Ckmlippracticum Kanatahighlands
Ckmlippracticum Kanatahighlands
Ckmlippracticum Kanatahighlands
Caroline Kim Moore
Pauline McKenna, Principal, Kanata Highlands Public School
Schedule of activities
- Summer: Initial meeting with mentor, Pauline McKenna, to discuss practicum
- September/October: Building rapport with staf, helping out and contributing
where needed in the areas of: school set-up, music, technology
- October: Finalize practicum focus: Be Open, Be Curious, Be Kind framework for
technology in the school, focus: staf capacity-building, School council: join as
community member, begin relationship-building, meetings with in-school Digital
Lead Learner (DLL), Technology support from board office
- Tuesday, November 1 (staf meeting): Collaborative in-person work on learning
- School motto in Technology: brain-storming & question-forming
- Invite continued input and collaboration through Google+ community and
Google forms for data collection
- November: Continual dialogue, supporting with classroom technology use,
regular check-ins with mentor & teachers
- Friday, November 18: Report data collection to mentor & staf, decide collectively
on plan for next steps for continuing project through the rest of the school year.
Applicable legislation and policies
Ottawa Carleton District School Board
Enabling a Culture of Access and Mobility: Planning for Technology Usage in the
OCDSB 2012-17
21st Century Learner: Schools for the Future
2015-2019 Strategic Plan
Ontario Ministry of Education
School Improvement Planning Handbook
The K-12 School Efectiveness Framework (2013): A support for school
improvement and student success
A Shifting Landscape : Pedagogy, Technology, and the New Terrain of Innovation in a Digital
Links to the Standard of Practice for the Teaching Profession
Leadership in Learning Communities: Members promote and participate in the
creation of collaborative, safe, and supportive learning communities. The focus of this
practicum is to promote a digital learning community with a shared vision through
articulation of the school motto and the creation of a shared learning plan.
The Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession
TRUST: The ethical standard of Trust embodies fairness, openness and honesty.
Members' professional relationships with students, colleagues, parents, guardians and
the public are based on trust.. As lead inquirer in a new collaborative learning
community, trust is built by continually show respect and trust teachers who are
questioning, learning, and sharing of themselves and their classroom practice.
Specific formative and summative success criteria: LIP Practicum Rubric
Tools to receive summative peer assessments: Google Forms: survey
Resources: Collaborative Inquiry: A Facilitators Guide
School Improvement Planning: A Handbook for Principals, Teachers, and School Councils