A Communication Protocol For Unmanned Ground Vehicles
A Communication Protocol For Unmanned Ground Vehicles
A Communication Protocol For Unmanned Ground Vehicles
Bani Hazra
Alok Mukherjee
The recent impetus in the area of development of Unmanned
Ground Vehicles (UGV) for various civilian and military
applications necessitates a robust and standard communication
protocol for remote operations over wireless and other media. The
Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) may be of varied size, weight
and shape intended for different roles or end use and applications.
A generalized communication software protocol for UGVs has
been proposed through this work. Entire messaging vocabulary for
basic command and control of UGVs has been derived. The logical
hierarchy of different UGVs has been taken into design
consideration facilitating future collaborative nature of
deployment. This Communication Protocol implementation is
divided into two segments Master Control Station (MCS)
segment and Unmanned Ground Vehicle segment. A pair of
Communication Controllers has been realized for deployment at
both the segments for message formation and management.
Communication Controller performs the job of message
management through several queues and communicates with the
different on-board modules of the unmanned platform. A Software
simulator has been designed and implemented for validation of the
Communication Protocol in SIL (Software-In- Loop) test mode.
The system has also been validated with HIL (Hardware-In-Loop)
Unmanned Ground Vehicle, Localization, Obstacle Detection,
Collision Avoidance, Path Recognition, Perception, Scheduler,
Queue Handler, Latency, Throughput.
Figure 1. The Model Hierarchical Structure
The Communication Software Protocol (CSP) is designed
specifically for UGV control and the control of allied equipment
and systems which would normally reside on it. The CSP has been
designed with the following features:
Next, every UGV shall bear a unique individual id, which shall
facilitate the addressing of UGV or MCS as a unit. Last, every
UGV or MCS shall comprise of different entities. These entities
are the actual physical units which will perform the intended task
and are categorized depending upon their logical functionalities. A
UGV or MCS may hence comprise of several entities working
within themselves. This forms the logical hierarchy of different
UGVs and entities working within them.
The field variable data size indicates the number of actual data
bytes that follow the header. And the field absolute message
informs the entity about the specific task which is intended to be
completed by that entity. The actual data follows after message
header. This data may be of variable size and its size is indicated in
the variable data size field in the message header. As stated earlier
that the maximum length of the information packet is fixed, hence
if the data size exceeds the limits of a single packet, then it has to
be broken down into smaller pieces and these packets shall be
transmitted individually with a proper identifier in the field packet
number. Error Check is the last field of message. The error check
ensures efficient and error-free transmission of information, and
facilitates retransmission of information in case of an error in
C.1 If the DST IDs are found incorrect i.e. message is not
intended for this UGV, then the current message entry is
immediately cleared from the Input Queue.
C.2 If the DST IDs are found correct i.e. message is intended for
this UGV, then the current message is examined for SRC
logical hierarchy of sender (Master) is lesser than that of
receiver (UGV), then no action is taken on the current
message and the current entry is cleared from the Input
Queue. If SRC RANK ID > DST RANK ID i.e. logical
hierarchy of sender (Master) is greater than that of receiver
(UGV), then the message is checked for Message Status field
in message attributes i.e. whether feedback is expected for this
message or not.
C.3 If Message Status field indicates feedback expected, then an
entry is made in Feedback Queue Handler and the message is
sent to the Output Tx Queue Handler, from where it is routed
to the underlying entities via Vehicle Control Module.
Otherwise, if the Message status field indicates no feedback
expected, then the message is directly sent to the Output Tx
Queue Handler. In any case, an entry is made into the Reply
Communication Software Protocol implementation is divided in
two segments MCS segment and UGV segment as described in
previous section. The above design is realised onto
Communication Controller hardware (an embedded computation
system). For present consideration, the Communication Controller
is realized onto a PC104 based Single Board Computer. The
Communication Controller at MCS segment (HMI_CC) is loaded
with the HMI_Communication Controller Software Application
which is responsible for message formation and management at
MCS. Similarly at the UGV end Communication Controller
(VXM_CC) is loaded with the VXM_Communication Controller
Software Application which performs the job of message
management through several queues and communicates with the
different modules of the unmanned platform. The figure below
elaborates the scheme of CSP implementation.
are provided in the following section. The test setup for this
independent testing is given as follows:
The authors would like to thank Dr. S Guruprasad, Director,
R&DE(Engrs) and Shri. A K Patel, Group Director ASG-Robotics,
R&DE(Engrs) for all the encouragement and moral support in
carrying out this work. Also the help of Robotics group is deeply
acknowledged. The authors are thankful to R&DE(Engrs) where
this work is carried out. The authors are grateful to the anonymous
referees for their valuable comments and suggestions by which
paper becomes much clearer.
[1] James A Wineefeld and Frank Kendal, Unmanned Systems
Integrated Roadmap, FY 2011-2036, Ref No 11-S-3613, Page
28, 32, 35
[2] Jorgen Pederson, Nov 2007, Interoperability Standards
Analysis (ISA) A Report by Standards Committee of the
National Defense Industry Association (NDIA) Robotics
Division, Page 6, 7
[3] James R Clapper, John J Young, Dec2007,Unmanned Systems
Roadmap 2007-2032, Dec 2007, Page 50
[4] Robotic Systems Joint Project Office, July 2011, Unmanned
Ground Systems Roadmap, Page 23