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Your Winners Image

By Bob Proctor

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Many thanks to our eBook Editor

Carol Rosselle

Your Winners Image

Do you have dreams?
Do you have fantasies?
Its time to turn them into realities.
You have everything it takes to be a winner.
The Winners Image personal development system has
everything it takes to show you how. It will assist you in
experiencing a change in lifestyle you have up until now only
dreamed of. If youre ready to be a winner, were ready to
show you how.
To get the very best out of Winners Image, I want to
suggest that as youre studying the material, you also use the
Winners Image Workbook as a supplement.
When the dream is big enough, the facts dont matter.
Sam Kalenuik
The facts have never stood in the way of the winners.
The winners are the dreamers who understand how to turn
their dreams into reality and in doing so they create a better,
more beautiful world for everyone.
The facts may be real and they could represent strong
opposition. But nevertheless the facts dont matter to the
winner, that person who holds in their heart a splendid image
of their dream.
I would imagine that you have a dream. You have a
beautiful picture that runs around your mind every now and
then of the way you would like to live, of what you would like
to be, and some of the things youd like to do. To get the best
out of this book, we recommend that you completely ignore the

Your Winners Image

present results that youre achieving in your life. They may

not be what you want, so just mentally set them aside.
Through the ages the winners have referred to the place
within each of us called the higher self -- that place where an
image of perfection exists, which is continually attempting to
express itself in a greater way. When the winners want to turn
their dreams into physical realities, they call upon this higher
self. And they set about and change the world, not just for
himself or herself, but also for everyone in it.
Think about what Thomas Edison did. He illuminated
the entire world.
Alexander Graham Bell hooked us all
together. We can just hit a couple of buttons and be talking to
a loved one on the other side of the globe.
The Wright
brothers actually brought us closer together. They introduced
us to a brand new kingdom, and they changed our perception
of the world forever.
Were not a long way away from anywhere any more,
were only hours away. I could be working with Francis
McDonald conducting a seminar in Halifax, Nova Scotia one
day and be way over in Australia with David Walsh doing the
same thing the next. And if I chose, I could just jump on a
plane and fly off to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia and be working
with Jeet St. Peter the following day. We wouldnt be able to
do any of those things without the Bells, the Edisons and the
And of course there have been many other people just
like them. As a matter of fact, you and I are just like them.
Now you may be saying, Oh no, were not. But, we really are.
The only difference is our perception of ourselves, how we see
ourselves, our awareness of this higher place, this higher self
within, and perhaps in the results were getting.

Your Winners Image

Anyone who has ever done any research into human

potential will be quick to tell you that you have infinite
potential. Youve been blessed with exactly the same mental
faculties as the Bells or the Wrights. And the same power
flows to and through you that flowed through them.
Do you know that you can build the most magnificent
dream in your mind? By following the instructions in this
book were going to show you how to turn them into results.
So, as you study the book the way youre instructed, and
follow your exercise book, youre going to develop what we
refer to as A Winners Image.

Your Winners Image


Its our higher self that keeps causing us to want to do
better, to move in the direction of our dreams. Its our old
conditioning and our old image thats holding us back. This
higher self persistently sends stimulating and upbeat
messages to our consciousness. Messages which are meant to
protect our integrity and wholeness as created beings.
Messages coming from the heart always have a complete
disregard for the facts or surrounding circumstances in our
Thats one of the reasons were suggesting that you set
your present results aside - the present facts in your life.
Because the more you get involved in this book, the more
youre going to cause those facts to change. What was - was,
and what will be, is up to you.
Unfortunately 99 out of every 100 people misread the
signals theyre constantly receiving. Rather than viewing these
images with their inner eye of understanding, and seeing them
as truly unique pictures that are packed with power,
possibility and promise, these images are considered idle
wishes, ridiculous fantasies, or daydreams. And its because
theyre so far out of tune with their present reality and their
present results.
I like what Patricia Shambrook once said, Dont give me
the facts, give me the truth. The facts are always changing.
Now the truth is that you have deep reservoirs of talent
and ability within you. Youve got the potential to do anything
you want to do. And the more youre involved with this book,
the more youre going to become aware of that truth.

Your Winners Image

Victor Frankl, the author of Mans Search for Meaning,

once said, Everything can be taken from a person but one
thing: the last of human freedoms to choose ones attitude
in any given set of circumstances to choose ones own way.
Victor Frankl was a Viennese psychiatrist who spent the
war years in a German concentration camp. And I dont
suppose anyone has been subjected to more physical and
mental abuse than Victor Frankl and some of his associates.
But it was while he was in that camp he realized that
regardless of the circumstances, you could choose your own
way in life. So, regardless of your circumstances, clearly
understand that you can start from where you are and change
all of those results. And make dramatic changes.
The masses of people who struggle day in and day out
permit their mind to be dominated by their present results
they call the facts. Its lack and limitation, the poverty that is
reflected in their present results. They know why they cant
win, its obvious to them, and they can prove it. The facts win,
again and again. In other words, the persons present results
are in control of them. Theyre not in control of their results at
Now, if this is a description of your way of life, release it,
let it go.
Begin doing what this book suggests, your
compensation will be well worth the effort.
Clearly understand that regardless of your present
situation in life, that wanting to winto be successfulto
dream of living in luxuryis not foolish or ridiculous. It is as
natural as the night following the day.
You were meant to have and enjoy every good that life
can offer. You are Gods greatest creation.

Your Winners Image

If your life is not a magnificent adventure it is because

errors have been made; either yours or those made by the
authority figures in your life. The errors, consisting of ideas or
concepts about your potential as a person, have been lodged
in your sub-conscious mind. I remember that someone once
said that you and I are the product of someone elses habitual
way of thinking. Keep in mind that when our mind was
programmed, someone that knew very little about our
potential programmed it, and we certainly didnt have the
ability to reject anything they were giving us because we were
infants. Collectively these ideas cause you to form an image of
yourself in your mind.
Most likely it is this mental
programming that is restricting your success.
When correctly employed, the material in this book will
help you to correct those errors and assist you in experiencing
a change in lifestyle you have up to now, only dreamed of.

Your Winners Image


Lets explore the concept of self-image, and start to
understand it a little better. Your entire life evolves around
images. Just as every company has a corporate image, every
individual also has their own self-image.
Think of your home for a moment. As you think of your
home, be aware that an image of your home comes on the
screen of your mind. Or think of your automobile and an
image of it comes on the screen of your mind. And so it does
every time you think of yourself.
Science and psychology have isolated the one prime
cause for success or failure in life. It is the hidden selfimage that you have of yourself. It controls your mind, just
as surely as your mind controls your heartbeat. To remake
your hidden self-image for success and fulfillment is to remake
your entire life.
Your success in any undertaking will never be
greater than the image you have of yourself. Your selfimage is your own conception of the sort of person you are. It
determines what you believe you are able to accomplish. Your
self-image was very likely unconsciously formed from past
experiences: your successes and failures, your humiliations
and triumphs. This image or opinion you have of yourself will
determine how you interpret other peoples reactions to you
and significantly affect your success in everything youre ever
going to do.
If youre wondering what kind of self-image you have its
not difficult to figure it out. All thats required is for you to
take a look at the various aspects of your life. Take a look at
the results youre getting. Possibly your relationships, your
income, and the position you hold at work or the type of

Your Winners Image


business youre operating. Take a look at your own personal

appearance. These are all the results; theyre the outer
expression of the inner image. As we alter this inner image
everything outside begins to change.
One of the great errors that almost everyone makes is
theyre attempting to change their income, theyre attempting
to change their position, theyre attempting to change their
business, theyre attempting to change something outside of
themselves without changing whats going on inside. For me
to try and change the results in my life, in other words, whats
going on outside of me, without changing whats going on
inside, would be just about as foolish as for me to try to
change my reflection in a mirror without changing my physical
appearance. Its never going to happen. But thats what
people are doing, theyre trying to change something outside
without changing whats going on inside.
Heres a point that most people dont understand, and I
want you to read this paragraph over and over again until its
firmly burned into your mind:
No person and no circumstance on earth can prevent
you from improving your self-image. The degree to which
you improve the image of yourself will be in exact
proportion to the amount of truth that you can honestly
accept and the amount of positive change you put into
engineering your new self-image A WINNERS IMAGE.
George Bernard Shaw once pointed out that people are
always blaming circumstances for what they are. He said, I
dont believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this
world are the people who get up, look for the circumstances
they want, and if they cant find them, they make them.
Thats what this book is going to help you do. I like the way
Napoleon put it one time, Circumstances hell, I make them.

Your Winners Image


At the bottom of page seven in the workbook there is a

diagram that I have become very familiar with and Ive shared
with hundreds of thousands of people on all corners of the
When we think, we think in images weve already
covered that fact. When you thought of your home an image
came in your mind and when you thought of your car an
image came to your mind. Now think of your mind. When
most people think of their mind, if they get a picture at all, its
a picture of their brain. But their brain isnt their mind, any
more than their fingernail is their mind. Were going to have
to build a picture of the mind. Its like the little kid in school
who was doodling away, drawing a picture and the teacher
asked him what he was drawing. When he told her it was a
picture of God, she told him no one knows what God looks
like. Then he told her they would when he finished the
picture. Were going to have to do what the little kid did; were
going to build a picture of the mind.
Mind is movement and body is the manifestation of that
movement. I often mention that the brain cannot think. We
think with the brain, but the brain cannot think. To clarify
that, I point out that its reported that we have Albert
Einsteins brain in a jar in New Jersey, but its not doing
anyone any good, because Albert is not with it. You see, you
are a non-physical being its that perfection within you, and
you activate brain cells and thats what brings pictures on
your mind.
So, since no one has ever seen the mind, were going to
use a diagram of two circles. The larger one will represent the
mind, and the smaller circle will represent the body. The body
is an instrument of the mind. Were going to separate the
mind into two parts. Now, see your head as being your mind
and put an imaginary line right across the center of your head.
Everything from that line to the top of your head will represent

Your Winners Image


your conscious mind, and then from line to the bottom of your
head will represent your sub-conscious mind.
Its your sub-conscious mind thats literally controlling
your body, not your conscious mind. Most people dont know
that, but youre going to understand that very clearly by the
time youve finished this book. In the conscious mind we
think, and we can have all kinds of beautiful thoughts and we
can gather all kinds of marvelous information and we can
repeat it. We can say, I know that. But have you ever
noticed that most people know how to do a better job than
theyre already doing? Their actions and what they know are
not in sync. Sales people know how to sell, but that doesnt
mean theyre going to sell. Students know how to study, but
that doesnt mean theyre going to study.
What we know is one thing, and what were doing is
another thing. Our actions are being controlled by the selfimage, which is lodged deep in our sub-conscious mind. Its
made up of all kinds of habit patterns. Thats the part were
going to focus on changing.
Now we will emphasize a common error its one I make
and Ive been studying this for 35 years. Its one you probably
make many times every day. Some people are always making
this error. As a matter of fact, they constantly live with the
error. Look back at our mind picture on page seven and
notice how our actions determine our results and our selfimage controls our actions.
You may know people who are continually struggling to
improve. It could be the salesperson whose sales are low and
theyre always struggling to raise the sales, but without
success. They may be a student whose marks are always at a
C level or even drop when the student is pushed to study
harder. Its a strange thing, the sales person knows how to
sell more, but they dont seem to be able to do it. The student

Your Winners Image


knows how to get a higher mark, but they dont seem to be

able to do it. It seems like theyre wired to these results
theyre getting.
Many of these people are always broke; they never look
overly happy; they are constantly in debt. Why? Why cant
they improve? Well, lets analyze this situation and discover
this common error.
These people are trying desperately to change their end
results. What do we mean by end results? Well, it could be
relationships, or a state of health, or a position at work, or the
amount of money youre earning. The people are trying
desperately to change that. What they dont understand is the
results in their lives are being determined by their actions and
their actions are continually being motivated by their selfimage.
They have not yet come to understand that their results
are a direct reflection of this image thats lodged deep in their
sub-conscious mind. Its got nothing to do with what they
Youre well aware that some of the smartest people in the
world are also some of the poorest and some of the
Its got nothing to do with the amount of
knowledge they have. Unfortunately, in our society we award
degrees to people based on what they know, not on what they
do. Thats unfortunate, but its true. Well, were going to
change that in your life, and in my life.
An unseen enemy clutches these people, because there is
no understanding of self-image, which is the actual cause of
their results. The whole universe operates in an orderly way,
and one of the laws of the universe is the law of cause and
effect. Dr. Wernher Von Braun, the great rocket scientist,
pointed out one time that the natural laws of this universe are

Your Winners Image


so precise that we dont have any difficulty today sending a

person to the moon and we can time the landing with the
precision of a fraction of a second. He also mentioned that
someone must have set these laws, but well save that for
another book.
As we said, one of the laws is the law of cause and effect results are effects. The cause is in the self-image. Most
peoples error is a common one. They are identifying with
their present results because its in harmony with their
present self-image. They do not have a winners image. Mind
is the master power that molds and makes. James Allen wrote
that back in 1903 in a little book called As A Man Thinketh.
Heres a quote from that book:
Mind is the Master power that molds and makes,
And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes
The tool of Thought, and shaping what he wills,
Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills,
He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass,
Environment is but his looking-glass.
Its pretty foolish for us to try to hide whats going on
inside because our results advertise to the whole world whats
going on inside of us. To the aware person, we hide nothing.
Were going to change that image, and in changing it, were
going to change the end results.
Way back in 1960, Maxwell Maltz, a cosmetic surgeon,
made a phenomenal breakthrough. And he wrote about it in a
marvelous book called Psycho Cybernetics. I recommend you
add that book to your library. As a matter of fact, your library
is not complete without it. Cybernetics is the science of
control and communication in the animal and some machines.
Its actually like the automatic pilot in an airplane.

Your Winners Image


Ralph Waldo Emerson said something beautiful: Of what

use to make heroic vows of amendment if the same old
lawbreaker is to keep them? How many times have you said,
Im going to change that Im never going to do that again.
But you never change the self-image. Its the self-image thats
the lawbreaker, and thats what we want to change.
As weve illustrated on page eleven of the workbook, look
at the plane flying from point one in New York to point two in
Hawaii. After the plane leaves the vicinity of LaGuardia
airport, the pilot flips on something called a cybernetic
mechanism; of course you and I refer to it as an automatic
pilot. That plane is on course flying directly to Hawaii. The
pilot can get up and walk around and even watch a movie with
the passengers if he wanted to. The pilot is not flying the
plane; the automatic pilot is flying the plane, the cybernetic
mechanism. Now, should that plane veer off course, the
cybernetic mechanism picks up the deviation from the set
course, which is Hawaii, and feeds it into a coordinating
mechanism and the thrust of the engines or the flaps on the
wings are altered until that plane is brought right back on
course again.
Did you know that your self-image is exactly the same? I
want to suggest that on page eleven you draw a straight line
going straight across the body circle the same as the line going
from New York to Hawaii. At the end of the line, put your
present results. You attempt to change your behavior, you
really do, and you give it everything youve got. Youre going to
put more energy into it, and you may move off course.
However, youre going to find that you come back on course
again because youre trying to force it, and force wont work.
Its the self-image thats controlling the behavior.
Lets suppose a person is selling a million dollars a year
of their product. And they go out because theyre all wound
up, theyve been to a sales meeting or listened to a good tape.

Your Winners Image


And they may sell three hundred thousand dollars of whatever

it is that theyre selling, in just one week. Now, theyre way off
course. The self-image picks up the deviation from the set
goal, it feeds it into a coordinating mechanism, which is the
nervous system; and that behavior starts to change until
theyre back on course again. At the end of the year all theyve
sold is the one million. They may have had a week at three
hundred thousand, but theyve still just sold a million.
Now, what we have to do is take responsibility for the
results were getting.
Youve got to take total, personal
responsibility for your results. The cause of your present
results is the self-image, which is resident in your subconscious mind. This book does not cover how your present
self-image was formed. Our only focus is on how to improve
the self-image. Weve explained in detail how and why you
hold your present self-image in another book titled You Were
Born Rich. If you havent read it, I would recommend you get
into it because there is a lot of deep information in there that
will really help you understand yourself better. But for the
time being: you can change your results by improving your
Starting right now you must forget the past and take
responsibility for the present. Let the past go. Now, thats not
the easiest thing to do, but mentally release it.
immediately to plant a beautiful, new self-image, a winners
image in your sub-conscious mind.
Just follow the
instructions in this book and your results will improve
immediately, and forever. As long as you operate with a
winners image.

Your Winners Image



Do I have what it takes to be a winner?
I have a lot of great ideas but I never get any results.
What do I have to do to change?
Questions! We ask ourselves dozens every day. We
reinforce poor self-image and we perpetuate self-doubt. What
a waste.
The time to be a winner is now not tomorrow. The key
to being a winner is to improve your self-image. Aldous
Huxley said: There is only one corner of the universe you can
be certain of improving and this is your own self.
Im here to help you create a winners image - of yourself.
Take a look at Leland Val Van De Walls concept of the
learning process:
As you go through the various exercises in this book,
were giving you good reason to write them out. Dont just
pass them off, as your old image would dictate, saying, Ill do
that later. Get your pen out and get to work.

Your Winners Image


Were going to review commitment at this point. You
could be in the habit of skipping over the detailed part of a
project, assuming the details are not overly important. Many
times they may not be very important. However that is
certainly not the case in this project. The details are vitally
important. Taking the time to complete each exercise will
solidly plant a winners image in the treasury of your subconscious mind, and your life will never be the same again.
Make a written, signed commitment to use this
eBook as instructed every day for ninety days.
This is my binding commitment to:



Now that you have your commitment written out and

signed, make certain that when you put your good name on
the signature line it means something.
There are a number of things here were going to have to
discuss because everything has a beginning. If you drive, you
had to learn how to drive if you type, you had to learn
how the same is true for successful living. When you learn
how to do something you begin by learning the basics and
then diligently working with those basics until you have them
mastered. Although you may be impatient in the beginning

Your Winners Image


because of your desire for improved results, understand that

the time you invest to master the basics will pay great
dividends in the long run.
Mastering the basics of building a winners image is the
same as laying a strong foundation upon which you build a
Stop and think in almost every large city that you go
into, when you go downtown youll see board fences up around
maybe two or three square blocks. And they seem to be there
forever. Every now and then you may go and peek through
the crack and youll see large equipment and all kinds of
workers in there. And it just seems like those boards are
going to be there forever. Then one day you go downtown and
there is a 100-story building standing on that spot. You say,
Where did that come from? It took months to build the
foundation. The super-structure went up overnight.
You may want to realize that exactly the same is going to
work here. It may take a little while to do these exercises, but
youre going to find that the results will change, virtually,
At the bottom of page seventeen in the workbook we have
a diagram of a highly successful person with a winners image
rooted in every molecule of their being. Remember when we
pointed out that mind is movement and body is the
manifestation of that movement? As you sink that winners
image in your sub-conscious mind if affects every part of your
body. And your behavior is going to begin to change. Youre
going to start to form winning actions. And youre going to get
the results you choose.
Lets get into the point of how we create that winners
image. Were going to get into the basics of building a

Your Winners Image


Winners Image. a three-point program, fantasy, theory and

There are two phases, which must be completed in the
process of building a new self-image, a winners image, which
will cause you to:
Think like a Winner
Feel like a Winner
Act like a Winner
Be a Winner.
You must personally put each of these phases through
two tests. If each phase does not pass the test you could very
easily sell yourself short and not properly complete each
phase. Imagine being very hungry and going to a banquet,
tasting the hors douevres but then leaving before the main
course is served. It wouldnt really make a whole lot of sense,
would it? Well, lets not do that with this new self-image.

Your Winners Image



Now well learn about phase one, the fantasy. Everything
that has ever been accomplished by anyone was at first and
for a time a fantasy. The fax, the phone and air travel were all
fantasies long before they became realities. Thomas Edison
fantasized and illuminated the entire world.
Graham Bell fantasized and then connected us all together.
The Wright brothers fantasized and then brought us all closer
together, causing our perception of the world to shrink.
Everything begins with a fantasy. I can remember when this
program was a fantasy. It was in my lifetime that that
The first step calls for you to do the same as those
famous people did, and choose your fantasy. Pick a highly
successful person whom you admire and whom you can
emulate. You should pick someone you know or possibly
someone you have read about who lives the way you dream of
living. Use them as a model to help you mentally build your
fantasy. Now a lot of people are going to tell you this is crazy,
to be fantasizing like that, and that you should get on with
your life. Those people arent going anywhere so dont follow
them. Instead, listen to these instructions. Ive often said I
have license to brag about all of these ideas, none of them are
mine. Ive just picked them up from winners of the past. But I
have put them to work and they work beautifully. My life has
changed dramatically from this program and I have done what
Im suggesting you do right now. As a matter of fact, Im
continually doing it.
Name six people who are doing what you would like to do
or who are living as you would like to live. After youve listed
their names, choose the various aspects of their lives that
appeal to you. And mentally put yourself in their position.
Dont be afraid to do this. Just sit back, relax, and let your

Your Winners Image


mind take off. As you do this, be aware that you can see with
your inner eye, a beautiful vision with yourself in it.
Fantasies are created in your conscious mind through
the aid of your imagination.
Napoleon Hill said that
imagination is the most marvelous, miraculous, inconceivably
powerful force that the world has ever known. And anything
that we have ever accomplished, we have accomplished first
and foremost with our imagination. It began as a fantasy. So
sit back and relax and let your imagination take off.
Its very important that your fantasy or image be
complete. Use as much detail as possible. You could feel that
this is a foolish waste of time do it anyway. Let this fantasy
be built in your mind, make it absolutely beautiful. Begin to
see yourself happy, healthy, and wealthy with all the money
you need. Life should be a magnificent adventure, it should
never be a bore, and if you want to change your life and make
it a real interesting journey, this is where it begins. So, dont
be afraid to build the fantasy. Get it going really well.
Here are a few questions you could ask yourself about
these winners that you have already named.
These are
answers that are going to help you build your fantasy:
How do they dress?
What do they study?
How do they manage their time?
Who do they associate with?
How do they meet and greet people?
How do you and others view them?
What income brackets are they in?
What is their personal life like?
What is their home life like?
What is their home like?
What kind of automobile do they drive?
Are they a service-oriented person?

Your Winners Image


Are they recognized in their industry?

Make up some more questions of your own and apply
them. When youve done that, and you have your fantasy
built, paint with words the vision you see. Make a detailed,
written description of your fantasy.
Begin, This is my
fantasy, I am so happy now that I am: .. Let me repeat. On
the top line, begin by writing, I am so happy now that I am:
Were writing our fantasy in present tense.
Now were going to be testing your fantasy. If you are not
well read in the area of mind dynamics or the creative process,
these various exercises could appear to be ridiculous.
Nevertheless they do work and they will work for you. You are
building a winners image, which will enable you to live the life
you have only been dreaming about.

Your Winners Image



To turn your fantasy into a theory, which is the next
step, requires a shift in your attitude. You must begin giving
serious conscious thought to your fantasy. This is not a game,
it is your life you are working with.
A German engineer by the name of Karl Benz had a
fantasy and literally turned his fantasy into a fact. In January
of 1886 Karl Benz was issued a patent for the Benz motor
carriage. And the age of the automobile had dawned.
Long before Benz ever turned his fantasy into a theory,
even long before he turned it into a fact, he had to ask himself
a couple of questions that you and I and every other dreamer
will have to go through. He had to ask himself: am I able to do
this? He seemed to have that innate awareness of this higher
self, this image of perfection within him, and he saw himself as
a person that was actually able to take the fantasy and turn it
into a fact.
He must have been a pretty courageous guy because
there were no horseless carriages in those days. But then he
had to ask himself: am I willing? You see, he had to ask
himself, am I willing to accept the ridicule that Im bound to
get? Am I willing to accept the failures? He said, yes, I am
willing. He was willing to pay the ultimate price to turn his
fantasy into a fact. And ridicule he got. His own partner
thought he had gone mad. And he had to find a more
congenial colleague to work with. He would take the carriage
out in the evening, at night, so no one would see him, to
escape some of the ridicule. And time after time, he couldnt
get it going he had to push it back. But it never dawned on
him that he would not ultimately realize his dream. When his
magnificent machine completed its first long journey with
Benz at the wheel, every beat of the engine found an

Your Winners Image


answering echo in the heart of the driver as every turn of the

wheels brought him closer to his goal. To the realization of
what was once a fantasy.
Now in order for you to turn your fantasies into a fact,
you have to go through exactly the same process as Karl Benz.
And if you do go through the same process, youll meet with
exactly the same success, regardless of the opposition you
might come up against. You have to ask, am I able to turn
this fantasy of mine into a fact. Can I actually realize it? Can
I turn my dreams into reality?

Your Winners Image


Am I able? That is a good question. Are you able to live
your life in the manner which your fantasy suggests? Well,
are you? Answer yes or no.
This is the point in life where every winner has separated
themselves from the masses. The facts or circumstances
clearly indicated they could not win; were referring to the
present results in their lives, the results that were controlled
by their old self-image. However the winners have ignored the
facts and turned all of their conscious attention to their
fantasy. The fantasy became real in their mind it turned
into a theory. The vision was so stimulating they could only
think of how they could live their dream. There was no room
in their mind for thoughts of why they couldnt and they
became willing to do whatever was required to turn their
theory into a new set of facts in their life.
You are able, definitely able. There is no one alive who
can even guess with any accuracy at the magnitude of your
potential. You are a spiritual being. For you, all things are
possible. Now, you might not believe that. If you havent
studied this in depth, take my word for it. Youve got nothing
to lose.
Our objective is to figure out how, not whether were able
to or not. Obstacles are only illusions, but the obstacles cause
us to have doubts in our minds. Are we really capable of
doing this? If you just form the attitude that every obstacle is
an illusion, you will be able to figure out how to get around
them, over them, or how to get where you want to go. Youre
able to do anything. So get the idea of whether youre able or
not right out of your mind. Youre quite capable of doing
anything that you want to do. You can turn your fantasies to
fact, just the same as Edison or Karl Benz did.

Your Winners Image


The question you now want to ask yourself is: Am I
willing? Am I willing to do whatever is required to realize my
dream? When you can instantly answer yes to that question
youve built a theory in your mind and youre well on your
That question is truly the only question you need ask
yourself about attaining a winners image. Am I willing?
This is the only question of any real importance, which
requires an answer. To make your fantasy into a theory, are
you willing to make sizable investments in yourself? Now I
can personally admit that Ive flown all over the world, Ive
attended countless seminars, I have thousands of dollars
invested in books and programs of this nature, and every one
of them have paid me great dividends. Losers are not willing
to do that. Again, are you willing to make sizable investments
in yourself? Now, this isnt only an investment of money, its
going to be an investment of time. Are you willing to invest the
time in the exercises in this book?
Are you willing to go where you have to go? I have found
it necessary to move to a couple different continents and a
number of different cities to turn my images into realities.
Some people dont want to move. Are you willing to go where
you have to go? Are you willing to do what you have to do?
Remember, you have to do what is required.
Are you willing to change what you have to change? You
may have to change your personal appearance. You may have
to change the mood swings that you experience. You may
have to change the way you approach people and the way you
treat some of your peers.

Your Winners Image


Are you willing to let go of what has to go? Remember,

nature abhors a vacuum. If youre going to get something
new, you have to create a space for it. You have to let go of
that old image before there is any room for the new image. Are
you willing to move where you have to move?
Are you willing to study what must be studied? Are you
willing to take direction when it is required? A person could
never be an effective leader if theyre not an effective follower.
If a person cannot follow directions theyre never going to be
professional at giving directions.
Are you willing to continue in the face of failures? Stop
and think of Sir Edmund Hillary. He went to Mt. Everest in
Nepal, in 1951. It took a lot of preparation, a lot of money,
and a lot of resources for that. And he failed miserably; he did
not get up the mountain. Did he quit? Not on your life. He
went back again in 1952. And he failed again. But he never
let his failures affect him as a person. He didnt see himself as
a failure. He just realized a way that he couldnt get up the
mountain. He went back again in 1953. And as far as we
know, in 1953 Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay were
the first two to ever get to the top of the mountain and back
down alive. Are you willing to experience failures like that?
Are you willing to commit yourself one hundred percent
to living the way you choose to live? If I want to be free, Ive
got to be me. Not the me I think my wife thinks I should be,
not the me that I think you think I should be. Not the me I
think my children think I should be. If I want to be really free,
Ive got to be ME.
Are you willing to possibly even accept ridicule,
humiliation, and rejection as a part of the price to win? Every
winner will tell you that theyve received ridicule, theyve been
humiliated, and theyve been rejected. But they were willing to
accept that as a price of winning.

Your Winners Image


If your answer is yes to these questions a resounding,

Yes, I am willing! youre ready and youre on your way to
being a winner.
The material changes must by law, follow. Youre going
to be tested many times every day. Becoming a winner in life
is not easy. Its simple, but its definitely not easy. It requires
rigorous honesty and an abundance of courage. The moment
you answered the question about your willingness, your
fantasy became a theory.
You are now ready to turn your theory, which is really a
dream, into a whole new set of positive facts in your life.
Congratulations. Lets keep going.

Your Winners Image


Now well focus on firmly implanting the Winners Image
system in your mind. And well start by reviewing what we
have done:
1. You have created in detail a fantasy composite of your
new self-image.
2. You affirmed that you are capable of living your life in
the manner that your fantasy suggests.
3. You have confirmed your willingness to work at
transforming your fantasy into your new self-image.
Your objective now is to deeply plant and root the vision
of your winners image in your sub-conscious mind, and keep
nourishing it through positive input until your new winners
image wrestles control of your life away from your old selfimage.
This winners image system has a daily program to assist
you in achieving your winners image.
Take a look at the drawing at the top of page thirty-one in
the workbook. There is a graphic illustration of what we just
covered. Youve built a winners image. Now your old selfimage is still in control of your sub-conscious mind. But the
system were laying out for you will change that.
Here is a beautiful quote by Leland Val Van De Wall,
whom I consider my teacher. It is a quote I think we should
focus on as we move on to our five-point program:
Doing at once what needs to be done will ensure the
possibility of success.

Your Winners Image



Here is the daily 5-point program for materializing a
winners image.
1. RELAX! Allocate 20 minutes three times every morning,
noon, and evening. Let yourself totally relax. Clear your
mind and visualize yourself living your dream.
2. CHANGE! Completely review how you have been living and
decide what changes must be made to become the person
you have visualized yourself being in your new image. Then
change them.
3. READ! Read the first 30 pages of this book once a day for
ninety days.
4. REVIEW! Review your commitments to your new self image
at least weekly
5. COMMUNICATE! Make a list of 15 winners you respect and
would like to socialize with. Phone one every day to say
hello and ask if there is any way you can help them. You
will be speaking to every one of them twice a month.
As Van De Wall said: You only have to do something you
dont want to do until you want to then you dont have to
Im aware that this daily program requires a fair amount
of time invested everyday and Im also aware that most of the
people who will read this are time-broke. But if youre
already starting to wiggle on your commitment, if your old
image is telling yourself that theres just no way you can do
this daily program, then STOP. Dont read another word
beyond this point until you go back and re-read page 29. And

Your Winners Image


might I suggest that you not leave page 29 until you can
HONESTLY answer those questions with a COMMITTED YES.
Now were going to make a detailed description of you as
a winner. This may appear to you as if its the same exercise
you completed previously. It is similar, but it is definitely not
the same. You made a written description of your fantasy.
Remember, weve had a change in attitude. Weve shifted our
way of thinking and we took a fantasy and turned it into a
theory. Now its a dream and were at the point where we want
it to move into results.
This written description of you must be in the present
tense. Everything begins on a mental level before it manifests
in physical results. As you make this written description, you
are impregnating your winners image into cells in your brain.
Rewrite this image weekly. You will find it will keep
improving every time you write it. Begin by writing: I am so
happy now that I am:
Okay, now Im trusting that youve completed making a
written description of your dream, of your theory, and as you
write that you let it soak into every cell of your being. Each
time you write it, you live it.
Now we will discuss each one of these 5 points in a little
greater depth, so that you will have a better understanding of
why I am suggesting what Im suggesting for each one of these
This exercise is vitally important.

Your Winners Image


Real winners are highly results-oriented individuals, and

always have a number of projects going at the same time.
They accomplish more in a week than most people would
accomplish in a month or possibly even in a year. They carry
out their duties in a very calm, confident, relaxed manner.
Relaxation is not something winners try to do, it is the
way they are. Their sub-conscious mind is programmed to
keep them in a relaxed state. Creative energy flows freely
through the mind and body that is relaxed. Dynamic, creative,
results-oriented ideas are built with creative energy.
When you have let yourself move into a totally relaxed
state mentally throw the electrical switch in your brain that
permits the winners image to move onto the screen of your
mind. This is the image you chose to create and that you
described earlier. See you winning in every way make it
real make it in the present tense. When that winners image
dominates your mind you are that person. The more often you
practice this exercise the more it will take root. Eventually it
will dominate your mind all of the time. You are then the
winner - intellectually - spiritually - and physically.
Habits are formed by repeatedly getting emotionally
involved with specific ideas.
To let yourself relax, I am going to suggest that you find a
particular place in your home where youre very comfortable.
Let your body sink into the chair, or if youre lying down, let
your body sink into the floor. Mentally visualize a beautiful
energy flowing in through the crown of your head and
circulating through your body. Now, you do not try to relax,
you let yourself relax. And let all of the tension leave your
For you to successfully form the habit of living a
relaxed creative life, you must properly complete this exercise
three times a day, every day, for 90 days. And as you do this,
you are going to find that as you get into the habit of being

Your Winners Image


relaxed regardless of the circumstance. Winners are relaxed

beings. Remember, tension tires, relaxation renews.
You cannot get new results with old habits. Change is
essential for growth.
This is the one point that will require more effort than all
of the others combined. Clearly understand however that the
other points are of no value whatsoever if you do not
systematically complete this exercise. Experience has taught
winners they would not have properly completed this exercise
had they not done the others. All pieces are necessary to
complete the puzzle.
Here are 10 areas of your life you must review. You can
and probably should add to this list. As you review them
individually on paper, clearly indicate the changes you will
make and when you will initiate the change.
1. Personal Appearance
2. Personal Life
3. Social Life
4. Personal Development Program
5. Health
6. Working Habits
7. Attitude
8. Time Management
9. Business Associates
10. Leadership Abilities

Your Winners Image


Heres an example for number one, your personal

Completion date:
Within 7 days.
Changes I will make:
I will visit an image consultant who has established a
professional reputation.
I will explain what I intend to accomplish and ask for
professional assistance.
I want to be recognized by my peers as one of the bestdressed people they know.
An image consultant is going to ask you what you do,
what your work is. Its very important that you dress in a
manner that is conventionally acceptable. It would be highly
improper for a very successful farmer to be wandering around
in a three-piece silk suit. Its very important that we dress in a
manner thats conventionally acceptable in the area that we
You never get a second chance to make a first
impression. Take a look in the mirror and ask yourself, If I
were a stranger looking at me, do I look like a successful
person, do I dress like a successful person, how important do I
feel my physical appearance is? I happen to believe it is a very
important part of our life, just as the other nine areas are.
But youre an intelligent being. Take each one of these and
really think about it. Remember we said it requires rigorous
honesty. This requires a little introspection. And youre going
to find that as you keep going through these changes youre
going to want to complete these exercises every 30 or 60 days.

Your Winners Image


Now take your time, and begin to go through the ten

areas. Be sure to write down a completion date and a list of
changes youll make in each category. Take your time and do
them effectively.
You may find as you complete those exercises that there
are areas that you would like to add to the list. Go ahead and
add them. If you think they are important, then they are.

Read the first 30 pages of this book at least once every
day for 90 days, being aware of how much more you retain the
message every time you read it.
Make certain your mind is clear of any cares or concerns
as you begin to read Winners Image. The messages being
reinforced on your mind imparts the important images you
want deposited in your emotional mind.
The repetition of reading the same ideas day after day
plays an important role in dissolving your old, limiting selfimage, and at the same time nourishing your winners image
in its place. You may be inclined to pack the book away after
reading it daily for a week or two because of your familiarity
with what you are about to read. That would be a grave error.
Your old self-image was placed in your sub-conscious
mind over a long period of time through the repetition of false
ideas. Turning that old image around will take a short time by
Commit to make it a daily ritual of reading the chapters
for a full ninety days.

Your Winners Image


The ideas you are reading are going to sink deep into
your mind and youre going to relate to some of the great
individuals that weve referred to because you want to realize
that youre every bit as great as they are. The only difference
in your life and theirs is in results.
Review all of your commitments to your new self-image.
You have written several statements and entries in your notes
and or your workbook. Read them over as often as possible to
remind yourself of the new direction your life is taking.
Repetition repetition repetition it is the first law of
Youre actually going to see the change take place in you
long before anyone does.
Now were ready for the last point, the fifth point, and one
of the most important. We want to suggest that you begin to
communicate with other winners.
Make a list of 15 winners you respect and would like to
socialize with. Have you ever noticed that birds of a feather do
flock together? Winners love to mix with winners. Phone one
every day to say hello and ask if there is any way you can help
them. You will be speaking to every one of them twice a
Making contact and staying in touch with other winners
is a deeply rooted habit all winners have firmly established.
You dont have to be concerned with what they will do for you

Your Winners Image


just think of how you can help them. The good way to have
a friend is to be a friend. Like someone said, If you want to
be loved, be lovable. People with a winners image operate
within a network; they are continually helping one another.
Send them a good book or tape every now and then with
a friendly note, not to bribe them but to help them. If you can
steer business their way do it. Consciously and deliberately
build yourself an excellent network of highly successful
people. Get in the habit of helping every one you can, every
way you can.
Just make it an automatic part of your
Make your list of 15 successful people, put the list by
your telephone and stay in touch with them on a regular
basis. It wont be long before you are on their list to call.

Your Winners Image


The process of developing a winners image is simple but
it is not easy. It requires self-discipline. Remember that the
mark of a real winner is the person who can give himself a
command and then follow it.
It will not be long before the feelings you acquire from
your studies of the winners image system will begin to create
winning results. Dont force calmly imagine; the more you
work upon your new winners image the sooner you will
develop a diamond-hard self-esteem that will be both
unshaken by adversity and triumphant in success.
With study, your winners image, which began as a
fantasy and grew into a theory, will suddenly, magically
become a fact. Your winners image will affect and enhance
your life significantly. Please share your newfound mental and
physical wealth with those around you.
And remember, when you are out there winning and
succeeding with your new winners image, it will be you who is
becoming the role model, the example of a true winner, for
future generations.
Pass this word along to everyone you meet. Tell them to
decide what they want. Decide what theyre prepared to give
up to get it. Decide to set their mind to it and get on with the

Your Winners Image


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