11-2 Morton Release On Standoff
11-2 Morton Release On Standoff
11-2 Morton Release On Standoff
Kyle L. Kirchmeier, Sheriff
News Release
For Immediate Release
November 2, 2016
Contact: Morton County PIO (701) 426-1587 or (701) 595-3596
Morton website: http://www.co.morton.nd.us/
Pictures & Videos from 11-2 incident linked here: https://drive.google.com/open?
Kyle L. Kirchmeier, Sheriff
government agencies following the Corps spirit of providing support
and assistance to law enforcement.
Law enforcement arrested one individual who was aiding in illegal activity by purchasing
canoes and kayaks to be used for crossing the waterway. He was arrested for conspiracy
to commit obstruction of a government function.
Authorities used less-than-lethal ammunition to control the situation. In one incident a
male was at a boat and was throwing bottles at officers on the police line. A second
incident occurred when a man wearing a gas mask, refused to show his hands, refused to
disperse and charged the police line. Officers also deployed pepper spray and tear gas to
disperse the group of protesters who came across the water and camp at officers. No
lethal shots were fired from law enforcement.
The FBI and BIA are following up on a report of an individual being hog-tied and detained
by camp security and being brought to the BIA checkpoint. There were also reports of
gunfire in the camp, BIA responded and is investigating that report as well.
In my 27 years in law enforcement, I have never seen such an absolute disregard for
the law, or other peoples rights because of someone elses ideology. The idea that
because you have a strong opinion about something means you can threaten, harass
and intimidate other American citizens is just plain wrong. I took an oath to protect the
first amendment, but I also took an oath to protect citizens from this continual
harassment and intimidation, said Cass County Sheriff Paul Laney.
The Morton County Sheriffs Department will release more information as it becomes