasma State.

This opening a new approach into development of systems where not
ionised but natural hydrogen and atomic hydrogen can be used to
generate energy and currents, by using extreme ultraviolet rays rather
then ultraviolet rays to create the ionisation.

This new understanding allows low temperature operation and less

energy input for the higher energy out put, allowing operation in the nonnuclear environment.

10These being due to the fact as natural hydrogen is used, there are no

possibility of emission above extreme ultraviolet rays by the hydrogen

atoms, as an atom can not emit more then it has absorbed. That is as
the extreme ultraviolet rays energy absorbed by natural hydrogen atom,
this atom to return to ground state can only release energies below
15extreme ultraviolet rays, at the same time releasing sufficient energy and
free electrons that can be useful in a system. For this reason the need
for new ignition system using extreme ultraviolet rays for hydrogen rather
then ionisation by ultraviolet rays microwave can be considered.

20By passing liquid helium over Alpha or Beta source to generate the

extreme ultraviolet rays, Thorindike in late 1950th discovered liquidhelium scintillation. Stockton later showed the emission of very intense
wavelength range in the extreme ultraviolet rays spectrum is centered at
about 80 nm. Adams confirmed the transparency of liquid helium to its
25own scintillation light reason for the intensity of the photons.
Scintillation of the liquid helium by can be achieved through use of Alpha
or a beta radiation source, where the use of Alpha or Beta source
excitation in liquid helium determines the density of the ionisation. Adams
30calculated that, energy deposited by Beta particles in super fluid helium
are emitted promptly as extreme ultraviolet rays light, and is considered
to be as much as 35% of total energy released by the fluid.
The initial stage in the process of heating all the elements in the core of

35a reactor has to be the ionisation of atoms of hydrogen in the center core

(called Caroline core) by using extreme ultraviolet rays, carried by

compressed liquid helium into the core, which has been exposed to
radioactive source prior to entry in to the center (caroline) core.

40This method of ionisation of hydrogen atoms has been observed in the

galaxies, therefore it should be easy to achieve the same in reactor

environment under the right condition. The extreme ultraviolet rays in
vacuum condition cause prompt and direct photoionization of hydrogen.
Where as lower energy photon causes a combination of fragmentation
45and delay thermionic ionisation. Thus use of extreme ultraviolet ray is the
fast and direct way to start the reactor from cold.
The right choice of radioactive element for production of extreme
ultraviolet rays in presence of liquid helium or neon is important. With the

correct selection, the possibility that liquid helium will carry any gamma
ray energy level radiation into the core of the reactor can totally be
eliminated. Therefore the choice irradiation source for scintillation will
have direct effect on different combination and the amount of gases
5used in the Caroline core.
Use of neutron traps facilities, in the outlet of irradiated chamber of the
scintillation unit can make sure no neutrons can enter the caroline core,
that can create high energy rays in the core, that can create radioactive
10chain of events of releasing X-rays or higher level energy rays with the
interaction with other materials in the caroline core.
The reactor has at least one (26) or more (27) spaces (i.e. cavities 11,
layers, sub-chambers). This is very important to understand. 26 and 27
15show two different approaches. 26 shows a reactor which has one
chamber and inside will be in the pure gaseous concept several
layers of inert gasses (or other matters or a mixture of gasses and
matter). These layers are formed in the reactor chamber by the
centrifugal and vacuum conditions according to their the atomic weight.
20Since the layers have a different rotational speed there will be kinetical,
magnetic and other effects in the inter-layer regions. 27 shows instead a
reactor concept where there is a real physical wall (i.e. steel wall, liquid
substance, varying energy strength matters) in the reactor which
separates two zones inside the reactor, and each may have its own
25internal process(es) and specific layer ordering. The magnetic fields in
both will interfere with each other in a controlled way. This physical wall
may be dynamical too, meaning to be opened under certain secured
conditions for various reasons or the separated areas may interchange
matter or plasma by connection means - if that is appropriate in the
The concept of creation of energy for this reactor is on the bases of the
understanding of cooperation, interaction and application of the atomic
structure of the plasma, gases, liquid and solid of all matters known in
35the world of science.


The principal of the behaviour of these in a vacuum and centrifuge

environment has been studied and catalogued in detail over past
It is paramount to understand that gases in a vacuum environment for
their containment behave very much like liquid and the two can switch
state. With one element changing properties at the same time in the
same system by slight change of temperature or pressure within the core

of the reactor. This holds the same between the liquid and solid state
If the behaviour of a drop of water in space and the way they float in

5vacuum condition are observed, gases behave the same in the vacuum

too, they stay in cluster but take over the whole of the space of their
From past research it is understood that gases in a vacuum and

10centrifuged encapsulate each other according to their atomic weight,

from the lighter gases in the center of the cluster and the heaviest on the
outer layers.

This means that neon will encapsulate helium and heavier gas will

15encapsulate the neon and so on.

The second important principal for inert gas laws is that they do not mix
with each other in a vacume and centrifuges condition.

20This factor will play an important part in the development of any energy

system, which has to be portable and light. But at the same time flexible,
energetic and functional able for it to be used for its merit in any system,
this being for power production, gravity, anti gravity, shielding and
medical use and so forth.


For this system to be able to take advantage of above criterion it is

important to have Hydrogen in atomic, molecular, its isotopes and
ionised form are the primary element in production of initial heating of
the reactor core, as it is done in the cosmos.


Hydrogen gas in atomic and molecular level has some versatile

properties, that if they are used for the right purpose at the right time in
the right combination, this element will provide and facilitates most the
needs of systems energy creation requirement for all applications.


In this patent, systems are developed, that makes it possible for the first
time, does not matter in what form hydrogen is made available in a core
of system, primary condition can be created in the core of the vacuum,
centrifuge chamber, that brings about the desired effect in any system to
40create the initial heat for the onset of chain of events, that will lead on to
creation of heat in vast amount, electric current in predetermined large
quantities, single magnetic field condition in molecular level in and
around the core of the reactor, creation of double magnetic field in the
molecular level, which the interaction of two magnetic fields will lead to
45creation and control of gravity in the center of a system for the first time
Creation of Gravity M T Keshe.
When Hydrogen is used in conjunction with other elements, hydrogen
has the properties of being easy to be ionised by any source that can

deliver a 13.6 eV of energy to achieve the ionisation of its atom. At the
same time hydrogen has the capability to release this attained energy to
a third elements in its neighbourhood and return to the ground state
rapidly through this interaction with this third matter.

How ionisation and release of energy are created and used are the
principals behind the design of this reactor for the creation of energy,
magnetic effect and gravitational forces.

10Then as other elements are introduced into the core of the reactor, then

the true nature of the hydrogen will revile its potency in this system as a
whole. Where, how and how much, when and the way all elements are
introduced or applied in this system cores will create the desire effect
that is required of the system as the whole at that time.


So that the system can be power generator, then with slight change in
one of the parameters of one of the gases or introduction of other
elements the system will become a gravity machine. Then maybe by
combining the two effects. One will have a system that not only
20generates energy but it holds gravity and creates anti gravity too.
Thus for matter of simplicity in this disclosure the simplest forms of the
energy and gravity system will be discussed and disclosed.

25In this patent application we name the central area of the total reactor

the central core (or caroline core) and the outside area the outer core.
So several layers of matter or plasma may be possible wise separated
by a solid (14A) or by a gaseous (14B) or by an other state layering


By the chain of inter-layer transfers several other physical phenomena

are caused, such as:
1. Compression and decompression inside the reactor chamber,
2. Rotation of the matter inside the reactor chamber,
353. the interaction of two magnetic fields (20 and 21) in the center core
of the reactor,
4. the creation and development of heat (40) due to ionization in a soft
or hard magnetic fields and their reconnection(s) by the matters in
the center core (also called caroline core (13, 28A, 28C) and the
magnetic field in turn created in the outer core(s) (12, 28B, 28D) in
the reactor chamber (11),
5. magnetosphere effects (22) of the two magnetic fields of the center
core, and the magnetic field of the outer core,

6. the emission of rays up to Ultra Violet for heating up the materials in
the core(s) or plasmas,
7. the creation and convection motion (71, 81) for creation of current
(80, 82) and the single and double magnetic fields which create the
fundamental cyclic transformation /retransformation of the gas and/or
matter involved from ground-state to excitation-state(s),
The interaction between the two magnetic fields, of at least two cores,
leads to the creation of gravity and anti-gravity due the creation of the
10double spherical or other shaped superimposed magnetic fields (20 and
21, 30). This will cause the rotation (50) of the containment vessel(s)
(see all 18) of the caroline core, and the rotation of the inner core (84)
will cause the rotation in at least one central column in at least one


That central column (16A) may have several designs in relation to the
reactor chamber, the desired functioning depending of the type of reactor
and its purpose of design, and may:
1. Either turn completely, powered by a power source (15F) that is
positioned outside the chamber,
2. Either from which only at least one part with magnetic means turns,
i.e. the tip-part (51)(in the center of the chamber),
3. Either from which only a part with topological means turns, i.e. at
least one mixing blade (in the center of the chamber), possible wise
covered with at least one scintillating material (16E) unit (15C), or i.e.
a spinning ejection mouth,
4. Either is completely immobile (fixed)(Fig. 9) but which has on its
surface at least one set of electro-magnets (90) and/or coils which
can be activated (92A) or deactivated (92D) possible wise
controlled by electronic means (i.e. a microchip 93 ) - in a preferred
periodical and/or positional way, which - preferable - can change
polarity and/or strength (92A, 92B, 92C), that way able to create
turbulence in the center core, and/or in other superior cores,
5. Either is completely immobile (fixed) but by which the basic gas
and/or matter is pumped in a core by at least one ejection mouth,
(called the statistic reactor),
6. Either has at least one symmetrical or asymmetrical channel in its tip
which can pump gas(ses) from one side to the other,
7. A combination of previous,

The central column (16A) has possible wise - but very preferable - at
least one internal channel (16D) (i.e. a borehole 16B) for the distribution
and/or collection of relevant gas(ses), matter and/or plasma (23).

5The central column possible wise can have at least one electrode (17B) but very preferable several to collect electric current for transportation
(17C) to the outside of the reactor. This way the currents can be
collected for several purposes.

10The central column can have depending from the type of reactor (i.e.
14A, 14B) and corresponding to the type of gas, matter or plasma - one
or more injection-mouths on different levels, each for another type of
gas, matter and/or plasma, preferable on a height that correspondents
with the layering position that this gas or matter will have after its atomic
15weight and/or the purpose of the injected plasma or matters.

The reactor (10) comprises a body (24) that can made of any natural or
man-made material or several materials, or in atomic or molecular state at least made of one part in which at least one hollow space (11) is
20positioned, and whereby all relevant parts (i.e. the wall 25) if needed
to be protected (i.e. coated, laminated, painted, etc.) in well known
manners against corrosion, aggressive acids, etc.
At the outside of the reactor (10) a number of relevant supporting
25systems are positioned, such as: pressure-tanks (15A), reverse tanks
(15B), turbo molecular pump (15E), gas seals, scintillation unit(s)(15C),
electrical brushes (15D), heat removal chamber, valves, pumps, tubes,
closing means, measuring means, control sensors, engine(s)(15F),
gears, power-source, electrical components (i.e. fuse), computer(s), ICs,
After the initial mechanical rotation (i.e. at 3,000 rpm) and/or
electromagnetic triggered rotation the internal rotation (50) will be
continued due the interaction of the magnetic fields involved (selfsustained process), in correspondence with one of more core-layers and
35their containment.
Possible wise one of the reactor concepts may have one of more of next

40a. The central column may be mechanically withdrawn (52) if the

internal interaction goes after wish, and can be repositioned inside

the chamber if there is a need to collect current, to add new gas(ses),
matter and/or plasma, and/or to adapt or correct the balance of the
lower or higher volume-ratio of the matter and density.

5b. In another concept or a combined concept the central column will

have on his tip (53)(central position) at least two magnetic means
(54) of different pole, but preferable several sets which can be ring
wise or polarity faced wise and sized positioned above or next to
each other, and on the top of the column tip one magnet, either in
polarity strips (95) or as a single body.


c. The central column may be treated at the inside and/or outside

surface by radioactive material (16E)(i.e. liquid, solid or a spray), or
materials which can radioactively decay, or by fixed methods of
scintillatizion like microwave lamps.
d. A reactor may have more than one column, one (91) with its tip
positioned in the center area, and at least one (94) with its tip on a
different level, but separated from each other.


e. At least two central columns (fig.7) may be positioned opposite to

each other, either creating a similar rotational effect, either creating a
conflicting rotational direction.

25f. The reactor body contains at least two separate hollow spaces of

identical or different dimensions,

g. The reactor body may contains at least two separate material cores
(i.e. by a wall-layer 14A), a larger encircling a smaller, and each may
have a proper internal independent process, and magnetic
interactions may occur between their magnetic fields, and matters
may be exchanged between physically separated chambers (28C
and 28D) by connection means (58).
h. The reactor can be connected by connection means with at least one
other reactor, either of a different type, dimension, concept, either


In an external container (15C) outside the chamber - at least one

scintillating unit (i.e. made of partially of Cs137) is available which will
have a normal radioactive behavior or his natural decay inside or
outside the chamber.


A reactor may have either a solid structure (10), either a dynamical

structure and being able to adapt its structure after, (i.e. the internal
pressure and temperature), and being secured by magnetic seals
(16C) and/or fields.

k. A reactor core can have also several overall shapes, such as: perfect
spherical, elliptic, half-circular, etc.


The reactor wall (25) and/or material core wall (29B) can have also
locally or overall several topological shapes, skins and/or furnishings,
such as: perfect smooth, dimpled, grooved, triangled, etc. Such
surface properties may add additional effects on the internal


m. A material core (29B) can also be surrounded by conductive wires

(i.e. copper) or bands, or similar, which can create additional
Alternating Current, which can be superimposed on the Direct
Current(s) which are created within the core.


Above mentioned reactor concepts, method and technology results in a

completely new type of dynamic energy-source and energy concept
which also implies the control over local gravity. This brings a large
number of new products and applications. These are also described in
25the annex document, which is part of this invention.
One of the most important results is the creation of gravity and antigravity. We see a number of applications next.
Next the creation of internal heat source leading to creation and the
30interaction of two or more magnetic fields, leading to creation of gravity,
shielding and current production in alternating or direct or electrovolts
levels, can be used in applications for space, aircraft, and submarine,
sea-bottom habitat, liquid habitat (like in a container tank or for nano
technology in blood vessels), colonisation crafts and colonisation
35systems (i.e. cocooned atmosphere conditions on a sea bed, beneath
surface or on surfaces). The same can also be created by at least one
extra layer with a magnetic field rotating in opposite direction to at least
one other magnetic field, within at least one core or outside the boundary
of the system, creating in example a impenetrable field and useful for
40reentry or exit of atmospheric conditions, or for laser-like effects of co-

existing magnetic fields (i.e. surgery, cutting tools and long-distance
The production of energy via soft fusion (i.e. cold and warm fusion) is a
5major application.
The production of plasma due the creation of gravity at molecular level
between two magnetic fields (41, 42)(62, 63) of two cavities or more in a
system for creation high temperature plasma in fusion industries (40) is
10very important.
New concepts of batteries, lighting devices (i.e. transparent reactorhousing, light-bulb, floor light, wall light and flood-light, etc.), security
products (i.e. traffic lights, sensors, water purifiers, etc.) and industrial
15and household devices and apertures, like water-production machines
become possible.
Also heating and drying devices, the use of energy production
capabilities for creating heating like warming the surrounding maters, like
in boilers and heaters in the house for central heating systems or
20individual heating systems, and warm blanketing, using as boiler for
warming up or boiling matters like liquids and malting solid materials, for
use as drying system like hair dryers for industrial or commercial drying
system, or heating oven, or stove or cookers in the house appliances, or
grilling of food appliances for private or commercial or industrial use.
25Other application can be i.e. the heating of the roads in winter, the soils
for plant growth, etc.
New cooling devices can be constructed due the reverse gravity
magnetic field generation system(s), where the system will absorb heat
from its surrounding, to cool its surrounding for use in the air-conditioning
30for buildings and cars, and crafts or any object which can carry any other
object, refrigeration systems of any kind , production of ice or frozen
state of any material or matter.
The production of new materials in and outside the reactor chamber
35under specific magnetic and/or gravitational conditions (i.e. directional
nano growth, the welding of atoms and molecules, etc.) becomes
possible. A number of processes related to atom creation become
possible, such as for human or animal or plant cells, where the micro
gravitational field in presence of magnetic fields in one or more magnetic
40fields created in the center of the one or more cavities will allow

magnetic fields above dark magnetic levels to manifest themselves and
cluster together to create the nucleolus of the atom and in use of multi
layering, then the electrons are allowed to manifest themselves, and
these processes can be continued for leading to production of
5molecules, and base material for the DNA, where specific energies or
magnetic fields are inserted leading to creation of the right characteristic
of the foundation of the any cell or organs or creatures.
In space refuelling and accessing new material for food or oxygen, or
10parts will easily done, simply by retracting basic matters in the cosmos
soup and using this method in conjunctions with atomic welding
methods, all maters on continuous bases can be produced or
manufactured as demand arises, so there are no need for huge
inventory to carry, one produces in the core as what it is needed at that
15point of space and time.
Gravitational devices become possible which can move without contact
with a carrying substrate (i.e. earth surface, sea, air, etc.), such as
gravitational lifted transport devices, lifters for heavy products, wheel
20chairs for able and disable bodies, the push chair for children , or
elevators in building, the use of hollow center loop fitted with rotor blade
of any kind for the manufacture of current, for sky or water board , sliding
board for play where the board hover, for movement large objects, this
being for automotive or commercial vessels, trucks and trailers or
25shipping over liquid or solid bodies from one continent to other or planets
or solar systems and galaxies, for use of cycles sliding over surface,
craft which can fly and have magnetic shielding and gravitational force
field inside, for railway like system where the object of any size or length
can flout over the track, use in the fork lift and crane and platform lifting
30of an object of any kind and size in industry for lifting objects or liquids
to any height, for the use in the gates and doors which will elevate and
levitate or revolve by use of antigravity and vice versa, tables and chairs,
beds, furniture's of any kind with or without legs or attachments to the
physical surrounding, shoes for walking, etc.


New methods and applications become possible in the inter-terra

development and exploration (i.e. transport tunnels and hollow habitat
spaces by rock melting in deeper earth and planet layers),

We see also an interesting number of applications in Transforming units
for the decomposition and recompositions of waste and old products in
new basic matter and materials or specific combinations (i.e. plastics)
with perfect internal atomic ordering.

There are also products related to the creation of double or more

magnetic fields superimposed (30), at least two, and fully in circulating
each other in layers, on top of each other for multi-layer shielding of an
object, where at least one magnetic fields can rotate in one direction or
10at least one rotating in the opposite direction to one or more fields, like
for the use in submarine or space craft industry, air- and space transport
systems and devices (i.e. with magnetic shielding effect with creation of
imposition gravity) and non-air-friction-systems, products for welding
industry, this being material or atomic welding or molecular welding.


New electronic devices and components become possible (i.e.

computers, scanners, etc. with 3D-dynamische layers), nano-wire
transistors, three dimensional screen, three dimensional communication
holographic systems, etc., and various aspects of nano-technology,
20where the minuet machines needed to be energised and controlled,
where the packages of energy can be made or delivered to the energy
cells or the battery of the system for it to continue operation, or the use
of minuet battery system which only creates electrovolts current needed
for the operation of these micro machines.


A important application is in the field of communication systems, by the

use of the soft body, or port of the reactor at least with one cavity, where
the high energy magnetic wave are released in the spherical domain, or
at least in one direction, where the magnetic energy will be code in the
30sequence as in the present system but this will be hard to decipher in the
inter galaxy system, the best method of space rapid response
communication will be the magnetic plasma of the element in the
sequential chambers, what this means is that the Hydrogen plasma
magnetic energy will be A, Helium plasma magnetic energy will be B and
35so forth, according to atomic weight if the element, where simultaneous
small chamber magnetic charge will be released in the magnetic energy
field level, then there is no need for decoding or losing information in the
solar system or galaxy media, as each element of the periodic table
carries it own magnetic energy frequencies in the plasma magnetic state,
40and then the time laps will be insignificant, and inter solar

magnetospheric bouncing will be used, like satellite dishes of the present
time to forward a massage onto the next system or craft in the other part
of the same system or others.

5New decontamination systems, and growth provoking magnetic

conditions for human, animal and plant cells and life (i.e. plasma-multicolor light), and radiation protection, CO2-decomposition system, etc.,
are possible.
New development are possible in weapon systems (i.e. a fragment of the
10reactor wall is opened under controlled conditions or at least one layercore is opened by physical means and/or at least one magnetic field),
partial or complete magnetic disintegration of matter on any atomic or
molecular level (i.e. meteorites) becomes possible, protection fields for
various object like air craft, ships, tanks, housing, and also radar-stealth
15systems (for stealth effect where the incoming energy from a radar can
fully be absorbed in the tangles of one or more magnetic fields), EMabsorption systems,
New magnetic blanketing can be reached in a perfect way (internal
20magnetic ordering in objects, tools and devices).
Another field of applications is in field of Housing concepts and products,
due the use of the magnetic field shielding, as an object to prevent
passage or block or obscure the view into or out of an object, like as
25doors or walls for entering into or out of an object, like the door of a
house or walls of the house, or as replacement of or the glass or any
other materials used for this purpose where the double glazing or any
kind of glazing, or prevention of entry of small or certain object can be
predetermined by the field, like to be used as of mosquito nets and
30window fly nets, or as umbrellas for preventing the sun or the rain from
reacting any matter or object, roofing, and flooring.
Products and applications can be designed related to the energy release
mechanism using soft or retractable wall system of the core that can be
35used for release of plasma or energy or an object, or material in one or
more direction from the at least one or more cores of the system, this
being used as the rivet machines, nail machines or guns of all sorts,
shooting guns for defence and laser or leisure or hunting, using for
destruction of matter ahead like dynamite, drilling machine in any scale
40or with any power, dentist drilling machine, space weapons for

destruction of meteorite or object ahead, where the delivered mater will
not have a physical container as of the rockets and bolts of present time,
but packages of energy being magnetic or plasmas or matter of any

New type of suction machines for vacume system for absorption or

attraction of other matters by use of magnetic field attraction or physical
suction of the system, this being used for likes of household vacuum
cleaners or industrial vacuum cleaners, or for absorption of any gas or
10liquid, or solid material from its immediate environment like in
contamination clean up conditions, and this can be created through
magnetic strength helicities between at least two inter-layers (57, 55) of
material with different speed of rotation and varying atomic weight,
creating its own localized magnetic field black hole (56) condition where
15by the use of soft body core or magnetic tunneling material can be
sucked into the black hole region from the core region of the reactor or
by facilitating a port hole from matters outside into the black hole
condition, as described in annex (section creation of black hole) and in
the description.


We see also new products related to the creation of internal heat source
leading to creation and the interaction of two or more magnetic fields,
leading to creation of gravity, shielding and current production in
alternating or direct or electrovolts levels, used in the space, aircraft, and
25submarine, colonisation crafts.
Several consumer products will be created, such as textiles (i.e. with
memory), and vacuum suits for human or animal or any object in
possession of internal gravity for play or industrial or apace application,
30like toys (i.e. human lifting belts) and sporting products, all sorts of
material used for floating, belts for levitation , where gravity can be
reversed, magnetic shield bowls, diving suits for submerging in to any
liquid or gas in possession of gravity and heating elements.

35Products, machinery and applications become possible which are related

to using the magnetic pressurises for the production or shaping of all

kinds of material or containers and use in the pressure moulding and
pressure casting, or for the pressure pumped systems of all types of
materials and matters, like the water pumps, injectors for computer

industry printing and etching system and lithography, printing industry
(i.e. transfer print), and platting and lamination industry.
Zero gravity machines can be used for production of material, where the
5reactor will, by in circulating the inner cavity, where the material is
produced, like in flask or a room , where the magnetic fields of one or
more do not pass the inner physical boundary of the containment but
creates the zero gravity condition in the inner cavity but not at the same
time a vacume condition, this being used for like production of silicone or
10for the micro chip industries where clean but zero gravity condition is
Also new medical devices and applications are possible, due the
creation of one or more soft magnetic fields for matching the magnetic
15field but at the same time in possession of gravitational force system,
with temperature level control requirements for medical use, for like
reseating of the magnetic or energy levels of human cell for eradication
of cancer cell from a tissue, for blood cell for blood cancer, like dialysis's
machine, or creation of condition for the growth of body part in the exact
20position on the body, of remote matter or organs replacement without
cutting tissues or organs from outside to reach the organs or part in the
matter, this is un-intrusive surgery, incubators for premature bore child,
where the gravity can be reduced to allow breading in a softer
conditions, where heat and liquid condition of the internal environment of
25mother reproduction organs can be replicated, Incubators for animal
production, Organ transplant without intrusive method by transmutation
of the organ in its position and in position reconnection of the organ
through remote one or more gravity laser beam for the swing of the
organ in its position.


Of course an very important application and method is related to the

generation of electrical power, using one or more materials in the
cavities, by the use of collection of the appropriate charge particles from
the right electrodes specially positioned in the He (83) and Ar (82) layers
35or on the appropriate material layer, where the positive charges can be
utilised as well as the negative charges for operation and used within or
the outside the parameters of the system, that is to say the protons carry
as much energy or most instance more than the its electron counter
parts, where ever they are collected in one or more cavities of the
40reactor, and by which the total utilisation of all energies from all parts of

an atom even the magnetic dark matter is possible, and not just the
electrons as has been done up to now.
Atomic welding applications and technology, becomes a simpler way to
5produce or fuse matter together than fusion methods - where large
energies are required to fuse to atoms together - where atomic welding
brings to near similar atoms or molecules together and only add one
electron or proton, or an neutron for the two atoms to become one,
which is in reality the reverse atomic decay or half life system method,
10which the world of science has never understood, where for example
potassium goes through beta decay to become argon, where if one add
beta in the magnetic and gravitational condition one can create
potassium from argon, thus applying the material creation in the
universe, where the atoms do no start always from hydrogen to go to
15uranium, but they just simple weld into higher element to create heavier
elements, like creating 113 element out of Iron 56 and 57 (which is a
double magnetic element and therefore can be called magnetically a
dark matter).

20Space travel without use of any fuel using the gravitational pull of a

targeted planet, where the double magnetic material created in one or

more cores could be fed into three independent, 120 degrees positions,
for creation of the planetary gravitational pull, where one reactor will be
filled and two other reactors on approach to or near the destination will
25be reversed back in gravitational force using a different magnetic dark
matter for break or slow down system.
Even non-tangible magnetic locks in position of gravity are possible
where the two magnetic fields are matching but opposite that they can
30lock into each other. These applications are claimed here, now, and may
be developed in more detail in future patents.
Next are some specific claims related to this invention, and they are also
described in for mentioned annex.


A reactor (26) can have only one rotating chamber. This reactor body
(26) can contain at least two inserted gasses of different atomic weight
which position themselves due the centrifugal effect in layers: (1) the
lighter gas(ses) at the inside (so called inner core 28A) and (2) the
40heavier gas(ses) at the outside (so called outer core 28B).

Another type of reactor (27) will have at least two internal chambers (28C
and 28D).
The reactor can have at least two internal chambers, from which at least
5one in stationary (28D).
The reactor body can have at least two internal chambers, from which at
least one (28C) is connected with the central column (29) and both rotate


It is possible that the reactor (10) has a central column (16A) which is in
rotation, but is also possible to make a reactor where the central column
is static.

15It is also possible to build a reactor where there is not central column in
at least one chamber.

A reactor can also been build where there is a different central column in
at least two chambers.


The central column can have several shapes and/or concepts, at least in
one chamber, such as: fully telescopic, partly telescopic, with a pipit
inside, without a pipit inside, partly dynamic (i.e. only tip part rotates).
The central column will be designed after the intentional purpose, the
25materials to be used, the way to insert them and the conditions to meet.
The central column may have rotary-blade(s) or saddle(s), covered with
various materials (i.e. radioactive), equipped with magnetic means (i.e.
solid, liquid, coils, electromagnets, ionization emitters (i.e. lamps,
30microwave, chemicals, etc.).
A reactor (fig. 1 to 9) will create at least one spherical or other shaped
non-tangible magnetic field (20, 21, 30, 40, 41, 50, 62, 63) at least in one
35But a reactor (fig. 6, 8) is also claimed that can create at least two
spherical or other shaped non-tangible magnetic fields superimposed or
encircled one inside the other at least in one chamber.
A reactor (fig. 2) is also claimed that can create at least two spherical or
other shaped non-tangible magnetic fields (20, 21) superimposed or
40encircled one inside the other at least in one chamber, for the creation of

gravity and antigravity (i.e. lift, levitation), and/or at least a double
magnetospheric (22) effect.
A reactor (fig. 2) is also claimed that can create at least two spherical or
other shaped non-tangible magnetic fields (20, 21) superimposed or
5encircled one inside the other at least in one chamber, for the creation of
plasma for cold or hot fusion process, including the containment of such
plasma, in position of gravity for fusion processes (i.e. power generation,
production of new materials).
A reactor is also claimed to generate electric current (80, 81, 82, 83) at
10least in one chamber through ionization, turbulence, convection, rotation
and plasma, and magnetic fields and interaction between at least two
magnetic fields, and at least in one layer of the material in one chamber.
A heat reactor is also claimed to generate heat in at least in one
chamber through ionization, turbulence, convection, rotation and plasma,
15and magnetic fields and interaction between at least two magnetic field,
and at least in one layer of the material in one chamber, which will deliver
heat (70) to at least one material in at least one chamber or to the
surrounding outer layer of the inside of the reactor, or at the outer
boundary of the reactor (i.e. for heat-transfers, heat exchangers or
20heating or lighting (i.e. steam).
A reactor is also claimed to generate cooling in at least in one chamber
through ionization, turbulence, convection, rotation and plasma, and
magnetic fields and interaction between at least two magnetic field, and
at least in one layer of the material in one chamber, which create cooling
25effect to at least one material in at least one chamber or to the
surrounding outer layer of the inside of the reactor, or at the outer
boundary of the reactor.
And finally a reactor (fig. 10) which possesses in at least in one
30chamber - all type of heat, current, magnetic field (gravity and plasma),
i.e. space-craft technology, magnetic shielding.
This invention is intended to bring substantial progress and freedom for
mankind in various domains.


Description of the drawings/images.

Fig. 1. shows a rotative plasma reactor with a central column and with on
top a assembly of external technical items, like containers.


Fig. 2. shows a rotative plasma reactor with inside the cavity two
magnetic fields. The two images on the right are 3D gradations to show
the spheric shape.

5Fig. 3 shows how magnetic fields can reach to outside the rotative

Fig. 4 shows that two magnetic fields which cover each a small and
larger area in the reactor cavity.


Fig. 5 shows a rotative plasma reactor with one core.

Fig. 6 shows a rotative plasma reactor with two partitions. In each
partition a magnetic field is put.


Fig. 7 shows the distribution of heat in the rotative plasma reactor.

Fig. 8 shows the radiation and currents in the rotative plasma reactor.

20Fig. 9 shows a static plasma reactor with a non-rotative central column,

where on the right is shown a grid with magnets which are activated
random or irregular to trigger internal rotation.

Fig. 10 gives a genarl view of all processes in our rotative plasma

Fig. 11 is a photo of a static plasma reactor, a cola bottle which has three
electrodes in the liquid and two in the upper layer (the plasma). The
photo shows that between two copper electrodes a voltage is measured.
30Next to the production of energie, also atomic carbon (sp2 and sp3) is
deposited on the electrodes and electrode parts which in the plasma.
Fig. 12 shows a cola bottle plasma reactor which has only two copper
electrodes. This bottle was first filed, then emptied. Only moisture is left,
being the plasma. Voltage is measured between the electrodes.
35Additionally the electrodes were deposited with atomic carbon which is
originating from the plastic of the bottle.
Fig. 13 shows a cola bottle plasma reactor which has three copper
electrodes. This bottle contains a liquid. Voltage is measured between
40the electrodes in the plasma. Not shown here is that also voltage and
current is measured between an electrode in the plasma and one

submerged in the liquid. Additionally the electrodes were deposited with
atomic carbon which is originating from the plastic of the bottle.
Fig. 14 shows a graph indicating the outcome between electrode N2
5and all other electrodes and all grounds.

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