Amsa 1566

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This Fact Sheet explains AMSAs procedures for the lodgment
of applications for Certificates of Endorsement.
Once you have submitted your complete application
please allow up to 28 days for your certificate to
be issued.

These procedures apply to:
Masters and Deck Officers;
Engineer Officers;
Ratings (Chief Integrated Rating, Integrated Rating,
Able SeafarerDeck, Able SeafarerEngine).

Endorsement - What do I need to do?

A person holding a seafarer certificate other than a
Certificate of Safety Training may apply to AMSA for
endorsement on their certificate of any additional vessel or
function training achieved. This will enable the endorsed
duties or functions to be permitted on a regulated
Australian vessel. An endorsement comes into effect on
the day AMSA states that the endorsement comes into
force. Marine Order 70, section 37 lists the terms of
specific endorsements.
All applications should be made using Form AMSA419
Seafarers are strongly advised to read the AMSA419
Information Guide before completing the Form. Use
Australia Post for applications lodged ONLY within
Australia. Please note that not all Australia Post offices
are participating outlets for AMSA Forms. To check
the location of the closest nominated Australia Post retail
outlet, see
Note: While AMSA can provide guidance on how to
complete relevant forms, AMSA will not provide oral or
written advice, including by email, on either the acceptability
of your application or its likely decision before it is formally
lodged and considered. AMSA application charges MUST
be paid at the time of lodgment of an application. Otherwise
the application cannot be accepted.

Applicants should also not send scanned documents to AMSA

for checking or approval as all applications are assessed in
the order in which they are received. AMSA will not accept
responsibility for any documents sent to it by email.
In addition, please note:
The schedule of charges associated with the
endorsement or revalidation of endorsement of a
seafarer certificate may be found in Fact Sheet STCW
22 - Schedule of Charges;
AMSA approved training courses and AMSA approved
Registered Training Organisations may be found in
Fact Sheets STCW 27 to 30 - Training;
Information relating to Certificates of Medical Fitness
may be found in Fact Sheet STCW 16 - Medical
A list of AMSA examination centres may be found in
Fact Sheet STCW 18 - Oral Examinations;
When submitting qualifying sea service letters to
support an application, the applicant must provide
the original or certified true copy of the documents.
If the original document is submitted you should
keep certified true copies in your possession. When
submitting course completion statements, the
applicants must provide certified true copies and keep
the originals in their possession. The application will
NOT be processed until AMSA receives the certified
true copy of the document(s) as appropriate.

Eligibility Requirements for Endorsement

and Revalidation for specific functions
Marine Order 70 Schedule 2 contains the full list of eligibility
requirements for vessel and functions endorsements and
revalidation of endorsements. A summary of the requirements
is shown below.

Compass Adjuster
Note: Compass Adjuster Licence is currently included in
Marine Order 21 Safety of Navigation and Emergency

Note: the information in this fact sheet is only to be used as a guide and persons requiring formal assessment for a qualification must make
written application to AMSA.

Australian Maritime Safety Authority, Canberra ACT Australia - August 2016

AMSA 1566 (8/16)

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Disclaimer: This fact sheet provides summary information only. AMSA makes decisions about seafarer certificates under Marine Order
70 (Seafarer certification) 2014, Marine Order 71 (Masters and deck officers) 2014, Marine Order 72 (Engineer officers) 2014 and Marine
Order 73 (Ratings) 2014. Please refer to these Marine Orders for full details of eligibility and other requirements for certificate applications.

Fact Sheet Applications Endorsement

For a licence as a Compass Adjuster, a person must:

have completed an AMSA approved course on compass
adjustment; or
be the holder of a licence as a compass adjuster issued
by an authority whose criteria are considered equivalent
by AMSA to the Australian requirements; and
provide evidence that in the preceding three years
he/she has assisted in adjusting the compasses of at
least 12 vessels, all of which must be under survey
understudying an AMSA approved Compass Adjuster
and at least 6 vessels should be greater than 500 GT.

Note: Marine Order 25 requires the applicant to have

prior knowledge of a vessels compasses including
management of the navigation and handling of vessels
required to carry a magnetic compass. Compass
Adjuster licence is issued in perpetuity.

Dynamic Positioning Operator (DPO)

Marine Order 70 Schedule 2, Table 2.2, items 6 and 7 sets
out the eligible AMSA certificates that may be endorsed
for the function of unlimited dynamic positioning operator
(unlimited DPO) and limited dynamic positioning operator
(limited DPO).
The unlimited DPO endorsement is issued for service on
Class 1, 2 or 3 DP vessels and the limited DPO endorsement
is issued for service on Class 1 DP vessels. Holders of a
valid Nautical Institute DPO certificate (unlimited or limited)*
may apply to AMSA for a DPO endorsement.
Please note, it is not mandatory to hold an AMSA issued
DPO endorsement to serve on a DP vessel.
The AMSA endorsement may be issued for up to 5 years
subject to the expiry date of the primary certificate issued by
the Nautical Institute. To revalidate the endorsement you will
need to revalidate your Nautical Institute DPO certificate and
then apply to AMSA for a new DPO endorsement.
For details of how to obtain a DPO (unlimited or limited)
certificate refer to the Nautical Institute website).
*Note: Certificates issued by FARSTAD or AMC of
completion of a DPO or Limited DPO Course are not
equivalent to a Nautical Institute Certificate and will
not be accepted for endorsement.

Electronic Chart Display and Information

System (ECDIS)
For endorsement, Masters or Deck Officers in charge of
navigational watches serving on ships fitted with SOLAScompliant ECDIS equipment are required to complete
ECDIS training. The training consists of two parts:
i. an AMSA-approved generic ECDIS training course
that satisfies the requirements of IMO Model course
1.27 and conforms to STCW Code Table A-II/1 (for
navigation at the operational level) and Code Table
A-II/2 column 1 (for navigation at the management
level). Upon satisfactory completion, the applicant will
be issued with a Certificate of Proficiency as ECDIS
trained; and
ii. familiarisation training as outlined in Marine Notice
2016/08, Guidance on ECDIS for ships calling at
Australian ports.
Note: Certificates of Competency issued to Masters
and Deck Officers who have not completed
training outlined above will not be valid for
service on ships fitted with ECDIS equipment.

It should be noted that a Certificate of

Proficiency as ECDIS trained is issued in
perpetuity. There is no need for refreshment or
revalidation of this training if the seafarer
meets the related familiarisation requirements.

AMSA will also accept an ECDIS certificate issued by a

foreign maritime Administration with which AMSA has an
agreement, from Australian Certificate of Competency
holders living outside Australia.
They should obtain a letter from the overseas course
provider certifying that this course is approved by the
maritime Administration of that country and that this
person has completed the course.

Fast Rescue Boats

For Fast Rescue Boat (FRB) endorsement, a person must
hold a Certificate of Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue
Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats (see Survival Craft and
Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats below) and have
completed an approved seafarer training course, including
assessment, complying with paragraphs 7 to 10 of section
A-VI/2 of the STCW Code, that is, have completed training
in Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats STCW Regulation VI/2
Code A -VI/2 Table A-VI/2-2.

Australian Maritime Safety Authority, Canberra ACT Australia - August 2016

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Disclaimer: This fact sheet provides summary information only. AMSA makes decisions about seafarer certificates under Marine Order
70 (Seafarer certification) 2014, Marine Order 71 (Masters and deck officers) 2014, Marine Order 72 (Engineer officers) 2014 and Marine
Order 73 (Ratings) 2014. Please refer to these Marine Orders for full details of eligibility and other requirements for certificate applications.

Fact Sheet Applications Endorsement

For revalidation, a person must:

have a letter from the company to certify that they
have served on a vessel, and operated an FRB on that
vessel, for a total period of at least 3 months in the five
years before the date of application for the revalidation.
The company should ensure that the FRB is listed on
the vessels safety equipment certificate; and
must also have completed an approved seafarer
training course, including assessment, complying with
paragraph 11 and 12 of section A-Vl/2 of the STCW
Code. Completion of the Continued Competence in
Fast Rescue Craft course will satisfy this requirement.

High Speed Craft

A Certificate of Competency as a Master may be endorsed
for service as Master for a route on high speed craft if the
person has:
completed approved high speed craft training,
relevant to the type of craft and the route, that meets
the requirements of paragraphs to
(inclusive) of the High Speed Craft (HSC) Code; and
practical experience and familiarisation training
appropriate for the endorsement.

For revalidation of endorsement, a person must have

within 2 years before the date of application for
revalidation approved sea service of at least 6
months on a high speed craft of the type and on the
route to which the endorsement refers; or
within the year before the application for revalidation
an approved training program for high speed craft

Integrated Rating Certificate of Proficiency as

Integrated Rating (STCW Regulation ll/5 and lll/5
For endorsement of functions on a Certificate of Proficiency,
a person must have at least 7 months documented qualifying
seagoing service while holding the Certificate of Proficiency
as Integrated Rating.

Passenger vessel
A Certificate of Competency as a Master may be endorsed
for service as Master on a passenger vessel:

have completed approved training in passenger safety,

cargo safety and hull integrity as specified in paragraph
4 of section A-V/2 of the STCW Code.
For revalidation of endorsement, a person must have:
completed approved refresher training appropriate for
the kind of endorsement to be revalidated; or
served on passenger vessels of the kind to which the
endorsement refers (eg ro-ro passenger vessels) for
at least 3 months in the 5 years before the date of
application for the revalidation.

Sailing Vessels fore and aft

A Certificate of Competency as a Master may be endorsed
for service as Master on a fore and aft sailing vessel if:
the person holds a Yachting Australias Yachtmaster
Ocean certificate or another certificate that AMSA
considers at least equivalent to the Yachtmaster Ocean
certificate; and
has served as a deck officer on a fore and aft rig sailing
vessel for at least 12 months or for at least 6 months
and produces testimonials from the Master of the vessel
confirming that the holder was assessed on board ship
and found competent to serve as Master.
For revalidation of an endorsement, a person must:
have approved seagoing service, performing functions
appropriate for the endorsement, for a total period
of at least 3 months in the 5 years before the date of
application for the revalidation; or
have completed an approved seafarer training course,
including assessment, in knowledge of sailing vessels,
in the 12 months immediately before the date of

Sailing Vessels square rigged

A Certificate of Competency as a Master may be endorsed
for service as Master on a square rigged sailing vessel if:
the person has completed an approved square rigged
training assessment, and served as a Deck Officer for
at least 12 months;
or for at least 6 months and produces testimonials from
the Master of the vessel confirming that the holder was
assessed on board ship and found competent to serve
as Master.

if on a passenger vessels muster list as a person

responsible for assisting passengers in an emergency
have completed approved training in crisis
management and human behavior stated in paragraph
3 of section A-V/2 of the STCW Code; and

For revalidation of endorsement, a person must:

if responsible for embarking and disembarking

passengers, loading, discharging or securing cargo, or
closing hull openings on board passenger vessels

have completed an approved seafarer training course,

including assessment, in knowledge of sailing vessels, in
the 12 months immediately before the date of application.

have approved sea service performing functions

appropriate for the endorsement, for a total period of at
least 3 months in the 5 years before the date of application
for the revalidation; or

Australian Maritime Safety Authority, Canberra ACT Australia - August 2016

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Disclaimer: This fact sheet provides summary information only. AMSA makes decisions about seafarer certificates under Marine Order
70 (Seafarer certification) 2014, Marine Order 71 (Masters and deck officers) 2014, Marine Order 72 (Engineer officers) 2014 and Marine
Order 73 (Ratings) 2014. Please refer to these Marine Orders for full details of eligibility and other requirements for certificate applications.

Fact Sheet Applications Endorsement

Security Awareness Training (SAT)

Note: From 1 January 2014, holders of Certificates of
Competency, Certificates of Proficiency as Rating or
Marine Cook and Certificates of Safety Training
were required to hold a Security Awareness Training
endorsement. There are additional requirements for
persons wishing to be eligible for designated security
duties and ship security officers (see below).
AMSA will accept a SAT course completed at an AMSA
approved college. For a seafarer who is resident overseas,
AMSA will accept a course which is approved by the maritime
Administration in a country with which Australia has an
agreement and has a letter from the training organisation that
confirms their attendance on the course and that the course
is approved by the maritime Administration of that country.
When making application, the seafarer must include a
certified true copy of the course completion statement, which
confirms that the course was approved by either AMSA or
the foreign Administration. If the Certificate of Competency
or Proficiency is not included, AMSA will issue a separate
Security Awareness Training certificate.
It should be noted that there is no need to complete a SAT
course to revalidate a SAT endorsement if the seafarer or the
shipboard personnel concerned meet the security-related
familiarisation requirements of Regulation VI/6 and participate
in the drills and exercises required by the International Ship
and Port Security (ISPS) Code.

Ship Security Officer (SSO)

For endorsement, a person must have:
a. i. completed at least 12 months documented qualifying
seagoing service; or
ii. documented qualifying seagoing service and knowledge
of vessel operations that AMSA considers equivalent to
the service mentioned in i above; and
b. completed an approved seafarer training course that
complies with paragraphs 1 to 4 of section A-VI/5 of the
STCW Code.
It should be noted that there is no need to complete a SSO
Training course to revalidate a SSO endorsement if the
seafarer or the shipboard personnel concerned meet the
security-related familiarisation requirements of Regulation
VI/6 and participate in the drills and exercises required by
the ISPS Code.
Note: 1. Sea service as a Cadet or trainee is not
considered qualifying sea service for the purpose
of endorsement as a Ship Security Officer.

2. Port or Facility Security Officer and Company
Security Officer training does not meet this

AMSA accepts SSO certificates issued later than 2002 based

on the ISPS Code adopted 2002 and the person is a serving
seafarer and has letters from the company on company
letterhead that he/she has participated in security drills on
board. A person must do a full SSO course if the person
is not a serving seafarer within the last 5 years and has not
conducted security drills on board.
AMSA may accept an applicant who has completed a SSO
course which is approved by the Administration in a country
with which Australia has an agreement as equivalent to SAT.
This is because the content of the course completed in a foreign
country is based on the domestic legislation of that country.

Person with Designated Security Duties

For endorsement, a person must have completed an approved
seafarer training course or an SSO Course that complies with
paragraph 6 of section A-VI/6 of the STCW Code.
It should be noted that there is no need to complete a Designated
Security Duties (DSD) course to revalidate a DSD endorsement
if the seafarer or the shipboard personnel concerned meet
the security-related familiarisation requirements of Regulation
VI/6 and participate in the drills and exercises required by the
International Ship and Port Security (ISPS) Code.

Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast

Rescue Boats
For endorsement of a Certificate of Proficiency in Survival
Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats, a
person must:
be at least 18 years of age;
have completed at least 6 months documented
qualifying seagoing service on vessels carrying
survival equipment suitable for use on SOLAS
vessels; and
have completed an approved seafarer training course
that complies with paragraphs 1 to 4 of section A-VI/2
of the STCW Code.

For revalidation of the endorsement, a person must have:

maintained the standard of competence specified in
STCW Code section A-VI/2 paragraphs 5 and 6; and
completed at least 12 months documented qualifying
sea service with an original or certified true copy
of the letter from the company on company
letterhead stating that he/she has participated in
emergency drills on board. See Fact Sheet STCW
06 Applications Revalidation of Certificates and
Continued Competence.

Australian Maritime Safety Authority, Canberra ACT Australia - August 2016

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Disclaimer: This fact sheet provides summary information only. AMSA makes decisions about seafarer certificates under Marine Order
70 (Seafarer certification) 2014, Marine Order 71 (Masters and deck officers) 2014, Marine Order 72 (Engineer officers) 2014 and Marine
Order 73 (Ratings) 2014. Please refer to these Marine Orders for full details of eligibility and other requirements for certificate applications.

Fact Sheet Applications Endorsement

Oil, Chemical and Gas Tanker Endorsement
A person who has the immediate responsibility for cargo and
cargo operations, care in transit or other handling of cargo,
must have a tanker endorsement appropriate to the type of
tanker he/she is working on (ie oil, chemical or liquefied gas).
The relevant terms mean as follows:
'Approved advanced tanker safety course':

i. for oil endorsement Advanced training for oil

tanker operations completed in one of the AMSA
approved RTOs in accordance with Regulation V/11 of the STCW Convention, paragraph 2 of section
A-V/1-1 of the STCW Code and Table A-V/1-1-2 of
the STCW Code;
ii. for chemical endorsement Advanced training
for chemical tanker operations completed in
one of the AMSA approved RTOs in accordance
with Regulation V/1-1 of the STCW Convention,
paragraph 3 of section A-V/1-1 of the STCW Code
and Table A-V/1-1-3 of the STCW Code; and
iii. for gas endorsement Advanced training for
liquefied gas tanker operations completed in
one of the AMSA approved RTOs in accordance
with Regulation V/1-2 of the STCW Convention,
paragraph 2 of section A-V/1-2 of the STCW Code
and Table A-V/1-2-1 of the STCW Code.
approved sea service for tanker endorsement must
meet the following pre-requisites:
i. the subject vessel must be certified as an oil tanker,
chemical tanker or gas carrier;
ii. the subject vessel must be carrying a cargo which
is listed in any of the following whilst the applicant
was serving on that vessel - a) appendix I of annex
I of the protocol of 1978 relating to the MARPOL, b)
chapter 17 of the IBC Code or chapter VI of the BC
Code, or c) chapter 19 of the IGC Code or chapter
XIX of the GC Code; and
iii. the applicant was engaged in cargo operation
on board that vessel in the capacity as Master,
Deck Officer, Ships Engineer engaged in cargo
operation, and provides documentary evidence in
relation to that service.
oil means a kind of cargo which satisfies the definition of
Regulation 1.1 of Appendix 1 of Annex 1 of the Protocol
of 1978 relating to the MARPOL: International Convention
for the Prevention of Polution from Ship 1973;

oil tanker means a cargo ship that meets the definition

of Annex 1 of the Protocol of 1978 relating to MARPOL;
chemical means any chemicals listed in Chapter 17 of
the IBC Code or Chapter VI of the RC Code;
chemical tanker means a cargo ship that meets the
definition of IBC Code or BC code; listed in either:
i) chapter 17 of the IBC Code, or
ii) chapter VI of the BC Code.
liquefied gas means any liquefied gas or other
products listed in Chapter 19 of the IGC Code or
Chapter XIX of the GC Code;;
gas carrier is a cargo ship constructed or adapted and
used for the carriage in bulk of any liquefied gas or
other products listed in either:
i) chapter 19 of the IGC Code, or
ii) chapter XIX of the GC Code.

Tanker Familiarisation Endorsement

A person must have:
completed an approved course in tanker familiarisation
that complies with STCW Code section A-V/1-1
paragraph 1 (oil and chemical) and section A-V/1-2
paragraph 1 (liquefied gas).
Note: AMSA approved Diploma and Advanced
Diploma courses have Tanker Familiarisation included
in their course of study. There is no requirement for a
certificate from the Registered Training Organisation.

Advanced training endorsement for oil, chemical

and liquefied gas tanker cargo operations
A person must:
a. hold a Certificate of Competency as a Master, Deck
Officer or Engineer Officer; and,
b. have completed an approved advanced tanker safety
course within the last 5 years; and
c. at least 3 months approved sea service on a tanker of
the kind appropriate for the endorsement, performing
functions appropriate for the endorsement, that
includes at least 3 loads and 3 discharges; or
d. completed approved on board training of at least
1 month in cargo handling duties on a tanker
performing functions appropriate for the endorsement,
which includes 3 loads and 3 discharges and is
documented in an approved training record book.

Australian Maritime Safety Authority, Canberra ACT Australia - August 2016

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Disclaimer: This fact sheet provides summary information only. AMSA makes decisions about seafarer certificates under Marine Order
70 (Seafarer certification) 2014, Marine Order 71 (Masters and deck officers) 2014, Marine Order 72 (Engineer officers) 2014 and Marine
Order 73 (Ratings) 2014. Please refer to these Marine Orders for full details of eligibility and other requirements for certificate applications.

Fact Sheet Applications Endorsement

FPSOs and FSUs

FPSOs and FSUs are vessels adapted primarily for a purpose
other than to transport oil and are therefore excluded from this
definition. However, due to the nature of operation, AMSA will
accept sea service gained on board FPSOs and FSUs in the
capacity as Master, Deck Officer, or Ships Engineer engaged
in cargo operation as approved sea service to obtain an oil
tanker endorsement or revalidate an oil tanker endorsement.
Sea service on offshore support vessels and drilling platforms
does not count for issue of a tanker endorsement.
To obtain or revalidate an oil tanker endorsement the person
is required to comply with Marine Order 70, Schedule 2,
Table 2.1 or Table 2.3.
Combined cargo vessels
Service on a combined oil/bulk/ore vessel is acceptable
provided that during the claimed period of sea service
the vessel carried oil cargoes. Service where oil is carried
one way and ore the other is acceptable.
Where tankers have a designation to carry both petroleum
and chemical products or gas tankers also carry chemical
products, an applicant applying for a tanker endorsement
must supply a letter (original or certified true copy) from the
company on company letterhead indicating the cargoes
carried and the periods of time each cargo is carried. The
person must meet the full sea service requirement for each
particular endorsement and cannot claim the same sea
service for more than on endorsement.
To obtain or revalidate an oil, chemical or gas tanker
endorsement the person is required to comply with Marine
Order 70, Schedule 2, Table 2.1 or Table 2.3.
Service as Cadet or Trainee without Watchkeeping CoP
Service as a cadet or trainee without a Watchkeeping CoC is
not to count for the issue of a tanker endorsement unless the
applicant has completed the following form of training:
a. The cadet must have a log of all cargo operations
(loading, discharge, tank washing etc), times, dates,
port and duties in a designated training book or other
appropriate format, which must record the persons full
name and details and signature. This log should be
signed off by the officer of the watch and certified by the
Master of the vessel;

b. The logged entries must comply with the periods as set

out in MO70 (over a 6 month period or a minimum of
3 months with 6 loads and 6 discharges), and this
period of service must be verified by an original or
certified true copy of the letter from the company on
their letterhead; or
c. Instead of the requirements in a) and b) above, the
person can show evidence of at least 12 months
service on appropriate tanker vessels, verified by
an original or certified true copy of the letter from
the company on their letterhead confirming the full
summary of details of the sea service and testimonials
to the tanker cargo assistance abilities of the cadet; and
d. The cadet must have completed an approved advanced
tanker safety course appropriate to the tanker
endorsement being sought.

Revalidation of tanker endorsement

A person must have:
approved sea service, performing functions appropriate
for the endorsement, for a total period of at least 3 months
during the 5 years before the date of application for the
revalidation; or
completed the appropriate course of training within the 12
months immediately before the date of application. The
appropriate course of training being as follows:
i. for an oil tanker a course of training that complies
with STCW Code section A-V/1-1 paragraph 2;
ii. for a chemical tanker a course of training
that complies with STCW Code section A-V/1-1,
paragraph 3;
iii. for a liquefied gas tanker a course of training
that complies with STCW Code section A-V/1-2,
paragraph 2.

WIG type A craft (ground effect)

For endorsement on a Certificate of Competency, a person
have completed approved training and approved
assessment appropriate for the endorsement.

AMSA may be contacted to verify if the training meets the


Australian Maritime Safety Authority, Canberra ACT Australia - August 2016

AMSA 1566 (8/16)

Page 6 of 6

Disclaimer: This fact sheet provides summary information only. AMSA makes decisions about seafarer certificates under Marine Order
70 (Seafarer certification) 2014, Marine Order 71 (Masters and deck officers) 2014, Marine Order 72 (Engineer officers) 2014 and Marine
Order 73 (Ratings) 2014. Please refer to these Marine Orders for full details of eligibility and other requirements for certificate applications.

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