Basic Economic Problems PDF
Basic Economic Problems PDF
Basic Economic Problems PDF
Opportunity Cost
It is the true cost which is paid in an economic activity. It is the cost in terms of best
alternative forgone. This cost is paid by all economic agents e.g. a consumer, firm or even
state. For instance, a consumer has $20 and he can buy a shirt or a book. If he buys the book
shirt will be the opportunity cost. Similarly a firm has resources to produce good A or good B,
if it produces good A good B will be the opportunity cost. Even state has limited resources
therefore, government has to forgo some projects if it starts some.
Consumer goods
Capital goods
Shifts in PPC
There is a complete rightwards shift in PPC if there is an increase in the quantity and
quality of natural resources or increase in the quality and quantity of capital or improvement
in health, education, motivation and skill of the labour force or due to research and
development and even international specialization or trade shift PPC outward. In the above
diagram point E is attainable if PPC shifts outwards.
Consumer goods
Capital goods
PPC may shift inwards if there is depletion in resources or the economy faces some
natural calamities, wars and even civil war etc.
PPC may has pivotal shift like the following, if economy finds out better techniques
of production to produce capital goods only, it will have an outwards pivotal shift, similarly,
if here is a depletion of resources or due to any other negative reason(s) for the product,
leftwards pivotal shift in PPC.
Consumer goods
Fig. a
Capital goods
Good Y
Good Y
Good X
Increases opportunity cost
Good X
Constant opportunity cost
Good X
Decreasing opportunity cost
Positive economics
It is the study of economic propositions which can be verified, at least in principle, by
the observation of real world events, and without using normative propositions or value
judgments. For example Pakistan is an over populated country or UK is a developing
economy. Above mentioned statements can be proved false or true by the observation of real
world events. For instance, first statement is true whereas second statement is wrong, which
can be proved easily.
Normative economics
It deals with subjective opinions. It tells us something about peoples view about the
world, rather than the world itself; they are about values, attitudes and tastes. These
statements are usually debatable, hence cannot be proven true or false. It involves value
judgment. Usually, such statements have words like ought or should be. For example,
inflation is more harmful than unemployment or government should concentrate more on the
control of inflation than the unemployment.
Factors of production
It includes all natural resources which are the part of a production process. Sea, forests,
mines, rain, sunlight are examples of land. Land is also considered as natural resources. Some
of these resources are renewable, which means can be re produced. Some of the natural
resources are non renewable for example oil, natural gas. According to economists supply of
land is strictly limited; however, it applies to the total supply of land in the world, although
reclamation and other techniques can be used to increase surface area of land. Reward for
land is rent
It is an important part of human resources. It includes all human mental and physical efforts
which involve in a production process. Labour earns wages which are paid according to the
productivity of labourers. It must be borne in mind that only services of labour are bought not
the labourer itself.
Capital is manmade resources. It does not mean money but all those goods and services which
produce by humans and involved in a production process. Machinery, raw material,
technology, road canal are examples of capital. Interest is the reward for capital.
Capital is usually divided into two broad categories. Fixed capital, which is not used up in a
production process like machinery, and, working capital, which is used up in a production
process, for example, raw material.
The entrepreneur
This factor of production is involved in decision making and risk bearing. It decides what to
produce , how to produce and how to distribute. Entrepreneur arranges other input factors to
produce goods. It produces goods and services by undertaking an anticipation of demand to
make profit. He is the main risk bearer. It is another important function of the entrepreneur.
Stages of Production
Primary production:
It is also called as an extractive industry. At this stage natural resources are extracted
from land. Mining, fishing, farming and production of raw material are included in this sector.
Developing economies mostly rely on primary stage of production.
Secondary production:
It is also called manufacturing industry. At this stage raw material is converted into
finished and semi finished goods. For example, extracted crude oil is converted in to petrol,
diesel and in kerosene at this stage.
Tertiary production:
It is also called service industry. At this stage produced goods and services are
distributed. It includes commercial services; which involve distribution of goods, like
retailing, transportation, banking, insurance etc. in personal services, services of teachers,
doctors, engineers, musicians etc. are involved.
Division of labour
It is a process where a work is split in to large number of small production processes where
each production process is performed by a specialize worker. Hence specialization is
inevitable in the process of division of labour. Specialization means where an economic agent
prefers to perform that task at which it considers itself the best.
Advantages of division of labour
1. When there is a repetition of a specific task, it increases proficiency at that particular
operation. It makes the work simple as a result output increases.
2. Division of labour saves time due to no movement from one job to another or by
putting down one set of tool and picking up another set of tools.
3. Division of labour creates occupations. When a work split into many operation, for
each operation a specialized worker is required who suits to that job, as a result
employment will rise.
4. Division of labour encourages mechanization. When a complex process has been
broken down into a series of separate, simple processes, it is possible to device
machinery to carry out each operation. Due to use of machinery, once again
productivity increases, waste decreases as a result output increases and average cost
5. It encourages inventions and innovations in the production process. When a worker
perform a task again and again he may find out better techniques and methods to
produce goods efficiently and economically.
6. In division of labour, there is best use of ones ability, because one prefer to perform
that task at which it is the best. It raises the productivity and the output.
Due to above mentioned reasons, not only there is an increase in number of goods and
services which leads to increase in the wealth of the nation i.e. the GDP, but also increases
income of workers who are able to spend more to buy more goods and services to improve
their living standards.
Disadvantages of division of labour
1. Repetition of a task creates monotony and boredom among workers. There is no
opportunity for the workers to exercise initiative, judgment, manual skills and
responsibilities. Sometimes workers commit some careless mistakes due to which
average cost of production increases.
2. Specialization leads to increase in the use of machinery, due to which most of the
work become automatic. Hence, basic skills are transferred from the hands of workers
to machines. Now machines control the designs, the quality and the quantity of the
product, and not the person.
3. It also increases risk of unemployment. Firstly, workers specialize in certain field. If
there is no vacancy is vacant of that particular skill, they remain unemployed.
Secondly, in division of labour a business becomes more capital intensive; hence,
lesser workers are required, which create unemployment.
4. Interdependency increases due to division of labour. As if there is a break down at
one stage whole of the working process will be halted, as a result there is no
production. Similarly, specialization leads to increase interdependency in an
economy. It is not simply the question of workers specializing, factories, firms and
even whole industry specializes. Therefore, if a unit suffers, whole of the economy
5. Another disadvantage is the lack of variety. In division of labour, there is a large scale
production, hence, it is not possible to produce goods in different design and most
importantly in different sizes.
From the above mentioned reasons, it can be assessed that increase in division of labour
may not be good all the time, it may cause reduction in productivity and production and
choice of consumers, but also deters living standard due to lack of job satisfaction and variety.
However, history tells us that mostly all inventions and developments are more and
les based upon specialization and division of labour. So if its limitations are rectified or
reduced still it is very much beneficial for the economy.
Functions of Money
In the absence of money, exchange must take form of barter where there is a direct
exchange of goods and services. However, there are many flaws in this system like lack of
double coincidence, difficult to measure the value of anything, difficult to hold goods over a
longer period of time and similarly, buying or selling on credit.
Money makes it convenient, and removes many of the problems of barter system.
Medium of exchange is the primary function of money. It makes possible in the great
extension of the principle of specialization. Use of money allows us to exchange hours of
labour for an amazing variety of goods and services. Here, no double coincidence is required.
If ones has money, can buy any good or service at any time.
Another important function of money is a unit of account or a measure of value.
The direct exchange of goods and services would raise all sorts of problems regarding
valuation. Money overcomes this problem by measuring value in standardized units. Now,
one can conclude that what is cheaper and what is dearer.
Money also performs function of store of value. Once a commodity becomes
acceptable in exchange for goods and services, it is possible to store that good as a wealth.
However it is convenient to hold wealth in form of money because commodities may
deteriorate during storage or may lose its value.
Money may also act as a transfer of value. For instance, if a person wants to shift
from one place to another, it is quite in convenient for him to transfer all of his stuff. Money
makes it very convenient. Now that person can transfer his wealth by selling his stuff at one
place and buy again at another place.
An important function of money in the modern world, where so much business is
conducted on the basis of credit, is to serve as a mean of deferred payments. When goods are
supplied on credit, buyers can use them immediately and payments are made in installments
over a longer period of time. The whole of the banking system is also based on money. If
there is no money, there is no borrowing or lending, hence no banking system.
Money can perform its functions effectively if it possesses all of the, or some of
the following characteristics.
Good money should possess the feature of general acceptability to perform its
primary function of medium of exchange. If money is not acceptable, transactions can not be
held and it is useless to hold money.
Portability is another essential characteristic of money. An efficient medium of
exchange must have a high ratio of value to bulk and weight. It is inconvenient to use large
heavy or bulky object as money.
Good money should be divisible in to small units without losing its value. For
instance $ is a good money which can be divisible into 5p, 10p, 20p and 50p. Whereas certain
commodities may lose their value if are divided in smaller units like a sheep.
Good money should be durable. People will not accept anything which subject to
rapid deterioration and hence looses value under possession.
Near money items fulfill some but not all the function of money and usually
have to be converted into true money before they can be spent.
Economic questions
All societies face three fundamental questions and how these are answered depend on the type
of economic system being operated.
The first question is what to produce. The community wants to produce all kinds an
varieties of goods and services but due to limited resources it has to decide, which goods
should be produced and in what quantities. If they require more of consumer goods, then
consumer goods should be produced in larger quantity. But if they desire for more of the
capital goods, society will have to act upon accordingly.
The second question is how to produce. Due to scarcity, resources should be used
efficiently. Economists use the term labour intensive and capital intensive to describe
alternative methods. In labour intensive method more of the labour is used and less of the
capital. Such methods are used in those economies where labour is in abundant form and
capital is in scarce form or relatively expensive. This method is usually applied in developing
economies which mostly rely on primary production. In capital intensive methods a vast
amount of capital and little labour is used. These method are used in developed economies
which produce goods like machinery, electrical appliances etc. The total output of the
community depends not only on the availability of resources but how to use those resources
The third question is how to distribute goods and services. It is once again the
economic system which has to determine the relative sizes of the shares going to each
household. For example in primitive societies goods were distributed among those who
produced. In planned economies goods are distributed among all, where as in market
economies usually goods are given to them who have ability to pay for them.
goods and services should be produced. Usually planned economies opt those methods of
production which employ more workers to maintain certain level of employment.
Ideally, the complete planning of production is accompanied by the complete
planning of distribution. What have been produced could then be allocated to consumers by
some kind of physical rationing scheme.
In planned economies only those goods are produced which require to mass but not
according to the buying power of some of the consumers. Therefore, mostly necessities of life
are produced.
This system is bureaucratic by nature, hence, changing decisions are very complex
and time consuming. Usually workers are paid equally without considering their ability and
productivity; therefore, there is low incentive to work hard. Another drawback of this system
is lack of profit motive; hence, there is no incentive to innovate. As a result firms operate
inefficiently. In such economies usually goods are of poor quality as well as no variety is
available to consumer, as a result they do not enjoy better living standard.
Mixed Economies
Actually, there is no existence of pure planned economies as well as pure market
economies. Usually we have mixed economies. However, in some of the mixed economies
government plays major role and in some of the economies individuals are stronger.
In mixed economies, there are usually two sectors; private sector, which is controlled
by individuals. It possesses most of the features of market economies like private ownership,
economic freedom for producers and consumers, profit is the main motive, competition etc.
this sector also possesses some of the evils of market economies like under provision of merit
goods or no provision of public goods, similarly, self interest as the dominating motive which
may exploit interest of the society.
Another sector is the public sector, which is controlled by the state. In many of the
developed and emerging economies this sector has very limited role to play. However, this
sector not only produces those goods and services which are not producing or under produce
by the private sector but also control activities of private sector. It makes laws which protect
consumers and society from the evils of market economy. It forms competition policies which
control monopolies but also control quality, quantity and to the certain extent prices of
products. It makes laws against pollution, redundancies and unfair trade practices.
Free goods; these goods are abundantly available in the world. People usually do not have to
pay any price of them. Such goods have no opportunity cost. For example, air, rain, sunshine
Consumer goods; an economic good purchased by a household for final consumption. It is
the use to which it is put determines whether a good is consumer good, not the characteristic
of the good itself.
Capital goods; these goods are produced for the sack of further production. Such goods
generate income and wealth. Machinery, raw materials are common example, but once again
it is the use to which it is put determines whether a good is capital good, not the characteristic
of the good itself.
Durable goods; these goods yield services or utility over time rather than being completely
used up at the moment of consumption, for example washing machine and machinery.
Non-durable goods; such goods are used up completely at the moment of consumption; raw
material and food stuff are common examples.
Liquidity; the degree to which an asset can be quickly and cheaply turned into money, which
by definition, is completely liquid.
Market; an abstract concept concerning all the arrangements that individuals have for
exchanging with one another like, labour market, commodity market, finance market etc.
Investment; it is an addition to the capital stock of a firm or economy. It is the part of the total
income which will be used to produce goods in future or to generate future income.
Value judgment;