Design and Fabrication of Offset Die Synopsis: Metal
Design and Fabrication of Offset Die Synopsis: Metal
Design and Fabrication of Offset Die Synopsis: Metal
A die is a specialized tool used in manufacturing industries to cut or shape material
using a press. Like molds, dies are generally customized to the item they are used
to create. Products made with dies range from simple paper clips to complex pieces
used in advanced technologySheet metal is simply metal formed into thin and flat
pieces. It is one of the fundamental forms used in metalworking, and can be cut
and bent into a variety of different shapes. Countless everyday objects are
constructed of the material. Thicknesses can vary significantly, although extremely
thin thicknesses are considered foil or leaf, and pieces thicker than 6 mm (0.25 in)
are considered plate.
The raw material for sheet metal manufacturing processes is the output of the
rolling process. Typically, sheets of metal are sold as flat, rectangular sheets of
standard size. If the sheets are thin and very long, they may be in the form of rolls.
Therefore the first step in any sheet metal process is to cut the correct shape and sized
blank from larger sheet.
Sheet metal processes can be broken down into two major classifications and
one minor classification
Finishing processes -- processes which are used to improve the final surface
Press brake can be used for many different forming jobs with the right die design.
Types of dies include:[3]
V-diesthe most common type of die. The bottom dies can be made with
different-sized die openings to handle a variety of materials and bend angles.
Offset diesa combination punch and die set that bends two angles in one
stroke to produce a Z shape.
In this project we have been decided to fabricate the offset die for consequent