Zoning Debate
Zoning Debate
Zoning Debate
Teacher: Rachael Mack
Grade: 7
Strand 4- Concept 3- PO 4. Evaluate data related to problems associated with
population growth (e.g., overgrazing, forest management, invasion of non-native
species) and the possible solutions.
Explicit: SW evaluate arguments relating to a population growth (zoning issue)
resulting in 80-100% in the Zoning Debate
Student Friendly: I will evaluate arguments in the zoning debate
Sub Objectives
SW identify trends relating to population growth
SW prepare arguments relating to a population zoning issue
Key Vocabulary:
Habitat: The place where an organism lives and obtains its resources
Habitat Destruction: The process in which natural habitat is rendered unable to
support the species present
Exponential: Becoming more and more rapid
Smart Board
Character Cards (See Below)
Scenario Sheet (See Below)
Teacher will show how population has grown over the last century using
Gapminder.org (Indicators should be time and population total). Teacher will pose
the questions What problems do you think occur when population grows this
rapidly? What resources are we going to need more of? Where are these
resources going to come from?
Teacher will explain the debate activityAssign each student a role: Business
Associate, Environmental Advocates, and Board Members. Pass out a role card to
each studentany student that does not receive a card will be a Board Member.
The students will be researching to prepare their arguments for the debate. They
will research the area, their characters interests, in addition to completing other