Quinn Et Al-2016-British Journal of Haematology
Quinn Et Al-2016-British Journal of Haematology
Quinn Et Al-2016-British Journal of Haematology
their risk of having children with SCD (World Health Organization, 2010).
An accurate diagnosis is the first step in improving the
outcomes of individuals with SCD. In high-resource environments, such as the United States, United Kingdom and
many European countries, universal newborn screening for
haemoglobinopathies has clearly decreased childhood
mortality from SCD (Telfer et al, 2007; Quinn et al, 2010).
Diagnostic testing for haemoglobinopathies, whether by
screening newborns or later in life, involves a number of
laboratory methods, including various electrophoretic techniques (gel- or capillary-based), high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), mass spectrometry and genetic testing.
All of these methods require special equipment, oftentimes expensive, and highly trained personnel. However,
over 80% of the population at risk for SCD reside in lowand middle-income countries. The high cost and technological barriers of standard diagnostic methods prohibit their
doi: 10.1111/bjh.14298
C. T. Quinn et al
Recently, several rapid diagnostic methods have been
described, including assays based on differential erythrocyte
density (Kumar et al, 2014), differential wicking of Hb S and
Hb A through filter paper (Yang et al, 2013), and a polyclonal antibody-based capture immunoassay (Kanter et al,
2015). While these represent significant advances in diagnostic capabilities for SCD, each has deficiencies. Each method
requires an instrument as either an integral part of the procedure or to achieve maximum sensitivity and specificity
(McGann et al, 2016; Piety et al, 2016), which can be prohibitive in low-resource settings. In addition, none of these
methods achieve 100% accuracy with or without instrumentation. In the case of the immunoassay device (SickleSCAN,
BioMedomics, Inc., Research Triangle Park, NC, USA), an
independent evaluation identified limitations to the specificity and sensitivity of the device in clinical settings, which
could be due to the use of polyclonal antibodies (McGann
et al, 2016).
We set out to develop monoclonal antibodies (MAbs)
specific for each of Hb A, Hb S and Hb C to the exclusion
of the other variants. There have been reports of such MAbs
(Jensen et al, 1985; Rosenthal et al, 1995; Epstein et al,
1996), but, to our knowledge, none has resulted in fieldusable immunoassays. These major haemoglobin variants differ from Hb A by a single amino acid at position 6 of the
mature b-globin chain (glutamate to valine for Hb S, glutamate to lysine for Hb C), perhaps explaining the difficulties
encountered by previous attempts to make such MAbs. We
successfully produced MAbs with the desired specificities,
and then produced lateral flow immunoassay test strips in a
competitive format the HemoTypeSCTM test. The procedure
for HemoTypeSCTM requires <1 ll of blood, no instrumentation or power sources, and has a total time-to-result of
<20 min. We then investigated the performance and accuracy
of these simple devices using whole blood from individuals
with known haemoglobin phenotypes. The results of this
evaluation indicate that the HemoTypeSCTM test is a promising new method for rapid, point-of-care determination of
haemoglobin phenotype in low-resource settings.
Monoclonal antibodies
Female 6- to 10-week-old Balb/C or BDF-1 mice were immunised with immunogen constructs containing the N-terminal
sequences of human Hb A (VHLTPEEKSAVTAL),
human Hb S (VHLTPVEKSAVTAL) and human Hb C
(VHLTPKEKSAVTAL). Splenocyte fusions were performed as
described (Shirahata et al, 1998; Greenfield, 2013) and the
resulting clones were screened by direct and competitive
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) as described
below. Hybridoma clones were selected if they (i) bound to
the correct Hb variant, (ii) did not bind to the other two
variants, (iii) could be competed by diluted, lysed blood
The methodology of indirect competitive ELISA has
been described previously (Kemeny & Challacombe, 1988).
Briefly, ferrous stabilised human Hb A (Sigma-Aldrich; Cat.
# H0267) and Hb S (Sigma-Aldrich; Cat. # H0392), were
used as capture antigens. As Hb C is not commercially available, an analogue, BSA-C, was produced by conjugating
bovine serum albumin (Sigma-Aldrich; Cat. # A2934), to a
synthetic peptide containing the N-terminal 14 amino acids
of Hb C (VHLTPKEKSAVTAL) through the heterobifunctional linker e-maleimidocaproic acid N-hydroxysuccinimide
ester (EMCS; Prochem, Rockford, IL, USA, Cat. # CL-222)
(Chen et al, 2003). Ninety-six-well enzyme immunoassay
plates were coated with 50 ll of 1 lg/ml of each capture
antigen for 1 h and washed three times with PBS containing
005% Tween 20 (PBST). For direct ELISA, antibodies were
added to the wells at 50 ll/well. For competitive ELISAs,
25 ll of lysed blood samples, diluted in H2O, were added as
competitors to the wells, followed by addition of 25 ll of
anti-haemoglobin antibodies (1029-31, 1029-13, and 1029-8)
to a final concentration of 1 lg/ml and incubated for
45 min. After three additional washes, 50 ll of alkaline phosphatase (AP)-conjugated goat anti-mouse immunoglobulin G
(American Qualex, San Clemente, CA, USA) was added at
1 lg/ml in PBST and incubated for 45 min. The plates were
again washed three times with PBST and 50 ll of 1 mg/ml
p-nitrophenyl phosphate substrate (Thermo Fisher Scientific,
Waltham, MA, USA) was added to the wells. The plates were
read at 405 nm after allowing the substrate to develop for
30 min. Data points were performed in triplicate. Data are
presented as % of maximal reading (in the absence of competitor) after subtraction of background optical density (OD)
(in the absence of primary antibody), mean of triplicates.
consent was waived, and the study was exempt from fullboard review by the local Institutional Review Board. Each
sample was phenotyped using standard clinical methods (see
above) and used in the HemoTypeSCTM procedure as
described. Results were read visually by two operators and
photographed; a third individual confirmed the interpretation of results from electronic images. All three individuals
interpretations of each HemoTypeSCTM result were concordant in all samples.
Monoclonal antibodies specific for Hb A, Hb S, and Hb C
Monoclonal antibodies were produced by screening hybridoma clones for exclusive binding to purified Hb A and Hb
S, and to BSA conjugated to synthetic peptides with the
N-terminal sequence of Hb C (purified Hb C is not commercially available). MAbs were further selected by competing
the binding to the specific antigen by lysed blood from Hb
AA, Hb SS and Hb CC donors. In this format, specificity of
antibodies is determined by testing for binding of free antibody with free antigen in solution, which decreases the binding of the antibody to a capture antigen immobilised on a
surface. In the indirect competitive ELISA format, the
selected MAbs (1029-31 for Hb A, 1029-13 for Hb S and
1029-8 for Hb C) each bound exclusively to their respective
haemoglobin variant and that binding was competed by lysed
blood samples containing the respective haemoglobin variant
(Fig 1). This set of three competitive ELISAs correctly identified each relevant homozygous and heterozygous phenotype,
including normal (Hb AA), carrier (Hb AS and Hb AC),
sickle cell disease (Hb SS and Hb SC) and Hb C disease (Hb
CC). No competition by fetal haemoglobin (Hb F, a2c2) or
by Hb A2 (a2d2) was seen with any of these three MAbs
(data not shown). Taken together, these results are consistent
with the binding of each MAb being dependent on the presence of a variant-specific residue in position 6 of the Hb b
chain. For at least the anti-Hb A MAb 1029-31, the binding
is also dependent on the presence of b-chain-specific residues
in positions 9 and 12 of the Hb b chain, as these positions
are different in the d chain of Hb A2.
In dilution experiments in the same competitive ELISAs,
whole blood of the targeted phenotype competed the binding of each antibody at dilutions up to 1:1051:106, while little or no competition was seen with blood of the nontargeted phenotypes even at dilutions of 1:100 (Fig 2). The
IC50 (half maximal inhibitory concentration) of each targeted Hb variant was at least 1000-fold lower than the IC50
of the other two variantsin fact, the non-targeted variants
did not reach 50% inhibition of binding at any measured
concentration. These results indicate that these MAbs are
capable of specifically binding each haemoglobin variant in
solution, with <01% cross-reactivity with non-targeted
C. T. Quinn et al
Fig 1. Binding of anti-haemoglobin MAbs to SCD-associated haemoglobin variants. ELISA plates were coated with Hb A (Panel A),
Hb S (Panel B) and BSA conjugated to the N-terminal peptide of Hb
C (Panel C). Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) 1029-31, 1029-13 and
1029-8 were applied in the presence of competitor haemoglobins whole blood of known Hb phenotype, lysed and diluted 1:400 in
H2O or no competitor (H2O only). After washing, binding of
MAb to the plate surface was determined by addition of secondary
antibody (goat anti-mouse-Ig conjugated to alkaline phosphatase),
followed by addition of the colourimetric phosphatase substrate
p-nitrophenyl phosphate. Results were determined by optical density
at 405 nm (OD405). For each antigen/MAb/competitor combination,
data are presented as percentage of maximum MAb binding to
that antigen (defined as OD405 of highest-binding MAb with no
C. T. Quinn et al
F and Hb A2 because they are not recognized by the anti-Hb
MAbs in HemoTypeSCTM, and the presence or absence of Hb
F (0948% of total Hb in this sample set) or Hb A2 (0
57% of total Hb in this sample set) does not affect the
results of haemoglobin phenotyping. Similarly, the test is
blind to Hb Barts.
We tested whole blood samples from 11 additional unique
individuals with established haemoglobin phenotypes that the
HemoTypeSCTM test strip was not designed to identify and
differentiate (Table II). All non-Hb S and non-Hb C structural variants were not identified by the test strip. Heterozygotes for these variants appeared to have only Hb A. One
compound heterozygote for Hb S and Hb D (Hb SD disease)
appeared to have Hb S and Hb A, indicating that anti-Hb A
MAb cross-reacts with Hb D. An individual with sickle-b0thalassaemia was correctly identified to have only Hb S present. An individual with sickle-b+-thalassaemia was correctly
identified to have both HbS and HbA present, but this qualitative determination does not differentiate it from HbS trait.
prior training, and the results were interpreted by two observers (who reported no discrepant results). The correct haemoglobin phenotype was identified in 100% of these samples
by the HemoTypeSCTM test strip, including normal haemoglobin type (Hb AA), sickle trait (Hb AS), Hb C trait (Hb
AC), homozygous sickle cell anaemia (Hb SS), sickle-haemoglobin C disease (Hb SC), and haemoglobin C disease (Hb
CC). In this sample set, sensitivity and specificity were 100%
for each Hb variant that the test was designed to identify
(Hb A, Hb S and Hb C). The test had 100% accuracy across
a broad range of clinically relevant concentrations of these
Hb types (Hb A: 6982% of total Hb; Hb S: 43869%; Hb
C: 45994%). As expected, the test was blind to both Hb
(HbA A)*
Sickle cell
trait (Hb AS)
Hb C trait
(Hb AC)
Sickle cell
(Hb SS)
C disease
(Hb SC)
Hb C disease
(Hb CC)
Range of
Hb levels in
clinical Hb
analysis (%)
A: 933982
F: 02
A2: 1847
A: 6665
S: 43408
F: 0897
A2: 033
A: 8166
C: 45354
F: 0874
A2: 041
S: 115869
F: 0885
A2: 057
S: 19551
C: 16745
F: 162
A2: 1847
C: 52994
F: 02948
A2: 0
Results of
Hb analysis
Results of
A (19)
A F (1)
A S (10)
A S F (4)
F A S (8)
A C (5)
A C F (10)
F A C (5)
S (6)
F (14)
S (2)
C (6)
C F (6)
S C (1)
C C (2)
F C (1)
Table II. Results of HemoTypeSCTM for other structural haemoglobin variants and thalassaemia.
Patient Category
Hb I trait
gene deletion
Hb D-Punjab
Hb E trait
Hb O-Arab trait
Hb Hope trait
Hb Lepore trait
db fusion
D disease
of clinical
Hb analysis*
A: 708%
I: 272%
A2: 2%
A: 696%
F: 51%
A2: 14%
A: 696%
F: 288%
A2: 13%
Barts: 03%
A: 574%
D: 397%
A2: 29%
A: 711%
E: 258%
A2: 31%
A: 585%
O-Arab +
A2: 4155
A: 519%
A2: 38%
A: 811%
A2: 22%
S+D: 726%
F: 248%
A2: 26%
S: 807%
F: 134%
A2: 59%
S: 807%
A: 44%
F: 121%
A2: 28%
C. T. Quinn et al
sensitivity, and the predictive value of both positive and negative results of the HemoTypeSCTM test in this study were
100%; further studies are needed to ascertain whether this
accuracy can be approached when the test method is used in
low-resource settings.
When blood was tested from individuals with haemoglobinopathies for which HemoTypeSCTM was not designed to differentiate (i.e., not Hb S or Hb C), these structural variants
gave results consistent with Hb A. For sickle-b0-thalassaemia,
HemoTypeSCTM gave the correct Hb phenotype (presence of
Hb S only). Homozygous sickle cell anaemia (Hb SS) and
sickle-b0-thalassaemia have the same Hb phenotype, and
their clinical management is identical, so the conflation of
these genotypes with HemoTypeSCTM would have no direct
clinical consequences. For sickle-b+-thalassaemia, HemoTypeSCTM again gave the correct Hb phenotype (presence of Hb
A and Hb S). However, this non-quantitative result does not
differentiate it from sickle cell trait, where Hb A > Hb S,
while in sickle-b+-thalassaemia Hb S > Hb A. Sickle-haemoglobin D disease was misidentified as having Hb A and Hb
Sas expected and explained by the sequence identity in the
N-terminal region between b chains of Hb A and Hb D. The
SickleSCAN assay was shown to have the same limitations,
and any antibody-based test specific for N-terminal differences between the b chains of Hb A, S, and C can be
expected to perform in the same manner. The inability to
discriminate sickle-b+-thalassaemia and sickle-haemoglobin
D disease from sickle cell trait does have direct clinical consequences.
For all forms of protein-based testing, the differentiation
of sickle cell trait from sickle-b+-thalassaemia requires a
quantitative analysis. In both conditions, Hb A and Hb S will
be present but differ in proportion (Hb S > Hb A for sickleb+-thalassaemia). If applied to newborn screening, the
HemoTypeSCTM would properly identify three of the most
common forms of SCD without additional testing: homozygous sickle cell anaemia, sickle-haemoglobin C disease, and
sickle-b0-thalassaemia. In general, these are the most severe
forms of SCD. However, sickle-b+-thalassaemia, the third
most common form of SCD, and other rare compound
heterozygous disease forms, would not be properly identified
with one-stage testing.
Barr, I. & Guo, F. (2015) Pyridine hemochromagen assay for determining the concentration of
heme in purified protein solutions. Bio-Protocol,
5, e1594.
Chakravorty, S. & Williams, T.N. (2015) Sickle cell
disease: a neglected chronic disease of increasing
global health importance. Archives of Disease in
Childhood, 100, 4853.
Chen, Z., Stokes, D.L., Rice, W.J. & Jones, L.R.
(2003) Spatial and dynamic interactions between
phospholamban and the canine cardiac Ca2+
The HemoTypeSCTM test would be best suited for lowresource settings in which Hb S and Hb C are the predominant b-haemoglobinopathies in the population, especially
sub-Saharan Africa. In this environment, the positive and
negative predictive values of HemoTypeSCTM for the most
common forms of SCD and their carrier states results will be
extremely high. Users of this test system for populations in
which Hb D, Hb E, or Hb O are common, such as in the
Middle East, South Asia or Southeast Asia, would need to
take into account that clinically significant, compound
heterozygous forms of SCD would probably be misidentified
as Hb S trait.
In summary, HemoTypeSCTM test is a promising new
method for rapid, point-of-care determination of haemoglobin phenotypes in low-resource settings, such as sub-Saharan
Africa, where Hb S and Hb C are the predominant b-haemoglobinopathies in the population. Only a small amount of
whole blood is needed, and no instrumentation or power
sources are required. It is inexpensive compared to standard
diagnostic methods, and does not require extensive operator
training. The HemoTypeSCTM test has the potential to
improve the outcomes of individuals with SCD in lowresource settings by providing the necessary first step of an
accurate diagnosis. In addition, an accurate and inexpensive
method of determining carrier status can inform parental
choices and possibly reduce the incidence of SCD births.
Author contributions
CTQ, MP, RKD, AP and MG performed the research. CTQ,
RKD, AP and MG analysed the data. CTQ and MG wrote
the paper.
Conflict of interest
RKD, AP and MG are employees of Silver Lake Research
Corporation. CTQ is a consultant for Silver Lake Research
Corporation. CTQ and MP receive research funding
from Silver Lake Research Corporation through a grant
from NIH-NHLBI to Silver Lake Research Corporation
Greenfield, E.A. (ed.) (2013) Antibodies: A Laboratory Manual, 2nd edn. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.
Grosse, S.D., Odame, I., Atrash, H.K., Amendah,
D.D., Piel, F.B. & Williams, T.N. (2011) Sickle
cell disease in Africa: a neglected cause of early
childhood mortality. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 41, S398405.
Jensen, R.H., Vanderlaan, M., Grabske, R.J.,
Branscomb, E.W., Bigbee, W.L. & Stanker,
L.H. (1985) Monoclonal antibodies specific for
sickle cell hemoglobin. Hemoglobin, 9, 349