Sage Tutorial
Sage Tutorial
Sage Tutorial
Release 7.3
1.1 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2 Ways to Use Sage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3 Longterm Goals for Sage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A Guided Tour
2.1 Assignment, Equality, and Arithmetic
2.2 Getting Help . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3 Functions, Indentation, and Counting
2.4 Basic Algebra and Calculus . . . . .
2.5 Plotting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.6 Some Common Issues with Functions
2.7 Basic Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.8 Linear Algebra . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.9 Polynomials . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.10 Parents, Conversion and Coercion . .
2.11 Finite Groups, Abelian Groups . . . .
2.12 Number Theory . . . . . . . . . . .
2.13 Some More Advanced Mathematics .
4.2 GAP . .
4.3 Singular .
4.4 Maxima .
6.1 Loading and Attaching Sage files . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2 Creating Compiled Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3 Standalone Python/Sage Scripts . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.4 Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.5 Lists, Tuples, and Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.6 Dictionaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.7 Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.8 Iterators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.9 Loops, Functions, Control Statements, and Comparisons
6.10 Profiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using SageTeX
7.1 An example . . . . . . . . . .
7.2 Make SageTeX known to TeX
7.3 SageTeX documentation . . .
7.4 SageTeX and TeXLive . . . .
8.1 Why Python? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.2 I would like to contribute somehow. How can I? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.3 How do I reference Sage? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9.1 Arithmetical binary operator precedence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Basic Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Customizing LaTeX Generation . . . . . . . . . . .
Customizing LaTeX Processing . . . . . . . . . . .
An Example: Combinatorial Graphs with tkz-graph .
A Fully Capable TeX Installation . . . . . . . . . .
External Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10 Bibliography
Sage is free, open-source math software that supports research and teaching in algebra, geometry, number theory,
cryptography, numerical computation, and related areas. Both the Sage development model and the technology in Sage
itself are distinguished by an extremely strong emphasis on openness, community, cooperation, and collaboration: we
are building the car, not reinventing the wheel. The overall goal of Sage is to create a viable, free, open-source
alternative to Maple, Mathematica, Magma, and MATLAB.
This tutorial is the best way to become familiar with Sage in only a few hours. You can read it in HTML or PDF
versions, or from the Sage notebook (click Help , then click Tutorial to interactively work through the tutorial
from within Sage).
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.
This tutorial should take at most 3-4 hours to fully work through. You can read it in HTML or PDF versions, or from
the Sage notebook click Help , then click Tutorial to interactively work through the tutorial from within Sage.
Though much of Sage is implemented using Python, no Python background is needed to read this tutorial. You will
want to learn Python (a very fun language!) at some point, and there are many excellent free resources for doing so
including [PyT] and [Dive]. If you just want to quickly try out Sage, this tutorial is the place to start. For example:
sage: 2 + 2
sage: factor(-2007)
-1 * 3^2 * 223
sage: A = matrix(4,4, range(16)); A
[ 0 1 2 3]
[ 4 5 6 7]
[ 8 9 10 11]
[12 13 14 15]
sage: factor(A.charpoly())
x^2 * (x^2 - 30*x - 80)
sage: m = matrix(ZZ,2, range(4))
sage: m[0,0] = m[0,0] - 3
sage: m
[-3 1]
[ 2 3]
sage: E = EllipticCurve([1,2,3,4,5]);
sage: E
Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + x*y + 3*y = x^3 + 2*x^2 + 4*x + 5
over Rational Field
sage: E.anlist(10)
[0, 1, 1, 0, -1, -3, 0, -1, -3, -3, -3]
sage: E.rank()
sage: k = 1/(sqrt(3)*I + 3/4 + sqrt(73)*5/9); k
36/(20*sqrt(73) + 36*I*sqrt(3) + 27)
sage: N(k)
0.165495678130644 - 0.0521492082074256*I
sage: N(k,30)
# 30 "bits"
0.16549568 - 0.052149208*I
sage: latex(k)
\frac{36}{20 \, \sqrt{73} + 36 i \, \sqrt{3} + 27}
1.1 Installation
If you do not have Sage installed on a computer and just want to try some commands, use online at http://www.sagenb.
See the Sage Installation Guide in the documentation section of the main Sage webpage [SA] for instructions on
installing Sage on your computer. Here we merely make a few comments.
1. The Sage download file comes with batteries included. In other words, although Sage uses Python, IPython,
PARI, GAP, Singular, Maxima, NTL, GMP, and so on, you do not need to install them separately as they are
included with the Sage distribution. However, to use certain Sage features, e.g., Macaulay or KASH, you must
install the relevant optional package or at least have the relevant programs installed on your computer already.
Macaulay and KASH are Sage packages (for a list of available optional packages, type sage -optional ,
or browse the Download page on the Sage website).
2. The pre-compiled binary version of Sage (found on the Sage web site) may be easier and quicker to install than
the source code version. Just unpack the file and run sage .
3. If youd like to use the SageTeX package (which allows you to embed the results of Sage computations into
a LaTeX file), you will need to make SageTeX known to your TeX distribution. To do this, see the section
Make SageTeX known to TeX in the Sage installation guide (this link should take you to a local copy of the
installation guide). Its quite easy; you just need to set an environment variable or copy a single file to a directory
that TeX will search.
The documentation for using SageTeX is located in $SAGE_ROOT/local/share/texmf/tex/generic/sagetex/
, where $SAGE_ROOT refers to the directory where you installed Sage for example, /opt/sage-4.2.1
Chapter 1. Introduction
understand how the calculations work by reading documented source code. If you use Sage to do computations
in a paper you publish, you can rest assured that your readers will always have free access to Sage and all its
source code, and you are even allowed to archive and re-distribute the version of Sage you used.
Easy to compile: Sage should be easy to compile from source for Linux, OS X and Windows users. This
provides more flexibility for users to modify the system.
Cooperation: Provide robust interfaces to most other computer algebra systems, including PARI, GAP, Singular, Maxima, KASH, Magma, Maple, and Mathematica. Sage is meant to unify and extend existing math
Well documented: Tutorial, programming guide, reference manual, and how-to, with numerous examples and
discussion of background mathematics.
Extensible: Be able to define new data types or derive from built-in types, and use code written in a range of
User friendly: It should be easy to understand what functionality is provided for a given object and to view
documentation and source code. Also attain a high level of user support.
Chapter 1. Introduction
This section is a guided tour of some of what is available in Sage. For many more examples, see Sage Constructions,
which is intended to answer the general question How do I construct ...?. See also the Sage Reference Manual,
which has thousands more examples. Also note that you can interactively work through this tour in the Sage notebook
by clicking the Help link.
(If you are viewing the tutorial in the Sage notebook, press shift-enter to evaluate any input cell. You can
even edit the input before pressing shift-enter. On some Macs you might have to press shift-return rather than
shift-enter .)
a = 5
2 == 2
2 == 3
2 < 3
a == 5
** means exponent
10 % 3
4 * (10 // 4) + 10 % 4 == 10
The computation of an expression like 3^2*4 + 2%5 depends on the order in which the operations are applied; this
is specified in the operator precedence table in Arithmetical binary operator precedence.
Sage also provides many familiar mathematical functions; here are just a few examples:
sage: sqrt(3.4)
sage: sin(5.135)
sage: sin(pi/3)
As the last example shows, some mathematical expressions return exact values, rather than numerical approximations. To get a numerical approximation, use either the function n or the method n (and both of these have a longer
name, numerical_approx , and the function N is the same as n )). These take optional arguments prec , which is
the requested number of bits of precision, and digits , which is the requested number of decimal digits of precision;
the default is 53 bits of precision.
sage: exp(2)
sage: n(exp(2))
sage: sqrt(pi).numerical_approx()
sage: sin(10).n(digits=5)
sage: N(sin(10),digits=10)
sage: numerical_approx(pi, prec=200)
Python is dynamically typed, so the value referred to by each variable has a type associated with it, but a given variable
may hold values of any Python type within a given scope:
a = 5
# a is an integer
a = 5/3 # now a is a rational number
a = 'hello' # now a is a string
The C programming language, which is statically typed, is much different; a variable declared to hold an int can only
hold an int in its scope.
sage: tan?
<class 'sage.calculus.calculus.Function_tan'>
tan( [noargspec] )
Sage also provides Tab completion: type the first few letters of a function and then hit the tab key. For example, if
you type ta followed by TAB , Sage will print tachyon,tan,tanh,taylor . This provides a good way to find
the names of functions and other structures in Sage.
Note: Depending on which version of the tutorial you are viewing, you may see three dots ....: on the second line
of this example. Do not type them; they are just to emphasize that the code is indented. Whenever this is the case,
press [Return/Enter] once at the end of the block to insert a blank line and conclude the function definition.
You do not specify the types of any of the input arguments. You can specify multiple inputs, each of which may have
an optional default value. For example, the function below defaults to divisor=2 if divisor is not specified.
You can also explicitly specify one or either of the inputs when calling the function; if you specify the inputs explicitly,
you can give them in any order:
sage: is_divisible_by(6, divisor=5)
sage: is_divisible_by(divisor=2, number=6)
In Python, blocks of code are not indicated by curly braces or begin and end blocks as in many other languages.
Instead, blocks of code are indicated by indentation, which must match up exactly. For example, the following is a
syntax error because the return statement is not indented the same amount as the other lines above it.
sage: def even(n):
v = []
for i in range(3,n):
if i % 2 == 0:
return v
Syntax Error:
return v
Semicolons are not needed at the ends of lines; a line is in most cases ended by a newline. However, you can put
multiple statements on one line, separated by semicolons:
sage: a = 5; b = a + 3; c = b^2; c
If you would like a single line of code to span multiple lines, use a terminating backslash:
sage: 2 + \
In Sage, you count by iterating over a range of integers. For example, the first line below is exactly like for(i=0;
i<3; i++) in C++ or Java:
sage: for i in range(3):
The third argument controls the step, so the following is like for(i=1;i<6;i+=2) .
sage: for i in range(1,6,2):
Often you will want to create a nice table to display numbers you have computed using Sage. One easy way to do this
is to use string formatting. Below, we create three columns each of width exactly 6 and make a table of squares and
sage: for i in range(5):
print('%6s %6s %6s' % (i, i^2, i^3))
The most basic data structure in Sage is the list, which is as the name suggests just a list of arbitrary objects. For
example, the range command that we used creates a list:
sage: range(2,10)
[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
Use len(v) to get the length of v , use v.append(obj) to append a new object to the end of v , and use del
v[i] to delete the entry of v :
sage: len(v)
sage: v.append(1.5)
sage: v
[1, 'hello', 2/3, sin(x^3), 1.50000000000000]
sage: del v[1]
sage: v
[1, 2/3, sin(x^3), 1.50000000000000]
Another important data structure is the dictionary (or associative array). This works like a list, except that it can be
indexed with almost any object (the indices must be immutable):
sage: d = {'hi':-2,
sage: d['hi']
sage: d[e]
You can also define new data types using classes. Encapsulating mathematical objects with classes is a powerful
technique that can help to simplify and organize your Sage programs. Below, we define a class that represents the list
of even positive integers up to n; it derives from the builtin type list .
sage: class Evens(list):
def __init__(self, n):
self.n = n
list.__init__(self, range(2, n+1, 2))
def __repr__(self):
return "Even positive numbers up to n."
The __init__ method is called to initialize the object when it is created; the __repr__ method prints the object
out. We call the list constructor method in the second line of the __init__ method. We create an object of class
Evens as follows:
sage: e = Evens(10)
sage: e
Even positive numbers up to n.
Note that e prints using the __repr__ method that we defined. To see the underlying list of numbers, use the list
sage: list(e)
[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
If you get a NameError , check to see if you mispelled something, or forgot to define a variable with var(...) .
The following example of using Sage to solve a system of non-linear equations was provided by Jason Grout: first, we
solve the system symbolically:
sage: var('x y p q')
(x, y, p, q)
sage: eq1 = p+q==9
sage: eq2 = q*y+p*x==-6
sage: eq3 = q*y^2+p*x^2==24
sage: solve([eq1,eq2,eq3,p==1],p,q,x,y)
[[p == 1, q == 8, x == -4/3*sqrt(10) - 2/3, y == 1/6*sqrt(5)*sqrt(2) - 2/3],
[p == 1, q == 8, x == 4/3*sqrt(10) - 2/3, y == -1/6*sqrt(5)*sqrt(2) - 2/3]]
(The function n prints a numerical approximation, and the argument is the number of bits of precision.)
Solving Equations Numerically
Often times, solve will not be able to find an exact solution to the equation or equations specified. When it fails,
you can use find_root to find a numerical solution. For example, solve does not return anything interesting for
the following equation:
sage: theta = var('theta')
sage: solve(cos(theta)==sin(theta), theta)
[sin(theta) == cos(theta)]
On the other hand, we can use find_root to find a solution to the above equation in the range 0 < < /2:
x, y = var('x,y')
f = x^2 + 17*y^2
sin(2 ) and
0 2 +1
sage: integral(x*sin(x^2), x)
sage: integral(x/(x^2+1), x, 0, 1)
2 1 :
sage: f = 1/((1+x)*(x-1))
sage: f.partial_fraction(x)
-1/2/(x + 1) + 1/2/(x - 1)
t = var('t')
# define a variable t
x = function('x')(t)
# define x to be a function of that variable
DE = diff(x, t) + x - 1
desolve(DE, [x,t])
This uses Sages interface to Maxima [Max], and so its output may be a bit different from other Sage output. In this
case, this says that the general solution to the differential equation is () = ( + ).
You can compute Laplace transforms also; the Laplace transform of 2 sin() is computed as follows:
sage: s = var("s")
sage: t = var("t")
sage: f = t^2*exp(t) - sin(t)
sage: f.laplace(t,s)
-1/(s^2 + 1) + 2/(s - 1)^3
Here is a more involved example. The displacement from equilibrium (respectively) for a coupled spring attached to a
wall on the left
This says
(0) + 2 () + 2 () 2() (0) = 0.
Plug in the initial conditions for (0), (0), (0), and (0), and solve the resulting two equations:
sage: var('s X Y')
(s, X, Y)
sage: eqns = [(2*s^2+6)*X-2*Y == 6*s, -2*X +(s^2+2)*Y == 3*s]
sage: solve(eqns, X,Y)
[[X == 3*(s^3 + 3*s)/(s^4 + 5*s^2 + 4),
Y == 3*(s^3 + 5*s)/(s^4 + 5*s^2 + 4)]]
2 () = 4 cos() cos(2).
t = var('t')
p1 = plot(cos(2*t) + 2*cos(t), (t,0, 2*pi), rgbcolor=hue(0.3))
p2 = plot(4*cos(t) - cos(2*t), (t,0, 2*pi), rgbcolor=hue(0.6))
show(p1 + p2)
For more on plotting, see Plotting. See section 5.5 of [NagleEtAl2004] for further information on differential equations.
() = ,
( + ) ()
where > 0 is given and small. This and the DE together give (, ())
( + ) () + (, ()).
If we call (, ()) the correction term (for lack of anything better), call () the old value of , and call
( + ) the new value of , then this approximation can be re-expressed as
+ (, ).
If we break the interval from to into steps, so that =
in a table.
+ 2
= +
+ (, )
(, )
(, )
The goal is to fill out all the blanks of the table, one row at a time, until we reach the ??? entry, which is the Eulers
method approximation for ().
The idea for systems of ODEs is similar.
Example: Numerically approximate () at = 1 using 4 steps of Eulers method, where + + = 0, (0) = 1,
(0) = 0.
We must reduce the 2nd order ODE down to a system of two first order DEs (using = , = ) and apply Eulers
sage: t,x,y = PolynomialRing(RealField(10),3,"txy").gens()
sage: f = y; g = -x - y * t
sage: eulers_method_2x2(f,g, 0, 1, 0, 1/4, 1)
At this point, P is storing two plots: P[0] , the plot of vs. , and P[1] , the plot of vs. . We can plot both of
these as follows:
sage: show(P[0] + P[1])
At this point, Sage has only wrapped these functions for numerical use. For symbolic use, please use the Maxima
interface directly, as in the following example:
2.5 Plotting
Sage can produce two-dimensional and three-dimensional plots.
You can also create a circle by assigning it to a variable; this does not plot it:
sage: c = circle((0,0), 1, rgbcolor=(1,1,0))
Alternatively, evaluating'filename.png') will save the plot to the given file.
Now, these circles look more like ellipses because the axes are scaled differently. You can fix this:
The command show(c,aspect_ratio=1) accomplishes the same thing, or you can save the picture using'filename.png',aspect_ratio=1) .
Its easy to plot basic functions:
sage: plot(cos, (-5,5))
Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
Once you specify a variable name, you can create parametric plots also:
sage: x = var('x')
sage: parametric_plot((cos(x),sin(x)^3),(x,0,2*pi),rgbcolor=hue(0.6))
Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
2.5. Plotting
Its important to notice that the axes of the plots will only intersect if the origin is in the viewing range of the graph,
and that with sufficiently large values scientific notation may be used:
sage: plot(x^2,(x,300,500))
Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
x = var('x')
p1 = parametric_plot((cos(x),sin(x)),(x,0,2*pi),rgbcolor=hue(0.2))
p2 = parametric_plot((cos(x),sin(x)^2),(x,0,2*pi),rgbcolor=hue(0.4))
p3 = parametric_plot((cos(x),sin(x)^3),(x,0,2*pi),rgbcolor=hue(0.6))
show(p1+p2+p3, axes=false)
A good way to produce filled-in shapes is to produce a list of points (L in the example below) and then use the
polygon command to plot the shape with boundary formed by those points. For example, here is a green deltoid:
sage: L = [[-1+cos(pi*i/100)*(1+cos(pi*i/100)),
2*sin(pi*i/100)*(1-cos(pi*i/100))] for i in range(200)]
sage: p = polygon(L, rgbcolor=(1/8,3/4,1/2))
sage: p
Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
L = [[6*cos(pi*i/100)+5*cos((6/2)*pi*i/100),
6*sin(pi*i/100)-5*sin((6/2)*pi*i/100)] for i in range(200)]
p = polygon(L, rgbcolor=(1/8,1/4,1/2))
t = text("hypotrochoid", (5,4), rgbcolor=(1,0,0))
Calculus teachers draw the following plot frequently on the board: not just one branch of arcsin but rather several of
them: i.e., the plot of = sin() for between 2 and 2, flipped about the 45 degree line. The following Sage
commands construct this:
sage: v = [(sin(x),x) for x in srange(-2*float(pi),2*float(pi),0.1)]
sage: line(v)
Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
Since the tangent function has a larger range than sine, if you use the same trick to plot the inverse tangent, you should
change the minimum and maximum coordinates for the x-axis:
sage: v = [(tan(x),x) for x in srange(-2*float(pi),2*float(pi),0.01)]
sage: show(line(v), xmin=-20, xmax=20)
Sage also computes polar plots, contour plots and vector field plots (for special types of functions). Here is an example
of a contour plot:
sage: f = lambda x,y: cos(x*y)
sage: contour_plot(f, (-4, 4), (-4, 4))
Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
Alternatively, you can use parametric_plot3d to graph a parametric surface where each of , , is determined by a function of one or two variables (the parameters, typically and ). The previous plot can be expressed
parametrically as follows:
sage: u, v = var('u, v')
sage: f_x(u, v) = u
sage: f_y(u, v) = v
sage: f_z(u, v) = u^2 + v^2
sage: parametric_plot3d([f_x, f_y, f_z], (u, -2, 2), (v, -2, 2))
Graphics3d Object
The third way to plot a 3D surface in Sage is implicit_plot3d , which graphs a contour of a function like
(, , ) = 0 (this defines a set of points). We graph a sphere using the classical formula:
sage: x, y, z = var('x, y, z')
sage: implicit_plot3d(x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - 4, (x,-2, 2), (y,-2, 2), (z,-2, 2))
Graphics3d Object
Cross cap:
sage: u, v = var('u,v')
sage: fx = (1+cos(v))*cos(u)
sage: fy = (1+cos(v))*sin(u)
sage: fz = -tanh((2/3)*(u-pi))*sin(v)
sage: parametric_plot3d([fx, fy, fz], (u, 0, 2*pi), (v, 0, 2*pi),
frame=False, color="red")
Graphics3d Object
Twisted torus:
= var('u,v')
2.5. Plotting
sage: x, y, z = var('x,y,z')
sage: f(x, y, z) = 4*x^2 * (x^2 + y^2 + z^2 + z) + y^2 * (y^2 + z^2 - 1)
sage: implicit_plot3d(f, (x, -0.5, 0.5), (y, -1, 1), (z, -1, 1))
Graphics3d Object
In the last line, note the syntax. Using plot(f(z),0,2) instead will give a NameError , because z is a dummy
variable in the definition of f and is not defined outside of that definition. In order to be able to use f(z) in the plot
command, z (or whatever is desired) needs to be defined as a variable. We can use the syntax below, or in the next
item in our list.
sage: var('z')
# define z to be a variable
sage: f(z)
sage: plot(f(z), 0, 2)
Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
At this point, f(z) is a symbolic expression, the next item in our list.
2. Define a callable symbolic expression. These can be plotted, differentiated, and integrated.
sage: g(x) = x^2
sage: g
# g sends x to x^2
x |--> x^2
sage: g(3)
sage: Dg = g.derivative(); Dg
x |--> 2*x
sage: Dg(3)
sage: type(g)
<type 'sage.symbolic.expression.Expression'>
sage: plot(g, 0, 2)
Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
Note that while g is a callable symbolic expression, g(x) is a related, but different sort of object, which can also be
plotted, differentated, etc., albeit with some issues: see item 5 below for an illustration.
sage: g(x)
sage: type(g(x))
<type 'sage.symbolic.expression.Expression'>
sage: g(x).derivative()
sage: plot(g(x), 0, 2)
Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
3. Use a pre-defined Sage calculus function. These can be plotted, and with a little help, differentiated, and integrated.
sage: type(sin)
<class 'sage.functions.trig.Function_sin'>
sage: plot(sin, 0, 2)
Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
sage: type(sin(x))
<type 'sage.symbolic.expression.Expression'>
sage: plot(sin(x), 0, 2)
Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
Using f = sin(x) instead of sin works, but it is probably even better to use f(x) = sin(x) to define a
callable symbolic expression.
sage: S(x) = sin(x)
sage: S.derivative()
x |--> cos(x)
The issue: plot(h(x),0,4) plots the line = 2, not the multi-line function defined by h . The reason? In
the command plot(h(x),0,4) , first h(x) is evaluated: this means plugging the symbolic variable x into the
function h . So, the inequality x < 2 evaluates to False first, and hence h(x) evaluates to x -2 . This can be
seen with
sage: bool(x < 2)
sage: h(x)
x - 2
Note that here there are two different x : the Python variable used to define the function h (which is local to its
definition) and the symbolic variable x which is available on startup in Sage.
The solution: dont use plot(h(x),0,4) ; instead, use
sage: plot(h, 0, 4)
Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
The problem: g(3) , for example, returns an error, saying ValueError: the number of arguments must be less than or
equal to 0.
g is not a function, its a constant, so it has no variables associated to it, and you cant plug anything into it.
The solution: there are several options.
Define f initially to be a symbolic expression.
sage: f(x) = x
# instead of 'f = x'
sage: g = f.derivative()
sage: g
x |--> 1
sage: g(3)
sage: type(g)
<type 'sage.symbolic.expression.Expression'>
Or with f and g as defined originally, specify the variable for which you are substituting.
sage: f = x
sage: g = f.derivative()
sage: g
sage: g(x=3)
# instead of 'g(3)'
Finally, heres one more way to tell the difference between the derivatives of f = x and f(x) = x
f(x) = x
g = f.derivative()
g.variables() # the variables present in g
f = x
h = f.derivative()
As this example has been trying to illustrate, h accepts no arguments, and this is why h(3) returns an error.
depending on the ring over which it is defined. For instance, the polynomial 2 2 has two roots, 2. Those roots
are not rational, so if you are working with polynomials with rational coefficients, the polynomial wont factor. With
real coefficients, it will. Therefore you may want to specify the ring to insure that you are getting the information you
expect. The following two commands defines the sets of polynomials with rational coefficents and real coefficients,
respectively. The sets are named ratpoly and realpoly, but these arent important here; however, note that the
strings .<t> and .<z> name the variables used in the two cases.
sage: ratpoly.<t> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: realpoly.<z> = PolynomialRing(RR)
Similar comments apply to matrices: the row-reduced form of a matrix can depend on the ring over which it is defined,
as can its eigenvalues and eigenvectors. For more about constructing polynomials, see Polynomials, and for more about
matrices, see Linear Algebra.
The symbol I represents the square root of 1; i is a synonym for I . Of course, this is not a rational number:
sage: i # square root of -1
sage: i in QQ
Note: The above code may not work as expected if the variable i has been assigned a different value, for example, if
it was used as a loop variable. If this is the case, type
sage: reset('i')
Here are more examples of basic rings in Sage. As noted above, the ring of rational numbers may be referred to using
QQ , or also RationalField() (a field is a ring in which the multiplication is commutative and in which every
nonzero element has a reciprocal in that ring, so the rationals form a field, but the integers dont):
sage: RationalField()
Rational Field
sage: QQ
Rational Field
sage: 1/2 in QQ
The decimal number 1.2 is considered to be in QQ : decimal numbers which happen to alsobe rational can be
coerced into the rational numbers (see Parents, Conversion and Coercion). The numbers and 2 are not rational,
1.2 in QQ
pi in QQ
pi in RR
sqrt(2) in QQ
sqrt(2) in CC
For use in higher mathematics, Sage also knows about other rings, such as finite fields, -adic integers, the ring of
algebraic numbers, polynomial rings, and matrix rings. Here are constructions of some of these:
sage: GF(3)
Finite Field of size 3
sage: GF(27, 'a') # need to name the generator if not a prime field
Finite Field in a of size 3^3
sage: Zp(5)
5-adic Ring with capped relative precision 20
sage: sqrt(3) in QQbar # algebraic closure of QQ
Note that in Sage, the kernel of a matrix is the left kernel, i.e. the space of vectors such that = 0.
Solving matrix equations is easy, using the method solve_right . Evaluating A.solve_right(Y) returns a
matrix (or vector) so that = :
sage: Y
sage: X
sage: X
(-2, 1,
sage: A
(0, -4,
sage: A \ Y
(-2, 1, 0)
(The syntax for the output of eigenvectors_left is a list of triples: (eigenvalue, eigenvector, multiplicity).)
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors over QQ or RR can also be computed using Maxima (see Maxima below).
As noted in Basic Rings, the ring over which a matrix is defined affects some of its properties. In the following, the
first argument to the matrix command tells Sage to view the matrix as a matrix of integers (the ZZ case), a matrix
of rational numbers (QQ ), or a matrix of reals (RR ):
sage: AZ = matrix(ZZ, [[2,0], [0,1]])
sage: AQ = matrix(QQ, [[2,0], [0,1]])
sage: AR = matrix(RR, [[2,0], [0,1]])
sage: AZ.echelon_form()
[2 0]
[0 1]
sage: AQ.echelon_form()
[1 0]
[0 1]
sage: AR.echelon_form()
[ 1.00000000000000 0.000000000000000]
[0.000000000000000 1.00000000000000]
For computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices over floating point real or complex numbers, the matrix
should be defined over RDF (Real Double Field) or CDF (Complex Double Field), respectively. If no ring is specified
and floating point real or complex numbers are used then by default the matrix is defined over the RR or CC fields,
respectively, which do not support these computations for all the cases:
sage: ARDF = matrix(RDF, [[1.2, 2], [2, 3]])
sage: ARDF.eigenvalues() # rel tol 8e-16
[-0.09317121994613098, 4.293171219946131]
sage: ACDF = matrix(CDF, [[1.2, I], [2, 3]])
sage: ACDF.eigenvectors_right() # rel tol 3e-15
[(0.8818456983293743 - 0.8209140653434135*I, [(0.7505608183809549, -0.616145932704589
+ 0.2387941530333261*I)], 1),
(3.3181543016706256 + 0.8209140653434133*I, [(0.14559469829270957 + 0.
3756690858502104*I, 0.9152458258662108)], 1)]
(To specify the space of 3 by 4 matrices, you would use MatrixSpace(QQ,3,4) . If the number of columns is
omitted, it defaults to the number of rows, so MatrixSpace(QQ,3) is a synonym for MatrixSpace(QQ,3,3)
.) The space of matrices has a basis which Sage stores as a list:
sage: B = M.basis()
sage: len(B)
sage: B[1]
[0 1 0]
[0 0 0]
[0 0 0]
The basis of used by Sage is obtained from the non-zero rows of the reduced row echelon form of the matrix of
generators of .
The multi-modular algorithm in Sage is good for square matrices (but not so good for non-square matrices):
2.9 Polynomials
In this section we illustrate how to create and use polynomials in Sage.
This creates a polynomial ring and tells Sage to use (the string) t as the indeterminate when printing to the screen.
However, this does not define the symbol t for use in Sage, so you cannot use it to enter a polynomial (such as 2 + 1)
belonging to R .
An alternate way is
sage: S = QQ['t']
sage: S == R
sage: R.<t> = QQ['t']
or even
sage: R.<t> = QQ[]
This has the additional side effect that it defines the variable t to be the indeterminate of the polynomial ring, so you
can easily construct elements of R , as follows. (Note that the third way is very similar to the constructor notation in
Magma, and just as in Magma it can be used for a wide range of objects.)
sage: poly = (t+1) * (t+2); poly
t^2 + 3*t + 2
sage: poly in R
Whatever method you use to define a polynomial ring, you can recover the indeterminate as the 0 generator:
sage: R = PolynomialRing(QQ, 't')
sage: t = R.0
sage: t in R
Note that a similar construction works with the complex numbers: the complex numbers can be viewed as being
generated over the real numbers by the symbol i ; thus we have the following:
sage: CC
Complex Field with 53 bits of precision
sage: CC.0 # 0th generator of CC
For polynomial rings, you can obtain both the ring and its generator, or just the generator, during ring creation as
sage: R, t = QQ['t'].objgen()
sage: t
= QQ['t'].gen()
2.9. Polynomials
sage: R, t = objgen(QQ['t'])
sage: t
= gen(QQ['t'])
Notice that the factorization correctly takes into account and records the unit part.
If you were to use, e.g., the R.cyclotomic_polynomial function a lot for some research project, in addition
to citing Sage you should make an attempt to find out what component of Sage is being used to actually compute
the cyclotomic polynomial and cite that as well. In this case, if you type R.cyclotomic_polynomial?? to
see the source code, youll quickly see a line f = pari.polcyclo(n) which means that PARI is being used for
computation of the cyclotomic polynomial. Cite PARI in your work as well.
Dividing two polynomials constructs an element of the fraction field (which Sage creates automatically).
sage: x = QQ['x'].0
sage: f = x^3 + 1; g = x^2 - 17
sage: h = f/g; h
(x^3 + 1)/(x^2 - 17)
sage: h.parent()
Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Rational Field
Using Laurent series, one can compute series expansions in the fraction field of QQ[x] :
sage: R.<x> = LaurentSeriesRing(QQ); R
Laurent Series Ring in x over Rational Field
sage: 1/(1-x) + O(x^10)
1 + x + x^2 + x^3 + x^4 + x^5 + x^6 + x^7 + x^8 + x^9 + O(x^10)
R.<x> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
S.<y> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
x == y
R == S
R(y^2 - 17)
The ring is determined by the variable. Note that making another ring with variable called x does not return a different
R = PolynomialRing(QQ, "x")
T = PolynomialRing(QQ, "x")
R == T
R is T
R.0 == T.0
Sage also has support for power series and Laurent series rings over any base ring. In the following example, we create
an element of F7 [[ ]] and divide to create an element of F7 (( )).
sage: R.<T> = PowerSeriesRing(GF(7)); R
Power Series Ring in T over Finite Field of size 7
sage: f = T + 3*T^2 + T^3 + O(T^4)
sage: f^3
T^3 + 2*T^4 + 2*T^5 + O(T^6)
sage: 1/f
T^-1 + 4 + T + O(T^2)
sage: parent(1/f)
Laurent Series Ring in T over Finite Field of size 7
You can also create power series rings using a double-brackets shorthand:
sage: GF(7)[['T']]
Power Series Ring in T over Finite Field of size 7
Just as for defining univariate polynomial rings, there are alternative ways:
sage: GF(5)['z0, z1, z2']
Multivariate Polynomial Ring in z0, z1, z2 over Finite Field of size 5
sage: R.<z0,z1,z2> = GF(5)[]; R
Multivariate Polynomial Ring in z0, z1, z2 over Finite Field of size 5
Also, if you want the variable names to be single letters then you can use the following shorthand:
sage: PolynomialRing(GF(5), 3, 'xyz')
Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y, z over Finite Field of size 5
2.9. Polynomials
You can also use more mathematical notation to construct a polynomial ring.
sage: R = GF(5)['x,y,z']
sage: x,y,z = R.gens()
sage: QQ['x']
Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Rational Field
sage: QQ['x,y'].gens()
(x, y)
sage: QQ['x'].objgens()
(Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Rational Field, (x,))
Multivariate polynomials are implemented in Sage using Python dictionaries and the distributive representation of a
polynomial. Sage makes some use of Singular [Si], e.g., for computation of gcds and Grbner basis of ideals.
Next we create the ideal (, ) generated by and , by simply multiplying (f,g) by R (we could also write
ideal([f,g]) or ideal(f,g) ).
sage: I = (f, g)*R; I
Ideal (x^6 + 4*x^4*y^2 + 4*x^2*y^4, x^2*y^2) of Multivariate Polynomial
Ring in x, y over Rational Field
sage: B = I.groebner_basis(); B
[x^6, x^2*y^2]
sage: x^2 in I
Incidentally, the Grbner basis above is not a list but an immutable sequence. This means that it has a universe, parent,
and cannot be changed (which is good because changing the basis would break other routines that use the Grbner
sage: B.universe()
Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y over Rational Field
sage: B[1] = x
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: object is immutable; please change a copy instead.
Some (read: not as much as we would like) commutative algebra is available in Sage, implemented via Singular. For
example, we can compute the primary decomposition and associated primes of :
sage: I.primary_decomposition()
[Ideal (x^2) of Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y over Rational Field,
Ideal (y^2, x^6) of Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y over Rational Field]
sage: I.associated_primes()
[Ideal (x) of Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y over Rational Field,
Ideal (y, x) of Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y over Rational Field]
Note that we try to explain notions, but we do not show here how to implement them. An implementation-oriented
tutorial is available as a Sage thematic tutorial.
2.10.1 Elements
If one wants to implement a ring in Python, a first approximation is to create a class for the elements X of that ring
and provide it with the required double underscore methods such as __add__ , __sub__ , __mul__ , of course
making sure that the ring axioms hold.
As Python is a strongly typed (yet dynamically typed) language, one might, at least at first, expect that one implements
one Python class for each ring. After all, Python contains one type <int> for the integers, one type <float> for
the reals, and so on. But that approach must soon fail: There are infinitely many rings, and one can not implement
infinitely many classes.
Instead, one may create a hierarchy of classes designed to implement elements of ubiquitous algebraic structures, such
as groups, rings, skew fields, commutative rings, fields, algebras, and so on.
But that means that elements of fairly different rings can have the same type.
sage: P.<x,y> = GF(3)[]
sage: Q.<a,b> = GF(4,'z')[]
sage: type(x)==type(a)
On the other hand, one could also have different Python classes providing different implementations of the same
mathematical structure (e.g., dense matrices versus sparse matrices)
sage: P.<a> = PolynomialRing(ZZ)
sage: Q.<b> = PolynomialRing(ZZ, sparse=True)
sage: R.<c> = PolynomialRing(ZZ, implementation='NTL')
sage: type(a); type(b); type(c)
<type 'sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_integer_dense_flint.Polynomial_integer_dense_
<class 'sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_element_generic.PolynomialRing_integral_
<type 'sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_integer_dense_ntl.Polynomial_integer_dense_ntl
That poses two problems: On the one hand, if one has elements that are two instances of the same class, then one may
expect that their __add__ method will allow to add them; but one does not want that, if the elements belong to very
different rings. On the other hand, if one has elements belonging to different implementations of the same ring, then
one wants to add them, but that is not straight forward if they belong to different Python classes.
The solution to these problems is called coercion and will be explained below.
However, it is essential that each element knows what it is element of. That is available by the method parent() :
sage: a.parent(); b.parent(); c.parent()
Univariate Polynomial Ring in a over Integer Ring
Sparse Univariate Polynomial Ring in b over Integer Ring
Univariate Polynomial Ring in c over Integer Ring (using NTL)
Sage, and there is a base class for them. Roughly parallel to the hierarchy of mathematical notions, one has a hierarchy
of classes, namely for sets, rings, fields, and so on:
isinstance(QQ, Ring)
isinstance(ZZ, Ring)
In algebra, objects sharing the same kind of algebraic structures are collected in so-called categories. So, there is a
rough analogy between the class hierarchy in Sage and the hierarchy of categories. However, this analogy of Python
classes and categories shouldnt be stressed too much. After all, mathematical categories are implemented in Sage as
sage: Rings()
Category of rings
sage: ZZ.category()
Join of Category of euclidean domains
and Category of infinite enumerated sets
and Category of metric spaces
sage: ZZ.category().is_subcategory(Rings())
sage: ZZ in Rings()
sage: ZZ in Fields()
sage: QQ in Fields()
While Sages class hierarchy is centered at implementation details, Sages category framework is more centered on
mathematical structure. It is possible to implement generic methods and tests independent of a specific implementation
in the categories.
Parent structures in Sage are supposed to be unique Python objects. For example, once a polynomial ring over a certain
base ring and with a certain list of generators is created, the result is cached:
sage: RR['x','y'] is RR['x','y']
While parents are unique, equal elements of a parent in Sage are not necessarily identical. This is in contrast to the
behaviour of Python for some (albeit not all) integers:
It is important to observe that elements of different rings are in general not distinguished by their type, but by their
sage: a = GF(2)(1)
sage: b = GF(5)(1)
sage: type(a) is type(b)
sage: parent(a)
Finite Field of size 2
sage: parent(b)
Finite Field of size 5
Hence, from an algebraic point of view, the parent of an element is more important than its type.
a = GF(2)(1)
b = GF(5)(1)
GF(5)(a) == b
GF(2)(b) == a
However, an implicit (or automatic) conversion will only happen if this can be done thoroughly and consistently.
Mathematical rigour is essential at that point.
Such an implicit conversion is called coercion. If coercion is defined, then it must coincide with conversion. Two
conditions must be satisfied for a coercion to be defined:
1. A coercion from P1 to P2 must be given by a structure preserving map (e.g., a ring homomorphism). It does
not suffice that some elements of P1 can be mapped to P2 , and the map must respect the algebraic structure of
P1 .
2. The choice of these coercion maps must be consistent: If P3 is a third parent structure, then the composition of
the chosen coercion from P1 to P2 with the coercion from P2 to P3 must coincide with the chosen coercion
from P1 to P3 . In particular, if there is a coercion from P1 to P2 and P2 to P1 , the composition must be
the identity map of P1 .
So, although it is possible to convert each element of GF(2) into GF(5) , there is no coercion, since there is no ring
homomorphism between GF(2) and GF(5) .
The second aspect - consistency - is a bit more difficult to explain. We illustrate it with multivariate polynomial rings.
In applications, it certainly makes most sense to have name preserving coercions. So, we have:
R1.<x,y> = ZZ[]
R2 = ZZ['y','x']
If there is no name preserving ring homomorphism, coercion is not defined. However, conversion may still be possible,
namely by mapping ring generators according to their position in the list of generators:
R3 = ZZ['z','x']
But such position preserving conversions do not qualify as coercion: By composing a name preserving map from
ZZ['x','y'] to ZZ['y','x'] with a position preserving map from ZZ['y','x'] to ZZ['a','b'] , a
map would result that is neither name preserving nor position preserving, in violation to consistency.
If there is a coercion, it will be used to compare elements of different rings or to do arithmetic. This is often convenient,
but the user should be aware that extending the == -relation across the borders of different parents may easily result
in overdoing it. For example, while == is supposed to be an equivalence relation on the elements of one ring, this
is not necessarily the case if different rings are involved. For example, 1 in ZZ and in a finite field are considered
equal, since there is a canonical coercion from the integers to any finite field. However, in general there is no coercion
between two different finite fields. Therefore we have
GF(5)(1) == 1
1 == GF(2)(1)
GF(5)(1) == GF(2)(1)
GF(5)(1) != GF(2)(1)
Similarly, we have
Another consequence of the consistency condition is that coercions can only go from exact rings (e.g., the rationals QQ
) to inexact rings (e.g., real numbers with a fixed precision RR ), but not the other way around. The reason is that the
composition of the coercion from QQ to RR with a conversion from RR to QQ is supposed to be the identity on QQ .
But this is impossible, since some distinct rational numbers may very well be treated equal in RR , as in the following
sage: RR(1/10^200+1/10^100) == RR(1/10^100)
sage: 1/10^200+1/10^100 == 1/10^100
When comparing elements of two parents P1 and P2 , it is possible that there is no coercion between the two rings,
but there is a canonical choice of a parent P3 so that both P1 and P2 coerce into P3 . In this case, coercion will take
place as well. A typical use case is the sum of a rational number and a polynomial with integer coefficients, yielding
a polynomial with rational coefficients:
sage: P1.<x> = ZZ[]
sage: p = 2*x+3
sage: q = 1/2
sage: parent(p)
Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Integer Ring
sage: parent(p+q)
Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Rational Field
Note that in principle the result would also make sense in the fraction field of ZZ['x'] . However, Sage tries to
choose a canonical common parent that seems to be most natural (QQ['x'] in our example). If several potential
common parents seem equally natural, Sage will not pick one of them at random, in order to have a reliable result.
The mechanisms which that choice is based upon is explained in the thematic tutorial.
No coercion into a common parent will take place in the following example:
sage: R.<x> = QQ[]
sage: S.<y> = QQ[]
sage: x+y
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: unsupported operand parent(s) for '+': 'Univariate Polynomial Ring in x
over Rational Field' and 'Univariate Polynomial Ring in y over Rational Field'
The reason is that Sage would not choose one of the potential candidates QQ['x']['y'] , QQ['y']['x'] ,
QQ['x','y'] or QQ['y','x'] , because all of these four pairwise different structures seem natural common
parents, and there is no apparent canonical choice.
For example, to create a permutation group, give a list of generators, as in the following example.
sage: G = PermutationGroup(['(1,2,3)(4,5)', '(3,4)'])
sage: G
Permutation Group with generators [(3,4), (1,2,3)(4,5)]
sage: G.order()
sage: G.is_abelian()
sage: G.derived_series()
# random-ish output
[Permutation Group with generators [(1,2,3)(4,5), (3,4)],
Permutation Group with generators [(1,5)(3,4), (1,5)(2,4), (1,3,5)]]
Subgroup of (Permutation Group with generators [(3,4), (1,2,3)(4,5)]) generated by
sage: G.random_element()
# random output
sage: print(latex(G))
\langle (3,4), (1,2,3)(4,5) \rangle
You can also obtain the character table (in LaTeX format) in Sage:
sage: G = PermutationGroup([[(1,2),(3,4)], [(1,2,3)]])
sage: latex(G.character_table())
1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
1 & -\zeta_{3} - 1 & \zeta_{3} & 1 \\
1 & \zeta_{3} & -\zeta_{3} - 1 & 1 \\
3 & 0 & 0 & -1
Sage also includes classical and matrix groups over finite fields:
sage: MS = MatrixSpace(GF(7), 2)
sage: gens = [MS([[1,0],[-1,1]]),MS([[1,1],[0,1]])]
sage: G = MatrixGroup(gens)
sage: G.conjugacy_class_representatives()
[1 0] [0 6] [0 4] [6 0] [0 6] [0 4] [0 6] [0 6] [0 6] [4 0]
[0 1], [1 5], [5 5], [0 6], [1 2], [5 2], [1 0], [1 4], [1 3], [0 2],
[5 0]
[0 3]
sage: G = Sp(4,GF(7))
sage: G
Symplectic Group of degree 4 over Finite Field of size 7
sage: G.random_element()
# random output
[5 5 5 1]
[0 2 6 3]
[5 0 1 0]
[4 6 3 4]
sage: G.order()
You can also compute using abelian groups (infinite and finite):
sage: F = AbelianGroup(5, [5,5,7,8,9], names='abcde')
sage: (a, b, c, d, e) = F.gens()
C2 x C2 x C2
C2 x C3
Z x Z x Z x Z x Z
R = IntegerModRing(97)
a = R(2) / R(3)
b = R(47)
Sages sigma(n,k) function adds up the powers of the divisors of n :
sage: sigma(28,0); sigma(28,1); sigma(28,2)
We next illustrate the extended Euclidean algorithm, Eulers -function, and the Chinese remainder theorem:
sage: d,u,v = xgcd(12,15)
sage: d == u*12 + v*15
sage: n = 2005
sage: inverse_mod(3,n)
sage: 3 * 1337
sage: prime_divisors(n)
[5, 401]
sage: phi = n*prod([1 - 1/p for p in prime_divisors(n)]); phi
sage: euler_phi(n)
sage: prime_to_m_part(n, 5)
i in range(1000):
n = 3*odd_part(n) + 1
if odd_part(n)==1:
sage: a = K(211/17); a
4 + 4*11 + 11^2 + 7*11^3 + 9*11^5 + 5*11^6 + 4*11^7 + 8*11^8 + 7*11^9
+ 9*11^10 + 3*11^11 + 10*11^12 + 11^13 + 5*11^14 + 6*11^15 + 2*11^16
+ 3*11^17 + 11^18 + 7*11^19 + O(11^20)
sage: b = K(3211/11^2); b
10*11^-2 + 5*11^-1 + 4 + 2*11 + O(11^18)
Much work has been done implementing rings of integers in -adic fields and number fields. The interested reader is
invited to read Introduction to the -adics and ask the experts on the sage-support Google group for further details.
A number of related methods are already implemented in the NumberField class.
sage: R.<x> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: K = NumberField(x^3 + x^2 - 2*x + 8, 'a')
sage: K.integral_basis()
[1, 1/2*a^2 + 1/2*a, a^2]
sage: K.galois_group(type="pari")
Galois group PARI group [6, -1, 2, "S3"] of degree 3 of the Number Field
in a with defining polynomial x^3 + x^2 - 2*x + 8
sage: K.polynomial_quotient_ring()
Univariate Quotient Polynomial Ring in a over Rational Field with modulus
x^3 + x^2 - 2*x + 8
sage: K.units()
(3*a^2 + 13*a + 13,)
sage: K.discriminant()
sage: K.class_group()
Class group of order 1 of Number Field in a with
defining polynomial x^3 + x^2 - 2*x + 8
sage: K.class_number()
x^3 + y^3 - 1
We can also find all points of intersection of the two curves by intersecting them and computing the irreducible
sage: V = C2.intersection(C3)
sage: V.irreducible_components()
Closed subscheme of Affine Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field defined by:
y - 1,
Closed subscheme of Affine Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field defined by:
x - 1,
Closed subscheme of Affine Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field defined by:
x + y + 2,
2*y^2 + 4*y + 3
Thus, e.g., (1, 0) and (0, 1) are on both curves (visibly clear), as are certain (quadratic) points whose coordinates
satisfy 2 2 + 4 + 3 = 0.
Sage can compute the toric ideal of the twisted cubic in projective 3 space:
sage: R.<a,b,c,d> = PolynomialRing(QQ, 4)
sage: I = ideal(b^2-a*c, c^2-b*d, a*d-b*c)
sage: F = I.groebner_fan(); F
Groebner fan of the ideal:
Ideal (b^2 - a*c, c^2 - b*d, -b*c + a*d) of Multivariate Polynomial Ring
in a, b, c, d over Rational Field
sage: F.reduced_groebner_bases ()
[[-c^2 + b*d, -b*c + a*d, -b^2 + a*c],
[-c^2 + b*d, b^2 - a*c, -b*c + a*d],
[-c^2 + b*d, b*c - a*d, b^2 - a*c, -c^3 + a*d^2],
[c^3 - a*d^2, -c^2 + b*d, b*c - a*d, b^2 - a*c],
[c^2 - b*d, -b*c + a*d, -b^2 + a*c],
[c^2 - b*d, b*c - a*d, -b^2 + a*c, -b^3 + a^2*d],
[c^2 - b*d, b*c - a*d, b^3 - a^2*d, -b^2 + a*c],
[c^2 - b*d, b*c - a*d, b^2 - a*c]]
sage: F.polyhedralfan()
Polyhedral fan in 4 dimensions of dimension 4
sage: EllipticCurve('37a')
Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + y = x^3 - x over Rational Field
sage: EllipticCurve_from_j(1)
Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + x*y = x^3 + 36*x + 3455 over Rational Field
sage: EllipticCurve(GF(5), [0,0,1,-1,0])
Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + y = x^3 + 4*x over Finite Field of size 5
The pair (0, 0) is a point on the elliptic curve defined by 2 + = 3 . To create this point in Sage type
E([0,0]) . Sage can add points on such an elliptic curve (recall elliptic curves support an additive group structure
where the point at infinity is the zero element and three co-linear points on the curve add to zero):
sage: E = EllipticCurve([0,0,1,-1,0])
sage: E
Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + y = x^3 - x over Rational Field
sage: P = E([0,0])
sage: P + P
(1 : 0 : 1)
sage: 10*P
(161/16 : -2065/64 : 1)
sage: 20*P
(683916417/264517696 : -18784454671297/4302115807744 : 1)
sage: E.conductor()
The elliptic curves over the complex numbers are parameterized by the -invariant. Sage computes -invariant as
sage: E = EllipticCurve([0,0,0,-4,2]); E
Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 = x^3 - 4*x + 2 over Rational Field
sage: E.conductor()
sage: E.j_invariant()
If we make a curve with the same -invariant as that of , it need not be isomorphic to . In the following example,
the curves are not isomorphic because their conductors are different.
sage: F = EllipticCurve_from_j(110592/37)
sage: F.conductor()
sage: E = EllipticCurve([0,0,1,-1,0])
sage: E.anlist(30)
[0, 1, -2, -3, 2, -2, 6, -1, 0, 6, 4, -5, -6, -2, 2, 6, -4, 0, -12, 0, -4,
3, 10, 2, 0, -1, 4, -9, -2, 6, -12]
sage: v = E.anlist(10000)
Elliptic curves can be constructed using their Cremona labels. This pre-loads the elliptic curve with information about
its rank, Tamagawa numbers, regulator, etc.
sage: E = EllipticCurve("37b2")
sage: E
Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + y = x^3 + x^2 - 1873*x - 31833 over Rational
sage: E = EllipticCurve("389a")
sage: E
Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + y = x^3 + x^2 - 2*x over Rational Field
sage: E.rank()
sage: E = EllipticCurve("5077a")
sage: E.rank()
The objects returned from the database are not of type EllipticCurve . They are elements of a database and have
a couple of fields, and thats it. There is a small version of Cremonas database, which is distributed by default with
Sage, and contains limited information about elliptic curves of conductor 10000. There is also a large optional
version, which contains extensive data about all curves of conductor up to 120000 (as of October 2005). There is
also a huge (2GB) optional database package for Sage that contains the hundreds of millions of elliptic curves in the
Stein-Watkins database.
Having created the group, we next create an element and compute with it.
sage: G = DirichletGroup(21)
sage: chi = G.1; chi
Dirichlet character modulo 21 of conductor 7 mapping 8 |--> 1, 10 |--> zeta6
sage: chi.values()
[0, 1, zeta6 - 1, 0, -zeta6, -zeta6 + 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, zeta6, -zeta6, 0, -1,
0, 0, zeta6 - 1, zeta6, 0, -zeta6 + 1, -1]
sage: chi.conductor()
sage: chi.modulus()
sage: chi.order()
sage: chi(19)
-zeta6 + 1
sage: chi(40)
-zeta6 + 1
It is also possible to compute the action of the Galois group Gal(Q( )/Q) on these characters, as well as the direct
product decomposition corresponding to the factorization of the modulus.
sage: chi.galois_orbit()
[Dirichlet character modulo 21 of conductor 7 mapping 8 |--> 1, 10 |--> -zeta6 + 1,
Dirichlet character modulo 21 of conductor 7 mapping 8 |--> 1, 10 |--> zeta6]
sage: go = G.galois_orbits()
sage: [len(orbit) for orbit in go]
[1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1]
sage: G.decomposition()
Group of Dirichlet characters modulo 3 with values in Cyclotomic Field of order 6 and
degree 2,
Group of Dirichlet characters modulo 7 with values in Cyclotomic Field of order 6 and
degree 2
Next, we construct the group of Dirichlet characters mod 20, but with values in Q():
sage: K.<i> = NumberField(x^2+1)
sage: G = DirichletGroup(20,K)
sage: G
Group of Dirichlet characters modulo 20 with values in Number Field in i with
defining polynomial x^2 + 1
In this example we create a Dirichlet character with values in a number field. We explicitly specify the choice of root
of unity by the third argument to DirichletGroup below.
sage: x = polygen(QQ, 'x')
sage: K = NumberField(x^4 + 1, 'a'); a = K.0
sage: b = K.gen(); a == b
sage: K
Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^4 + 1
sage: G = DirichletGroup(5, K, a); G
Group of Dirichlet characters modulo 5 with values in the group of order 8 generated
by a in Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^4 + 1
sage: chi = G.0; chi
Dirichlet character modulo 5 of conductor 5 mapping 2 |--> a^2
sage: [(chi^i)(2) for i in range(4)]
[1, a^2, -1, -a^2]
Here NumberField(x^4 + 1,'a') tells Sage to use the symbol a in printing what K is (a Number Field in
a with defining polynomial 4 + 1). The name a is undeclared at this point. Once a = K.0 (or equivalently a =
K.gen() ) is evaluated, the symbol a represents a root of the generating polynomial 4 + 1.
Next we illustrate computation of Hecke operators on a space of modular symbols of level 1 and weight 12.
sage: M = ModularSymbols(1,12)
sage: M.basis()
([X^8*Y^2,(0,0)], [X^9*Y,(0,0)], [X^10,(0,0)])
sage: t2 = M.T(2)
sage: t2
Hecke operator T_2 on Modular Symbols space of dimension 3 for Gamma_0(1)
of weight 12 with sign 0 over Rational Field
sage: t2.matrix()
[ -24
0 -24
0 2049]
sage: f = t2.charpoly('x'); f
x^3 - 2001*x^2 - 97776*x - 1180224
sage: factor(f)
(x - 2049) * (x + 24)^2
sage: M.T(11).charpoly('x').factor()
(x - 285311670612) * (x - 534612)^2
Here is another example of how Sage can compute the action of Hecke operators on a space of modular forms.
sage: T = ModularForms(Gamma0(11),2)
sage: T
Modular Forms space of dimension 2 for Congruence Subgroup Gamma0(11) of
weight 2 over Rational Field
sage: T.level()
Congruence Subgroup Gamma0(11)
sage: T.dimension()
sage: T.cuspidal_subspace()
Cuspidal subspace of dimension 1 of Modular Forms space of dimension 2 for
Congruence Subgroup Gamma0(11) of weight 2 over Rational Field
sage: T.eisenstein_subspace()
Eisenstein subspace of dimension 1 of Modular Forms space of dimension 2
for Congruence Subgroup Gamma0(11) of weight 2 over Rational Field
sage: M = ModularSymbols(11); M
Modular Symbols space of dimension 3 for Gamma_0(11) of weight 2 with sign
0 over Rational Field
sage: M.weight()
sage: M.basis()
((1,0), (1,8), (1,9))
sage: M.sign()
Let denote the usual Hecke operators ( prime). How do the Hecke operators 2 , 3 , 5 act on the space of modular
sage: M.T(2).matrix()
[ 3 0 -1]
[ 0 -2 0]
[ 0 0 -2]
sage: M.T(3).matrix()
[ 4 0 -1]
[ 0 -1 0]
[ 0 0 -1]
sage: M.T(5).matrix()
[ 6 0 -1]
[ 0 1 0]
[ 0 0 1]
In most of this tutorial, we assume you start the Sage interpreter using the sage command. This starts a customized
version of the IPython shell, and imports many functions and classes, so they are ready to use from the command
prompt. Further customization is possible by editing the $SAGE_ROOT/ipythonrc file. Upon starting Sage, you
get output similar to the following:
---------------------------------------------------------------------| SAGE Version 3.1.1, Release Date: 2008-05-24
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.
The wall time is the time that elapsed on the clock hanging from your wall. This is relevant, since CPU time does not
track time used by subprocesses like GAP or Singular.
(Avoid killing a Sage process with kill -9 from a terminal, since Sage might not kill child processes, e.g., Maple
processes, or cleanup temporary files from $HOME/.sage/tmp .)
Here is an example:
sage: factor(100)
_1 = 2^2 * 5^2
sage: kronecker_symbol(3,5)
_2 = -1
sage: %hist
#This only works from the interactive shell, not the notebook.
1: factor(100)
2: kronecker_symbol(3,5)
3: %hist
sage: _oh
_4 = {1: 2^2 * 5^2, 2: -1}
sage: _i1
_5 = 'factor(ZZ(100))\n'
sage: eval(_i1)
_6 = 2^2 * 5^2
sage: %hist
1: factor(100)
2: kronecker_symbol(3,5)
3: %hist
4: _oh
5: _i1
6: eval(_i1)
7: %hist
We omit the output numbering in the rest of this tutorial and the other Sage documentation.
You can also store a list of input from session in a macro for that session.
sage: E = EllipticCurve([1,2,3,4,5])
sage: M = ModularSymbols(37)
sage: %hist
1: E = EllipticCurve([1,2,3,4,5])
2: M = ModularSymbols(37)
3: %hist
sage: %macro em 1-2
Macro `em` created. To execute, type its name (without quotes).
sage: E
Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + x*y + 3*y = x^3 + 2*x^2 + 4*x + 5 over
Rational Field
sage: E = 5
sage: M = None
sage: em
Executing Macro...
sage: E
Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + x*y + 3*y = x^3 + 2*x^2 + 4*x + 5 over
Rational Field
When using the interactive shell, any UNIX shell command can be executed from Sage by prefacing it by an exclamation point ! . For example,
sage: !ls
auto example.sage glossary.tex
version 3-0-1
October 2005
by: G.-M. Greuel, G. Pfister, H. Schoenemann
FB Mathematik der Universitaet, D-67653 Kaiserslautern
If you use Sage in the Linux KDE terminal konsole then you can save your session as follows: after starting Sage
in konsole , select settings, then history..., then set unlimited. When you are ready to save your session, select
edit then save history as... and type in a name to save the text of your session to your computer. After saving this
file, you could then load it into an editor, such as xemacs, and print it.
This means that 0.66 seconds total were taken, and the Wall time, i.e., the amount of time that elapsed on your wall
clock, is also 0.66 seconds. If your computer is heavily loaded with other programs, the wall time may be much larger
than the CPU time.
Its also possible to use the timeit function to try to get timing over a large number of iterations of a command.
This gives slightly different information, and requires the input of a string with the command you want to time.
sage: timeit("int(1938)^int(99484)")
5 loops, best of 3: 44.8 ms per loop
Next we time exponentiation using the native Sage Integer type, which is implemented (in Cython) using the GMP
sage: %time a = 1938^99484
CPU times: user 0.04 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.04 s
Wall time: 0.04
GMP is better, but only slightly (as expected, since the version of PARI built for Sage uses GMP for integer arithmetic).
You can also time a block of commands using the cputime command, as illustrated below:
t = cputime()
a = int(1938)^int(99484)
b = 1938^99484
c = pari(1938)^pari(99484)
sage: cputime?
Return the time in CPU second since SAGE started, or with optional
argument t, return the time since time t.
t -- (optional) float, time in CPU seconds
float -- time in CPU seconds
The walltime command behaves just like the cputime command, except that it measures wall time.
We can also compute the above power in some of the computer algebra systems that Sage includes. In each case we
execute a trivial command in the system, in order to start up the server for that program. The most relevant time is the
wall time. However, if there is a significant difference between the wall time and the CPU time then this may indicate
a performance issue worth looking into.
sage: time 1938^99484;
CPU times: user 0.01 s, sys: 0.00 s, total:
Wall time: 0.01
sage: gp(0)
sage: time g = gp('1938^99484')
CPU times: user 0.00 s, sys: 0.00 s, total:
Wall time: 0.04
sage: maxima(0)
sage: time g = maxima('1938^99484')
CPU times: user 0.00 s, sys: 0.00 s, total:
Wall time: 0.30
sage: kash(0)
sage: time g = kash('1938^99484')
CPU times: user 0.00 s, sys: 0.00 s, total:
Wall time: 0.04
sage: mathematica(0)
sage: time g = mathematica('1938^99484')
CPU times: user 0.00 s, sys: 0.00 s, total:
Wall time: 0.03
sage: maple(0)
sage: time g = maple('1938^99484')
CPU times: user 0.00 s, sys: 0.00 s, total:
Wall time: 0.11
sage: gap(0)
sage: time g = gap.eval('1938^99484;;')
CPU times: user 0.00 s, sys: 0.00 s, total:
Wall time: 1.02
0.01 s
0.00 s
0.00 s
0.00 s
0.00 s
0.00 s
0.00 s
55 ). Because of the pexpect interface overhead, it is perhaps unfair to compare these to Sage, which is the fastest.
Note that jobs run in the background dont use the Sage preparser see The Pre-Parser: Differences between
Sage and Python for more information. One (perhaps awkward) way to get around this would be to run
sage: %bg eval(preparse('quick(20)')) # not tested
It is safer and easier, though, to just use %bg on commands which dont require the preparser.
You can use %edit (or %ed or ed ) to open an editor, if you want to type in some complex code. Before
you start Sage, make sure that the EDITOR environment variable is set to your favorite editor (by putting
export EDITOR=/usr/bin/emacs or export EDITOR=/usr/bin/vim or something similar in
the appropriate place, like a .profile file). From the Sage prompt, executing %edit will open up the
named editor. Then within the editor you can define a function:
def some_function(n):
return n**2 + 3*n + 2
Save and quit from the editor. For the rest of your Sage session, you can then use some_function . If you
want to modify it, type %edit some_function from the Sage prompt.
If you have a computation and you want to modify its output for another use, perform the computation and type
%rep : this will place the output from the previous command at the Sage prompt, ready for you to edit it.
sage: f(x) = cos(x)
sage: f(x).derivative(x)
At this point, if you type %rep at the Sage prompt, you will get a new Sage prompt, followed by -sin(x) ,
with the cursor at the end of the line.
For more, type %quickref to get a quick reference guide to IPython. As of this writing (April 2011), Sage uses
version 0.9.1 of IPython, and the documentation for its magic commands is available online. Various slightly advanced
aspects of magic command system are documented here in IPython.
The interactive debugger is sometimes useful for understanding what went wrong. You can toggle it on or off using
%pdb (the default is off). The prompt ipdb> appears if an exception is raised and the debugger is on. From within
the debugger, you can print the state of any local variable, and move up and down the execution stack. For example,
sage: %pdb
Automatic pdb calling has been turned ON
sage: EllipticCurve([1,infinity])
--------------------------------------------------------------------------<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>
Traceback (most recent call last)
Then it is easy to list all member functions for using tab completion. Just type V. , then type the [tab key] key
on your keyboard:
sage: V.[tab key]
If you type the first few letters of a function, then [tab key] , you get only functions that begin as indicated.
sage: V.i[tab key]
V.is_ambient V.is_dense
If you wonder what a particular function does, e.g., the coordinates function, type V.coordinates? for help or
V.coordinates?? for the source code, as explained in the next section.
As shown above, the output tells you the type of the object, the file in which it is defined, and a useful description of
the function with examples that you can paste into your current session. Almost all of these examples are regularly
automatically tested to make sure they work and behave exactly as claimed.
Another feature that is very much in the spirit of the open source nature of Sage is that if f is a Python function, then
typing f?? displays the source code that defines f . For example,
sage: V = QQ^3
sage: V.coordinates??
def coordinates(self, v):
Write $v$ in terms of the basis for self.
return self.coordinate_vector(v).list()
This tells us that all the coordinates function does is call the coordinate_vector function and change the
result into a list. What does the coordinate_vector function do?
sage: V = QQ^3
sage: V.coordinate_vector??
def coordinate_vector(self, v):
return self.ambient_vector_space()(v)
The coordinate_vector function coerces its input into the ambient space, which has the effect of computing
the vector of coefficients of in terms of . The space is already ambient since its just Q3 . There is also a
coordinate_vector function for subspaces, and its different. We create a subspace and see:
sage: V = QQ^3; W = V.span_of_basis([V.0, V.1])
sage: W.coordinate_vector??
def coordinate_vector(self, v):
# First find the coordinates of v wrt echelon basis.
w = self.echelon_coordinate_vector(v)
# Next use transformation matrix from echelon basis to
# user basis.
T = self.echelon_to_user_matrix()
return T.linear_combination_of_rows(w)
(If you think the implementation is inefficient, please sign up to help optimize linear algebra.)
You may also type help(command_name) or help(class) for a manpage-like help file about a given class.
sage: help(VectorSpace)
Help on class VectorSpace ...
class VectorSpace(__builtin__.object)
| Create a Vector Space.
| To create an ambient space over a field with given dimension
| using the calling syntax ...
When you type q to exit the help system, your session appears just as it was. The help listing does not clutter up your session, unlike the output of function_name? sometimes does. Its particularly helpful to type
help(module_name) . For example, vector spaces are defined in sage.modules.free_module , so type
help(sage.modules.free_module) for documentation about that whole module. When viewing documentation using help, you can search by typing / and in reverse by typing ? .
A = MatrixSpace(QQ,3)(range(9))^2
18 21]
54 66]
90 111]
save(A, 'A')
You should now quit Sage and restart. Then you can get A back:
sage: A = load('A')
sage: A
[ 15 18 21]
[ 42
[ 69
54 66]
90 111]
You can do the same with more complicated objects, e.g., elliptic curves. All data about the object that is cached is
stored with the object. For example,
E = EllipticCurve('11a')
v = E.anlist(100000)
save(E, 'E')
# takes a while
The saved version of E takes 153 kilobytes, since it stores the first 100000 with it.
~/tmp$ ls -l E.sobj
-rw-r--r-- 1 was was 153500 2006-01-28 19:23 E.sobj
~/tmp$ sage [...]
sage: E = load('E')
sage: v = E.anlist(100000)
# instant!
(In Python, saving and loading is accomplished using the cPickle module. In particular, a Sage object x can be
saved via cPickle.dumps(x,2) . Note the 2 !)
Sage cannot save and load individual objects created in some other computer algebra systems, e.g., GAP, Singular,
Maxima, etc. They reload in a state marked invalid. In GAP, though many objects print in a form from which they
can be reconstructed, many dont, so reconstructing from their print representation is purposely not allowed.
sage: a = gap(2)
sage: load('a')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The session in which this object was defined is no longer
GP/PARI objects can be saved and loaded since their print representation is enough to reconstruct them.
sage: a = gp(2)
sage: load('a')
Saved objects can be re-loaded later on computers with different architectures or operating systems, e.g., you could
save a huge matrix on 32-bit OS X and reload it on 64-bit Linux, find the echelon form, then move it back. Also, in
many cases you can even load objects into versions of Sage that are different than the versions they were saved in, as
long as the code for that object isnt too different. All the attributes of the objects are saved, along with the class (but
not source code) that defines the object. If that class no longer exists in a new version of Sage, then the object cant be
reloaded in that newer version. But you could load it in an old version, get the objects dictionary (with x.__dict__
), and save the dictionary, and load that into the newer version.
R.<x,y> = PolynomialRing(QQ,2)
f = (x+y)^7
o = open('file.txt','w')
E = EllipticCurve('11a')
M = ModularSymbols(37)
a = 389
t = M.T(2003).matrix(); t.charpoly().factor()
(x - 2004) * (x - 12)^2 * (x + 54)^2
Next we save our session, which saves each of the above variables into a file. Then we view the file, which is about
3K in size.
sage: save_session('misc')
Saving a
Saving M
Saving t
Saving E
sage: quit
was@form:~/tmp$ ls -l misc.sobj
-rw-r--r-- 1 was was 2979 2006-01-28 19:47 misc.sobj
Finally we restart Sage, define an extra variable, and load our saved session.
sage: b = 19
sage: load_session('misc')
Loading a
Loading M
Loading E
Loading t
Each saved variable is again available. Moreover, the variable b was not overwritten.
sage: M
Full Modular Symbols space for Gamma_0(37) of weight 2 with sign 0
and dimension 5 over Rational Field
sage: E
Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + y = x^3 - x^2 - 10*x - 20 over Rational
sage: b
sage: a
on the command line of Sage. This starts the Sage notebook and opens your default web browser to view it. The
servers state files are stored in $HOME/.sage/sage\_notebook .
Other options include:
sage: notebook("directory")
which starts a new notebook server using files in the given directory, instead of the default directory
$HOME/.sage/sage_notebook . This can be useful if you want to have a collection of worksheets associated
with a specific project, or run several separate notebook servers at the same time.
When you start the notebook, it first creates the following files in $HOME/.sage/sage_notebook :
After creating the above files, the notebook starts a web server.
A notebook is a collection of user accounts, each of which can have any number of worksheets. When you create
a new worksheet, the data that defines it is stored in the worksheets/username/number directories. In each
such directory there is a plain text file worksheet.txt - if anything ever happens to your worksheets, or Sage, or
whatever, that human-readable file contains everything needed to reconstruct your worksheet.
From within Sage, type notebook? for much more about how to start a notebook server.
The following diagram illustrates the architecture of the Sage Notebook:
| AJAX |
SAGE process 1
| ------------>
SAGE process 2
SAGE process 3
(Python processes)
For help on a Sage command, cmd , in the notebook browser box, type cmd?
<shift-enter> ).
For help on the keyboard shortcuts available in the notebook interface, click on the Help link.
A central facet of Sage is that it supports computation with objects in many different computer algebra systems under
one roof using a common interface and clean programming language.
The console and interact methods of an interface do very different things. For example, using GAP as an example:
1. gap.console() : This opens the GAP console - it transfers control to GAP. Here Sage is serving as nothing
more than a convenient program launcher, similar to the Linux bash shell.
2. gap.interact() : This is a convenient way to interact with a running GAP instance that may be full of
Sage objects. You can import Sage objects into this GAP session (even from the interactive interface), etc.
PARI is a compact, very mature, highly optimized C program whose primary focus is number theory. There are two
very distinct interfaces that you can use in Sage:
gp - the G o P ARI interpreter, and
pari - the PARI C library.
For example, the following are two ways of doing the same thing. They look identical, but the output is actually
different, and what happens behind the scenes is drastically different.
sage: gp('znprimroot(10007)')
Mod(5, 10007)
sage: pari('znprimroot(10007)')
Mod(5, 10007)
In the first case, a separate copy of the GP interpreter is started as a server, and the string 'znprimroot(10007)'
is sent to it, evaluated by GP, and the result is assigned to a variable in GP (which takes up space in the child GP
processes memory that wont be freed). Then the value of that variable is displayed. In the second case, no separate
program is started, and the string 'znprimroot(10007)' is evaluated by a certain PARI C library function. The
result is stored in a piece of memory on the Python heap, which is freed when the variable is no longer referenced.
The objects have different types:
sage: type(gp('znprimroot(10007)'))
<class ''>
sage: type(pari('znprimroot(10007)'))
<type 'sage.libs.pari.gen.gen'>
So which should you use? It depends on what youre doing. The GP interface can do absolutely anything you could do
in the usual GP/PARI command line program, since it is running that program. In particular, you can load complicated
PARI programs and run them. In contrast, the PARI interface (via the C library) is much more restrictive. First, not all
member functions have been implemented. Second, a lot of code, e.g., involving numerical integration, wont work
via the PARI interface. That said, the PARI interface can be significantly faster and more robust than the GP one.
(If the GP interface runs out of memory evaluating a given input line, it will silently and automatically double the
stack size and retry that input line. Thus your computation wont crash if you didnt correctly anticipate the amount
of memory that would be needed. This is a nice trick the usual GP interpreter doesnt seem to provide. Regarding the
PARI C library interface, it immediately copies each created object off of the PARI stack, hence the stack never grows.
However, each object must not exceed 100MB in size, or the stack will overflow when the object is being created.
This extra copying does impose a slight performance penalty.)
In summary, Sage uses the PARI C library to provide functionality similar to that provided by the GP/PARI interpreter,
except with different sophisticated memory management and the Python programming language.
First we create a PARI list from a Python list.
sage: v = pari([1,2,3,4,5])
sage: v
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
sage: type(v)
<type 'sage.libs.pari.gen.gen'>
Every PARI object is of type py_pari.gen . The PARI type of the underlying object can be obtained using the
type member function.
sage: v.type()
In PARI, to create an elliptic curve we enter ellinit([1,2,3,4,5]) . Sage is similar, except that ellinit is
a method that can be called on any PARI object, e.g., our t\_VEC v .
sage: e = v.ellinit()
sage: e.type()
sage: pari(e)[:13]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 29, 35, -183, -3429, -10351, 6128487/10351]
Now that we have an elliptic curve object, we can compute some things about it.
sage: e.elltors()
[1, [], []]
sage: e.ellglobalred()
[10351, [1, -1, 0, -1], 1, [11, 1; 941, 1], [[1, 5, 0, 1], [1, 5, 0, 1]]]
sage: f = e.ellchangecurve([1,-1,0,-1])
sage: f[:5]
[1, -1, 0, 4, 3]
4.2 GAP
Sage comes with GAP for computational discrete mathematics, especially group theory.
Heres an example of GAPs IdGroup function, which uses the optional small groups database that has to be installed
separately, as explained below.
sage: G = gap('Group((1,2,3)(4,5), (3,4))')
sage: G
Group( [ (1,2,3)(4,5), (3,4) ] )
Chapter 4. Interfaces
sage: G.Center()
Group( () )
sage: G.IdGroup()
[ 120, 34 ]
sage: G.Order()
# optional - database_gap
We can do the same computation in Sage without explicitly invoking the GAP interface as follows:
sage: G = PermutationGroup([[(1,2,3),(4,5)],[(3,4)]])
Subgroup of (Permutation Group with generators [(3,4), (1,2,3)(4,5)]) generated by
sage: G.group_id()
# optional - database_gap
[120, 34]
sage: n = G.order(); n
For some GAP functionality, you should install two optional Sage packages. This can be done with the command:
sage -i gap_packages database_gap
4.3 Singular
Singular provides a massive and mature library for Grbner bases, multivariate polynomial gcds, bases of RiemannRoch spaces of a plane curve, and factorizations, among other things. We illustrate multivariate polynomial factorization using the Sage interface to Singular (do not type the ....: ):
sage: R1 = singular.ring(0, '(x,y)', 'dp')
sage: R1
characteristic : 0
number of vars : 2
1 : ordering dp
: names
x y
2 : ordering C
sage: f = singular('9*y^8 - 9*x^2*y^7 - 18*x^3*y^6 - 18*x^5*y^6 +'
'9*x^6*y^4 + 18*x^7*y^5 + 36*x^8*y^4 + 9*x^10*y^4 - 18*x^11*y^2 -'
'9*x^12*y^3 - 18*x^13*y^2 + 9*x^16')
4.3. Singular
As with the GAP example in GAP, we can compute the above factorization without explicitly using the Singular
interface (however, behind the scenes Sage uses the Singular interface for the actual computation). Do not type the
....: :
(9) *
x, y = QQ['x, y'].gens()
f = (9*y^8 - 9*x^2*y^7 - 18*x^3*y^6 - 18*x^5*y^6 + 9*x^6*y^4
+ 18*x^7*y^5 + 36*x^8*y^4 + 9*x^10*y^4 - 18*x^11*y^2 - 9*x^12*y^3
- 18*x^13*y^2 + 9*x^16)
(-x^5 + y^2)^2 * (x^6 - 2*x^3*y^2 - x^2*y^3 + y^4)
4.4 Maxima
Maxima is included with Sage, as well as a Lisp implementation. The gnuplot package (which Maxima uses by default
for plotting) is distributed as a Sage optional package. Among other things, Maxima does symbolic manipulation.
Maxima can integrate and differentiate functions symbolically, solve 1st order ODEs, most linear 2nd order ODEs,
and has implemented the Laplace transform method for linear ODEs of any degree. Maxima also knows about a wide
range of special functions, has plotting capabilities via gnuplot, and has methods to solve and manipulate matrices
(such as row reduction, eigenvalues and eigenvectors), and polynomial equations.
We illustrate the Sage/Maxima interface by constructing the matrix whose , entry is /, for , = 1, . . . , 4.
sage: f = maxima.eval('ij_entry[i,j] := i/j')
sage: A = maxima('genmatrix(ij_entry,4,4)'); A
sage: A.determinant()
sage: A.echelon()
sage: A.eigenvalues()
sage: A.eigenvectors()
M = MatrixSpace(QQ,3,3)
AA = M([[1,0,0],[1, - 1,0],[1,3, - 2]])
b1 = v1.base_ring()
AA*v1 == b1(lambda1)*v1
b2 = v2.base_ring()
AA*v2 == b2(lambda2)*v2
b3 = v3.base_ring()
AA*v3 == b3(lambda3)*v3
Chapter 4. Interfaces
Finally, we give an example of using Sage to plot using openmath . Many of these were modified from the Maxima
reference manual.
A 2D plot of several functions (do not type the ....: ):
sage: maxima.plot2d('[cos(7*x),cos(23*x)^4,sin(13*x)^3]','[x,0,1]',
# not tested
A live 3D plot which you can move with your mouse (do not type the ....: ):
sage: maxima.plot3d ("2^(-u^2 + v^2)", "[u, -3, 3]", "[v, -2, 2]", # not tested
'[plot_format, openmath]')
sage: maxima.plot3d("atan(-x^2 + y^3/4)", "[x, -4, 4]", "[y, -4, 4]", # not tested
"[grid, 50, 50]",'[plot_format, openmath]')
The next plot is the famous Mbius strip (do not type the ....: ):
sage: maxima.plot3d("[cos(x)*(3 + y*cos(x/2)), sin(x)*(3 + y*cos(x/2)), y*sin(x/2)]",
# not tested
"[x, -4, 4]", "[y, -4, 4]", '[plot_format, openmath]')
The next plot is the famous Klein bottle (do not type the ....: ):
sage: maxima("expr_1: 5*cos(x)*(cos(x/2)*cos(y) + sin(x/2)*sin(2*y)+ 3.0) - 10.0")
sage: maxima("expr_2: -5*sin(x)*(cos(x/2)*cos(y) + sin(x/2)*sin(2*y)+ 3.0)")
sage: maxima("expr_3: 5*(-sin(x/2)*cos(y) + cos(x/2)*sin(2*y))")
sage: maxima.plot3d ("[expr_1, expr_2, expr_3]", "[x, -%pi, %pi]", # not tested
"[y, -%pi, %pi]", "['grid, 40, 40]", '[plot_format, openmath]')
4.4. Maxima
Chapter 4. Interfaces
5.1 Overview
It may be easiest to understand the various uses of LaTeX with a brief overview of the mechanics of the three principal
methods employed by Sage.
1. Every object in Sage is required to have a LaTeX representation. You can access this representation by
executing, in the notebook or at the sage command line, latex(foo) where foo is some object in Sage.
The output is a string that should render a reasonably accurate representation of foo when used in TeXs
math-mode (for example, when enclosed between a pair of single dollar signs). Some examples of this follow
In this way, Sage can be used effectively for constructing portions of a LaTeX document: create or compute an
object in Sage, print latex() of the object and cut/paste it into your document.
2. The notebook interface is configured to use MathJax to render mathematics cleanly in a web browser. MathJax is
an open source JavaScript display engine for mathematics that works in all modern browsers. It is able to render
a large, but not totally complete, subset of TeX. It has no support for things like complicated tables, sectioning or
document management, as it is oriented towards accurately rendering snippets of TeX. Seemingly automatic
rendering of math in the notebook is provided by converting the latex() representation of an object (as
described above) into a form of HTML palatable to MathJax.
Since MathJax uses its own scalable fonts, it is superior to other methods that rely on converting equations, or
other snippets of TeX, into static inline images.
3. At the Sage command-line, or in the notebook when LaTeX code is more involved than MathJax can handle, a
system-wide installation of LaTeX can be employed. Sage includes almost everything you need to build and use
Sage, but a significant exception is TeX itself. So in these situations you need to have TeX installed, along with
some associated conversion utilities, to utilize the full power.
Here we demonstrate some basic uses of the latex() function.
sage: var('z')
sage: latex(z^12)
sage: latex(integrate(z^4, z))
\frac{1}{5} \, z^{5}
Basic MathJax functionality is largely automatic in the notebook, but we can partially demonstrate this support with
the MathJax class. The eval function of this class converts a Sage object to its LaTeX representation and then
wraps it in HTML that invokes the CSS math class, which then employs MathJax.
sage: from sage.misc.latex import MathJax
sage: mj = MathJax()
sage: var('z')
sage: mj(z^12)
<html><script type="math/tex; mode=display">\newcommand{\Bold}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}z^{12}</
sage: mj(QQ)
<html><script type="math/tex; mode=display">\newcommand{\Bold}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}\Bold{Q}
sage: mj(ZZ['x'])
<html><script type="math/tex; mode=display">\newcommand{\Bold}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}\Bold{Z}
sage: mj(integrate(z^4, z))
<html><script type="math/tex; mode=display">\newcommand{\Bold}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}\frac{1}
{5} \, z^{5}</script></html>
cells need to be re-evaluated. Essentially, checking the Typeset button is identical to wrapping the output of each
cell in the view() command.
A second feature of the notebook is entering TeX as part of annotating a worksheet. When the cursor is placed between
cells of a worksheet so that a blue bar appears, then a shift-click will open a mini-word-processor, TinyMCE. This
allows for the entry of text, using a WSIWYG editor to create HTML and CSS command for styled text. So it is
possible to add formatted text as commentary within a worksheet. However, text between pairs of dollar signs, or pairs
of double dollar signs is interpreted by MathJax as inline or display math (respectively).
It is possible to take advantage of the extensible nature of TeX by adding in new macros and new packages. First,
individual macros can be added so that they are used when MathJax interprets a snippet of TeX in the notebook.
sage: latex.extra_macros()
sage: latex.add_macro("\\newcommand{\\foo}{bar}")
sage: latex.extra_macros()
sage: var('x y')
(x, y)
sage: latex(x+y)
x + y
sage: from sage.misc.latex import MathJax
sage: mj=MathJax()
sage: mj(x+y)
<html><script type="math/tex; mode=display">\newcommand{\Bold}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}
\newcommand{\foo}{bar}x + y</script></html>
Additional macros added this way will also be used in the event that the system-wide version of TeX is called on
something larger than MathJax can handle. The command latex_extra_preamble is used to build the preamble
of a complete LaTeX document, so the following illustrates how this is accomplished. As usual note the need for the
double-backslashes in the Python strings.
sage: latex.extra_macros('')
sage: latex.extra_preamble('')
sage: from sage.misc.latex import latex_extra_preamble
sage: print(latex_extra_preamble())
sage: latex.add_macro("\\newcommand{\\foo}{bar}")
sage: print(latex_extra_preamble())
Again, for larger or more complicated LaTeX expressions, it is possible to add packages (or anything else) to the
preamble of the LaTeX file. Anything may be incorporated into the preamble with the latex.add_to_preamble
command, and the specialized command latex.add_package_to_preamble_if_available will first
check if a certain package is actually available before trying to add it to the preamble.
Here we add the geometry package to the preamble and use it to set the size of the region on the page that TeX will
use (effectively setting the margins). As usual, note the need for the double-backslashes in the Python strings.
sage: from sage.misc.latex import latex_extra_preamble
sage: latex.extra_macros('')
sage: latex.extra_preamble('')
sage: latex.add_to_preamble('\\usepackage{geometry}')
sage: latex.add_to_preamble('\\geometry{letterpaper,total={8in,10in}}')
sage: latex.extra_preamble()
sage: print(latex_extra_preamble())
A particular package may be added along with a check on its existence, as follows. As an example, we just illustrate
an attempt to add to the preamble a package that presumably does not exist.
sage: latex.extra_preamble('')
sage: latex.extra_preamble()
sage: latex.add_to_preamble('\\usepackage{foo-bar-unchecked}')
sage: latex.extra_preamble()
sage: latex.add_package_to_preamble_if_available('foo-bar-checked')
sage: latex.extra_preamble()
Suppose a LaTeX expression is produced in the notebook with view() or while the Typeset button is checked,
and then recognized as requiring the external LaTeX installation through the mathjax avoid list. Then the selected
executable (as specified by latex.engine() ) will process the LaTeX. However, instead of then spawning an
external viewer (which is the command-line behavior), Sage will attempt to convert the result into a single, tightlycropped image, which is then inserted into the worksheet as the output of the cell.
Just how this conversion proceeds depends on several factors mostly which executable you have specified as the
engine and which conversion utilities are available on your system. Four useful converters that will cover all eventualities are dvips , ps2pdf , dvipng and from the ImageMagick suite, convert . The goal is to produce a PNG
file as the output for inclusion back into the worksheet. When a LaTeX expression can be converted successfully to
a dvi by the latex engine, then dvipng should accomplish the conversion. If the LaTeX expression and chosen engine
creates a dvi with specials that dvipng cannot handle, then dvips will create a PostScript file. Such a PostScript file,
or a PDF file created by an engine such as pdflatex , is then processed into a PNG with the convert utility. The
presence of two of these converters can be tested with the have_dvipng() and have_convert() routines.
These conversions are done automatically if you have the necessary converters installed; if not, then an error message
is printed telling you whats missing and where to download it.
For a concrete example of how complicated LaTeX expressions can be processed, see the example in the next section (An Example: Combinatorial Graphs with tkz-graph) for using the LaTeX tkz-graph package to produce
high-quality renderings of combinatorial graphs. For other examples, there are some pre-packaged test cases. To use
these, it is necessary to import the sage.misc.latex.latex_examples object, which is an instance of the
sage.misc.latex.LatexExamples class, as illustrated below. This class currently has examples of commutative diagrams, combinatorial graphs, knot theory and pstricks, which respectively exercise the following packages:
xy, tkz-graph, xypic, pstricks. After the import, use tab-completion on latex_examples to see the pre-packaged
examples. Calling each example will give you back some explanation about what is required to make the example
render properly. To actually see the examples, it is necessary to use view() (once the preamble, engine, etc are all
set properly).
sage: from sage.misc.latex import latex_examples
sage: latex_examples.diagram()
LaTeX example for testing display of a commutative diagram produced
by xypic.
To use, try to view this object -- it won't work. Now try
and try viewing again -- it should work in the command line but not
from the notebook. In the notebook, run
'latex.add_to_mathjax_avoid_list("xymatrix")' and try again -- you
should get a picture (a part of the diagram arising from a filtered
chain complex).
call pdflatex to create a PDF and then the convert utility will extract a PNG graphic to insert into the output cell of
the worksheet. The following commands illustrate the steps to get graphs processed by LaTeX in the notebook.
sage: from sage.graphs.graph_latex import setup_latex_preamble
sage: setup_latex_preamble()
sage: latex.extra_preamble() # random - depends on system's TeX installation
sage: latex.engine('pdflatex')
sage: latex.add_to_mathjax_avoid_list('tikzpicture')
sage: latex.mathjax_avoid_list()
['tikz', 'tikzpicture']
At this point, a command like view(graphs.CompleteGraph(4)) should produce a graphic version of the
graph pasted into the notebook, having used pdflatex to process tkz-graph commands to realize the graph.
Note that there is a variety of options to affect how a graph is rendered in LaTeX via tkz-graph , which is again
outside the scope of this section, see the section of the Reference manual titled LaTeX Options for Graphs for
instructions and details.
You can read in and execute example.sage file using the load command.
sage: load("example.sage")
Hello World
You can also attach a Sage file to a running session using the attach command:
sage: attach("example.sage")
Hello World
Now if you change example.sage and enter one blank line into Sage (i.e., hit return ), then the contents of
example.sage will be automatically reloaded into Sage.
In particular, attach automatically reloads a file whenever it changes, which is handy when debugging code,
whereas load only loads a file once.
When Sage loads example.sage it converts it to Python, which is then executed by the Python interpreter.
This conversion is minimal; it mainly involves wrapping integer literals in Integer() floating point literals in
RealNumber() , replacing ^ s by ** s, and replacing e.g., R.2 by R.gen(2) . The converted version of
example.sage is contained in the same directory as example.sage and is called . This
file contains the following code:
print("Hello World")
Integer literals are wrapped and the ^ is replaced by a ** . (In Python ^ means exclusive or and ** means
This preparsing is implemented in sage/misc/ .)
You can paste multi-line indented code into Sage as long as there are newlines to make new blocks (this is not necessary
in files). However, the best way to enter such code into Sage is to save it to a file and use attach , as described above.
If an additional library foo is needed to compile the C code generated from a Cython file, add the line clib foo to
the Cython source. Similarly, an additional C file bar can be included in the compilation with the declaration cfile
bar .
Chapter 6. Programming
In order to use this script, your SAGE_ROOT must be in your PATH. If the above script is called factor , here is an
example usage:
bash $
2 * 17
bash $
(2*x -
./factor 2006
* 59
./factor "32*x^5-1"
1) * (16*x^4 + 8*x^3 + 4*x^2 + 2*x + 1)
s = "sage"; type(s)
s = 'sage'; type(s)
# you can use either single or double quotes
s = [1,2,3,4]; type(s)
s = (1,2,3,4); type(s)
s = int(2006); type(s)
s = float(2006); type(s)
Only certain functions can be called on V . In other math software systems, these would be called using the functional
notation foo(V,...) . In Sage, certain functions are attached to the type (or class) of V , and are called using an
object-oriented syntax like in Java or C++, e.g., . This helps keep the global namespace from being
polluted with tens of thousands of functions, and means that many different functions with different behavior can be
named foo, without having to use type-checking of arguments (or case statements) to decide which to call. Also, if you
reuse the name of a function, that function is still available (e.g., if you call something zeta , then want to compute
the value of the Riemann-Zeta function at 0.5, you can still type s=.5; s.zeta() ).
sage: zeta = -1
sage: s=.5; s.zeta()
In some very common cases, the usual functional notation is also supported for convenience and because mathematical
expressions might look confusing using object-oriented notation. Here are some examples.
sage: n = 2; n.sqrt()
sage: sqrt(2)
sage: V = VectorSpace(QQ,2)
sage: V.basis()
(1, 0),
(0, 1)
sage: basis(V)
(1, 0),
(0, 1)
sage: M = MatrixSpace(GF(7), 2); M
Full MatrixSpace of 2 by 2 dense matrices over Finite Field of size 7
sage: A = M([1,2,3,4]); A
[1 2]
[3 4]
sage: A.charpoly('x')
x^2 + 2*x + 5
sage: charpoly(A, 'x')
x^2 + 2*x + 5
To list all member functions for , use tab completion. Just type A. , then type the [tab] key on your keyboard, as
explained in Reverse Search and Tab Completion.
(When indexing into a list, it is OK if the index is not a Python int!) A Sage Integer (or Rational, or anything with an
__index__ method) will work just fine.
Chapter 6. Programming
v = [1,2,3]
n = 2
# SAGE Integer
# Perfectly OK!
# Also OK.
The range function creates a list of Python ints (not Sage Integers):
sage: range(1, 15)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
For more about how to create lists using list comprehensions, see [PyT].
List slicing is a wonderful feature. If L is a list, then L[m:n] returns the sublist of L obtained by starting at the
element and stopping at the ( 1) element, as illustrated below.
sage: L = [factor(n) for n in range(1, 20)]
sage: L[4:9]
[5, 2 * 3, 7, 2^3, 3^2]
sage: L[:4]
[1, 2, 3, 2^2]
sage: L[14:4]
sage: L[14:]
[3 * 5, 2^4, 17, 2 * 3^2, 19]
Tuples are similar to lists, except they are immutable, meaning once they are created they cant be changed.
sage: v = (1,2,3,4); v
(1, 2, 3, 4)
sage: type(v)
<type 'tuple'>
sage: v[1] = 5
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
Sequences are a third list-oriented Sage type. Unlike lists and tuples, Sequence is not a built-in Python type. By default,
a sequence is mutable, but using the Sequence class method set_immutable , it can be set to be immutable, as
the following example illustrates. All elements of a sequence have a common parent, called the sequences universe.
sage: v = Sequence([1,2,3,4/5])
sage: v
[1, 2, 3, 4/5]
sage: type(v)
<class 'sage.structure.sequence.Sequence_generic'>
sage: type(v[1])
<type 'sage.rings.rational.Rational'>
sage: v.universe()
Rational Field
sage: v.is_immutable()
sage: v.set_immutable()
sage: v[0] = 3
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: object is immutable; please change a copy instead.
Sequences derive from lists and can be used anywhere a list can be used:
sage: v = Sequence([1,2,3,4/5])
sage: isinstance(v, list)
sage: list(v)
[1, 2, 3, 4/5]
sage: type(list(v))
<type 'list'>
As another example, basis for vector spaces are immutable sequences, since its important that you dont change them.
sage: V = QQ^3; B = V.basis(); B
(1, 0, 0),
(0, 1, 0),
(0, 0, 1)
sage: type(B)
<class 'sage.structure.sequence.Sequence_generic'>
sage: B[0] = B[1]
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: object is immutable; please change a copy instead.
sage: B.universe()
Vector space of dimension 3 over Rational Field
6.6 Dictionaries
A dictionary (also sometimes called an associative array) is a mapping from hashable objects (e.g., strings, numbers,
and tuples of such; see the Python documentation and
lib/typesmapping.html for details) to arbitrary objects.
sage: d = {1:5, 'sage':17, ZZ:GF(7)}
sage: type(d)
<type 'dict'>
sage: d.keys()
[1, 'sage', Integer Ring]
sage: d['sage']
Chapter 6. Programming
sage: d[ZZ]
Finite Field of size 7
sage: d[1]
The third key illustrates that the indexes of a dictionary can be complicated, e.g., the ring of integers.
You can turn the above dictionary into a list with the same data:
sage: d.items()
[(1, 5), ('sage', 17), (Integer Ring, Finite Field of size 7)]
6.7 Sets
Python has a built-in set type. The main feature it offers is very fast lookup of whether an element is in the set or not,
along with standard set-theoretic operations.
sage: X = set([1,19,'a']);
Y = set([1,1,1, 2/3])
sage: X
# random sort order
{1, 19, 'a'}
sage: X == set(['a', 1, 1, 19])
sage: Y
{2/3, 1}
sage: 'a' in X
sage: 'a' in Y
sage: X.intersection(Y)
Sage also has its own set type that is (in some cases) implemented using the built-in Python set type, but has a little bit
of extra Sage-related functionality. Create a Sage set using Set(...) . For example,
sage: X = Set([1,19,'a']);
Y = Set([1,1,1, 2/3])
sage: X
# random sort order
{'a', 1, 19}
sage: X == Set(['a', 1, 1, 19])
sage: Y
{1, 2/3}
sage: X.intersection(Y)
sage: print(latex(Y))
\left\{1, \frac{2}{3}\right\}
sage: Set(ZZ)
Set of elements of Integer Ring
6.7. Sets
6.8 Iterators
Iterators are a recent addition to Python that are particularly useful in mathematics applications. Here are several
examples; see [PyT] for more details. We make an iterator over the squares of the nonnegative integers up to 10000000.
We create an iterate over the primes of the form 4 + 1 with also prime, and look at the first few values.
sage: w = (4*p + 1 for p in Primes() if is_prime(4*p+1))
sage: w
# in the next line, 0xb0853d6c is a random 0x number
<generator object at 0xb0853d6c>
sage: next(w)
sage: next(w)
sage: next(w)
Certain rings, e.g., finite fields and the integers have iterators associated to them:
sage: [x for x in GF(7)]
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
sage: W = ((x,y) for x in ZZ for y in ZZ)
sage: next(W)
(0, 0)
sage: next(W)
(0, 1)
sage: next(W)
(0, -1)
Note the colon at the end of the for statement (there is no do or od as in GAP or Maple), and the indentation before
the body of the loop, namely print(i) . This indentation is important. In Sage, the indentation is automatically
put in for you when you hit enter after a :, as illustrated below.
Chapter 6. Programming
The symbol = is used for assignment. The symbol == is used to check for equality:
sage: for i in range(15):
if gcd(i,15) == 1:
Keep in mind how indentation determines the block structure for if , for , and while statements:
sage: def legendre(a,p):
for i in range(p):
if a % p == i^2 % p:
return is_sqr_modp
sage: legendre(2,7)
sage: legendre(3,7)
Of course this is not an efficient implementation of the Legendre symbol! It is meant to illustrate various aspects
of Python/Sage programming. The function {kronecker}, which comes with Sage, computes the Legendre symbol
efficiently via a C-library call to PARI.
Finally, we note that comparisons, such as == , != , <= , >= , > , < , between numbers will automatically convert both
numbers into the same type if possible:
sage: 2 < 3.1; 3.1 <= 1
sage: 2/3 < 3/2;
3/2 < 3/1
Almost any two objects may be compared; there is no assumption that the objects are equipped with a total ordering.
sage: 2 < CC(3.1,1)
sage: 5 < VectorSpace(QQ,3)
When comparing objects of different types in Sage, in most cases Sage tries to find a canonical coercion of both
objects to a common parent (see Parents, Conversion and Coercion for more details). If successful, the comparison
is performed between the coerced objects; if not successful, the objects are considered not equal. For testing whether
two variables reference the same object use is . As we see in this example, the Python int 1 is unique, but the Sage
Integer 1 is not:
1 is 2/2
int(1) is int(2)/int(2)
# optional - python2
1 is 1
1 == 2/2
In the following two lines, the first equality is False because there is no canonical morphism Q F5 , hence no
canonical way to compare the 1 in F5 to the 1 Q. In contrast, there is a canonical map Z F5 , hence the second
comparison is True . Note also that the order doesnt matter.
sage: GF(5)(1) == QQ(1); QQ(1) == GF(5)(1)
sage: GF(5)(1) == ZZ(1); ZZ(1) == GF(5)(1)
sage: ZZ(1) == QQ(1)
WARNING: Comparison in Sage is more restrictive than in Magma, which declares the 1 F5 equal to 1 Q.
sage: magma('GF(5)!1 eq Rationals()!1')
# optional - magma
6.10 Profiling
Section Author: Martin Albrecht (
Premature optimization is the root of all evil. - Donald Knuth
Sometimes it is useful to check for bottlenecks in code to understand which parts take the most computational time;
this can give a good idea of which parts to optimize. Python and therefore Sage offers several profilingas this process
is calledoptions.
The simplest to use is the prun command in the interactive shell. It returns a summary describing which functions
took how much computational time. To profile (the currently slow! - as of version 1.0) matrix multiplication over
finite fields, for example, do:
sage: k,a = GF(2**8, 'a').objgen()
sage: A = Matrix(k,10,10,[k.random_element() for _ in range(10*10)])
Chapter 6. Programming
Here ncalls is the number of calls, tottime is the total time spent in the given function (and excluding time
made in calls to sub-functions), percall is the quotient of tottime divided by ncalls . cumtime is the
total time spent in this and all sub-functions (i.e., from invocation until exit), percall is the quotient of cumtime
divided by primitive calls, and filename:lineno(function) provides the respective data of each function.
The rule of thumb here is: The higher the function in that listing, the more expensive it is. Thus it is more interesting
for optimization.
As usual, prun? provides details on how to use the profiler and understand the output.
The profiling data may be written to an object as well to allow closer examination:
sage: %prun -r A*A
sage: stats = _
sage: stats?
Note: entering stats = prun -r A\*A displays a syntax error message because prun is an IPython shell command, not a regular function.
For a nice graphical representation of profiling data, you can use the hotshot profiler, a small script called
hotshot2cachetree and the program kcachegrind (Unix only). The same example with the hotshot profiler:
<hotshot.Profile instance at 0x414c11ec>
sage: prof.close()
This results in a file in the current working directory. It can now be converted to the
cachegrind format for visualization.
On a system shell, type
hotshot2calltree -o cachegrind.out.42
The output file cachegrind.out.42 can now be examined with kcachegrind . Please note that the naming
convention cachegrind.out.XX needs to be obeyed.
6.10. Profiling
Chapter 6. Programming
The SageTeX package allows you to embed the results of Sage computations into a LaTeX document. To use it, you
will need to install it first (see Make SageTeX known to TeX).
7.1 An example
Here is a very brief example of using SageTeX. The full documentation can be found in
SAGE_ROOT/local/share/doc/sagetex , where SAGE_ROOT
is the directory where your
Sage installation is located.
That directory contains the documentation and an example file.
SAGE_ROOT/local/share/texmf/tex/generic/sagetex for some possibly useful Python scripts.
To see how SageTeX works, follow the directions for installing SageTeX (in Make SageTeX known to TeX) and copy
the following text into a file named, say, st_example.tex :
Warning: The text below will have several errors about unknown control sequences if you are viewing this in the
live help. Use the static version to see the correct text.
Using Sage\TeX, one can use Sage to compute things and put them into
your \LaTeX{} document. For example, there are
$\sage{number_of_partitions(1269)}$ integer partitions of $1269$.
You don't need to compute the number yourself, or even cut and paste
it from somewhere.
Here's some Sage code:
f(x) = exp(x) * sin(2*x)
The second derivative of $f$ is
\frac{\mathrm{d}^{2}}{\mathrm{d}x^{2}} \sage{f(x)} =
\sage{diff(f, x, 2)(x)}.
Run LaTeX on st_example.tex as usual. Note that LaTeX will have some complaints, which will include:
Package sagetex Warning: Graphics file
sage-plots-for-st_example.tex/plot-0.eps on page 1 does not exist. Plot
command is on input line 25.
Package sagetex Warning: There were undefined Sage formulas and/or
plots. Run Sage on st_example.sagetex.sage, and then run LaTeX on
st_example.tex again.
Notice that, in addition to the usual collection of files produced by LaTeX, there is a file called
st_example.sagetex.sage . That is a Sage script produced when you run LaTeX on st_example.tex
. The warning message told you to run Sage on st_example.sagetex.sage , so take its advice and do that.
It will tell you to run LaTeX on st_example.tex again, but before you do that, notice that a new file has been
created: st_example.sagetex.sout . That file contains the results of Sages computations, in a format that
LaTeX can use to insert into your text. A new directory containing an EPS file of your plot has also been created. Run
LaTeX again and youll see that everything that Sage computed and plotted is now included in your document.
The different macros used above should be pretty easy to understand. A sageblock environment typesets your code
verbatim and also executes the code when you run Sage. When you do \sage{foo} , the result put into your document is whatever you get from running latex(foo) inside Sage. Plot commands are a bit more complicated, but in
their simplest form, \sageplot{foo} inserts the image you get from doing'filename.eps') .
In general, the mantra is:
run LaTeX on your .tex file;
run Sage on the generated .sage file;
run LaTeX again.
You can omit running Sage if you havent changed around any Sage commands in your document.
Theres a lot more to SageTeX, and since both Sage and LaTeX are complex, powerful tools, its a good idea to read
the documentation for SageTeX, which is in SAGE_ROOT/local/share/doc/sagetex .
There are a couple small problems with this, however: the first is that you will end up with many unnecessary
copies of sagetex.sty scattered around your computer. The second and more serious problem is that if you
upgrade Sage and get a new version of SageTeX, the Python code and LaTeX code for SageTeX may no longer
match, causing errors.
The second way is to use the TEXINPUTS environment variable. If you are using the bash shell, you can do
export TEXINPUTS="SAGE_ROOT/local/share/texmf//:"
where SAGE_ROOT is the location of your Sage installation. Note that the double slash and colon at the end of
that line are important. Thereafter, TeX and friends will find the SageTeX style file. If you want to make this
change permanent, you can add the above line to your .bashrc file. If you are using a different shell, you may
have to modify the above command to make the environment variable known; see your shells documentation
for how to do that.
One flaw with this method is that if you use applications like TeXShop, Kile, or Emacs/AucTeX, they will not
necessarily pick up the environment variable, since when they run LaTeX, they may do so outside your usual
shell environment.
If you ever move your Sage installation, or install a new version into a new directory, youll need to update the
above command to reflect the new value of SAGE_ROOT .
The third (and best) way to make TeX aware of sagetex.sty is to copy that file into a convenient place in
your home directory. In most TeX distributions, the texmf directory in your home directory is automatically
searched for packages. To find out exactly what this directory is, do the following on the command line:
kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFHOME
where SAGE_ROOT is, as usual, replaced with the location of your Sage installation and TEXMFHOME is the
result of the kpsewhich command above.
If you upgrade Sage and discover that SageTeX no longer works, you can simply repeat these steps and the Sage
and TeX parts of SageTeX will again be synchronized.
For installation on a multiuser system, you just modify the above instructions appropriately to copy
sagetex.sty into a systemwide TeX directory. Instead of the directory TEXMFHOME , probably the best
choice is to use the result of
kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFLOCAL
which will likely produce something like /usr/local/share/texmf . Copy the tex directory as above
into the TEXMFLOCAL directory. Now you need to update TeXs database of packages, which you can do
simply by running
as root, replacing TEXMFLOCAL appropriately. Now all users of your system will have access to the LaTeX
package, and if they can also run Sage, they will be able to use SageTeX.
Warning: its very important that the file sagetex.sty that LaTeX uses when typesetting your document
match the version of SageTeX that Sage is using. If you upgrade your Sage installation, you really should delete
all the old versions of sagetex.sty floating around.
Because of this problem, we recommend copying the SageTeX files into your home directorys texmf directory
(the third method above). Then there is only one thing you need to do (copy a directory) when you upgrade Sage
to insure that SageTeX will work properly.
>>> 2^8
>>> 3^2
>>> 3**2
This use of ^ may appear odd, and it is inefficient for pure math research, since the exclusive or function
is rarely used. For convenience, Sage pre-parses all command lines before passing them to Python, replacing
instances of ^ that are not in strings with ** :
sage: 2^8
sage: 3^2
sage: "3^2"
The bitwise xor operator in Sage is ^^ . This also works for the inplace operator ^^= :
a = 2
a ^^= 8
Integer division: The Python expression 2/3 does not behave the way mathematicians might expect. In
Python2, if m and n are ints, then m/n is also an int, namely the quotient of m divided by n . Therefore
2/3=0 . In Python3, 2/3 returns the floating point number 0.6666... . In both Python2 and Python3, //
is the Euclidean division and 2//3 returns 0 .
We deal with this in the Sage interpreter, by wrapping integer literals in Integer( ) and making division a
constructor for rational numbers. For example:
sage: 2/3
sage: (2/3).parent()
Rational Field
sage: 2//3
sage: int(2)/int(3) # not tested, python2
Long integers: Python has native support for arbitrary precision integers, in addition to C-ints. These are
significantly slower than what GMP provides, and have the property that they print with an L at the end to
distinguish them from ints (and this wont change any time soon). Sage implements arbitrary precision integers
using the GMP C-library, and these print without an L .
Rather than modifying the Python interpreter (as some people have done for internal projects), we use the Python
language exactly as is, and write a pre-parser for IPython so that the command line behavior of IPython is what a
mathematician expects. This means any existing Python code can be used in Sage. However, one must still obey the
standard Python rules when writing packages that will be imported into Sage.
(To install a Python library, for example that you have found on the Internet, follow the directions, but run sage
-python instead of python . Very often this means typing sage -python install .)
Chapter 8. Afterword
in your bibliography (replacing 4.3 with the version of Sage you used). Moreover, please attempt to track down
what components of Sage are used for your computation, e.g., PARI?, GAP?, Singular? Maxima? and also cite those
systems. If you are in doubt about what software your computation uses, feel free to ask on the sage-devel Google
group. See Univariate Polynomials for further discussion of this point.
If you happen to have just read straight through this tutorial, and have some sense of how long it took you, please let
us know on the sage-devel Google group.
Have fun with Sage!
Chapter 8. Afterword
boolean or
boolean and
boolean not
identity test
addition, subtraction
multiplication, division, remainder
Therefore, to compute 3^2*4 + 2%5 , Sage brackets the computation this way: ((3^2)*4) + (2%5) . Thus,
first compute 3^2 , which is 9 , then compute both (3^2)*4 and 2%5 , and finally add these.
Chapter 9. Appendix
environment variable