DM Conclusion 222
DM Conclusion 222
DM Conclusion 222
The current study provides a snapshot of the current situation of knowledge and awareness of
diabetes mellitus. Present study emphasizes the need for improvement in knowledge and
awareness on diabetes mellitus among the diabetic as well as non diabetic subjects in order to
achieve prevention and better control of diabetes risk factors, complications and its management.
After analyzing the scores, it was found that among diabetic patients 46% had poor knowledge,
45% had medium knowledge and 9% had good knowledge regarding diabetes mellitus where as
64% of non diabetics had poor knowledge, 34% of non diabetics had medium knowledge and 2%
.of non diabetics had good knowledge regarding diabetes mellitus
Out of the total study population, 51% diabetic male patients, 26% diabetic female patients
where as 42% non diabetic male subjects and 52% non diabetic female subjects were aware on
diabetic risk factors.61% diabetic male patients and 35% diabetic female patients where as 42%
non diabetic male subjects and 52% non diabetic female subjects were aware on diabetic
symptoms. 54% diabetic male patients and 26% diabetic female patients where as 32% non
diabetic male subjects and 50% non diabetic female subjects were aware on diabetes associated
complications. The overall level of awareness in both male and female diabetic and non diabetic
participants was found to be low.
In our present study, we have reviewed the diabetic patients FBS and PPBS values. The mean
values of FBS and PPBS of diabetic patients were reduced in their second visit as we provided
pharmacist interventions in their first visit.
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Assessment of diabetes related health knowledge, attitude and practice among diabetics and non
diabetics using self prepared questionnaire for awareness of health promotion
Chapter 7
Regarding knowledge on diabetic self care practices in our total study population 28% diabetic
patients and 84% non diabetic subjects has been performing their daily physical activity. 83%
diabetic patients and 58% non diabetic subjects were following their diet restrictions.
There is a big space for raising the educational awareness about diabetes through formal, well
organized approaches by healthcare professionals in hospitals, clinics and community based
healthcare centers. Because the American Diabetes Association has clearly defined the critical
role of diabetes education in quality of diabetic care, diabetes self-management education is a
critical element in order to improve patient outcomes.
.Health care professionals may be additional proactive in disseminates health information about
diabetes to the public. Over all, the result of the study indicates, it is essential that the health
managers and authorities to take proper steps to increase the awareness among the population
regarding causes, symptoms, alternative treatment practices and management of type II diabetes
and its complication in order to build our community healthier and prosperous.
Page 54
Assessment of diabetes related health knowledge, attitude and practice among diabetics and non
diabetics using self prepared questionnaire for awareness of health promotion