Gorayeb Vs Hashim

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G.R. No.


March 3, 1927

AFIFE ABDO CHEYBAN GORAYEB, plaintiff-appellee, vs. NADJIB TANNUS HASHIM, defendant and appellant.
TOPIC: Divorce under the Family Code

FC Art. 26 par. 2


November 12, 1920: The CFI-Manila rendered a judgment requiring the defendant (husband) Hashim to pay
plaintiff (wife) Gorayeb a monthly stipend by way of support.

Hashim fled to the state of Nevada where he obtained a decree of divorce

Upon his return to the Philippines the plaintiff filed a motion alleging that hed failed to pay the pension which
had been awarded to her in a decision that became final on December 24, 1923, and praying that he be
adjudged to be in contempt of court, fined and imprisoned. The defendant pleaded the decree of divorce,
claiming that it dissolved the bonds of matrimony between himself and the defendant

Although he was in arears in the payment of the pension, the trial court found the defense asserted by him
to be in good faith. He was therefore absolved from the contempt charge, but the civil obligation remained in
full force and effect, notwithstanding the decree of divorce, and he was ordered to continue the payment of
the pension.

ISSUE: Does the civil liability of the defendant for the monthly stipend which has been judicially awarded to the
plaintiff still subsist?
The procuring of the divorce in Nevada was a mere device on the part of the defendant to rid himself of the
obligation created by the judgment of the Philippine court, and his temporary sojourn in the State of Nevada was a
mere ruse unaccompanied by any genuine intention his part to acquire a legal domicile in that State. This being true,
the divorce granted by the Nevada court cannot be recognized by the courts of this country.
The court of a country in which neither of the spouses is domiciled and to which one or both of them may resort
merely for the purpose of obtaining a divorce has no jurisdiction to determine their matrimonial status; and a divorce
granted by such a court is not entitled to recognition elsewhere. The voluntary appearance of the defendant before
such a tribunal does not invest the court with jurisdiction.To give a court jurisdiction on the ground of the plaintiff's
residence in the State or country of the judicial forum, his residence must be bona fide.
Section 309 of the Code of the Civil Procedure, declaring that a judgment obtained in an American court shall have
the same effect in the Philippine Islands as in the place where such judgment was obtained, contains a qualification
expressed in the following words: "except that it can only be enforce here by an action or special proceeding." The
provision in question no doubt contemplates primarily the situation where affirmative action has to be taken in the
Philippine Islands to give effect to the foreign judgment as where the plaintiff desires to obtain execution upon
property in these Islands to satisfy a judgment obtained abroad. But a decree of divorce operates on the marriage

status; and if effective at all, it dissolves the marriage tie, without the necessity of any affirmative proceeding in any
other court. At any rate, all that was intended to be secured by the provision requiring an action or proceeding here
was that the courts of this country should have an opportunity to pass judicially upon the efficacy of the judgment.
The defendant pleaded the decree of divorce by way of defense in his answer; and if the decree of divorce had
been such as to have entitled it to recognition here, the defendant could in our opinion have obtained the benefit of it
in this action.
RULING: The judgment appealed from is affirmed.

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