House Hearing, 110TH Congress - U.S. Department of Justice

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JULY 23, 2008

Serial No. 110197

Printed for the use of the Committee on the Judiciary

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JOHN CONYERS, JR., Michigan, Chairman
HOWARD L. BERMAN, California
HOWARD COBLE, North Carolina
MELVIN L. WATT, North Carolina
ZOE LOFGREN, California
WILLIAM D. DELAHUNT, Massachusetts
NCHEZ, California
DARRELL ISSA, California
STEVE COHEN, Tennessee
BRAD SHERMAN, California
ADAM B. SCHIFF, California
PERRY APELBAUM, Staff Director and Chief Counsel
SEAN MCLAUGHLIN, Minority Chief of Staff and General Counsel


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JULY 23, 2008

The Honorable John Conyers, Jr., a Representative in Congress from the
State of Michigan, and Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary .....................
The Honorable Lamar Smith, a Representative in Congress from the State
of Texas, and Ranking Member, Committee on the Judiciary .........................


The Honorable Michael B. Mukasey, Attorney General of the United States,
U.S. Department of Justice
Oral Testimony .....................................................................................................
Prepared Statement .............................................................................................





Prepared Statement of the Honorable Sheila Jackson Lee, a Representative

in Congress from the State of Texas, and Member, Committee on the
Judiciary ...............................................................................................................
Prepared Statement and Questions of the Honorable Maxine Waters, a Representative in Congress from the State of California, and Member, Committee on the Judiciary ........................................................................................
Letters to the Honorable Michael B. Mukasey, Attorney General of the United
States, U.S. Department of Justice, from the Honorable John Conyers,
Jr., a Representative in Congress from the State of Michigan, and Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary ......................................................................
Letter to the Honorable Michael B. Mukasey, Attorney General of the United
States, U.S. Department of Justice, from the Honorable Sheila Jackson
Lee, a Representative in Congress from the State of Texas, and Member,
Committee on the Judiciary ................................................................................
Post-Hearing Questions posed by the Honorable Maxine Waters, a Representative in Congress from the State of California, and Member, Committee
on the Judiciary; and the Honorable Lamar Smith, a Representative in
Congress from the State of Texas, and Ranking Member, Committee on
the Judiciary .........................................................................................................






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Washington, DC.
The Committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10:24 a.m., in Room
2141, Rayburn House Office Building, the Honorable John Conyers,
Jr. (Chairman of the Committee) presiding.
Present: Representatives Conyers, Nadler, Scott, Watt, Lofgren,
Jackson Lee, Waters, Delahunt, Wexler, Sanchez, Cohen, Sutton,
Sherman, Schiff, Davis, Wasserman Schultz, Ellison, Smith, Coble,
Gallegly, Goodlatte, Lungren, Cannon, Keller, Issa, Pence, Forbes,
King, Feeney, Franks, and Gohmert.
Staff Present: Elliot Mincberg, Majority Chief Oversight Counsel;
Robert Reed, Majority Oversight Counsel; Renata Strause, Majority
Staff Assistant; and Crystal Jezierski, Minority Counsel.
Mr. CONYERS. The Committee will come to order. We have before
us the Attorney General of the United States, and perhaps for the
last time in the 110th session. His responsibility is that of enforcing our Federal criminal laws, protecting voting rights, protecting
us against foreign and domestic terrorism, enforcing the antitrust
laws, the bankruptcy laws, the intellectual property laws, and immigration laws, as well as representing the Government in civil
First, and perhaps most important, I believe we have not seen
enough cooperation concerning voting rights. The regular meetings
on voting rights that I thought would happen between the Judiciary staff, bipartisan in nature, and the Department of Justice staff,
have not happened and have not been effected.
As we sit here today, probably a hundred days before the election, we dont know specifically how our Government will respond
to the practices that made the elections of 2000 and 2004 so problematical and so controversial, how we will respond to deceptive
electioneering practices. Now this is the highest order of responsibility between the Department of Justice and the Judiciary Committee because we are going to be responsible, not just the outgoing
Attorney General and the Department of Justice, but the House
Judiciary Committee is going to be held accountable for what we
did or didnt do in trying to make sure that many of the deceptive
electioneering practices are stopped and not just punished after the
fact but that we do something about it preemptively. How can we
ensure voting machines are fairly allocated, how monitors will be

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deployed, how we will respond to voter caging schemes, and avoid
some of the terrible mishaps of 2000 and 2004.
In addition to the serious problems in those elections, we have
seen numerous other voting problems, the approval of troubling redistricting plans in Texas and Georgia.
This Committee and everyone on it has responsibility for these
2008 elections. We have a hearing on voter rights and the 2008
election tomorrow. The Department of Justice, to this moment,
doesnt have anybody committed to coming to that hearing. Chris
Coates, the head of the Voting Section, hasnt agreed to come before us. We are hoping that that can be remedied between now and
Now we have been trying to get key members of the Bush administration before us. They have refused. Harriet Miers and Josh
Bolton have refused to cooperate in the contempt proceedings. And
why? Because the Department of Justice publicly has said they are
not going to enforce a subpoena against these, the Presidents lawyer and the Presidents Chief of Staff.
This Department, Department of Justice, continues to validate
the unprecedented concept of total immunity for high ranking officials. For example, Karl Rove. Last week, they oddly argued that
non-grand jury statements given to Federal prosecutors were somehow privileged when it came to Congress.
We have been waiting months and months to obtain critical documents relating to the selective prosecution, obstruction of justice,
the secret OLC opinions advocating expansive theories of presidential power that strike at the very core of our constitutional freedoms. With less than a hundred or so days remaining before the
election and 6 months before the Administration ends, this delay
is unacceptable.
I am sorry to say that the Attorney General has continued the
unfortunate tradition of refusing to appoint a single special prosecutor for any of the evidences of misconduct that would require
the Department of Justice to bring in outside counsel.
Every Member of this Committee wants the Attorney General
and this Department to perform its mission fully, and it is more
important now than ever before with the world getting smaller, the
global considerations, the military actions that still go on. I hope
that we are going to be able to conclude our relationship, Mr. Attorney General, in a way that we get some of these matters resolved and not that they were left hanging as we brought the 110th
session to an end.
We have got a big need for a lot of information, and I am hoping
that today will lay the groundwork for us to begin to accomplish
as much of this as is possible.
I now recognize the Ranking Member, Lamar Smith, for his comments.
Mr. SMITH. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Attorney General Mukasey, thank you for appearing before the Committee for the second time, perhaps for the last time in this Administration, to discuss the important work of the Department of Justice. We appreciate your doing so.
Mr. Chairman, there are many important subjects the Committee could focus on in its oversight efforts today. For example, we

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could make this a very productive hearing by having this Committee take immediate action to address habeas corpus concerns
following the Supreme Courts recent ruling of Boumediene v. Bush.
On Monday, the Attorney General outlined the significant problems
law enforcement officials now face as a result of that ruling. It is
now the responsibility of this Committee to act.
In its decision, the Supreme Court opened a Pandoras Box and
the Attorney General has made it clear that only Congress can
close the lid by enacting clear rules regarding the detention of
known terrorists. If this Committee fails to act, Federal courts may
order the Government to release known terrorists. There are more
than 200 detainees remaining at Guantanamo Bay, and many of
them wish to kill as many innocent Americans as possible. If this
Committee fails to act, sensitive intelligence on terrorists may be
disclosed and terrorists will know better how to evade detection
and conceal future plots. If this Committee fails to act, known foreign terrorists will be able to forum shop in the most favorable
places to bring their claims, both in the Federal district courts and
in the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, in a way even domestic American criminals cannot.
The Attorney General has told us what common sense tells us,
we must commit ourselves to the development of a legislative proposal that provides clear guidance on the detention of known terrorists. We must act. We must act responsibly, and we must act
Another area where Congress can assist the Department is in
protecting Americas children from sexual predators and cyber
criminals. Nameless, faceless criminals use the World Wide Web as
their virtual hunting ground. Child exploitation, child pornography
and cyber bullying are just a few of the 21st century crimes threatening our children today.
A simple step Congress can take to enhance our crime fighting
efforts is to require the retention of certain subscriber records by
Internet providers. This Committee must pursue this and other innovations if we have any hope of keeping pace with crime in the
cyber age.
One of the areas where there already is bipartisan agreement is
in confronting and deterring criminal activity in the arena of intellectual property theft. We should help advance the legislative efforts of this Committee, including the Prioritizing and Organization
for Intellectual Property Act of 2008, which passed the House overwhelmingly in May, to enhance IP enforcement efforts.
Also, I am pleased with the Departments recent work to support
DHS immigration enforcement efforts by increasing prosecutions
and available prison bed space. For too many years, illegal immigrants knew that they faced absolutely no penalty if they were apprehended along the southern border, other than a quick bus ride
back across that border. They had every reason to try to enter
again and again until they eventually succeeded, as 90 percent of
them did.
The Justice Departments Operation Streamline for the first time
has put an end to this revolving door. We have too much at stake
to shy away from enforcing the law and ensuring that individuals
entering the U.S. do so illegally.

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Mr. Attorney General, I appreciate the tireless dedication to the
men and women of the Justice Department, and look forward to
working together with you to keeping Americans safer in the future.
I yield back.
Mr. KING. Mr. Chairman, would you yield to a brief colloquy?
Mr. CONYERS. Absolutely not.
The Attorney General brings a long, distinguished background to
the Department of Justice. He has been a practicing attorney, a
Federal prosecutor, a member of the firm of Patterson, et al., a
trial judge since 1988, and was appointed by President Reagan as
a trial judge for 18 years; 6 of those were as Chief Judge of the
District. He retired in 2006, was called back by President Bush,
confirmed as the Attorney General in the fall of 2007.
We have your statement, sir, and it will be put in the record in
its entirety, and all the Members will have an opportunity to add
their own opening statements to welcome you here. Thank you so

Mr. MUKASEY. Chairman Conyers, Ranking Member Smith, and

Members of the Committee, I thank you for the opportunity to testify here today. Since I appeared before this Committee almost 6
months ago, I have become even better acquainted with the talented and dedicated professionals at the Justice Department and
with the work that they do, and have come to appreciate that much
more deeply, their service to our Nation.
I have now been Attorney General for slightly more than 8
months. During that time, there have been moments of disagreement with Members of the Committee, as there always will be.
There are policy initiatives that the Department supports, that
some Members vigorously oppose, and policy initiatives that some
of you support, that the Department opposes.
There are also situations where the interests of the executive
branch and of the legislature are on tension. This is not, as some
people have suggested, evidence of a broken or a flawed political
system. It is part of the genius of the design of our Constitution,
which embodies a robust separation of powers. Although these tensions will never disappear, there are many areas of agreement in
which we can work together on behalf of our common clients, the
American people.
I would like to outline briefly two areas that I will focus on during the 6 months remaining in this Administration. First, with the
first post-2001 transition looming, we must take every step to ensure that custody and responsibility for our Nations security is
transferred smoothly to a new set of caretakers. That means putting national security measures on a sound institutional footing so
that the next Attorney General and the new Administration will
have in place what they need to continue to assure the Nations
Two weeks ago, Congress took a vital step in passing the FISA
Amendments Act of 2008, bipartisan legislation that will give our

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intelligence professionals critical long-term authorities to monitor
foreign intelligence targets located overseas.
Earlier this week, I called upon Congress to take another step by
passing legislation to address the questions about detainees unresolved by the Supreme Courts recent decision in Boumediene v.
Bush. Congress and the executive branch are in a far better position than the courts to create practical procedures and rules to govern the habeas hearings required by the Supreme Court, procedures and rules that would both give the detainees what they are
due, what process they are due, and accommodate the grave national security concerns involved.
In my speech earlier this week I outlined six principles that
should guide such legislation, and I look forward to working with
you and your colleagues on both sides of the aisle and in both
Houses of Congress to address these important issues promptly.
Second, as everyone knows, the election season is upon us. Although State and local governments have primary responsibility for
administering elections, the Justice Department must make every
effort to help assure that the elections run as smoothly as possible
and, equally important, that the American people have confidence
in the electoral process.
The Department will maintain a significant presence throughout
the election season through both outreach and monitoring. We will
work closely with civil rights group and State and local officials to
identify and solve problems. We will publicize telephone numbers
and Web sites through which people can bring potential issues to
our attention, and on election day we will deploy hundreds of observers and monitors around the country.
These steps will supplement our ongoing efforts both to enforce
laws, including the Voting Rights Act, designed to guarantee access
of all Americans to the ballot, and to enforce laws, including those
prohibiting voter fraud and campaign finance abuse intended to
safeguard the integrity of the voting process.
All these efforts are essential in ensuring elections reflect the
will of the people and in maintaining the confidence of all Americans in our system of Government. In all of this we will be driven
by what the law and the facts require, and only by that.
In fact, I have said many times both to members of the public
and to Department employees, that we must pursue all of our cases
in that manner. I have also said many times that we must hire our
career people without regard for improper political considerations.
I have acted and I will continue to act to ensure that those words
are translated into reality.
I am well aware of the allegations that politics has played an inappropriate role at the Justice Department. Too many of those allegations were borne out in a recent report by the Departments Offices of Inspector General and Professional Responsibility on hiring
for the Honors Program and for the Summer Law Intern Program.
Even before I became Attorney General last fall, however, the Justice Department had taken many significant steps to remedy the
problems that existed. I have since taken several additional steps,
and we will continue to take any and all steps that are warranted.
It is absolutely crucial that the American people have complete

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confidence in the propriety of what we do, and I will work to make
certain that they can have such confidence.
Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee, I thank you for
the opportunity to make these remarks and I look forward to answering your questions. Thank you very much.
[The prepared statement of Mr. Mukasey follows:]

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Mr. CONYERS. The Chair recognizes the Chairman of the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Jerry Nadler of New York.
Mr. MUKASEY. Mr. Chairman, I dont mean to raise a matter that
is none of my business, but I havent been placed under oath. Did
you want me to take an oath?
Mr. CONYERS. No, I did not require that.
Mr. Nadler.
Mr. NADLER. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I have a number of
questions, and I hope we can be brief. The first one is: When you
last appeared before this Committee, sir, you stated that you could
not order an investigation into interrogation practices that have
been authorized by the OLC opinions because it would not be fair
to infer any possibility of criminal intent to someone who is following an OLC legal opinion. But it is now clear that one of the
detainees, Abu Zubaydah, for example, was interrogated for
months in the spring and summer of 2002, before the first OLC
opinion and the issue we know of, the August 1, 2002, legal memo
by John Yoo was issued.
Attorney General Ashcroft testified last week he did not recall
providing legal advice on interrogation methods at that time and
did not recall whether anyone else at the Department had provided
such advice. Now given the uncertainty about whether any legal
advice had been provided before these interrogations, have you or
anyone at the Department investigated the legality of the interrogation methods used before the August 1 Yoo memo was issued?
Mr. MUKASEY. I have not investigated that myself. I think part
of that question involves whether the methods employed were consistent with that memo or not, and I dont know whether they were
or they were not.
Mr. NADLER. Do you think someone should take a look at that?
Mr. MUKASEY. I think a look at that may very well be taken or
have been taken. I am not specifically aware of it as I sit here.
Mr. NADLER. Can you let us know?
Mr. MUKASEY. I will take a look.
Mr. NADLER. Thank you.
Now one other thing. The Committee has issued a subpoena for
all unclassified OLC opinions on issues of national security and
presidential power that have not previously been released. The Department has refused to provide these unclassified opinions to the
Congress. Can you tell us why we cant get those unclassified opinions?
Mr. MUKASEY. Without getting into any particular opinions,
there are two considerations that relate to OLC opinions. One has
to do with classification. Unclassified opinions. OLC opinions are
there because somebody has come to the Department for advice.
They have come to the Department for advice before they act. Part
of maintaining a deliberative process is being able to assure them
that they can come to the Department, ask for advice, and get it
Mr. NADLER. Excuse me. That is in effect a claim of executive
privilege. That is the executive privilege.
Mr. MUKASEY. It is not really the executive privilege. It is a deliberative privilege, if you wish to call it that.

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Mr. NADLER. So you are asserting a new privilege other than executive privilege?
Mr. MUKASEY. I am not asserting a new privilege. I am explaining that deliberative process is part of what you may call executive
privilege, what I think is actually something separate, but in any
event is one of the kinds of information that is protected from inquiry on the outside, and for good reason.
Mr. NADLER. Whatever the good reason, and I dont want to debate the reason, but if it is not protected against a subpoena by executive privilege, what is the legal authority for not giving it to
Congress once subpoenaed?
Mr. MUKASEY. I believe that we are authorized to keep in confidence requests for advice and the advice that we give as counsel
as part of a deliberative privilege, as part of essentially an attorney-client relationship, and for other good sound reasons that I am
sure you can understand. We want people to come for advice. We
dont want them to act without it.
Mr. NADLER. I understand the reasoning. I do not agree, and I
would ask you to provide to this Committee, the legal authority. I
do not agree that there is any privilege other than executive privilege. The executive privilege must be claimed by the President. The
President is not the client of the Attorney General, he is the client
of his own counsel. The Government is, the American people is the
client of the Department of Justice. So I do not see any ground for
withholding the subpoena.
Let me go on. I ask you to provide the Committee with the legal
basis for this.
Mr. MUKASEY. Basis additional to the basis I have already articulated?
Mr. NADLER. With some citations.
We know many States now, going back to the Chairmans comment, are preparing a purge list of voters, list of people who
shouldnt be allowed to vote because pursuant to the laws in the
States they are felons or whatever. We also know that in Florida,
for example, in 2000, such a list was prepared by a commercial
vendor. We know that there was a 20 percent error rate. We know
that they knew there was a 20 percent error rate, which means
they knew one out of five people prevented from voting would be
What is the Department doing to oversee to make sure that
States cannot do that again; that the purge lists that are being prepared do not disenfranchise many legally eligible voters?
Mr. MUKASEY. Very broadly and then very narrowly. The Department has been working with State and local authorities to make
sure that they conform with the requirements of all Federal voting
laws and that they conduct their activities in a responsible way.
That said, there is always available, and we are making certain of
this, the alternative for everyone one who feels that he or she has
been improperly denied the right to vote, challenged in trying to
exercise the right to vote, to nonetheless cast a provisional ballot,
and we are making certain that people are aware of that.
We are doing outreach to civil rights groups to make certain that
people are aware of that because that is, as it were, a failsafe
against the kind of practice that you just described. I dont know

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whether it happened, I dont know what the source of that is, but
assuming that happened, that is the ultimate failsafe.
We have been in communication with State and local authorities
and we have an extensive training program from our own people
to make sure that doesnt happen again, if in fact it happened.
Mr. NADLER. Thank you. I see my time will expire. The Chairman will admonish me shortly.
Mr. CONYERS. Lamar Smith.
Mr. SMITH. I have a couple of questions about the Boumediene
v. Bush Supreme Court case. When the Supreme Court issued its
ruling, Judge Lamberth, the chief judge of the Federal District
Court in D.C., took the unusual step of issuing a news release saying that he hoped Congress would respond and address some of the
questions raised by that case sooner rather than later.
My question is: Do you feel that it is urgent that Congress act
quickly to address some of the questions raised by that case?
Mr. MUKASEY. I do feel that it is urgent. Actually, he issued the
statement after the speech I issued urging legislation. I do feel that
it is urgent. I outlined reasons in a 20 or 25-minute speech why
it was urgent, and urged that six principles inform any legislation.
But I was not drafting legislation. What I was urging was that
Congress step up and do it.
Mr. SMITH. What are some of the unintended consequences of
that ruling? Why is there a sense of urgency? Without getting into
the principles, but what are the risks involved?
Mr. MUKASEY. The ultimate risk isbecause the ultimate decision finder has to be able to direct release, the ultimate risk is that
one of these folks could be released in the United States and that
is something that we think has to be prevented.
Secondly, there is a matter of national security. Much of the evidence against the people at Guantanamo, both those charged with
war crimes and those we are simply holding because they are detainees, comes from classified information. We need to protect how
that information is used, who has access to it, and who doesnt.
Third, there areas I said, some of them are going to be put on
trial for war crimes and we have to make sure that habeas proceedings are not used as a way of delaying the onset of military
commission trials, any more than a United States defendant
charged with a crime has a right to file a habeas proceeding before
his trial. No U.S. defendant has that right. We dont think these
folks should be given that right.
We think that Congress should reaffirm that we are in fact involved in an armed conflict and that there is a right to detain
enemy detainees. There is a separate question of whether those
people are guilty of war crimes or not. That is a whole separate
thing. But detention is an absolute, and it is something that there
has to be firm authority for. We think there is, but we think it
wouldnt hurt to reaffirm that.
Congress, I think, should establish sensible streamlined procedures that strike a reasonable balance between a detainees rights
to information and to present a case, which the Court said he had
to have, as well as practicality. The word practical appeared numerous times in the Supreme Court decision. But they stopped far
short of articulating the exact procedure that should apply.

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Finally, we asked that Congress make sure that detainees could
not pursue remedies other than habeas corpus. As it stands now,
they have kind of a two-track system. They have what are called
the CSRTs, the Combatant Status Review Tribunals, and review of
those in the D.C. Circuit, and then they have the habeas petitions.
We think in view of the requirement of habeas, that the CSRT system and appeal to the D.C. Circuit should be cut off completely and
simply rely on habeas proceedings that are properly cabined in the
way I have suggested. That is a rough outline.
Mr. SMITH. Thank you, Mr. Attorney General. Let me go back to
your first two points. The first was that some of these individuals
might be released. As I understand it, there are some known terrorists that are now being held at Guantanamo Bay. Are you saying if we dont act expeditiously that some of those terrorists might
be released?
Mr. MUKASEY. There is always that possibility. So far it obviously hasnt happened, and so far I want to commend the D.C. District Court for the preliminary steps that it has taken, including
having by and large one judge, although there are one or two other
judges who are going ahead, but one judge principally organizing
things procedurally so they proceed in an orderly way.
But if somebody decides they want to bring somebody here either
to testify on his own or in somebody elses proceeding, there are additional rights that that person has simply by virtue of landing on
American soil, and recall that these are all aliens. None of them
has a right to be here. We dont want that to happen inadvertently
and then have the outcome of a habeas petition be that somebody
has to be released, and if he is on American soil, he gets released
here. That we think would be the worst outcome, and we are trying
to avoid that, and we think it can be avoided with legislation.
Mr. SMITH. Thank you, Mr. Attorney General. Thank you, Mr.
Mr. CONYERS. The Chairman of the Crime Subcommittee, Bobby
Mr. SCOTT. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you, Mr. Attorney General, for being with us today. I had a couple of questions
in the area of the criminal justice system. First, in reference to the
housing crisis, it appears to me that with the billions of dollars
that has been lost, somebody has made a lot of money to a large
extent, in my opinion, through criminal fraud. We are going to try
to get a briefing from the Justice Department on this in detail. But
could you just say a quick word about whether or not in your view
crimes were committed that helped perpetuate the crisis that we
are in?
Mr. MUKASEY. Without wishing to convict anybody before trial,
we have so far charged more than 400 defendants in connection
with the mortgage crisis that you mentioned, ranging up the scale
from the people who are overvaluing houses, the people who are
over-assessing houses, the banks that are purposely closing their
eyes to that, the rating agencies, up to two promoters of a hedge
fund who are charged with essentially criminally overlooking the
fact that the paper they were selling the public was worthless.
There are 42 separate FBI task forces devoted to fighting that
problem, but it is a problem that runs the gamut that I tried to

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describe. We have got over 400 defendants charged so far, and the
investigation is certainly by no means closed. It is in full pace.
Mr. SCOTT. Thank you. Another issue here, there are several bills
pending with the problem of gangs. One I have introduced takes
a proactive approach to try to keep young people out of trouble to
begin with. Other legislation essentially, in my judgment, waits for
young people to join a gang, mess up, get caught, and get over
charged with crimes. We already lock up more people in the United
States than anywhere else on earth. My question is: Your Web site
actually, the Department of Justice Web site, sites under the category of what works many approaches that seem to be consistent
with the Youth Promise Act that I have introduced. We dont have
time now, but could you provide in writing any analysis that you
may have done on what works and what doesnt work and how we
ought to be addressing this, and any analysis or help you might
have to do as we evaluate the different approaches?
Mr. MUKASEY. I think what works is a comprehensive approach.
There is no one particular solution. What we try to do is to focus
our efforts along with State and local governments, along with
other agencies in both enforcement; that is, we use the task force
approach to enforcement and we also use weed and seed programs
and other community outreach programs.
I was just present last night at a privately funded competition,
essay competition that was competed in by more than 120,000
youngsters on the subject of community violence. We are active in
that. We help fund that. So we believe firmly that this requires a
comprehensive approach. In the end, we are principally a law enforcement organization. But we do recognize the need for a comprehensive approach. We favor that. We do prevention.
Mr. SCOTT. If you have done any in-depth analysis and can provide guidance on that, that would be helpful.
My next question is with regard to the Federal prisons. We recently had to appropriate money in a supplemental appropriation
to deal with what we believe to be a crisis in personnel in prisons.
The prison industry program, Federal prison industry program, has
been widely supported by virtually all Federal prison personnel.
Can you explain why the Department of Justice hasnt been more
aggressive in promoting the program in Congress, opposing efforts
to weaken the program, and if you could say something about the
staffing levels generally because there is some concern that the
staffing levels are so low now that our prison guards may be in
Mr. MUKASEY. Well, I think I am not supposed to express relief
at a supplemental that is in excess of what was originally requested, but privately in the privacy of this room I am satisfied
that there was a supplemental, particularly with respect to the
BOP, which took a major hit in connection with the budget, and I
am glad and gratified to see that.
With regard to Prison Industries, that is an important program
not simply for the people who are in prison but rather as a way
of controlling the population. As you know, those jobs are not only
good training, they are valued by the prisoners themselves and
they are an excellent control mechanism because loss of a job like
that for infractions and for violence is a big risk. So giving that

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privilege of access to such a program and denial of it is a helpful
way to control people in prison.
It is not just for the good of the crooks, it is for the good of the
guards, it is for the good of future victims who will not become future victims as a result of the fact that people learn valuable skills
in that program.
When I was a judge, I was a proponent of that program. I still
Mr. SCOTT. Is there more danger to prison guards now because
of the staffing level?
Mr. MUKASEY. We think that we have got the situation under
control. But it is barely under control. The prison population recently has changed, and it hasnt changed for the better. People are
getting more violent, they are not responsive to warning gunshots
that are fired when they start riots, and so forth, and we have had
an uptick in violence.
So far, it has been under control. But a couple of weeks ago I
went out to attend the funeral of a guard who was killed out in
California with a shank, a young man who had served two tours
in Iraq, come out of the Navy, was building a career for himself.
He was 2 weeks short of his 23rd birthday. It was a tragic situation.
That is the first time in a dozen years that a guard has been
killed, but I want it to be the last time. I think we need to make
greater efforts in that area. The fact is that the professionals in the
Bureau of Prisons do an amazing job in the way they control those
violent populations with a very small group of people. If you go into
one of those institutions, it is remarkable how small the ratio is between guards and prisoners. But we need to do more in that area
and we need to stop the kinds of incidences that I mentioned. We
are concerned about them.
Mr. SCOTT. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. CONYERS. Howard Coble, Ranking Member of the Intellectual Property Committee.
Mr. COBLE. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. General, good to have you
on the Hill. The distinguished Ranking Member from Texas commented on intellectual property, and I want to direct your attention
to that issue.
General, as you know, this Committee has long sought to work
with the Department to strengthen the ability of law enforcement
to defer, investigate, and prosecute intellectual property related
crimes. As you probably know, we overwhelmingly passed in the
House earlier this year the bill prioritizing resources and organizations for intellectual property.
Some years ago, a Department witness stated to this Committee
that there are known links between IP crime and organized crime,
and even terrorism. General, can you comment today on what evidence can be produced to link IP-related crimes with terrorist funding and any specific details to known links. Now it may be more
appropriate to do that in writing. But could you do that?
Mr. MUKASEY. I can do it in a general way. The fact is that we
are facing on an international level more and more organized crime
and these folks will sell absolutely everything they can for as much
as they can. One of the most valuable things that this country has

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is intellectual property. It is the engine that drives our economy.
There are foreign governments that are intent on getting into that
intellectual property and there are foreign nongovernments in the
form of terrorist organizations that are interested in getting into
that intellectual property so that they can exploit it not only for its
inherent worth but also for its commercial worth.
I will provide in writing further specific instances of that, but the
fact is that everything from phony shoes and handbags, on up, has
been offered for sale by people who are completely indiscriminate
in who gets the proceeds as long as they make money along the
way. That has included people who are involved in or suspected of
terrorist activity.
Mr. COBLE. If you could present additional details, we would be
Mr. MUKASEY. I will do that.
Mr. COBLE. Earlier this year, President Bush signed the Second
Chance Act into law. This legislation had broad support and I believe is a new approach to an old but alarming problem. That is
prison overcrowding.
Have you had an opportunity to review or to be briefed on this
legislation? Do you agree with me that it is a good first step addressing the skyrocketing problem of recidivism, particularly of
nonviolent offenders?
Mr. MUKASEY. I agree that it is a good first step. The recidivism
rate in Federal prisons is a good deal lower than the recidivism in
all prisons, largely because we concern ourselves before people are
released with putting them in programs that train them for release
and with follow-up afterwards. And the Second Chance Act is an
important part of that.
We hope to lower the recidivism rate still further. We think that
that kind of legislation and that kind of outlook is a good way toward solving the kind of problem that Member Scott pointed out
before, that we should be working on prevention, prevention at
both ends, rather than simply enforcement. Enforcement is an important part. That is what we do principally. But we cant lose
sight of the fact that when prevention opportunities present themselves, as they do in that legislation, we have to follow up.
Mr. COBLE. I do concur. I do believe that prison overcrowding
may be one of the most pressing domestic problems facing us, and
I furthermore believe it is probably more serious involved in the
local and State institutions.
Mr. MUKASEY. It is much more serious on the State level than
it is on the Federal level. We avail ourselves not only of the facilities that we have, but also of rented space in State and local institutions and in some private institutions that run prisons, if you
will, or detention facilities on a private basis when they are reviewed and approved for standards. So far, we have been able to
hold up and do that. But so far is so far. We want to make sure
that we have got enough resources to continue to do it.
Mr. COBLE. I thank you, General.
Mr. Chairman, I want you to take note, I am beating the illumination of the red light.
Mr. CONYERS. You usually do. Thank you.

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The Chair recognizes the Chairman of the Oversight Committee
of the Finance Committee, but a senior Member of Judiciary as
well, Mel Watt of North Carolina.
Mr. WATT. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. Attorney General, back on April 23 of this year, the Director
of the FBI was before this Committee and I asked him about a particular referral that had been made and we finally got a response
back from him just 2 days ago, really, in which he says this: Regarding the referral made to our Charlotte field office, we confirm
that in October, 2006, the field office was forwarded a letter which
the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation received from
State lawmakers requesting an investigation into Aero Contractors.
The letter alleged that Aero Contractors has been identified as a
participant in the CIA-sponsored rendition program, which has
flown persons detained in various countries, including the United
States, to overseas torture sites. We consulted with our field office
and the Department of Justice and at this time we do not have an
open investigation regarding the allegation.
I have reviewed the jurisdiction of the various, I think there are
11 or 12 divisions under the Attorney General, and there is a National Security Division, there is a Criminal Division, and I guess
my question is, first, would it be a violation of law for a contractor
to fly persons detained to overseas torture sites?
Mr. MUKASEY. The country has enforced laws that require that
before people are sent abroad we receive assurances from foreign
governments that they will not be abused. That said, I am not familiar with either the case or the program that you refer to. As you
point out, this correspondence goes back to 2006, which is essentially 2 years before I got here.
Mr. WATT. The concern I have is that I asked the FBI Director
to give me all the information. We got one paragraph about it, and
I still dont know anything more. We know a letter asking for an
investigation was made. We know there is not a current active investigation. That is what the Directors letter says. But still we
dont know what happened in the interim, whether they concluded
that there was no basis for the investigation, whether the Department looked the other way, whether there is anyI dont even
know whether you all think sending somebody out of the country
for rendition to a torture site would be a violation of any law as
it stands.
Mr. MUKASEY. I would like to take a look at the case before I
comment on the case.
Mr. WATT. If you would do that.
Mr. MUKASEY. One thing I have learned from past bitter experience.
Mr. WATT. That is exactly what we asked the Director of the FBI
to do. Unfortunately, when we got the response a number of
months later, we dont know anything more, or very little more
than I had told him. I mean I had told him that there was a referral but he wrote me a letter back confirming that there was a referral.
Mr. MUKASEY. Bob Mueller is a very diligent guy, but in this
case I hope to be able to perform better and outdo him.
Mr. WATT. I certainly appreciate that.

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Mr. MUKASEY. He is a very able person.
Mr. WATT. In addition, it would be nice to know if the Department thought that flying somebody out of the country, rendering
them to a torture site, would be a violation of law. But I wont ask
you for that opinion right now. But I hope you will include that.
Mr. MUKASEY. I will include that.
Mr. WATT. One part of the voting process this year that a number of people are expressing concerns about because we believe
there will be a voting pattern that will be substantially different
than there has historically been, and one of the concerns we have
is that nobody is really anticipating those demographic shifts in the
voting patterns that we anticipate will happen. Does your task
force that you have been working with the States on, is that part
of what you are doing, and if not, will you include it to make sure
that there are enough machines, enough personnel, enough trained
people that know what they are doing to get people processed without standing in line for hours on end?
Mr. MUKASEY. The short answer to your question is yes. We anticipate a much higher turnout this year because of increased enrollment this year, as you point out, and we are doing what we can.
We have to keep in mind as we do that that this effort is organized
principally by State and local governments. What we need to do is
to make sure that they realize and understand that where there is
increased enrollment, they know it, and that they are doing what
they can to get the facilities that they need to handle the increased
enrollment and the increased turnout, if in fact there is increased
turnout. That is what we are doing.
We are trying to do everything we can, including to make information available not only to the State and local governments, but
to particular groups with an interest in making sure that people
turn out so that they know what the rules are and arent and know
what they can and cant do and police their State and local groups
and make us aware of when there are shortcomings. It is kind of
a two-way street.
Mr. WATT. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. My time has expired. I
yield back.
Mr. CONYERS. A senior Ranking Member of Judiciary from California, Elton Gallegly.
Mr. GALLEGLY. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Welcome,
Attorney General Mukasey.
Recently, during different debates we have had on immigration,
we have found that the FBI does various forms of background
checks, name checks, and so on and so forth, and there is a backlog. Can you tell us how the FBI has addressed the backlog and
the name check or other background checks?
Mr. MUKASEY. They are addressing the backlog in the one way
you can address it, which is by throwing more personnel at it. They
have, I think, gotten it way down, I believe. I think it is down to
something like 90 or 120 days. I am not precisely sure, but I think
it is. I know it is way below what it was before. But we recognize
that that was a problem. We are addressing it. And we understand
it and they understand it and have put more people on it to make
sure that they do the background checks.

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Mr. GALLEGLY. Is there currently a backlog in the criminal background check of legal aliens?
Mr. MUKASEY. There is currently some backlog across the board,
be it criminal check, be it just check on background. This includes
past criminal background.
Mr. GALLEGLY. This may be a little more difficult but in recent
months and actually recent years there has been a lot of discussion
about comprehensive immigration reform. Some of us think that is
a code word for amnesty. In the event that that should take place,
and depending on who you talk with, I think most reasonable people would say this could account for about 20 million people.
Is it logistically possible to do a background check on that many
Mr. MUKASEY. Now? No. I mean, it is logistically possible, I suppose, over an extended period of time. But if you throw 20 million
more people into the system, is it going to stagger the system? Yes.
Mr. GALLEGLY. I think that was probably a rhetorical question.
In any event, one other question I have relating to immigration.
In fact, I met with a former Attorney General in a previous Administration several years ago and was discussing the issue of sponsorship of legal aliens. When you have an immigrant coming into the
country and they have a sponsor, they sign a statement of economic
responsibility or financial responsibility.
Do you view that commitment, that document they sign, as a
legal and binding contract, or as a moral commitment?
Mr. MUKASEY. I believe it is binding. I think if somebody says
I am going to be financially responsible for somebody, what that
means is, they are going to be financially responsible for somebody.
That is what I understand it to mean.
Mr. GALLEGLY. Would you be kind enough to perhaps in the near
future have your staff give us some type of a recap of how many
folks have actually been prosecuted for not
Mr. MUKASEY. For not stepping up?
Mr. GALLEGLY. For not taking that responsibility. And whether
or not we are actually pursuing it. I could give you examples in my
own district about people that are in the seven figures that bring
someone here, that within 6 months a parent or brother or whoever
they brought here is on Federal benefits getting hearing aids that
cost over $5,000, and nothing is done about it.
So, in any event, I would just like to know if in fact with all the
other things that your Department is challenged with, whether or
not this is an issue that is taken seriously.
Mr. MUKASEY. In fairness, I think this is in some part a responsibility of DHS, which has, as you know, immigration control.
Mr. GALLEGLY. Of course, when I had this discussion before, we
didnt have a DHS. But we do now.
Mr. MUKASEY. There has been a sundering of responsibility to a
certain extent here. Let me find out what part we have got, what
part they have got, and see if we can straighten it out.
Mr. GALLEGLY. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. CONYERS. Chairwoman Zoe Lofgren, Chairwoman of the Immigration Subcommittee.
Mrs. LOFGREN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

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And Mr. Attorney General, it is good to see you. I have some
questions about our policy on prosecution of immigration misdemeanor measures and how that is impacting the other prosecution priorities of the Government.
We received information a few weeks ago in a Subcommittee
hearing with the U.S. Attorneys that, in the Southwest border region, there had been a very substantial, tens of thousands of increases in misdemeanor prosecutions for immigration violations,
and a nearly 40 percent decrease in prosecution of organized crime.
To me, that seemed like not a good trade-off in terms of the standards.
So I am wondering, TRACand I know the Department doesnt
always agree with TRAChas told us that 58 percent of all prosecutions in April of this year were for immigration-related matters,
with only 13 percent for drug trafficking, and that 58 percent of all
criminal prosecutions is mostly for misdemeanor immigration
Can you address this?
Mr. MUKASEY. I can address it in this way:
Yes, we have had an increase in misdemeanor prosecutions. The
strategy across the border is a varied strategy; it is not one-sizefits-all. Part of that strategy involves prosecution, and in the districts where we found an increase in prosecution, we have also
found a decrease in infiltration, that is, a decrease in the number
of illegals coming across the border. That, to me, suggests a relationship. I dont by any means buy into the idea of a trade-off as
between immigration prosecutions and drug prosecutions.
Mrs. LOFGREN. If I can, Mr. Attorney General, the statistics we
got were from the Department, and what they told us is that there
had been an increase, a substantial increase, and it was accompanied at the same time by a tremendous decrease in organized
crime prosecutions.
I have heard from local prosecutors that DEA agents are now
turning to local police for some of their drug prosecutions; because
they cant get warrants through the U.S. Attorneys offices, it is
taking 6 months, which, for a drug prosecution, just doesnt work,
and because the U.S. Attorneys offices are so busy with prosecution of nannies and busboys, that they cant get to the court in a
timely fashion to get these warrants in the fight against these drug
cartels. That is what local prosecutors are telling me.
Can you address that?
Mr. MUKASEY. In fairness, I think it is a mistake to say that we
are not prosecuting drug dealers and we are prosecuting nannies
and busboys.
Some of the smaller drug cases are prosecuted in State and local
courts. However, we do prosecute drug cases, even low-level drug
cases, where it appears that people are bringing drugs in in relatively small amounts, are putting those together with other
amounts and essentially packaging them up for a larger shipment.
So we try to prosecute the more serious drug cases, as well as
the immigration cases, to keep the numbers down and to control
a problem that I think we all recognize, which is unlawful immigration.

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Mrs. LOFGREN. Well, I appreciate that is your philosophy. I dont
think the statistics in your Department back up that philosophy.
Let me talk to you about the Federal circuit courts, because they
have been in touch. As you know, immigration appeals are the single largest number of cases in the circuit courts. The Second and
Ninth Circuits, that is 40 percent of their overall docket, immigration appeals. The circuits have actually organized to say, you know,
we need to do something about this.
They really believe, and I think they are right, that the caseload
expansion at the circuit courts is a result of the BIA streamlining
procedures that former Attorney General Ashcroft implemented in
2002, which basically eliminated any effective, meaningful review
for immigration appeals, which just shoved it up to the circuits.
What are you doing or planning to do to relieve this burden on
the circuits?
Mr. MUKASEY. We are trying to systemize and organize the way
in which immigration appeals are handled. It is my understanding,
for example, that in the Second Circuit, which is the one that I
come from, they have organized the docket of immigration cases in
such a way that some of them are handled summarily, that is,
without argument; others not, depending on the underlying merits
of the case.
They have managed to screen and handle them that way.
Mrs. LOFGREN. If I could, I know my time has expired, this is
really an emergency for our circuits, and I am sure you are sensitive to it. The Committee that the circuits have organized has indicated to me that the answer is not with the circuits, the answer
is to look at what caused this shift to the circuits, and it is because
if you have got bad cases, they are going to be heard somewhere.
Somebody is going to be killed because their asylum appeal was erroneously denied. They are not just going to pass on that, because
it is too serious.
So if you dont have a meaningful BIA process, which we dont,
then we are going to have this bill up to the circuits, and it is overwhelming them, and it is not the appropriate format, it seems to
Mr. MUKASEY. My experience with BIA cases has been that they
are resolved on the merits in a serious way. I dont see the BIA
rubber-stamping them one way or another.
Mrs. LOFGREN. Well, that is not what the circuit courts believe.
I yield back, Mr. Chairman. Thank you.
Mr. CONYERS. Steve Chabot, formerly Ranking Member on the
Antitrust Task Force Committee of Judiciary, now ranking on the
Small Business Administration and still a Member of the Judiciary
Mr. CHABOT. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
General Mukasey, I want to follow up on some questioning back
in February regarding Delta Airlines and its announcement to
merge with Northwest Airlines.
Mergers within the airline industry are treated with a great deal
of speculation because of the impact that such a move has on consumers, particularly now with rising fuel prices, in terms of limited
flights and increased fares and, in addition, the economic toll that

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it can have on cities and regions in terms of their ability to bring
businesses and development into an area.
My question to you is, how is the Department examining the
merger and what factors are you examining and when do you expect a decision on that merger?
Mr. MUKASEY. The short answer to your question is carefully.
The Antitrust Division has been addressing that merger in particular in a very sensitive way. They have got their own economists
on staff who weigh the economic effect of the merger as against the
economic effect of having companies continue in business, neither
of which can survive alone. So what they try to do is balance one
against the other and see whether the merger promotes competition, enhances the health of the surviving entity, or the combined
entity, and serves consumers better.
Those are the elements that they consider, and they consider
them carefully. And they understand that this is an exigent matter.
They are working hard on it. I meet with them regularly. But since
it is a hard matter, they want to make sure they get it the right
the first time.
Mr. CHABOT. Thank you.
Related to the Delta merger, members of the Ohio delegation
sent a letter to you last month and to the Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust, Thomas O. Burnett, last week, expressing concerns with DHLs decision to enter into a contract with United Parcel Service. That agreement would allow UPS, one of DHLs principal competitors, to provide DHLs delivery services in North
To make a long story short, implementation of this agreement
could impact Ohioans who are employed by companies already providing these services for DHL, as well as consumers nationwide
who are purchasers of these delivery services.
Understanding the implications that this agreement has for the
State of Ohio, and in fact for the Nation, my question is, how will
the Department of Justice treat this agreement and what factors
would your office be examining to ensure that the market remains
competitive and consumers, protected?
I would assume your answer is somewhat similar to the first, but
there it is.
Mr. MUKASEY. It is very similar to the first. I think we would
consider obviously what alternatives are available to consumers to
reliance on either UPS or DHL. FedEx comes to mind, although
that is only because that is one I am familiar with. But the effect
on consumers and the economic effect of the merger is going to be
something that they consider. That includes jobs.
But the first I heard of it, I think, was yesterday when the letter
came to my attention. I have not reviewed that particular one with
the Antitrust Division, but I have no doubt that they are giving
that the kind of consideration that they are giving to the rather
larger merger which you referred to, which I have discussed with
Mr. CHABOT. Thank you very much.
Finally, on June 25, so just about a month ago, the U.S. Supreme
Court struck down a Louisiana State law authorizing the death
penalty for child rape cases. In overturning the death sentence, the

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Court examined the eighth amendment under its evolving standards of decency standard, specifically focusing on national trends
relating to the death penalty in child rape cases. The court claimed
that there is a national consensus against the death penalty for
child rape cases. In my opinion, nothing could be further from the
In fact, Congress 2 years ago authorized the death penalty for
child rapists under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. In 2007,
President Bush issued Executive Order 13447 codifying this provision in the 2008 Manual for Courts-Martial. Just yesterday, the
State of Louisiana filed a petition for rehearing in the case.
I have introduced a constitutional amendment, along with a
number of my colleaguesRick Keller, Lamar Smith, Tom Feeney
and othersthat would clearly state that the death penalty for
child rape is not cruel and unusual punishment.
I would be very pleased to hear any input you could give us on
Mr. MUKASEY. Well, first of all, the fact that that was in the Uniform Code of Military Justice is something that we missed, and I
regret that. And I take some, but frankly very little, consolation
from the fact that all nine Supreme Court Justices missed it, all
of their clerks missed it and the parties missed it. That was pointed out by somebody with a particular interest in military law, who
found it later on. That leaves us in a position of not being able to
petition independently.
The fact that Louisiana has petitioned gives us the opportunity
to join in that petition. To my knowledge, the decision about
whether to join in it or not has not yet been made, but is under
consideration. That is what I know about that.
Mr. CHABOT. Thank you very much. I would urge you to join
that, because I think it is unconscionable that those that commit
perhaps one of the most despicable acts possible, the rape of a
child, cant get the ultimate penalty because of a 5-4 vote in the
U.S. Supreme Court. I think that should be reversed as quickly as
Thank you very much.
Mr. CONYERS. The distinguished gentlelady from Texas, Chair of
the Transportation Subcommittee and Homeland Security Committee and an officer in the Congressional Black Caucus, Sheila
Jackson Lee of Houston, Texas.
Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chairman, thank you, and to the Ranking
It is an important time that we spend with you, Mr. Attorney
General, on our oversight duties. And hoping that the word that I
use does not suggest that there is no work at the Department of
Justice, but let me just say there is a certain order and calm that
you brought to the Department of Justice, and we applaud you
I dofor I hope the hard work that is going on there.
You have heard the many concerns of my colleagues, and I am
going to add to them and try to speak as quickly as I can to try
to frame the concerns that I have.
The role of the Department of Justice, I think, is the arm of justice for the Nation, and I note that the fiscal year 2000 budget on
civil rights is $123 million. It sounds like a lot, but it is less than

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$1 per American, and I believe all Americans deserve the right to
civil liberties. So let me quickly put some things on the record.
I want to express concern, and I know overlapping jurisdictions
on the random ICE raids that generated the arrest of American
citizens because their last name happened to be, in many instances, in Texas Hispanic; and I would ask for a report back from
the Department of Justice on how they are coordinating with these
ICE raids that haul in Americans under the pretense of immigration reform.
Let me quickly also suggest that we have a broken watch list
process. I want to commend an individual who is a medical doctor,
who has been trying to become a citizen since 2004, and it is now
2008, and we believe thatwell, we know that is a question of the
watch list verification.
Another individual that had a sex change is a functioning, working individual, abiding by the law, has been trying to become a citizen since 12/03, and they too are in the midst of this confusion of
the watch list.
So I would like to put into the recordMr. Chairman, I ask
unanimous consent to put into the recordGeneral Mukasey, the
letter I sent to you on July 22, 2008, to ask for an investigation
of the FBI watch list and its progress. You might want to comment
briefly, but I want to put this in the record. It specifically deals
with the likes of Congressman John Lewis, but also Drew Griffin
of CNN, who came on the watch list after an investigation.
Mr. CONYERS. Without objection, so ordered.
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Ms. JACKSON LEE. I also want to put into the record February
7, 2008, a letter dealing with the imams in the Minneapolis-St.
Paul airport, as to why these imams were removed, arrested and
detained. I understand they have a finding of discrimination; I
would like to know what the Department of Justice is doing with
Mr. Chairman, I ask unanimous consent to put that in the
Mr. CONYERS. Without objection, so ordered.
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Ms. JACKSON LEE. Let me get to where I will cease so that you
can answer these questions.
We have had a series of incidents under the criminal laws of this
Nation that have shown that we need improvement, Mr. General.
I have mentioned the oversight of the long arm of the Government
can bring about light at the end of the tunnel. The Jena Six I refer
you to, the Sean Bell case I refer you to, the recent tasering of a
Black man in Winnfield, Louisiana, and then to Harris County,
where we have found that there have been 101 deaths from January 2001 to December 2006. We just had the additional loss of a


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Ms. Saavedra, who died in the jail from an infected knee, having
begged for medical treatment and having not received it.
I want to put into the record a May 7, 2007, letter that I have
given to you previously and ask unanimous consent.
Mr. CONYERS. Without objection, so ordered.
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Ms. JACKSON LEE. A February 7, 2008, letter regarding the district attorney in Harris County, and I briefly read to you. This person is allegedly to have repeatedly sent racist and sexual e-mails
in his actions in the cases in which he prosecuted. We asked simply
for this to be reviewed on the basis of prosecutorial misconduct and
abuse, civil rights violations, and the proclivity to remove Black jurors.

We got a letter back from the Department of Justice indicating
that was not something that you would review, and I thought that
had to do with civil rights.
So I would ask, Mr. Attorney General, one, what is the amount
of money and staff and counsel that you are utilizing to help purge
out the bad apples in the Nations criminal justice system as it relates to the violation of civil rights of Americans; and, two, what
are we doing with respect to the national security investigations of
individuals who sometimes seem to be targeted because of racial,
ethnic, sexual gender or otherwise?
I would appreciate your answer.
Mr. MUKASEY. I cannot enumerate for you now a specific amount
of money being devoted to the problem that you raised. The fact is
that we devote our resources across the board to civil rights problems, and we have had a phenomenal success rate. Criminal prosecutions are up, the level of our success in appellate cases is up,
the number of voting rights cases that we have brought is up.
We bring Title VII cases to achieve the maximum amount of impact. We are doing this across-the-board.
With respect to, I think it was the Harris County jail situation
Ms. JACKSON LEE. And the district attorneys office, which your
office indicated they couldnt respond.
Mr. MUKASEY. If criminal evidence comes to hand that warrants
a prosecution of that district attorney
Ms. JACKSON LEE. Or civil rights.
Mr. MUKASEY. Or civil rightswho, by the way, is no longer in
that position; he is now an ex-DA, and it sounds like he deserves
to be a ex-DA. We will pursue that.
But with regard to the Harris County jail investigation, that is
ongoing. It is bound to be a long-term thing because it involves revisiting the facility, evaluating all of its treatment, medical care,
food, space and the like, and it is likely to take quite some period
of time. But there is an active inquiry into the conditions in Harris
County, and that is due in no small part to the fact that you are
involved in that and have offered us both advice and leads in that.
And although you have been somewhat critical, I cant do anything but say that I am grateful for the fact that you are involved
in it.
Ms. JACKSON LEE. I would just simply say, the district attorneys
office, you have articulated the history of that office. But I think
the question for the Justice Department would be pattern and
practice. I would ask respectfully, Attorney General Mukasey, that
that be looked at again, because I mentioned the elimination of minority jurors consistently, and I think that warrants a broader
look-see, because we are talking about the infrastructure of the justice system.
Mr. MUKASEY. I will get back to you with respect to that one.
Ms. JACKSON LEE. Thank you.
Mr. CONYERS. The Chair recognizes Dan Lungren, who is the
only former attorney general of a State on the Judiciary Committee, and he is senior of the three other former attorney generals
that are here.
Mr. LUNGREN. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.

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Thank you for your appearing before us, Mr. Attorney General.
Mr. Attorney General, a year-and-a-half ago the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court made a ruling in which it indicated that
new circumstances overwhelmed the FISA law and basically invited the Congress to deal with that issue. It took us a year-anda-half to do that, during which time I think we lost valuable opportunities for intelligence.
Now you have come before us to refer us to the recent Supreme
Court case dealing with unlawful enemy combatants and this new
right they have to habeas corpus, a right that had never been seen
before in the history of the United States, but, nonetheless, one
that in the evolving sense of wisdom, the U.S. Supreme Court has
In the speech you gave yesterday, or the day before, AEI
Mr. MUKASEY. The day before, I think.
Mr. LUNGREN [continuing]. You spoke at some length about this,
and in the middle of your speech you said one of the questions that
had to be answered was whether a Federal Court will be able to
order the enemy combatants detained at Guantanamo Bay be released into the United States.
You then went on to say the Supreme Court stated that a Federal trial court must be able to order at least the conditional release of a detainee who successfully challenges his detention.
But what does it mean to order the release of a foreign national
captured abroad and detained at a secure United States military
base in Cuba? Will the courts be able to order the Government to
bring detainees into the United States and release them here, rather than transferring them to another nation? And you further indicated that the court has invited the Congress to act on that.
So I wish you would go a little bit further than you did in your
opening statement about the urgency of the matter for Congress to
address this and the seriousness of the questions that you asked
here, because it seems to me those are unsettled questions, whether the courts would be able to order the Government to bring detainees to the United States and release them here. Clearly, that
has not been decided, yet I believe the Court is inviting the Congress to outline the parameters of that and, I would suggest, make
it impossible for that to happen.
Mr. MUKASEY. The Court has left that matter open, and the
factbut it has said that at the end of the day it must be open
to a decision-maker to direct release.
Now, the fact is that all of these people, every single one of them,
are aliens captured abroad in essentially battle conditions who
have absolutely no right to be here; and there is no good reason
to have a court bring somebody here for purposes of release and release them into our communities, people who could pose a significant danger. We want that particular possibility cut off. We dont
want to have to face it. We shouldnt have to face it. And if people
are brought here for hearings or are brought here as witnesses,
they can simply, by coming here, acquire rights that they did not
have abroad.
You recall that there was an extraordinary effort to keep Haitians from coming here, to keep people in the Mariel Boatlift from
coming here when they were released from Cuba, and for very good

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reason; and that is if they set foot on American soil, there are matters that are at issue that were not at issue beforehand. We dont
think they should be put at issue.
Mr. LUNGREN. You also mention in your speech the question of
whether or not American military people on the battlefield would
be subject to coming to a hearing, whether or not their testimony
would be required, the kinds of evidence keeping that would be required under normal circumstances and how that applies to the
I presume you are suggesting that Congress ought to deal with
that issue as well.
Mr. MUKASEY. I am. The Court left it open specifically and said
that this was to be approached in a practical way.
Courts dont have the ability to gather facts on their own. Congress has that ability. Courts dont have the collective expertise
that Congress has or that the executive can provide in assisting
and drafting that legislation. Courts dont have it; Congress and
the executive does. And if anyone should step into this, it is Congress with the assistance of the executive, and that is what we
hope to do.
Mr. LUNGREN. As I understand, we have over 200 people held
currently at Guantanamo. This is ongoing. In other words
Mr. MUKASEY. Down from 775.
Mr. LUNGREN. Right. But this is ongoing, requiring Congress to
act sooner rather than later.
Mr. MUKASEY. Correct.
Another thing the Supreme Court said is that this process had
to go ahead quickly, and it is going ahead quickly. And the quicker
it goes ahead, the more likely it becomes that that there may be
inconsistent results reached and situations created that could be
stopped with intelligent legislation.
Intelligent legislation can do two things: It can both speed up the
process by ensuring consistency, and it can assure that undesirable
results are avoided.
Mr. LUNGREN. I hope you havent assumed facts not in evidence,
that is that we are capable of producing intelligent legislation. I
hope that is not the case.
Mr. MUKASEY. I think they are in evidence. Congress acted very
quickly to pass the Protect America Act, it acted very quickly to
enact the authorization of military force; it acts quickly when it
puts its collective mind to it.
I dont want to sit here and preach. That is not what I am here
for. But the fact is that the capacity is here and the intelligence
is here.
Mr. LUNGREN. I appreciate that very much, and I yield back the
balance of my time.
Mr. CONYERS. The Chair recognizes the gentlelady from California, Maxine Waters, who chairs the Housing Subcommittee in
Finance and is a Member of three Subcommittees on Judiciary.
Ms. WATERS. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. I appreciate
the fact that you are always making available to us the heads of
our agencies and departments that are responsible for important
areas of Government. And I would like to thank Mr. Mukasey for
being here today.

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The Justice Department has the responsibility of enforcing civil
rights, investigating complaints of civil rights violations, the Voting
Rights Act, fair housing, Title IX enforcing discrimination complaints for those who are disabled, and, of course, AIDS discrimination is one of the areas you have responsibility for.
I would like to know, what do you know about the problem of the
discrimination complaints within your own Department? If we are
to have confidence that you can do the work that is mandated by
law, I want to know why you continue to have so many discrimination complaints, what you understand about those complaints, how
many are still pending. Have you proposed any initiative to deal
with the problem? What are you doing to recruit and outreach to
help cure the disparity?
You have 12,000 agents. Less than 5 percent of them are African
American. Does this problem cause you any embarrassment, and,
if so, what can you do about it? What are you going to do about
Mr. MUKASEY. When you refer to 12,000 agents, you mean 12,000
FBI agents?
Ms. WATERS. I have 12,000 agents serving in the FBI.
Mr. MUKASEY. That corresponds roughly to the number of FBI.
My experience has been, through direct observation, that FBI is
engaged in significant outreach and that more and more FBI
agents are being recruited from within the African American community.
Ms. WATERS. Do you have the numbers?
Mr. MUKASEY. I dont have the numbers. I can get them for you.
Ms. WATERS. I would appreciate that.
You have discrimination complaints. How many are pending
within the Department?
Mr. MUKASEY. I dont know the precise number that are pending.
There is one that I am familiar with that is in litigation that I cant
really comment on. But my sense is different from yours, i.e., that
there is not a large number of them. Let me go back and check.
I know of one case that is in litigation.
Ms. WATERS. When you talk about recruitment, could you describe your outreach and recruitment efforts?
Mr. MUKASEY. We go to universities. We go to schools. We evaluate applications on the merits. We make it well known that we are
looking for talented people.
Ms. WATERS. Do you feel you have a problem?
Mr. MUKASEY. We can always do more.
Ms. WATERS. Do you have a problem?
Mr. MUKASEY. We can always do more.
Ms. WATERS. Are you satisfied that aside from the kind of generic answer of you can always do more, that you dont have that
many complaints, they are not that serious, and you dont need to
take any special initiatives? If you can always do more, what more
are you doing? What more do you propose to do?
Mr. MUKASEY. I am never satisfied. I am not in the business of
being satisfied. I am in the business of looking for ways to recruit
talented people from all communities. We have been doing that. I
am going to get you the numbers on the FBI, and, if you have any
particular cases, I will be happy to review them.

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Ms. WATERS. No. I would like to ask our Chairman if we can
make a request from this Committee to get a list of all of the discrimination complaints and the status of those complaints so that
we can decide and I could impose upon you, Mr. Chairman, to see
if we need to do a hearing about those complaints.
Mr. MUKASEY. Discrimination complaints within the Civil Rights
Ms. WATERS. Complaints within the Department. Discrimination
complaints from agents, African American agents, or from women,
against the Department, and your discriminatory practices there in
the Department.
Mr. MUKASEY. You somewhat broadened the target. But whatever is requested, if we can provide it, we will provide it.
Mr. CONYERS. Would the gentlelady yield? Because I would be
willing to review that list when it is sent to you.
Ms. WATERS. I appreciate that. That is probably very important
that we get the actual information. Mr. Mukasey is new and he
perhaps doesnt know in depth the problem that exists.
Mr. MUKASEY. I am not taking refuge behind the fact that I am
new. I am going to take a look at it, and it may provide a subject
for discussion in a meeting that I am going to have.
Ms. WATERS. Mr. Chairman, I am being kind to provide him with
an excuse for not knowing the information that I have asked him
today. So whatever the reason is, we need that information.
I thank you, and I yield back the balance of my time.
Mr. CONYERS. Bob Goodlatte, Chairman emeritus of Agriculture
and distinguished Member of the Committee.
Mr. GOODLATTE. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you for
holding this hearing.
Attorney General Mukasey, welcome. We are very pleased to
have you here. I also want to thank you for your commitment to
protecting our elections process by aggressively prosecuting voter
fraud cases.
I wonder how your efforts are going, and do you agree it is crucial that we ensure that U.S. Citizens votes are diluted by those
unauthorized to vote, including illegal aliens?
Mr. MUKASEY. I think it is crucial that we ensure it. I think that
one way in which we have helped assure it is assuring that proper
identification is required before somebody can vote. Obviously,
when evidence presents itself that people are here unlawfully, they
are apprehended and deported.
Mr. GOODLATTE. Thank you. A recent experience under Indianas
voter ID law seems to show that such laws do not diminish voter
turnout. On the contrary, they can actually increase voter turnout.
As was recently reported, voter turnout among Democrats improved slightly last year in Indiana, despite a new law requiring
voters to show photo identification at the polls. Jeffrey D. Milyo, a
professor at the University of Missouri, compared the 2006 midterm elections, the first since Indianas law was enacted, to the
2002 midterm elections, and said voter turnout increased about 2
percentage points. He said the increase was consistent across counties with the highest percentage of Democrats.
So do you think that this increased turnout could be explained
by the fact that securing voter ID laws gives legal voters the secu-

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rity of knowing that their vote will count and that it will not be
Mr. MUKASEY. I am not technically trained, so I dont want to
speculate on the possible relationship. I think all that study shows
is that you dont cut down the number of voters simply by requiring that people have to show ID. Whether there is a cause-and-effect relationship is for people who are much more schooled in statistics and sociology than I am.
Mr. GOODLATTE. I agree. Section 642 of the Illegal Immigration
Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 bars State and
local governments from restricting their law enforcement officers
from communicating with the Department of Homeland Security
about the immigration status of individuals. Despite that law,
many sanctuary cities continue to prohibit law enforcement from
checking the immigration status of criminal aliens that they encounter.
The results can be tragic. There have been many reported cases
where the immigration status of criminal aliens was not checked
because of sanctuary policies, and they were released back into society to murder American citizens.
What steps are you taking to enforce section 642 and to stop cities from using sanctuary policies?
Mr. MUKASEY. We are trying to police unlawful aliens in this
country. We are doing our best to conduct controlled operations,
along with the Department of Homeland Security, when we find
them located in a particular place.
That said, I have said on prior occasions that I can understand
the dilemma posed when unlawful aliens essentially present an attractive victim pool for people who know that they wont file complaints. And there is a balance to be struck here, but we are certainly alive to the need for enforcement, and we engage in it actively.
Mr. GOODLATTE. That dilemma that you face could be enhanced
if you had the cooperation of communities, rather than some communities refusing to cooperate with the Department of Homeland
Security or the Justice Department in enforcing our criminal laws.
Mr. MUKASEY. Precisely.
Mr. GOODLATTE. Thank you.
Attorney General, in April of this year, you announced the allocation of additional resources for prosecuting felony and misdemeanor
immigration-related violations, such as human trafficking and drug
smuggling, with $7 million provided to hire 64 assistant U.S. Attorneys and 35 support staff assigned to the Southwest border U.S.
Attorneys offices which prosecute the majority of the countrys felony immigration cases.
For fiscal year 2009, the Department is requesting another $8.4
million to add another 50 attorneys along the border. With these
increased resources, will you be placing increased emphasis on the
prosecution of misdemeanor and felony immigration cases?
Mr. MUKASEY. We will be able to address this problem, as we
have been addressing it, in a flexible sort of way, including increased prosecution, which, as I said, has led to reduced infiltration. We have more prosecutions, less infiltration, in each of the
districts across the border.

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We dont use precisely the same approach in each of the districts
across the border. It is not one-size-fits-all, because one size doesnt
fit all. There are places where there are greater numbers, numbers
that, if fully prosecuted, would overwhelm the system, because
there simply arent enough judges, lawyers, bed space and marshals. But we try to address each problem in each district to meet
that districts needs.
Mr. GOODLATTE. Thank you. I agree with that assessment.
I think Americans are starting to see some results along the border. I think more needs to be done, and more needs to be done in
the interior of the country. But I encourage you to pursue those efforts.
Thank you again for being here today.
I yield back, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. CONYERS. Bob Wexler, Florida, Member of the Intellectual
Property Subcommittee.
Mr. WEXLER. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you, Mr. Attorney General, for appearing before us. I am
hopeful that you, Mr. Attorney General, can somehow explain to
this Committee and to the American people how this Administration effectively nullified the constitutional power of Congress to investigate actions of the executive branch and how this Administration has effectively rendered meaningless our power to seek and
subpoena executive branch witnesses. Unfortunately, your actions,
thus far, have enabled this President to assert this unprecedented
abuse of executive privilege claims and the outright refusal of Administration officials to come before Congress.
I would like to specifically discuss with you the interview Vice
President Cheney held with the FBI regarding the CIA leak investigation. In a demonstration of just how far you have stretched the
definition of executive privilege, you declared that those FBI interviews were internal White House deliberations and, thus, exempt
from congressional oversight.
These FBI interviews would seem to be nothing of the sort, and
they would seem to have zero relation to any official White House
business or Federal policy. These are transcripts of FBI investigators interviewing Vice President Cheney, nothing more, nothing
So my question, respectfully, Mr. Attorney General, is, does your
Justice Department consider all FBI investigators to be part of the
White House, and by your logic, is there any way, any conceivable
way, that the White House could in fact be investigated without
triggering executive privilege?
Mr. MUKASEY. Let me explain the problem as follows:
The FBI 302s that you referred towhich, by the way are not
transcripts, they are reports by FBI agents on their conversations
with particular peoplethe 302s that you referred to were on conversations with the Vice President. Those conversations concerned
conversations that he had internally with respect to matters that
were at the heart of the notion of executive privilege, i.e. conversations relating to whether the President was accurate or inaccurate
in his comments in his State of the Union and related matters.
That was the subject of those 302s.

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The fact that those conversations happened to be recorded in
302s doesnt change the protection afforded to them. That is our
view. And I think that principle is not my invention. It is nicely
illustrated in a pair of cases involving the Nixon tapes, where an
objection based on executive privilege was sustained in response to
a congressional subpoena, whereas an objection based on executive
privilege was not sustained in response to a demand for a subpoena
by a prosecutor.
Those two cases could not stand side-by-side were it not for there
being that distinction.
Mr. WEXLER. Are you asserting that the FBI did not inquire with
the Vice President with respect to his role in the outing of a covert
CIA agent?
Mr. MUKASEY. I am not going to disclose the substance of the
FBIs inquiries beyond saying the substance of those inquiries involved core executive privilege concerns, which the President invoked.
Mr. WEXLER. If the Vice President of the United States did in
fact participate in the outing of a covert CIA agent, is it your position that that involves the core actions of the Vice President?
Mr. MUKASEY. I should point out that your question embodies a
counter-factual assumption, because the prosecutor in that case
closed that case by saying that no further investigation was necessary.
Mr. WEXLER. What is your definition of internal White House
deliberations? What qualifies?
Mr. MUKASEY. What qualifies? You mean what qualifies for executive privilege? Deliberations between the President and those immediately around him and the gathering of information by him for
the purpose of making decisions.
Mr. WEXLER. So a discussion with the Vice President with FBI
agents under that definition would only qualify to the extent he is
talking about conversations that the President had; is that correct?
Mr. MUKASEY. Conversations that were had within the executive
generally for the purpose of advising the President.
Mr. WEXLER. But clearly, you tell me otherwise, whether or not
the Vice President participated in a scheme to out a CIA agent,
would that be covered by executive privilege?
Mr. MUKASEY. The Vice Presidents participation, yes or no, was
the subject of inquiry by a prosecutor.
Mr. WEXLER. I understand that. But does it qualify for executive
Mr. MUKASEY. In the abstract, no.
Mr. WEXLER. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. My time has expired.
Mr. CONYERS. The Chair recognizes Rick Keller, who serves on
three Subcommittees on Judiciary. The gentleman from Florida is
Mr. KELLER. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you, Attorney
General Mukasey, for being here today. We very much appreciate
it. I am going to ask you about two subject areas.
First, I want to ask you about the media shield issues, and second, touch on violent crime. With respect to the media shield issue,
I have read your testimony today. I know that you and the Bush

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administration have expressed concerns about the media shield
I have worked very closely with the authors of this legislation to
come up with fair compromise language that helped to win overwhelming bipartisan support on this Judiciary Committee and in
the full House. Since the sensible exceptions that we have come up
with, such as not allowing reporters to withhold information that
could prevent crime, terrorism, or harm national security, hasnt
been enough to satisfy the Bush administration to support the
media shield bill, I am curious myself about what it would take to
have a bill that would be acceptable.
So my question to you is, is there any version of the Federal
media shield bill that you would find acceptable enough to recommend to President Bush that he would not veto it?
Mr. MUKASEY. With great respect, there is nothing that I have
seen in the media shield bill, as presented, that would allow for the
sufficient protection of classified information, for the sufficient protection of the security of this country. In my view, the media shield
bill, in the large, is a solution in search of a problem.
We have a procedure in place for the protection of subpoenas
against reporters. The United States attorneys are not free simply
to do that without the permission of the Attorney General. We have
had less than two dozen cases in which such subpoenas have
issued since 1993.
Mr. KELLER. Well, Mr. Attorney General, I would submit to you
that there is language in there that specifically deals with the leaking of classified national security information.
Mr. MUKASEY. There is in fact a higher standard for prosecuting
a leak case than there is for any other case in that statute, and
it would provide not protection for reporters, it would provide protection for leakers.
Mr. KELLER. Right. Well, were you aware that the Ranking
Members of the Intelligence Committee, along with the Chairman
of the Intelligence Committee, Republicans and Democrats, along
with the leaders, Republicans and Democrats, of the Armed Services Committee, felt that that language dealing with the national
security protections was sufficient enough that it justified them
voting for it?
Mr. MUKASEY. I dont know what they felt or didnt feel. I know
what is in the bill. And what is in the bill, for example, requires
a showing that classified information was properly classified and
that the person who leaked it had authorized possession of it.
If somebody wants to leak classified information, it is childs play
for that person to take that information, give it to somebody who
is not authorized to leak it, and then the investigation ends.
Mr. KELLER. All right, lets focus on what we can agree on, because I dont want to quarrel with you, but I am trying to resolve
this issue.
Mr. MUKASEY. That is what is in the bill.
Mr. KELLER. We can agree that 398 House Members voted for it.
I think we can agree that both Senator Obama and Senator
McCain said they would sign the bill, and I think we can agree
that one of those two men is going to be the next President of the
United States.

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So you agree with all three of those facts?
Mr. MUKASEY. I would agree with all of those facts, and I would
also agree that 10 angels swearing on Bibles that that bill was
harmless would not change the provisions that are in it.
Mr. KELLER. So back to my original question.
You have got less than 6 months on the clock here until the end
of the Bush administration. Will you commit today to sitting down
with our congressional leaders to try to fashion a compromise relating to these national security issues that would ultimately result
in your being able to recommend that the President sign the bill?
Or in the alternative, is there no bill that you would recommend
being signed?
Mr. MUKASEY. I am in the same position as a Socialist candidate
for President named Eugene Debs, who said, I will talk to anybody
who will talk to me.
I will sit down with anybody who wants to sit down and have a
serious conversation about what can be done and what cant be
done, but first we need to talk about what is there. And what is
there is not acceptable for the reasons I have started to explain,
and I would be happy to continue to explain.
Mr. KELLER. If there is language that is acceptable to you that
provides the protections for national security, would you then be
able to be in a position to recommend it?
Mr. MUKASEY. If anybody can come up with language that is acceptable, that protects national security, that allows us to get information when there is serious indication of an impending crime,
then yes.
Mr. KELLER. Okay. My time is about to expire on the violent
crime issue, so let me just make a statement and give you a chance
to respond.
On the positive front, Attorney General Mukasey, I have seen
very good results in my area of Orlando, Florida, arising out of the
ATF Violent Crime Impact Team, and I have seen very positive results as a result of 774 cops added to the streets of central Florida
through the COPS program.
Can you give me your thoughts, as we wrap up, on the ATF Violent Crime Impact Teams and the COPS program?
Mr. MUKASEY. The VCITs, the Violent Crime Impact Teams, are
part of, but not the entirety of the antigang strategy that we have
pursued. ATF has been superb in handling, I think, more gun cases
than we have ever handled before. They are part, but not the entirety of, the strategy.
We try to do targeted grants using not only our own capabilities,
but targeted grants at State and local entities that can work with
us, so as to maximize the resources that we can bring to bear.
Mr. KELLER. And the COPS program, any thoughts?
Mr. MUKASEY. The COPS program is one of many programs that
can be worthwhile, but was never meant to be perpetual. The point
was to get police on the streets, have them effective, and then encourage State and local communities, as many of them have, to
step forward and fund the increased forces that they have which
are effective.

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Mr. KELLER. Thank you. I wish I had more time to follow that
last one up, but my time has expired. I thank you for being here,
Attorney General Mukasey.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. CONYERS. Linda Sanchez, Chair of Administrative Law and
Commerce, and a Member of the Immigration Committee, from
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you, Mr. Attorney General, for being here today. There are a number of different areas of questioning that I have, and I am going to try to
get through them as quickly as I can.
First off, in response to questioning before the Senate Judiciary
Committee on July 9, about the allegations of selective prosecution
of Alabama Governor Don Siegelman, you stated that there are
and I am quoting you herevarious avenues open for exploring
those allegations, including having testimony on the subject.
Given your assertion about the ability of Congress to investigate
the Siegelman matter through testimony, I am wondering, do you
support Karl Roves decision to ignore a congressional subpoena on
July 10th and refusal to testify about his role in the Siegelman
matter and other matters regarding the politicization of the Justice
Mr. MUKASEY. As I understand it, Mr. Rove acted at the request
of the President in response to an invocation of executive privilege.
He has offered to meet with staff. He has offered to discuss the
Ms. SA NCHEZ. But he has not offered to be under oath or be subject to transcript. And my understanding from prior court lawand
I would expect an Attorney General to know this, as wellif the
White House wishes to invoke a claim of executive privilege, the
witness still has to present themselves before Congress and claim
that privilege on a question-by-question basis.
Mr. MUKASEY. With all due respect, I think that is a matter that
is currently being litigated on which I cant comment any further.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. But prior case law has held that that is the case.
Mr. MUKASEY. I dont know that. I know that that is a matter
that is under active litigation, and is I believe sub judice before a
judge in the District of
Ms. SA NCHEZ. So you agree that Karl Rove can disregard a congressional subpoena if we wish to
Mr. MUKASEY. What I am saying is, the question of whether an
immediate adviser to the President has to appear at all when a
proper claim has been made of executive privilege is a matter that
I believe is actively before a district judge; and I shouldnt comment
any further on that, and I wont.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. I think if you brush up on your case law, you will
find that prior case law holds that not to be the case. And if we
are talking about conversations that Mr. Rove had with others in
the U.S. Attorneys office in Alabama, for example, in the
Siegelman matter, not conversations with the President himself, I
have a hard time seeing exactly how the claim of executive privilege can be asserted if it wasnt advice that was given to the President or direct conversations with the President.
But apparently we disagree on that matter.

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On the issue of nonprosecution and deferred prosecution agreements, out of the 40 known corporate monitors that have been appointed in deferred or nonprosecution agreements since 2000, at
least 30 were Government officials and 23 were former prosecutors.
Mr. MUKASEY. Were Government officials at the time they were
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Previous Government officials, and 23 were former
prosecutors. As I am sure you are aware, New Jersey U.S. Attorney
General Chris Christie gave a multimillion-dollar, no-bid contract,
monitoring contract, to John Ashcroft, who was his former superior.
I am wondering if you believe that all qualified individuals
should have the opportunity to serve as a corporate monitor in an
open and competitive bidding process. Or do you favor the selection
of corporate monitors with no transparency and no accountability?
Mr. MUKASEY. With all due respect, we enacted or put into place
in March of 2008, after consultation with the United States attorneys, a set of guidelines relating to the appointment of corporate
monitors that assures precisely the transparency that I think you
advocated, and it goes from the start of the process to the conclusion of the process.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. My understanding is those guidelines were issued
on the eve before a hearing that we were holding on that very
issue. I think that there was probably a strategic reason for trying
to get them done before the hearing.
Mr. MUKASEY. Oh, gosh, I was unaware of the hearing. With all
due respect
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Furthermore, the guidelines have been criticized
for lacking sufficient detail to really be of any significant use either
to Federal prosecutors or to the corporations that were
Mr. MUKASEY. Why dont we await the experience that we have
using the guidelines and find out whether they work?
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Well, so far, we have not seen any instance of an
open and fair and transparent process by which monitors are selected. It seems to be pretty much at the discretion of one person
within the Department of Justice.
Mr. MUKASEY. It is not.
What happens is what is required under the guidelines with regard to when you get to the point of selection
Ms. SA NCHEZ. These are the new guidelines that just got enacted
and got released.
Mr. MUKASEY. The new guidelines, correct.
There is a panel of at least three people from whom the selection
is made. That person has to be approved by the Deputy Attorney
General, which assures uniformity; and the money that comes to
fund somebody who serves in that position is paid not by the public, but by the corporation.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. We understand. But there are still questions to
whom that monitor owes a duty: Is it to the Government? Is it to
the people? Is it to the corporate monitor? That has not been
spelled out in those guidelines, unless something has been revised
since March.
Mr. MUKASEY. That monitor owes a duty to the duty that he undertakes to act in a fair, open and transparent way.

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The fact is that the Government people, ex-Government people,
you mentioned put their reputations for fairness on the line every
time they agree to do that.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. And they also are paid oftentimes very lucratively.
I would just say this because my time has expired. We would love
to get additional information regarding the use of non-prosecution
and deferred prosecution agreements. We will look forward to that
because so far we have not received all of the information that we
have requested regarding those agreements, and we have written
to you on several occasions to ask you to provide that information.
So if you are saying here today that we should evaluate the cases
where it is used and see whether the guidelines are working or not,
we can only do that if we receive the information from your office.
With that, I will yield back the balance of my time.
Mr. CONYERS. The Judiciary Committee will stand in recess for
8 minutes.
Mr. CONYERS. The Committee will come to order. The Chair recognizes the distinguished gentleman from California, Darrell Issa,
who serves on the Intellectual Property Committee, the Constitution Committee, and the Task Force on Antitrust.
Mr. ISSA. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and it is an honor to serve
on those Committees with you.
General, a couple of things, and before I get back to, if you will,
this whole question of media, I would like to do just a couple of
questions on executive privilege. Earlier Ms. Sanchez was asking
about Karl Roves failure to appear based on an assertion by the
President of executive privilege. What useful purpose would it
serve if he came here when the questions are likely to be specifically related to items he is prohibited from telling us? Other than
to be a dog and pony show, can you name us a useful reason to
have Karl Rove here?
Mr. MUKASEY. Congressman Issa, I dont want to get in the middle of a controversy as to what good would or wouldnt be served.
I know that the Presidents immediate advisers are subject to his
claims of privilege, and notwithstanding their own desire or ability
to discuss issues, if they are told they ought not to get into matters
that relate to their conversations with him or his ability to gather
information, they cant.
Mr. ISSA. General, in your past experience, if you want to get to
the truth, dont you usually try to get a written statement, sworn
or unsworn, through requests for production? Isnt that a generally
more effective way to do it and isnt that what you would normally
recommend for the efficiency of any body, that they try to get the
answers in writing rather than schedule people if the questions are
known and the answers are unknown?
Mr. MUKASEY. I guess, again, I dont want to get in the middle
of an intramural dispute here. There are various ways of gathering
information, people use written interrogatories, they use live testimony. I am not demeaning the value of live testimony. There are
many ways, as you point out.
Mr. ISSA. General, I didnt plan on asking these questions but
since Ms. Sanchez did I thought I would try to make the record as
complete as possible today because of your presence here.

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Mr. Chairman, I would like to ask unanimous consent to enter
in the Record at this time a letter from Ranking Member Lamar
Smith asking Mr. Luskin, who represents Karl Rove, whether or
not he would answer some very specific questions related to the
prosecution of Governor Donald Siegelman and then the accompanying answers in detail from Patton Boggs. Perhaps that would
enlighten us, at least until we can get further answers from some
other source.
Mr. CONYERS. Without objection, so ordered.
[The information referred to follows:]

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Mr. ISSA. Thank you. Having dispensed with at least questions

and answers that do not assert executive privilege, General, you
were unable to fully answer questions related to the current relationship of media leaks and how they affect national security earlier. I would like to give you an opportunity to do it, but I would
like you to do it, if you would, also by commenting in your opinion
both before and after you were the AG what the effects of organiza-

tions like the New York Times, and so on, leaking the most sensitive information have been as to the ability of us to conduct the
war on terror and as to potential prosecutions.
So I want you to fully answer how you feel we would, because
you are saying to us show me a bill that I would sign, I am saying
to you I fully agree that the leaks of classified information serving
no purpose other than to take the most sequestered information, in
some cases information that even some Members of the Intelligence
Committee havent received, and divulge them, has hurt this country. But I would like you to go from that and, if you will, tell us
what we need to do in order to stop that while respecting the legitimate use of the press.
Mr. MUKASEY. I think, without going into detail or starting to
criticize individual newspapers
Mr. ISSA. I am not restrained from saying Eric Liplaw and the
other people who leak national secrets, but I understand that you
Mr. MUKASEY. They ultimately get even by writing your obituary, so you have to be very careful.
Mr. ISSA. I am from a family of long livers.
Mr. MUKASEY. But when a statute and an obligation to disclose
by the Government that electronic eavesdropping is going on can
be tripped even without an attempt to get at confidential information such as where somebody who is under legitimate FISA surveillance or under title III surveillance makes a call to a reporter and
that triggers an obligation to notify the reporter that he or she has
been overheard on a wiretap and then stops the Government from
using the fruits of that wiretap, that statute is seriously misconceived.
I dont think that was the intention of the people who drafted the
statute, but the law of unintended consequences operates just as
much as the law of intended consequences, and sometimes in a lot
more deadly fashion. That is one of many fashions in which it could
operate under this bill.
In addition, there are numerous crimes that are not included
within the list of crimes that are subject to the exception for being
able to get at sources. For example, child abuse is not one of the
crimes that are listed, so that somebody could do an interview with
a child abuser and be able to claim privilege.
Finally, there is no way to compel a reporter, even when a balance is struck as between the public interest in disclosure against
the interests in keeping information private, which is apples and
oranges put before somebody who has no other standard, there is
no way ultimately to compel a reporter to disclose. A reporter is
just as free as he or she is now to say I am not going to disclose,
I would rather take a contempt citation.
There is no requirement, for example, that the information be
put in the custody of the court and the matter then adjudicated
with the information to be disclosed thereafter. The reporter retains the information. They are just as free as they are now to disclose it.
It also creates a possible lack of uniformity, given the fact that
this is a jump ball for however hundreds of many judges there are.
Under current standards, uniformity is achieved by having these

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matters go up through the Justice Department and having them
decided in a uniform way. As I said, it is a solution in search of
a problem.
Mr. ISSA. Thank you.
Mr. MUKASEY. As currently drawn.
Mr. ISSA. Thank you. Hopefully that gives you a little more time
to speak.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. CONYERS. Bill Delahunt, Chair of the Oversight Subcommittee of Foreign Affairs and a Member of three Subcommittees on Judiciary.
Mr. DELAHUNT. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. MUKASEY. Good afternoon.
Mr. DELAHUNT. Good afternoon, General. Earlier you discussed
the issue of Guantanamo and used the word urgency to deal with
the issues. I presume that sense of urgency also goes to the 45 detainees who are currently at Guantanamo who have been cleared
for release by the Department of Defense.
Mr. MUKASEY. You are talking about the Uighurs?
Mr. DELAHUNT. I am talking about 45, including the Uighurs, detainees who the Department of Defense has cleared for release who
are still being detained at Guantanamo.
Mr. MUKASEY. If there are in fact 45.
Mr. DELAHUNT. Let me suggest that 45 list was given to Judge
Hogan on this past Monday.
Mr. MUKASEY. I have no doubt that it is accurate. The fact remains that we are not allowed to release people unless we can find
countries that are willing to take them with the assurance that
they will not be abused when they get to those countries. And the
State Department has been making heroic efforts at placing people,
and it has been thus far fairly successful. The list has been sweated down from 775 to something in the neighborhood of 260.
Mr. DELAHUNT. There are 270-plus detainees currently at Guantanamo.
Mr. MUKASEY. I think there are slightly fewer than that. In any
Mr. DELAHUNT. But we find ourselves in a position as a Nation
where we are detaining at least 45 individuals who have been
cleared for release. You indicated that you would object to having
those individuals or any individual repatriated to the United
Mr. DELAHUNT. Okay. Let me again go to the issue
Mr. MUKASEY. Because the reasons why they have been cleared
for release did not necessarily go to what havoc they could cause
if they came here. They go through a whole lot of things.
Mr. DELAHUNT. Other countries where they can create havoc?
Mr. MUKASEY. No. Other countries where they could not.
Mr. DELAHUNT. Could not create havoc. That havoc will be limited by geographical boundaries.
Mr. MUKASEY. It doesnt necessarily mean those people who were
picked up by mistake or that they have been ceased to be dangerous at all.

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Mr. DELAHUNT. The Department of Defense is willing to release
them if they are still dangerous?
Mr. MUKASEY. The Department of Defense is willing to release
them under controlled conditions if they can be put in places where
they wont cause us additional harm. The Department of Defense
has leaned over backward, and in some cases we have all lived, and
a couple of us have died, to regret it.
Mr. DELAHUNT. With all due respect, these 45, I dare say, if we
should release them and they are still dangerous, we are doing a
disservice to those of our allies that would be willing to accept
them. But having said that, I want to get to the issue of assurances.
Earlier, you and Congressman Watt had a colloquy about a case
involving the Director, the FBI Director, in which you didnt have
any particular knowledge. Just yesterday we received a letter that
I had authored, along with the Chair, Mr. Conyers, and Mr. Nadler, regarding the case of Maher Arar. You responded that you did
not believe that it warranted the appointment of a special prosecutor.
Mr. MUKASEY. I think you left out a phrase.
Mr. DELAHUNT. Well, give me the phrase I left out.
Mr. MUKASEY. At this time.
Mr. DELAHUNT. At this time. Thank you then. Because we have
inspector generals that have stated that in their opinion the assurances were of such a dubious nature that one of them, Mr. Irwin,
interpreted it to be that there could have been, and I am not suggesting that is the case factually, but there could have been an intent, and these are his words, an intent to render to Syria rather
than Canada because there was a knowledge or a likelihood of torture. If that doesnt trigger, in my judgment, the need for a special
prosecutor, I cant imagine what would.
Having said that, and having looked at your letter, are you prepared after your review, pursuant to our letter, that there was sufficient assurances from Syria that warranted the sending or the
rendition of Mr. Arar to Syria as opposed to Canada?
Mr. MUKASEY. I am not certain I understand the question. I am
really not. You say are you prepared, assuming that I believe there
was sufficient assurances, am I prepared to do what?
Mr. DELAHUNT. Are you prepared to say that there were sufficient assurances on the part of individuals in the Government that
emanated from Syria to meet the standards of the Convention
Against Torture and our own domestic legislation to render Mr.
Arar to Syria rather than his stated preference, which was Canada?
Mr. MUKASEY. So far as I am aware, there was a classified briefing available to the authors of that letter as to what assurances
were received. There cant be any change in the nature of what assurances were received. Things happen one way. Either assurances
were received or not, and they were received in a particular way
or not. But there was, I believe, a classified briefing to all three,
or available to all three authors of that letter.
Mr. DELAHUNT. Well, it was available. I did not attend the classified briefing because I didnt want to be in a position to inadvertently discuss it in a public venue. But I presume that assurances

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that would be relied on by the United States Government would be
of such a nature that they would come from high ranking officials
in the United States Government, particularly from a nation that
has been described by the President as a practitioner of torture.
Mr. MUKASEY. They were provided. I dont want to get into classified information either. And so I wont. Assurances were received
by the United States Government. That is all I am prepared to say
in this setting.
Mr. DELAHUNT. Mr. Attorney General.
Mr. MUKASEY. I also find it somewhat unlikely that somebody
would hope to get anything out of anything that went on in Syria,
given the history that you pointed out. So the likelihoods kind of
point the other way.
Mr. DELAHUNT. Well, let me express my gratitude for you making that statement. I am still trying to figure out why Mr. Arar
was sent to Syria.
Mr. MUKASEY. He was a joint Canadian-Syrian national. Sending
him to Canada could have posed a danger to this country. Sending
him to Syria was safer, provided we got the assurances, and it is
my understanding that we did.
Mr. CONYERS. The Chair recognizes the distinguished gentleman
from Indiana, Mike Pence, who serves on the Intellectual Property
and the Constitution Subcommittees.
Mr. PENCE. Thank you, Chairman, and Mr. Attorney General,
welcome to the Judiciary Committee. Let me take the opportunity
to thank you for your exceptional leadership on the recent bipartisan compromise on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. You
played an instrumental role in achieving a legislative accomplishment that I believe contributes greatly to our national security.
As you might suspect, since we have debated it in one of the
largest newspapers, I want to focus my attention on an issue on
which we disagree, H.R. 2102, the Free Flow of Information Act.
You have commented about it earlier, and I want to take the opportunity to raise some issues and pursue a line of questioning, but
I do so with great respect.
This legislation was introduced about 3 years ago by myself and
my Democrat colleague, Congressman Rick Boucher. You have
made your opposition very clear in this testimony today and in
your public statements.
Your written testimony says that the bill would endanger national security by making it nearly impossible for us to investigate
leaks of even the most sensitive national security information. I
am very aware of that. That kind of a strong pronouncement may
be somewhat jarring to a Committee that very strongly endorsed
this legislation and to a Congress that voted 398-21 on October 16,
2007, to endorse this bill.
I want to point out for the record to the Attorney General that
this was supported by the Republican and the Democratic leadership. It was also supported by the Ranking Members of the Intelligence Committee and the Armed Services Committee and the
Chairmen of those Committees. I think it was supported precisely
because we did endeavor to deal thoughtfully and carefully with
precisely the issue that seems to be the focal point of your objection; namely, concerns about national security.

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As you are aware, in the legislation in the House version of the
bill we only provided a qualified privilege for journalists and made
national security the leading reason for which the shield could be
pierced. Our legislation permits compelled disclosure to prevent or
identify the perpetrator of an act of terrorism against the United
States and prevent significant and specified harm to national security.
And you made reference to a child abuse exception not being included in the bill. I would think that would be probably included
by inference in the bodily harm exception in our bill, but I know
the Senate includes child abuse in their legislation, and I am open
to it.
It also allows compelled disclosure of sources in cases that involve the authorized disclosure of properly classified information
that caused or will cause significant or articulable harm to national
I think the inclusion of that very careful structure that does at
a point call upon our judicial branch to exercise discretion, balancing our interest in national security with our interest in preserving the liberties upon which this Nation was founded, seems to
be a focal point of your concern.
But I want to begin by assuring you, General, that as the Congress tried to fulfill its role in addressing both our national security, as well as preserving what we are trying to secure, that we
did so in a way that made national security interests truly paramount, which of course comes to no surprise Congress would act in
this case.
As you know much better than I, being an authority in the law,
in 1972, the Branzburg case, Justice White virtually invited Congress to develop a Federal media shield statute, saying that Congress had the freedom to determine whether a statutory newsmans privilege is necessary and desirable and to fashion standards
and rule as narrow and broad as deemed necessary.
I guess my question would be, with a little latitude from the
Chairman to give you a chance to respond, is you made the comment today that 10 angels swearing on bibles wouldnt change your
Mr. MUKASEY. That is not what I said. I said wouldnt change
what is in the bill.
Mr. PENCE. Wouldnt change what is in the bill. Let me say if
10 angels swearing on bibles wouldnt change your view of this bill,
would 40 American journalists subpoenaed, questioned or held in
contempt do it?
I mean you said this is a problem or a solution in search of a
problem. The Justice Department has argued that it has only approved 19 source-related subpoenas since 1991. However, the number does not include the number of subpoenas issued for non-source
information. Also, since 2001, at least 19 additional journalists
have been subpoenaed by both Federal and special prosecutors, and
you yourself know the Department of Justice guidelines do not
apply to civil litigants or special prosecutors.
I would say this is not a solution in search a problem, this is a
constitutional statutory response to a rising erosion of our first
amendment freedom of the press.

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Let me make one last point, if I may, at the Chairmans indulgence. I must express some disappointment at the fact that I in my
3 years as a working legislator on this issue, and most of that time
you were not in your present role so I dont direct this to you, as
you speak about the need for language, I dont believe the Justice
Department has offered any language to this Committee relative to
what would be an acceptable version of a Federal media shield
My question would be, recognizing that, as you said in your testimony, the Administration has a constitutional responsibility to
safeguard classified information, and I know you recognize the Administration also has a constitutional responsibility to protect the
Constitution and the first amendment freedom of the press, can we
anticipate, as the Senate may well be taking this bill up in the
coming days, may we anticipate a more constructive engagement
from the Justice Department in fashioning this legislation in a way
that meets both the interests of our liberty and our security, or
should we continue to anticipate as legislators what I would characterize as the strident opposition of the Justice Department to creating the statutory newsmans privilege that the Supreme Court
acknowledged could be created 36 years ago?
Mr. MUKASEY. I guess I am going to ask for both latitude and
longitude from the Chair. Say a minute or minute and a half to respond to the 6 minutes or so that I just heard.
First, three points. First of all, I am not questioning anybodys
good faith in the drafting of this legislation, Congressmen or anybody else, but I think it is possible to have a disagreement in good
Mr. PENCE. So do I.
Mr. MUKASEY. Lets focus on two of the points that you just mentioned. One, which was a showing that the information was properly classified. That raises a host of problems. We are talking about
procedurally, substantively. Does that require the Government to
come in and disclose yet more classified information to show that
the classified information was properly classified.
A closely related problem is the showing that the danger exceeds
the value of disclosure. Passing for a minute the fact that that is
a complete imponderable, totally imponderable, that would require
the Government to come in and basically make a bad problem
worse by articulating precisely how threatened disclosure could
cause yet more harm. I dont think that is a solution.
Now, as I said, I am willing to talk to anybody who will talk to
me, but we have in place a system that closely restricts the ability
to subpoena reporters and the ability to subpoena source information. I think that system has proved adequate. I am willing to talk
to anybody who thinks it hasnt. But what I am not willing to do
is to take steps that will essentially do more to protect leakers than
it does to protect journalists.
Mr. PENCE. Thank you, General. I thank the Chairman for his
Mr. CONYERS. The Chair recognizes Steve Cohen of Tennessee,
who serves on the Commercial and Administrative Law Subcommittee, as well as Intellectual Property.

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Mr. COHEN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. General, I appreciate
your taking this position and improving the image of the Justice
Department in the Nations eyes. I appreciate your looking into the
issue we talked about during the break with the football stadium
in Memphis.
Mr. MUKASEY. Which I will.
Mr. COHEN. Thank you. The University of Michigan has, I think,
about the same number of seats we do, but they have 100,000 thousand people per game and we have 25,000. That is somehow to be
factored in.
Mr. MUKASEY. Sorry to see there is less interest in your team
than the University of Michigan.
Mr. COHEN. We have emphasized academics more, I guess.
Mr. CONYERS. The gentlemans words will be taken down.
Mr. COHEN. Yes, please.
Paul Minor, an attorney from Mississippi, is in prison now, and
we have discussed his case. There is some thought that he might
have beenpolitics might have influenced his prosecution. Without
getting into the bases of the facts, and I know there have been allegations of prosecutions in other cases, Mr. Minor has an appeal,
which I think the Office of Professional Responsibility is looking
into. But at the present time he is seeking a release, temporary release pending his appeal because his wife is dying of cancer and
she may be, I believe, in her final months.
I would just like to ask you for an assurance that you will personally review the matter and make sure that within the parameters that are possible you could take into consideration the facts
that led to his conviction and the particular situation with his wife.
Mr. MUKASEY. Well, if OPR is conducting an inquiry, and I believe they are, then I think I will await, and have to await, I
should await the outcome of that because I may be called to act in
response to it. So far as the other situation, as I understand it, and
I dont know precisely, I know the BOP has the humane release
program that relates to the illnesses of prisoners. I dont know
whether they have a humane release program that relates to relatives of prisoners or how close he is to the release date. I can try
to make inquiry as to what the precise situation is.
Mr. COHEN. Thank you. I think he is nowhere near the release
date, and I think possibly a review of the policies because if somebodys spouse is dying
Mr. MUKASEY. There have been situations in which people have
been taken from custody for visitation and so on. I dont want to
get too far ahead of the curve, but I have encountered that as a
district judge. Let me find out what the policy is.
Mr. COHEN. Thank you, sir.
You mention in your testimony that violent crime remains near
historic lows in the United States. That is the quote. Am I reading
Mr. MUKASEY. There have been spikes in certain areas, I recognize that. Violent crime is down something like 1.6 percent, which
sounds like a modest number, but that is a lot of people who
havent been victims.
Mr. COHEN. That cant be historic lows. Crime is really pretty
high right now.

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Mr. MUKASEY. I am not familiar with crime statistics from the
founding of the republic to today. I believe that that was something
of a metaphor. It is low by current standards. That is not to say
that it is tolerable.
Mr. COHEN. My City of Memphis has a high crime problem and
violent crime is high there and people would not ever think it is
not. You have programs that are excellent concerning Project Safe
Neighborhood, and you mention you will be offering regional training throughout the United States. What is the process by which the
City of Memphis, Tennessee, and the Ninth Congressional District
could participate in one of those regional opportunities?
Mr. MUKASEY. Localities essentially compete based on a showing
of need and showing of their ability to use the resources along with
Federal authorities. I know there is a tenth site program relating
to gangs, and if I can find it in my notes, I can find out whether
Memphis is one of those locations
Mr. COHEN. I dont think it is, from your notes. If it is possible
you can consider Memphis, we certainly need the help, and if I
could push it along I would be happy to.
You mentioned on Mr. Wexlers question about the Vice President, you said in the abstract, No, he would not have executive
privilege extended to him. Can you go a little further with that?
Mr. Addington was here and said that Vice President Cheney was
not either the executive or legislative, he was basically a barnacle
attached to the legislative branch. Why do you see him floating and
why would he notdoes he have executive privilege?
Mr. MUKASEY. It is my own belief that the Vice President is a
member of the executive branch. I know that there has been a discussion about where his office is located and lots of sort of abstract
debate about that. The Vice President is obviously one of the closest advisers to the President and he is a close adviser to the President within the executive branch. That, in my view, is where he
Mr. CONYERS. The gentlemans time has expired.
Mr. MUKASEY. Abstract theory of whether there is or isnt a barnacle status.
Mr. COHEN. In the tradition of Congress, since my time has expired, I will yield the remainder of my time.
Mr. CONYERS. The Chair recognizes Randy Forbes of Virginia,
former Ranking Member of the Crime Subcommittee, now on Immigration and the Crime Subcommittee.
Mr. FORBES. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Attorney General,
thank you so much for being here. I want to compliment you today
for handling such a host of issues. I just kind of jotted them down
today. Today they have tested you on oil speculators, mortgage
lenders, terrorists, spies, illegal immigration, espionage, airline
mergers, torture, and you have done just a remarkable job of trying
to marshal all that.
I also know that you have a lot on your plate in terms of having
to deal with all these issues around the country, and from time to
time you have to allocate your resources. One of the issues that
came up today was gangs. We have got about 850,000 criminal
gang members, depending on what statistic you look at, across the
country. Obviously we have to allocate resources, especially from

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the Federal level, in dealing with gang violence. One of the particular tickups probably in crime today might be gangs if we had
any that we are looking at.
The statistics we have had come before our Committee so far is
that if we looked at the most violent criminal gang in the country
today, it probably would still be MS-13. Is that a fair assessment?
Mr. MUKASEY. They are pretty close. Part of the problem is that
they seem to be in it, oddly, for the violence, not entirely for the
Mr. FORBES. One of the things that has been bad is not only have
they done the violent acts, but they tend to give a copycat to so
many other gangs to try to catch up to them. The other statistic
we have had on MS-13, for example, has been that, with testimony,
we have had as much as 75 to 85 percent of their members could
be here illegally in part of those gangs. I dont ask you to master
those statistics today, but that is at least what we have had presented to our Committee. I assume it is kind of a ballpark.
Mr. MUKASEY. It would not surprise me.
Mr. FORBES. My question is if we have the most violent criminal
gang, one that is kind of being a pattern and copied by other gangs
of MS-13, 75 to 85 percent of whose members are here illegally, if
at some point in time, and I dont expect you to have this information with you today, but at some point in time if you could give us
any information your office has on, one, how those individuals go
from crossing the border to joining those gangs; number two, if
there are any prevention programs out there that have a proven
record, not just an anecdotal record but a proven record of stopping
those individuals from joining the gangs because at least what I
have seen is that prevention programs might work in other areas.
But if you are coming in here illegally, those programs arent
reaching that 75 to 85 percent, but perhaps you have some that
you can suggest. Obviously we want to allocate our dollars where
they best go.
The final thing though is: Is there evidence that going after those
gang networks does have an impact on reducing the gang violence,
because we are trying obviously to allocate our resources at the
best possible way, just like you are trying to do?
Mr. MUKASEY. I think there is. I was down in, I think, South
Carolina, where they announced the roundup of a huge number of
MS-13 gang members and we had with us a police chief from El
Salvador from which that gang is supervised and which cooperated
in the roundup and in the intelligence.
So we find that when we cooperate not only with State and
locals, who were at that press conference as well, but also with our
international partners, specifically in the case of MS-13, Mexico,
Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, which is where a lot of
them are at, we find that we can have much greater effect.
Mr. FORBES. When you do that, we have at least had some testimony before the Committee that the subsequent gang violence does
reduce down after you have taken some of those networks out. Is
that fair to say?
Mr. MUKASEY. It is definitely fair to say, and we expect it to drop
in that particular location as well.

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Mr. FORBES. Mr. Attorney General, I just leave you with, not for
today, but if anybody on your staff has any prevention programs
that have been shown to work for those people coming in illegally,
if you could get them to us. I just havent seen any. If you have
any, if you can present them to us.
Mr. MUKASEY. I will get what I can.
Mr. FORBES. Mr. Chairman, I yield back.
Mr. CONYERS. Thank you. We will have one more Member ask
questions before we recess for four votes, and that is Adam Schiff,
a former Assistant United States Attorney from California, who
serves with distinction on the Intellectual Property Committee.
Mr. SCHIFF. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank you, Mr. Attorney
General, for spending the afternoon with us.
I will follow up with your office on a couple of issues that we
have discussed earlier involving DNA evidence and some of the
issues raised in Arizona. But I had the opportunity during your remarks to read your speech at the American Enterprise Institute on
principles in dealing with the Guantanamo detainees and would
like to follow up on a couple of points that you made in your
First of all, I wanted to mention that I made several efforts with
your predecessor and his predecessor to get the Administration and
Congress working together to set detainee policy. I appreciate your
outreach to the Congress and encouragement that the Congress set
these rules rather than have the courts decide. I think that makes
a great deal of sense and would help us avoid a patchwork of court
decisions that take up a lot of time and dont bring us any closer
to a good result.
But two of the questions I have, the first is you make a point I
think in your conclusion that people at Guantanamoyou take
issue with the idea that people should be charge or released. I
think the issue that that raises is if you dont charge people at
Guantanamo and if there is a category of people not charged and
yet not released, what is their status? How do you define what
legal rights should attach to a group that has not been charged
with a crime and yet, your argument, should not be released?
One of the arguments that I have been making with the DOD
and DOJ for some years now, and I introduced a bill in 2002 to
adopt or adapt the Uniform Code of Military Justice to be used at
Guantanamo, couldnt we establish a baseline offense of being an
unlawful enemy combatant such that there would be something
that everyone could be charged at if there is the evidence to support it so that you dont have this conundrum of having people who
are not charged and not yet released?
Mr. MUKASEY. I guess we could. The people who are detained
there are, as far as I know, uniformly were people who fit the classic definition of an unlawful combatant; that is, not fighting in uniform, not carrying their weapons openly. They did not target only
military targets but rather targeted civilians and were not bound
by the laws of war.
So, yes, we could establish such a regime. But the fact is that
we detained thousands upon thousands of prisoners of war who
were legitimate detainees during World War II. Not one of them,
not one of them was permitted to file a habeas petition. They were

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all held for the duration, notwithstanding they had done nothing,
other than
Mr. SCHIFF. I understand that, but the problem you also point
out is that those wars had an end that you could see coming at
some point.
Mr. MUKASEY. You couldnt always see it coming. You couldnt
see it coming in 1942, 1943. We had people in custody at this time.
Mr. SCHIFF. I think even then you could see that the war would
end. This is a war of a different caliber, which may go on indefinitely. As you point out, there may never be a VT day, Victory over
Terrorism day. The fact that these questions are difficult doesnt
mean they are going to go away, and I think that we need to grapple with them. I would just encourage the Department to consider
a situation where people are charged.
I want to give you more time on that, but I want to throw out
my second question, too, so I dont lose the opportunity to ask you
about it, and that is I think you make some very good suggestions
in the six points you make. One of the suggestions you make
though may be problematic for a couple of reasons, and that is the
idea that the courts should be prohibited from releasing people in
the United Statesnot just being released but being brought to the
United States for testimony or court proceedings. That presupposes
Guantanamo doesnt close. We have two presidential candidates,
both who have said Guantanamo should close.
Would it be wise for us to enact a law that says you cant bring
people to the U.S. for court proceedings if in fact both candidates
for the presidency intend to close Guantanamo?
Mr. MUKASEY. I think they both say, and I am not purporting to
be expert on all of their pronouncements, which have at times varied from one another, both within each camp and between the
camps, but I dont think anybody says just close it off, turn off the
lights and go home. I think they said you close it responsibly, and
responsibly means just that.
Mr. SCHIFF. Well, I certainly agree with that, but that doesnt ultimately answer the question of what do you do with the people in
Guantanamo if you have established a law that says you cant
bring them for legal process to the United States?
Mr. MUKASEY. One of the things I was going to say before is you
have an ongoing obligation, an ongoing ability to assess the dangerousness of each particular person you have got. But all of them
are aliens who were caught abroad under circumstances in which
they were in combat with either U.S. troops or those with whom
we fight or were supporting those in combat with U.S. troops.
Mr. CONYERS. The gentlemans time has expired. The Committee
stands in recess.
Mr. CONYERS. The Committee will come to order.
The Chair recognizes Judge Gohmert, who serves with distinction on the Immigration and Crime Committees and is the acting
Ranking Member of the full Committee.
Mr. GOHMERT. Thank you. I appreciate your not saying I was the
rankest Member on the Committee.
But, Attorney General Mukasey, thank you for being here.
Thank you for the class you do bring to the officeno disparage-

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ment of anybody that served before you. But I know it is tough, as
a former judge, for you to sit through so many questions and be
thinking you just need to be ruling that that is immaterial, that
is irrelevant, that is multifarious, that is repetitious, and not having that opportunity to get things in order. I know it is difficult,
but you have done well, and we appreciate it.
A couple of things I wanted to touch with you on. One of them,
going back, of course, we have had a case saying that raid was apparently improper, and this was before your time, and it is ongoing
litigation; I wouldnt ask you to comment on that anyway.
But as far as procedure, I recall reading an 80-page affidavit in
seeking to make the raid on Congressman Jeffersons office. There
was a description of a procedure where within DOJ there is some
group or division that is set up to do an analysis for things that
may be protected or privileged.
Is that your understanding of how that process works? If there
is something that may come out privileged or protected in order to
keep from tainting the rest of the evidence, do you have a firewall
capacity there?
Mr. MUKASEY. We do. I mean, it happens frequently in cases
where certain information has to be walled off from other lawyers
working on a case. That is not uncommon. I dont know of any particular division within the Department of Justice that is devoted to
that, but it wouldnt surprise me that, in a particular case, some
group of lawyers would be lawyers to whom the material would be
disclosed so that it wasnt disclosed to others.
Mr. GOHMERT. And that would, I guess, be in an effortI understand some civil firms do this, where they have a group where
there is a firewall and they make sure information doesnt pass to
the other side if it is privileged, and you keep those groups separate on a given case. Is that correct?
Mr. GOHMERT. Anyway, I had been asked about that, and I appreciate you clarifying that.
But going back to the Guantanamo case and the Boumediene
case, I know Justice Scalia had said in his dissent, Henceforth, as
todays opinion makes unnervingly clear, how to handle enemy
prisoners in this war will ultimately lie with the branch that knows
least about the national security concerns that the subject entails.
And then, of course, Chief Justice Roberts had indicated that the
Detainee Treatment Act of military tribunal hearings followed by
Article III review looks a lot like the procedure the Hamdi case
blessed. If nothing else, it is plain from the design of the DTA that
Congress, the President and this Nations military leaders have
made a good-faith effort to follow our precedent. The court, however, will not take yes for an answer.
And, again, in Justice Scalias dissent, he said, quoting again, In
short, the decision is devastating. The game of bait-and-switch that
todays opinion plays upon the Nations commander-in-chief will
make war harder on us. It will almost certainly cause more Americans to be killed. That consequence would be tolerable if necessary
to preserve a time-honored legal principle vital to our national or
constitutional republic, but it is this courts blatant abandonment
of such a principle that produces the decision today.

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There were many of us that believed that, based upon the Hamdi
decision and the Hamdan decision in 2006, that Congress had
acted in good faith; we had done as the Supreme Court directed.
I had serious concerns about the executive branch being able to formulate what military tribunals would be used. I had concerns
about that as an executive branch function. But once Congress did
it, it certainly seemed to be in line with what the court had previously ruled.
So it appears to me, just like Justice Scalia said, we have a
branch, the judiciary, the Supreme Court, that really wants to involve itself in both the executive and legislative effort here.
I dont know if we will have a chance to take this up and discuss
it, put forth legislation before the end of the year. I know time is
short. But I do have a bill here that I intend to file in the next few
days that will basically provide for the transport of the enemy combatants detained at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to Washington, D.C.,
where the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court will assist the other
Justices in order to more effectively micromanage the prisoners
being detained. Of course, there can be no better way for the U.S.
Supreme Court to micromanage than if they are there on the
ground, using the same restaurant facilities and taking care of
them there.
My time has run out, but I want you to be aware that we are
trying to deal with it from this side too, to help the Supreme Court
in their efforts to micromanage.
Mr. KING. Mr. Chairman, I would ask unanimous consent that
the witness be allowed to respond.
Mr. CONYERS. Without objection.
Mr. MUKASEY. I cant really comment on that. The Boumediene
decision is the law of the land, and my speech was based on our
going ahead and accepting it as the law of the land. I am going to
limit my comments to that. Thank you.
Mr. GOHMERT. I didnt wish to demean the decision, necessarily.
Maybe I am being tongue in cheek in saying that. But I have to
take it as lawful too, because I believe in the Supreme Courts
power. So that is why I was going to file that bill, to assist them
in furthering that ambition.
Mr. CONYERS. The Chair recognizes Artur Davis, a former Assistant United States Attorney, who serves with distinction on the Immigration, the Crime and the Constitution Subcommittees of Judiciary.
Mr. DAVIS. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Attorney General Mukasey, good afternoon to you.
I have two areas I want to touch on, and because of time limits,
I will try to move to both of them in an expeditious fashion.
The first one has to deal with a matter that Ms. Sanchez raised
with you and that I raised with you in our phone call yesterday,
the Siegelman prosecution in the State of Alabama. As you know,
there have been a number of questions raised about possible political influence in that prosecution. I want to touch on something
that has not been raised publicly, though, in any other forum, and
this is the context for it.
As you perhaps know, there were e-mails that surfaced after the
trial, after the conviction, which suggested that various jurors, two

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in particular, had engaged in misconduct, that there had been deliberations outside of the jury room, that they had consulted the
Internet and done research and engaged in various other conduct
that I think you, as a former judge, would certainly characterize as
Over a period of time, for a number of months, there were motions filed with the District Court urging a new trial. There was
a protracted dispute over whether or notcould I ask my colleague
to finish her conversation outside, actually? Would you mind? I
didnt mean to interrupt you.
But there were a series of hearings back and forth and a series
of arguments back and forth on whether or not there ought to be
some kind of evidentiary hearing. The Government took the position that an evidentiary hearing had to be very limited in nature.
And this went on for a number of months.
In July of this year, the Chief of the Appellate Section of the
Criminal Division of the Department of Justice, Ms. Stemler, notified defense counsel that she had just learned that while the district judge, Judge Fuller, was considering some of the various motions for a new trial and the motions to reconsider for a new trial,
that the district judge had had an ex parte communication with the
U.S. Marshals Service.
If I understand the facts correctly, the U.S. Marshals Service had
been instructed by the U.S. Attorneys Office to conduct its own investigation of the authenticity of the e-mails. The U.S. Marshals
Service reached the conclusion that the e-mails were not valid, and
apparently shared that conclusion with the district judge while
some of the motions to reconsider were going on.
Now, you were a district judge, and a very distinguished one, Mr.
Mukasey. Would there have been any circumstance in which you
would have allowed yourself to have a communication with a
branch of the Government, the U.S. Marshals Service, of an ex
parte nature, while you were considering a motion?
Mr. MUKASEY. Let me just take a step back. You were kind
enough to point out that letter yesterday, and I appreciate that. I
read the letter. I read it, the facts, somewhat differently.
What happened was the jurors coworkers got copies of the letters that were already before the judge. They turned them over to
the jurors. The jurors turned them over to the marshals. The marshals didnt know what to do with them and turned them over to
the U.S. Attorneys Office. And they gave themsince they had
been sent by mail, they gave them to the Postal Service. And then
the U.S. Attorney who was involved in the prosecution turned the
whole matter over to somebody else who was not at all involved.
And the Postal Service reached whatever conclusions they reached,
apparently told the Marshals Service about it, and the Marshals
Service told the judge about it.
Mr. DAVIS. Well, let me just quote one sentence from the letter.
On page 2 of Ms. Stemlers letter she says, quote, While the investigation was ongoing in early April 2007, after the second evidentiary hearing on November 17, 2006, but I will add parenthetically while various other motions related to the same matter were
being considered, she says, representatives of the United States
Marshals Service apprised Chief Judge Fuller that the postal in-

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spectors were investing the receipt of e-mails, and they concluded
that the purported e-mails were not authentic. The marshals who
spoke to Chief Judge Fuller have advised us that the chief judge
did not solicit this report.
So I understand there was a lengthy procedural sequence here,
and there were multiple motions to reconsider, but they all touched
on the underlying question of these e-mails.
So I ask again, when you were a U.S. district judge, would there
have been any instance in which you would have allowed yourself
to have an ex parte communication with a branch of the Government while a motion was going on?
Mr. MUKASEY. There were times when I got ex parte communications from branches of the Government for good and proper reasons. I dont know what the reason was here, and I dont know
whether the judge had any choice about whether to listen.
Mr. DAVIS. Well, would it trouble you, though, Attorney General
Mukasey, because, again, this is an important matter
Mr. MUKASEY. It is important, and I would like to finish.
I dont know what role those copies of e-mails played in the larger matter that is under review by OPR, so I cantI mean, I am
going to get a report from OPR at some point about this whole matter. I may be called on, if there is a finding of misconduct, to pass
upon whether there ought to be a sanction against somebody or not
and, if so, what it ought to be. So I cant really start offering opinions about it.
Mr. DAVIS. I understand. But let me just narrow in, so we are
at least clear on what the alleged facts are.
The very subject of these hearings was whether or not the emails were authentic and whether or not they influenced the jurors. You cant get to inquiry B without getting to inquiry A. So it
was very much at issue whether or not the e-mails were authentic.
And what troubles me is the notion that the Government asked
the Marshals Service, who then asked the postal inspectors, to conduct an investigation of their authenticity, didnt share that fact
with defense counsel, shared it with the judge. Because it raises,
Attorney General Mukasey, the obvious question, whether the
judges rulings might have been influenced by information that he
had that wasnt available to defense counsel.
Mr. MUKASEY. I dont know what the basis was for the judges
rulings. I havent seen those.
As you know as a former assistant, there is an enormously heavy
presumption against undermining the validity of a jury verdict. All
kinds of things have been shown or testified to about what jurors
did or didnt do during deliberations that have not resulted in the
overturning of a verdict.
I dont know what the basis was for the judges ruling here or
how it would fit into the grander story.
Mr. DAVIS. Let me ask another quick question. Ms. Stemler disclosed this information on July 8th of this year. Do you know the
circumstances in which Ms. Stemler learned about these ex parte
Mr. MUKASEY. I do not.
Mr. DAVIS. Have you had a chance

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Mr. MUKASEY. I mean, it appears to indicate that she came upon
it by happenstance during the course of her review of the documents. And she, as she put it in the letter, in an excess of caution,
disclosed them.
Ultimately, as the letter makes apparent, it was the Justice Department that disclosed it.
Mr. DAVIS. Well, the concern, again, would be this: One year
after this ex parte communication, 1 year and 3 months after the
ex parte communication, apparently the Marshals Service disclosed
it to the Government, which would raise the obvious question
whether the Marshals Service has disclosed all they know to the
Government now.
I am certain Ms. Stemler has made representations that she
knows to be accurate, but it would raise the obvious question as
to whether Ms. Stemler or the Department have conducted any investigation to determine whether her representations on page 2 of
this letter are complete. Because, frankly, it appears that the Marshals Service may not have told Ms. Stemler the relevant facts
until very recently.
Mr. MUKASEY. I dont know when they told her the relevant
facts. It doesnt appear to me that there is any more for the Marshals Service to have known, since this appears to have been a singular incident.
Mr. DAVIS. Would it trouble you that the Marshals Service didnt
immediately disclose to the Justice Department that they had had
contacts with Judge Fuller?
Mr. MUKASEY. Marshals, as is obvious from this, are not lawyers.
It might have been disclosed sooner. It ultimately
Mr. DAVIS. Should Judge Fuller have disclosed that to defense
Mr. MUKASEY. I am not going to get into how Judge Fuller behaved, because I dont know the full circumstances under which
they were disclosed to him, what the basis was of his ruling or
when it was rendered. And all of this is going to be the subject of
a report to me.
Mr. DAVIS. Last question: Are we confident that the prosecution
did not have any communications with Judge Fuller about the
Marshals Service investigation?
Mr. MUKASEY. All I can say is I see nothing in this letter to suggest that. Whether they did or didnt may emerge from other facts
that I dont know. That may be part of the OPR investigation.
Mr. DAVIS. Should the Department ask them?
Mr. MUKASEY. I think that I ought to await the OPR report before I make judgments about who knew what when and disclosed
what to whom.
Mr. DAVIS. Will we have a chance to see the results of the OPR
Mr. MUKASEY. Absolutely. If there is a finding of misconduct, you
will see the report itself. But as I understand it, and I learned this
only recently, Congress was itself the complainant in that case, and
the complainant is always notified about the result, about the outcome. So the answer to that last question is yes.
Mr. DAVIS. All right. Thank you.
Thank you for being indulgent with my time, Mr. Chairman.

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Mr. CONYERS. Steve King of Iowa is a Member with great distinction on the Immigration Committee and on the Constitutional
Committee as well, and he is recognized at this time.
Mr. KING. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I want to thank Attorney General Mukasey for his very astute
testimony here today. And I have had that same observation the
previous time you were before this Committee, General.
I would like to first take up the issueI was listening to the
gentlelady from California, the Chair of the Immigration Subcommittee, Ms. Lofgren, when she brought up the issue of the caseload in the circuit courts and in, particularly, the Second and the
Ninth, as I recall, and that 40 percent of those cases are immigration cases.
And I would ask you if you are aware and if you would comment
on those two particular courts in particular, on whether it is a
practice for them to grant automatic stays of deportation or removal to any alien who files an appeal?
Mr. MUKASEY. Again, I am working off lore, L-O-R-E, not law, LA-W, but I believe it is the normal practice, because it used to be
the practice for DIA judges to do that. I dont know for a fact. I
think that is the case.
Mr. KING. Okay. If we could operate under just my presumption
that it is, if we are operating under my presumption that it is and
my information that that is the practice, to grant the automatic
stay, what would you expect to be the behavior of the defendants
if they got an automatic stay and were allowed to stay in the
United States until the issue was completely adjudicated through
the Circuit Court?
Mr. MUKASEY. I cant speculate on that. I really cant. It depends,
I suppose, on whether they have a good-faith basis on asking for
asylum or not. If they have a good-faith basis, they behave themselves. If they dont, they dont.
Mr. KING. I would submit that if someone comes to the United
States illegally, they are going to seek to stay here, and if they
know that they are automatically granted a stay of deportation,
then that would be the natural process to utilize that automatic extended period of time. I think that would be a human nature response.
So I will ask you a legal question then, perhaps. And that is that,
looking at this caseload that is here, there are two ways to resolve
that, among others, but one of those two ways would be to put
more resources in the courts, and the other way would be for Congress to address it from a statutory perspective, to narrow the avenues through which people can appeal.
Would you have any recommendation to the Congress on how we
might narrow the avenues through which people could appeal?
Mr. MUKASEY. I dont right now. I mean, I have not thought
through that subject, and I cant really make a concrete proposal.
I know, only from having been there, that the Second Circuit has
created essentially two dockets, one that gets arguments, one that
doesnt. And a lot of these immigration cases goes on the one that
doesnt. And that is unusual for that court, which used to grant
oral arguments in every case.
But more than that, I cant tell you.

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Mr. KING. And when you asked the Congress to take a look at
the means by which we would deal with enemy combatants, not a
specific legislative recommendation, but a conceptual point that
you have made to us, I will just say I appreciate that. I think it
is appropriate. It fits what we need to be doing as a Congress.
I would like to go further down that path, but in the time that
I have, I think instead I want to make a point here and ask your
comment on this.
In the non-border Federal districts, the number of illegal aliens
being prosecuted for Federal crimes has increased. And, for example, last year, more than 40 percent of the Federal defendants in
Oregon were illegal aliens. And when we go to some of the other
internal districts, non-border districts, Colorado, Western District
of Arkansas, Middle District of North Carolina, which may have a
border actually, and Nebraska, all of those had more than 25 percent of their Federal defendants were illegal aliens. And here are
two others in this list: the Northern District of Iowa, the Southern
District of Iowa.
So, is this increase, is it reflective of policy of prioritizing prosecution of criminal aliens, or is it reflective of a flood of criminal
aliens that we have to deal with?
Mr. MUKASEY. I think we prosecute people who commit crimes,
and States prosecute people who commit crimes.
I know that the facts that you have outlined are something of a
drain on our resources, because we are obligated to supplement the
budgets of those States that have illegal Federal aliens among
their prison populations, to help them deal with that problem, because these people are illegal aliens. So we are sympathetic to it
and trying to do something about it.
Mr. KING. And you will be aware that in section 642 of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996,
which was very much put together by Mr. Smith, our Ranking
Member, there is a prohibition in there for sanctuary cities. It prohibits those cities from refusing to allow their employees to cooperate with the Federal immigration authorities.
I would just ask you on that, what are you able to do to enforce
section 642, the ban on sanctuary cities?
Mr. MUKASEY. We try to enforce it. We try to prosecute people
wherever they are found, whether they are found in sanctuary cities or not. Obviously that complicates the task.
I recognized before that there is a certain conundrum in that you
dont want to discourage people who have been the victims of crime
from reporting crime and create, essentially, a favored class, favored from the crooks standpoint, of victims who then cant report
But, by the same token, we obviously oppose the concept of sanctuary cities and are doing everything we can.
Mr. KING. Well, I would point out there was a triple murder in
San Francisco, and the alleged perpetrator was a criminal alien
who had been encountered by local law enforcement and then released under the sanctuary city policy of San Francisco. And now
a father and two sons of lying in their graves out in western California.

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And those kind of issues, I would suggest, are paramount to any
kind of sensitivity about who might report a crime. And, in fact,
I would submit that any analysis of how people will respond with
information, if that means suspending enforcing the law, I dont
think that is an appropriate consideration with regard to the Department of Justice.
Mr. MUKASEY. I dont think anybody favors suspending operation
of the law when you talking about somebody taken into custody. I
was talking about somebody reporting a crime. Those are two different things.
Mr. KING. Yeah, I understand. And it is a significant nuance.
However, we still have the policy of section 642 that is not being
enforced effectively.
And I will point out the way they are getting around it, for the
record, is they prohibit their city employees from gathering information. And they have held seminars across the country, provided
that as a loophole in this statute.
I would ask if it be your recommendation that we close that loophole?
Mr. MUKASEY. Okay.
Mr. KING. Does that mean it would be?
Mr. MUKASEY. I believe it would be.
Mr. KING. And I thank you very much, Attorney General Mukasey. I thank you for your testimony and for submitting yourself
to this very public situation here today. It was a hard job to step
into, and you are doing a very good job. I thank you.
Mr. MUKASEY. Thank you very much.
Mr. KING. I yield back.
Mr. CONYERS. Keith Ellison, a member of the defense bar, a
Member of the Subcommittees on Immigration and Constitutional
Mr. MUKASEY. Good afternoon.
Mr. ELLISON. Good afternoon, sir.
Could you talk a little bit about the recent reports that have
come out regarding FBI investigations and their new policy or
guidelines that would allow them to take into consideration issues
of race, religion, things like that? Could you just elaborate on that?
Mr. MUKASEY. I think what you are alluding to is reports that
there are going to be issued new Attorney General guidelines and
speculation about whether or not they would allow that practice.
What I will tell you is that the previous guidelines that forbid
the predicating of investigations simply on somebodys race, religion, exercise of first amendment rights, will remain in place. The
previous guidelines in all respects on that will remain in place.
The purpose of putting the new guidelines in place is to rationalize and organize a process that has really been going on since
after September 11th, 2001, on the recommendation of at least the
9/11 Commission and the Silberman-Robb Commission, that the
FBI, in addition to being a crime-solving organization, become an
intelligence-gathering organization.
There then ensued essentially two sets of guidelines: one on how
to open criminal investigations, the other on how to predicate national security investigations. And, at times, they were cross-cutting. The same behavior was described in different ways and pro-

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duced different results. So what we are going to do is put them in
order. But the protections I mentioned will remain in place.
I think the new guidelines will also make it apparent that concurrent with the growth in FBI intelligence gathering has been a
growth in monitoring, both within the FBI and in the National Security Division of the Justice Department, and oversight, so we can
make sure that the FBI is not doing what you suggested the new
guidelines would permit.
Mr. ELLISON. Well, I am glad to hear you say that on the record.
It is important. I just want to point out
Mr. MUKASEY. Those guidelines have not yet been released.
Mr. ELLISON. What kind of input can Members of Congress have
into what the guidelines might reflect?
Mr. MUKASEY. Members of Congress will be briefed on the guidelines before they go into effect. The guidelines are already in the
process of being drafted. They will be signed by me. That said, they
are guidelines, they are not statutes, and they can be changed
when, as and if there is reason to change them.
What I plan to do is get them in final shape, review them, sign
them, and then, before they are implemented, have Congress
briefed on them, show them to Congress, so that everybody understands what they are and, more to the point that you just made,
what they arent.
Mr. ELLISON. Okay. Let me move along to another question.
You know, U.S. Attorneys and I guess even States attorneys will
sometimes identify certain individuals as unindicted co-conspirators. I think the general practice, at least in the area I am from,
is to not release that list of people to the public because there is
really no legal way to get yourself off that designation, and yet it
doesnt necessarily mean that you are going to be indicted or anything like that.
My question is, there is a case in Dallas that has to do with the
HLF case, Holy Land Foundation, 300-some groups and people on
an unindicted co-conspirator list. They have been subjected to public derision, and yet they are without any way to, sort of, get off
the list.
Can you speak about your views, not about that case, but about
in general whether it is appropriate for a U.S. Attorney to publish
a list of unindicted co-conspirators, what value to justice it has?
Mr. MUKASEY. U.S. Attorneys are required by law, any time
there is a conspiracy chargeand in almost every case involving
more than one person, obviously there isto turn over to the defense a list of unindicted co-conspirators.
Mr. ELLISON. That is right.
Mr. MUKASEY. That is largely because otherwise they cant use
those statements as statements in furtherance of the conspiracy,
unless they turn over the course. That is why they do it.
Mr. ELLISON. Of course.
Mr. MUKASEY. And, generally, those lists are just as much pleadings, in a way, as any other pleading in a case, and so they become
Mr. ELLISON. Well, you know what, thought? If my experience
didnt point me in another direction, I wouldnt debate the point
with you, but I happen to know and have been involved in cases

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where unindicted co-conspirator lists were not made generally
available to the public, even if they were made available to the defense.
And my question for you isI guess here is my basic question
to you. What are your views on whether or not it is legitimate to
put people on a list that you never end up calling?
I mean, we have the experience of the trial, in this case, where
you never end up calling these people as witnesses, you never end
up making a claim as to what statements they made could or
should have been the subject of a conspiracy, and therefore make
them unindicted coconspirators, and yet they are subject to the
public derision of being on such a list.
What are your views on that subject?
Mr. MUKASEY. My experience has been that Assistant U.S. Attorneysand I did this when I was Assistant U.S. Attorney, and I
saw it done when I was a judgetake very great care in compiling
such a list.
Mr. ELLISON. Well, what about when they dont? Shouldnt there
be a way for your office to say people can somehow be exonerated
or expunged off this list? Shouldnt there be some sort of a process?
Mr. MUKASEY. I think we ought to look into that, just as people
have raised with me the question of whether, when it is announced
that somebody is under investigation, shouldnt be there be away
of announcing that they are not? It is, kind of, another version of
the same problem. And I agree that it deserves serious consideration.
But I understand the need for such lists, and my experience is
that they are drawn carefully and specifically with a view toward
assuring the admissibility of statements.
Mr. ELLISON. Well, you probably would agree that sometimes
that careful practice is not always followed by everybody.
Mr. MUKASEY. Look, everybody involved in the process is a
human being. That means mistakes get made.
Mr. ELLISON. Right. And so there should be some way to clean
up those mistakes.
Mr. MUKASEY. I think it bears serious consideration.
Mr. ELLISON. I also want to ask, lastly, about watch lists. What
can we do? I have talked to so many people who just get, you know,
what I will call the hospitality when they go to airports. These are
people who have never done anything wrong, who travel back and
forth from other countries and throughout the United States. But
sometimes whenever they get to the airport, they are the ones
being searched, they are the ones being stopped, they are the ones
who are missing flights, they are the ones being delayed.
And, you know, my question is, what are you doing to make sure
that you are not getting people stopped and hit on these watch lists
that really should not be on there? What is our cleansing process
for that?
Because I will acknowledge to you, there is a purpose for a watch
list. There are dangerous people out there. The people in 9/11, they
got on a plane, and maybe it would be great if they were on a
watch list.
But I think we have gone overboard and we need a way to clean
up these lists. What are you doing about that?

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Mr. MUKASEY. I dont
Mr. ELLISON. First of all, do you think it is a problem?
Mr. MUKASEY. I have seen reports about people being on watch
lists because they have names similar to other people who probably
belong on the watch list, being stopped at airports. I know that the
airport screening process is not perfect. I know that from personal
When I was a district judge and had marshals accompanying me,
despite the fact that they had guns with them and everybody knew
that I was a Federal judge, I got stopped and I was the candidate
for the kind of search you described. I dont know how that happened, but it happens, and it happened more than once.
That said, I think there ought to be a way of making certain that
the list is accurate. There are a lot of names on the list. There are
a lot of variations on names, so that there are many fewer actual
people on the list than there are names.
But I think you are right, that there ought to be a way of assuring that people who dont belong on the list can get off.
Mr. ELLISON. Well, because one thing, Mr. Attorney General, is
that we go through five people who are not supposed to be on the
list but are; we waste time and energy working them over. Then
it dilutes the impact of the people who we really do need to be
keeping an aye on.
Mr. MUKASEY. Amen to that.
Mr. ELLISON. So, I mean, I want to work with you to make sure
we deal with that.
Last question, if I may.
Mr. GOHMERT. Regular order, Mr. Chairman. We are about 5
minutes over time.
Mr. CONYERS. The gentlemans time has expired.
The Chair recognizes Trent Franks of Arizona, formerly the
Crime Ranking Member, now Ranking Member of Constitution,
also a Member of the Commercial and Administrative Law Committee.
Mr. FRANKS. Well, thank you, Mr. Chairman, very much.
And thank you, Attorney General Mukasey, for being here.
I know that you are tasked with one of the most important jobs
in any government, which is the administration of justice and protecting the innocent in our society. And it is a profound responsibility.
And I would suggest to you it is my own opinion that those who
were predecessors to you in the Justice Department were faced
with probably one of the biggest challenges that we have faced in
the last century, which is the coincidence of jihadist terrorism and
nuclear proliferation. And it is a very sobering job, indeed.
And it occurs to me that the evidence that I have seen indicates
that, most of the time, that they simply seem to be trying to do everything they could to protect the American people within the constraints of the Constitution and the law.
And so I am always a little disheartened that our Committee
seems to be focused more on trying to paint some of those individuals with recriminations rather than doing what we can to improve
our system so that 9/11 and those types of things dont happen

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With that in mind, I agree with you that Congress should step
up to its responsibilities related to the procedures in habeas corpus
cases. Sometimes we leave these decisions to unelected judges to
somehow balance those procedures with our national security. But,
after all, Congress provides for normal habeas cases, you know,
these procedures; we do that all the time.
And I am wondering why we should abdicate our response to act
in these unusual habeas corpus cases, when these pose such a serious threat to our national security?
Mr. MUKASEY. Well, it was the point of my speech the other day
that Congress, working with the executive, is ideally suited to fill
in the gaps that were purposely left by the Supreme Court, because
it has available to it the kind of knowledge that is needed.
It is not that judges are incapable of deciding cases. They are
perfectly capable of deciding cases. It is simply that they dont have
access. They cant find facts on their own. Only in very limited circumstances can they acquire the expertise. By and large, they rely
on the facts and on the evidence and on the expertise presented to
them by the parties, which at times is imperfect. And it is kind of
a helter-skelter way of deciding an issue. It is inevitable that, even
in the best of circumstances, some of them will come to different
conclusions. As a result, different procedures will be followed, and
the matter will engender just endless litigation.
Rather than having that, I think the orderly and appropriate
way is for Congress, working with the executive, to literally put
their heads together, and that is a lot of heads with a lot of knowledge, expert knowledge and classified knowledge, so as to come up
with ways to solve these problems so that we have a rational system and we dont get endless delay and, possibly, conflicting decisions with, possibly, some very serious and unpleasant results.
Mr. FRANKS. Well, of course, I agree with you.
General, the Fourth Circuit recently upheld the premise that the
United States could detain as an enemy combatant al-Marri, and
this is some who Osama bin Laden sent into the United States just
1 day before September 11th.
But I am concerned, of course, that there were dissenting judges
that would have concluded we are not at war with al Qaeda and
that this was just a law enforcement matter. And, unfortunately,
it occurs to me it sound like the old mindset in our country, which,
in my mind, should have been put to rest after September 11th.
Are you concerned that some of our judges or legislators or people in general, that we are starting to forget the significance and
the grave nature of the struggle that we face?
Mr. MUKASEY. Well, I am not going to single out any people or
group of people as more or less mindful of the danger.
I will point out that, as September 11, 2001, recedes into the
past, there are some people who have come to think of it as kind
of a singular event and of there being nothing else out there. In
a way, we are the victims of our own success, our own success
being that another attack has been prevented.
There was a newspaper, which I will not name, that, on a recent
anniversary of September 11, 2001, said something to the effect
that it still creates problems in peoples minds to think about September 11, 2001, as if that were a remarkable fact. It is not at all

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a remarkable fact. And that was not a singular event, in the sense
that the danger has ended. It hasnt. I get reminded of it every
Mr. FRANKS. Yeah. Well, tell me, what can we do to ensure that
the Congress and the American people and the courts dont forget
the seriousness of the struggle that we are in?
And if you could name any one thing that we could do in this
Congress to assist the Justice Department in helping to protect this
country and its people, what would that be?
Mr. MUKASEY. That would be to pass the kind of legislation that
I have proposed.
And as far as not letting people forget that, that is always kind
of a difficult thing. You dont want people to run around scared.
You want people to live their lives. That is what everybody was
told after September 11th. But you still dont want people to forget
that there are a lot of folks out there whose list of things to do includes pretty much killing Americans.
Mr. FRANKS. Yes, sir. Well, thank you for your noble service,
And thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. CONYERS. Thank you very much.
Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chairman?
Mr. CONYERS. Thank you, Attorney General Mukasey, for your
testimony today.
I would like to yield to the gentlelady from Texas for any materials that she would like to introduce into the record.
Ms. JACKSON LEE. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you, Attorney General Mukasey.
A Houston Chronicle article dated July 18, 2008, that recounts,
again, the incidents in the Harris County jail. I ask unanimous
I ask unanimous consent for a letter that asks for a full investigation on the FBI watch list regarding CNN reporter Drew Griffin. And I believe it mentions Congressman John Lewis, but I will
add him to the letter. I ask unanimous consent.
I ask unanimous consent for a series of questions for this hearing
dated 7/23/08 regarding the new guidelines on ethnic and racial criteria for FBI surveillance.
I ask unanimous consent, Mr. Chairman, to include these items
in the record, and ask for a response on the full investigation on
the FBI watch list.
Mr. CONYERS. Without objection, the documents that have been
introduced will be included in the record.
We would like all Members to have 5 days to submit additional
questions that may not have been raised.
We appreciate the interest and the concern of the Attorney General and Department of Justice. We have a lot of work to do. There
are still a number of hearings scheduled before the Committee that
involve parts of DOJ.
Did you want to make any comment before we leave?
Mr. CONYERS. Thank you, Judge Gohmert.
The Committee is adjourned.
[Whereupon, at 2:48 p.m., the Committee was adjourned.]

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*Note: The Committee had not received a response to these questions by the time of the printing of this hearing.

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