Learn About The Lhasa Apso:: A Home Study Guide
Learn About The Lhasa Apso:: A Home Study Guide
Learn About The Lhasa Apso:: A Home Study Guide
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Tibet is an isolated country in Central Asia -- often called The Roof of the World.
by many of
the highest
in the world,
Tibet is a
country of
valleys, high
passes and
Tame dogs abound and are much praised by the men for guarding their flocks
and herds and houses, and by the women for petting. For the former purpose
the Tibetan Mastiff is used...the ladies dogs are Poodles or Terriers,
many of which are pretty and have long hair."
To this day,
the Lhasa Apso
a special companion
and protector,
guardian by
in his own
Ever since these little Tibetan dogs first appeared in the West, Lhasa breeders have
worked to conserve breed type and the essential hardiness of this mountain breed.
Comparing old photos to new, you can see that while coat care has vastly improved,
the overall balance of quality specimens of the breed has not changed.
The Lhasa Apso standard describes a moderate, small dog with no hint of coarseness nor
massive bone.
The height of the Lhasa Apso is variable. The use of the word "about" allows variation,
ideally between 10 and 11 inches at the shoulder. "Bitches slightly smaller" refers to
those feminine characteristics which distinguish females easily from males in addition
to being a reference to height.
Reflecting his mountain heritage, the Lhasa Apso is, above all, a dog of moderation. The
word moderate precludes exaggeration of any one part over the other. Not only is height a
factor but consideration must be given to weight and overall proportion.
Balance in the Lhasa Apso should reflect a harmony of body parts in a pleasing relationship
to one another with no one part standing out. The relationship of length of leg to length of
body, along with the placement, length, and carriage of neck and tail, all contribute to
correct balance.
One of the
characteristics of the
Lhasa is his head. The
typical expression,
framed by the heavy
head furnishings, has
been likened to that of
an "old soul."
Because of the Lhasa's
head furnishings, a
first glance can be
deceptive. Careful
examination is a must!
To correctly understand the phrase "falling away behind the eyes to a marked degree,"
one must evaluate the narrowness of skull without the illusion of width created by the
headfall. Gently push the hair towards the back of the skull. There should be no
bulging or broadness behind the eyes. The zygomatic arch (or cheek bone) should be
only slightly curved, not prominent. The muzzle meets the backskull at a moderate
angle forming a shallow stop.
Level or
Level bite
As discussed earlier, longer than tall connotes a dog that is agile and athletic, not
overdone, with the agility and strength one expects in a small mountain breed.
"Well ribbed up" means that the Lhasa possesses a long, moderately sprung rib
cage. The term should never be confused with "barrel chested" in this breed.
Rather, the expression describes a long ribcage that extends well back toward the
loin allowing for increased lung capacity essential for survival in the Himalayas.
The rib itself is long and slightly curved, resulting in a flatter side and a deeper
brisket...again allowing for the sort of lung expansion needed at high altitudes.
Not slab sided Not barrel-chested
Oval ribcage
From elbow to pastern the foreleg should appear straight when viewed from the front.
The feet may, however, turn out slightly. The pasterns are slightly let down.
The rear construction of the Lhasa Apso defaults to normal canine structure with strong
and well-developed muscling. The hocks are well let down and perpendicular to the
ground, slightly behind the point of buttocks.
Front and rear angulation should be about equal with balanced reach and drive.
The Lhasa in proper condition will
be well muscled, of good hard
flesh, and neither too fat nor too
thin. The breed is slow to mature,
however, and young Lhasas will
frequently be on the lean side.
At the trot, the Lhasa should be the picture of efficiency and grace, using a smooth
free-flowing gait with no wasted action. The legs move parallel, coming and going,
with a tendency to converge as the dog increases speed. The side gait should show
good reach and drive. Although not mentioned in the standard, a level backline on
the move is desirable.
The front foot contacts the ground well forward with no tendency
toward hackney or exaggerated lift.
To evaluate heaviness and density of the coat, lift it gently and release - on an adult
Lhasa it should fall back and blend with the rest of the coat. Note that the earliest
maturing part of the coat will be over the shoulder. The slowest maturing part of the
coat will be in the middle of the back.
Coat Furnishings
The term "chary of strangers" implies a dog that is suspicious but never shy nor aggressive.
Most Lhasas are comfortable being examined on the table but the approach should be
confident and direct, never hasty. Remember their vision is limited by the heavy head
furnishings over their eyes.