Learn About The Lhasa Apso:: A Home Study Guide

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Learn About The Lhasa Apso:

A Home Study Guide

Presented by

The American Lhasa Apso Club

The Lhasa Apso

The Lhasa Apso

Judges Study Guide
Written and produced by the
American Lhasa Apso Club
Judges Education and
Breed Standard Committees.

The Lhasa Apso

The Lhasa Apso is a Tibetan breed
of ancient origins, dating back to at
least 800 AD when Buddhism first
took root in this remote Himalayan
Over the centuries, the form and
function of the Lhasa Apso have
been shaped by the challenging
environment of Tibet and the
unique culture of the Tibetan

The Lhasa Apso


Tibet is an isolated country in Central Asia -- often called The Roof of the World.
by many of
the highest
in the world,
Tibet is a
country of
valleys, high
passes and

Mt. Everest straddles the border between Tibet and Nepal.

The Lhasa Apso

The altitude of the Tibetan Plateau is extreme. The capital city of
Lhasa is a low spot at roughly 12,000 feet.

The Dalai Lamas Potala Palace in Lhasa.

The Lhasa Apso

Geography and Climate
The narrow mountain passes,
used for centuries by Buddhist pilgrims
and trade caravans, climb as high as 16,000

Besides the rugged terrain, dogs in Tibet

must adapt to a harsh, dry climate that can
go from searing heat and blinding
sunlight during the day to bitter, blustery
cold at night.
This photograph depicts a mountain path
near Shigatse. Note the small dog at the
far right.

The Lhasa Apso

History Early Description of Tibetan Dogs

Tame dogs abound and are much praised by the men for guarding their flocks
and herds and houses, and by the women for petting. For the former purpose
the Tibetan Mastiff is used...the ladies dogs are Poodles or Terriers,
many of which are pretty and have long hair."

B. H. Hodgson, Notice on the Mammals of Tibet, 1842

The Lhasa Apso


Tibetans consider the mythical Snow Lion, pictured

to the left, to be a special protector of their country.
If the snow-lion stays in the mountains, it is a
snow-lion; if it comes down to the valleys,
it becomes a dog.
Traditional Tibetan Flag

This old Tibetan saying reflects the close cultural

link between the Snow Lion and the Lhasa Apso.
The Tibetan name for the breed, Apso Seng-kyi"
translates, loosely, to bearded lion dog."
As a living representation of the Snow Lion, the
Lhasa Apso gained favor among the Tibetan nobility
and Buddhist temple communities, particularly near
Lhasa, as an interior watch dog and steadfast

Detail from a Tibetan Rug

The Lhasa Apso


To this day,
the Lhasa Apso
a special companion
and protector,
guardian by
in his own

The Lhasa Apso

Tibetan Breeds Comparison

Tibetan breeds share certain common characteristics that have developed
over the centuries as adaptations to the extremes of the environment.
1930s Lhasa Apso
imported to Great
1920s corded
Tibetan Terrier
in Lhasa

The Lhasa Apso

Tibetan Breeds Comparison
The coats of all Tibetan breeds, short or long, are weather proof and very dense. Tails and
ears lay close to the body for warmth, reducing the risk of frostbite. The tails, carried well
over the backs, provide added protection from harmful sunlight.
In Tibetan Mastiffs and Lhasas the feet are round and described as large or cat-like,
ensuring good traction in snow and on steep slopes with rocky or icy terrain.
To avoid injuries caused by the wind, the eyes in Tibetan dogs are never large nor
protruding. In both Lhasas and Tibetan Terriers, the headfall shelters the face from the
sun and the wind.
No matter the size or the purpose, all Tibetan breeds reflect their ancient heritage as high
altitude, mountain dogs...nothing is inefficient... nor overdone... nor exaggerated.

The Lhasa Apso

The Lhasa Apso Arrives
In the U.S.

One of the first Lhasa Apsos gifted to C.

Suydam Cutting by the 13th Dalai Lama in the
Cutting was a world traveler and friend of
President Roosevelt who developed a special
interest in Tibet prior to World War II.

Helen Cutting, Suydams wife, was the

first American woman to visit Lhasa.
They returned from Tibet in 1937 with
two Lhasa Apsos that helped establish
the breed in the United States.
Photo courtesy of the Newark Museum

The Lhasa Apso

History Important Imports from Tibet
The last two dogs given to the
Cuttings arrived in the United
States in 1949, just prior to the
Chinese invasion of Tibet.
Bred by the Fourteenth Dalai
Lama, these dogs (pictured in
short clips not long after
their arrival) are considered to be
of superior type, exemplifying the
moderation and lack of
exaggeration that are
hallmarks of the breed both
then and now. Along with other
imports from Asia and Great
Britain, the Cuttings dogs
became the foundation for the
breed in this country.

The Lhasa Apso


1942 AKC Complete Dog Book


2006 ALAC Illustrated Guide

Ever since these little Tibetan dogs first appeared in the West, Lhasa breeders have
worked to conserve breed type and the essential hardiness of this mountain breed.
Comparing old photos to new, you can see that while coat care has vastly improved,
the overall balance of quality specimens of the breed has not changed.

The Lhasa Apso Standard

Character: Gay and assertive, but chary of strangers.
Size: Variable, but about 10 or 11 inches at shoulder for dogs, bitches slightly smaller.
Color: All colors equally acceptable with or without dark tips to ears and beard.
Body Shape: The length from point of shoulders to point of buttocks longer than height
at withers, well-ribbed up, strong loin, well-developed quarters and thighs.
Coat: Heavy, straight, hard, not woolly or silky, of good length, and very dense.
Mouth and Muzzle: The preferred bite is either level or slightly undershot. Muzzle of
medium length; a square muzzle is objectionable.
Head: Heavy head furnishings with good fall over eyes, good whiskers and beard, skull
narrow, falling away behind eyes in a marked degree, not quite flat, but not domed or
apple-shaped; straight foreface of fair length. Nose black, the length from tip of nose to
eye to be roughly about one-third of the total length from nose to back of skull.
Eyes: Dark brown, neither very large and full, nor very small and sunk.
Ears: Pendant, heavily feathered.
Legs: Forelegs straight; both forelegs and hind legs heavily furnished with hair.
Feet: Well-feathered; should be round and catlike, with good pads.
Tail and Carriage: Well-feathered, should be carried well over back in a screw; there
may be a kink at the end. A low carriage of stern is a serious fault.

The Lhasa Apso

Five important areas
to consider when evaluating
the breed:
Structure & Movement

The Lhasa Apso

Balance and Outline

The Lhasa Apso standard describes a moderate, small dog with no hint of coarseness nor
massive bone.
The height of the Lhasa Apso is variable. The use of the word "about" allows variation,
ideally between 10 and 11 inches at the shoulder. "Bitches slightly smaller" refers to
those feminine characteristics which distinguish females easily from males in addition
to being a reference to height.

The Lhasa Apso

Balance and Outline

The Lhasa Apso silhouette is that of a

well-balanced rectangular dog, possessing
a level backline, without exaggeration
of any body part.

Body length, measured from point of

shoulder to point of buttock, should be
roughly one-third longer than the height at
the withers. This means the Lhasa Apso is
neither excessively long nor noticeably
short in body; he is rectangular, never

The Lhasa Apso

Balance and Outline

Although there is no reference to neck

in the standard, the neck should be
strong and well proportioned, rising
smoothly from the shoulders and
carrying the head with an air of
assertiveness as befits a sure-footed
mountain breed.

As the Lhasa Apso moves forward at

the trot and increases speed, there is
a tendency for the head to extend
slightly toward the line of travel.

The Lhasa Apso

Balance and Outline

Reflecting his mountain heritage, the Lhasa Apso is, above all, a dog of moderation. The
word moderate precludes exaggeration of any one part over the other. Not only is height a
factor but consideration must be given to weight and overall proportion.

Balance in the Lhasa Apso should reflect a harmony of body parts in a pleasing relationship
to one another with no one part standing out. The relationship of length of leg to length of
body, along with the placement, length, and carriage of neck and tail, all contribute to
correct balance.

The Lhasa Apso

Balance and Outline

Think about balance again
as you look at these two
photos. These pictures are of
the same dog, taken on the
same day. One picture
shows the dog on a hard
surface and the other on
As you can see, the surface
on which you view a Lhasa
can make a significant
difference in your
assessment of balance.

The Lhasa Apso


One of the
characteristics of the
Lhasa is his head. The
typical expression,
framed by the heavy
head furnishings, has
been likened to that of
an "old soul."
Because of the Lhasa's
head furnishings, a
first glance can be
deceptive. Careful
examination is a must!

The Lhasa Apso

The skull should be narrow neither domed nor apple-shaped but not quite flat. Ears
set at eye level will compliment the narrow skull. An ear placement above eye level
can lead to the false assumption that the skull itself is broad.

To correctly understand the phrase "falling away behind the eyes to a marked degree,"
one must evaluate the narrowness of skull without the illusion of width created by the
headfall. Gently push the hair towards the back of the skull. There should be no
bulging or broadness behind the eyes. The zygomatic arch (or cheek bone) should be
only slightly curved, not prominent. The muzzle meets the backskull at a moderate
angle forming a shallow stop.

The Lhasa Apso

The length from tip of the
nose to the back of the skull
should be a ratio of 1/3
muzzle to 2/3 skull.
The standard's call for the
nose to be black eliminates
any possibility that liver
pigment is correct. Full depth
of black pigment on the nose
and eye rims and lips is
essential to good expression.

The Lhasa Apso


At one-third of the total length of the head, the

muzzle will be of medium length with a strong
but not prominent lower jaw. The standard
states that a square muzzle is objectionable.
However, a snipey, weak look to the muzzle is
also undesirable.
The foreface of the Lhasa is
straight; not turned up nor
down-faced. The muzzle
meets the backskull at a
moderate angle forming a
shallow stop.
The planes of the muzzle
and the skull are parallel
when viewed in profile.

The Lhasa Apso


The bite of the Lhasa Apso

should not interfere with nor
distract from correct
The preferred bite is either
level or slightly undershot.
A reverse scissors bite with
adequate width of lower jaw
and a full complement of
incisors, is the ideal that
breeders strive for. A
scissors bite and an
undershot bite where the
teeth show when the mouth
is closed are not desirable.

Level or

Reverse scissor bite

Level bite

The Lhasa Apso


We think of the eyes as a mirror to the soul and

a Lhasa's eyes are indeed crucial to correct
To quote the standard, the eye is "dark brown,
neither very large and full, nor very small and
In dogs with correct expression, the eyes will
be frontally placed, oval or almond in
shape...not round...and never protruding.

In order to achieve the desired softness of

expression, the Lhasa eye must be medium
size and dark. Ideally, the iris should fill
the eye with no white showing when the
dog looks straight ahead.

The Lhasa Apso


In summary, factors contributing to typical Lhasa expression include:

Balanced head of 1/3 muzzle to 2/3 skull
Straight foreface
Narrow skull
Medium-sized, oval, dark brown eyes
Deep black pigment promoting the desired
softness of expression
A correct bite
A strong not prominent lower jaw
Heavy head furnishings

The Lhasa Apso

The breed standard for the Lhasa Apso
has changed little since it was first
approved by the AKC in the 1930's.

Todays breeders assume that anything not

mentioned in the standard should default to
basic canine structure and movement.
This being the case, the Lhasa is a normally
structured dog with strengths and weaknesses
in structure and movement as you would find
in a majority of other breeds.
Unlike more recent standards, the
original writers of our standard did not
describe certain basic elements of
structure and movement for this unique

Keep in mind that the origin of the Lhasa is

the mountainous country of Tibet. The Lhasa,
in response to the demands of the
environment, is a surprisingly sturdy dog
with moderate bone, neither massive nor

The Lhasa Apso

The standard is specific in a few areas.
The Lhasa is:
Longer than tall,
Well ribbed up and
Possesses a strong loin.

As discussed earlier, longer than tall connotes a dog that is agile and athletic, not
overdone, with the agility and strength one expects in a small mountain breed.
"Well ribbed up" means that the Lhasa possesses a long, moderately sprung rib
cage. The term should never be confused with "barrel chested" in this breed.
Rather, the expression describes a long ribcage that extends well back toward the
loin allowing for increased lung capacity essential for survival in the Himalayas.
The rib itself is long and slightly curved, resulting in a flatter side and a deeper
brisket...again allowing for the sort of lung expansion needed at high altitudes.

The Lhasa Apso


The loin should be strong, of moderate length

and very muscular, to provide the impulsion
and agility needed to cover uneven terrain.

Long rib cage


When viewed from the front, the ribcage is

oval in shape. The brisket is level with or
slightly below the elbow and there is a
prominent pro-sternum.

Not slab sided Not barrel-chested
Oval ribcage

The Lhasa Apso


From elbow to pastern the foreleg should appear straight when viewed from the front.
The feet may, however, turn out slightly. The pasterns are slightly let down.
The rear construction of the Lhasa Apso defaults to normal canine structure with strong
and well-developed muscling. The hocks are well let down and perpendicular to the
ground, slightly behind the point of buttocks.





The Lhasa Apso


Proper shoulder placement is essential

for good balance, with a smooth
transition from neck to backline. The
lengths from withers to point of shoulder
and point of shoulder to elbow are equal.

Front and rear angulation should be about equal with balanced reach and drive.
The Lhasa in proper condition will
be well muscled, of good hard
flesh, and neither too fat nor too
thin. The breed is slow to mature,
however, and young Lhasas will
frequently be on the lean side.

The Lhasa Apso


The Lhasa Apso tail is to be carried well

over the back in a curl with the hair draping
to the side. The tail is set sufficiently high
to enable the dog to carry it well over the
back. It should ALWAYS be over the back
when the dog is moving but may drop
when the dog is standing still and relaxed.

Correct screw tail

The Lhasa Apso


At the trot, the Lhasa should be the picture of efficiency and grace, using a smooth
free-flowing gait with no wasted action. The legs move parallel, coming and going,
with a tendency to converge as the dog increases speed. The side gait should show
good reach and drive. Although not mentioned in the standard, a level backline on
the move is desirable.

The Lhasa Apso


The front foot contacts the ground well forward with no tendency
toward hackney or exaggerated lift.

The Lhasa Apso


Strong, well-developed quarters with a moderately angled croup provide good

drive. The rear legs should reach under the body and push out well behind,
carrying the body forward in balance with the front. You should be able to see
the pads of the rear feet as the dog goes away without exaggerated kick up.

The Lhasa Apso


The Lhasa's coat is certainly

one of the most
characteristics of this breed.
Parted in the middle from
head to tail, the coat should
look like a beautiful cloak of
hair draping the distinctive
silhouette. It should also be
natural looking...excessive
trimming and sculpturing is
The ideal Lhasa coat is described in the Standard as "heavy, straight, hard, NOT
woolly or silky". Proper Lhasa hair is strong and resilient, not light nor fine nor
"Very Dense" implies that the Lhasa should have a moderate amount of undercoat,
in other words, a double coat.

The Lhasa Apso

Coat Texture

While length of coat is

desirable for a mature,
finished look in the adult
Lhasa, texture of coat is most
Lhasa hairs are hard, straight,
and described as almost
human. On close examination,
individual hairs can be seen,
and each strand can be
individually felt when rubbed
between your fingers. The coat
will be hard to the touch but it
should not feel rough or wiry.

To evaluate heaviness and density of the coat, lift it gently and release - on an adult
Lhasa it should fall back and blend with the rest of the coat. Note that the earliest
maturing part of the coat will be over the shoulder. The slowest maturing part of the
coat will be in the middle of the back.

The Lhasa Apso

Coat Furnishings

The standard calls for:

Good headfall
Good whiskers and beard
Well feathered tail, legs and feet
These are all necessary to help the
Lhasa survive the wind and cold
and rugged terrain of Tibet.
The well feathered tail carried over
the back adds protection against
the intense sunlight of the Lhasa's
native environment. Kinks at the
end of the tail are present at birth.
They are not faulted by today's

When being shown, the long headfall

over the eyes of the Lhasa is often
brushed to the side to let the dog see
better. Bands or barrettes to hold the
hair back are not allowed in the
conformation ring.

The Lhasa Apso

Coat Color
The standard revision in 1978
recognized the importance of all
colors being equal within the breed.

Many Lhasas possess dark tips to the

ears and beard; however there is no
preference given to those with dark

The Lhasa Apso

Coat and Maturity

Slow to mature, the adult Lhasa coat

may take two to three years to reach
the ground. Puppy coats will be softer
in texture, but evidence of correct
straight, hard coat can be seen by six
months of age usually breaking at the

Eight month old puppy

Typical headfall on a young Lhasa.

A mature Lhasa in full coat.

The Lhasa Apso


The Lhasa Apso's temperament is

unique. The standard says "gay and
assertive but chary of strangers".
Independent by nature, Lhasa Apsos
are lively and fun-loving while also
sensitive to the environment,
watchful and intelligent. Above all,
they are
guardians, especially within their
own domain.
This temperament can be traced
back to the Lhasa's Tibetan heritage
and it is valued by todays breeders.

The term "chary of strangers" implies a dog that is suspicious but never shy nor aggressive.
Most Lhasas are comfortable being examined on the table but the approach should be
confident and direct, never hasty. Remember their vision is limited by the heavy head
furnishings over their eyes.

The Lhasa Apso

always REGAL when looking his best

The Lhasa Apso

Seldom a pet,
Rather a companion

Often a clown, but never a fool

The Lhasa Apso




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