Republic Act 10909 or No Shortchanging Act

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mmmrnrn mmAjip


No. 1618

H. No. 4730

|lppublic of tlje ^Ijiltpptnpa

C 0 t t ig r p s s

itlptro jManila
.^ixtepntlj Congress
l|trb ^ g u la r^ p s s io n

B e g u n and h e ld in M e tro M a n ila , o n M o n d a y , th e tw e n ty -s e v e n th

d a y o f J u ly , tw o th o u s a n d fifte e n .

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e p u b l ic


10909 1



Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the

Philippines in Congress assembled:
S ection l. Short Title. This Act shall be known as the
No Shortchanging Act of 2016.
S ec . 2. Declaration of Policy. It is the pohcy of the State
to protect the interest and promote the general welfare of the
consumer as well as establish standards of conduct for business
and industry. Towards this end, the State shall implement
measures to achieve the following objectives;

(a) Protection of consumers against deceptive, unfair

and unconscionable sales acts and practices;
(b) Institutionalization of the industry practice of giving
exact change to consumers of goods and services;
(c) Provision of information and education to facilitate
sound choice and the proper exercise of rights by the consumer;
(d) Provision of adequate rights and means of redress for
consumers; and
(e) Provision of penalties for offenders.
S ec . 3. Definition of Terms.
Act, the following term s shall mean;

For the purpose of this

(a) Business establishment - any person, n atu ral or

ju rid ical, w h eth er single p ro p rieto rsh ip , p a rtn e rsh ip or
corporation, including a government-owned and -controlled
corporation or a government entity exercising its proprietary
functions, engaged in, or doing business in the Philippines, either
in selling goods or providing services;
(b) Change - the excess in the paym ent given by a
consumer for goods and services purchased or received from a
business estabhshment;
(c) Consumer - a natural person who purchases goods
or services in cash;
(d) Goods - all types of tangible property th a t could be
bought and sold, and the possession of which could be transferred
in whole or in part, temporarily or permanently;
(e) Gross sales - the total invoice value of sales, before
deducting for customer discount, allowances and re tu rn s ;.
(0 Insufficient change
w hat is due the consumers;

a change th a t is less th a n

Price - tag any device written, printed, affixed or
attached to a good, or displayed in a consumer retail or service
establishm ent for the purpose of indicating the retail price per
unit or services;


(h) Services - all types of commercial activities which

enable the supply, access to, consumption or use of goods,
intellectual property or other services; and
(i) Shortchange - the act of giving insufficient or no
change to a consumer who purchased a product or service.
S ec . 4. Regulated Acts. - It shall be the duty of the
business estabhshm ent to give the exact change to the consumer
without waiting for the consumer to ask for the same.
(a) In General. - It shall be unlawful for any business
estabhshm ent to shortchange a consumer, even if such change is
only of a small amount. Nothing in this Act shall be construed as
a restriction for business estabhshments to give an amount greater
than the sufficient change.
(b) Other Prohibitions. - It shah also be unlawful for any
business estabhshm ent which seUs goods or provides services to
give the change in any form other than the present currency or
to ask the consumers for permission to be exempted from the
provisions of this Act for any reason, including the nonavailabhity
of sm ah biUs or coins.
(c) Price Tags. - It shah hkewise be the duty of business
estabhshm ents to use price tags, when appropriate, indicating
the exact retail price per unit or service which already includes
the taxes apphcable to the goods or services being offered. These
estabhshm ents shall also put signs in conspicuous places within
the estabhshm ents or reflect in the official receipts issued, the
taxes incorporated in the retail price per unit of goods or services.
This is to avoid misleading the consumers as to the exact price
they have to pay for the goods or services and, consequently, the
exact change due them.
S ec . 5. Procedures in Filing a Complaint. (a) The
consumer shall write and submit a letter of complaint to the
D epartm ent of Trade and Industry (DTI) not later than ten (10)
working days after a violation has been committed.
(b) The DTI shall, in not more than ten (10) working
days after the com plaint has been subm itted, conduct an
investigation, and shall issue a notice to the estabhshm ent

(c) After a full investigation shall have been made by

the DTI, it shall issue its decision and findings not later than
thirty (30) days from the receipt of the complaint.
(d) Nothing herein shall be construed to limit or impair
the rights and remedies of a consumer under any other law.
S e c . 6. P enalties. - Any violation of th is Act as
determined by the DTI under Section 5 hereof shall be punished
as follows: for the first offense, a violator shall be fined five hundred
pesos (P500.00) or three percent (3%) of the gross sales of the
business establishment on the day of the violation, whichever is
higher: for the second offense, a violator shall be fined five
thousand pesos (P5,000.00) or five percent (5%) of the gross sales
of the business establishm ent on the day of the violation,
whichever is higher; for the third offense, a violator shall be fined
fifteen thousand pesos (PI 5,000.00) or seven percent (7%) of the
gross sales of the business establishm ent on the day of the
violation, whichever is higher, and the Hcense to operate of the
business establishment shall be suspended for three (3) months;
and for the fourth offense, a violator shall be fined twenty-five
thousand pesos (P25,000.00) or ten percent (10%) of the gross
sales of the business establishm ent on the day of the violation,
whichever is higher, and the license to operate of the business
establishment shall be revoked.
In addition to the amount of the fine mentioned above,
the total amount of change the estabhshm ent failed or refused to
give, as determined from the audit of the DTI, shall be paid by
the said establishment to the complainant.
S ec . 7. Implementing Rules and Regulations. - The
DTI, in consultation with the appropriate stakeholders and other
government agencies, shall, within one hundred.twenty (120) days
from the efifectivity of this Act, promulgate the rules and regulations
necessary to effectively implement the provisions of this Act.
S e c . 8. In fo rm atio n C am paign. - The DTI sh a ll
undertake to im plem ent an education cam paign to inform
consumers of the provisions of this Act. It shall regularly pubUsh
a hst of the establishments found to have violated any provision
of this Act.

S ec . 9. Separability Clause. - If, for any reason, any

part or provision of this Act is declared invalid, such declaration
shall not affect the other provisions of this Act.
S ec . 10. Repealing Clause.-AH laws, decrees, executive
orders, issuances, rules and regulations or parts thereof which
are inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed,
amended or modified accordingly.
S ec . 11. Effectivity. - This Act shall take effect fifteen
(15) days after its pubhcation in the Official Gazette or in two (2)
newspapers of general circulation.


Speaker of the House
of Representatives

President of the Senate

This Act which is a consolidation of Senate Bill

No. 1618 and House Bill No. 4730 was finally passed by the
Senate and the House of R epresentatives on May 23, 2016
and Ju n e 6, 2016, respectively.

Marilyn . b a ^ - Y a p
Secretary General
House of Representatives

Secretary of the Senate



President of the Philippines
L a p s e d in to la w o n


2 1 2016

W i t h o u t t h e s i g n a t u r e o f t h e P r e s id e n t
tn a c c o r d a n c e v v ith A r t i c l e V I , S e c t io n

? 7 M ) o f t h e C o n s titu tio n

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