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Biologically Inspired Design: A New Paradigm For AI Research On Computational Sustainability?

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Computational Sustainability: Papers from the 2015 AAAI Workshop

Biologically Inspired Design: A New Paradigm for

AI Research on Computational Sustainability?
Ashok K. Goel
Design & Intelligence Laboratory, School of Interactive Computing, and
Center for Biologically Inspired Design, Georgia Institute of Technology

corners than if their flippers were smooth (Fish et al 2011).

When applied to wind turbine blades, they improve lift and
reduce drag, improving the energy efficiency of the
turbine. The field of biologically inspired design is
characterized by a rapidly growing literature, including
both patents (Bonser & Vincent 2007) and publications
(Lepora et al. 2013).

Much AI research on computational sustainability has
focused on monitoring, modeling, analysis, and
optimization of existing systems and processes. In this
article, we present another exciting and promising paradigm
for AI research on computational sustainability that
emphasizes design of new systems and processes, and, in
particular, on biologically inspired design. We first
characterize biologically inspired design, then examine its
relationship with environmental sustainability, next present
a computational model of the process of biologically
inspired design, and finally describe a few computational
systems for supporting biologically inspired design practice.

Biologically Inspired Design

Biologically inspired design (also known as biomimicry,
biomimetics and bionics) is a growing movement in
modern design that espouses the use of nature as an
analogue for designing technological systems and as a
standard for evaluating technological designs (French
1994; Gleich et. al. 2010; Turner 2007; Vincent & Mann
2002; Vogel 2000). This paradigm has inspired many
designers in the history of design, such as Leonardo da
Vinci, the Wright brothers, etc. However, it is only over
the last generation that the paradigm has become a
movement, pulled in part by the growing need for
environmentally sustainable development and pushed
partly by the desire for creativity and innovation in design.
The Biomimicry 3.8 Institute (2011) provides numerous
examples of biologically inspired design. The design of
windmill turbine blades mimicking the design of tubercles
on the pectoral flippers of humpback whales is one
example of biologically inspired design. As Figure 1
illustrates, tubercles are large bumps on the leading edges
of humpback whale flippers that create even, fast-moving
channels of water flowing over them. The whales thus can
move through the water at sharper angles and turn tighter

Figure 1: Design of windmill turbine blades to increase

efficiency inspired by the tubercles on humpback whale
flippers. (Biomimicry 3.8 Institute 2011)
Note that although our examples in this article flippers
of humpback whales and blades of windmill turbines are
about product designs at spatial and temporal scales visible
to the naked human eye, the scope of biologically inspired
design is much larger. Thus, biologically inspired products
may cover many spatial scales ranging from nanometers
(e.g., biomolecules) to hundreds of kilometers (e.g.,
ecosystems), as well as many temporal scales ranging from
nanoseconds to centuries (Benyus 1997). Further, the
methodology of biologically inspired design potentially is
useful not only for designing engineering products and
materials, but for almost all design domains ranging from
built environments to socio-technical systems, processes,
and policies.











Figure 2: A data flow diagram for a simplified version of the general process of preliminary design: ovals depict
functions, rectangles depict inputs and outputs, and parallel horizontal lines denote data sources. The process starts with
a need and results in one or more conceptual designs. It consists of the functions of problem formulation, concept
generation and design analysis. Generation of a design concept may lead to problem reformulation and design analysis
may lead to redesign. As indicated by the data sources in blue, biological analogies are useful for several functions in
biologically inspired design including concept generation, design analysis, redesign and problem reformulation.

Biologically Inspired Design and

Environmental Sustainability

years, attended the classes, participated in the design

projects, and collected all the class materials. Our in situ
observations of biologically inspired design in practice
have indicated the use of multiple processes, including
problem-driven design and solution-based design (Helms,
Vattam & Goel 2009) entailing multiple or compound
analogies (Vattam, Helms & Goel 2008). Figure 2
illustrates a simplified version of the general process of
problem-driven preliminary design. As illustrated in Figure
2, biological analogies are useful in several tasks of
preliminary design, including concept generation, design
analysis, redesign, and problem reformulation (Vattam,
Helms & Goel 2010).
Goel & Bhatta (2004) described a general process for
cross-domain analogical design. Figure 3 illustrates a
simplified version of the general process of problem-driven
analogy-based concept generation in biologically inspired
design. Figure 3 also indicates some of the fundamental
roles AI can play in systematizing the design process as
well as biological knowledge from a design perspective.
In particular, Figure 3 raises a myriad of questions for
AI: What knowledge representation language do we need
to capture knowledge of billions of biological systems in a
manner that is meaningful to designers? How may we use
the collective intelligence of tens or hundreds of thousands
of biologists across the world to construct a knowledge
base of biological designs? How may we support designers
in deeply understanding the working of biological designs?
What learning techniques might help in abstracting useful
design patterns and principles from the billions of
biological designs? How may we automatically access the
right set of design cases and design patterns at the right
time in the design process? How may we support human
designers in viewing old problems from new perspectives?

Environmentally sustainable design refers to the design of

products, materials, processes and services in accordance
with the principles of biological diversity, ecological
integrity, and environmental responsibility (Ehrenfeld
2008). According to many leading proponents of the
biologically inspired design paradigm, for example Benyus
(1997), environmental sustainability is, or should be, the
driving force of the movement. Thus, environmentally
sustainable design is one of the fundamental organizing
principles of Biomimicry 3.8s educational programs and
courses on biologically inspired design. Georgia Techs
Center for Biologically Inspired Designs too has used
sustainable design as a primary goal in some offerings of
its ME/ISyE/MSE/PTFe/BIOL 4740 course on biologically
inspired design. Course (Yen et al. 2011). Even in years
when sustainability was not an explicit goal of the
ME/ISyE/MSE/PTFe/BIOL 4740 course, as a whole
sustainability nevertheless was a major factor in about a
third of the design projects, and an explicit design goal in
about a fourth (Goel et al. 2014). Thus, there is a prima
facie relation between biologically inspired design and
environmental sustainability.

Computational Model of the Biologically

Inspired Design Process
In addition to examining the design projects in Georgia
Tech ME/ISyE/MSE/PTFe/BIOL 4740 class from 20062012, we also observed the teaching, learning, and
designing in the class. Several graduate students from our
research laboratory took the course for credit in different














Figure 3: A data flow diagram of the process of problem-driven concept generation in biologically inspired design.
The process consists of interactive retrieval of biological analogues online, understanding the biological systems,
abstracting design patterns, and transferring the patterns to the given design problem. The design process is iterative. The
red boxes denote some of the roles AI can play in systematizing the design process and the biological knowledge.
technologies for water desalination are inefficient and
costly. Yet, if we search for water desalination in, say,
Google, then although we get a few million hits, all the
millions of hits appear to refer to current technologies. This
is a missed opportunity because there are a large number of
biological organisms that perform water desalination quite
efficiently, e.g., some kinds of desert plants, snails and
mice. Nature provides the worlds largest library of
sustainable designs for many design problems. Thus, we
want to build digital libraries of natures design as well as
design a new generation of search engines that enable
access to natures designs online.
To help designers address scenarios such as the two
described above, AskNature provides interactive access to
a functionally indexed digital library of high-level design
strategies (Deldin & Schuknecht 2014; Biomimicry 3.8
Institute 2008; http://www.asknature.org/). Idea-Inspire
(Chakrabarti et al. 2005) and DANE (Goel et al. 2012;
http://dilab.cc.gatech.edu/dane/) provide interactive access
to digital libraries of functional models of biological and
technological systems. Shu (2010) describes a natural
language technique for accessing biology articles relevant
to a design problem from a database. Nagle (2014) presents
an engineering-to-biology thesaurus for mapping functions
in engineering to functions in biology. Vattam & Goel
(2013) describe Biologue that is both an interactive tool for
collaborative semantic annotation of biology articles and a
search engine for semantically annotated biology articles
relevant to a design problem from a knowledgebase as
illustrated in Figure 4. DSL is a digital library of the 78
case studies we described earlier (Goel et a. 2014).

How may we support them in transferring biological

knowledge to their design problems? How may we support
them in evaluating new designs for sustainability? How
may we help human designers in using biological
knowledge to identify novel design opportunities that they
might not think of otherwise?

Computational Techniques and Tools for

Biologically Inspired Design
In recent years, research on biologically inspired has
started to explore some of these questions (Goel,
McAdams & Stone 2014). To illustrate some of the
computational techniques and tools, let us consider a
couple of design scenarios. Imagine that you are an
architect designing a high-rise building. You need to find a
mechanism for lifting water from the bottom of the
building to its top. You might use current designs of
electromechanical systems that can pump water thousands
of feet of high. However, these systems consume large
amounts of energy. Now one possibility is to monitor,
model, analyze and optimize these water-pumping systems
so that they work and are used more efficiently. This kind
of design optimization sometimes can result in significant
savings in critical resources such as energy and water, and
thus we should pursue it. Another possibility, however, is
to think about this problem in terms of the efficient and
thus, in the long run, more sustainable - mechanism of
transpiration that redwood trees use to lift water thousands
of feet high. Of course this would require invention of new
materials that can support transpiration at the scale of a
high-rise building. But this is part of the point: biologically
inspired design encourages designers to view traditional
problems from new perspectives.
Now consider a second and bigger design problem.
Water is a scarce resource in many parts of the world.
Desalination of ocean water offers an obvious solution to
the problem of water scarcity. However, current

As our analysis of teaching and learning of biologically
inspired design indicated, much of biologically inspired
design is motivated by environmental sustainability. A new
case study of biological inspired design that led to an


Figure 4: A screenshot from Biologue (Vattam & Goel 2013). The main window, (a), shows a listing of biology
articles in a database. The two side windows, (b) and (c), illustrate the semantic annotations on a biology articles that
express the function and the causal process of the biological system described in the article, respectively. Biologue
uses the semantic annotations to access biology articles relevant to a design problem.


environmentally sustainable system for water harvesting

(Weiler & Goel 2015) appears to confirm this analysis.
Thus, there is a strong case for biologically inspired design
as a paradigm to help address the increasingly critical and
urgent problem of environmental sustainability.
As our analysis of biologically inspired design processes
indicates, biologically inspired design presents a challenge
to develop new techniques for a range of issues of
longstanding interest to AI, such as knowledge
representation, knowledge acquisition, memory, learning,
problem solving, design, analogy, creativity. On one hand,
systemization of the processes of biologically inspired
design and of biological knowledge from a computational
perspective would facilitate design of many kinds of
biologically inspired products, systems and processes. On
the other, biologically inspired design provides an
opportunity to expand the scope of AI research on
computational sustainability. It provides both a new
avenue for exploring the use of AI techniques and a source
for new AI problems.

This article is a revised and expanded version of Goel

2013. This research is based on collaborative work with
Michael Helms, Swaroop Vattam, Bryan Wiltgen, Gongo
Zhang, and Professor Jeannette Yen, Director of Georgia
Techs Center for Biologically Inspired Design and the
primary instructor of its ME/ISyE/MSE/PTFe/BIOL 4740
course. This work has been supported in part by an NSF
CreativeIT Grant (#0855916) titled Computational Tools
for Enhancing Creativity in Biologically Inspired
Engineering Design.



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