Assessment 1 Reflection - Standard 2 Focus Area 2 4

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NITV: Personal Reflection and Analysis

Grace Leva 6/10/2015 1:05 PM

Comment [1]: For this assessment I
watched a channel dedicated to the
Aboriginal community, reflecting on my
understandings and therefore ensuring that
the stories, culture and language of the
Indigenous community is respected.

Demonstrate broad knowledge of, understanding of and respect for Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander histories, cultures and languages.

Australia has always prided itself on being a multicultural nation, so since starting EDAB161 I
beg to differ. So many questions have been raised from watching NITV, a channel that I had no
prior knowledge of. It provides current information to the Indigenous community, a part of the
wider Australian population, who have their news catered by their own channel rather than
embedded within the mainstream news. It wasnt until watching NITV that I began to form an
awareness of the still distinct segregation between mainstream society and the Indigenous
community. Thus resulting in many questions including how can Australia call itself multicultural
when cultural difference is not embraced? or how can Australia say its moving forward in our
ever-changing society when were right back where we started? Everything I have ever learnt is
being questioned and my beliefs challenged. Resultant in further questioning with limited valid
reasons to justify what is carefully hidden away within society limiting its visual evidence to the
Australian community.

Through watching NITV I have been able to see the often overlooked impact of the media as a
tool in providing information with an underlying intention of shaping the viewers attitudes. The
distinctive difference between 7 news and NITV news has broadened my knowledge, igniting a
flame of inspiration, to make a difference as a future teacher. Having watched the news at

Grace Leva 6/10/2015 1:18 PM

Comment [2]: Given this understanding it
is my responsibility as a future teacher, to
go the extra mile and broaden my
understandings, find out the current issues
learn about the culture and languages and
find ways to bring these into the classroom
and support students hollistically.
Grace Leva 6/10/2015 1:19 PM
Comment [3]: These distinct differences
will be evidenced within the classroom and
should be embraced, they should provide
the platform for learning to be extended.
Thus, highlighting the need to broaden my
understandings further.

5:30pm I was faced with an emotional dilemma in terms of what was presented to me as a
viewer. The news itself focused on stories, which I had previously heard of, presented in a new
light as it spoke of Yidindji law and an alleged offence. I do not understand the concept of laws
and the convenience of their application. This is a disappointing issue within the Australian
community clearly something needs to change. Furthermore, the $1.3 billion settlement faced by
the Noongar community was a shock; I am unable to fathom the fact that we are still facing
ongoing native title issues. I was however pleased at the fact that there appears to be a vote to
determine the outcomes of this agreement in the community, reinforcing their rights as citizens

Grace Leva 6/10/2015 1:21 PM

Comment [4]: Although these are stories
to me, they are the lives which are being
lived out by the Indigenous communities
across Australia and therefore, they should
be treated with respect and sensitivity.

and a community. Additionally, I noted stories within mainstream and others, which werent,
thus making NITV news valuable and informative.

Grace Leva 6/10/2015 1:24 PM

Comment [5]: From vieiwing these
stories I was able to build understandings
about the culture, language and stories
which are foundational to the Indigenous

In addition, I became enthralled by watching the documentary entitled Surviving having
watched two episodes I was provided with a depth of knowledge and ideas, resulting in a
deepening of emotions and thoughts. Olive Knight shared her story making me feel as if I was on
that journey with her, the insight she provided on how she believes the Indigenous culture to be
musically rich resonated with me and my love for music. The connection was made and

Grace Leva 6/10/2015 1:25 PM

Comment [6]: This knowledge provides
the platform for which the understandings
gained can be applied within my own
classroom, bringing these two worlds

continued through inspiring me to look beyond the lyrics of songs to the music itself conveying
an electrically charged understanding of the sentiments, which are attached to a song. Olive
Knight challenged me with an issue, which I was unaware of, an issue which should not have
been shrewdly hidden but rather shared and resolved. I was disappointed to hear of the
continued mining on her land. How is it that such as issue is contained and made to seem
irrelevant? I am as a result more aware and with that I endeavour to share my newly gained
understandings, as building such awareness is the only way to take an issue which is disregarded
to make it known. Through strengthening our knowledge well be awakened to what is
happening around us and put the steps in place to change where our future is headed.

Consequently, the confronting story of Elva, defines an inspirational woman, someone who needs
to be recognised for her resilience and ability to create a life worth knowing. I have been left

Grace Leva 6/10/2015 1:26 PM

Comment [7]: This statement highlights
the significance of my role as a teacher and
the need to continually build

speechless and emotionally overwhelmed with great disappointment in the fact that in 2015
there is still limited support and services available. Elva had to move away from her country to
obtain the support she needed, that should not be the case and yet what is being done to change

The Indigenous perspective recounts stories with a strong connection to its viewers through
Grace Leva 6/10/2015 1:28 PM
Comment [8]: With such a strong
connection to the Indigenous community, it
should be taken and applied within the
classroom by bridging that gap to ensure

providing factual information; the same cannot be said for mainstream. Comparing NITV to
mainstream there are similarities in terms of programming, news structure and content. For
example whilst watching the news I was informed about the health issues at Alice Springs, the
international news incorporating religion, sports and weather. Additionally NITV presents its
information with respect and through acknowledging those who may be affected by its delivery,
thus upholding reverence to its viewers.

The need to be proactive in making choices is taking small steps in order to create a society,
which Im proud to be part of, embracing equality and community.

Finally, viewing the alternative perspective presents a snapshot of the strong connection to the
Indigenous community through country, the foundational nature of relationships and the
significance of identifying with a community, something worth fighting for.


NITV, (2015). NITV [webpage]. Retrieved from

NITV, (2015). NITV News [video] viewed on January 13, 2015.

NITV, (2015). Surviving [video] viewed on January 13, 2015.

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