Homeopathic Materia Medica 2

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Materia Medica
Volume 2

By Dr. Athos Stavrou Othonos

Homeopathic Medical Doctor



(Sulphur, Argentum Nitricum, Gelsemium, Thuja,

Valeriana, Platina, Phosphor)

Human Idiosyncrasies

Athos Othonos
Homeopathic Medical Doctor



1.1 Psoric and Sycotic Sulphur
1.2 The pessimist, superficial, unconventional philosopher
1.3 Comparison between psoric Sulphur and Lycopodium
1.4 The effect of Idiosyncrasy on Secondary Behavior
1.5 Superficial erudition
1.6 Superficial, pessimistic philosophical tendency
1.7 Psoric introversion and isolation
1.8 Laziness and boredom
1.9 Sycotic Sulphur
1.10 Hot, greasy, dirty and slovenly
1.11 The idiosyncratic diagram of Sulphur
1.12 Hot and sweating
1.13 Redness, acrid sweat, offensiveness
1.14 The dirty, ragged, shallow philosopher
1.15 Slovenly
1.16 Boredom or over-activity
1.17 Stooped and slender or greedy fat
1.18 Psoric Buddha or sycotic gale!
1.19 Introvert; living in the world of his own
1.20 Shallow philosopher
1.21 Crude practical joker
1.22 Neglectful as to his health and indifferent as to little everyday
1.23 The superficial bibliomaniac of the strange and mystery books



2.1 Constant flow of ideas with inadequate filtering

2.2 Obsessive ideas in the form of What if?
2.3 Obsessive Behavior
2.4 Idiosyncratic Diagram of Argentum Nitricum


2.5 General physical characteristics similar to Sulphur

2.6 Desire sweets grade 3
2.7 Obsessive ideas and Compulsive Behavior
2.8 Obsessive fear of heights and fear of insanity
2.9 What if?
2.10 Compulsive movements, nervous tics, germ-phobia
2.11 Anxiety while waiting
2.12 Obsessive fear about his health

2.13 Timidity and stage fright
2.14 Nervous symptoms after embarrassment
2.15 Not capable of handling usual situations

2.16 Sycotic physical predispositions

2.17 Greasy skin, offensive sweat, persisting acne

2.18 Groundless Lack of Self confidence
2.19 Unfounded Guilt
2.20 Fear of heights and feeling as if being judged all the time
2.21 Introversion


3.1 The modern, reactive, spoiled, insecure teenager/young woman

3.2 Insecure-Aggressive
3.3 So thirsty for attention and love but still so reactionary
3.4 Tendency for exclusiveness and jealousy
3.5 Very ambitious and unconventional
3.6 Coward-Aggressive behavior
3.7 Nervous, restless and touchy
3.8 Introversion and indirect behavior
3.9 Mistrustful and temperamental
3.10 Idiosyncratic Picture of Valeriana

3.11 Nervous and mistrustful woman
3.12 Thoroughly Slovenly Appearance
3.13 Fake unconventional
3.14 Ironical and touchy

3.15 Reactionary and insecure

3.16 Faking the cultured woman
3.17 She castrates her husband but then she cant be pleased by him
3.18 Male/female nature as to sexuality
3.19 The great value of the knowledge of human idiosyncrasies
3.20 Wayward in sex and love
3.21 All idiosyncratic characteristics are but imbalances!
3.22 You just cant fool Universal Laws!
3.23 Reactionary and temperamental
3.24 Her behavior doesnt make any sense!
3.25 A spoiled, immature girl
3.26 Mistrustful and jealous
3.27 Revengeful, wants to get even, to get on top
3.28 She bears a grudge
3.29 Introvert; pity makes her angry
3.30 Nervous headaches and other nervous symptoms
3.31 Fear of being raped and fear of male violence
3.32 Ambitious and often setting up things for her
3.33 Restless and nervous; abuse of coffee and tobacco

4.1 The syphilitic vanity of the First One
4.2 Vanity in the physical field

4.3 Fan of high life!

4.4 Air/Sense of superiority
4.5 Her motto: Success is happiness!
4.6 Strong, tough, egoistic, ambitious person
4.7 Psoric and sycotic version of Platina
4.8 A self-centered Queen
4.9 Dominant, demanding and irritable
4.10 Male Platina
4.11 Idiosyncratic Diagram of Platina

4.12 She is beautiful and she knows it!
4.13 The Queen
4.14 As if taller
4.15 Snobbish
4.16 Rigid
4.17 The blonde bimbo or the smart goddess
4.18 Anything for the palace!
4.19 Her sole goal is to be the first one!
4.20 Dread of wrinkles and ugliness
4.21 Nymphomania
4.22 Dominance and vanity instead of multilevel orgasm

5.1 Psoric altruism with lack of moderation and differentiation
5.2 Very social, pleasure seeker and cooperative
5.3 Extrovert and irascible
5.4 How his psoric altruism causes the collapse of his Autonomic
Nervous System
5.5 The typical likeable hypochondriac
5.6 A Nature lover
5.7 Idiosyncratic Diagram of Phosphor

5.8 Introduction
5.9 Phases A, B, C and D regarding balance
5.10 The vivid, smart, compassionate, good kid
5.11 Extremely social and likeable
5.12 Like a gale when angry
5.13 Pure, innocent, idealist and fighter
5.14 Sensitive and compassionate
5.15 The perfect victim of syphilitic people!
5.16 A great, sensitive, open yet gullible heart
5.17 Not a single idiosyncratic tendency/behavior is a result of free
5.18 Projected image/secondary behavior is one thing and primary
behavior is another

5.19 Extremely dutiful

5.20 Clever and vivid
5.21 A special interest for health matters at phase A
5.22 Tendency for ice-cold water
5.23 Phase B: Neurovegetative symptoms
5.24 The vicious circle of Neurovegetative Symptoms
5.25 Tests, doctors, again tests and more doctors!
5.26 Likeable and grateful
5.27 Thirsty for consolation and support
5.28 Fond of Sports and Nature
5.29 Extremely extrovert and social
5.30 Mostly afraid of symptoms per se and not so much afraid of the
disease or death
5.31 Differential Diagnosis from other neurovegetative idiosyncrasies
5.32 Phase C: withdrawal
5.33 The sensitive, hot lover!


This Homeopathic Materia Medica was based on material from two
different phases of my clinical practice.

The first material concerns the hierarchical description of thirteen basic

idiosyncrasies according to a certain scheme. This scheme is not
accidental. It is in agreement with Miasmatic Idiosyncratic
Homeopathy and can be called Hierarchical Miasmatic Idiosyncratic
Scheme. It follows the hierarchical line: Miasmas, Primary/Basic
Passions, Thinking, Emotions and Behavior. For full understanding of the
terms used and their significance one must refer to my other books that
deal with relevant subjects.

The second material originates from lectures on Homeopathic Materia

Medica that I gave to doctors some years afterwards. The aim of these
lectures was to pass to the trainees the main idea, the essence of
every idiosyncrasy, focusing on how an idiosyncrasy is presented to the
doctor in every day clinical practice. During these lectures I speak free,
by memory, without any notes on hand because my concern is not to
make a full and thorough academic presentation but rather to give an
understandable live picture of the idiosyncrasy. A picture that can be
easily assimilated and stay permanently inside the mind and heart of the

At first, I thought of compressing these two different descriptions in

one. But, on second thought, I decided to lay both so as to enable the
reader to see the same thing from two different, yet useful, aspects.
During this layout you will see that some things are said twice, but from


my experience, that is also useful because it stresses the main

characteristics of an idiosyncrasy.

Anything that is said about an idiosyncrasy is only, I repeat only, what I

have confirmed and reconfirmed in clinical practice the last 25 years. I
deliberately omit any bibliographical information that was not confirmed
in my practice even if it was said by great teachers of Homeopathy. We
should not forget that James Tyler Kent, one of these great masters, has
said that There are no authorities in Medicine, only laws and principles.

I also deliberately omitted specific physical symptoms and emphasized on

general physical symptoms and mainly on psychological symptoms in
respect to the Law of Hierarchy, because these are the most important in
Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Homeopathy that I teach and practice. The
language used is at times scientific and other times plain because from
my point of view, homeopathic case taking is a live every day Science
and Art.


Whenever we refer to Homeopathic Materia Medica it is of extreme
importance to bear in mind that there are several different kinds of
Materia Medica. The use and usefulness of each one varies a lot. In fact,
the kind of Homeopathy you practice depends on the kind of Materia
Medica you study and use! Let me remind you an important rule: Results
depend on the means you employ and on how you employ it. Our whole
homeopathic practice and thus therapeutic results, depend on our meansdata (Materia Medica) and on how we employ it (laws and skill).

The first Materia Medica used were those that registered in detail all the
symptoms produced during the Provings of raw materials on healthy
people, i.e. the Proving of Lycopodium. We could call these books as
Materia Medica of Provings.

Then we had that Materia Medica that gathered together Provings of the
same raw material conducted by different researchers, at different times
on different people. The aim was to compare the similarities and
differences of the experimental data. These could be called Comparative
Materia Medica of Provings.

As time passed, another kind of Materia Medica appeared: the ones that
focus on the pathogenesis of the illnesses; on the abnormal mechanisms
that derange normal physiology and produce a line of symptoms. For
instance they track that in Natrum Muriaticum there is an abnormality in
sodium metabolism responsible for a line of symptoms such as dryness
and sensitivity of the skin and mucous, constipation, intense desire or
aversion for salt, etc. These Materia Medica should be named as
Pathogenic Materia Medica.


Only a few great teachers, the first one being James Tyler Kent, have
managed to capture the essence of some idiosyncrasies, that is, their main
idea, the core around which all other peripheral symptoms are orbiting.
This very core is the producer and the beginning of the pathogenesis of
all other psychological and physical symptoms. For example, as concerns
Natrum Muriaticum, its essence is a special kind of psoric introversion
which generates a line of peripheral symptoms concerning its attitude
towards relations, sex, work, family etc. Kents Materia Medica could be
considered a first attempt for an Idiosyncratic Materia Medica although
only a few basic remedies were described in such a way.

Finally, there come those Materia Medica like this one, that try to be
complete and holistic and could be called Miasmatic Idiosyncratic
Materia Medica. They base the description of any remedy firstly on the
miasmatic essence and secondly on the psychological idiosyncratic
essence. These two elements are the top of the pyramid or the centre of
the sphere from which all other psychological and physical symptoms
arise. The effort is not just to lay out symptoms but also to lay them in a
hierarchical order, from above downwards and from centre to periphery.
The hierarchical line as concerns psychological level is Miasmas,
Idiosyncratic Essence, Primary Passions, Thinking, Emotions, Primary
and Secondary Behavior.

For example, we cannot understand and bind together the numerous

psychological and physical symptoms of Natrum Muriaticum if we ignore
the specific psoric essence of this idiosyncrasy and the sycotic mixture
that also has. This miasmatic influence generates and explains a long line
of seemingly unconnected and sometimes dissimilar symptoms like
dryness of mucous, great aversion or great desire for salt, cannot urinate
when others are nearby, introversion, irascibility, constipation, aversion
for consolation, nervous headaches, tendency for dignity, etc.

A very important thing about such a hierarchical Materia Medica is the

discrimination between the Primary and Secondary Behavior of an


idiosyncrasy. We could say that the Primary Behavior is the one and only
genotype of the idiosyncrasy while Secondary Behaviors are the
several phenotypes of this certain idiosyncrasy according to external
factors such as culture, social and financial conditions, gender, family
conditions and past incidents.

We often find that a certain genotype can have two very different, even
seemingly opposite, phenotypes especially when we deal with syphilitic
idiosyncrasies. For example Lachesis can be found either as what seems
to be a sensitive, crying victim or as a cruel, malicious perpetrator.
The one and only genotype is the syphilitic, perverted, dominant behavior
but when we go to the phenotype this idiosyncrasy may disguise itself as
being of a seemingly psoric sensitive behavior.

An experienced homeopathic physician, if trained according to this

Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Materia Medica, can predict the behavior of an
idiosyncrasy, i.e. the behavior of individuals possessed by this
idiosyncrasy, even in specific situations or even in never known before
situations. He can foretell, at a great extent, how a certain person is going
to behave at work, in family, in relations, in politics, etc. Sometimes he
can even predict the words or phrases that he will use and the manner in
which he is going to express himself or the kind of clothes he will have
the tendency to wear, etc.

Furthermore, an experienced doctor if trained in the above way, has

identified and knows the complete picture of an idiosyncrasy not only at
phase B, C and D but also at phase A. Phase A is what seems to be a
normal, balanced and healthy person while phase B is mild and medium
imbalance and disease, phase C is a severe disease state and phase D is
the complete derangement state.

For example it is easy to identify a Phosphorus patient when he is at

phase B and C, that is, when he is diseased and has all those fears about


his health and many physical symptoms. But we can also identify him at
healthy phase A as a normal and healthy person at everyday life only
if we are familiar with his miasmatic and idiosyncratic essence.

It is then and only then, if we take in consideration all the above, that we
can claim to have mastered in our minds the complete picture of a certain
idiosyncrasy. And it is then and only then, that we can develop maximum
therapeutic results at everyday clinical practice.

I thought it a crucial thing to do, to refer to all the above kinds of Materia
Medica so as to make it possible to every homeopathic doctor to have a
clear picture of the landscape of Materia Medica. This is much more
important to the newly trained homeopathic doctor because he comes for
the first time in touch with numerous different kinds of Materia Medica
and numerous so called Masters, Professors and Experts of
Homeopathy. Any homeopathic doctor, who doesnt pay respect to the
Universal Law of Hierarchy and Law of Whole, will be mislead away
from the one and only complete picture of an idiosyncrasy, that is, the
miasmatic idiosyncratic picture.

But even when he employs these laws and even when he has managed to
read and study in depth such a Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Materia Medica,
things are not yet over. This is just the theory and if you dont bind it to
clinical practice you have just theories flowing on the air. He has to
confirm and reconfirm these theories through some years of practice
under the guidance of an experienced homeopathic doctor.

Remember that Medicine is both a Science and an Art. He has to acquire

certain skills and also and most important has to raise himself to the
high moral and spiritual level needed when you deal with such high
and deep knowledge. The more the wisdom you acquire, the more the
better person you become and the better the therapeutic results you
achieve! And that is also a Universal Law, the Law of Truth!



1.1 Psoric and Sycotic Sulphur
1.2 The pessimist, superficial, unconventional philosopher
1.3 Comparison between psoric Sulphur and Lycopodium
1.4 The effect of Idiosyncrasy on Secondary Behavior
1.5 Superficial erudition
1.6 Superficial, pessimistic philosophical tendency
1.7 Psoric introversion and isolation
1.8 Laziness and boredom
1.9 Sycotic Sulphur
1.10 Hot, greasy, dirty and slovenly
1.11 The idiosyncratic diagram of Sulphur
1.12 Hot and sweating
1.13 Redness, acrid sweat, offensiveness
1.14 The dirty, ragged, shallow philosopher
1.15 Slovenly
1.16 Boredom or over-activity
1.17 Stooped and slender or greedy fat
1.18 Psoric Buddha or sycotic gale!
1.19 Introvert; living in the world of his own
1.20 Shallow philosopher
1.21 Crude practical joker
1.22 Neglectful as to his health and indifferent as to little everyday
1.23 The superficial bibliomaniac of the strange and mystery books


Sulphur idiosyncrasy corresponds materially to the homonymous element

of the Periodic Table of Elements. Its a widely spread element in the
Mineral World just as many other materials that are the material basis of
fundamental polychrest idiosyncrasies like Silica(Silicon), Natrum
Muriaticum (Sodium Chlorate, cooking salt), Phosphor, Calcarea
Carbonica (Calcium Carbonate), etc.

1.1 Psoric and Sycotic Sulphur

We have already described Lycopodium, a relative idiosyncrasy of
Sulphur, both belonging to the Intellectual Idiosyncratic Family. So, its
expected to find that they have many similarities and of course some
differences too. The two most important similarities are intellectuality
and psoric vanity.

There are two versions of Sulphur; the psoric version that resembles
Lycopodium and the sycotic version that resembles Medorhinum.

1.2 The pessimist, superficial, unconventional philosopher

Sulphur is a very intellectual idiosyncrasy; he thinks a lot. His thinking is
much more intense and wide than his emotions. He thinks a lot of
himself; he is full of himself. Not in a syphilitic way like Platina but in a
psoric way. Psoric Sulphur is intensely introverted, as much introverted
as Natrum Muriaticum.

The above characteristics explain the fact that Sulphur lives in the world
of his own, especially the psoric version. Both Sulphur and Lycopodium
tend to philosophize a lot but Sulphur is more pessimistic and superficial
while Lycopodium is deeper and better organized in thought.


Psoric Sulphur has that great ability to produce many thoughts, especially
original and new ideas. But his thinking isnt as organized and systematic
as Lycopodiums; his thinking is shallower. Many absent-minded/scatterbrained geniuses have been Sulphur individuals.

Thales of Miletus, one of the seven wise men of Ancient Greece, a great
mathematician and astronomer of his times, must have been a Sulphur
subject. One night he was walking with his head turned up to the stars
absorbed in his scientific and philosophical thoughts. An old female
assistant accompanied him. Suddenly he fell into a hole, was hurt and
started moaning. His nagging old assistant, that must have been a
Lachesis woman, told him: You dont know whats right in front of you;
how on earth, do you want to know whats up in the sky?

Diogenes, the cynical Ancient Greek philosopher, was famous for his
unconventional philosophy and nonconformist way of living. He was
dirty, slovenly and typically scruffy. He used a large clay storage jar as
his house. He used to be very ironic towards his nouveau riche Athenian
fellow citizens that lived a conventional and full of comforts life.

Einstein, that great mathematic genius of modern times has been

described as slovenly, uncombed, unorganized and very absent minded.
At high school he was considered a mediocre. Nevertheless, he managed
to conceive the Relativity Theory, one of the most difficult to
comprehend theories of Physics and Mathematics.

All the above and a great many other geniuses have the typical traits of
Sulphur: slovenly, sometimes even dirty, very intellectual, having a
natural tendency and ability for scientific and especially mathematical
thinking, unconventional behavior, critical tendency towards others and
society, absent-mindedness, tendency to philosophize, living in the world
of their own.


1.3 Comparison between psoric Sulphur and Lycopodium

Sulphur thinks a lot of him; is full of him; even more than Lycopodium
although he doesnt have the latters accomplishments. What do I mean
by that? Let me give you an example: Lycopodium student is very
diligent, attentive, hard working and industrious. He is prone to
systematic reading, keeps detailed notes, listens carefully to his teachers,
organizes his notes and thoughts, compares and even creates charts,
tables, lists, diagrams and graphics. He is the typical good student, the
typical diligent, shy and obedient student.

On the contrary, Sulphur student is slovenly, unorganized and anything

but systematic. He is lazy and easily bored for common things but he can
be very passionate about anything that interests him, like for example
Mathematics and Computers. He may neglect himself as to clothes, food,
company and even recreation only to be absorbed in TV, computer
games, surfing the internet, solving a mathematical equation or inventing
strange and most of the times useless things.

Even then he wont be systematic and organized. His room will be

chaotic, his lab chaotic, his notes chaotic. If he is an excellent student it
will be a result of his genius and not due to hard working.

Moreover, he is never the good kid. Not that he will be a bad boy but
he is a natural when it comes to unconventional behavior, sarcastic
humor, being critical, playing practical jokes to others but not mean ones,
philosophizing and against any authority and strict system of ideals. He
may even declare himself as the rebellion guy or the theoretical mind of
revolution. A sycotic Sulphur is usually very social although introverted
while a psoric Sulphur will be very reserved, living in the world of his
own, in his own philosophical world.


Sulphur is the typical fan of Diogenes cynical philosophy while

Lycopodium is the typical fan of Aristotles Logic. The latter is very
systematical and organized and thats the reason why Aristotle has
written so many bulgy books about all things. His logic has the
disadvantages of any strict not dialectical thinking; it raises unsurpassable
boundaries among ideas and cannot be used to understand the unity of

Sulphur, on the contrary, is the fan of unconventional logic and thinking.

He tends to create new original ideas and theories that overcome
establishment although he doesnt care if these theories have any strong
logical or scientific foundation. His thinking tends to be global, universal
and very philosophical.

He is very fond of subjects like: the creation of Universe, the laws of

Universe, God, the mystery of life, the meaning of life, social laws, the
existence of human being and its origin, existential inquiries, life and
death, psychic phenomena, etc. Anything that involves mystery is a real
attraction to him: metaphysical matters, paranormal matters, the mysteries
of the Universe, alien civilizations, the mysterious Ancient civilizations,
mysteries of the human body, black holes of the Universe, Relativity
Theory, the Theory of Chaos, black magic, meditation, Alternative
Medicine, the mysteries of Pyramids of Egypt, parapsychology, etc.

Lycopodium is usually interested in Classical Psychology or Freudian

Analysis while Sulphur is usually fond of Parapsychology. Lycopodium
is usually interested in Aristotles Philosophy while Sulphur on Diogenes
or Schopenhauer philosophy. Lycopodium will usually be fan of
Democratic Socialism while Sulphur usually loves anarchist Bakunin or
liberal Trotsky.


1.4 The effect of Idiosyncrasy on Secondary Behavior

Ive mentioned all the above as examples of the effect of idiosyncrasy on
Secondary Behavior. Yet, since Secondary Behavior is just a cog in the
machine, things do become a lot diverse and cannot be dealt in an
absolute way. For example, we should never match in an absolute manner
a certain idiosyncrasy with a certain field of knowledge, profession or
ideology. A Sulphur individual could be a fanatic believer or an atheist,
fan of law and order or anarchist, fan of Science or fan of
parapsychology, etc.

Never forget that all these are but Secondary Behaviors, mental patterns,
acquired behaviors, labels. Secondary Behaviors are defined not only
from the persons idiosyncrasy but also from the family he was raised, the
education he received, local culture and past experiences. Thats the
reason why two persons having the same idiosyncrasy tend to have the
same Primary Behavior but may end up in different or even opposite
Secondary Behaviors.

What really counts for us, homeopaths, is what lies beneath the patients
Secondary Behavior. Someone could wonder: How can a Sulphur
individual be fan of Science and another one be fan of Parapsychology?
How can this be possible?

You see, whats common in both cases is the superficial philosophical

tendency. Although Science isnt a superficial field, nevertheless, Sulphur
will find the way to practice it in a superficial way by dealing not with
strict laws but with theories, for example Relativity Theory or Theory of
Chaos, matter and antimatter etc. He will not be the hardworking and
systematical student and lover of Science; he will rather be the one who
claims to know scientific things and likes to refer to impressive scientific
terms, strange natural phenomena and peculiar scientific theories.


He will deal with the same shallow way with Parapsychology. He wont
be the systematical, organized, diligent student. He wont be the believer
that will do regular meditation. He will learn many impressive terms,
develop his own strange theories and will be absolute about his own
ideas. So, as Sulphur is concerned, the common thing in these different
fields, Science and Parapsychology, is the superficial philosophical

1.5 Superficial erudition

Both Sulphur and Lycopodium tend to read many books. But if you come
across Lycopodiums library you will clearly face a very neat and
organized library; clean and tidy; well preserved books; notes and
underlining that show that he has really not only read but also studied
them thoroughly. Sulphurs library will be full of dust, chaotic, torn pages
and half-read books. There will be all kinds of books, weird and
scientific, plane and sophisticated, comics and philosophical ones,
cooking and psychology, cheap novels and Tolstoy, science fiction and
science reviews, etc.

Psoric Sulphur and Lycopodium are fond of documentaries about Nature

and animals, strange scientific discoveries, politics, history and social
matters. They may also like those sophisticated existential pseudointellectual movies with sophisticated titles, slow filming, full of
symbolisms and weird end. On the contrary, sycotic Sulphur will
resemble Medorhinum: fan of football, basketball, silly superficial
comedies, thrillers, adventure movies, action movies and light movies in

1.6 Superficial, pessimistic philosophical tendency

As mentioned, Sulphur thinks a lot of himself; he is full of himself. He
thinks that his I.Q., his cleverness, is above the average; that his
philosophical thinking is original; that he is an expert in some or many
fields; that he knows. Even if he hasnt read about something


systematically yet he feels that he has understood it, that he has grabbed
its main idea, its core, its essence.

Quite often, psoric Sulphur when alone, when driving or when doing
some physical work is absent-minded; he is absorbed in his philosophical
thoughts. Where are we heading as human society? Why do we live?
Who are we? Why is society the way it is? Whats the meaning of life?
Quite often he goes further than that giving his own original solutions to
social problems and human burdens. He builds in his mind the ideal
society according to his own philosophy.

Sycotic Sulphur may wonder about the same things but in a more shallow
way. In addition, he usually expresses his thoughts to others around him.
Whats characteristic is the way he expresses himself; he tends to be
emphatic and often absolute because he knows. He will say: Oh, come
on! Give me a break! Its a fucking damn life! Whats the point? We live
like beasts; we are born, wear off ourselves working from dusk to dawn,
we all hurt one another and in the end we all die and become food for
worms! Whats the point in living?

This is, of course, the way a low class Sulphur will express himself. Let
me point out the way a sophisticated psoric Sulphur will express his
philosophy: All is vanity! All are futile! Vanity is the core of existence.
Death and loss of existence are inevitable! From this pointless existence
arise human suffering and pain

The above two ways of expression differ a lot regarding language usage,
terms and sophistication. In addition, the first is clearly sycotic expression
while the second is definitely psoric expression. Nevertheless, both of
them are characterized by the same superficial and pessimistic
philosophical disposition and thats what makes both correspond to
Sulphur idiosyncrasy.


1.7 Psoric introversion and isolation

Lets see some more aspects of psoric Sulphur. He is very introverted;
even as much as Natrum Muriaticum but in a different way. He isnt
introverted out of extreme tendency for dignity or because he is easily
offended like Natrum Muriaticum. If you ask him why he is introverted
he simply doesnt know and he will sincerely answer to you that he
doesnt know. He will probably say: I dont know! I havent given it
much thought. Ive always been like that!

His introversion isnt a conscious choice; isnt deliberate; isnt the result
of a logical conscious procedure. It has to do with his absent-mindedness;
with him being absorbed to philosophical and existential thoughts. He
simply lives in the world of his own; a philosophical world. Since he
considers himself very clever and since he is mostly a pessimist, why
discuss his personal problems with others? Whats the point? If he cant
solve it himself then nobody else can do that, so whats the point of
expressing it? Moreover, he is strongly convinced that problems and
unhappiness are innate things; they come along with life itself!

This is the kind of introversion that characterizes Sulphur. He doesnt

hide his personal matters, his deep felt matters from other people. Yet, he
doesnt discuss it because he thinks that theres no point in discussing it.
Nothing will come out from such an action. Either because they are
unsolvable by nature or because others just cant help him solve them.

Yet, there is another way of dealing with his problems: not to deal with
them by dealing with other things! Thus, according to his cultural level,
he may employ one of the following attitudes: sit alone and think about
irrelevant things all the time; pottering about at odd jobs or in the garden;
playing computer games, surfing or watching TV for hours and hours;
sleeping all the time; playing chess or backgammon all day long;


employing himself on philosophical discussions, political discussions or

discussions about art or religion all day long.

1.8 Laziness and boredom

Psoric Sulphur often prefers solitude or a small company made up of only
few close friends. Even then, that doesnt mean that he will easily talk
about his deep felt matters. His wife may ask him: Whats the matter
with you? He will probably say: Nothing. Theres nothing wrong with
me I am just a little tired. Natrum Muriaticum avoids answering to
such questions so as not to speak about her personal matters while
Sulphur does not answer because he is not in the mood to talk about it.

Besides, boredom is indeed a very strong trait of Sulphur. Sulphur

students are so easily bored when they have to read most of their lessons.
Sulphur is so bored when he has to take a bath, change clothes or put
things in order. He may even be so bored so as to avoid going out with
close friends. He may just sit and watch TV for hours and hours.

But whenever he occupies himself with things that he is fond of then

nobody can drag him away from it. He is so absorbed and passionate
when solving mathematical equations, playing computer games, surfing
the internet or dealing with peculiar inventions! He doesnt sleep, he
doesnt drink, he doesnt eat and he even avoids going to the toilette!

The Sulphur low class manual worker comes home from work tired. He
doesnt even change his dirty clothes. He takes a beer in one hand, the
remote control in the other and is absorbed watching TV all the time. Its
not that he is absorbed in that specific movie; he may be doing zapping
all the time absorbed in his thoughts or being in a thoughtless state. A
sophisticated Sulphur individual spends many hours reading, writing or
thinking. He forgets to eat, talk to his wife or communicate with his
children. He is all the time in the world of his own.


1.9 Sycotic Sulphur

What about sycotic Sulphur? He doesnt talk about his personal problems
too, but not because he wants to hide things like Natrum Muriaticum. He
resembles psoric Sulphur up to a point. You see, he sees no point in
talking about something that cant be solved or talking to others about
something that is, indeed, his own problem.

Furthermore, he also has the attitude of Medorhinum regarding this field.

Medorhinum thinks that he hasnt got any problems; not that he doesnt
have but because he doesnt consider most problems as real problems. He
is mostly interested in enjoying life and is indifferent in most family
matters, social matters or job matters.

He will say to his nagging wife: Back off woman! Dont bust my balls!
Bring some food on the table and a cold beer and let me watch the game
in peace! Now go go Or he may say to his friends whenever they
are engaged in political or social discussions: Why dont you stop
dealing with crabs/sheet and silly/boring staff? Lets go out to eat, drink
and get laid! Thats what life is about!

Not that he has any problem to talk about his personal matters.
Nevertheless, he wont deal with it deeply and for long. The only thing
that may disturb him is if he doesnt have enough money to be able to
enjoy his life.

Sycotic Sulphur is not a loner like psoric Sulphur. Nor is he so absentminded and living in the world of his own. In fact, he is very social; he
may be the life and the soul of the party; he is so plethoric! He will be the
one telling jokes all the time, even dirty ones or vulgar ones. He is the
one that plays practical jokes to others. He may talk a lot or just wait for
the right moment to pop up a joke or a philosophical idea.


He tends to talk about all things and in addition, he thinks he is an expert

about everything although his knowledge is usually superficial. He is
such a jabberer; such a babbler; a real boaster. Baron Munchausen must
have been a typical sycotic Sulphur individual! Many typical boasting
fishermen or hunters are but sycotic Sulphur subjects.

Sycotic Sulphur has firm opinions about all things. He judges everybody
about everything! That doesnt mean that he wants to be engaged in a
productive and democratic discussion. He is so absolute and definite in
whatever he says! You just cant argue with him because he knows! He
will probably say: Oh please, give me a break, will you! All politicians
are thieves and crooks! The only thing they care about is money and

He is so fond of practical jokes! Not that he does it so as to depreciate

others; his intentions arent bad. He wants the company to have fun and
he will be the one to lead the party! Nevertheless, his jokes arent
sophisticated at all; in fact his manners and jokes may be rude and crude.
His humor may be vulgar, cynical, sarcastic, indiscreet or even silly. On
the contrary, a psoric Sulphur has a very good sense of humor.

Sycotic Sulphur wants to be the life and the soul of the party either in the
tavern, at the coffee shop or cafeteria. He likes eating and drinking,
backgammon and poker, watching football games at TV with his pals,
playing practical jokes to others, talking about politics, fishing, hunting
and boasting about broads.

1.10 Hot, greasy, dirty and slovenly

A great many physical characteristics of sycotic Sulphur are intensely
sycotic, intensely yang. He is one of the hottest idiosyncrasies! He is so
hot, so damn hot as if boiling all the time. He is hot even in winter! You


may see him walking around in freezing weather wearing only a blouse or
shirt or thin jacket yet, most of the times, unbuttoned.

During winter he uses only one blanket, which is as a rule, a thin one.
Even if his bedroom is cold he may get his feet out of the blanket because
he feels them hot and burning. Or he may change place for his feet all the
time in order to find a cooler spot. His head is so hot; his neck is so hot;
he is hot all over from head to toes. No way is he going to put the sheet
all over his head even if its freezing cold around him. Any part of his
body coming in touch with the mattress and pillow becomes hot and
sweating. Often, he wakes up at night changing side or pillow because he
is overheated and sweating.

Pulsatilla and Argentum Nitricum are also hot but not as hot as Sulphur.
They feel very uncomfortable in a hot room especially when windows are
closed. They feel chocking. They feel better in open air, especially if its
fresh and cool. Lachesis is very hot during menopause due to flashes of
heat. She may have been a cold organism but during menopause she
becomes hot in general and suffering from intense and frequent flashes of

Winter is the best time for sycotic Sulphur while summer is hell. Not only
because he is hot but also because he is sweating grade 3; he is soaked
from sweat; he may even be dribbling from sweat especially from the
face. His head is full of sweat; his neck, his armpits, his genitals, his belly
and back, his chest, his hands and feet are full of sweat. At times, in the
summer when he is very hot and sweating especially after physical
exertion you may see vapors of sweat coming out of his blouse towards
his neck! He may even sweat during winter after slight exertion.

His sweat, his urine, his stool and all of his secretions are offensive and
acrid so they may irritate any part of the body they come in contact for
long. His skin chafes easily, especially at the armpits, inguinal area and


around the anus. This acrid sweat may even easily destroy his socks,
shoes or blouses at the area of the armpits. You can consider the
following fact as a reminder: the element Sulphur is acrid and irritating to
the skin and mucous; many vineyard workers when spraying vineyards
with Sulphur dust have intense skin and mucous irritations from the
sulfuric acid produced from mixing Sulphur with water.

As said before, all his secretions are offensive; extremely offensive. His
sweat may smell bad even after hours or even minutes after he had a bath.
His stool and urine smell bad; his gases smell very bad. There are two
strange things when it comes to offensiveness of his secretions. First, he
may not be annoyed from his offensive secretions or even may not realize
that they are offensive! Second, he may be very annoyed even from
slightly offensive secretions of others around him!

On top of all the above his skin and hair are very greasy, very oily. He
takes a bath today and by tomorrow his hair is already greasy. Thats one
possible reason why many Sulphur subjects develop hair falling and
become bold even from early age. If you have a Sulphur young man with
greasy hair he has two choices most of the times. Being very lazy he
doesnt bathe frequently so his hair is oily for too long. All the pollutants
from the atmosphere and dust are diluted into his greasy hair. Moreover
his acrid sweat stays on his skin and hair for too long. All the above affect
chemically the roots of his hair. In addition, breathing of the skin of his
hair is obstructed. Too many reasons in favor of hair falling!

A second choice is frequent bathing with shampoo for greasy hair.

Although Sulphur is usually lazy, a young Sulphur man interested in his
appearance so as to make good impression to the opposite sex isnt a rare
case. You see, motive makes the world go round! So, a Sulphur young
man, being aware of his tendency for greasy hair, bathes very frequently
using strong shampoos that cause dryness to the skin of his head. The
skin reacts to dryness and increases secretion of sebum. This prolonged


hyper secretion weakens sebaceous glands that nourish the roots of hair
and again the result of this vicious circle is hair falling and baldness!

Now, lets put all the discussed characteristics together to complete his
external appearance. He is very hot, his face, lips and ears often are red
and burning, he often wears light clothing, he is covered all over with
sweat, his hair are greasy, his skin is oily and very often he is dirty and
slovenly. He hates washing himself most of the times. His is so bored
when it comes to his appearance and styling so he puts on whatever is
casual and ready to be worn or even worse his taste is kitsch. Put all these
together and you have the typical look of a Sulphur individual! Aint it

You must, of course, take in consideration that this is the typical picture
of a typical low class dirty Sulphur individual. I mean this is the case
where primary behavior and secondary behavior are in match. Nowadays,
culture, education, the media and fashion tend to affect everybody, even
lazy Sulphur subjects. So its not rare to find Sulphur individuals that
tend to take a good care of their external appearance. Profession also may
play a significant role to the latter especially if he happens to be a police
or army officer. But, even then, beneath that perfect and neat look
you will be able to discover that characteristic Sulphur stroke of
slovenliness: his tie may not be straight or may be kirsch as color is
concerned, his shirts end may bulge over his pants and on top of that he
wears two different kinds of socks!

Tidiness and Sulphur are two opposite things! He is so unorganized,

unkempt and slovenly! His room looks as if bombed and his mother is in
constant despair! Pell-mell, higgledy-piggledy, a real mess! There is no
pattern of any classification as his things are concerned. Nevertheless, in
the midst of this chaotic state, most of the times, its easy for him to find
where his things are. So, whenever his mother puts his things in an order
he just cant find anything! A Sulphur young man is most likely to be
very slovenly while adults at work are forced to become a little bit tidier.


Most movements of a sycotic Sulphur subject are sycotic and clumsy.

While eating he will easily get dirty or scatter crumbs all around his seat.
While walking he stumbles at all furniture or hurts himself on every
corner of any furniture! Most of the persons that keep having little
accidents all the time are Sulphur subjects! Accordingly, the behavior of a
sycotic Sulphur subject will be as clumsy and rough as his movements.
Again we must take in consideration the influence of culture and society
that smoothens the edges of such a rough behavior.

He is also sycotic when it comes to his choice of tastes and appetite.

Quite often, he is hungry and eating all the time. He wants quantity but
not quality. He likes strong tastes and variety of tastes. He likes greasy
food, fat, butter and oil. When it comes to meat he prefers those parts that
are rich to fat. He chooses those parts of meat that are full of fat, skin,
bones and cartilages. Thats the reason why he chooses pork instead of
beef and chicken leg instead of chicken breast!

He likes fat grade 3; that is, he even enjoys boiled fatty food and not only
roasted; he even likes boiled skin instead of grilled. He thinks that any
part of meat that hasnt enough juicy fat on it isnt tasty. Being sycotic, he
also likes other strong tastes like pepper, salt, spicy food, sauces,
seasonings, sweet, etc, like Medorhinum does.

Skin and peptic system are the two main fields that cause a lot of
suffering to him. He often has skin problems like eczema, psoriasis,
itching, acne, boils and several kinds of rushes. He is usually bloated and
full of gases and has enough retching and gargling. Anything he eats is
turned into gases. You may find Sulphur being dyspeptic or he may tell
you I can digest anything! He is so greedy! Food is one of his top
enjoyments. He lives so as to eat! He definitely doesnt eat so as to live!


1.11 The idiosyncratic diagram of Sulphur

Raw Material:
The element Sulphur of the Periodic Table of Elements

Psoric Sulphur is very psoric as to ideas and expression. His physical
characteristics and symptoms are also psoric. Sycotic Sulphur tends to be
introvert and psoric as to ideas but his expression and his physical
characteristics and symptoms are intensely sycotic.

Basic Passions:
Psoric Vanity: he thinks a lot of himself and considers himself as versed
in many fields, although he usually has superficial knowledge of things.
He strongly believes that he has understood the essence of all things
and how all things in Universe function. His philosophical ideas are
usually superficial, pessimistic and unconventional.

The dirty, rugged, slovenly, psoric/sycotic, introvert, bubbler, pessimistic
and superficial philosopher

a. Psychic Evolution:
Being a very intellectual person he is greatly related to Intellectual
Psyche. His Individual Will is greatly influenced by his External Will
especially the one that has to do with Ideological Systems. His intense
philosophical tendency and his great curiosity tend to lead him towards
Universal Laws and Truth but still his knowledge tends to be superficial


and egoistic. His psoric vanity and his attachment to ideological systems
keep him away from true knowledge and true psychic evolution.

b. Influences:
Psoric vanity, introversion and pessimism; he is very much influenced by
Intellectual Thinking Stimuli like abstract and philosophical ideas.

Stressful Conditions:
Whenever he is forced to deal with things that make him feel bored, when
they force him to get over his boredom and laziness, heat and hunger, too
much tidiness and programming, a strict schedule, when others distract
him from his obsessions like watching TV, surfing the internet, playing
computer games, dealing with inventions, etc

c. General Characteristics of his Mental Functions:

Psoric Sulphur is characterized by slow thinking which is fixed to certain
philosophical matters. He is usually a dreamer, all the time thinking how
the World should be and ends up in living in the world of his own.
Sycotic Sulphur is characterized by superficial thinking and although
shallow he tends to be stubborn and absolute as to his ideas.

d. Mental Patterns:
His mind is fixed on unconventional, strange and pessimistic fields of
knowledge usually of a great variety and at times of opposite kind; for
example Science-Metaphysics, fan of the State-Anarchy, etc. His usual
themes are: Relativity Theory, black holes of the Universe, the meaning
of life, the existence of God, why should there be boundaries among
nations, how does the injection system of a car functions, etc. With
whatever he deals he seems to be fanatic and stubborn but not because he
is a fanatic believer but because of his psoric vanity. He is proud of


himself that he knows so many things and often he shows off to others
boasting about his genius mind.

A very frequent idiosyncrasy especially among men although not rare
among women; extremely frequent among low class and fringe
individuals, dreamers, philosophers, unconventional artists

The general mood of psoric Sulphur is often melancholic and pessimistic;
he often feels tired and bored. Sycotic Sulphur is characterized by
superficial joy in the sense that he is always joking, teasing others and
tends to be the heart and soul of the party all the time wanting to have
fun. Being very intellectual and shallow he isnt characterized by intense
Intellectual Emotional Charge. Nevertheless, he tends to be more
emotional than Lycopodium because he is less rational and less

Most of his emotions are Intellectual Emotions while sycotic Sulphur

tends to have also a lot of Physical Sensations in the sense of physical
urges and desires. Intellectual Emotions of psoric Sulphur are controlled,
sincere and idealized while those of sycotic Sulphur are shallow and
changing all the time. Psoric Sulphur often feels melancholy, pessimism
and not easily expressed vanity. Sycotic Sulphur often feels superficial
fleeting joy, superficial anger and vanity that is expressed in the form of

Primary Behavior of psoric Sulphur is controlled, sincere with attachment
to mental patterns and tendency to become a Don Quixote. He is very
introvert and often slightly shy. But what greatly characterizes him is that


he is a dreamer living in the world of his own, i.e. a strange philosophical

world. On the other hand, Primary Behavior of sycotic Sulphur is
characterized by vulgar materialism, tendency for physical enjoyments
and fun of a lower level; he tends to be boasting, vulgar and always
teasing others.

Both psoric and sycotic Sulphur tend to be unconventional and

nonconformists rejecting established behavior and opposing to it. So they
both react to good manners, descent clothing and refined manners.
They tend to adopt unconventional and even rough manners even feeling
proud about it. They also tend to be sarcastic and critical towards
established social institutions, established ideologies and conventional

Usual Adopted Behaviors:

Religious or atheist after much philosophical thinking, fan of
esotericism, pessimistic philosopher, the theoretical mind of an
unconventional ideology, theoretical anarchist, fringe person,
avant-garde unconventional artist, funny guy, practical joker,
unconventional, nonconformist rebellion, the crazy but not villain
scientist introducing strange ideas and peculiar and not always practical
inventions, absent-minded philosopher, absent-minded scientist,
politically aware citizen, the Don Quixote, alternative doctor, scientist,
teacher or artist, theoretical fringe ecologist, lazy/easily bored
student, slovenly guy, fan of superficial fun, fan of football
boasting all the time of his knowledge on the theme, obsessive fan of
computer games/TV/Internet, rag picker, the philosopher alcoholic,
loner philosopher, boasting hunter/fisherman, bubbler, etc.

External Appearance:


Hot, with red face/ears, sweating all over, offensive, greasy hair, oily
skin, slovenly, unkempt, clumsy, unconventional outfits, shy and
reserved behavior(psoric Sulphur), rough and vulgar behavior(sycotic

Frequent Physical Predispositions:

Acne, asthma, morning diarrhea, eczema, psoriasis, gastritis, colitis,
conjunctivitis, hemorrhoids, chronic headaches, allergies, obesity, boils

Frequent Psychological Predispositions:

Melancholy, Alcoholism, Hashish abuser

Relative Idiosyncrasies:
Psoric Sulphur: Lycopodium,
Graphites, Psorinum




Sycotic Sulphur: Medorhinum, Phosphor


Sulphur is one of the most basic and frequent homeopathic idiosyncrasies

especially frequent in men than in woman. Sulphur idiosyncrasy
corresponds to the homonymous homeopathic medicine prepared from
the element Sulphur of the Periodic Table of Elements. We will begin our
analysis from his physical traits that are very characteristic and then
continue with the analysis of his mental sphere which is the prevailing


1.12 Hot and sweating

Sulphur is one of the hottest idiosyncrasies; he is hot grade 3; he is
literary boiling! Have you ever seen those red hot sweating individuals
with few clothes even in winter? Theres a great chance they are Sulphur

Sulphur is sweating especially at the area of face, neck and armpits. He is

literary dripping with sweat. Wherever his body touches the mattress, the
sheets or the pillow, they become soaked. No wonder he wakes up at
night to change place on the mattress or turn his pillow upside down!
Whenever doing physical work he can take off his blouse, squeeze it and
let the sweat run down! He also sweats a lot at the area of feet, genitals
and anus. At times in the summer after physical exertion, vapor comes
out of the upper part of his blouse! He is boiling and steaming!

During winter he will go out wearing only a blouse or a light jacket and
his mother or wife will run after him shouting: Oh God! Youll catch a
terrible cold! Youll get pneumonia, for Gods sake! Even in winter,
even if the heater is off and the bedroom is cold, still he needs only light
coverings. He may even want to have his feet out of the blankets because
they are hot and sweating. Sometimes he doesnt get it out but still he
changes place all the time in order to find cool areas inside the sheets.
Needless to say that he hates putting his head under the blankets. Often,
he is hotter at his extremities and less hot at the trunk area, so he may
cover his trunk and expose his extremities.

When I say that feet out of the blankets grade 3 is a strong trait of
Sulphur this refers only to healthy individuals acting like that in a cold
room in winter. It dont mean in a hot bedroom in winter on in a hot
bedroom in summer. Nor do I refer to a person who is cold in general but
his feet are burning due to phlebitis! It has to be an idiosyncratic
characteristic and not a symptom of physical disease.


If we examine things superficially or dont differentiate in Homeopathic

Diagnosis, then we end up doing great mistakes. Let me give you another
example. Lachesis may have an aversion for clothing and coverings
because she cant stand anything pressing her especially at the area of
throat, chest and belly. She may also feel chocking in a room because she
likes fresh air. She may also have intense flashes during menopause. All
the above have nothing to do with Sulphurs hot 3 state.

Sulphur feels chocking in a hot room due to high temperature. His bodys
air condition system is so weak that he cant cope even with ordinary
conditions, not to mention extreme ones. Heat disturbs him physically as
well as mentally; he feels stupefied; his mind cant work properly at high
temperatures. Pulsatilla, Argentum Nitricum and at times Lachesis also
feel chocking in a hot room. Pulsatilla adores open air; it improves all her
physical symptoms and even her psychology. During winter she may
wear heavy clothing or sleep well covered but still wants the windows
open to breathe fresh cool air or else she is chocking.

Sulphur feels terrible in a hot room but he is not so much crazy about
fresh air like Pulsatilla or Argentum Nitricum. Belladonna is also a very
hot idiosyncrasy. In fact she has all the elements of inflammation at their
highest degree: heat, redness, swelling, congestion and pain.

1.13 Redness, acrid sweat, offensiveness

Sulphur, apart from being hot in general, has that natural redness of face;
this is of course very much increased if theres any inflammation of the
skin of his face but you can also see that whenever he drinks alcohol.
Dont forget that Sulphur idiosyncrasy corresponds to the element
Sulphur. Have any of you experience inflammation of the skin and eye
mucous from spraying Sulphur dust to vineyards? Extreme redness of the
skin and mucous, congestion, and burning sensation, all relieved from
cold water or cold bath. Sulphur often has itching all over after bath,
especially after a hot bath.


His sweat apart from being copious is also acrid and irritating to the skin
thus, he can easily develop friction burnings especially at the armpits area
or between thighs. Dont confuse this with the friction burnings between
thighs that fat people develop due to friction of the skin. If he doesnt
bathe for more than two or three days he may develop itching of the scalp
or anus due to acrid sweat or acrid stool. Leucorrhea of a Sulphur woman
is also acrid and may inflame the area of external genitals.

His white underwear may turn into slightly yellow ones especially at the
area of the armpits due to acrid sweat in the summer. His socks and the
inside of his shoes become easily dirty and are worn out quite quickly for
the same reason. A male Sulphur person often develops white salty
depositions at the hair of his armpits during summer due to salty sweat
and lack of frequent washing.

His offensive sweat can often be detected on entering the room especially
if he neglects body sanitation. You can also feel that with Arsenicum,
Psorinum and Graphites subjects. All bodily secretions of Sulphur are
copious, offensive and acrid, i.e. sweat, urine, stool, etc. A strange
characteristic of him is that although his sweat is offensive quite often he
doesnt realize it. In addition, any slightly offensive smell of others is
easily detectable by him, annoying him greatly.

1.13 The dirty, ragged, shallow philosopher

If you put all the above characteristics together then youll have the
picture of the dirty, rugged philosopher as Kent named Sulphur. He
will have an aversion to wash himself; he will buy and wear any kind of
outfits irrelevant of fashion, even kitsch ones, because fashion isnt
something important for him.


Let me remind you of Einsteins look: always in need of a haircut, never

combed and with a plethoric unkempt moustache. His biographers say
that at times he bought a dozen similar costumes so as not to bother
choose what to wear every day! He just opened his closet and wore
anything that was just facing him. An army officer affected by Sulphur
idiosyncrasy is forced to be neat and clean, nevertheless, a small detail
will always reveal his primary tendency: a kitsch tie, a shirt that doesnt
match his pants, socks of different color, greasy unwashed hair, etc. His
hair is greasy and his skin oily. He has to wash his hair almost every day
in order not to have that greasy look.

So lets build up that typical sulphuric picture: on entering the office an

offensive odor permeates the room, hot and red face, sweating, greasy
hair and face, light outfits, uncombed, unshaven, out of fashion, slovenly,
usually fat, protruding belly, dirty and ragged well thats a typical
picture of sycotic Sulphur!

But you have to be very careful because cultural factors and good
manners may change this picture a lot. You still have the same genotype,
the same primary behavior but the phenotype, i.e. the secondary behavior
may even be dramatically altered. For example, a Sulphur lawyer, doctor,
army officer, businessman or politician cant afford being dirty and

He is aware of his offensive sweat and greasy skin and hair so if he wants
to be socially accepted and successful he must wash himself every day,
like it or not. Yet, most of the times its going to be a quick sloppy
shower and a quick unsophisticated outfit.

You must take in consideration that this typical appearance regards the
most common type of sulphuric appearance, that is, sycotic appearance.
Psoric Sulphur is less hot, even slightly cold at times, with dry skin,
slender and sometimes slightly stooped. If you arent aware of miasmatic


theory and not acquainted with Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Materia Medica,

such things will seem as troubling inconsistencies to your mind. But, in
reality, they arent but versions of the same idiosyncrasy.

1.14 Slovenly
You may also come up with a Sulphur army officer who seems to be or is
very tidy and you may confuse him for a Nux Vomica subject. But in
such a case the motive plays the most important role and can clarify
things. Nux Vomica is tidy per se; is tidy physically because she is tidy
mentally; she is the typical tidy person as a whole. Sulphur may have
become tidy forced by his job or for practical reasons; in order to do the
job, in order to cope with plenty of work.

Under normal conditions Sulphur is very slovenly. He can turn a tidy

room, office or kitchen into a mess in a couple of minutes. Strangely
enough when its his chaotic room we are talking about, then he can find
things quite easily. You see its his own chaos and there seems to be an
order of his own in it! (laughing) If his mother, his wife or the maid turns
this room from chaotic to a tidy one then he will be unable to find
anything. She has spoiled his chaotic tidiness. Nevertheless, at times,
he has that rare fits of tidiness during which he will try to put all things
in order but its usually a short fit, a temporary one and in a couple of
minutes or hours, things are back to normal.

I have a friend who is a typical slovenly Sulphur person. If you are

around when he is cooking youll never forget Sulphur! He doesnt have
any rubbish bin; instead, he hangs a plastic bag by the knob of the kitchen
cupboard and puts there all garbage. Dirty fluids run down from the
bottom of the bag or splash the external surface of the cupboard almost
one meter around the bag. He uses countless plates and kitchen tools all at
the same time. He puts the spoon with which he tasted the food on the
dirty kitchen bench making it dirtier. A towel is at the same time used to
clean the oils from the kitchen bench and at the same time for the drying


of his washed clean hands. Finally, anything that fells on the floor stays
there for hours or days. Theres water, oil and dirt all over the place!

He once told me that when student he lived with a friend of his in a flat in
Italy. The kitchen sink had a league and dirty fluids were running down to
the floor of the cupboard and then to the floor of the kitchen. Every day
this creek of filth was approaching the carpet of the living room and
instead of cleaning up and fixing the sink they rolled the carpet more and
more in order not to get dirty! Another sulphuric friend of mine, when we
were living at a students residence hall used to take off his underwear
every night before sleep, turned them inside out and next morning
reversed it and wore it again as if clean. This procedure went on for days
and days!

Many of the dirty, rugged, homeless people arent dirty and rugged due to
conditions only but also due to their sulphuric idiosyncrasy. Its a matter
of attitude and philosophy. Many dirty, rugged monks are so because of
their sulphuric idiosyncrasy and not because they depreciate the body
and because they act against the needs of the flesh. The majority of
Bohemian poets, nave painters and unconventional artists are Sulphur

Sulphur kids and even grownups easily get dirty when eating anything;
oil spills on their clothes, crumbs of food all around the table and on the
floor all around them. They dont do it on purpose; they just cant help it.
Even if they try to avoid it, still, end up getting dirty. Some of them, the
low-class ones, may even find it very handy to mop their dirty hands, lips
or running nose on their sleeves.

1.15 Boredom or over-activity

When it comes to pace of activity you will often come up with two
opposite versions. The most common version is boredom and laziness. He


wont even raise his hand to grab something. He is so absorbed in

TV/Computer games/Internet that he wont take off his jacket even if he
is hot; he wont drink water even if he is thirsty; wont eat even if he is
hungry; wont go to the toilette even if he is ready for it. He will say:
Mum brink me some water!

Often, when left without activity, Sulphur sinks into boredom and even
an almost stupefaction state. He is usually a bright boy, a clever boy and
most of the times he is a good student. Not because he reads a lot but
because he can easily understand the essence and the general picture of
things. Yet, his books and exercise books are in a mess; torn, folded,
dirty, full of drawings, etc. He may put into his school bag the ham and
tomato sandwich together with his books, all becoming pink from the
tomato juice!

Nevertheless, although easily bored, whenever he deals with the few

specific things that he is fond of, he is so active and absorbed and even
productive. He may watch TV or surf the web for hours and hours; he
may play computer games non-stop, again and again. He may grab his
bicycle or motorbike and dismantle it to little pieces. Then full of grease,
from head to toe, he will assemble it but still some screws will be left
apart as if not needed!

If he likes gardening then he may dig and plant for hours and hours
forgetting wife, kids and friends; even forgetting to eat or drink. If he
likes fishing he will be sunburned sitting for hours even if doesnt catch
any fish.

He so much lives in the world of his own; he likes to think and to

philosophize with himself; he hates dealing with every day little matters;
they seem so worthless and so boring to him. Tidiness and program is
definitely not his field! Give him philosophy, politics, discussions,


cultural discussions, mysteries, etc and he wont be bored at all; he will

become enthusiastic and alive!

But then you may see a Sulphur subject being over active in general;
never stopping for a minute, always doing something, always occupying
himself. He may be a businessman working all day long. He may come
home from work and wont sit still for a minute; will do gardening,
cooking, handy jobs, etc. Psoric Sulphur is usually lazy and easily bored
while sycotic Sulphur will often be over active.

1.16 Stooped and slender or greedy fat

Sycotic Sulphur is usually greedy and fat or at least with a round
protruding belly. Psoric Sulphur, on the other hand, is usually slender and
stooped. Think of a fanatic believer monk, eating only enough to survive,
always praying and reserved and pale, slender and stooped, bones clearly
protruding from his body that has almost non existing muscles. This is
psoric Sulphur. On the other hand, think of a red faced, chubby monk,
greasy, greedy, fan of wine and joking and fun. This is sycotic Sulphur.

Psoric Sulphur eats in order to live; Sycotic Sulphur lives for the sake of
eating! He is so pleased from eating; his best orgasms come from the
tongue and stomach. He wants strong tastes, fatty rich food and spicy
food, plenty of food. He wont stop eating unless food is up to his throat
and his belly is distended.

He so much enjoys fat and fatty rich food! He not only enjoys roasted or
fried meat or barbeque; he even likes boiled fatty food, for example the
boiled skin of chicken. Nothing tastes good if it doesnt have enough
juicy fat in it is his motto! He will definitely choose leg or wings instead
of chicken breast. He will prefer anything that has fat, skin, tendons,
cartilages and bones and will lick all bones living nothing for the dog
except pure hard bone. So he craves fat grade 3.


But, please, be careful! If you have a Sulphur patient that is on strict diet
due to a severe heart disease you may ask him about desire for fatty food
and may say No! That doesnt mean that he doesnt like it; it means
that he doesnt eat it because he was forbidden to. Whenever we ask
about any taste or food we should always make it clear for our patient that
we ask about his desire and not about anything else.

Sulphur usually sleeps on his back and often with his hands stretched near
his ears or behind his head and legs spread apart. Its not an accidental
position; most of the times it has to do with his aversion towards heat.
You see, this is the most cooling position helping his sweat vaporize and
cool him and having no part of his body touching another. If a hot part
touches another hot part then heat and sweat are multiplied! Sometimes
sycotic Sulphur subjects like to sleep on the abdomen just like sycotic

He often enjoys cold water from the fridge even in winter and this is due
to his sensitivity towards heat. The minute he drinks a glass of water,
especially if its ice-cold, he gets it out of his system in sweat. The same
happens instantly if he drinks something hot or eats hot food. In the
summertime he is desperate; he drinks cold water to cool his organism
and then immediately he is soaking from sweat. If he is somewhere hot
and with no wind and drink cold water then he may be refreshed for
minutes or seconds and then again he is hot, again drinking cold water
until his stomach is full of water complaining of distention.

Phosphor, on the other hand, enjoys drinking ice-cold water from the
fridge even in winter because thats the only way he can quench his thirst.
He just cant drink water with normal temperature. Its as if someone is
drinking beer that wasnt in the fridge! A boy Phosphor steels ice cubes
from the fridge to let it melt in his mouth like water ice and his mother is
after him threatening him and shouting at him: Stop it! Youll get sick!
If Phosphor lives at a cold place then during winter he may not drink


water from the fridge. But even then he will live the tab open until icecold water comes in from the pipes out of the house! Only then he will
enjoy it and quench his thirst!

1.17 Psoric Buddha or sycotic gale!

There are also two versions of Sulphur regarding his irritability. He may
be a psoric Buddha or a sycotic gale! Psoric Sulphur will say that he is
calm and indeed he is. If his wife is a plethoric, irritable Lachesis then she
will often tell you: Holly Jesus, doctor! I try to make him angry and I get
nothing! This man is a stupefied cow! He never gets angry! I say to him:
be a man for a change! Let the beast get out of you and get angry at least
once! Well, nothing happens! The other day our naughty boy sculptured
his name on our precious dining room table. I told my husband: Go and
yell to him and punish him! He said Yes, yes and by the time he
managed to get off the chair our boy was off to Australia!

Dont think that Sulphur is really a Buddha. He seems calm and most
times he really is but only because of boredom. Or only because he
considers all every day little matters as not important while most wives
deal a lot on every day little matters. Whenever his wife puts forward any
subject demanding solution Sulphur may say: You handle it my dear I
am so tired from work! Its like the joke where any time a man wants to
get laid his wife tells him: Sorry dear, Ive got a headache! (laughing)

Psoric Sulphur, as mentioned, lives in the world of his own, absentminded and absorbed in philosophical matters. He usually takes things as
they come. All those things that a domineering, overprotective Lachesis
housewife considers important matters, simply dont count for him. Yet, a
psoric Sulphur may say at times that he does get angry. Nevertheless,
what he really means is that he restrains his irritability lots of times and
then there comes a rare time when he bursts intensely. But, that is a rare
incident not characteristic of the person. You may also find a psoric
Sulphur that easily gets angry but like a coward Lycopodium keeps his
anger for himself never expressing it for fear of consequences.


On the contrary, sycotic Sulphur resembles Medorhinum as to his

irritability. He may not get easily angry but when he does then he
expresses himself intensely and furiously; but then after some minutes he
is totally off, the anger is over and things get back to normal. Theres also
another version: he becomes easily angry and express it easily like a
Phosphor but then he overcomes it very easily.

Apart from being slovenly, Sulphur is quite often very clumsy; he walks
and stumbles all the time. Any chair or furniture found in front of him
may be pushed or turned over. He is so careless that he breaks vases,
glasses, plates, etc. He may be a moving disaster. While eating his clothes
become dirty. His handy work is anything but perfect! If a painter or a
sculptor, he will prefer modern art so as not to follow any strict forms that
demand precision and accuracy.

1.18 Introvert; living in the world of his own

Both, sycotic and psoric Sulphur, are intensely introvert, especially the
latter one; they are introvert grade 3 or at least grade 2. Natrum
Muriaticum is introvert because she doesnt want others to know anything
about her personal problems, about her deep felt matters. She wants to
sustain a dignified image towards others and society; its a psoric egoism.

Sycotic Sulphur on the other hand is introvert because he thinks that there
is no point in talking about his personal matters since he considers them,
most of the times, as not important. Furthermore, he is very optimistic.
He will say: Let it be! We have to accept all things and take things as
they come; come, what may! Even if he has a personal problem that he
considers important, nevertheless, he thinks that theres no point in
discussing it since only he can give solutions to his problems and not


Psoric Sulphur is introvert because he is pessimistic. He believes that all

is vanity. He keeps philosophizing saying to himself that nothing is
really important in the process of a vain lifetime.

Psorinum is a really pessimistic idiosyncrasy; deeply psoric and deeply

pessimistic. He is pessimism personified! He sees no light in anything.
All are doomed; everything is black. His job is a failure; his personal life
is hopeless; even his beloved ones dont give him any joy at all. He
knows that he loves them but that is something strictly intellectual; his
emotions are flat, zero, non-existing; his e-motions are not in any motion;
they are still, flat!

Dont confuse this characteristic of Psorinum with Aurum. Aurum

Metallicum is deeply hurt. Her emotions are in turmoil. She isnt flat. She
accuses herself of everything and feels guilty; she feels that she did all
things wrong and being in despair she wants to commit suicide and often
she really does! Yet she isnt flat as to her emotions while Psorinums
emotions are flat.

So, psoric Sulphur seems introvert and is introvert indeed. Sycotic

Sulphur seems to be extrovert because he is so expressive and talking and
joking all the time and loves company and fuss but when it comes to his
personal problems he simply doesnt open his mouth. He may even tell
you: Even if I speak about it, so what, doctor! Will anything change? So
why talk about it?

If his wife is an extrovert, plethoric idiosyncrasy, for example Pulsatilla,

she may tell you: Oh doctor, he is so introvert; he doesnt speak at all
about himself. We are a loving couple, we have kids, we are a loving
family, nevertheless, he never wants to talk about us, about our family; he
never expresses his feelings; not a word comes out of his mouth as to his
deep felt matters. When I push him to talk, he always says: Theres


nothing to talk about; even if I talk, will anything change? I am tired; lets
change subject!

If his wife is a Lachesis woman interfering in all things and wanting to

control everything she will say to you: Oh doctor! You cant get
anything out of him! He is a fish, a speechless cow! What kind of a
creature is this? If Sulphur is not educated then he may not want to talk
about every day matters because he is afraid of becoming embarrassed
and so he becomes reserved and unsocial.

1.19 Shallow philosopher

Psoric Sulphur has a strange kind of pessimism; its not an emotional
pessimism; its rather an intellectual and shallow philosophical
pessimism. He may say: Oh come on, everybody is sold for money;
politicians, doctors, everybody, We are alive! So what? Whats life
other than a constant vain fight? We are born, work like animals and in
the end we are eaten by worms and thats it! End of story! If this was an
emotional pessimism and the person who said that really felt it as an
emotion he could have committed suicide like an Aurum Metallicum but
Sulphur isnt that way. He is just philosophizing without much emotional

If he is a sycotic Sulphur person then his secondary behavior is usually

optimistic. Nevertheless, be his secondary behavior pessimistic or
optimistic the important thing is that they both have the same primary
behavior. Both psoric and sycotic Sulphur have one common thing: their
shallow philosophical disposition. This disposition originates from a
natural curiosity about how all things work; about the mechanism
involved. Thus, he is interested in how a toaster works up to how
Universe and God works!


He will often ask you: Whats Homeopathy doctor? How does it work?
If he is a boy receiving a bicycle as a present he may ask himself the
same thing: How does this thing work? Then he will take the
screwdriver and dismantle it to satisfy his curiosity. So, every time
something happens to him either regarding his family, his affair, his job
or society he is always philosophizing about how things work.

1.20 Crude practical joker

Sulphur, especially sycotic Sulphur, is a teaser, a practical joker, a
humorist. Psoric Sulphur will be a normal teaser, a sarcastic one but still
within boundaries and even rather shy. Sycotic Sulphur is a crude
practical joker, most times a good one but at times not.

Anacardium will do the mean, ironic, spiteful practical joke or humor that
will embarrass his victim or humiliate it and he will enjoy it proving to
himself and others that he is the smartest of all! He will be the boy who
stepped deliberately on the cats tale only to listen to her scream and
laugh at her. He will also be the boy who tripped up his grandpa and burst
into laughter as the latter fell down breaking his leg. His mother will say:
Oh my God, the Devil got into him!

But this is the villain version of Anacardium, the syphilitic version, the
one that has almost no contact with his moral conscience. This version is
a very extreme one; he will do something bad without remorse and guilt
only to confirm to him that he is the one, that he is the smartest. The
psoric version of Anacardium is pretty much tortured because he is
squeezed between too wills, the villain one (external will) and the
good one (internal will/conscience). Thats the reason why he feels as if
having inside him an evil demon and an angel fighting all the time about
who is going to prevail.


Sycotic Sulphur may do quite crude practical jokes but then he hasnt got
any mean intention. He may become a bit vulgar or insensitive due to his
crude disposition for fun. He may also sincerely apologize if he has hurt
someone. He will say: Sorry pal, I didnt know that it would hurt you so
much but still you have to admit that it was funny wasnt it?

A sycotic Sulphur kid may insert his finger in his nose, take out that
green thick staff and place it on the blouse of the boy sitting on the desk
in front of him just for fun! Or a grownup may come to your marriage
and interrupt the ceremony only to ask his groom friend loudly in front of
the audience: Are you sure you dont want to reconsider before saying I

He may also say crude dirty jokes to people that he first meets at social
gatherings even if they are elderly or very conservative. I have a sycotic
Sulphur patient that every time he comes in my office he will start with a
crude, long, dirty joke although he was late at his appointment and people
are impatiently waiting at the hall. Yet, he is lovable!

Phosphor is also very humorist and the heart and soul of any party or
gathering. His humor is more refined and polite than Sulphurs and his
intention is very positive and sincere. He wants to make others feel better
and really have fun.

Lycopodium is not a successful humorist most of the times. His jokes are
very sophisticated and intellectual and the way he says them is so psoric
and shy that no laugh is produced. He will even try to explain his jokes
immediately after saying them. It reminds me of the sophisticated
intellectual jokes of Woody Allen! Medorhinums jokes and practical
jokes resemble the ones of sycotic Sulphur but not as successful as the


1.21 Neglectful as to his health and indifferent as to little everyday

Sulphur, especially the sycotic version, usually, isnt afraid about his
health just like Medorhinum. The latter feels so strong physically and so
tough psychologically so why afraid of something bad? Sulphur, on the
other hand, isnt afraid about his health because he has done a lot of
philosophizing about life and death. Sycotic Sulphur and Medorhinum are
also neglectful as to their health. They must be forced by others or by
their problems in order to consult a doctor. They are both very unwilling
when it comes to tests, strict diets, complex medications, etc.

On the contrary, a psoric Sulphur subject, when adopting a certain

philosophy and ideology may deal with his health, employ healthy
nutrition, meditation techniques, alternative treatments, herbs,
acupuncture and such staff.

I have a patient around 45 years old. He imports Indian clothing,

accessories and such things. He lives a bohemian life. When its winter in
Greece he goes to Thailand because its summer over there. He lives in a
shack, enjoys the sea and sun, practices yoga and meditation, is dirty and
slovenly, eats healthy and philosophizes. Then when summer starts in
Greece he comes back going from island to island selling Indian clothes
and accessories again living in an unconventional way.

Sulphur, especially sycotic Sulphur, isnt only neglectful as to his health;

he is also neglectful as to his clothing, his diet, his car, his house and his
belongings. You may see a carpenter who is good at his job to live in a
house where wooden furniture are a wreck. His wife keeps nagging: For
Gods sake, you are a carpenter and the door of our house is ready to fall
apart! What will people say about it? Ok, ok, I will do it tomorrow! he
replies. Yet, his wife knows that, that tomorrow will never come!


You may, of course, come up with a Sulphur subject that is very scared
when he is told that he has a severe disease. But, most of the times after a
while he philosophizes and overcomes fear. He will say: What can a
man do, doctor? We are all going to die after all! What now, what

1.22 The superficial bibliomaniac of the strange and mystery books

Quite often he likes reading books a lot. Yet, there are distinct differences
between Sulphur and the other great bibliomaniac, i.e. Lycopodium.
Lycopodium likes to read cultured and sophisticated books, essays,
dissertations, thesis and scientific reviews. He will be the systematic and
thorough reader. He wants to know many new things not so out of
curiosity but because he wants to build his intellectual image towards

He is dying to lecture to others about what he knows displaying strong

arguments, solid proofs, bibliography, results from scientific research,
references, footnotes, quotations, etc. He is fan of rational thinking, of
logic and scientific methodology.

It doesnt matter what his subject is or if he really believes in it. He may

be a fan of Ancient Greek civilization, a Christian, a Buddhist or an
atheist. What really matters is that he is a systematic and thorough reader
and lecturer fond of detailed notes, diagrams, charts, graphics, displays,
statistics, etc.

Sulphur, on the other hand, has no respect for methodology or books. He

will spill food on any book while reading it, may damage its cover, read
first the end and then the beginning and some scattered paragraphs. Then
he is going to lecture you on what he has read without strong arguments
or references but still with absoluteness as if he knows all things whether
against or for the author.


If he is a student he may only read the most possible themes that can be
included at a test and usually he does well because he is smart. He will
never do systematic reading. He is too lazy for such a thing.

Still, he is very good at producing original, unconventional and liberal

ideas; it may, of course, be impossible for him or others to apply them in
everyday life but still, they are original. Many poor inventers that invent
peculiar machines of worthless practical use are in fact, Sulphur

He is so fond of mysteries! He will read about the Bermuda Triangle,

Egyptian Pyramids, aliens, black holes of the Universe, scientific
discoveries, detective novels, science fiction, holly books, metaphysical
books, etc. He also enjoys documentaries about strange animals and
mysteries of Nature, adventures, comedies, satire and several light staff.
Lycopodium, on the other hand, will prefer that cultured sophisticated
European movies with slow filming done by that cult director or that
cult underground non commercial actor.





2.1 Constant flow of ideas with inadequate filtering
2.2 Obsessive ideas in the form of What if?
2.3 Obsessive Behavior
2.4 Idiosyncratic Diagram of Argentum Nitricum

2.5 General physical characteristics similar to Sulphur
2.6 Desire sweets grade 3
2.7 Obsessive ideas and Compulsive Behavior
2.8 Obsessive fear of heights and fear of insanity
2.9 What if?
2.10 Compulsive movements, nervous tics, germ-phobia
2.11 Anxiety while waiting
2.12 Obsessive fear about his health


2.13 Timidity and stage fright
2.14 Nervous symptoms after embarrassment
2.15 Not capable of handling usual situations

2.16 Sycotic physical predispositions
2.17 Greasy skin, offensive sweat, persisting acne
2.18 Groundless Lack of Self confidence
2.19 Unfounded Guilt
2.20 Fear of heights and feeling as if being judged all the time
2.21 Introversion


There are some idiosyncrasies, like for example Argentum Nitricum,
Lachesis, Hyoscyamus, Anacardium and Valeriana that can be of great
use to understand the mode of operation of human mind.

The main basic passion of Argentum Nitricum is his attachment to his

very existence. This isnt, of course, the case of natural survival instinct.
Instead, we have to do with a neurotic state dealing with several dangers
regarding his existence. This neurotic state involves obsessions not
always directly connected to real danger. The essence, the core and the
main idea of Argentum Nitricum, are obsessions.

2.1 Constant flow of ideas with inadequate filtering

As described in my book about Thinking apart from Individual Thoughts
several External Thoughts affect the human function of Thinking. Its a
normal thing to have many kinds of thoughts flowing into a persons
mind. These thoughts could be rational or irrational, common or peculiar,
possible or improbable, etc. By nature, theres a certain filtering
mechanism that rejects some of them as improbable or irrational and
accept others as probable and rational. The latter ones are permitted to go
on creating other thoughts, feelings and behavior.

For the sake of understanding let me give you an analogy. Every single
day, many kinds of food are inserted into our stomach, common ones and
strange, healthy and unhealthy, beneficial and harmful. Yet, not all of
them are absorbed so as to be used by our organism. Theres a certain
kind of filtering that allows some to be absorbed and some not to be
absorbed. For example, cellulose cannot be absorbed and is dumped as
non useful. Some others, like poisons for instance, are considered as
harmful and several defense mechanisms are mobilized like vomiting and
diarrhea, in order to get them out of our system.


A similar filtering mechanism exists on the mental level. The inflowing

of External Thoughts from the Psychic World is filtered by our Individual
Psyche through the functions of judgment and logic. For example, it may
happen to all of us, while living our house to have the thought: Have I
locked the door? The first thing to do isnt to go back and check the
door. First we go back to our recent memory and rewind the film of
recent events. If we trace the relevant event then we are sure that we have
locked the door and leave in peace without going back to check the door;
end of inquiry; end of doubts; end of story!

But, this isnt the case with Argentum Nitricum! He has that constant and
tremendous inflowing of Individual Thoughts from his Individual Psyche
and that constant inflowing of External Thoughts from the Psychic
World. His mind never stops thinking; its in constant motion. These
thoughts are usually in the form of questions like for example: Could it
be that? or What if? and always refer to something negative for
the person or to something that the person might have forgotten to do.

An Argentum Nitricum individual goes back to his recent memory and he

finds that specific image, for example the moment that he has locked the
door. But still he isnt certain about it and cannot relax. He has lost the
ability to be sure about it so as to go on. So he keeps wondering about the
same thing and may go back to check the door to be sure. He may even
do this a couple of times. First it was an obsessive idea and then it
became an obsessive behavior.

There are times that after he has checked the door once, he is relieved and
leaves his house. But then, after a few minutes, while driving towards his
work, doubts haunt his mind. Could it be that I havent locked the
door? or I know I have locked the door, but what if I have left the
kitchen oven on? He goes back to his recent memory again and again
and he is not sure if he has done so or not. He may even go back to recheck.


Its a vicious circle of obsessions, fixed ideas, persistent thoughts and

compulsions that leads to anxiety and compulsive/obsessive behavior. He
doesnt have insane ideas, irrational ideas, delusions or illusions. Its not
the case of Hyoscyamus. He doesnt have weak memory or Alzheimers
dementia. He hasnt lost contact with reality like a drunk man or like an
intoxicated person from drugs. He has just lost the ability to filter his
thoughts. His desperate question to himself is: I know that I havent
forgotten it! I have also checked it more than once! Why, on earth, cant I
get the doubt out of my system?

2.2 Obsessive ideas in the form of What if?

Lets see some of these obsessive ideas that trouble Argentum Nitricum.
He goes near the railings of a balcony. Although these railings are high
and strong enough, nevertheless, shivering thoughts cross his mind:
What if I slip and fall?, What if I get dizzy and fall?, What if
someone pushes me by accident and fall?, What if a crazy compulsion
takes control of my mind and forces me to jump against my will?

He feels as if a magnet pulls him down and he gets anxious and scared.
He knows that such things are quite improbable. Nothing like that
happened to him in the past. He also knows that the railings are strong
and high enough to prevent such an incident. But still he is in doubt and
fear overcomes his logic. He may have such a thought even on the
balcony of the first floor or even on climbing the first steps of a short
ladder. He feels the same fear of heights when in a plane or on a bridge.

He may be sitting next to an experienced driver whom he trusts as a

person and as a driver. Still he has that obsession that cars moving on the
opposite side of the road are heading towards them. His muscles contract
and his feet try instinctively to find the brake pedal to stop the car; he just
cant help it! It seems so real and so probable to him.


While walking on the pavement he tries to avoid stepping on the margins

of the paving stones. He cant avoid reading the numbers on the plates of
cars passing by or even adding the numbers. He feels that his hands are
dirty or full of germs and wants to wash it all the time again and again.
He may do that 20, 30 or 50 times a day; he may even use antiseptics or
surgical spirit. He may wash it once and then has that doubt that he may
didnt do it right and so he does it again and again thoroughly.

His obsessions may also involve his health. As soon as he feels slight
symptoms or as soon as he hears about diseases he starts having that
obsessive idea that he is sick; that something bad is going on. He rushes
to doctors and labs; nothing can reassure him that he is ok. Phosphor also
has this kind of fear about his health but the latter is afraid only about his
health. He hasnt got the obsessions of Argentum Nitricum that have to
do with all fields of his life.

Another obsession of Argentum Nitricum is his fear of the evil eye; you
see, he just cant explain his compulsive behavior and it seems probable
to him that something metaphysical is to blame. Or is it that he is going
crazy? Fear of insanity is just another obsession of his.

2.3 Obsessive Behavior

In mild cases we have only obsessive thoughts but in more advanced ones
these thoughts cause obsessive behavior. Every time he has an obsessive
idea he proceeds to a certain obsessive behavior to confront the idea. For
example every time he has that What if? question he may touch any
object near him, once or three times or say to himself Jesus Christ or
Mother Mary in order to avoid anything bad from happening. Its a
compulsive action; he cant avoid doing it; he cant help it. He knows that
this is a compulsive behavior; his doctor or his analyst has made it clear
to him a thousand times but still he cant help doing it all the time! Its
not a matter of logic!


All these torturing fixed ideas make him feel terrible; anxious, full of
tension, full of doubts, full of self reproach, in despair! He keeps having
all these crazy thoughts, all these doubts, all these questions What if?
He keeps thinking that something bad will happen to him. He cant do
anything about it although he tried hard again and again so he starts
blaming himself: Why cant you get over this nonsense? His life is hell!
Thats why he says to himself: Am I going crazy? or Is it the evil
eye? You could expect such thoughts from a low class, uneducated
person but this is also true for highly educated people and even
psychiatrists and scientists.

His obsessions may also take the form of extreme tidiness or even
fastidiousness. But this isnt the case of Nux Vomica. The latter chooses
to be fastidious and she is natural about it while Argentum Nitricum has
no choice.

These obsessions cause a lot of burden to him; he may become anxious,

melancholic, full of misery, loquacious, self centered or absent minded.
Many times his internal mental state is expressed on his troubled face.

When it comes to his physical characteristics Argentum Nitricum often

resembles a mild sycotic Sulphur person. He is hot grade 2; not as hot as
Sulphur. Still, he just cant stand being in a hot room without ventilation.
He feels chocking and wants to open the windows. He may be sweating
easily and his sweat may even be offensive like Sulphurs.

He is crazy about sweets; desires sweets grade 3 or at least grade 2. He

also has that strange characteristic: eats sweet and then salty things and
then sweet. He may eat a chocolate and then salty chips and then a cake
and so on!


2.4 Idiosyncratic Diagram of Argentum Nitricum

Raw Material:
The mineral Silver Nitrate

Psoric Miasma creates an uncertainty and an imaginative fear for his

Basic Passions:
His main Basic Passion is his attachment to his existence involving
obsessions for imaginative dangers.

Constant inflowing of obsessive ideas in the form of What if?
questions that causes much stress and obsessive behavior

a. Psychic Evolution:
He is greatly depended on his Intellectual Psyche and on its inadequate
filtering of constant inflowing thoughts. Not greatly related to Conscience
Psyche. His Individual Will depends largely on his External Will. All the
above make his psychic evolution difficult.

b. Influences:
Intense psoric influence; Very much depended on his Mnemonic and
External Thinking Stimuli. Intense Negative Energy Tuning.


Stressful Conditions:
Heights, discussions about diseases, hot rooms, discussions about germs
and evil eye.

c. General Characteristics of Mental Functions:

Quick, scholastic, obsessive thinking; constant tremendous inflowing of
arbitrary, torturing fixed ideas with inability to decide about their
probability and real nature

d. Mental Patterns:
His mental patterns relate to his anxious, obsessive, pessimistic state

Of medium frequency

His general mood is negative, anxious and torturing; he lives in a hell of
mental uncertainty; he feels that his mind isnt working properly and is on
the edge of breaking down. Intense negative Intellectual Emotional
Charge. He isnt an emotional person because his obsessions force him to
deal with himself and becomes self-centered and full of misery. His main
emotions are the Intellectual Emotions involving fear, anxiety, insecurity,
pessimism and melancholy. His emotions may be intense and torturing
but they dont have to do with other people; they have to do with his

Compulsive behavior due to obsessive ideas; obsessive tidiness;
obsessive fear about health; nervous tics


Usual Secondary Behavior:

Superstitious person, obsessive-compulsive, neurotic, grumbler
neuro-vegetative person, obsessive tidiness, germ-phobia,
anxious, obsessive loquacity

Usual Physical Predispositions:
Dyspepsia, Distention, Gastritis

Usual Psychological Predispositions:

Obsessive Neurosis, Nervous Tics, Phobic Neurosis, Anxious Neurosis

Relative Idiosyncrasies:
Phosphor (when it comes to neurovegetative symptoms) and Sulphur
(when it comes to general physical characteristics)


The idiosyncrasy Argentum Nitricum corresponds to the homonymous

homeopathic medicine that originates from the mineral Silver Nitrate. As
I have many times explained this raw material is diluted and succussed
many times in order to give us the harmless homeopathic medicine
Argentum Nitricum.


2.5 General physical characteristics similar to Sulphur

Argentum Nitricums general physical characteristics often resemble a
mild Sulphur individual. He is hot grade 2 or even less or even cold grade
1. Whats more characteristic is that he feels chocking in a hot room and
wants the windows open just like Pulsatilla.

He may sweat a lot and his perspiration be offensive like Sulphur but at a
milder degree. While Sulphur is quite slovenly, Argentum Nitricum on
the contrary is often obsessively fastidious.

2.6 Desire sweets grade 3

Argentum Nitricum is often crazy about sweets and sugar; he will eat a
lot of it even if it makes him ill. Pulsatilla also is crazy about sweets but
whats characteristic of Argentum Nitricum is that he eats sweets, then
salty things and again sweets. He may eat chocolate and at the same time
or seconds after that eat salty chips and then again sweets.

Pulsatilla and Argentum Nitricum may prefer sweets instead of food.

They are fond of cakes, ice-creams, chocolate, candies, etc. Pulsatilla also
may become ill from too many sweets.

2.7 Obsessive ideas and Compulsive Behavior

The essence of Argentum Nitricum is fixed ideas and compulsive
behavior. Most people suffering from compulsive neurosis are Argentum
Nitricum subjects. But, be careful! That doesnt mean that any patient
with compulsive neurosis will need Argentum Nitricum! This isnt
Idiosyncratic Homeopathy; this is Allopathic Homeopathy prescribing
remedies according to diseases. You have to give the medicine that suits
the whole and especially the personality of the patient.


Why does Argentum Nitricum have these obsessions? Whats the

mechanism that causes them? It may happen to all of us to have some
thoughts crossing our minds at times like: I saw a black cat; something
bad may happen! or Have I locked the door? Nevertheless, if we are
balanced our psychological defense mechanisms function effectively and
after double checking such a possibility inside our minds we let it go and

Well, Argentum Nitricum has trouble double-checking his thoughts. He

just cant overcome that What if? or that Have I? He is in
constant doubt although most of the times he recalls the image of the
action for which he is in doubt.

Its not an irrational thought, nor is it an insane thought, a delusion or an

illusion. He is not psychotic! He is simply obsessive. When we have to do
with an insane thought the patient not only has lost track of reality but
moreover he doesnt realize that he is insane. He thinks that all others are
insane except him. The obsessive person lives in reality and knows that
he is sane but still he is not sure about recent facts whether they took
place or not or is afraid about improbable things.

2.8 Obsessive fear of heights and fear of insanity

Lets examine some of these obsessions. Fear of high places grade 3 or 2.
If we want to be precise we should say that this isnt fear; its but an
obsession that has to do with high places. Thuja also has fear of high
places but not an obsessive one and in a lower degree. You ask him If
you go out on a balcony and look down, from what floor do you start
becoming afraid? and he will answer you: Even from the first/second
floor. Then you ask him: What are you afraid of? and he tells you: I
dont know! I am afraid that I may get dizzy or slip and fall off or that the
railings will yield or that someone may push me by accident.


In a more advanced state, at phase C, he may tell you that he is afraid that
he may have the compulsion to jump off the balcony. Its not that he has
suicidal tendency, not even suicidal thoughts. Its simply an obsession, a
fixed idea of the kind What if?

He is often afraid that he might become insane; that he will lose his
reason. He doesnt want to hear stories about people that got crazy or
about psychological diseases because he says to him: What if these
obsessions drive me towards insanity? His obsessions seem to him so
strange and so inexplicable that he often says to himself: Have I been
bewitched? Is it a case of evil eye influence? As expected, due to his
obsessive personality, he may often be a superstitious person.

2.9 What if?

He is so full of What if? thoughts! What if this happens? What if
that happens? He never stops thinking about negative things to come. On
leaving his house, office or car he starts thinking: Have I locked the
door? He goes back to check it and its ok; he didnt forget anything.
Then he makes a few steps towards the street; suddenly another what if
crosses his mind: I have locked the door but what if I havent turned the
kitchen oven off? He turns back again to check that also. It doesnt have
to do with his memory; he hasnt got weak memory and its not the
beginning of Alzheimer dementia.

There are times that in order to be sure, before leaving the house he
double-checks and triple-checks the door and the kitchen and the
windows and during this check he tries to be fully aware of what he does.
Sometimes, he even says loudly what hes doing in order to print it in his
mind with bold letters: I am now locking the door, now I am turning the
kitchen oven off, now. He knows that he is exaggerating but he just
cant help it.


Now lets see some more obsessions. He walks down the road and tries to
avoid stepping on the margins of the paving stones. Whenever he sees a
car he just cant stop himself from reading the numbers on the plates or
even calculating their sum. He also counts the steps wherever they exist
or counts one, two, three, four, etc whenever waiting for something to
happen or someone to come. He gives the excuse to himself that he is
doing something normal just waiting the time to pass; but its not a
normal thing if you just cant avoid it!

Sometimes, whenever he looks up to a high building he feels dizzy. At

other times he may avoid a certain route just because he had that hint
that something bad will happen if he goes towards that direction. Quite
often he is very superstitious.

2.10 Compulsive movements, nervous tics, germ-phobia

When things have progressed to a much more imbalanced state not only
he has fixed ideas but he also has compulsive behavior and compulsive
movements. He regularly touches instantly the desk in front of him; if he
doesnt do it he feels so bad; he has to do it so as to relax but then after
some seconds or minutes he has to do it again and again. Sometimes a
thought crosses his mind that if he doesnt do it something bad will
happen to him, other times he just feels bad if he doesnt do it.

Argentum Nitricum, especially kids, often have many nervous tics that
keep changing all the time as weeks or months go by. He may raise his
shoulders regularly or blink or touch his hair or anything you can imagine
as long as its a sudden, repeated movement without any meaning or

He often has germ-phobia; the term in this case isnt the right one. Its not
a phobia, i.e. a fear; its an obsession. He may wash his hands 20, 30 or
50 times a day. He may wash it now and immediately start thinking:


What if I havent washed it thoroughly? So he goes back and does it

again more thoroughly and even using soap or surgical spirit. He avoids
using the toilette in other houses or in public buildings. If he has to go to
the toilette then he uses a handkerchief in order to avoid touching the
doors knob. He will thoroughly examine the plates, spoons, forks and
glasses at a restaurant to see if they are thoroughly washed.

If he is sitting next to a driver he is also driving with him stepping on a

non existing brake, watching the road carefully and often feels as if cars
from the opposite line are heading towards them. He drives the driver
next to him crazy by his remarks: Watch out! Be careful! or Slow
down! Be careful not to confuse this with another situation that hasnt
got anything to do with fear or obsession. Lachesis, being syphilitic and
domineering, may use her fake fear as an excuse to dominate on her
husband or children showing to them that she cares so much about them
because she has that pathological love for them.

In Homeopathy its always very important to judge the intention of the

person that lies beneath an action and not the secondary behavior per se.
We have to reach to the diagnosis of the genotype/primary behavior and
not to the diagnosis of the phenotype/secondary behavior.

2.11 Anxiety while waiting

He is so anxious while waiting! Sometimes, if he is waiting for an
important event to come, then he may have nervous frequent urination or
nervous diarrhea. But, usually his anxiety is off seconds or minutes after
the event takes place. Its anxiety while waiting. If he is expecting an
important event to happen tomorrow or in a few days, then he keeps
thinking about it all the time or asks questions to others around him about
it all the time until it happens.


Lycopodium is also very anxious whenever he is expecting an important

event or whenever he has to talk in front of an audience even if he is well
prepared for it. But his stage fright begins only some minutes or hours
before the event takes place and lasts only some minutes after the
beginning of his speech and he does very well on the process. Silica
dreads to appear in public and carry on a presentation. She is very
anxious before, during and even after the presentation. Many times she
avoids such presentations on any cost.

2.12 Obsessive fear about his health

Argentum Nitricum often says that he is afraid about his health. We have
to differentiate between his fear and the fear of Phosphor and Arsenicum
about their health. In the case of Argentum Nitricum its not really a fear
but an obsession about his health. A thought crosses his mind What if I
have a severe disease? and from that time on this becomes an obsession
and he starts rushing to doctors for consultation and to labs for tests. The
general and characteristic thing is his general tendency for obsessions and
the specific and not characteristic thing is his obsession-fear about his

Phosphor on the other hand has a clear fear about his health because his
Neurovegetative Nervous System is malfunctioning. So, he has several
neurovegetative symptoms and these cause great fear and anxiety to him
because he thinks, not to say he is certain, that he does suffer from a
severe disease. Somebody told him that a neighbor had a stroke and then
he immediately started having neurovegetative symptoms and he is sure
that he is also going to have a stroke or a heart attack or something
sudden and severe.

He rushes to the doctor and the doctor examines him and tells him:
Youve got nothing pathological! Its all in your mind! You are simply
hypochondriac! He is so offended and angry when they tell him so
because he does feel those symptoms and he is a very sincere person in
general. He says: Why dont you believe me doctor? Why, on earth,


would I lie? I work hard for years and never left my job, apart from
severe causes. I do have these symptoms! I swear to you I have them!

The doctor prescribes pills, taps him on the shoulder and reassures him
that he is going to get well. He is relieved for a while and then he has
again the same symptoms and again he rushes to the doctor in despair. He
isnt so much afraid of death; he is afraid of the symptoms or that he may
have some severe disease.

Arsenicum also has fear about his health but this is a part of his general
fear about death. His is such an egoistic and self centered person that he
is very much afraid of stop existing. So he doesnt like hearing about old
age, death and diseases. Aconitum is also intensely afraid of death but
this usually begins after a sudden fright from an extreme event; its
mostly an acute condition and an extreme one because he is afraid that
any minute he will die due to his extreme physical symptoms.

Phosphor is not so much afraid of death; he is mostly afraid of the

symptoms that he has. Whenever he feels symptoms he rushes to the
doctor for help. He wants consolation very much, is easily reassured but
then he is also worried again and this goes on like that. Although he is
calling the doctor a lot and visiting him all the time worried, nevertheless,
he is a likeable person because he is psoric, sincere and very grateful.
You empathize with him because he is like a good small child seeking for
consolation and guidance.

On the contrary, Arsenicum creates negative feelings to the doctor

because he is syphilitic, egoistic, mistrustful, mean and peevish.
Argentum Nitricum isnt as repulsive as Arsenicum but still he isnt so
likeable as Phosphor because he has that misery and that attachment to
his obsessions.


Argentum Nitricum, due to his obsessions, is often nervous and anxious.

He feels his belly very much distended and is complaining about it all the
time. He is also very restless; while sitting he has to do something with
his hands or move his feet all the time.

This is the general picture of Argentum Nitricum. Our aim in Miasmatic

Idiosyncratic Materia Medica isnt to give a full, complete, detailed
picture of an Idiosyncrasy. This would create difficulty in memorizing
information and even confusion and we would easily miss the essence of
the Idiosyncrasy. If you identify the core, the essence, the skeleton
of any idiosyncrasy then you can add all other less important information.
And this tactic is in accordance with the Law of Hierarchy and the Law of



The idiosyncrasy Gelsemium corresponds to the homonymous

homeopathic medicine prepared by the homonymous plant.

2.13 Timidity and stage fright

Timidity and stage fright are the main characteristics and essence of
Gelsemium. He also has lack of self confidence but not as much as Thuja.
He is the kid that blushes and stammers in front of strangers; he is so shy!

Psoric Lycopodium may also have stage fright at the beginning of a

meeting but he quickly overcomes it and mingles with the company, often
trying to be the centre of attention showing off his culture and
knowledge. You see, Lycopodium thinks a lot of himself, believes that as
cleverness and refinement is concerned, he is above the average but still
due to his psoric nature and fear of spoiling his image he is anxious when
meeting someone for the first time.

On the contrary Gelsemium stays reserved and speechless and shy in a

company for a long time before starting to feel a bit comfortable and
relaxed. Psoric Sulphur also may appear to be shy and reserved when
meeting new people but not because he is shy but because he is very

2.14 Nervous symptoms after embarrassment

Gelsemium is easily tired. He often develops nervous symptoms after
embarrassment or his physical symptoms deteriorate. Being so timid no
wonder why he is easily embarrassed. He can also develop symptoms
from fright or while waiting an important appointment or event.


Argentum Nitricum may also develop symptoms like nervous frequent

urination or nervous diarrhea while waiting an important event.

2.15 Not capable of handling usual situations

Gelsemium is incapable of handling usual situations or new things. He is
so shy, so lacking of self confidence that he finds it difficult to function
normally or adjust to new conditions. He is so easily blocked. So easily
embarrassed and not knowing how to react and what to do. Relative
idiosyncrasies from which we have to differentiate are psoric
Lycopodium, psoric Sulphur, psoric Natrum Muriaticum and Thuja.

Its not a frequent idiosyncrasy but still its not a rare one. You see God
loves diversity! Most people are influenced by a few decades of basic
frequent idiosyncrasies but still there are decades of other more rare
idiosyncrasies. As a rule basic idiosyncrasies have a wide range of
characteristics and you can talk about them for hours while rare
idiosyncrasies have a narrow range of characteristics.

In Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Materia Medica our aim is to attach these

more superficial and rare idiosyncrasies to certain deep, basic and
frequent idiosyncrasies so as to be easily detectable and identified during
diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Thats the reason why I have
included Gelsemium to the Psoric Family very close to Thuja. Other
psoric idiosyncrasies are Natrum Muriaticum, Ignatia, Sepia, Psorinum,
Silica, Alumina and Staphisagria.

The psoric version of Lycopodium and Sulphur could also be included to

this idiosyncratic family; nevertheless, I find it more practical to be
included in the Intellectual Family.


2.16 Sycotic physical predispositions
The idiosyncrasy Thuja corresponds to the homonymous homeopathic
drug and plant. Its a small kind of cypress tree with leaves that have
vertical arrangement. Miasmatically, Thuja is a strange combination of
strong sycotic physical characteristics and predispositions while
psychologically she is intensely psoric.

Her physical predispositions are similar to Medorhinum: asthma,

allergies, hypertrophic tissue states, warts, condyloma, etc. Warts and
condylomata are very characteristic of Thuja. Very often we find a past
history of cauterization of condylomata and warts.

Other sycotic physical situations are: fibromyoma, nodes, hypertrophic

tonsils, several hypertrophic states, hyper function and hyper secretion.

2.17 Greasy skin, offensive sweat, persisting acne

Her skin is greasy and tends to look dirty although she may wash herself
frequently. The same thing is also true for her hair. She washes them and
keeps combing them but still they look dirty and uncombed. She tends to
develop persisting acne; if you come up with a shy girl with lack of self
confidence and persisting acne then think of Thuja.

She sweats a lot and her perspiration is offensive. Thuja affects

predominantly females and most often girls at puberty; shy teenagers, full
of acne, with intense lack of self confidence and tendency to feel guilty
all the times. She has an aversion to onion and garlic. Not that it causes
symptoms to her stomach; its an aversion that has to do with taste. Often


she sleeps on her abdomen and loves the sea just like sycotic

2.18 Groundless Lack of Self confidence

The key to Thuja, the essence, is her groundless lack of self confidence
grade 3. But you should always be very careful because even a Platina
can declare that she has lack of self confidence! Yes, even Platina! How
can this happen? She has been so confident and considers herself as the
goddess of beauty. And then suddenly she gained 5 kilos. She feels so
ugly and fat and declares lack of self confidence!

But this isnt lack of self confidence! This is indeed self confidence
grade 3 and this is Platina. You should never prescribe according to what
the patient says he is. You should always prescribe according to what he
is! You should always prescribe according to the genotype/primary
behavior and not according to the phenotype/secondary behavior.

Well, Thujas genotype and primary behavior is lack of self confidence

grade 3. And I say this because although she usually does well and has
skills and achievements she never believes in herself. Her mother tells
you: What is wrong with her, doctor? She has excellent grades and she
does very well on her tests, yet, every time she keeps saying that she
wont do well. Nevertheless, every time she gets high grades and even
then she cant believe that she did so well!

Thuja believes that when it comes to cleverness and skills her I.Q. is far
below the average; that she isnt of any worth. She may have earned
herself diplomas and praises, she may be beautiful and have achieved
many things, yet, she feels that she isnt worth it; that she is stupid, ugly,
good for nothing, worthless, a piece of trash! She has that constant feeling
and belief that she doesnt do things right, that she will fail to meet the
average score. She may be beautiful and despite that she says to herself:


I am so ugly! My hands are ugly, my face is ugly, my nose is very large,


There are a couple idiosyncrasies that could say such a thing; that feel as
if ugly but yet not so strongly. For example, Valeriana although thinks a
lot of herself she may say such a thing to herself because she doesnt
want her image to others to be spoiled. To be precise, Valeriana thinks
that she is beautiful and worthy, even more than the average but still has
this internal hidden insecure. On the contrary, Thuja believes what she

Furthermore, Thuja is very introvert and its a very difficult thing for her
to tell you such a thing face to face. At times a young girl comes to my
office and due to non verbal characteristics I sense that she is a Thuja
person and I ask her straight away: Do you often feel that you are
worthless? That you are a piece of trash? Then she jumps up from her
seat astonished and says: How did you get it, doctor? Ive never said it
to anyone, not even to my mother or to my husband although this is
whats bothering me all my life! And this is true in spite the fact that she
is quite good looking, educated and perhaps a successful lawyer!

Isnt Homeopathy great? Isnt it magic? Isnt it amazing to be able to read

others mind and soul! Moreover isnt it wonderful to be able to help
people with natural and harmless energy medicines? To be able to
balance deep rooted idiosyncratic tendencies that have tortured your
patient for years and years, all his life! You see, Homeopathy is indeed
such a wonderful cure if, of course, someone has mastered it and applies
it according to Universal Laws.

2.19 Unfounded Guilt

Its not only that she has that terrible baseless lack of self confidence! She
also has an unfounded guilt about all things: she is the one to blame for


what happened to her mum, dad, brother, friend, etc. She thinks that she
is responsible for what happened to others or that she is to blame also.
Her guilt is unfounded, baseless and groundless as is her lack of self
confidence yet, she just cant help believing it! The latter originates from
her ungrounded lack of self confidence and from the belief that she
doesnt do anything right.

Let me give you an example: theres this mother that constantly believes
that she isnt a good mother; that she doesnt succeed in raising her
children right; that she does all things the wrong way; that she is
worthless and stupid although she does well. She feels guilty about it and
she is self tortured! She is a Thuja subject!

You have to be very careful because Natrum Muriaticum could have such
guilt but in a very lower degree and for different reasons. The latter is so
psoric and responsible and strict to herself and wants so much to do her
duty that she ends up easily feeling guilty that she neglected to do as
expected from her. Aurum Metallicum also is very demanding from
herself and if she fails then she feels great disappointment and despair
and may commit suicide. But, when it comes to Thuja, she feels guilty
because she considers herself below the average cleverness and that is the
reason why she believes that she keeps failing although she doesnt.

2.20 Fear of heights and feeling as if being judged all the time
She has fear of heights grade 2; this is not a fixed idea as in the case of
Argentum Nitricum. She also has a very characteristic and peculiar
sensation; a vague feeling that she is being judged all the time even if she
is alone; that even when alone she doesnt have any privacy, as if walls
are transparent and she is being exposed to others; as if an eye keeps
watching her all the time in the sense of judgment.


Its not a delirium or an insane idea. Its not the insane idea of
Hyoscyamus that he is being watched and that he is in danger. Its not a
metaphysical fear lets say for ghosts like in the case of Calcarea

Thuja feels as if others keep an eye on her all the time with tendency to
judge her. Let me give you an example in order to get the idea and the
feeling: She works in a room with many other colleagues and she has that
constant feeling that her boss or even her colleagues keep an eye on her
and judge her regarding her abilities. She keeps thinking that they notice
her lack of abilities and that they judge her. She may even feel this even if
she is working in her own private office.

2.21 Introversion
She is very introvert because she has that great lack of self confidence.
Thus, she can easily be misinterpreted as a timid Gelsemium, a psoric
Lycopodium, Sulphur or Natrum Muriaticum. But, Lycopodium, Sulphur
and Natrum Muriaticum dont have any lack of self confidence. In fact,
Lycopodium and Sulphur think a lot of themselves.

Thuja, like Gelsemium, isnt a frequent idiosyncrasy. You can see this
idiosyncrasy in a shy girl, teenager or college student that has been
greatly repressed by dominant parents.



3.1 The modern, reactive, spoiled, insecure teenager/young woman
3.2 Insecure-Aggressive
3.3 So thirsty for attention and love but still so reactionary
3.4 Tendency for exclusiveness and jealousy
3.5 Very ambitious and unconventional
3.6 Coward-Aggressive behavior
3.7 Nervous, restless and touchy
3.8 Introversion and indirect behavior
3.9 Mistrustful and temperamental
3.10 Idiosyncratic Picture of Valeriana
3.11 Nervous and mistrustful woman
3.12 Thoroughly Slovenly Appearance
3.13 Fake unconventional
3.14 Ironical and touchy
3.15 Reactionary and insecure
3.16 Faking the cultured woman
3.17 She castrates her husband but then she cant be pleased by
3.18 Male/female nature as to sexuality
3.19 The great value of the knowledge of human idiosyncrasies


3.20 Wayward in sex and love

3.21 All idiosyncratic characteristics are but imbalances!
3.22 You just cant fool Universal Laws!
3.23 Reactionary and temperamental
3.24 Her behavior doesnt make any sense!
3.25 A spoiled, immature girl
3.26 Mistrustful and jealous
3.27 Revengeful, wants to get even, to get on top
3.28 She bears a grudge
3.29 Introvert; pity makes her angry
3.30 Nervous headaches and other nervous symptoms
3.31 Fear of being raped and fear of male violence
3.32 Ambitious and often setting up things for her
3.33 Restless and nervous; abuse of coffee and tobacco

3.1 The modern, reactive, spoiled, insecure teenager/young woman

Miasmatically, Valeriana seems to be a puzzling and weird combination.
She is intensely insecure, coward, introvert and easily offended but none
of these is easily detectable from people around her. Even when asked,
usually she will not admit that she has these traits. She tends to have a
great attachment to her affair with a tendency for idealization because she
wants to live that great love. She is greatly annoyed by lies and
injustice. All the above remind us of the psoric nature of Natrum


But, despite that, both her intentions and her expression are syphilitic.
She is mistrustful, reactive, revengeful, hysterical, vain and indirect. Then
you can add some strong sycotic traits like temperamental, moody, very
quick thinking, impatience and restlessness. Seriously, what is she
miasmatically? Is she psoric, syphilitic or sycotic?

What really defines the predominant miasma of any idiosyncrasy is

intention and not style, expression or secondary behavior. Valeriana is
predominantly syphilitic and domineering in her own indirect way. Its
not accidental that as years go by many teenagers/young women
Valeriana tend to change towards the syphilitic idiosyncrasy Lachesis
especially after forties and if engaged in the maternal role.

Valeriana doesnt have the primary maliciousness of Lachesis but she can
become mean and revengeful out of reaction when her ego is deeply hurt.
Nor does she have the insensitiveness of Platina although she is ambitious
and at times vain as the latter.

Valeriana is the typical, modern, reactive, spoiled teenager/young

woman. Her main traits are: hysterical, ambitious, insecure-aggressive,
introvert, easily offended, temperamental, mistrustful and vain. She is
predominantly a female idiosyncrasy and a very common one in female
teenagers and young women.

She is hard to be traced by the inexperienced physician. This is true

because she is very mistrustful and often keeps her real intentions
successfully hidden. She wont open herself unless she is very sure that
she is safe.

Moreover, she is very smart and intuitive and this enables her to
understand at a great extent the intentions of other people around her. As
far as she remembers herself she has been very efficient in this field so


she becomes very confident in judging peoples character. She has also
been very mistrustful even from childhood.

When Platina wants something or when offended she takes it out

uncovered without second thoughts but Valeriana can be very indirect
and self controlled. She isnt, of course, as indirect, flexible and cunning
as Lachesis. Valeriana may become aggressive secondarily due to her
insecurity and mistrustfulness and furthermore because she is easily

3.2 Insecure-Aggressive
How can one be at the same time insecure and aggressive? It can happen
because she is primarily insecure and secondarily aggressive. The
genotype/primary behavior is insecurity and the phenotype/secondary
behavior is aggressiveness.

She is so insecure! She feels all the time that she must be on guard; she
is so mistrustful and so easily offended. Yet, all the above arent clear to
the inexperienced eye. Her main concern and fear is not to be depreciated
/ dominated; not to feel inferior; not to be fooled / cheated / deceived; not
to be the victim; not to become ridiculous; not to be laughed at; not to be
the target of irony.

She may be very ambitious but she doesnt want to be recognized by all
like Platina. She is very much interested to be recognized by her own
people and those that she chooses or in selected fields that she thinks that
are worthy of interest. She wont deal with the rest. Nevertheless, if she is
targeted or if, even for a minute, she thinks that she is being attacked then
she wont let it go just like that; she will answer back, she will pay back.
She says to herself: I am good but dont mess with me! She may
become mean but this is due to her reactionary nature. Its not an
offensive aggressiveness; its a defensive aggressiveness, a secondary


action, a reaction. She resembles a seemingly relaxed pussycat but

when she suspects that she is being depreciated or attacked then she
becomes a wild cat!

So, its her insecurity that makes her reactionary and often aggressive.
For example you ask something from her. If you ask it nicely then she
hasnt got any problem to do it. But if she even slightly suspects that
there is even a slight tone of order or negative intention to the request
then she becomes very reactionary and can even do the opposite of what
she was asked to fully aware of her actions.

This kind of behavior makes her parents, companion or very close ones
desperate and confused; her behavior doesnt make sense to them; they
just cant figure it out. The one minute she is that sweet cooperative
pussycat and the next minute, without any profound reason, she is that
hysterical wild cat.

I say without any profound reason because most of the times she
doesnt reveal the real reasons that made her angry. If the other person
has understood the reason that made her angry and reveals it to her, then
she will not admit it out of reaction, out of spite. She even gets angrier;
she gets furious. She doesnt want others to understand whats going on
in her mind because she is so insecure. You mustnt cross the red line and
enter her secure zone.

She is so temperamental due to her insecurity that her parents often

consider her as a very fickle character. They say to themselves: What
now? What got into her again? Her husband is also in confusion as to
her behavior and character. He just doesnt know what to do; doesnt
know how to treat her because one minute she is this and the next minute
that. He just cant figure her.


3.3 So thirsty for attention and love but still so reactionary

Theres another reason for her fickle character. She is so thirsty for
attention, so thirsty for love but only from those that she chooses to. That
doesnt mean that she will reject being famous or being a star. When all
those around her that she chooses, love her and are as she has imagined
them to be, then she feels secured.

This trait tends to be expressed in intense and even hysterical ways. If she
is a little girl she will suddenly hug her father, kiss him and dont let go
of him. This is an unexpected sudden action without any profound reason.
But if he tries to answer back the same way she will immediately go away
so as not to encourage him too much. She may give him a tender kiss and
then give him a slap or a pinch hurting him. She may say something good
to you and then immediately say something bad or embarrassing again so
as not to over encourage you. You see, its the blow hot and cold

Her behavior may involve a hysterical game the purpose of which is to

confirm that her chosen own people do love her and wont betray her or
abandon her. For example, she may make a scene to them only to test
their love; its the so called capricious or whimsical behavior that if
exaggerated makes others around her fed up and say: For Gods sake,
what is it that you want? Ive told you a hundred times that I love you!
Ive even proved it to you a dozen times! Whats the matter with you,

Theyll never get an answer from her and she will never admit that she is
exaggerating or moreover say sorry. Her defense is to become
aggressive or even pretend being astonished for their unjustified burst:
Theres nothing wrong with me! You are the weird one! You often get
the picture of a deep down good girl that has been spoiled and is now
doing several things just to attract attention and gain love.


If the father or companion turn her down or arent worthy of her

according to her judgment true or not - then she develops the
reactionary state. Let me give you an example: Theres that little pretty
nervous girl that becomes attached to her father and idealizes him and
thinks a lot of him. As years go by she may realize that he isnt what she
thought he was and that he is an alcoholic good-for-nothing father.

Or he may be a good father but with human faults and his domineering
Lachesis wife accuses him that he cheats on her and that he doesnt care
for his family and cunningly manipulates her daughter to turn against him
because he is embarrassing them and ridiculing them to society. I had
such a case where her mother used to wake her up when she was only 11
years old just to tell her that her father had just returned home after
cheating his wife in order to force her make a scene to her father. You see
the sins of the fathers are visited upon the children.

Then, the Valeriana daughter will not give him a minutes rest. She curses
him, she is biting, ironic and aggressive and wants to hurt him all the
time; not out of maliciousness but out of spite. She thinks that he is the
one that hurt her, that he is the one that shed first blood and now its his
time to be hurt. She loved him, he betrayed her or her family and now he
must be hurt to. Its pay time! How could he do such a thing to his
beloved girl that loved him so much? You see, its but the typical relation
intellectual love - hate.

3.4 Tendency for exclusiveness and jealousy

Valeriana tends to be extremely afraid of betrayal either in affairs,
family relations or friendship. She isnt easy to consider someone as close
friend, as buddy, even more difficult than Platina. She demands absolute
discretion, sincerity and absolute dedication. She wants exclusiveness. If
her best friend cheats on her with another friend, i.e. if she comes
second in her heart or if she lied to her or revealed her personal secrets
then she totally rejects her and feels betrayed.


Not only she rejects her but moreover, her intellectual love turns into
hate. Most often she wants to revenge, to pay back. The same thing stands
even bolder in affairs. She gives herself to her companion although she
demands that all things must be done her own capricious way. But,
simply because she gives herself in her own syphilitic capricious way and
not in a psoric sentimental way, then, if hurt she is raging.

Due to her tendency for exclusiveness and mainly due to her insecurity
she is strongly jealous in affairs. Very often she doesnt show it and
doesnt admit it because she doesnt want to spoil her social image of the
modern, liberal and independent woman. She may even declare that she is
in favor of free relations just to be considered liberal. There are, of
course, other Valeriana women that when asked if jealous will tell you
laughing: I will take his eyeballs out if he does that to me! I dont
tolerate such things!

If her companion is a Lycopodium subject who is often the case and

give credit to her liberal declarations about free relations and cheats
on her and she finds about it then things get really nasty. She reacts
intensely, hysterically and dramatically. She just cant get it out of her
mind, out of her system. She feels betrayed, cheated, deceived,
ridiculed, depreciated, fooled and tricked. Her insecurity is
multiplied a hundred times.

When I say betrayed you must realize that this isnt a psoric feeling, for
example like the feeling of betrayal that a Natrum Muriaticum or Ignatia
has. Its a syphilitic feeling. Its not her heart thats being hurt; its her
ego, her pride! She feels that her companion ridiculed her; that he made a
fool out of her; that she was ridiculed and depreciated. She is so furious,
so raging against her companion and even against the slut that dared
sleep with her companion. She wont relax until she pays back, until she
gets even or on top.


Sometimes she may temporarily swallow her pride until she has won the
battle and her companion has returned back to her feeling sorrow for his
cheating. Then her revenge will be that she will be the one to abandon
him, that she will brush him aside. Only then she will be relieved because
she got even.

Valeriana never forgets what others have done to her even years and
years after. She keeps remembering it for life waiting for the time to get
even. Nevertheless, there are some Valeriana individuals that due to high
cultural level, will not take action in order to revenge. Yet, they will be
very glad if something similar happens to the person that hurt them. They
feel that as justification/vindication, as restoration or their internal
balance. Once again this has to do with their insecurity; they no longer
feel depreciated.

The same background of insecurity runs through all her life. For example
she often appears to have a strong tendency to be independent from the
male sex and very feministic. Yet, its not a real, balanced independence.
Its an unbalanced tendency as a reaction towards male prevalence as a
result of insecurity. No wonder why she, all the time, misinterprets any
action done by males as of domineering intention or depreciatory to her
female sex. Yet, despite her intense feminism, deep inside her she is
greatly in need of a strong male to depend on and heal her insecurity.

Quite often she engages herself in a weird vicious circle. She tends to
indirectly manipulate male submissive idiosyncrasies like for example
Lycopodium but then such a submissive male does not inspire her
anymore as male companion. He isnt manly enough for her anymore
because she cannot depend on him.

She is also very insecure as to her parents. She becomes very reactionary
due to her fear that they may dominate on her and make her a pawn. She
has the same mistrustfulness and reactionary behavior towards any kind


of groups and organizations that involve hierarchy and all kinds of

masters or gurus.

3.5 Very ambitious and unconventional

Valeriana is very ambitious. Like Platina she tends to have an aversion
for the traditional housewife role and wants to gain recognition through
professional career. Platina, due to her intense ambition and vanity may
employ several means, even immoral ones in order to achieve what she
wants. Her actions are usually direct and even aggressive because she is
very antagonistic; she always wants to be the first, the one and only, the
star! She will use her beauty, smartness and strength of character to
achieve her goals.

Valeriana, on the other hand, will use her cleverness, her quick thinking
and her intuition about others personality and weak points as well as her
modern flirting style of the pussycat. But she is all the time ready to
change from that cute pussycat to wild cat whenever needed so as not to
be considered the easy broad.

Her ambition usually relates to journalism, psychology and politics. She

wants to be considered cultivated, liberal and modern. She likes dealing
with anything new, alternative, advanced, liberal and
unconventional. She is not so much interested in general recognition
but mostly on the recognition from the few selected ones.

She also wants to dress accordingly, that is, unconventionally. Her style
could be called thoroughly slovenly/unkempt appearance. For example
she will wear a slightly worn out jean, her hair will be thoroughly
disheveled in a modern way, but her blouse will be a very expensive and
modern one. Her outfits are expensive and of brand names but mostly
sportive and unconventional. Most of the times, she may become
sarcastic and ironic towards Platinas sophisticated and conventional style


of clothing. Yet, she spends too much time and money for her
appearance! Moreover, she has that great anxiety - an almost hysterical
one - about acne, hair falling, obesity and wrinkles although she may not
admit it.

3.6 Coward-Aggressive behavior

Valeriana is primarily coward and insecure although she doesnt easily
admit it and tries to appear as being self confident. Again we come across
her great inconsistencies; she is one thing and projects the opposite of
what she is so as not to be considered as weak or conservative.

She is insecure, yet she projects a seemingly strong personality; she is

conservative, yet she projects a modern free style; she wants to be loved,
yet she doesnt want others to consider her as if in need of love or as
weak and feminine. For example she may be afraid of speed and
motorbikes; yet, when in a company of Harleys funs, she may pretend to
be the risky, fearless rider.

Let me give you another example. She is so afraid of male violence, so

scared of rape and so scared of being beaten by her male companion. So,
she tends to say to her companion at the beginning of their relation: I am
that kind of woman that wont tolerate any kind of violence. If anyone
dares even touch me he will regret it; thats the end of the relation. Once
more, we have to do with that defensive aggressiveness.

For the same reason she calls herself a feminist in order to avoid any
enslavement to male dominance. Despite her declarations for equality and
independence she will always tend to dominate in any relation and do
things her own way. That, alone, is a confirmation of her syphilitic


3.7 Nervous, restless and touchy

Valeriana is very nervous, restless and irritable. She just cant relax; she
is so tensed body and mind. She can only relax after full tension. Her
nervousness drives her to heavy smoking or drinking a lot of coffee.

Whatever physical or mental work she will do, she will do it at high pace.
She cant stand slow-motioned people or slow-thinking people. She
cannot be tuned with them. If she has to explain something twice she
becomes so upset.

Being very insecure and self-centered she easily gets angry. She is in a
constant state of defensive aggressiveness. She gets angry from lies,
injustice, depreciation, sarcasm, ridicule and irony. She is very easily
offended; she tends to misinterpret the words of others; very easily
insulted. And then she reacts instantly not waiting for any kind of
explaining or excuses. She gets angry and becomes aggressive or ironic.
She is so good at being ironic although she hates irony of others towards
her! Quite often, irony is but the defense tactic of cowards.

At times she may not be so quick-witted and may keep her mouth shut.
Or at times she will restrain herself towards her boss so as not to get fired
a thing that Platina is not capable of. But for Valeriana this is never the
end. She wont forget it unless she gets even. She may keep it for life.
She wants to pay back, to get on top of things, not to feel inferior.

She is so easily offended all the time. If someone comes late at an

appointment with her, she will get angry because she will take that as
depreciation; so she may make a remark or become ironic. Its not about
the delay; its a matter of depreciation for her. Its not a matter of
punctuality and programming as in Nux Vomica; its a matter of
depreciation for her.


3.8 Introversion and indirect behavior

She is very introvert but not as Natrum Muriaticum. Her introversion
doesnt have to do with psoric tendency as in the latter. It has to do with
mistrustfulness, insecurity and egoism. She will talk about her personal
matters only to, one or two the most, very close friends; she demands
discretion and exclusiveness from them. She gets so angry from any kind
of consolation because she always interprets it as depreciation. If you
want to kill her then say to her Poor you!. For the same reason, she
doesnt want to cry in front of others or apologize and say sorry even
about little things.

She will not directly express her needs even to her companion. She
doesnt want to be considered weak or in need. She demands from
her companion to be ready to trace any need of her even before
expressing it. If this isnt the case then she gets angry and becomes
aggressive or hysterical without any explanation of any kind even if
kindly asked.

Most of the times her companion is lost! He keeps thinking: Whats the
matter with her? What now? If he directly asks her: Whats the matter
with you? Have I done anything to you?, then things get worse. She may
say: Theres nothing wrong with me! You, are the one hiding things
lately. Why has your behavior changed? You dont love me anymore!
You see, this is what I call defensive aggressiveness; this is projection
of my state to the other person as if he is to blame! Well, isnt that a fine
example of capricious syphilitic behavior? Isnt that a monument of
hidden syphilitic behavior?

If her companion realizes the real reason of her behavior and does the
great mistake to reveal it to her straight away then he is in big trouble.
She will never admit it! She will never admit that she has that indirect
behavior. She becomes even more aggressive, irritable and ironic.


She hates it when others know or realize what happens inside her mind
and heart. She feels naked, exposed, vulnerable and depreciated. Then,
another great characteristic of hers takes place: she becomes
temperamental out of insecurity. The minute her anger passes off she
becomes very insecure that her relation may become impaired and that
she will be on her own again. So she has to find a way to return to
previous balance.

Being too proud and insecure she just cant apologize. As the song says
sorry seems to be the hardest word! She may find all kinds of indirect
ways to restore things. For example she may even tell her companion: I
am ready to accept your apology you stupid man! She will say that not
aggressively but in a pussycat style. Or she may say: Ok, I forgive
you, but make sure it wont happen again! You were so insensitive! You
see how capable is a syphilitic person to turn things upside down or to
turn black to white?

3.9 Mistrustful and temperamental

She is so mistrustful! This has to do with her introversion, indirect
behavior, insecurity, cleverness and intuition about others intentions.
Being she so indirect, introvert and syphilitic its expected to think that
others act in the same syphilitic way. She also has that intuition, that great
ability to understand others intentions so she can interpret as something
negative even good intentions of others. You see, if you are syphilitic you
just have difficulty to buy any good feelings or actions from a psoric
person. This is also the reason why Lachesis, another great syphilitic
idiosyncrasy, is mistrustful.

Her mistrustfulness is also due to her great insecurity; I mean her great
fear that she will be depreciated. Thats the reason why she is all the time
on guard. Consequently, its so easy to misinterpret others intentions,
feelings and actions. She is so easily offended! So touchy!


Not only she is mistrustful but she also doesnt reveal it; she hides it very
efficiently. Not only she is easily offended; many times she doesnt react
directly but indirectly. So, the usual case is that other people around her
confront a person that has a peculiar indirect behavior for no apparent
reason. Thats the reason why her close ones often characterize her as
being touchy, unpleased, unpredictable, hysterical, temperamental,
capricious, weird, mysterious or difficult to comprehend.

She is also very temperamental. Its an intense and for no profound

reason moody behavior. Sometimes even she, herself, doesnt know the
reason for this kind of behavior. Pulsatilla has a very fickle behavior; as
fickle as the wind, as Kent says. But this is due to her psoric sensitivity
and sycotic expression. She is so emotional, so truly sensitive and
romantic that little things affect her emotions greatly either up or down.
She is so easy to feel sad and so easy to feel happy and this may change
in a matter of minutes according to slight external stimuli. On the
contrary, Valeriana is temperamental because she is insecure and
defensive-aggressive. She is on guard waiting all the time for offensive
actions of anyone around her, even from her close ones. She is waiting
with her finger on the trigger.

Valeriana, being very nervous like Natrum Muriaticum and Nux Vomica,
also suffers from nervous headaches and nervous symptoms. Her
headaches may develop hours after the stressful factors action. She may
go down town in the morning, at the crowded streets that are full of
traffic and smoke and have a nervous headache on returning home. Or
may get upset now and have a headache after some hours.

3.10 Idiosyncratic Picture of Valeriana

Raw Material:
The plant Valeriana


Her main miasma is the syphilitic one because she has an intense
domineering intention. She is the typical modern spoiled reactionary
teenager/young woman; she wants all others to satisfy her whims and to
make her egoistic dreams come true although she doesnt admit that she
has these syphilitic intentions. She pretends to be independent,
democratic, liberal and modern, a person that doesnt want to exploit
others. She projects the image of the strong independent woman but in
reality she is insecure-aggressive, temperamental, hysterical, reactionary
and vain.

An inexperienced eye could mistake her as being psoric only because she
is characterized by primary insecurity, introversion, cowardice and
because she is easily offended and projects seemingly psoric dreams
about her life. But the above are well hidden traits beneath the external
opposite image.

Valeriana is characterized by syphilitic intention and when hurt from

syphilitic expression also. Another miasmatic background that completes
her picture is her sycotic temperament; physical restlessness, a more
restless and quick mind and temperamental personality.

Basic Passions:
Her main basic passion is attachment to idealized absolute relations with
the little chosen close ones. She is very absolute and demanding in her
relations. She demands ideal relations according to her egoistic point of
view - with her parents, companion and friends.

She needs and demands lots of love and exclusiveness. She demands
constant and intense interest on the part of her close ones and
confirmation and reconfirmation that all are going well.


Being so absolute and demanding she has troubles all the time with ever
changing life and reality that has nothing to do with absoluteness and
stability. But instead of reacting with psoric hurt and introversion and
sorrow, being syphilitic she reacts with irritability, nervous symptoms,
aggressiveness, restlessness and moody behavior.

Second in intensity basic passion is her syphilitic vanity. She is very

ambitious and wants to show off but not to all fields and people like
Platina. Her ambition is targeted to certain people, he own chosen close
ones and to certain areas of interest that are considered as cultured or
worthwhile fields. Her vanity does not usually involve her beauty but her
cleverness, culture, knowledge and personality.

A summarized prescription of Valeriana could be: the spoiled,
reactionary, insecure, ambitious and capricious teenager/young woman
with temperamental and inconsistent behavior.

a. Psychic Evolution:
She has some mental qualities that could help her evolve psychologically:
she is clever and quick-thinking. Yet, her intense domineering attachment
to her chosen close ones and her reactionary character due to her
insecurity make it very hard for her to evolve psychologically. Valeriana
is greatly related to Intellectual Psyche. Her Individual Will is very much
influenced by her External Will. Her mental patterns about happiness are
absolute and have to do with idealized relations which she must control

b. Influences:


Intense syphilitic intentions and syphilitic expression; when calm though,

she may be mistaken as being psoric; predominant Thinking Stimuli are
Symbolic and External.

Stressful Situations:
Irony, ridicule, injustice, lies, depreciation, ingratitude, lack of mutuality,
lack of exclusiveness to her close relations, cheating on the part of her
companion, inconsistency, gossiping, when someone feels pity for her,
male predominance, any kind of enforcement, cooperation with slow
motioned and slow thinking people, when she has to explain something
more than once, anything that makes her feel inferior or depreciated.

c. General Characteristics of Mental Functions:

Quick clever thinking; mistrustful; very observant; intuitional and with
keen perception; easily offended; tendency to misinterpret verbal remarks
of other people. Very often she enters into a vicious circle: misinterprets
the intention of other people, doesnt express herself to show that she is
offended, makes a lot of second thoughts and scenario, reaches to
arbitrary conclusions and reacts with negative, aggressive, reactionary,
fickle behavior. Her behavior makes no sense to any one, at times not
even to her.

d. Mental Patterns:
Her mental patterns involve tendency for idealization and absoluteness;
intense demand for mutuality and exclusiveness. She considers herself
very clever and is very ambitious. She also considers herself as
unconventional and non conservative; as a person that doesnt yield to
any kind of enforcement, authority or establishment; expressive but still



Maybe the most frequent female idiosyncrasy to teenagers and young

women, nowadays; an almost exclusively female idiosyncrasy

Her General Mood is characterized by intense moody behavior often
without a profound reason. Intense Intellectual Emotional Charge. She is
very sensitive but this cannot easily be seen by others because she has
that aggressive temperamental and hysterical behavior. Predominant
emotions are the Intellectual Emotions the main of which are intellectual
love-hatred, anger, fear, sorrow and vanity. Her emotions are
controversial, unpredictable, excessive, inappropriate to the stimuli and

The reasons for her behavior are hidden and very difficult to see. Only a
very experienced eye can understand what takes place in her complex
weird mind. Very often her secondary behavior is opposite to her primary
one. Her behavior most of the times is a result of her insecurity.

She is very much annoyed if somebody has realized what happens inside
her mind and the reasons of her fickle behavior. She may become
aggressive and insulting and wants to stop it right away or go away
because she feels naked and vulnerable and without any protective shield.
So, what usual one sees is her secondary behavior and not her primary

Due to her unconventional tendency she is snobbish towards hypocritical

good manners. Her behavior is mostly secondary and controlled. She
seems psoric to others but she is syphilitic, reactionary, negative, ironic
and at times revengeful.


Usual Roles:
Modern unconventional and liberal woman, successful cultured
journalist, modern feminist, touchy hysterical woman, reactive
unconventional teenager, ambitious and cultured psychologist, the
beautiful and cultured clever woman.

Relative Idiosyncrasies:
Platina, Lachesis


3.11 Nervous and mistrustful woman

Valeriana as idiosyncrasy corresponds to the homonymous homeopathic
medicine and plant. As a herbal remedy is well known for its sedative
action. Its one of the most frequent idiosyncrasies and almost exclusively
a female one. Its a well hidden idiosyncrasy even for homeopathic
doctors because most of the times she is one thing and projects another;
she projects a certain image, a certain secondary behavior quite different
from her primary behavior.

She is greatly influenced by the syphilitic miasma and thats why I

consider her a member of the Syphilitic Family of Idiosyncrasies, with
Lachesis as the main representative and Syphillinum, Anacardium and
Naja as other members.

Valeriana has a wide and characteristic mental picture; in fact all basic
idiosyncrasies have such a mental picture. Unfortunately, many
homeopathic doctors are not acquainted with the width and depth of this
psychological aspect. Although she is a hidden idiosyncrasy, any


homeopathic doctor can be taught about her picture and identify this
weird personality so as to recognize it in all her forms.

As said, its almost exclusively a female idiosyncrasy and the reason is

that it matches to certain female characteristics. She is the nervous,
temperamental, ambitious, egoistic, spoiled teenager/young woman.
There are so many nervous female idiosyncrasies but what characterizes
Valeriana is that she is the spoiled girl. She is so unpredictable,
reactionary and fickle! Her behavior doesnt make any sense!

Lets examine her main characteristics, one by one. She is a nervous

woman but not so much in the sense of irritability. Usually, when you
look at her, you dont see any signs of irritability. She seems calm
although she has a well hidden nervousness; she works on high
revolutions all the time. Its mostly an internal nervousness not having to
do necessarily with external events. She resembles a driver that steps on
the gas pedal while no gear is engaged; the engine roars, the revolutions
are high but there is no motion, no expression of this high state in
activity. She has that great nervousness but nothing reveals it on the

She is very clever. Her mind is very sharp. She has that great ability to
realize others intentions, a sharp intuition; furthermore, this is in
accordance with her mistrustfulness. This trait of hers isnt as easily
detectable as Lachesis mistrustfulness. Lachesis may frown upon you or
give you a mistrustful glance with her eyelids half shut. Valeriana, on the
other hand, may seem like a cool, spontaneous girl and at the same time
she keeps wondering What kind of a man is this? What role is he
performing this minute? Furthermore, she keeps testing you in several
well hidden ways.

Since she, herself, plays a lot of roles and projects images that arent in
accordance with her primary behavior, its expected to be mistrustful; she


judges others by herself. She says to herself: Since I am so good at

disguising my real intentions, why not others too?

She is usually very nervous and has that internal restlessness of the mind;
she isnt as irritable as Nux Vomica but that doesnt mean that she isnt
on guard, that she wont get easily angry and express her anger especially
to her close ones. When in places that things arent in favor of her, she
wont express her anger or she will just be ironic. When somebody meets
her for the first time she will seem to him cool and calm but this is only a
secondary behavior.

Valeriana gets angry from anything that could spoil her image towards
others or when another woman seems to be smarter than her and becomes
the center of attraction in a company. She is very ambitious and vain,
nevertheless, she doesnt want to be the Queen recognized by all others
as a Platina woman wants to be. If that was possible she wouldnt have
any problem but her insecurity, most of the times, forces her to be
satisfied by being the modern unconventional, capricious Princess.

3.12 Thoroughly slovenly appearance

Let me tell you what I mean by that. Let me give you an example to show
you the difference of Valeriana and Platina. She is very much interested
in her appearance and clothing but not in the sense of Platina. The latter
will buy very expensive, luxurious and fancy clothes; will be dressed like
a top model or like a Queen. Valeriana, on the other hand, will be
thoroughly slovenly and unconventional as to her appearance and
clothing. Again we come across her typical behavior: she seems to be one
thing and yet in reality she is another thing; her primary and secondary
behaviors differ a lot.

She wears worn out but expensive and tight jeans and a sportive blouse.
Somebody could say that she doesnt give much importance to her


appearance. Yet this is wrong. She must have gone to a dozen shops in
order to choose these items. And when going out on a date she usually
tries again and again several clothes and combinations of clothing before
she decides what to wear; and even then she has that insecurity as to her
appearance while Platina is so self confident.

Valeriana adopts the unconventional style because she doesnt want to

give the impression that she shows off by wearing expensive and
fashioned clothing. She prefers to employ an unconventional fashion
style. Nevertheless, she may wear an expensive watch or some stylish
shoes to give a certain tone of exclusiveness. Platina and Valeriana have
got great taste as to their clothing style while Lachesis is usually kitsch.

3.13 Fake unconventional

Valeriana, trying to project the image of the unconventional woman, will
use three to five earrings only on one ear, one below the other or will
wear a silver light chain above her ankle. Platina prefers golden jewels
being the classic Queen while Valeriana prefers silver or faux bijoux
being the unconventional Princess. Valeriana has that great insecurity
also when it comes to her hair. She spends a lot of time caring about the
style of her hair although her style may be free; nevertheless its again
a thoroughly disheveled hair style.

She will not employ classical and conservative hair style like for example
to wear her hair in a bun. She will employ something more modern and
anticonservative like to have blonde highlights put in her hair. If she is a
young unconventional freak she may dye her hair carrot-orange or
bright red or even purple only to cause reactions by her appearance. On
the same line of causing reactions she may shave half of her head. She
will not dye it blond-white because this is the usual thing for any boorish
woman. Platina wants to be the typical model of haute couture while
Valeriana wants to be the unconventional model employing a modern free
style or the unconventional reactive freak that does anything extreme
enough to cause reactions to all around her.


Yet, in all cases, Valeriana isnt really unconventional. In order to be

truly unconventional you have to have enough courage and boldness to be
different and not just reactionary; you also have to be nonconformist
while Valeriana wants to live a comfortable life most of the times
exploiting others around her.

3.14 Ironical and touchy

If you ask her what makes her angry she often says that she hates irony.
Yet, when offended or when she believes that she is offended she
becomes quite ironic and she is very good at it. Valerianas motto is: I
wont bother you if you dont bother me! This results from her
insecurity. She is so insecure that she is always on guard just in case
someone may hurt her or offend her.

If something like that happens or even if she has the suspicion that
someone may have the intention to hurt her then she becomes very
aggressive, revengeful and reactionary. She wants to pay back, to get
even and not to feel inferior.

She doesnt want to be the Queen as Platina but she just cant stand
being inferior or even seem that inferior. Although she may seem quite
confident to others around her, she is very insecure. Thats the reason
why she is so much annoyed and angry from irony and injustice.

Phosphor also is pissed off by injustice, much more than Valeriana but
for different reasons. Phosphor is the psoric idealist that says: It cant be
happening! Its so wrong, so unfair to hurt people like that! You see he
is very giving and cares so much about others. He may ignore an injustice
done to him but he just cant ignore any injustice done to others, even


He will not only get angry but he will show it and even get into a fight no
matter what, in order to support strangers, especially weak people,
repressed people. Others will tell him: Why get into trouble! Its none of
your business! and he will say: So wrong of you! I do care! Somebody
has to or else how dare we call ourselves human beings!

He is so sincere; he isnt like a hypocrite syphilitic Lachesis that may

show off pretending to be idealistic and humane. Phosphor is an altruist;
he will react to injustice no matter the cost, no matter if he has the ability
to do something or not.

Valeriana, on the other hand, gets very angry mostly when injustice refers
to her. But she may also react when others are being hurt because she
thinks as follows: Who do you think you are Mr. Wise Guy? Why do
you consider yourself smarter than others? (i.e. than me?)

When weak people are hurt by others her insecurity makes her furious
just because she, herself, doesnt want to feel inferior. Such a state makes
her feel terrified. She doesnt want anyone to be on top of her; to feel
manipulated; to feel forced to do something; to be exploited, to be
dominated. She is scared to death being beaten or raped. Thats the reason
why she is so on guard, so touchy, so reactionary and mistrustful; she
tries hard to avoid any of the above situations.

Have you realized how fine these qualities are? How delicate and
differentiated? Human soul is as deep as an abyss. Yet, Homeopathy has
discovered an objective way to identify glimpses and figures shining in
this darkness! Isnt that wonderful? Isnt it fascinating! Well, it is to me!
Unless this is but an idiosyncratic characteristic of mine! (laughing)


3.15 Reactionary and insecure

If you hurt a Platina person she isnt flexible enough to adjust her
behavior according to the circumstances. She is going to come on you no
matter what! She attacks without second thought and doesnt regret about
any consequences. A Lachesis individual is very flexible. If she is on top
of things then she will have you beheaded! But if its not the right
moment she has that great ability to wait until she gets her revenge; she
may even kiss your ass without any difficulty or pretend that she is at
your side or even flatter you until the time she takes her revenge without
any mercy.

Well, when a Valeriana subject is hurt she becomes furious and

reactionary. Most of the times, if its not the right time, for example if she
is going to be fired if burst, she will restrain herself. At times she wont
be able and will burst with an ironic comment or even shout and curse. If
she doesnt express herself then revenge is a dish that can be eaten cold.
She will pay back and get even no matter how many years will pass.

But she is not so flexible as to kiss your ass or flatter you when angry.
Her great ego will not let her be humiliated. Even if she wont burst,
yet, an ironic comment will relieve her and comfort her that she, at least,
did something. Shes been stabbed but, nevertheless, she stabbed back!
She isnt so much interested in stopping injustice, especially if strangers
are involved; thats something characteristic only of psoric altruistic
Phosphor. She doesnt care much about others even if she will not admit
it to the doctor so as not to spoil her projected good image. What mainly
interests her at any cost is not to feel inferior, not to be depreciated.
Thats the reason why so often she becomes ironic. You see, irony is a
verbal punch that is usually permitted without great consequences.

So, she easily gets angry from ironic comments, injustice, insults and
from any low-cultured, boorish or antifeminist behavior since she
considers herself smart and refined. She is also furious from depreciation
or when they lie to her. When somebody lies to her she feels depreciated;


she feels that you got on top of her and she just cant stand it. Yet, she is
very good in saying lies when needed. Being aware of this quality of hers,
she is very mistrustful in believing others.

If her husband cheats on her and due to circumstances she is forced not to
get a divorce then she feels so depreciated, so inferior! She will never
permit to her husband to meet that woman again or she will never want
her a mile close to them. Any situation that reminds her of the fact will
turn her into pieces. She has been depreciated and ridiculed both as
woman and human being. Again we have to do with that terrible feeling
that haunts her whenever she feels depreciated or inferior.

Whenever angry she usually bursts her anger but mostly to her own close
ones: parents, brothers and sisters, husband and kids and even friends.
When she has to express her anger to her boss or to somebody very
superior to her, she hesitates. She may seem fearless and self-confident
but she isnt; thats why most of the times she plays it safe.

Let me give you an example. She is a teenager hanging out with her
brother/companion. He is usually a submissive coward Lycopodium guy
easily being manipulated by her without even him to realize it. She may
be smart and aggressive to other males or females around her and expects
her brother/companion to stand up for her. She is being a wise guy but
from a safe distance or if others cover her back. If her brother/companion
doesnt stand up for her then she accuses him of being coward, a
chicken or a pussy.

Valeriana may employ the above behavior as a caprice; only to have her
brother/companion confirm his love to her. If she stands up for her then
he loves her and he deserves her otherwise he doesnt love her or isnt
worth of her. She may also employ the above behavior only to show off
that she has a strong boyfriend that could die for her.


Many spoiled, nervous, insecure, reactionary, fake tomboys are Valeriana

subjects while many really tough tomboys are Medorhinum subjects.

3.16 Faking the cultured woman

Most of the times she chooses boyfriends or friends that she can
manipulate and exploit: good kids or cultured submissive kids or
feminists and democrats that want to serve beautiful smart
modern girls like her.

Valeriana isnt as cultured and refined as Lycopodium for example. She

pretends to be cultured, refined or in fashion. Ive seen a Valeriana
woman reading cosmic magazines only to pretend that she has a cosmic
life and that she is informed about this and that: Have you heard that,
that Rock star is having a live concert next Sunday at that hall? or Did
you know that, that famous theatrical play is coming soon on stage at the
X theater?

Showing off as cultured is what matters to her. She isnt really interested
in culture, art, politics or knowledge. On the contrary, Lycopodium seems
to be cultured and is indeed cultured; he has a real interest in knowledge,
a natural interest. Its true, of course, that he uses this cultured image in
order to show off psorically, especially to women, nevertheless, he enjoys
learning; he isnt shallow in this field.

Valeriana, on the other hand, is showing off being shallow as to her

knowledge, most of the times. Not only her clothing style is
unconventional but also her views on several matters like art, politics or
culture are unconventional.


3.17 She castrates her husband but then she cant be pleased by
Valeriana usually chooses men that are Lycopodium, psoric Sulphur or
Phosphor. She does this because they are good kids, submissive and
easy to manipulate and exploit. But then, she becomes trapped in her own
trap! She just cant be pleased by a man that is no longer a man, a man
that she herself has castrated.

On the one hand she cant be pleased by a submissive man and on the
other hand she wants to have full control over her man! A dead end! You
see, syphilitic persons like Valeriana dont appreciate anyone that they
can manipulate because they consider him stupid. When you have a
stupid person as your man and on the other hand you want someone
manly and strong to lean on then things become quite difficult.

She will pick the good boys because of their social status, success,
culture, money or good fame. She will manipulate them in an indirect
syphilitic way. At first, she wont be directly repressive. She employs
other ways. She becomes jealous due to her insecurity. She doesnt admit
it to others and most of the times she doesnt admit it even to her
husband. She says that she is loyal to him and thats how he should also
be towards her; she may say that cheating isnt right and is the
characteristic of shallow people; she may also say as an indirect threat
that if she catches him cheating then that will be the definite end of their

She is so good at manipulating her husband that most of the times he

doesnt realize that he is manipulated especially if he is that psoric good
fellow who loves her. He may even think that he has the upper hand or
that they are equal as to their relation. But, in reality, everything is done
her own way. Theres a very good joke about this situation with a
Valeriana or Lachesis wife and a Lycopodium husband.


Two married men discuss about their relation with their wives. The first
man, a sycotic guy says: We keep fighting all the time as to who has the
upper hand in all matters. What about you? Oh, we dont have any
problems at all! Wow, hows that? You see, we have come to an
agreement from the very beginning and we have split fields What do
you mean? She decides about anything that has to do with the kids, the
house, financial matters, vacations, social relations Stop, stop, wait!
Whats left for you, anyway? I decide about the family position about
the Middle East conflict or about inflation or about racism (laughing)

She is also attracted sexually to manly men but being insecure she is so
afraid of being dominated by such a man. If he starts giving orders or if
he talks manly to her she becomes furious. She is so afraid of being
inferior or depreciated that she becomes very reactionary to such manly
behaviors. Thats the reason why most of the times she says that she is a
feminist; she is feminist due to her insecurity and fear of male
predominance or male violence. So, she may be attracted sexually by
manly men but then she chooses good boys that she castrates and in
the end she just cant be pleased: a dead end. Her life becomes a mess
because she is a mess as a personality.

She is so afraid of her feminine side! She thinks that by giving herself
totally to her male companion she will become a submissive traditional
housewife. Being insecure she wants to be able to lean on a strong male
but she is so afraid that he will be repressive. So she chooses submissive
good boys and castrates them. But then every time she gets laid, her
castrated husband isnt manly enough for her and she cant have an
orgasm. And every time she wants to lean on a strong manly shoulder
there isnt one nearby: dead end! (laughing)

Why cant she have an orgasm? Because she is so insecure that she is all
the time on guard especially against men. If you cant relax and give
yourself to the other sex then you wont experience your feminine nature
and then how on earth do you want to experience orgasm? (laughing)


3.18 Male/female nature as to sexuality

What characterizes female nature in sex and love and in general is
receiving in a rather passive/yin way; being fully open to receive; being
receptive and susceptible; give oneself to another; be given; devote
oneself to another; dedicate oneself to another. What characterizes a male
nature in sex, love and in general is giving in a rather active/yang way.
Have you noticed that give is active voice while be given is passive
voice? Nothing is accidental!

You see, female is yin while male is yang. Female is the element Earth
while male is the element Sky/Heaven. Earth by nature receives, accepts
the presents of the Sky; so she has to be receptive. She must be able to
receive in order to become fertile. She doesnt keep these presents
egoistically for herself. She embraces the Sky and becomes one with him.
She doesnt care if he is on top of her and more active. Her role is to be
passive, fertile and supportive. On the other hand he, the Sky, gives,
serves and protects. His role is more active, but not to repress or exploit
the other part. If these natural roles are as they should be, then there is a
match; they fit perfectly; they are united! And unity is all that matters.
Unity brings orgasm, completion and fulfillment. Unity brings fertility,
happiness and joy.

Dont even think for a minute that this is a male chauvinistic view of
things. Dont even think for a minute that I support that female nature is
inferior to male nature. You see, Nature doesnt think like humans do.
We always see things through our egoism and insecurity. Hierarchy in
Nature doesnt mean authority and power to repress others. Hierarchy
means being able to serve others. Let me remind you that Jesus washed
the dirty feet of his students in order to show them the right meaning of
hierarchy which is serving others. Humiliation is nothing else but serving


As to Nature, male and female are equal; equal but different; different but
not opposed to each other. In fact they are complementary opposites. The
one needs the other in order to be balanced. Yin needs Yang and vice
versa, Earth needs Sky, Negative needs Positive, cold needs heat, passive
needs active and vice versa. If there is a balanced state then all are
wonderful and functioning naturally. If things are imbalanced then
problems arise.

A very passive man and a very active woman are unnatural states and
problems arise all the time. A very active, cruel and violent man is
imbalanced. A very passive, submissive woman is imbalanced. A passive
homosexual man and a repressive homosexual woman are both
imbalanced. A lion that seems like a Rudolf the reindeer is imbalanced.
A sheep that seems like a tough lion is imbalanced. Anything that differs
from its nature is unnatural and anything unnatural is but a problem.

Let us employ the above in sex trying all the time to be unprejudiced,
trying to examine things without having in mind that we are men or
women. By nature, the role of man in sex is more active, more yang. He
is the one to give his sperm and his yang energy so as to intermingle with
the yin female energy. That doesnt mean that the woman should just
spread her legs passively letting man do all the job! (laughing)

The female although being more passive, more yin, nevertheless, is very
active in stimulating the yang male through appearance, through beauty,
through caprice, grace, charm and shyness. She can also stimulate the
male by crying for help and support and definitely through her receptivity
and her tendency to be given to the male. The female is the earth on
which a house and a family will be built and have strong foundations
while the male is the energy and protection for the whole thing. Its a give
and take situation from both sides.


The male yang is stimulated by the female yin to take action. The female
yin lights the fuse/detonator of the male and his explosion triggers her
own explosion. So, both male and female natures are complementary
triggering orgasm for both of them having as a result relief of the tension
and joy.

You just cant talk about equality in the sense of similarity, of being
evenly, since we have not only opposite things but at the same time
complementary ones too. Its a wise, natural, complementary
dissimilarity. And this is in accordance with the universal Law of Unity
and Complementary Nature of Opposites.

There are so many women nowadays that often say: There are no real
men nowadays! Unfortunately, I must agree with them that, thats a fact!
But its also a fact that most castrated men nowadays have become so
because of their mothers and wives! Its also true that most of the women
that complain about this fact are indeed Valerianas, Platinas and Lachesis,
that is, syphilitic idiosyncrasies that castrate males and just cant accept
a real man by their side. Furthermore, they are the ones that as mothers
usually castrate their young boys!

Nowadays, living in this syphilitic era, men tend to become less male,
more passive, more submissive and even gay while women tend to
become more active, more antagonistic, more ambitious, cruel and
dominant, more male like. Thats the reason why, nowadays, most men
are influenced by psoric idiosyncrasies while most women are influenced
by syphilitic idiosyncrasies! And thats a damn fact and not a theory.

Both males and females are responsible for this fact because they interact.
A right male can turn a woman into a right female and a right female can
turn a man into a right male. Its a win-win situation because they are
both benefited. The physical orgasm and psychic happiness of a man
depends on the feminine side of his woman and the physical orgasm and


psychic happiness of a woman depends on the male side of her man. It

takes a woman to make a man out of a boy and it takes a man to make a
woman out of a girl!

We are not bisexual creatures. We are split into male and female human
beings. Without our better half, without our soul mate, we are crippled,
incomplete and lost! A man without a womans balancing female energy
tends to develop unbalanced excessive yang characteristics. He becomes
cruel, violent, cynical, indifferent, insensitive, bored and inactive. A
woman without a mans balancing male energy tends to develop
unbalanced excessive yin characteristics. She becomes neurotic,
malicious, unhappy and hysterical.

Is it accidental that we curse differently a man and a woman? For

example the most common bad name for a man is jerk or pig while
for a woman we often say bitch or horn. (laughing) Do you think that
its accidental that we have different names to call against a bachelor and
a spinster? Of course, that doesnt mean that anyone married is balanced
and happy. You should probably ask those who are married and youll
immediately understand what I am talking about! (more laughing)

3.19 The great value of the knowledge of human idiosyncrasies

The great value of the knowledge of human idiosyncrasies is that it helps
us understand whats normal and whats not normal in all fields of human
pathology and human psychology. Its so important to define whats
normal in any physical function, in thinking, feelings and behavior.
Homeopathy has given us this capability through the discovery and
description of human idiosyncrasies and that is a wonderful and magic

Whats more valuable than that is the fact that this is done in an unbiased
and scientific way. Its not an arbitrary psychological theory of some new


School of Psychology! It is scientific knowledge gained through the

scientific method of Proving, i.e. through Double Blind Trial!

Homeopathy has managed to identify Miasmas and Idiosyncrasies, that

is, the main cause of all human physical diseases and the main cause of
all human psychological imbalances, illusions and diseases. The world of
idiosyncrasies is but the world of Maya, the world of illusion! I say this
fully aware of what I am saying and knowing all the time that only if
someone has captured the essence of Homeopathy, only then he can
realize what I am saying. Homeopathy not only revealed the world of
Maya in details but at the same time is a great tool in overcoming it. That
is magic for me!

If you think that all the above are big talk, just words or theory then let
me illustrate to you a fine example. Lets illustrate the illusion that a
person develops under the influence of Valeriana in the sex and love field
as its revealed to me every day in my office.

3.20 Wayward in sex and love

There comes to me a woman influenced by the idiosyncrasy Valeriana.
On the one hand she denies her real feminine nature I mean the
feminine altruistic role of being given to a male and on the other hand
she is dressed quite provocatively towards any male; in her case I mean
quite thoroughly-slovenly provocatively.

She will have that low necked dress showing off her breasts but not as
vulgar as a Lachesis. Lachesis may have big breasts but still she will wear
a see-through blouse revealing everything or an very low low-necked
blouse. Valeriana will accidentally be slightly unbuttoned so as to show
her firm breast through the help of that expensive wonder bra that makes
her small breast seem larger and more firm.


She may also wear those low-waist jeans and small blouse in order to
reveal her tight belly; the unconventional silver ring on her navel; the
unconventional tattoo on her low back area; a tiny thorn; that fine silver
chain over her ankle. All the above are unobtrusive signals shouting out
loudly: I am modern, sexy, liberal and unconventional!

But as in all fields of behavior, when it comes to Valeriana, what you

see is not what you get! You see one thing and reality is another thing.
She may be provocative sexually but she is not an easy target. Most of the
times you think that you caught a big fish but it turns out that you have
swollen her bate! You may think that you are the hunter but it may turn
out that you are the prey!

You see, she may be sexually provocative but then that doesnt mean that
youll get laid! First she wants to hook you, to stimulate you, to gain your
attention and then she will take over control. She will handle things the
way she wants. She will go out with you on a date but she want go to bed
with you unless she is absolutely certain that she can manipulate you. She
is so much afraid that you will be that sycotic guy that after going to bed
with her he will dump her and will boast to all other males for his

That doesnt mean, of course, that this is the only version of behavior.
You must always bear in mind that a syphilitic person can act in many
and different ways even opposite ones. Yet, the important and common
thing beneath all these kinds of behavior is the syphilitic intention of
dominance. So, you may see a Valeriana woman that may go to bed with
a man at her first date but then after she hooks the male she may be very
hard with him. The point is: you got a bite, but if you want more you
have to pay for it! You have to come in terms with me, i.e. you must do
things my way! (laughing)


As mentioned before, she usually finds a good kid influenced by

Lycopodium, Phosphor or psoric Sulphur and gradually castrates him
and makes a slave out of a free male. Her ego and whims are satisfied but
the woman inside her body and the female inside her soul cannot be
satisfied by a castrated man who isnt manly, strong and dynamic
enough to lean on him. Such a man cannot relieve her insecurity. On the
one hand she wont stand any male who is male enough and on the other
hand she wont be satisfied by any male that isnt male enough! Wayward
down to the bones! Thats Valeriana!

Could you have understood all of the above if you didnt have the
knowledge of syphilitic miasma and the knowledge of the idiosyncrasy
called Valeriana! I dont think so! Well, thats the value of Homeopathy!
The value of true Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Homeopathy as I teach it!

3.21 All idiosyncratic characteristics are but imbalances!

Valeriana is usually unhappy. How could she not be unhappy with all
these extreme idiosyncratic characteristics? As many times said, all
idiosyncratic characteristics are but imbalances and imbalance can only
result to physical diseases, psychological diseases and unhappiness.

This is true about all idiosyncratic characteristics and about all miasmatic
characteristics either syphilitic, sycotic or psoric. Let me give you an
example. If a person is irritable grade 3 or 2 then he is going to have
many problems in his relations. But if he is passive as to anger grade 3
or 2 again he will have problems with other people. The irritable man
has problems arising from the fact that he cant be calm when needed and
the passive as to anger man has problems arising from the fact that he
cant get angry and stand for his rights where needed. The first one
resembles a driver that steps on the gas pedal even when going downhill
while the latter resembles a driver that doesnt step on the gas pedal when
going uphill!


Any normal reaction involves easy and free adaptation to the never
ending changing flow of life, that is, to be able to go with the flow, to let
go without any attachments of any kind. If you drive on the highway you
are in trouble either if you drive too slowly or if you drive too fast.
Idiosyncratic characteristics are but attachments that make adaptation

Someone could say: Ok, its easy to understand why a

irritable or syphilitic guy has problems with his life but
altruist psoric Phosphor have problems with his life due to
Isnt that an idiosyncratic characteristic of him? How can
characteristic create problems?

dominant or
how can an
his altruism.
that positive

You have to realize that whenever we say that Phosphor is an altruist

we mean that he is too damn altruist, so altruist, so unbalanced that
he will easily become the victim of any syphilitic guy and this will make
his life hard.

Somebody else could say: If Valeriana succeeds in being dominant in a

relation why will she be unhappy? She is the culprit and not the victim, so
why be unhappy? My dear fellow, not only sheep are unhappy; the
shepherd is also unhappy because he has turned free animals to slaves and
he became enslaved to their needs; you see, no slave can take care of
himself. So if you want the money from their exploitation you have to
serve them also. Not to mention the anxiety that a culprit has all the time
due to his fear that his victims and slaves may rebel against their master.

Take for example the typical case of dominant Lachesis mother. She
doesnt let her children become free independent individuals. She turns
them into submissive, immature, dependent creatures with no will of
themselves. Then, even when they become grownups, she has to take care
of them all the time in order to help them survive. They are both
sentenced for life, victims and culprits!


3.22 You just cant fool Universal Laws!

You see, Nature and Universal Laws are wise. You cant fool
heavenly/universal Justice with a bunch of well-paid lawyers and
excuses! You dont have to do with human justice! Syphilitic arguments
like I did it out of excessive, pathological love/insecurity/good
intention will not stand a chance in the court of Universal Law!

Nature and Universal Laws will tell you: Get off my back you miserable
human creature! Just because youve been fooling other humans all the
time do you think that you will be able to manipulate Me, too? Youve
violated the Law of Action and Reaction you mortal creature and as
youve sown, so shall you reap because you have given by our
Father/Nature/Universe call it as you like - the gift of Free Will and
youve chosen to spoil it. There are no excuses in Heaven!

You see, when it comes to Nature, Universal Laws and God, the end
doesnt justify the means. As life flows, goals and means become one
another changing place all the time. If I employ immoral means so as to
become moral I automatically become immoral. Means and goals are
both links in the same chain, in the same path to psychic evolution.

3.23 Reactionary and temperamental

Valeriana is highly reactionary! If you sincerely say to her Could you
please do this for me? she hasnt got any problem to do it. But if she
feels that you are trying to enforce something to her or that you are
depreciating her then she will become reactionary and even do the
opposite of what she was told, fully aware of her actions. Being very
insecure and mistrustful she often misinterprets others good intentions
and her behavior seems inexplicable. Thats the reason why I many times
say that she is the person that tries hard to make her life a mess.


She is also very moody, very temperamental and that is a great

characteristic of hers. But be very careful! This is a syphilitic moodiness!
Pulsatilla also seems to be temperamental but if we want to be precise we
should say that her mood is as fickle as the wind due to her psoric
emotional sensitivity. She is so sensitive that even little things and
behaviors may make her either very happy or very unhappy. Her mood is
very changeable according to external conditions.

The syphilitic moodiness of Valeriana, most of the times, doesnt have to

do with external conditions; its an internal state. Yes, its true that she is
easily aroused by external stimuli and by negative thoughts but there are
many times that she, herself, doesnt know why she is so temperamental.
Furthermore, her ups and downs involve not only her mood but also her
state of irritability. She feels blue or angry for no apparent reason and
then she is cheerful and calm for no apparent reason.

3.24 Her behavior doesnt make any sense!

She is also very nervous, very restless psychologically and at times even
physically. Her mind works in high revolutions so she just cant be tuned
when facing slow motioned or slow minded people especially when these
people are her fellow workers, kids or even worse, her husband. She just
cant say or explain something for the second time.

If her husband is a Lycopodium person who is smart but yet his thinking
is slow, analytic and systematic, then she just cant stand it. She considers
him stupid just because he is slow to understand and react. Most of the
times she expects from her husband to instantly feel what she means by
what she said and what she needs all the time and adjust himself to her
needs or even to her whims. This is too much for a Lycopodium person or
for any person!


Temperamental, irritable, nervous, reactionary and wayward: a lethal

combination! (laughing) Anybody close to her is in big trouble! Her dad
and mum are in despair! She is so easily offended all the time. Their
constant question is: Whats with her? What did I do? Whats the matter
with her?

If her husband is psoric and loves her, then she tries to satisfy all her
needs and whims but still she isnt happy and he is in despair. He doesnt
know what to do! But if he is a sycotic tough guy, a Medorhinum, then,
he doesnt bother try to understand her. He simply calls her crazy bitch
all the time and may slap her because she is busting his balls. Thats the
reason why Valeriana will not stay for long in a relation with a sycotic

But a psoric husband is in confusion; he just doesnt know how to behave

towards her. He takes care not to do anything wrong and so he may
exaggerate at times. She sees that exaggeration and interprets it as a weird
deliberate behavior. She will tell him: You did that on purpose!
Honey, I didnt do anything on purpose, I didnt realize that it would
upset you First of all I am not upset and for your information I am
not stupid as you think I am! If you admit that you did it on purpose and
apologize I will let it go!

If you think that you will have a logical conversation with Valeriana
when she is upset then you are so screwed! When she becomes
reactionary and wayward then her behavior just doesnt make any sense!
Theres another trap for any psoric person that loves her! An even deeper
trap! He believes that in time, if he is patient, giving and loving that he
will change her and from wild cat she will become a pussycat as the one
he had in mind when he first met her.

Theres no chance that this will happen. If she realizes that her
husband/father tries to change her then she becomes more reactionary and


even furious. Who the hell are you to force me to change? Who do you
think you are! You are so stupid that you cant change yourself and you
think that you can change me? Theres nothing wrong with me! Things
will never be done your way!

3.25 A spoiled, immature girl

Very often, just because she is so irritable, reactionary, hysterical and
fickle, her parents try to keep things calm by satisfying all her needs and
whims. This behavior of her parents turns her into a spoiled, immature
demanding girl. If her father isnt man enough to control her, to put a
leash on her and at the same time give love to her and attention then she
doesnt have a proper male icon and this affects her whole life. She
depreciates all males and no affair of hers will thrive. The same thing
stands bold with her relations to her bosses. Obedience is an unknown
word for her.

She is like a PHP, that is, a Pepperoni Hot Pizza! (laughing) She looks
very yummy to the inexperienced eye but because she is very spicy you
are on fire when you eat it! Others around you may say: How come you
got divorced! She seemed such a nice cultured girl!

3.26 Mistrustful and jealous

Valeriana is very mistrustful. She enters your office and gives you that
hidden mistrustful look. She has that air of confidence, that special style
that can only be felt and not described. Its not the arrogant straight style
of Platina. Its the air of the unconventional, smart and mistrustful
woman that seems to be cool while at the same time she does a CT-scan
checking your intentions and soul to find out who you are.

She may even suddenly ask some questions that are tricky in order to test
you. She will say: Do you mean that I will get well with your
treatment? Her tone of voice is so unclear that you start thinking: Is she


ironic or not? Is she sincere or not? Why is she asking that? You may
ask her Why have you come to me? and she will promptly say: I
didnt come to you! They brought me to you! and by that she means that
her parents forced her to come. Or she may tell you I dont have
anything in particular although she has some serious health problems.
You see, she doesnt want to admit that she needs your help, she doesnt
want to feel obliged to you or she doesnt want to feel inferior.

She is also tremendously jealous, jealous out of insecurity. Yet, when

young and unconventional and modern and liberal she wont admit
it because it doesnt suit to her projected image. If her Lycopodium
husband - who has the tendency to flirt psorically all the time - believes
her statements that she is not jealous at all and makes a naughty move
then he is so screwed! She will interrogate him and make him admit that
he desires other women. He will spit it out because he believes in being
sincere to his relations and then he will so regret for his confession. You
just cant confess being sinful to the Inquisition! You are so condemned
on Earth and in Heaven! (laughing)

Her husband will be so surprised to see that his liberal partner became
the worst boorish, jealous woman. She will make extreme scenes; she
will demand all the time for confirmation of his love; she will have him
apologizing all the time and begging for forgiveness; she will make him
feel full of guilt. In the end, she will make his and hers life a hell on

If her husband cheats on her she will not get angry with him only but also
with her rival. She will feel so depreciated towards her, so inferior, so
ridiculed! She will force her husband not to see her again. But we are
working at the same job I dont care! Quit from your job!

She feels so insulted, so hurt, so ridiculed even if nobody else knows

about it. He - her husband - knows and she her rival - knows! Thats


enough for her! She feels so humiliated! She will try to do anything to
gain her lost pride. She must revenge, she must make him feel the pain he
has caused to her and her rival also must pay. She may even get laid with
a friend of her husband or someone that he despises and go and spit it out
to him, only to get even!

Lachesis is also very jealous but not in the same way. Lachesis thinks:
Who the hell are you, you bitch, to think that you are more cunning than
me? Youve stolen my husband, my slave, the one that did everything I
told him to do I want my slave back and I am going to win this fight
because I am foxier than you

Platina is not so jealous but still she may say to her husband: You, idiot!
How stupid are you to get laid with that ugly, stupid inferior woman! Go
away, you are not worth of me, you are erased from my life you stupid

Valeriana, on the other hand, will say: How dare you betray me, ridicule
me towards her and others! I will get even! I will revenge! I will make
you beg for forgiveness!

3.27 Revengeful, wants to get even, to get on top

If her marriage isnt as she wants it to be then she may decide to divorce.
If she was the one to dump him she has no problem at all and she may
say it proudly to others: He wasnt good enough for me! But if he
makes the first move, even though they were about to split, even though
she was ready to get a divorce, then she collapses. She feels dumped,
betrayed, ridiculed, depreciated and offended.

Ive deliberately chosen these expressions. They are the one she uses to
describe her state and are very indicative of her idiosyncrasy. Different


idiosyncrasies use different words to describe their reactions to the same

event. Thats because their reactions can be totally different even if the
event is the same. The key to diagnosis is to be able to translate the
patients words and reactions into the language of idiosyncrasies, that
is, into the Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Materia Medica.

Most times, if her husband or boyfriend dumps her she will accuse him
that he was impotent or gay or that he cheated on her and abandoned their
family and she does that so as not to feel inferior. At times she may
follow a different plan. She will not accuse him and will even apologize
to him but not in front of others and beg him to return back to her.
She will promise to him that she will change and do anything he wants.
Then if he returns back after a while she will dump him only to get even;
only to say to others that she was the one who dumped him!

There are, of course, many cultured and liberal Valerianas that dont
want to admit to the doctor that they are revengeful. When asked if they
are revengeful they may say: Well, not much but I will not stay with my
hands crossed! or I am not revengeful, I will not demean myself, but I
want justification; I wont do anything but if something happens to him
and he gets hurt I will be glad because he got what he deserved! You see
the main idea is to make him suffer for what he did to her. If that isnt
masked revenge then what the hell is it?

If her husband has left her for another woman then the ultimate revenge
for her is if he dumps her rival or if he is dumped by her rival and comes
back to her begging for forgiveness and a second chance. Most of the
times she wont forgive him, but sometimes she will accept him back
only to make him suffer and pay for what he did to her and then when she
had enough of it to dump him herself.

That doesnt mean that she is spiteful like Lachesis or Anacardium. The
main thing is not to feel inferior; to get even, to revenge. If you havent


hurt her, then she wont do something bad to you in order to enjoy it. She
isnt malicious; but she is reactionary and revengeful if hurt.

3.28 She bears a grudge

If somebody offends her she will usually become ironic. If it was a great
offence then she may bear a grudge for him or have it in for him and
become revengeful. Sometimes if the doctor asks her she will admit that
she bears a grudge and that she is revengeful and even boast about it. But
if she projects the image of the liberal and cultured woman then she will
refuse that she is revengeful and may say that she may simply erase
him or simply expects justification.

If when offended was shocked and missed the opportunity to answer back
then she cant relax until she gets even. She tries to find the chance to pay
back and no matter how much time has passed she wont forget it. Not
even if you apologize to her.

Now, pay attention to differential diagnosis of reaction after offense. If

Platina is seriously offended then she erases you for good in the sense
that You worthless worm, you stupid baboon! How dare you insult me,
the Queen! I ignore you! You simply stopped existing for me, you are
finished! If you apologize to her nothing will change! If you are working
in the same office she may say a typical Good Morning every now and
then and will keep being snobbish all the time.

When Natrum Muriaticum is greatly offended most of the times she will
not show it. She will keep it inside her for long and every time she
remembers it or sees you she will feel hurt and experience bitterness. If
you apologize she will accept your apologize sincerely because she is
psoric but, nevertheless, it wont be easy for her to forget it; she is hurt
and the wound wont heal easily or if it heals a scar of bitterness may
remain inside her heart. She wont be snobbish or angry but she wont be


warm hearted any more towards you; she will be typical and polite but
nothing more.

You see, Natrum Muriaticum is hurt emotionally; Platina is hurt as her

vanity is concerned and Valeriana is hurt as to her image and egoism.

3.29 Introvert; pity makes her angry

Valeriana is very introvert for two main reasons. She is insecure and
mistrustful and she keeps a certain image towards others. Lycopodium
also projects a certain image but its a psoric cultured image. Platina also
projects the image of the indisputable Queen. To be honest its not an
image since she believes that she is what she projects. What you see is
what you get! Valeriana projects an image that differs a lot from what
she is. She is insecure and projects the image of a strong woman; she is
irritable and projects a calm picture; she is coward and conventional and
shows off as unconventional and liberal, and so on.

So, if the image she projects to others differs a lot from her real self, then
she tries hard not to reveal her real self so as not to spoil her image.
Thats one main reason for her introversion. Consequently, she will talk
about her personal problems only to one or two very close friends;
moreover, she will not reveal all her deep felt matters.

If you want to make a Valeriana angry then show pity to her; tell her: Oh
you poor thing! Oh what have they done to you? She gets furious and
often expresses her anger becoming insulting or ironic. Her attitude and
state corresponds to the following thought: Who do you think you are to
feel pity for me! How dare you depreciate me and position me beneath
you! Compare this with Natrum Muriaticum: she is very introvert, easily
offended but does not show it and tries to go away. She will not express
her anger.


3.30 Nervous headaches and other nervous symptoms

Its very important to discriminate between different kinds of symptoms.
For example neurovegetative idiosyncrasies like Phosphor, Argentum
Nitricum and Arsenicum usually develop neurovegetative symptoms.
Nervous idiosyncrasies like Natrum Muriaticum, Valeriana and Nux
Vomica usually develop nervous symptoms. Hysterical idiosyncrasies
like Lilium Tigrinum, Asafoetida, Moschus, Cimicifuga and Cactus often
develop hysterical symptoms.

So, whenever you identify the kind of symptoms of a patient that prevail
then you search for the corresponding idiosyncrasies. If nervous
symptoms prevail then you look for nervous idiosyncrasies, if hysterical
symptoms prevail then you search for hysterical idiosyncrasies and so on.

For example Valeriana and Natrum Muriaticum, both have nervous

headaches. Valeriana develops a headache usually after going downtown,
at the center of the town where there is a lot of traffic and crowded
streets. She develops that headache on returning home to relax. She may
also have a headache after getting angry.

Nux Vomica may develop a tension headache when overtired from much
work or when in a hubbub. Natrum Muriaticum develops a headache
because she is psoric, easily offended and introvert. So, whenever hurt
she keeps things inside and all that stress causes a nervous headache.
Sulphur also has headaches but not nervous ones. He seems to have a
tendency for headaches since young and probably they have to do with
his sycotic and plethoric blood circulation that makes his face and head
red and hot.

So, whenever we have a patient with a history of chronic headaches

beginning early in life we must first think of Valeriana, Nux Vomica,
Natrum Muriaticum and Sulphur. These are the basic idiosyncrasies that


suffer from headaches. In any Repertory you will find decades of other
non basic or rare idiosyncrasies that have developed headaches during
their Provings. But our aim is not the disease; our aim is the idiosyncrasy,
the whole; and more specifically our aim are those idiosyncrasies that are
natural polychrest, those that I call basic or fundamental idiosyncrasies
and influence the majority of human beings.

Whenever I say when you see this thing, then think of this and that
idiosyncrasy this isnt a rule; its just a reminder, a possibility to be
checked. Never take for granted any possibility even if it happens quite
often! There are many other basic idiosyncrasies that may often have
headaches. Or you may find a person suffering from headaches all his
life, yet he is influenced by a certain idiosyncrasy which hasnt frequent
headaches as a trait. The part never defines the whole; the whole defines
the part. And that is a Universal Law and accordingly a Homeopathic

Valeriana may also have other nervous symptoms like nervous difficulty
to take a deep breath, oppression chest, internal trembling, palpitation or

3.31 Fear of being raped and fear of male violence

She also has a certain kind of characteristic fear that she wont easily
reveal unless you take it out of her indirectly. She is afraid of walking
alone at night; why so? Its not that she is afraid of thieves or murderers.
She is afraid of being raped, she is afraid of male violence. A rape is the
height of male dominance for a Valeriana woman. If she is so afraid of
male dominance then why not be absolutely afraid of being raped. This is
the worst thing that could happen to her.

Now, let me point out again one more inconsistency of the decades that
characterize her. Although she is afraid of male predominance and is so


insecure about sex, most of the times she may dress in a provocative way
and may project the image of the liberal woman as sex is concerned.
She wants to attract the attention of men and even use flirt or sex as a way
of manipulating men but on the other hand she is so afraid of male
predominance. Being insecure and mistrustful she is afraid that through
sex the male will prevail on her personality. I mean, of course, a manly
sex and not the sex that she has with her often castrated by her,

Its not a surprise that she is also afraid of male violence in general. She
is so afraid that her father or husband will slap her or beat her. So,
sometimes, in the beginning of a relation she may warn her companion
that if he lays a hand on her then thats the end of their relation.

Despite the above, many times with her reactionary and wayward
behavior she may be asking for it. When angry she keeps provoking her
companion, keeps pushing him to the limits raising the possibility for
male violence to happen. Its like a small immature kid that keeps doing
the same naughty behavior only to draw attention to him although he
knows that he will be punished in the end.

She is so wayward that she may even attempt to slap or beat her
companion although she is afraid of being beaten. If her companion beats
her then its the end of their relation. If he doesnt beat her then again its
the end of their relation because she will not appreciate him as male and
in time their relation will come to an end. Dead end! You see why I say
that she is a spoiled immature woman with such wayward behavior that
doesnt make any sense. Moreover, her behavior doesnt make any sense!

If her father - the first man in her life, the male role model is indeed
male enough not to let her become a spoiled woman then she has a
possibility to have normal relations with the other sex in the future. When
I say that, I certainly dont mean that her father should beat her or be


repressive. I simply mean that in such cases the parent must employ the
blow hot and cold technique: much love and at the same time
discipline; love and boundaries; patience and at the same time no
tolerance to her whims.

Its not at all accidental that Valeriana idiosyncrasy thrives in girls that
are raised by families where there is a lack of the right male role model:
her father is very submissive or he is a sycotic scamp or he is castrated
by his dominant wife or he is driven away from the family.

For example, if the father is a psoric submissive Lycopodium or Sulphur

and the mother is a dominant Lachesis, Valeriana or Platina, then the
male of the family will be castrated by the female and the girl will not
have a right male icon. She will not appreciate men and will imitate her
mother in her future affairs.

Another example: Her father is a sycotic Medorhinum who is alcoholic,

does not care about his family and kids and on top of that he is a
womanizer. While growing up her Lachesis or Valeriana or Platina
mother keeps accusing her father and all men that are pigs and so she
has a negative male role model. The same thing can happen if her father
isnt a scamp but is a very dominant and strict Nux Vomica or Arsenicum
or Platina, not at all tender and affectionate towards his daughter. Then
its so easy for the daughter to reject not only her father but all males
becoming angry and reactionary and thus developing Valeriana

Do you now understand why Valeriana is so frequent in young girls and

women? Its because nowadays, at the syphilitic era that we live in,
males/fathers have become more psoric and submissive and less male or
have been turned into sycotic pigs while women/mothers have become
less female and more syphilitic bitches. Sorry for the slang terms but if


you have to describe reality you just cant do it by cold, neutral

scientific terms. You have to say things by their real names.

I am not a sex racist. I believe that both males and females are deranged
nowadays and theres no point in saying that men or women are more to
be blamed. I appreciate a balanced woman as much as I appreciate a
balanced man. And I also believe that an unbalanced woman and an
unbalanced man are both just unbalanced. But when you have to deal
with a culprit-victim behavior, although they are both unbalanced I must
say that I sympathize more with the victim. Maybe its because Ive been
victimized many times in the past due to my idiosyncratic influences!

Can you see how non-theoretical Homeopathy is? Can you realize how
practical is Homeopathy with so many applications in understanding
everyday life? Can you understand how deep it takes you in realizing the
real causes of human disease and human unhappiness? No other
theoretical knowledge Psychology, Philosophy, Religion, Medicine,
Sociology, etc. can explain in a better way the wayward behavior of a
Valeriana woman. Only by Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Homeopathy we can
understand human behavior and especially teenagers behavior or the
dynamic in an affair/family/group/society.

3.32 Ambitious and often setting up things for her

As said, Valeriana projects the image of an unconventional, wellinformed and cultured person. She wants to be considered liberal,
ecologist and on the side of any weak and in need. She may even declare
herself to be against rich people, against exploitation of other people,
against the establishment, etc. Yet, thats, most of the times, theoretical
statements. She has no problem to marry a rich guy for his wealth so as to
live in comfort or in order to make her ambitions come true.


As in all syphilitic idiosyncrasies there are many versions, even opposite

ones. A sycotic first version is the unconventional one. She is lazy, fringe,
unconventional and reactionary; against any authority, against the
establishment; the only thing she cares about is to have a nice time but in
a fringe manner. If you ask a Medorhinum what he wants from life he
will tell you: earn much money with as little work as possible in order to
have fun and enjoy life.

A syphilitic second version is the ambitious bitch version. She is highly

ambitious, wants to make a great career and to become a celebrity. Not
just any kind of celebrity; she doesnt want to have the glory of the stupid
beautiful blond actress or model. She wants to be recognized mostly for
her personality. So, she will choose to become a media journalist; thats
ideal for her because she will become a celebrity, judge people, have
power on others, do research, recognized as cultured and be ironic. What
else could a Valeriana professional ask for?

Have you ever seen those militant women journalist, dressed

unconventionally yet expensively, going through the country with a
microphone in their hands on the spot of an event or on the channel news
plateau taking interviews? If anyone dares question them they become so
ironic and antagonistic. Well, most of these are Valeriana individuals.
They also thrive as TV broadcasters in cultured or political programs and
not in gossiping ones. You could also find her as a student to be political
active crashing her opponents in discussions with passion and irony.

Please, be careful. I may use terms like bitch, lazy, reactionary, etc,
but I dont have any negative emotional charge while using it. I dont
think that I am biased towards any person that is influenced by any
idiosyncrasy. Each time I try to use the most every day appropriate
common terms in order to be realistic and live in my presentation of
idiosyncrasies. Whats the point in using neutral, formal scientific
terms of Psychology? No patient comes to your office speaking like that!


What defines things, even in Science, isnt the manner of expression but
the intention beneath it. If my intention is biased and negatively charged
then I am not being scientific and I may even be vulgar something that
doesnt match a doctor and a scientist. On the other hand if my intention
is to give a live and understandable picture, if my intention is to copy
reality as best as possible, then I am not biased and vulgar; I am truly

She also likes professions like psychologist or cultured, quality theater

actor. She doesnt have any moral hesitations in order to make a
successful career. She has no problem to get laid with the producer or
boss. She will discreetly flirt with him, charm him and make him promise
things even avoiding going to bed with him. If she has to get laid, then it
wont be for long; after she got what she wanted she flies off.

-As a psychologist, is she good at her work?

-Its not so easy to be really good when you arent patient and you dont
care deeply for the problems of other people since she is a very egoistic
person. Nevertheless, she is smart and intuitional. Yet, when it comes to
Psychology, what most interests her is research, social and professional
status and to become a celebrity.

She will also thrive in a company as an executive. Not so much for the
sake of dominance like Lachesis but for the sake of recognition. You may
find her working from dusk to dawn only to become that ambitious
workaholic bitch. She becomes very antagonistic and can manipulate her

3.33 Restless and nervous; abuse of coffee and tobacco

Valeriana is usually restless and very nervous. No wonder why the herb
Valeriana is prescribed as sedative and sleeping remedy. Her nervousness
isnt easily revealed to the inexperienced observer. As many of her traits,


this is also well hidden. Her nervousness drives her towards the abuse of
coffee and tobacco.

She may smoke one cigarette after another for hours and may proudly
say: I just love to smoke! Yet you can also hear her say: Damn habit!
She smokes in a characteristic modern and unconventional way. She
holds the cigarette with her index finger and third finger on a vertical
position and takes a deep breath and exhales intensely in style, showing
that she really enjoys it.

If she is the reactive fringe woman then she may hold the cigarette
between thumb and index finger and inhale deeply as if smoking pot! If
she is the ambitious bitch version she may choose those long, slim
cigarettes or those long, slim, cigars always in her effort to seem different
and unique and exceptional. Platina and at times, an ambitious modern
Lachesis may smoke like those movie divas of the past using at times
those long female pipes.

You see how detailed and specific can be the description of an

idiosyncrasy by the method of Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Homeopathy? But
you should never stick on any detail and be absolute and say any woman
using long, slim cigarettes is definitely a Valeriana individual. This is
nonsense! What really matters isnt the behavior. Behavior is but the last
link in the chain of human expression. Its the intention that lies beneath
the style that matters and its the whole picture that matters more than the

She is so nervous that she tends to become addictive towards coffee and
tobacco. She may reach the point when she must drink a coffee in order
to go to sleep! If a Valeriana is not used to coffee she may be upset
whenever she drinks coffee because she has that sensitive nervous system
functioning on high revolutions. That is also true of Coffea Cruda. But
when she becomes addicted due to abuse, then she may need coffee all


the time in order to feel calm! A Valeriana patient of mine told me

proudly that when she was a teenager she used to go to the kiosk all the
time to buy one sachet of instant coffee after another and the owner told
her: What the heck are you doing? Are you trying to commit suicide
with coffee?

Enough said about Valeriana. Weve said too much because she is a very
frequent idiosyncrasy nowadays in the syphilitic era that we live in and
for one more reason: because she is a well-hidden idiosyncrasy full of
inconsistencies. Such idiosyncrasies can teach us many valuable things
about human psychology. Furthermore such idiosyncrasies are easily
detectable by the well trained in Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Diagnosis
doctor while an inexperienced eye sees nothing.



4.1 The syphilitic vanity of the First One
4.2 Vanity in the physical field
4.3 Fan of high life!
4.4 Air/Sense of superiority
4.5 Her motto: Success is happiness!
4.6 Strong, tough, egoistic, ambitious person
4.7 Psoric and sycotic version of Platina
4.8 A self-centered Queen
4.9 Dominant, demanding and irritable
4.10 Male Platina
4.11 Idiosyncratic Diagram of Platina

4.12 She is beautiful and she knows it!
4.13 The Queen
4.14 As if taller
4.15 Snobbish
4.16 Rigid
4.17 The blonde bimbo or the smart goddess


4.18 Anything for the palace!

4.19 Her sole goal is to be the first one!
4.20 Dread of wrinkles and ugliness
4.21 Nymphomania
4.22 Dominance and vanity instead of multilevel orgasm

4.1 The syphilitic vanity of the First One

Platina is one of the idiosyncrasies that thrive in our present syphilitic
society. What are today the predominant social patterns for a woman?
Beauty, success and vanity! The main Basic Passion of Platina is vanity.
Quite many idiosyncrasies are vain, each one in its own way. We have
already talked about the psoric vanity of Natrum Muriaticum and the
sycotic vanity of Medorhinum. Yet, the vainest of all vanities - if
someone could say such a thing - is the syphilitic vanity, a vanity
characterized by arrogance. Thats what Ancient Greeks considered the
most terrible of all sins, and called it hybris, that is,
hubris/insult/offence towards Gods.

In my book about Emotions we have referred to the twin feeling of

Worthlessness-Vanity. Weve considered these two as Intellectual
Emotions and compared it to the Conscience Emotion of
Modesty/Humbleness. Platina is the typical representative of syphilitic
vanity/arrogance. Its mostly a female idiosyncrasy but its not a rare
thing to find a male Platina. In the past where men prevailed in society
there were more male Platina individuals, but nowadays, that women
have prevailed especially in Western Modern Societies, there are many
more female Platinas than male.

Due to her vanity, Platina as a rule, believes and is sure about it, that she
is worth more than she is. Even when she is objectively the first, the most


worthy of others or very high compared to others, even then, she tends to
exaggerate about her abilities and value.

She tends to consider herself as the first one, the best of all, the
indisputable Queen, the winner, the one and only, the unique, the
top of the tops. To be the second one is never enough for her; she wont
compromise with anything but the first position; not an inch less than the
peak, the top, the top of the tops.

She would like to be the first in all fields but thats not possible, so, her
Secondary Behavior varies according to social conditions and according
to the conditions that she was raised. For example if she was born
beautiful according to the current social patterns then her vanity will be at
the field of external appearance. But if she is ugly then she becomes
snobbish as to external appearance and her vanity is expressed in the
fields of profession, art or spirit.

That is, she aspires to become the successful businesswoman, the talented
artist or the evolved psyche-the female guru. Even then, that doesnt
mean that she doesnt care much about her external appearance. Even
when she is generally considered ugly or very ugly there are a lot of
Platinas that consider themselves as very pretty in an exclusive way.

4.2 Vanity in the physical field

Lets see how her vanity is expressed in the physical field. Most Platina
teenagers consider themselves fat even if they have normal weight or
even when they are quite slim. Fatness is their most terrible nightmare!
Nobody, and I mean nobody, not even the doctor or dietician can
convince them that they arent fat. Even if she admits that she isnt so fat,
nevertheless, she acts as if being fat; she is so much afraid of becoming
fat and losing her amazing figure.


Thats the reason why most of the times she is constantly on a diet and
when I say diet I mean a syphilitic diet characterized by extremes. She
may fast for days or eat only a couple of fruits for days or work out in the
gym from dusk to dawn. She will follow any irrational or even stupid diet
they propose to her. She will gladly take even harmful medicines so as to
lose a few kilos. She wants prompt and drastic results; she just cant wait!
Very often, Platina teenagers enter a vicious circle: they fast for days,
then eat anything they find in front of them in quantities, then they cause
vomiting so as not to get all those calories and then again fast and so on.

Platina is the best and loyal client of Beauty Centers! She spends most of
her money and much time so as to stay beautiful or become more
beautiful. You must have noticed that I didnt say to become beautiful
because she is so certain that she is beautiful and always have been. Her
main interest isnt health; its beauty! Many Platina celebrities resort to
extreme measures so as to stay beautiful or become even more beautiful
and I mean plastic surgery, Botox, extreme spa treatments, massages,
harmful medicines, extreme physical exercise, etc.

What are her worst nightmares? They are obesity, cellulitis, acne, hair
falling, wrinkles, small/not tight breast, rolls of fat, phlebitis, etc. That is,
anything that makes her appearance not look perfect, amazing and
astonishing. So why not be terrified of aging? She is more afraid of aging,
wrinkles and ugliness than disease and death.

Several accessories are her permanent benefactors and at the same time
torturers: creams, hair dyes, sprays, mascaras, make up accessories,
hairdryers, powders, fragrances, cosmetics, spa devices, sauna, etc. Her
clothing is another field where money and time are spent.

She buys the most expensive clothes and at times the most provocative
ones, the latter depending on her culture. The lower her culture is, the
lower her taste. If she is a boorish woman she will wear extreme and even


kitsch clothes and accessories only to impress others and be unique: super
miniskirts, see-through blouses, extreme low-necked blouses, extreme
underwear, eccentric hair styling, extreme hair dyes, etc.

If her culture is of high standards then she dresses more classical but still
expensive, unique, in fashion and always brand names. Furs, expensive
golden or platinum jewels, diamonds, Prada bags and shoes, etc. Even
if she isnt rich she will try to buy the most expensive and in fashion
clothes and accessories. She may get a loan in order to buy expensive
clothes or even do plastic surgery!

4.3 Fan of high life!

Platina is the greatest fan of high life and high society. Isnt vanity the
greatest characteristic of high society? How is vanity expressed in high
society? Its expressed through luxurious mansions, expensive cars and
yachts, expensive jewels, diamonds, etc. The same vanity runs through all
activities of high society: expensive holidays in luxurious resorts,
expensive exclusive private schools, gallery openings, exclusive clubs,
operas, exhibitions of eccentric artists, charity gala, awards, etc.

That doesnt mean that you have to be rich to become a Platina and of
course, it doesnt mean that all rich and famous people are Platina. It
simply means that high society is a fertile ground for Platina idiosyncrasy
and furthermore it means that any Platina, no matter how poor would
dream of such a life.

She may be poor or low class but even then she tries to be the number
one at her neighborhood, at job, in sports or in activities like the piano,
yoga, gym, etc. She wants to be the very center of attraction, the number
one, the top of the tops in any possible field. She believes that she
deserves it and has no problem in admitting it. There is a relevant saying


in Greece: She is beautiful and she knows it! This definitely suits

4.4 Air/Sense of superiority

She has that specific air/sense of superiority! Her style is arrogant and
vain. She doesnt want her presence to be unnoticed. She wants to attract
attention, the same attention that a royal court gives to the passing-by
Queen. You may see a number of styles: femme fatale, modern
businesswoman, executive, unique personality, successful
woman, celebrity, number one star, famous talented artist,
cultured woman, academic, high class woman, classy, refined,
royalty, spiritual woman, aristocrat, guru, famous, etc. Whats
common in all the above is vanity, in fact, syphilitic vanity!

Her speech, motion, clothing, accessories and general portrait radiates

vanity and may be considered sophisticated, eccentric or snobbish. She
walks with style and air of confidence and royalty: straight body and
spine, elevated chin, head high, slow charming motion, looking forward
and a bit high and not taking notice of others around her. Isnt this the
peacock style! Yes, it is!

In extreme cases of Platina she may have the feeling as if becoming taller,
as if her body is larger and as if other people around her are shorter and
objects smaller than her! When in a state between sleep and waking she
may have the feeling that her body or parts of her body are enlarged.
These are not hallucinations, delusions or illusions. They are simply
extreme physical sensations that correspond to the fact that she thinks a
lot of herself and is full of herself regarding appearance and intellectual

4.5 Her motto: Success is happiness!

What about the expressions of her vanity in the intellectual, family and
social field? She thinks a lot of herself. She definitely believes that she is


above the average in all fields or at least in many important fields, in

fields that matter like beauty, cleverness, charm, royalty, style, culture,
refinement, artistic talent and spirituality.

So, she is very self-confident, self-assured and self-centered; a very

strong personality and usually a very active and ambitious person. She
definitely knows what she wants and will do anything to get it. Once, I
prescribed Platina for a patient of mine that was complaining for lack of
self-confidence and the trainee doctor sitting next to me in the office was
so much surprised. After the patient left he asked me: How, on earth, did
you prescribe Platina to this person? Shouldnt she be full of selfconfidence?

Ill say it a million times and still it may not be enough: Its not what the
patient says but how and why he says it. Its the intention and tendency
that matters and not the behavior. Its the Primary Behavior/Genotype
that matters and not the Secondary Behavior/Phenotype that matters. So,
in the above example we had to do with a woman that feels that she is
above the average in many or in all fields but because of a failure in
achieving her vain and high goals she declares lack of self-confidence.
Thats just a statement and nothing more or less; its not reality for Gods
sake! We never prescribe for statements; we only prescribe for facts!

As Platina is concerned the motto is: Success is Happiness! For her,

happiness is to be the first one. Her ambitions and dreams have to do with
activities and professions full of glory. She wants to be an actress; not just
any actress. She wants to be a great movie or theater star.

She would also like to be a pop star, a TV broadcaster, a TV journalist, a

top model, a painter, a piano player, a prima ballerina, an opera singer, a
modern dancer, in charge of public relations of an organism, owner of a
luxurious boutique, gym owner, businesswoman, executive, owner of a


ballet school, etc. What matters in all the above cases is to be exceptional,
unique and to project her worthy, classy personality.

If she has to choose between family and career she will choose career
especially if she is a modern woman; being a housewife may even sound
depreciating to her. That doesnt mean that she doesnt love to have a
luxurious house: expensive, large and classy with modern costly
furniture. And if it comes with a maid and a butler, then even better!

4.6 Strong, tough, egoistic, ambitious person

She is primarily a strong, tough person and may even seem insensitive or
cruel. She is very active and very self-confident. She is very egoistic and
ambitious; she has high goals and in order to achieve them she doesnt
have any emotional restrains and this may make her appear to be even
insensitive or cruel.

Platina is generally a syphilitic remedy but there are two more versions,
the psoric and the sycotic if one of the latter comes second and is strong.
When the syphilitic miasma prevails intensely she becomes insensitive
and cruel, even towards her own close people. She becomes more selfcentered, more predominant and cruel but not out of maliciousness like
Lachesis but only out of attachment to her high goals. In such cases,
people around her feel that she is always giving orders to them like a
Queen. She wants things to be done her own way and without any
objections of any kind.

Rarely, she may say that she is sensitive or even very sensitive but this is
just a statement; you dont see any emotion radiating from that statement;
its just an intellectual statement and nothing more perhaps because she is
an artist and artists should be sensitive. This statement of sensitivity
also happens when we have to do with a tough syphilitic Platina that has
failed to achieve her high goals.


Furthermore, declaring sensitive nowadays is in fashion. So, if you

havent succeeded enough you may find an excuse for that, that is, I
could do so many things but being sensitive I didnt meet my potentials!
She is so egoistic that its a common thing for her to violate many
Universal Laws and thus instead of being the successful to become the
failure; so its not uncommon to adopt the secondary behavior of the
sensitive person as an excuse for her failure.

Havent you ever watched interviews of actors and artists that have never
reached the top; they often say that they were too sensitive or too
moral to beat the system and become successful. Another excuse for a
Platinas failure is that she is a spiritual cultured person that doesnt
care for success especially in society of our times with lack of

This is also the excuse for those Platinas that are not beautiful or those
that are even ugly and so cant depend on their physical assets for
success. So if you havent got the body you must say that you have the
mind and the psyche. You see, when it comes to physical traits things
are very clear: you either have it or not! But when it comes to
psychological traits and psychic evolvement things become very misty
and everybody can declare a guru or a saint or a Queen.

4.7 Psoric and sycotic version of Platina

Psoric Platina resembles a very refined Lycopodium or Natrum
Muriaticum person with much self-confidence. She isnt as tough and
competitive as syphilitic Platina so its so convenient to adopt the
secondary behavior of the cultured, refined and even humble person.
But, no matter if she admits it or not, she thinks that, as psychological
evolution is concerned, she is at a very high level and at times she is even
slightly snobbish.


Sycotic Platina wont adopt the usual secondary behavior of syphilitic

Platina of femme fatal or Queen or executive. She adopts the
secondary behavior of the modern, dynamic and unconventional woman.
She will adopt an unconventional style of clothing and talking; she may
ride a Harley motorcycle, wear worn out jeans and talk like a tough guy
but still she will take extreme care for her appearance so as to be the
indisputable first one.

You may also see her in a gym, working out all the time to become the
number one woman body-builder or hanging out all the time in bars being
the number one broad measuring success with the number of guys she
got laid. The sycotic element is to have fun and enjoy life and the
Platina element is to be the number one no matter the field.

4.8 A self-centered Queen

Usually she is a social person but she considers as close friends only one
or two people. She has very strict criteria regarding close friends and
mate. Since she considers herself so special, her close friends and her
companion should also be very special; and there arent many special out
there, apart from her! Are there?

She is so self-centered! Have you ever watched those American teenager

movies with that snobbish female teen who is the indisputable Queen
of her High School and all around her she creates a court with few
close friends that serve her and flatter her all the time? Thats definitely a
Platina case. There can be no two Queens in any kingdom! She is the
one to have the most handsome and famous male boyfriend. She is also
the one to ask every day her mirror Whose the most beautiful woman in
the Kingdom? like in the fairy tale.


Nevertheless, flattery can be her weak point. A syphilitic Lachesis, for

instance, sees that and may employ flattery to manipulate her and destroy
her out of jealousy and envy.

She is the kind of Queen that doesnt accept the dominance of any male
even if he is the King. Her philosophy is that Kings exist only to serve
the Queen. She detests and depreciates weak, submissive and vulgar
men; peasants and losers. Nevertheless, she has no problem to tolerate
and exploit such a person only because he is very rich and powerful and
can serve her ambitions for high living.

You see, she isnt sensitive or emotional; on the contrary, she is very
calculating and self-seeker. The only thing that counts to her is to satisfy
her ambitions, to achieve her goals, to live that desirable high living. The
only moral value for her is success and fame; is to become the Queen
and to remain the Queen.

I must repeat again and again that even if I use terms like the Queen,
egoistic, calculating, self-seeker, etc, that doesnt mean that I have
any negative feelings towards the people that are influenced from this or
that idiosyncrasy. I am a doctor and a scientist. I am not a prosecutor or a
preacher. In the same way that I dont judge patients that are influenced
by pneumonia or cancer, in the same way I dont judge people that are
influenced by idiosyncrasies like Platina, Valeriana, Lachesis, etc. My
duty is to serve these patients and help them get rid of these negative and
unbalancing influences. I try to be as objective as I can in order to
diagnose correctly their idiosyncrasy so as to prescribe the similar remedy
for them.

When a person is treated with an idiosyncratic homeopathic remedy, then

the negative idiosyncratic influences become weaker and the person may
overcome them and become more balanced and more free, more himself,
more his deeper self. When I say Platina is tough and cruel I always


mean that the people that are influenced by the idiosyncrasy Platina tend
under her influence to become less sensitive and crueler. This doesnt
mean that their real internal self has these qualities. It also, doesnt mean
that these people cant overcome this idiosyncrasy and become more
balanced and free.

I must also be clear and sincere and say that I am not a person that has
overcome idiosyncrasies; a saint or a guru. The fact that I have identified
the pictures of many idiosyncrasies doesnt instantly make me a person
that has overcome these influences. I wish I had but I know theres a
long, long path ahead of me and ahead of any person in order to reach
that goal!

Freud described the mechanism and the clinical picture of neurosis; that
didnt cure him of his neurosis! Priests and preachers read all the time
about love and sainthood; that doesnt automatically make them saints!
Ive studied idiosyncrasies for more than 25 years; unfortunately I am
still influenced by them! I know that I have made some progress but its a
long way to freedom and most of the times one life or a couple of lives
isnt enough!

4.9 Dominant, demanding and irritable

Platina is usually a tough mother because she is very demanding and
dominant. She demands that her children meet her high standards. If she
is the Queen then her children should meet the standards of princes
and princesses.

But this is a dead end situation. Why? Because if her children are
dominant and tough as she is they will grow up to become like her and
will eventually want to become caliphs instead of Caliph. A lot of
conflicts will arise from such a competition. On the other hand, if her
children are submissive personalities they will never meet her standards


and she will reject them and consider them losers. Again, a lot of
conflicts and misery for both sides will be the outcome.

Platina is usually irritable but not as much as Nux Vomica. She gets
angry whenever things at work or at home are not done her own
demanding way, i.e. when anyone questions her throne either in the
field of beauty, cleverness, refinement, artistic talent or psychological
evolution. She also gets angry whenever she isnt the center of attention,
when someone else is the center of attention or when others are snobbish
towards her. She gets angry when others depreciate her or are arrogant
towards her or ironic.

As a rule, whenever someone makes her angry, she answers back no

matter what. Even if they are strangers, even if they are her superiors at
work, even if they are the president of the country, the Pope, Dalai Lama
or God himself! She isnt at all flexible! She is rigid when it comes to her
ego. She will say: How dare you talk to me like that! Who do you think
you are? How dare you question me/my authority?

In such cases, she can become quite hard and snobbish. She answers in a
straight and definite way! She may be biting, ironic and most of the times
snobbish. Yet, not as ironic as Valeriana. Dont forget that irony is an
indirect way of attacking and sometimes theres insecurity beneath it
while being snobbish reveals that someone thinks a lot of himself. She
may even say nothing, give you that snobbish arrogant look and turn her
back on you or even go away. The message is quite simple and profound:
I ignore you! I dont deal with worms/ants/baboons!

If a Valeriana is offended then she bears a grudge. She wont forget if for
life and most of the times she wants to pay back, to get even and not to
feel inferior due to her insecurity. If a Natrum Muriaticum is offended she
becomes hurt and bitter feelings enter her heart for long. She tries to


avoid people that have hurt her so as to avoid bleeding again from the old
wound. If she has to meet them she is typical, yet polite.

If a Platina is strongly offended then she erases that certain person from
her life for good. She ignores him and even refuses to deal with him. She
wont give you a second chance; she wont waste time to deal with
worms/ baboons / idiots / losers.

4.10 Male Platina

A male Platina usually has all the main characteristics described for
female Platina. Nevertheless, being a man, he wont deal so extremely
with his external appearance but still he will want to buy expensive
clothing, expensive wrist watches and he adores driving an executive car.

If, of course, he is a male homosexual Platina then he will deal with his
external appearance even more than a woman! Let me remind you of
those vain male homosexual top models, vain homosexual fashion
designers and hair stylists. Arent they even vainer as to their external
appearance, than a woman? A male Platina can be more cruel and violent
than a female Platina. And even more ambitious, more competitive and
more workaholic.

4.11 Idiosyncratic Diagram of Platina

Raw Material:
The basic element Platinum



Syphilitic miasma is the predominant one. A strong secondary influence

by the other two miasmas can result to the psoric or sycotic version of

Basic Passions:
Vanity is the main Basic Passion of Platina. She believes that she is of
more worth than she really does and even that she is the number one in all
fields or at least at some fields. She thinks a lot of herself.





a. Psychic Evolution:
She is greatly related to Intellectual Psyche and only slightly related to
Conscience Psyche. Her Individual Will is greatly affected by her
External Will especially when it has to do with dominance and success.
Any person influenced by the vanity and arrogance of Platina will find it
very difficult to evolve psychologically due to lack of humbleness. In
order to evolve psychologically first you have to admit that you make
mistakes and that you are ignorant and imperfect. Platina has all the
assets to achieve success but usually success in a vain human society is
the opposite of happiness and psychic evolution.

b. Influences:
Intensely influenced by the syphilitic miasma in the form of vanity and
arrogance; the main Thinking Stimuli are the symbolic ones.


Stressful Conditions:
Depreciation, when left out, irony, when not the center of attraction,
negative comments about her external appearance or sex appeal,
wrinkles, aging, acne, cellulitis, hair falling, obesity, snobbish behavior,
when things arent done her way, poverty, the housewife role, disputing
her cleverness, refinement or talent, negative publicity, loss of fame,
working with stupid people.

c. General Characteristics of Intellectual Functions:

Quick, intentional, rigid, absolute thinking

d. Mental Patterns:
Her Mental Patterns have to do with her vanity and arrogance, with being
the number one, the Queen/King in all fields or at least at those fields
that she believes that are the most important in life. Usual adopted
images: Femme Fatale, successful business woman/executive,
famous star/celebrity, talented artist, refined, cultured woman,
royalty, guru. Her mental patterns suit the main social ideals of our
current society: beauty, wealth, success, high living, high society, be the
number one, be famous/celebrity.

Frequent enough in a vain era like the one we are currently living in.
Extremely frequent in certain vain professions/fields like actors,
singers, top models, TV broadcasters, executives, artists, etc.

Her General Mood is usually an extreme one. When successful then she
lives in heaven, when not then she is in hell. She has the tendency for
intense negative or positive Intellectual Emotional Charge. Quite often


she is cold, intellectual, self-seeker or even cruel. Her main emotions are
the Intellectual ones. Due to her vanity and arrogance she rarely
experiences Conscience Emotions. Her most frequent emotions are
Vanity, Arrogance, Anger and Sadness. Her emotions tend to be extreme,
hysterical, unpredictable and intentional.

Her Primary Behavior is extreme, intentional, calculating, egoistic, selfcentered, vain, arrogant and dominant. She is very much attached and
adapted to earthly life; she is practical, systematic and targeted in order to
fulfill her earthly ambitions, i.e. success. Only secondarily, due to failure
she may adopt Secondary Behaviors like the sensitive artist or the
cultured refined non-ambitious woman.

Usual Roles:
Femme Fatale, Goddess of Beauty, Top Model, Sex symbol,
Royalty, Queen, Little Princess, Barbie girl, High Society
woman, Star/Celebrity, the famous star/aristocrat engaged in
charity/animal protection, the rich hostess with the perfect luxurious
villa who is famous for her classy parties, ambitious politician,
successful businesswoman/executive, successful lawyer/doctor,
show woman, famous TV broadcaster, famous fashion designer,
talented artist, opera diva, prima ballerina, body builder, yoga
teacher, guru, great healer.

External Characteristics:
Extreme care about her external appearance, extreme outlook, expensive,
brand named outfits, provocative outlook, classy outfits, air of
superiority, peacock posture and way of walking, sophisticated arrogant


Usual physical predisposition:

Ovary problems, arthritis, neuralgia

Usual psychological predisposition:

Anorexia Nervosa, Sadness,
Disorders, Anxious Neurosis




Relative Idiosyncrasies:
Palladium, Tarentula Hispanica, Lachesis, Valeriana, Nux Vomica,
Lycopodium (if psoric Platina)


4.12 She is beautiful and she knows it!

Platina idiosyncrasy corresponds to the homonymous homeopathic
medicine prepared from the element Platinum. Its a noble metal, even
more noble than gold. I say this as a reminder because this idiosyncrasy
feels as if royalty, in the sense that she thinks a lot of herself.

Being a syphilitic idiosyncrasy like Lachesis and Valeriana, its a

frequent idiosyncrasy in the syphilitic era that we live in. How couldnt it
be frequent since the social patterns/standards of our times are success, be
the first, be the most beautiful, be antagonistic. Its a deep and long acting
idiosyncrasy affecting individuals for long like Lachesis and Valeriana.


It belongs to the Egoistic Family of idiosyncrasies together with

Valeriana, Tarentula Hispanica and Palladium. The two latter ones
resemble to Platina and could be considered as more light and more
rare versions of her.

Her essence/main idea/core is that she thinks a lot of herself. She may be
of worth in a field, even of great worth but she always believes that she is
even more worth than in reality. She feels that she is the Queen, of
royalty, the best, the one and only, the number one or the most
beautiful of them all. Theres a nice Greek saying about it: She is
beautiful and she knows it!

Not only she knows it but she also projects it with an air of superiority
and her arrogant style. Its not that she pretends to be arrogant; she is
simply natural about it! Well, if you see a very beautiful lady that projects
that air of charm around her, this isnt a strange thing. Nevertheless, you
may see a really ugly Platina woman who thinks that she is Angelina
Jolie! From what we have already said you must have understood that
Platina is mainly a female idiosyncrasy, at least nowadays, at the
syphilitic era that we live in.

You may also see a third class Platina actress who may think that she is
the number one star. She may even be snobbish towards anyone who
disputes her profound worth. We usually call such people as fruitcakes
or freaks. She may also accuse all famous actresses that they became
famous just because they slept with their producers. Nevertheless, she
would definitely have done the same if she had the chance being
extremely ambitious.

4.13 The Queen

Platina is a very dominant idiosyncrasy. She wants to dominate, to rule,
to have things done her own perfect way. Its not the kind of


domination of Lachesis. Lachesis wants to control all around her and she
becomes very controlling even with little every day things. On the other
hand Platinas dominance has an air of royalty; a Queen has the general
dominance and does not occupy her highness with little every day
things. She wants recognition and obedience, is amused by her court
and she isnt dealing with little every day things.

Thats why she may develop two kinds of friendships. The first version
is when her friends are other dominant persons, especially Platina
women. In that case they talk about their achievements, competing in a
polite way as to who is more royalty than the other! The other version
is when her friends are but lower people, that is, members of her
court that serve the one and only Queen! With their low-class
behavior they confirm to her that she is the one and only beautiful and
smart Queen!

Now that weve talked about the essence of Platina, watch and see how
this can unfold the whole picture of her. If you are a Queen when do
you get angry? Whenever any of your members of your court disputes
your dominance and throne or whenever another Queen enchants
members of your court and tries to steal them from you!

Then her reaction will be: You stupid/idiot/moron how dare you
prefer another Queen than me? I never want to see your face again! Get
lost! You are erased! From now on you dont exist for me!

On the contrary, Lachesis will do anything, even complex intrigues, to

regain a dominated by her person. She is very flexible and can play
numerous roles while Platina is rigid and royalty and wont become
humiliated trying to make someone return back to her. If he denied her,
he doesnt worth it!


4.14 As if taller
Her trait thinks a lot of herself can be expressed in the physical field as
a strange sensation especially in advanced stages. While walking down
the street she may feel as if taller than others around her or as if other
people and objects around her seem smaller. Moreover, when in a state
between sleep and awake she may have the sensation that her body or
parts of her body become larger. She may also feel numbness on her
face or lips.

These arent illusions, delusions or hallucinations of a psychotic person

because she knows that nothing has really changed and that this is just a
weird sensation. You see she is not losing it. These are but strange
idiosyncratic characteristics, nothing more, nothing less.

Palladium and Tarentula Hispanica may, at times, rarely have similar

sensations. A Cannabis Indica person may have the sensation that her
head or hands become very large. This is in accordance with the
hallucinating symptoms produced by the hashish intoxication in drug

4.15 Snobbish
When Platina is provoked she usually becomes snobbish. You say
something that disputes her worth and she overlooks at you like a Queen
from her high throne and may say to herself and at times even to you:
How dare you poor creature/stupid/idiot/moron! You arent worth my
time and attention! She will turn her back on you and refuse to deal with
you or she may go away in a royal way, not retreating but ignoring you.

This differs from Lycopodiums reaction when insulted. When offended

he may not answer or go away playing the role of the cultured and
superior man who does not permit himself to behave so low or like
animals do. In fact this is an act of cowardice on his part while Platina


will kill you softly with her depreciating look, turn her back to you and
ignore you. She has no problem to fight with you, but you arent worth it
and thats what she tells you by her snobbish reaction.

In past eras, when royalties, upper classes and lower classes were the
rule, such a behavior from a member of an upper class was quite often.
The upper class member would say: How dare you talk to a
noble/Lady/member of the Clayton family like that! Who are you and
with what right do you address me? I call you to order! You see he
considered himself a nobleman, an aristocrat, a blue-blooded person and
demanded to be treated accordingly.

Nowadays, things have changed, at least superficially. What counts isnt

royalties or nobility; what counts is if you have money, social position,
diplomas, success or fame. So, any person that has the previous assets, if
affected by Platina idiosyncrasy, will become snobbish, depreciating and

When Platina is greatly offended then she erases you, deletes you; you
are done for her; you no longer exist for her; you are past history! Even if
you sincerely apologize to her nothing will change because she will not
forget it. She may say a cold, typical Good Morning from time to time
but thats it! Not that she will bear a grudge like Valeriana. Platina
considers it a waste of time and energy to deal with you even if its for
the purpose of revenge; you simply dont worth either her positive or
negative attention. She does not express maliciousness like Lachesis; she
becomes arrogant, depreciating and snobbish.

4.16 Rigid
When angry, as a rule, she expresses her anger no matter what. It makes
no difference if you are the prime minister, the Pope or God! She feels


superior to you and she feels that its her natural right to take you down a

Even if you are her boss and her job depends on you she will definitely
find a way to answer back either being straight and insulting or by giving
you that snobbish look. She is so rigid; she just cant be flexible. She will
say to you anything she has to say no matter the consequences. A
Queen never submits; shed rather prefer to have her head cut off. You
can take my life but you cant take my pride! I will die as a royalty

She may be a very successful executive in a large firm/public

organization but if depreciated by her superiors and if she cant change
things she may quit just like that, throwing away money, position and
fame. She will say to herself and others: They are the ones to regret for
not appreciating my contribution and worth! I was doing a great favor to
them all these years working with them! If they cant realize this then
they are stupid and dont worth my cooperation. There will be plenty
others to appreciate my work!

On the contrary, Lachesis is very flexible; she can act in a great variety of
ways in order to make the most of it. She may pretend to feel sorry for
any possible mistake and sincerely apologize and even flatter her boss.
If that doesnt work she may start threatening for legal measures or that
she will make a public ridicule of her superiors or of the company. She
may threaten you that she will hunt you down until she gets revenge. She
may employ complex intrigues only to achieve her goals and even
employ any illegal or immoral actions in order to dominate. She is a very
dangerous and efficient enemy and you have to be very careful not to get
stubbed on the back.

Let me give you an example that shows her great flexibility and
hypocrisy. A friend of mine after getting his medical diploma went to a


hospital in order to become a specialized pediatrician. He seemed very

young and was shy and didnt wear any medical blouse. He happened to
step on the recently mobbed wet floor and the nearby Lachesis cleaning
woman became a real menace cursing and shouting: Where do you think
you are going you fool, you insensitive I am so sorry said my
friend, I am not a visitor, I am a doctor going to my office Oh my
God! I am so sorry doctor a thousand apologies, for Gods sake how on
earth, did I spoke to you like that I am so sorry!

You see how flexible she can be in seconds! This isnt the case with a
Platina or with a Nux Vomica. Valeriana is a bit flexible due to her
insecurity and ambitiousness but not Platina. She is very rigid no matter
the consequences.

Thats the reason why, at times, you may see a woman who once was that
great famous star and now that its all gone she refuses to accept it. She
keeps accusing producers and directors for depreciating her talent and
keeps living in the same luxurious way although she is bankrupt. She will
wear her old fancy furs, will attend social events, wears outfits that dont
suit her age, will resort to meaningless or harmful plastic surgery and so
on. All around her will shake their heads and say to themselves: How,
on earth, did she end up like that?

Platina is usually extrovert but not to the extremes. Why not be since she
is so self-confident. Nevertheless, not everyone is worth hearing her
personal problems; only a few close ones. At other times she believes that
she has no problems at all simply because she feels so confident that she
can handle anything.

4.17 The blonde bimbo or the smart goddess

Platina is usually dressed as a queen. Shes got taste, she is well informed
about modern trends and fashion and she prefers expensive brand names


and unique, fancy clothes. She is one of the best fans of haute couture
and, of course, of haute coiffure. She takes extreme care of her hair and
style. If she is beautiful and dresses like a queen then she feels like a
goddess or a femme fatale.

Nevertheless, let me show you how a different, in fact a contrary

phenotype of Platina can be developed. Theres this little beautiful girl
who is affected by syphilitic miasma and Platina idiosyncrasy. Her
parents treat her all the time like a little princess. She grows up to a
gorgeous Barbie teenager. She discovers that all girls around her are
either jealous of her or want to be close friends with her only because she
is the Queen of their school. She also discovers that all boys and men
around her are willing to satisfy all her whims and worship her only to
draw her attention and drive her to their bed.

So, why study hard? Why become cultured or hard working in order to
gain success? She is already successful by doing nothing! So, in the end,
she becomes that stupid blonde bimbo who cares only about her body
and external appearance and not at all about her mind. She will enter one
shop after another, one beauty center after another, one spa after another.

This is only one phenotype of Platina and not the most frequent.
Nowadays, women tend not only to become beautiful but also successful
and cultured. So, very often you will come across a Platina that is a very
successful and beautiful businesswoman or a successful and cultured
actress, painter, journalist and so on.

Never stick to a certain phenotype when bringing in mind any specific

idiosyncrasy, especially when its a syphilitic one. Always remember that
theres one genotype and many phenotypes and that we always prescribe
for the genotype!


4.18 Anything for the palace!

Another phenotype of Platina is the beautiful woman that wants to live a
high life being a member of high society so as to live rich and
comfortably. She is willing to do anything to accomplish the latter. She
simply wants a palace and a throne and will do anything for it! The
deal is: Youve married a goddess and you have to provide her
accordingly: goddesses live in palaces!

She may have loved a mucho sycotic sportive guy but then love isnt
enough! So she decides to marry that 20 years older, big-bellied, bold
businessman only because he can provide her with whatever she wants.
He will show her around the high society as his new Porsche and she
will go around as the Queen living in a palace built only for her! Isnt
that a business deal with mutual interest? Isnt it a win-win situation for
both of them?

It doesnt matter if they are both unhappy in the end! Most of the times,
its not reality that matters but its social image that matters! It doesnt
matter if in the end she will keep cheating on him with the mucho gym
trainer, the golf instructor or the womanizer next door. And it doesnt
matter if he will keep stocking her in order to find if she is cheating on

What really matters is that she now has what she was dreaming of: a
large, luxurious villa full of luxurious brand name furniture. Everything
clean and in order! Not out of attachment to order like Nux Vomica. And
not out of neatness in order to show off like Lachesis but simply out of
vanity, out of social image.

Nux Vomicas house is a clean, tidy museum! Lachesis house is a clean

tidy temple of kirsch art! Platinas house is a chic palace!


4.19 Her sole goal is to be the first one!

Platina has a sole goal: to be the first one, the one and only, the top of the
tops. The second position isnt enough for her. Only the first one is the
successful; all others are simply losers! So, she wants to be the most
famous star, the top model, the top writer, the top businesswoman, the
chairman, the first lady of her country, the shiny wife of the first
businessman, the first lady of high society.

Do you remember the fairy tale with the Queen that asked her mirror
every day Who is the prettiest of them all? If we stick only to vanity
then this was a Platina case. If we add jealousy and maliciousness then
this was a Lachesis case. Platina, under normal conditions, isnt
malicious. She may become cruel, snobbish and irritable if disputed but
she wont be malice per se like Lachesis.

-Do you mean to say that a pretty woman with style is a Platina? Isnt she
-Platina, is usually clever enough as genotype. Nevertheless, if she is
raised in a family and in a society where external appearance is overappreciated, then she may choose not to invest to her mental potential and
may become that superficial blond bimbo as mentioned above. Why
become the cultured and hard working person if she is already successful
in another field without any effort of any sort?

You see, her genotype may be that of a very smart and able person but
her phenotype may differ according to the conditions she was raised and
according to her attitude and choices. We, humans, are the outcome of
both miasmas/idiosyncrasy and external conditions. I will stress once
more that in Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Diagnosis we prescribe according to
the genotype/primary behavior. Nevertheless, I describe to you most
phenotypes of an idiosyncrasy so as to make you able trace the
underlying genotype. You see, appearances can be deceiving! You wont


be deceived only if you search

appearances/secondary behavior.





4.20 Dread of wrinkles and ugliness

Platina dreads aging! Why so? She isnt afraid of diseases or death so
much. She may say that she is afraid of death grade 1 or 2 but only in the
sense that death for her means the loss of existence and thus she wont be
able to become more famous and more top of the tops as she vainly
aspires. The real reason that she is afraid of aging is wrinkles and
ugliness; the loss of her beauty. Thats the most terrible thing that could
happen to her!

As I may have told you, Platina is the best client of plastic surgeons.
Nothing will stop her from lifting herself; neither money, nor extreme
danger for her health. Shed rather die than being ugly! Thats the reason
why so often you come across stars that do one plastic surgery after
another, one dangerous treatment after another, dying of cancer in the

Some of them cannot accept the fact that they got old and ugly. They
refuse to go public and stay within closed doors. They even avoid looking
at mirrors. They spent their day remembering good old times when they
were beautiful. They amuse themselves writing their memoirs boasting
about their beauty and charm at good old times.

4.21 Nymphomania
Platina is usually considered a sexually hot person. When you have
invested so much in your external appearance and beauty and when you
use it as means of success and all men around you serve you only to have
sex with you, then you tend to deal with this field a lot. You tend to
become a woman with sex appeal and possibly a woman with a rich
sexual life. That doesnt mean, of course, that you do enjoy sex a lot!


When you arent a giving individual, when you are so vain and sex is an
act of dominance then you may become non orgasmic. You tend to have
incomplete saturation. Your mind may be pleased but not your physical
and etheric body!

Thats the reason why so often in Materia Medica and Repertories Platina
is described as nymphomaniac. Its a nymphomaniac state, resulting from
a vicious circle that has as background lack of orgasm or incomplete
orgasm. When weve described Medorhinum weve talked about a similar
phenomenon. Medorhinum may become a sex machine, a rooster
getting laid all the time with any woman he meets, not because he is so
much enjoying sex but because he has incomplete orgasm that leads to

You see, sex is a holistic multilevel natural function including physical

body, etheric body and psyche. If theres an attachment only to one level
then the result is incomplete saturation and passion. A sex machine
Medorhinum, simply fucks women without sufficient emotional
participation. He isnt in love with his partners; he just fucks them, he is
relieved from genitalia tension and his manly ego is pleased; he is
reassured that he is such a womanizer, such a heart-breaker, such a
mucho male!

A Platina femme fatale during the sexual act does not participate so
much in the physical, etheric and emotional level because sex for her is
but the reassurance of her great ego. She proves to herself and others that
she is a femme fatale desirable by all men. This results to incomplete
orgasm and nymphomania.

Have you ever seen those hot top models that are so not feminine, so
plastic and as cold as a Barbie doll? They are presented as sex idols but
they experience no real multilevel orgasm.


4.22 Dominance and vanity instead of multilevel orgasm

You see, when it comes to Platina, sex is an act of dominance and
confirmation of her worth. She may be dressed very hot and
provocatively, she may have the body characteristics of a top model but
that doesnt mean that she is really hot, that she has intense desire for sex
and intense multilevel orgasm.

If she has married that Medorhinum boorish butcher who married her
only to boast to his friends that he owns that top model then things get
tough and at times hilarious. Ive seen such cases. The Medorhinum
husband says: I want to fuck you right now! and the Platina wife just
spreads her legs apart and says: Ok, but make sure you dont make my
hair a mess! (laughing)

Once I had a very dominant woman Platina married to a submissive

cultured Lycopodium. She demanded that during sex he should be flat on
his back and still while she sat on his penis, rocking back and forth until
satisfied and then left him there unsatisfied! Thats but the female version
of the common in past times, sycotic male fucking during which the
woman was but a sexual object in the hands of the male: I do it my way
only to please myself and I dont give a dime about you!

-Well, what idiosyncrasies are really sexually hot?

-Thats a tricky question! If I answer this question then all present people
will start choosing accordingly! (laughing) Maybe I should write a
Guide for hot mates! (more laughing) I am joking, of course!

You see, its not as simple as that. Each persons sexuality is different
according to his miasmas, idiosyncrasy and cultural level, past
experiences, personal attitude and general personality. For example a


woman Medorhinum tends to be very liberal and has many but yet
superficial affairs. A Natrum Muriaticum woman is very hot as desire is
concerned and very giving to her companion but on the other hand she is
very conservative regarding sex and is in favor of monogamy. A
Valeriana woman is sexy and provocative in an unconventional way but
still she will bust your balls and exploit you before you get laid with her.
And so on! Feel free to choose! Be my guest! (laughing)

You mustnt also forget that each one of us according to his

idiosyncrasy/miasmas is attracted to certain kind of opposite sex. For
example a Lycopodium man tends to be attracted by a Valeriana woman
even if this isnt a suitable woman for him. Medorhinum tends to be
attracted by Platina women, etc. What really matters is to overcome or
smoothen at a certain degree, our miasmatic and idiosyncratic tendencies
so as not to be imbalanced. If you are imbalanced then youll choose
accordingly and youll live accordingly! Always bear in mind that
idiosyncratic and miasmatic characteristics are but imbalances!

-Are Medorhinum women rare or often?

-Not as frequent as men but still not rare.
-Hows a Platina mother?
-They tend to be very strict and repressive but not as repressive as
Lachesis mothers. Platina mothers are rigid; they cant stand any
objections and they are very demanding; they demand from their child to
be the first and not to be a loser. If I am a Queen then my daughter
must certainly be no less than a princess and my son no less than a prince.

She will buy the most expensive outfits for her children and will demand
from them to participate and excel in high class sports like tennis, ballet,
gymnastics, piano, etc. A mother Platina that has been beautiful but is
now growing old and with wrinkles may even become antagonistic to the
rising beauty of her daughter.


Lachesis, Valeriana and Platina, in the order that are mentioned, are the
most frequent female idiosyncrasies of our modern syphilitic era, at least
in modern developed western societies. They are in accordance with
women predominance of our times. Lycopodium, Phosphor and Sulphur,
in the order that are mentioned, are the most frequent male idiosyncrasies
of our times. Its not accidental that they are all psoric, submissive, good

In modern developed societies women tend to be more dominant,

ambitious and antagonistic and men tend to be more submissive. Social
conditions define individuals and individuals define society. Its as simple
as that!




5.1 Psoric altruism with lack of moderation and differentiation

5.2 Very social, pleasure seeker and cooperative
5.3 Extrovert and irascible
5.4 How his psoric altruism causes the collapse of his Autonomic
Nervous System
5.5 The typical likeable hypochondriac
5.6 A Nature lover
5.7 Idiosyncratic Diagram of Phosphor
5.8 Introduction
5.9 Phases A, B, C and D regarding balance
5.10 The vivid, smart, compassionate, good kid
5.11 Extremely social and likeable
5.12 Like a gale when angry
5.13 Pure, innocent, idealist and fighter
5.14 Sensitive and compassionate
5.15 The perfect victim of syphilitic people!
5.16 A great, sensitive, open yet gullible heart
5.17 Not a single idiosyncratic tendency/behavior is a result of free


5.18 Projected image/secondary behavior is one thing and primary

behavior is another
5.19 Extremely dutiful
5.20 Clever and vivid
5.21 A special interest for health matters at phase A
5.22 Tendency for ice-cold water
5.23 Phase B: Neurovegetative symptoms
5.24 The vicious circle of Neurovegetative Symptoms
5.25 Tests, doctors, again tests and more doctors!
5.26 Likeable and grateful
5.27 Thirsty for consolation and support
5.28 Fond of Sports and Nature
5.29 Extremely extrovert and social
5.30 Mostly afraid of symptoms per se and not so much afraid of the
disease or death
5.31 Differential Diagnosis from other neurovegetative idiosyncrasies
5.32 Phase C: withdrawal
5.33 The sensitive, hot lover!

5.1 Psoric altruism with lack of moderation and differentiation

Phosphor idiosyncrasy corresponds to the homonymous homeopathic
medicine and element of the Periodic Table of Elements. Miasmatically
its a strange combination. He is sycotic as to his physical characteristics,
temperament and expression, but as to his morality, ideas and emotions
he is intensely psoric. While Medorhinum is morally and socially


indifferent, Phosphor is exactly the opposite; caring, sincere and


His main Basic Passion is his attachment to a sincere, psoric altruism

but with lack of moderation and differentiation. He is sycotic in
expression, very social and open hearted, giving and altruist; he may be
grown up but he still has the heart and the expression of a good pure

Lets examine these qualities one by one, in details. As said, one of his
main characteristics, in fact his essence, is his altruism. What kind of
altruism is this? It couldnt be a syphilitic altruism. Syphilitic individuals
are self-centered and care only for themselves. Could it be a sycotic
altruism? No! A sycotic person cares only to have fun and is indifferent
to other people and society. He may stand up for his friends and even
seem very brave and even loose his life in a fight against enemies but this
has to do with his sycotic vanity. He wants to be considered as the mucho
guy, the strong fearless man, the tough guy; its not about others, its
about him.

Altruism is predominantly a psoric characteristic. If you have psoric

altruistic ideals then you may have also altruistic behavior. Phosphor
cares about all others: family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, fellow
citizens, animals, plants, Nature, the whole humanity. He cares sincerely,
honestly; he really believes in what he does. Theres no primary and
secondary behavior; what you see is what you get! He doesnt fake; he
doesnt show off; he doesnt pretend.

He is deeply touched by people in need or people facing problems; social

and humanitarian matters have a great, deep impact on him. He is so
easily moved; he is sentimental and sensitive; he is easily touched. Its a
matter of heart and not a matter of mind; he isnt the intellectual guy like
a Lycopodium or a Phosphor; he is emotional. He has a great heart; he is


open hearted and good hearted; a noble guy; a pure guy; an innocent guy
with good intentions. A grown up that, as his heart is concerned,
remained a good kid.

A Phosphor kid really cares about his parents. Whenever he sees that they
are upset or sad he empathizes with them; he is very compassionate. He is
truly interested in whats going on and he will support them. If the cause
of their sadness is financial problems then he will ask for toys no more or
will not accept any more pocket money from his parents. He may even
break that clay moneybox of his and offer his savings to his parents! He
will share his toys and food with other kids, even strangers one. He will
give money to the beggars, sincerely touched by their state.

A grown up Phosphor knows that most beggars are faking. Nevertheless,

he cant help empathizing with them and may even give money no matter
what. At times he will tell you in an angry tone of voice that I never give
money to them because I know that they are all crooks but this only
reveals his sensitivity because many times in the past he helped such
people that finally proved to be frauds.

He is so upset and angry when it comes to injustice; he just cant tolerate

it not only if it involves relatives and friends but even if it involves
strangers. He will even get into a fight to support them, no matter what.
Do you now see the combination of psoric idealism with sycotic strong
expression! Well, thats Phosphor!

At this very point, any person is justified to wonder: Why do you refer
to altruism of Phosphor as if being a miasmatic or idiosyncratic
characteristic? Havent you insistently supported that all miasmatic and
idiosyncratic characteristics are imbalances and negative traits? So whats
wrong and bad in being altruistic? Why not consider it one of his healthy,
positive, natural virtues?


Well, its a very nice question, but still I have a very nice answer, due to
my clinical experience. Its not a healthy positive altruism; its a psoric
altruism that has no moderation and no differentiation! In fact, as Jesus
said, you can judge any person by his actions in the same way that you
can judge a tree by its fruits! This psoric altruism turns Phosphor into an
gullible, easy victim in the hands of dominant, manipulating, syphilitic

Phosphor is the great victim of syphilitic members of his family,

syphilitic friends, colleagues and fellow citizens. He is very gullible
because due to his psoric intentions and ideals he believes in the motto:
Everyone is of good intentions until the opposite is proved. You see he
judges from himself. He is sincere and honest and so must others be!
Well, thats a belief but it isnt reality; thats a wish but not a fact
especially in the syphilitic era that we live in!

Thus, he just cant trace hypocritical behavior and intrigues. He believes

in other peoples declarations. He believes in other people and opens his
heart and his house to all others. He is so giving but without any
differentiation and moderation. And that is his weak point, his Achilles

As a result, he has been fooled so many times that at times he tells you:
Unfortunately, there arent any real friends nowadays! If you ask him if
he is gullible the right answer is Yes, indeed! But, sometimes, he will
tell you that he is mistrustful. If you go on asking him Have you always
been like that? then he will reveal to you that he has always been
gullible but he has so many times been fooled that now he tries to be
mistrustful although he isnt good at it no matter how hard he tries to! As
said before, although a grownup he still remains an innocent good kid
believing in good intentions of others although he lives in a syphilitic


When too much happen to him, his Autonomic Nervous System starts
malfunctioning and he becomes very sensitive. His psoric altruism
already in imbalance becomes even more pathological. He avoids
watching the news or social documentaries because he is very upset with
any injustice done anywhere around the world. His heart is too sensitive
to see hungry people, sick people, the poor, crimes, natural disasters, wars
etc. He even avoids talking about such things because he is very touched
and upset.

When in phase A state of balance, he likes talking about all these things
and defending his beliefs. At this state he is psorically altruistic and very
compassionate. But when deranged, when in phase B or C then the
previous traits become a well grounded fear about diseases and an
imbalanced over-sensitivity as social matters are concerned. Can you now
see how this seemingly positive quality of phase A was turned into a
clearly negative one at phase B or C? It was imbalanced psoric altruism
from the very beginning!

Let me briefly give you some more examples of this negative psoric
altruism: A Phosphor son is exploited by his syphilitic Lachesis mother
who pretends to be the victim of her insensitive sycotic husband or the
victim of society. His syphilitic business partner exploits him letting him
do all the tough work and even cheating money from him. His syphilitic
boss takes advantage of his conscientiousness and industriousness and
drives him to exhaustion. Close relatives or friends pretend to be the
victims of society or unlucky or sick in order to get money and any kind
of help from him.

5.2 Very social, pleasure seeker and cooperative

He is very social. Theres a Greek saying that suits Phosphor: Cant be
alone! Not even in Heaven! He seeks for human contact as much as
Pulsatilla and is only slightly less sentimental as she. He is the heart and


soul of the company while Medorhinum is the dude, the tough guy or
the womanizer of the company. Sycotic Sulphur is the bubbler of a
company. Lycopodium is the cultured, polite, intellectual personality of a
company. Phosphor is the good boy, the pleasant guy, the cooperative
guy, the one that brings all together with his caring and pleasant

He will try to cheer them up; to urge them to have fun but not in a rough
or vulgar way like Medorhinum. He will combine food, drink and fun
with his real interest on others problems or social problems. He is a team
player and a positive one. He is not selfish; instead he is caring and
cooperative and this is also true at work with his colleagues. He is
extremely dutiful, industrious, honest, ready to serve, sincere and with
good intentions.

Lycopodium is industrious because of his effort to create a good public

image and because he is afraid of any criticism from his superiors and
colleagues. Nux Vomica is industrious because she is extremely
responsible and attached to order and systematic work. Natrum
Muriaticum is industrious because she is responsible and psoric idealist.
Phosphor is industrious due to dutifulness and honesty.

5.3 Extrovert and irascible

His sycotic temperament makes him very social and furthermore makes
him very extrovert and irascible. He is extrovert grade 2 or even 3; a little
less than Pulsatilla who is the height of extroversion. He enjoys talking to
people and even to strangers. A Phosphor kid will not hesitate even for a
minute to go and speak to a new kid: High, I am Tomas, would you like
to play with me/us? He does it for no selfish reason and without second


He just has that positive and social attitude. He does it unconditionally.

He has that psoric altruism to help all other people with no moderation
and no differentiation. He is very compassionate and empathizes with all
weak people and all people in need.

Its so easy for him to open his heart and talk to you even about his
personal problems; he is so thirsty for human contact! When his health
problems are the matter, then he is really dying to talk about it. He has
that neurovegetative symptoms and talking to people about it makes him
feel better, makes him feel less fear. He seeks understanding and support,
emotional support.

He is also very sycotic as to his irritability. He easily gets angry; he is

very irascible. He will often express his anger intensely but then he is like
a gale; he will easily get angry, burst intensely and then he is easily off;
no hard feelings for anybody even if they did something bad to him. He is
the forgiving guy; his forgiveness is so easy and so sincere. Despite his
intensity of anger he wont beat people easily like Medorhinum.

What makes him angry? The things that make him angry are injustice
from other people to him or others, social injustice, inhumanity,
indifference, dishonesty, lies, ingratitude, irresponsibility and

5.4 How his psoric altruism causes the collapse of his Autonomic
Nervous System
Let me talk to you about a certain scenario. As said, Phosphor is a psoric
altruist and empathizes with others around him a lot. So, try to think of
this good guy living and working in a society full of injustice,
antagonism, dominant people and crooks; he is not at all fit for this kind
of society and I mean our syphilitic era. Its so difficult for him to stay


clean, good and innocent and at the same time survive since he is so
altruist and the easy victim of syphilitic people.

There comes a time when situations overcome his limits. From phase A
of slight imbalance he slides to phase B of clear imbalance. His
Autonomic Nervous System collapses. Now, instead of being simply
compassionate to others, he starts being very much affected by others. He
doesnt want to hear about social problems, injustice or diseases. Not that
he became insensitive; quite the opposite. He became so sensitive and
fragile that he cant stand it. He becomes the typical hypochondriac.

At his previous state of phase A, Phosphor already had a keen interest in

health matters. He enjoyed reading about health matters and healthy
nutrition; in fact, he often employed healthy attitudes. He also enjoyed
talking to doctors and asking about preventive medicine and what one can
do to improve his state of health.

A Phosphor kid whenever injured or when catching a cold is worried a lot

and keeps asking about his symptoms; he is the kid that obeys the doctor
orders and even reminds his parents to do things as doctor ordered. He
may have heard that sleeping on your left side burdens the heart function
and since then he avoids sleeping on that side. Later on, when grown up,
at phase A, he is often the person who doesnt forget to do checkup

5.5 The typical likeable hypochondriac

Yet, after too much stress, exertion and fright we come across the picture
of phase B. How can that happen? Let me illustrate. He may have
experienced the stroke or heart attack of a friend or of a stranger or may
simply have heard that George had such an incident although 35 years
old. Oh my God! he will exclaim. What are we? Nothing! A big zero!


We are so fragile! One minute you are healthy and breathing and the next
minute you are dead, just like that!

Immediately after these thoughts or after a while, he starts having some

weird symptoms: palpitation, heart ache and dizziness. Oh my God! he
says to himself while a cold sweat covers his entire body. Is it happening
to me also? Am I having a heart attack at this very moment? This is the
very beginning of the vicious circle of the neurovegetative neurosis to
follow. Anxiety brought out neurovegetative symptoms, these increased
anxiety, then, increased anxiety brought out more neurovegetative
symptoms and so on.

He rushes to the nearest doctor or hospital to the emergencies. He is

absolutely sure that something very bad is happening to him. The doctor
is his savior! He describes his symptoms anxiously, hurriedly, in details
and horrified. Oh please doctor, help me! Do any test you like, give me
strong medicines, please, save me! Something pretty bad is happening to

After completing all the diagnostic procedure, the usual statement of his
allopathic doctor is: Ive done everything. You have nothing
pathological! All tests are normal. You have nothing. Its in your mind!
You are a hypochondriac patient! Phosphor is so relieved! He thanks the
doctor a lot and he tries to pull himself together.

But then, after minutes, hours or days, he has again the same symptoms
or a bit different. His fears come back even stronger. He thinks: The
doctor must have been wrong. I have the same symptoms again. Its not
all in my mind! I definitely have something and it must be something
really bad if it insists. He rushes to the same doctor or to a different one.
He presses the doctor to do more tests; new tests, new doctors, new
symptoms, new worries, again symptoms and so on. Nobody can relieve


Phosphor is wrong when he believes that something really bad is

happening to him. On the other hand, the doctor is also wrong when he
says to him you have nothing. What is the meaning of the phrase You
have nothing at all. It may be that he has nothing pathological but that
doesnt mean that he isnt sick. He may not be suffering mainly on the
physical level but still he is suffering on the psychological level and to be
more precise on the level of Autonomic Nervous System.

The usual laboratory tests can trace only malfunctions of the physical
level and not malfunction of higher levels. Yet for the allopathic doctor if
nothing has been traced on the physical level then the patient has
nothing and the only thing he can do is to give him sedatives or advise
him to consult a shrink.

The same attitude waits for him at home summarized in the phrase: You
have nothing! You are hypochondriac! Its all in your mind! Get over it,
will you! His wife, relatives and friends, all tell him the same thing, over
and over again. That hurts him a lot and makes him angry. He says to
himself and others: How can you believe such a thing about me, that I
am faking, that I do it on purpose! Whats there for me to gain?

He is so right to feel like that. He has been honest, sincere and hard
working all his life. He has been straight and giving and never self
centered all his life. How is it possible for his own people that have
known him for so long to believe that he has hidden intentions: that he is
lazy, that he is after something else. He is so desperate! He keeps talking
to all people about his symptoms in order to find comfort and solution.
He surfs the web to find out whats the matter with him; he even attends
any alternative doctor, herbalist or practitioner in his seek of salvation.


Whenever he hears about diseases he is very much affected. He is not

simply empathizing with patients or feeling sorrow about them . He is
afraid that he has the same problem or that he may develop it in the near
future to come. He may even develop similar symptoms. He is mostly
frightened by sudden severe diseases like heart attacks and strokes and
less afraid of cancer or something chronic.

Thats the reason why Phosphor is so afraid of being alone. He wants

someone by his side in order to talk to him about anything so as to forget
his neurovegetative symptoms. If he is in the company of a doctor he is
so happy and feels secure. Nevertheless, quite often he avoids watching
medical news or talking about such things because he is afraid that his
symptoms may come back.

5.6 A Nature lover

Phosphor is mostly sensitive to cold but not to the extremes.
Nevertheless, he enjoys cold water at grade 3, i.e. must drink cold water
from the fridge even in winter. Phosphor kids want to leak ice cubes all
the time.

He is such a Nature lover! He so much enjoys being out in the country.

He is also a sports lover. But he isnt the champion guy because he isnt
very ambitious or egoistic. He simply enjoys physical exercise and the
contact with his body and with the elements of Nature: sun, air, sea,
plants, animals, etc.

At times a certain hobby may be his excuse in order to come in touch

with Nature and friends. For example, he may become a hunter not for
the sake of killing or competition but for the sake of walking in
mountains, breathing fresh air, seeing the sunrise, physical exercise and
for the sake of meeting his pals.


He is usually a person with intense and frequent sexual desire. Although

being very sycotic, nevertheless, due to his psoric ideas and morality he
isnt just a shallow sex machine like Medorhinum. He is emotional and
sensitive. He easily has a crash on the opposite sex. He is a giving person;
giving not only to his mate but also to all people around him. He is the
sentimental guy and the responsible guy. Thats the reason why he is
often such a good family man; one of the best. And thats the reason why
he is one of the best victims of syphilitic wives/husbands.

5.7 Idiosyncratic Diagram of Phosphor

Raw Material:
The element Phosphor

The main miasma of Phosphor is the psoric one that intensely influences
his morality, his way of thinking, his emotions and behavior; its
responsible for his psoric altruism, honesty, sensitivity and giving
tendency. The sycotic miasma is responsible for his plethoric
temperament, his irascibility, his social tendency and extroversion and
many of his physical characteristics.

Basic Passions:
His main Basic Passion is his great attachment to his psoric altruism; an
altruism characterized by the lack of moderation and differentiation

Sycotic, social, gullible, sincere, giving, neurovegetative, sensitive psoric
altruist with lack of moderation and differentiation; the good kid who is
the easy victim of syphilitic people


a. Psychological Evolvement:
His honesty, giving tendency, compassionate nature, positive disposition
and psoric altruism can be great assets for psychological evolvement. But
his psoric altruism is imbalanced, is an illusion, an idiosyncratic
characteristic because its characterized by the lack of moderation and
differentiation. This makes him the easy victim of syphilitic
idiosyncrasies thus making it difficult for him to evolve psychologically.

His sycotic tendency makes him have a very good relation with Sensory
Psyche like Medorhinum and this makes him pleasure seeker and having
great desire for sex. Nevertheless, this tendency is controlled at a certain
degree by his Intellectual and Conscience Psyche due to his psoric
morality and way of thinking. His Individual Will is influenced by this
External Will but at a great extent also by his Internal Will.

b. Influences:
Intense influence from psoric miasma and secondarily from sycotic

Stressful Conditions:
Any reference to diseases, any physical symptoms like palpitation and
heartache, injustice, lies, indifference, irresponsibility, inhumane
behavior, social problems, natural disasters and ingratitude
He is greatly influenced by Physical Thinking Stimuli that have to do
with physical symptoms. He is also greatly influenced by Verbal and
Conscience Thinking Stimuli. He has intense Energy Tuning with
suffering people.

c. General Characteristics of Intellectual Functions:


Quick but not shallow thinking; tendency for attachment to fears about
his health; immature thinking in the sense of gullibility and lack of

d. Mental Patterns:
His main Mental Patterns are psoric and altruistic. He isnt self-centered;
on the contrary he is team-centered always thinking of himself as part of
family and society. So, his mental patterns have to do with helping others,
co-operation, peaceful co-existing, brotherhood, social justice, freedom,
charity, dutifulness, humanitarian ideas, human contact, love for Nature
and ecology. He is fan of honesty, dreamer of a better world and a more
humane society. He is intensely extrovert, expressive and social.

One of the most frequent idiosyncrasies nowadays especially in stressed
men; very frequent in good boys; not so frequent in women.

When not greatly imbalanced as in phase A, his General Mood is
intensely positive and his main emotions are joy, intellectual love and
intellectual calmness. At phase B, the stage of neurovegetative imbalance,
his General Mood is very low and he is suffering from neurovegetative
fears, anger and sorrow.

In general he is a very emotional and sensitive person, easily moved by

others problems. Being so sensitive and compassionate he has intense
Intellectual Emotional Charge. Most of his emotions are Intellectual
Emotions but when in phase A, he is also characterized by quite many
Conscience Emotions. His emotions have psoric qualities (deep, stable,
sincere, unconditional, idealized) as well as sycotic qualities (extreme,
changing all the time, easily expressed).


Being psoric, honest, extrovert and positive to others he doesnt employ
Secondary Behaviors. What you see is what you get. Nevertheless, he is
the easy victim of syphilitic people because he easily believes in their
Secondary Behaviors.
His behavior is characterized by psoric altruism, compassion, giving
disposition, sincere intentions, positive disposition, spirit of solidarity
among colleagues, spirit of co-operation, sincere care about others,
extroversion and expressiveness.
Psoric miasma defines the content of his behavior, i.e. honesty,
idealization, positive disposition, belief in positive ideologies,
employment of psoric roles, politeness and victimization. Sycotic Miasma
defines his expression, i.e. he is extrovert, expressive, cool, social,
courageous, fighting, irascible and with tendency for fun and material

Usual Roles:
Sensitive but smart and vivid kid, compassionate kid, caring kid that
seems to be more mature than his age due to his social worrying,
gullible idealist, true, innocent believer, merciful man, innocent,
true fan of political parties, defender of those suffering from injustice,
true patriot, the fan of the movements for a better world, good
family man, loyal companion, lawful and caring citizen, spirit of
solidarity among colleagues, dutiful, conscientious worker, likeable
neurovegetative patient, best client of doctors and especially
cardiologists, best client of labs, pure Nature lover, fan of true
athletic spirit, animal friend, truly in love guy.

Usual physical predispositions:


Anemia, hemorrhagic disposition, recurrent nosebleed especially in

children, allergies, bronchitis, caries

Usual psychological predispositions:

Neurovegetative disorders, anxiety neurosis, phobic neurosis

Relative Idiosyncrasies:
Pulsatilla, Medorhinum, Argentum Nitricum (as to neurovegetative
phobias only)


5.8 Introduction
Phosphor idiosyncrasy corresponds to the homonymous homeopathic
remedy and element of the Periodic Table of Elements. Its one of the
most frequent idiosyncrasies nowadays due to the modern stressful way
of life that causes the Autonomic Nervous System to collapse and bring
forward neurovegetative symptoms. Phosphor is the typical representative
of neurovegetative patients but that doesnt mean that any such patient
corresponds to Phosphor and only Phosphor.

I include Phosphor to the Phobic Family of Idiosyncrasies together with

Argentum Nitricum, Arsenicum and Calcarea Carbonica. The above are
the most frequent ones in the order mentioned. Secondarily, I also include
more rare idiosyncrasies like Aconitum, Causticum and Mancinella.
Although Pulsatilla isnt a characteristically phobic idiosyncrasy,
nevertheless, must be described together with Phosphor because they
have so many psychological characteristics in common.


He is psoric as intentions, principles and morality are concerned but

sycotic regarding physical characteristics and expression.

5.9 Phases A, B, C and D regarding balance

There are four phases, four stages, as balance is concerned for any human
being. Phase A can be called a slightly imbalanced or almost balanced
state. In Allopathic Medicine a person at phase A is described as
clinically healthy. We have no diseases and no symptoms at this phase.
We have to do with a person and his personality and not with a patient
and his disease.

Nevertheless, from the homeopathic point of view the person is

influenced by certain miasmas and idiosyncrasies and to the experienced
eye he has certain miasmatic and idiosyncratic characteristics. We dont
often see such cases at a medical office unless they come for preventive
treatment. Phosphor can do that due to his tendency to worry about his

At Phase B we have a clearly detectable imbalance; the person becomes a

patient suffering from symptoms; diseases are at their early stages. The
patient usually does consult a doctor for his symptoms. At Phase C
diseases has become severe or chronic and the organism is affected
clearly as a whole. The patients efficiency at work and in all fields of his
life is seriously affected.

Phase D is the stage of complete chaos physically and psychologically; a

total derangement of the system. Physically theres a derangement, a lack
of coordination between organic systems and one organ deranges another.
Physical symptoms are intense and may be caused usually by
hypofunction or more rarely by hyperfunction of organs and systems.


Psychologically, we usually have a state of apathy or more rarely a state

of mania.

Diagnostically, in Homeopathic Diagnosis, the most important phase is

Phase B because we have clear symptoms, many symptoms and most of
all characteristic symptoms, i.e. symptoms that are characteristic of the
idiosyncrasy that influences our patient. Phase A is equally important although not frequently seen in a medical office because we have clear
idiosyncratic characteristics, i.e. personality characteristics. Nevertheless,
when a patient in phase B comes to our office we can always draw
information about his characteristics at phase A by asking his general
physical and psychological characteristics when he is free of symptoms.

At phase D symptoms are not characteristic and are mostly the same for
most idiosyncrasies due to complete derangement. We have to do with
advanced pathology rather than with idiosyncratic differences.

At phase C we may have different or even opposite symptoms than the

one described in the most common state, that is, Phase B. For example an
idiosyncrasy usually characterized by constipation may have diarrhea. A
Pulsatilla patient while at stage B is very extrovert and easily crying, at
stage C of advanced sadness may become introvert and not crying.

A great problem is that most Materia Medica include a compilation of

symptoms from phase B, C and D, all mixed together resulting to a
confusing picture that has opposite symptoms. For example apathy and
mania, hypofunction and hyperfunction, indifference and touchiness,
desire for salt and aversion for salt, heat and cold, and so on.

This is because the writer of the Materia Medica hasnt got a clear picture
in his mind of the essence of the idiosyncrasy and of the different phases
that it can be found. So, what he does is simply lay down in accidental


order or in areas of the body and mind, several symptoms without

hierarchy and meaning. Well, thats not science and art! Thats simply a
compilation and a bibliographical report without any clinical value, not to
say resulting to confusion.

My Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Materia Medica mainly describes Phase B of

characteristic symptoms and Phase A of miasmatic and idiosyncratic
characteristics. Theres always an emphasis on the general character of
the person when in a state of health, i.e. Phase A. Whenever I mention
symptoms that regard phase C, I always make it clear that these are
symptoms that refer to an advanced stage of Illness. I almost never
include symptoms of Phase D because they arent characteristic and they
are of no importance to idiosyncratic diagnosis.

5.10 The vivid, smart, compassionate, good kid

Lets begin the description of Phosphor from Phase A and furthermore
from his childhood. Whats a Phosphor kid like? He is the typical vivid,
smart good kid. He is usually a boy and he is very vivid, even restless
and full of energy. Although restless and vivid that doesnt mean that he
is irritable, naughty, mean and stubborn like Cina for example. On the
contrary he is the easy-going kid, the innocent, good kid.

He has that childish innocence which most of the times, carries with him
intact into adulthood. Having all the above qualities makes him the
perfect kid, the lovable and likeable kid not only to other kids but to
grownups also.

His mother tells you that he doesnt have a minutes rest; not for a single
minute. From dusk to dawn he wants to play all the time even if he has
gone to Elementary School and even if he is about to go to High School.
Have you ever come across those 12 years old boys that have not yet
started having crash on girls and the only thing that they care about is


football, computer games, hanging around with other boys and doing
childish things? Theres a great chance that they are Phosphor kids.

Even as a grownup, sometimes even as an old man, Phosphor carries with

him that innocence of childhood, that vivid playful nature, that love of
sports and Nature. You can see him playing football or basketball at the
age of 35 or 40 years with his pals wearing their shorts every Sunday

5.11 Extremely social and likeable

He is a kid with good intentions, extremely social and likeable. He will
go towards any new kid nearby and tell him with a smile in his face: Hi,
I am John, whats your name? Do you like to come and play with me/us
and be friends? Even before receiving any answer he will say: Come
on, hurry up; lets play!

Being extremely social, not at all selfish and friendly, a good kid and a
team player, he is very likeable and loveable by all other students,
teachers and parents. Everybody knows him and calls him with his small
name or nickname.

That doesnt mean that he is submissive, coward or not a fighter. If

someone provokes him he will react and be very intense, even if the other
kid is stronger. He wont be the one to start a fight but he will certainly
not retreat if he is right. He wont be the tough guy or the wide boy like
Medorhinum, nor will he be revengeful. On the contrary he is very

5.12 Like a gale when angry

When angry, he is like a gale: irascible, easily turned on, shouts and
expresses his anger intensely and then easily off! His anger lasts minutes


and then his motto is Pals again! He forgets everything done to him and
holds nothing back to others that have made him angry or even hurt him.
He is very forgiving and good hearted. Medorhinum is also like a gale
when angry. But he is tougher, rougher, more violent and more selfish.
He easily gets angry, is easily off but may not forgive you. He may
become indifferent towards you or even erase you because he considers
you a jerk.

Platina, when angry or insulted may also erase you but its a snobbish
erasure. She looks down on you, considers you an unworthy creature, a
worm, and she believes that you are not any more worth her attention.
She may say to you: How dare you behave to me like that! You see, no
baboon or worm has the right to behave like that to a goddess/Queen!

Phosphor, as said, is very forgiving; he erases the incident and not the
man. He may even regret for his anger even if he was right. He will say to
himself: I shouldnt have yelled to him like that even if I was right. He
is so good hearted! Thats why he is the easy victim of syphilitic people.
They make him feel bad for his behavior, even if its a justified one so as
to manipulate him and take advantage of his good intentions.

5.13 Pure, innocent, idealist and fighter

What makes him angry? Being very altruistic, caring and compassionate
he gets angry from any kind of injustice. Not only if it is directed towards
him or his close ones but also if its addressed towards strangers. He may
become even angrier in such cases. He will stand up for the weak, the
poor, the animals and any person that is attacked. And he will react no
matter what. Even if he is in danger of being beaten, even if there will be
negative consequences. He just cant help it! He is so emotional and good
hearted and so sycotic to rethink of it.


He is a true idealist and being very expressive will react intensely if other
people around him are insulted. Thats the reason why he can be that very
good idealistic trade unionist fighting strongly for the rights of his coworkers. He will do anything in his powers to promote their common
interests. Phosphor tendency is to say we and not I. He will care
about his family, friends, neighbors, society and the whole world.

His idealistic behavior does not originate from his mind as in

Lycopodium or Sulphur; it comes from his heart! The little kid Phosphor
will ask his daddy with that thoughtful look on his face and with that
sensitiveness in his heart: Dad, why are there beggars? What he really
means is Why should there be beggars? How on earth, do we, humans,
allow such a thing to happen? Its a spontaneous, straightforward,
innocent declaration. Its not a declaration that has to do with his image
towards others - i.e. adopting the role of the good kid as a child and the
image of the cultured as an adult - as in Lycopodium. And certainly,
its not done so as to manipulate others as in syphilitic Lachesis.

5.14 Sensitive and compassionate

Phosphor is the pure, innocent, honest altruist that really cares and is truly
compassionate, psorically compassionate; psoric as to intentions,
principles and ideas and sycotic as to expression. He will see a beggar for
the first time in his life and he will ask his mother: Mum, why is that
man like that? He doesnt have any money, he is poor Then we must
give him some! He immediately takes his allowance out of his pocket
and rushes to the beggar to give it to him.

You see, he truly cares. Its not that typical reaction resulting from the
teachings of most mums to their little ones, nowadays We ought to be
compassionate and care about other people.


For example, a boy Medorhinum, may occasionally as a kid tell his

mother to give money to a poor beggar because he wants to gain a
bravo for being a good kid as his mother told him to be. But this is a
secondary behavior based on motive. But as an adult he may tell the
beggar: Go get yourself a job, you lazy stray dog and stop being a

Phosphor, on the contrary, is primarily compassionate and not

secondarily due to culture. Its an idiosyncratic tendency. He will rush to
help his close ones, his neighbors and even strangers. Thats why he is so
likeable, loveable and popular at school and at his neighborhood as a kid.
He will care about all others.

If a violent naughty kid harasses another he will definitely stand up for

the victim even if the culprit angrily says to him: Mind your own
business! Although he avoids fights he may even beat the offending kid
in order to save the kid in need. He may even be beaten by a stronger kid
in order to help others. Hes got the courage and the big heart to do it.

5.15 The perfect victim of syphilitic people!

This attitude of his makes him quite popular and also quite the perfect
victim of syphilitic people! He is gullible, of good intentions and
altruistic well he is so screwed! (laughing) He is asking for trouble! A
Valeriana or Lachesis woman will pick him up and do whatever she likes:
Sit, Tom! Stand up, Tom! Shut up, Tom! Good dog! (laughing)

If his mother is a Lachesis woman then he will make his life hard. Ive
seen a thousand times, that poor adult good son satisfying all the whims
of his old mum, taking her here and there, to this and that doctor because
she is suffering so much although theres nothing really wrong with
her. She complains all the time that she is sick, that she is tired, that she is
depressed only to draw attention and to have things done her way. She


adopts that role, that secondary behavior of the poor old suffering lady,
the one who was the victim of her alcoholic, good for nothing husband.

So, she manipulates that good kid of hers and exploits him as if he were
her butler. She also manipulates him as her soldier against the brutal
enemy, that is, against her husband. Her son may be 45 years old,
married with children, obligations, demanding job and problems of his
own, yet, despite all that, she manages to have him run here and there to
satisfy her needs.

On top of that, he is so innocent that he doesnt realize or doesnt want to

believe that his mother is exploiting him. Being sycotic, he does feel
indignation a lot of times and expresses his anger. Even when he realizes
what happens he may say: What can I do? She is my mother after all!
She has sacrificed her whole life for me. I know that she is overacting but
she does it out of pathological love for me she doesnt want it
shes being through hell in her life! The problem is that he believes all
these bullshit that his syphilitic mother tells him.

5.16 A great, sensitive, open, yet gullible heart

Phosphor is a man of duty. Not like Nux Vomica who is a person that
believes that its her duty to believe in duty! Her attitude has to do with
her mind because she is very typical, very rational, very fond of order and
organization, a great fan of rules and laws. It has nothing to do with
emotion, with sentiment, with qualities of the heart. Phosphor is dutiful
because of his great heart, an emotional dutiful person.

For example, Lycopodium may help a beggar not often but he doesnt
do it from his heart; he isnt compassionate or if he declares to be or
seems to be, its a matter of beliefs and ideology and not a matter of
emotion. At other times, being very mistrustful he may say: Most of
beggars are crooks or lazy people. My opinion is that we shouldnt help


them because by helping them we contribute to the continuation of this

parasitic phenomenon And he goes on giving you a sophisticated
lecture about this theme that he has elaborated into his complex mind. Its
as if he represents a political party and what he says to you is the official
policy of his political party!

On the contrary, Phosphor may even see many things indicating that the
beggar is probably a crook, but even then he will say: What the heck!
Never mind! I will help him! His motto is cast your bread upon the
water. Note that he hasnt adopted it after logical procedure as his
official ideology. Its not a matter of mind; its again a matter of heart. He
has that imbalanced, idiosyncratic tendency to help others, to empathize
with others, no matter what. Its a tendency that lacks moderation and
differentiation. Thats why he is the perfect victim of beggars and crooks.

You ask Phosphor if he is gullible and if he has been fooled many times
in his life he tells you with that sparkling look: Oh doctor! This is the
story of my life! So many times Ive sworn to change but in the end
nothing changes! I try to be mean but it doesnt work!

At times you may ask a Phosphor: Are you gullible or mistrustful? and
he may answer that he is mistrustful, but what he really means is that he
was primarily gullible but being fooled a lot of times he now tries to be
mistrustful although its not an easy thing for him to do.

5.17 Not a single idiosyncratic tendency/behavior is a result of free

We have to be clear in Homeopathy. His altruism is not a result of free
choice! Not a single idiosyncratic tendency/behavior is a result of free
choice no matter how strong and characteristic! Its a matter of passion;
its an imbalance; an almost compulsive behavior; an automatic behavior.
It doesnt matter if the patient/person projects several good excuses to


sugarcoat his imbalanced tendency. It doesnt matter if he masks it with

arguments, principles, beliefs or ideology. All these are but the mental
mask of an existing primary passion.

Its like the alcoholic or drug addict who finds a thousand excuses to
justify his passion. Its like the idealist communist of the western
countries that projected a thousand excuses to justify what was happening
in the communistic countries of the Soviet Union. Or the idealist
democrat fan of the American Democracy and the Free World that sees
only the good things and finds a thousand excuses for all bad things that
happen in USA.

You see, human mind, has that great capacity to fool itself! Its so smart
in finding excuses and so stupid in fooling not only others but also itself.
Well, thats the nature of human mind, i.e. thats the nature of Intellectual
Psyche, while Conscience Psyche is interested only in truth!

5.18 Projected image/secondary behavior is one thing and primary

behavior is another
Its of outmost importance in Homeopathic Diagnosis not to confuse the
projected image/secondary behavior of a person with his primary
behavior, that is, his intentions, weaknesses, passions, will, etc, that lie
beneath the first one. The psoric altruism of Phosphor isnt a result of free
choice and free will; its rather a passion, a compulsive behavior without
any moderation and differentiation. Its an attachment. Thats why it
drives him towards victimization and suffering. Anything that makes us
sick and unhappy involves an unnatural and wrong behavior; it involves
violation of Universal Laws.

The differentiation between secondary and primary behavior is essential

especially when we have to do with syphilitic individuals. Moreover, we


have to take in consideration that nowadays, syphilitic people are the


Its a fact that many of the Greek Mothers that adopt the secondary
behavior of the good, sensitive mother that has a pathological love for
her children, are in reality syphilitic Lachesis individuals that manipulate
their children and husband with the sole aim of dominance. Their image
towards others isnt but a mask, a suitable social mask. Such individuals
may admit that they are overprotective in order to hide the fact that
they are domineering. They may say that they have a pathological love
for their children only to hide their repressive behavior. They pretend to
be very sensitive only to hide their cold, carefully designed behavior.

Such secondary behaviors that are but hypocritical masks are quite often
nowadays. Let me give you some examples of secondary behaviors that
could hide negative primary behaviors beneath a mask: holly priest,
charitable rich woman, the principal with the strict morality, patriot
politician, poor sensitive guy, cultured and civilized man, etc. That
doesnt mean of course that beneath any of these secondary behaviors
theres always a syphilitic person.

Many times even psoric people tend to adopt social masks/images in

order to cover their weaknesses, cowardice or psoric egoism. While a
syphilitic person is fully aware of his masking action when it comes to a
psoric person things arent so clear. Its a semi-conscious masking. At
times even if you try to explain to a psoric person that what he projects is
but a mask it wont be easy for him to accept it. A psoric person tends to
believe that he is sincere to others and to himself and up to a point he is
right. But many times he sugarcoats his weaknesses and egoism in order
not to see them because he wants and needs to believe that he is good
and honest.


For example its very difficult for a Phosphor person to realize that what
he calls altruism is but a compulsive behavior and not his good self.
Its also very difficult for a Lycopodium subject to admit that his cultured
polite behavior hides cowardice beneath it. Its also quite hard for
Pulsatilla to realize that her sensitivity and romantic tendency are but
imbalances and not positive qualities of her personality.

Sycotic individuals may adopt secondary behaviors/images that suit their

tendency for fun and enjoyment of life; they project the image of the
strong, vivid person, the image of the tough guy. Its a rather spontaneous
act not involving much awareness. Moreover, they are individuals that
arent intellectual, tend to be superficial and dont care much about
explanations, theories and analysis.

Syphilitic individuals tend to adopt secondary behaviors/images

deliberately in order to achieve dominance and exploitation of others
around them and they are very capable and effective. They tend to adopt
positive social images that most of the times are opposite to their real
tendencies and character.

For example, I am bad, yet I pretend to be very good. I am a lier but I

pretend to be very sincere, etc. They know what they are doing, they are
aware of what they are doing and thats why I say that they pretend to
be. But if you do the mistake to tell them that you know what they are
doing then they feel exposed and get angry and they want to stop you at
any cost.

So, I must repeat that this psoric altruism of Phosphor is an

idiosyncratic characteristic and not a product of free will, not a spiritual
achievement of his. Yet, we mustnt forget that phosphoric and psoric
intentions and characteristics are clearly closer to natural and moral
qualities than syphilitic intentions.


We must also realize that we tend to develop this and that miasmatic and
idiosyncratic picture according to our actions in this and previous lives
and according to our present intentions. Its true that we are all influenced
by miasmas and idiosyncrasies during our lifetime. Its also true that
miasmas and idiosyncrasies are all imbalances.

We are all being boiled in the same cauldron in earthy hell, but still some
of us are in the bottom of the cauldron and some on the surface of the
boiling fluid. Only few, the ones that are evaporated get out of this
boiling cauldron which is called Earthy level. These are the saints that
are enlightened and manage to overcome miasmas and idiosyncrasies,
the demons that we all carry within our body and Intellectual Psyche.

Bear always in mind that whenever we talk about idiosyncratic

characteristics we always refer to an imbalance, to a negative trait. So, the
psoric altruism of Phosphor is an imbalance. What really proves my
allegations is the fact that this psoric altruism drives him to victimization!

A Phosphor individual tends to be the perfect business partner victim. He

may have contributed much more than his partner in money and effort to
set up a business, he may be doing all the work and in the end his partner
finds a way to take full control of the already successful enterprise. He is
also the perfect husband victim! She will have him rushing for all things
all day long and in the end may cheat on him, divorce him, take control of
the kids and of all their belongings and even after the divorce she will
continue to exploit him for the sake of their children. After all he has
suffered, he may even forgive her!

-Are there women Phosphors?

-Yes, there are but not so frequently. She has the same qualities but
usually she is a little less expressive.


5.19 Extremely dutiful

He is also extremely dutiful. Even if he hasnt got a boss watching him all
the time, yet, he will try to do things perfectly even if most of his
colleagues do almost nothing. Sometimes, finding several excuses, they
will even manage to pass to him part of their job.

If he is a self-employed person he will try to catch up with deadlines. If

he is a technician, a plumber or an electrician he will try to do all things
as they should be and wont ask for much money. In fact he finds it very
difficult to ask for the money they owe him for a job he did and many
times he even loses money due to this attitude. Being like that he has
much stress at work.

Being very psoric morally, he wont become a crook of any sort. He will
try to be ok with everybody and typical to his obligations. That doesnt
mean of course, that he wont cheat the tax office. He isnt rigid like Nux
Vomica who wants to be extremely typical and as she should be but in a
neurotic way. He isnt typical out of fear like Lycopodium. Living in a
capitalistic system he will adjust up to a point. He will ask for more
money in order to make a profit so as to cover his needs or he may bribe
state employees in order to get a contract. But he wont be the ruthless

He is the great victim lender. He will easily lend money to others, even
not close ones, out of compassion and difficulty to say No. His wife
will tell him: Whats the matter with you! We dont have money for our
family and youve lent money to others? So many times he has lent
money and has lost it. Even then, he may say Never mind! May God
forgive him! He may have been really in great need! You see, even
when in rough times he is very optimistic.


5.20 Clever and vivid

Phosphor is a very easy going person. His mother will tell you: He is a
very vivid, restless kid all the time, yet, he is a very good boy, a very easy
going child that does not wear me off. He is, as a rule, a conscientious

Nevertheless, at the first years of the primary school he may not be what
we usually call a good student because he is not yet mature enough for
lessons and classrooms. His mind and heart are still engaged to games,
playing, toys, nature and playgrounds. Its not easy for him to be
restrained inside a classroom, sitting still on a desk and watching his
teacher for so long without moving and playing. Not to say that our
educational system is so boring and repressive!

He is a smart boy with quick thinking. Lycopodium is also a smart boy

because he is very intellectual and able for complex connections; yet his
thinking isnt quick. He is more the systematic thinking guy. Sulphur is
also smart and intellectual but he is interested in specific fields like
mathematics, inventions, computers, mysterious things, etc. All other
things bore him to death and he may become a bad student just because
he is lazy and easily bored.

Phosphor, as said, is usually conscientious. He wants to do all his

homework in order to please his teacher, especially if he likes him. He
loves his parents, brothers, relatives, his teacher, the priest, the neighbors,
all people. He is the good friendly boy! But that doesnt mean that he
isnt vivid, restless and sometimes may be considered even naughty
especially by demanding mothers. He is so restless, so vivid and so full of
energy, joy and playful mood.

Summarizing, in phase A and especially in the case of a kid, the general

characteristics of Phosphor are: vivid, restless, full of energy, quick,


active, easy going, with good intentions, altruist, gullible, dutiful,

compassionate, social, giving.

5.21 A special interest for health matters at phase A

Lets now talk about some of his general physical characteristics. Most of
the times he is cold but at grade 1 or 2; he may even be hot grade 1, yet,
heat and cold arent any important characteristics of him. Being very
sycotic, he may sleep the way Medorhinum does, i.e. on his belly. But
whats very characteristic of Phosphor is that he avoids sleeping on his
left side, so as not to press his heart.

He has heard that pressing your heart isnt healthy, so at phase A, even if
he hasnt got all those neurovegetative symptoms and that great fear
about his health, still, preventively, he avoids sleeping on his left side. At
times he will tell you that whenever he sleeps on his left side he cannot
help hearing his hearts beat.

Phosphor kids are often very cooperative with the doctor. Moreover, if
his mum says to him That snack isnt good for your health and it will
make you sick, although he craves it, he may try to avoid eating it. He
may say to his mother: Ive got an aching belly/cough/fever. We should
go to the doctor! You see he is a bit worried about diseases even at
phase A.

You take him to the doctor, he sits and listens to what the doctor says and
he will follow his orders. He is a very cooperative child with parents,
teachers and doctors. He may also say to his mother: Mum, it is three
oclock! Time to give me my medicine, as the doctor said! or Mum, my
heart is ticking very loudly. Is something wrong with me?


At times, if he doesnt want to go to that boring school or mean teacher

he may say that he has an aching belly or say that he is sick. Its not a
hysterical or syphilitic pretention. It has that childish quality. Its so clear
that it isnt so, the minute he tells you, but still, he is so charming and
likeable and childish that the only thing you could do is to smile, say
OK and pretend that you believe him. This is what we typically call an
innocent lie, that is, a lie with innocent intention.

5.22 Tendency for ice-cold water

He so much craves ice-cold water. Even in winter he drinks water only
from the fridge. Thats what desire for cold water grade 3 is! Phosphor
kids steal ice-cubes from the fridge to lick them inside their mouth until
they have completely melted, even if their mums forbid it. He doesnt
show off about it or he doesnt do it out of reaction to his strict mother.
He just loves ice cold things and thats why he also loves ice-creams even
in winter time.

Dont confuse the desire for cold things with the desire for ice-creams
because of their sweetness. Some patients when asked if they like icecold water they say No meaning that they crave it but still they avoid it
due to doctors orders because they catch colds easily or have a sensitive
throat. In highlands, the tap water is very cold and a Phosphor individual
needs not water from the fridge. Yet, he will let the tap open for a while
so as to let ice-cold water from outdoors to run to his glass.

Only ice-cold water quenches his thirst and pleases him. Many patients
say that they crave cold water from the fridge in summer time but this
isnt desire cold water grade 3, as in Phosphor.

5.23 Phase B: Neurovegetative symptoms

Now lets examine an adult Phosphor at phase B, the Neurovegetative
Phase. There will be two versions. The patient that was Phosphor during


phase A and now progressed to phase B and the person who was a
Medorhinum idiosyncrasy at phase A and now changed to Phosphor at
phase B.

A Medorhinum sycotic individual feels like solid rock and is usually a

solid rock organism. He is unhealthy habits-resistant and stressresistant. He has a great tendency for excesses of any kind: tobacco,
alcohol, narcotics, unhealthy food, spices, sleeping late, sex, overwork,
etc. Yet, after too much physical and psychological stress for too long and
at times after a great stressful event he collapses and starts having all
those neurovegetative symptoms and fears about his health.

He is so astonished and feels so not himself: I dont understand whats

happening to me. Its as if I am a different person. I never was afraid of
anything and certainly not afraid of diseases. I never used to rush to
doctors; in fact, I was very negligent about my health. But now I make
fool of myself going to so many doctors and being so much afraid about
my health. I just cant get it!

The first version of Phosphor progressing from phase A to phase B has

the same neurovegetative symptoms and fears about his health at this
phase B but on top of that he also has all those phosphoric characteristics
that weve described. Moreover, he was already worrying about his health
even in phase A. That is, he always took care of his health, did check up,
was interested in hearing about health matters, etc. He was and still is that
sensitive, altruist, social person with psoric ideas and intentions and
sycotic expression.

Moreover, the reasons for his collapse are quite different than those of
Medorhinum. He used to be very industrious, dutiful, very giving and
compassionate, the victim of many syphilitic people and then after some
final stressful event he collapsed. His collapse was not a result of


unhealthy life and excesses in fun, food and sex like in the case of

5.24 The vicious circle of Neurovegetative Symptoms

Let me give you the neurovegetative picture of Phosphor. He rushes to
my office like a torrent. Doctor, I have this and that and that! What can
you do for me? Please, help me! I went to this and that doctor but I still
have the same symptoms. Mrs. X told me that youve cured her and I
came right away to you. Please, do help me!

Well, you see, being very gullible and sycotic and because he cant
tolerate his symptoms, he goes from doctor to doctor and asks for urgent
appointment. He goes to the doctor in good faith, showing trust and full
of hopes. If the doctor pays attention to him, deals with him thoroughly,
comforts him and gives him hope then he is the best doctor ever and if he
is cured then he is grateful and in debt for life. Its a sincere gratitude.

You ask him: How did your symptoms start? Did you experience any
severe stress before that? Then he usually tells you that he was stressed
for a long time and then happened that unexpected incident. A friend of
him or a neighbor or a colleague had a heart attack and died. The moment
he heard of it or after some days or weeks he felt that awkward heartache,
that oppression to his chest, that palpitation or that sudden dizziness.

He is so shocked! He says to himself: Jesus Christ! Whats this? Am I

having a heart attack too? From that time on his Odyssey begins; and not
only his but also the Odyssey of his close ones and of his doctors.

5.25 Tests, doctors, again tests and more doctors!

He rushes to the nearest doctor or to the emergencies of the nearest
hospital. He is examined and many tests are carried out, even more than


needed due to his persistent request. Finally the doctor reaches a

diagnosis: My dear, youve got nothing! All your organs are functioning
well, in fact, quite well! You are a healthy person!

But, but hows that possible! I have all these terrible symptoms, I feel
as if dying and you tell me that I have nothing at all? Please, doctor, do
some more tests. Ive heard that sometimes cardiograms arent so
reliable. Why dont you do an ultrasound or a CT scan to me? I will pay
for any test needed! The doctor hasnt got any other choice but to
proceed to a complete and extensive search although he believes that its
not necessary. Nevertheless, he agrees most of the times in order to help
his patient relax.

Finally, he calls his patient back to his office: My dear, John you see,
after so many tests and because Phosphor is a likeable person they
became friends youve got nothing pathological. The only thing you
have is stress. Try to forget your symptoms and calm down You really
mean that theres nothing wrong with me? Ok! Thank God! Its true that I
was too stressed during last months. Well, if you say so, I believe you. Ill
try to forget it. I will be Ok, wont I doctor?

You see, Phosphor wants reassurance and consolation. Dont worry,

says the doctor, youre going to be fine. Take your medicines and youre
going to be fine! He goes home relieved. He follows the treatment with
sedatives or antidepressants and he is full of hopes.

But then, just after leaving the doctors office or some hours or days later
he has again those awful symptoms. Oh my God! he says! Not again!
He immediately phones to his doctor. Excuse me, doctor, for bothering
you again but I have the same symptoms. This time I also had a pain on
my back and Dont worry! Youll have to be patient. You may have
these symptoms for some days or weeks until you get well but dont


worry Well, Ok, doctor, if you say so Ill wait. Sorry again for
troubling you. When shall I call you again?

He tries hard to be patient because he doesnt want to become a burden to

the doctor since he was so nice to him but then his symptoms keep
coming back and often they keep changing form. So, he keeps calling
again and again to his doctor in order to relieve his fears about his health.
He also keeps pushing for new tests and frequent consultations.

Well, all the above make Phosphor the perfect victim of doctors that care
only about money. They take advantage of his fears and of his gullible
personality and keep earning money from his suffering; most of the times
he is driven to a lot of unnecessary tests and consultations.

5.26 Likeable and grateful

Although he is a nuisance to the doctor, nevertheless, he is usually
likeable and loveable because he is very friendly, open hearted and
grateful like an innocent good kid. You do one good thing to him and he
will do ten good things to you. He will be grateful for life and he will
recommend to his doctor as many patients as he can if he gets well. But
even if he hasnt seen any results he will still appreciate your concern if
you have taken a good care of him. He may even tell you: Never mind
doctor, dont get upset that you didnt help me as much as you wanted
to I appreciate your concern.

He is truly grateful and out of gratitude to you and compassion to other

suffering people if you cure him he will recommend a lot of patients to
you. He may even accompany them to your office reassuring them in
front of you that you are going to help them.


Lachesis is also a patient that if cured will recommend a lot of people to

the doctor. But, she will do it for another reason too. She wants you to
feel in debt to her so as to take good care of her and even charge her less.
She wont miss the opportunity to remind to you how many patients she
has recommended to you: Well doctor, Ive sent you one more patient
last week up to now Ive sent you half my town! Can you see the
difference between the psoric and the syphilitic miasma?

5.27 Thirsty for consolation and support

If the doctor expresses indignation from Phosphors insecurity and does
the usual mistake to say to him For Gods sake! I told you a hundred
times that you have nothing its all in your mind, you are a
hypochondriac! then he is deeply hurt and insulted. What do you mean
by that doctor? Do you mean to say that I lie, that I pretend? I do feel all
these symptoms and they keep coming up again and again! I am not
lying! You see, he has been sincere, honest and hard working all his life.
How can anyone say that he is lying or that he pretends to be sick?

He is so disappointed! He will consult another doctor and if he doesnt

believe him then he will go to another one and another one. And he will
do one cardiogram after another! He says to himself: Maybe at the time
we did the previous ones it wasnt the right time and perhaps this last one
will show something and then I will know what the matter with me is and
everyone around me will finally believe me that I am not pretending!
You see, its a vicious circle! He feels the symptoms, they make him
anxious, anxiety causes more symptoms, his symptoms in turn cause
more anxiety and so on.

If his loving wife is fed up with his symptoms she may say to him:
Enough is enough! I am fed up with your symptoms! Weve seen a
thousand doctors and they all tell you that you have nothing and that you
have to get it out of your mind! Why dont you forget it for Gods sake? I
dont want to hear one more word about it! Then he is so disappointed,
so hurt! There isnt anything more terrible for him than to have symptoms


and not to be able to talk about it and receive a word of consolation not
even from his close ones!

When his symptoms are intense he is in despair. He wants to talk to

others about his condition all the time. Not only to his close ones but to
anyone around him that is a bit friendly even if he is a stranger. Very
often he will surf the net for hours trying desperately to find answers as to
what is he suffering from and to seek for cure.

He will even try to do anything from his part in order to get over his
symptoms like for example healthy diet, vitamins, herbs, yoga, analysis,
etc. Being in despair he will try anything and thats one of the reasons
why he is the best client of alternative therapeutic methods.

Phosphor is very upset by injustice, lies, exploitation of the weak,

antisocial behavior, indifference and selfish behavior. Being intensely
sycotic as to expression, he bursts his anger and reacts immediately. He is
like a gale: easily gets angry, bursts intensely, easily off. While angry, he
may hit his hand on the table or slam the door behind him just like a
Medorhinum. But then, in a couple of minutes he is easily off as if
nothing had happened. He will say Pals, again! He even feels sorry for
his outburst even if he was right and may sincerely apologize.

5.28 Fond of Sports and Nature

He likes the sea very much almost like Medorhinum; and not only the sea
but Nature in general. He may become a hunter not so much for the sake
of hunting he even feels sorry for killing animals but for the sake of
coming in contact with Nature, for the sake of physical exercise and for
the sake of company.


He likes sports a lot and he exercises systematically. He prefers team

sports like tennis, basket ball and football because he is the social guy and
enjoys company a lot. He may be 45 years old, married and with two
children, nevertheless, every Sunday morning he will wake up early and
go to play football with his pals. He is also that typical pure fan of the
football or basketball team for the love of the sport and for the spirit

5.29 Extremely extrovert and social

Being very sycotic as to expression he is extremely extrovert and social;
extrovert grade 2 or 3. He wants to talk about his personal problems in
many people and he enjoys it; he enjoys human communication. Being
very innocent and judging from himself, he wont take in consideration
that other people may gossip about him or use his confessions to hurt

Well, thats one of his great idiosyncratic weaknesses: he believes that

others are as innocent as he is, he judges from himself and thus he is the
easy victim of exploiters.

He so much enjoys consolation and support. Pulsatilla also wants

consolation; she wants consolation grade 3; she is a complainer but a
likeable one; she is thirsty of attention, consolation and talk; she is easily
moved by human contact and easily weeping. This is her primary
behavior; its not a secondary behavior like in the case of syphilitic
Lachesis who pretends to be sensitive in order to manipulate and exploit

Pulsatilla is a genuinely sensitive, a truly sensitive person while Lachesis

pretends to be sensitive. She is the good and sensitive Little Red Riding
Hood of the fairy tale! Phosphor is almost as sensitive as Pulsatilla but he
will be a likeable complainer only at phase B and mostly as his


neurovegetative symptoms are concerned. Pulsatilla on the other hand,

does not develop neurovegetative symptoms and fear about her health so
easily and characteristically. Pulsatilla is predominantly a female
idiosyncrasy while Phosphor is mostly a male idiosyncrasy.

Phosphor is the typical social and good hearted fellow that enjoys
company a lot and who is the heart and soul of the party. He is fan of
good wine, food, fun and getting together with other people. He is so
giving and so pleasant in a company. Most of the times, he is a very good
joker and certainly not the rough one like Sulphur or the vulgar one like
Medorhinum. He is the easy going individual, the one that brings people
together; positive, friendly and team player. He is the entertainer of the
company. He isnt so in order to show off; he is a natural at it.

5.30 Mostly afraid of symptoms per se and not so much afraid of

disease or death
As said, he is afraid about his health; he is afraid of diseases. But not so
much that he is afraid of death. Arsenicum is very much afraid of death
per se, because he is so egoistic and self-centered that death is for him the
loss of existence, the loss of himself. Phosphor, on the other hand, isnt so
much afraid of death or of the disease; he is mostly afraid of his
symptoms; he feels very bad whenever he has them.

Its true that when he feels those terrible symptoms that he is afraid that
he is having a heart attack or a stroke but still its not a clear fear of death
as in Arsenicum or Aconitum. These are very fine differences but also
very important. So, he feels awful during symptoms and when they are
off he is so worried that they may come back. These symptoms spoil his
whole life. Some Phosphor patients have said to me: Oh doctor, I wish I
had a gastric ulcer or even a more severe physical disease than what I
have; it spoils my whole life; Ive stopped enjoying my life!


When it comes to diseases, Phosphor is afraid of something acute like a

heart attack or a stroke and not so much of a chronic disease like cancer.
Calcarea Carbonica and Arsenicum are mostly afraid of cancer and death.

He is so compassionate and so easy to empathize with other people, even

strangers; especially if they are sick. Nevertheless, its not only a matter
of compassion; its also a matter of fear that he may have the same thing,
he, himself. Thats how the vicious circle of neurovegetative symptoms

He hears about that symptoms and in minutes or hours or days he starts

feeling the same thing or something similar to it. He goes for tests and
finds out that one certain test result is a bit off normal range. He says to
himself and others: Oh my God! My glucose is 120! Am I diabetic? I
must start healthy diet right away! I must consult a doctor and take
medicines! I knew it, that something was wrong with me! My father also
had diabetes after his 80s!

5.31 Differential Diagnosis from other neurovegetative idiosyncrasies

Argentum Nitricum too, may suffer from neurovegetative symptoms and
fear about his health, although not so often and not so intensely as
Phosphor. But in his case its not a fear about health per se. Its clearly a
compulsive state that involves the field of health among other fields. So,
in order to do differential diagnosis we have to see if he has compulsions
and fixed ideas in all other fields of his life.

We must always take in consideration the patient and the person as a

whole and never focus on partial symptoms no matter how intense and
characteristic they are. The whole is always more characteristic than
the part because it refers to the character, the personality, the
idiosyncrasy of the individual. We must also take in consideration the
miasmatic identity of the person.


For example, Arsenicum too, may develop neurovegetative symptoms

and is most of the times even more worried about his health than
Phosphor. But there are distinct differences both at the part and the
whole. Arsenicum is terrified in the possibility of an approaching death
either due to aging or due to disease; he is afraid of the loss of his
existence because he is an egoistic and syphilitic person.

He may even not admit that he is afraid of death. You have to dig it out
indirectly. For example, although he says that he isnt afraid of death, yet
he has gone to a lot of doctors and done too many tests. On top of that he
demanded an urgent appointment. See how important non-verbal data
are? Sometimes you ask him and he tells you No but his wife sitting
next to him in the office makes signs to you shaking her head showing
that he is afraid of death. Nevertheless, most of the times he says that he
is afraid.

But, be careful! The most important data for differential diagnosis are not
the partial symptoms but the man himself. Phosphor is a very likeable and
loveable person despite his intense worrying about his health and the
frequent phone calls for help. On the contrary, Arsenicum is a repulsive
person, most of the times, due to his egoism, misery and arrogance. He
may come to you frightened and asking for help and despite that he is
mistrustful, critical, domineering and demanding.

He thinks that he knows all things; he will express his stubborn opinion
even in the medical field. He will tell you in that depreciating manner:
Ive consulted that famous professor who is top on his field and he told
me this and that. Whats your opinion about it and on what ground do you
base it? He demands from you to spend time with him and pay full
attention to his case. He may even promise you more money if you deal
with him exclusively although he is a very mean person when it comes to
money. He treats other people around him, doctors, wife, kids and


employees as if they were his servants. That doesnt mean that he is rude
or that he isnt typically polite.

When Phosphor has those troubling neurovegetative symptoms he is

afraid of being alone. He wants company so as to talk about pleasant
things in order to forget his symptoms. He wants human presence, human
contact, support and consolation. Arsenicum also is afraid of being alone
but in a very different way.

He wants someone by his side, for example his wife, in order to serve him
during his symptoms and to take him to the hospital if needed. He will
say to his wife or nurse: Bring me a cup of tea and dont be late! Where
are my medicines? What have you done with it? Bring it here next to me
and lay them in an order. I feel cold, what the hell got into you and
youve opened the window do you want to kill me! He doesnt want
to talk; its better if you dont bother him at all. Just stay close or in the
next room in case he needs you. And above all, do what he orders you,
quickly and without any objections.

Isnt that an egoistic and syphilitic behavior? Does it have anything to do

with the friendly, warm behavior of psoric-sycotic Phosphor? I dont
think so! Argentum Nitricum is not as egoistic and repulsive as
Arsenicum yet its not as likeable as Phosphor. He tends to be absorbed to
his fixed ideas; he isnt very sociable and friendly; he may be very
loquacious and quite often radiates a certain kind of misery. So, in the
spectrum of likeableness from top to bottom we have Pulsatilla,
Phosphor, Argentum Nitricum and finally Arsenicum.

Pulsatilla may at times develop neurovegetative symptoms but not so

often and a lot milder. For the purpose of differential diagnosis we have
to take in consideration her whole idiosyncrasy. She is usually mild, very
sensitive, weeping, talkative, friendly, romantic and very extrovert. Kali
Arsenicosum, Causticum and Mancinella may at times develop


neurovegetative symptoms and fear about health. Again we differentiate

according to their whole idiosyncrasy.

Hysterical idiosyncrasies like Lilium Tigrinum, Asafoetida, Cimicifuga,

Moschus, Cyclamen and Cactus may also develop neurovegetative
symptoms among other symptoms. But they will also have plenty of
hysterical symptoms and a hysterical personality. Lycopodium and
Sulphur may also at times develop neurovegetative symptoms and fear
about health but milder ones and less frequently.

From my experience whenever you come across neurovegetative

symptoms first you have to think of Phosphor, Argentum Nitricum and
Arsenicum and in that order.

5.32 Phase C: withdrawal

Phosphor at phase B when experiencing intense symptoms may not want
to travel in distant or remote places for fear that if something happens to
him he will be far away from doctors and hospitals. Arsenicum also has
that for the same reason.

At Phase C, that is, after troubled for long from his symptoms and after
losing any hope for cure, things change not only as to his symptoms but
also as to his general condition and character. He becomes more introvert
and less social. He stays at home and doesnt want to talk much even with
his close ones. Despair and withdrawal have set in. But if you examine
what preceded this phase you will clearly identify Phosphor.

5.33 The sensitive, hot lover!

Phosphor is usually cold but not as cold as Arsenicum. He is often thirsty
and always craves ice-cold water even from the fridge. Cold water even
improves his stomach ailments but only temporarily. As soon as its


warmed up inside the stomach he asks for cold water again. He also has
hemorrhagic predisposition. Many Phosphor kids frequently suffer from
nosebleed for no apparent reason.

Being very sycotic physically and as expression is concerned, he is very

hot sexually in the sense that he has frequent and strong desire for sex
and in the sense that he is very good in the act and takes much joy in it.
But he is not like Medorhinum who wants sex for the sake of sex or for
the sake of confirming his manly abilities or showing off about it.
Medorhinum is quite superficial and not emotional in his affairs.

On the contrary Phosphor is very sentimental and sensitive when it comes

to affairs and sex. He definitely wants sex but with a lot of emotion and
love. Thats the reason why he so easily has a crash on women and falls
in love deeply and intensely. Nevertheless, thats one more field in which
he is easily victimized by syphilitic people!

Dr. Athos Stavrou Othonos

I practice Homeopathic Medicine as a private doctor in Athens the last 28
years, being a member of the Athens Medical Association and a member of the
Greek Association of Homeopathic Medicine.
I've always enjoyed reading and writing books! Up to now I have written 21
books on Holistic Philosophy, 16 Homeopathic Medical books and 8 Litterature
books. In my Homeopathic Medical Books one can find a complete course on
Homeopathic Medicine and the description of the Method of Miasmatic
Idiosyncratic Diagnosis developed by me the last 15 years.
My books either philosophical, novels or medical are the outcome of this
theoretical search and also the outcome of many years of medical and personal
experience. Their common ground is Holistic Thinking and Holistic Philosophy.
My choice to offer all my books for free in my web site homeomed.gr and in
other sites for free e-books is in accordance with my holistic beliefs.

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