Bcri2012 672705
Bcri2012 672705
Bcri2012 672705
Research Article
Impaired Caveolae Function and
Upregulation of Alternative Endocytic Pathways Induced by
Experimental Modulation of Intersectin-1s Expression in
Mouse Lung Endothelium
Dan N. Predescu,1 Radu Neamu,2 Cristina Bardita,1 Minhua Wang,1 and Sanda A. Predescu1
1 Department
2 Division
1. Introduction
ITSN-1s is a multimodular protein, evolutionary conserved
and widely expressed [1, 2]; it consists of two NH2 -termiAnal EH domains, a central coiled-coil domain, and five
consecutive COOH-terminal SH3 domains, SH3A-E, [3, 4].
Similarly to Dyn, ITSN-1s localizes to endocytic clathrincoated pits and caveolae at the plasma membrane and associates preferentially with the neck region of caveolae [5, 6].
The simultaneous presence of multiple SH3 and EH domains, best known for their function in endocytosis, as
well as the subcellular localization of ITSN-1s, led to the
early assumption that ITSN-1s may function as an adaptor/scaold of the general endocytic machinery [3, 5]. Subsequent studies have shown that ITSN-1s is capable of binding essential endocytic proteins, Epsin1/2, Eps15 [7], both
2.1. Materials. Cholesterol and dimethyl dioctadecyl ammonium bromide (DDAB) and bovine serum albumin (BSA)
were from Sigma (St. Louis, MO). MicroBCA protein assay
kit and enhanced chemiluminescent substrate (ECL) were
from Pierce (Rockfort, IL). Relevant antibodies (Abs) were
purchased as follows: rabbit anti-DNP polyclonal Ab from
Invitrogen (Carlsbad, CA), ITSN-1 mAb from BD Transduction Laboratories (Lexington, KY), -actin monoclonal Ab
from Sigma, and myc mAb from Cell Signaling (Danvers,
and ITSN-2L, and a house-keeping gene cyclophilin by using
GoTag Green Master Mix (Promega, San Luis Obispo, CA).
Two to 10 L of PCR products were subjected to 1.2% agarose
gel electrophoresis and visualized using an Alpha Innotech
AlphaImager II system. Primer pairs (Sigma, San Louis, MO)
used in PCR: mouse ITSN-1s (forward: 5 -CAGGCTTGAAAAGTCCTCAAA-3 , reverse: 5 -GGTGATCATGCTGGAAGTCA-3 ); mouse ITSN-2s (forward: 5 -CTGGGCACAATGCAGCCTACG-3 , reverse: 5 -CAAAAAGTTGCAGGCCGTCCATG-3 ), mouse ITSN-2L (forward: 5 -CCAGGACGTTCTGTGTCTCACTATG-3 , reverse: 5 -CAGTAGTAGTCGGCGGGTGGT-3 ), and mouse Cyclophilin
(forward: 5 -GGCAAATGCTGGACCAAACAC-3 , reverse:
2.8. Real-Time qPCR. reactions were performed using Power
SYBR Green PCR Master Mix (ABI) and analyzed in triplicate with a MyiQ Single Color Real-Time PCR Detection
System (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA). The relative expression level
for each gene was calculated by a mathematical delta-delta Ct
method developed by Applied Biosystems. The amounts of
RNA were normalized to the house-keeping gene cyclophilin
for all time points and reported relative to control mouse
lungs (set at 1).
2.9. Electron Microscopy. 8 nm Au-BSA perfused mouse
lungs were fixed in situ by 15 min with 4% (wt/vol) formaldehyde and 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 1% tannic acid in 0.1 PIPES
buer pH 7.2, and then excised and fixed for 1 h at RT, in the
same fixative mixture. Fixed lungs were used to collect small
tissue blocks that were processed for electron microscopy by
standard procedures including 4% OsO4 alter fixation as in
[26, 27]. Selected specimens were dehydrated in increasing
concentrations of ethanol, followed by propylene oxide, and
embedded in Epon 812. Thin sections cut from blocks were
mounted on nickel grids, then stained with uranyl acetate
and lead citrate, and finally examined and micrographed in a
Joel 1220 transmission electron microscope.
2.10. Morphometric Analyses. Morphometric analyses of
normal and altered caveolar profiles as well as nonconventional endocytic/transcytotic structures were performed as
described previously [6]. Briefly, 1520 sections per grid
and 35 grids per block, from 8 Epon812 blocks, chosen at
random from control and ITSN-1s siRNA-treated mice, were
used. The morphological appearance was recorded on 150
micrographs (30,000 standard magnification) for each experimental condition. The measurement of the length plasma membrane on the electron micrograph used was performed as in [31]. The data were normalized per 100 m
length plasma membrane and are averages SD of three
independent experiments.
2.11. Statistical Analysis. Data were compared using one way
analysis of variance, Students t-test with a Bonferoni correction for multiple comparisons, and a two-way analysis
of variance where needed. Statistical significance was set at
P < 0.05.
3. Results
3.1. Experimental Manipulation of ITSN-1s Expression in
Mouse Lungs. To evaluate in vivo the role of ITSN-1s in regulating caveolae function during transendothelial transport
we modulated the expression of ITSN-1s in mouse lung endothelium by liposome delivery of a plasmid cDNA encoding
the SH3A domain, or a specific siRNA duplex targeting
ITSN-1 gene. Myc-SH3A DNA plasmid : liposomes complexes, prepared as described under Materials and Methods,
were delivered intravenously to mouse lungs as in [29, 30].
The lungs were collected at dierent time points after the
first delivery of myc-SH3A lipoplexes to monitor myc-SH3A
protein expression. Western blot of mouse lung lysates using
myc mAb indicated ecient SH3A expression, at 48 h alter
DNA treatment (Figure 1(a)). For ITSN-1s knockdown, the
silencing eect of ITSN-1s siRNA started at 48 h, it was
obvious at 72 h alter siRNA administration and lasted for an
additional 72 h, as evaluated by Western blot of mouse lung
lysates with ITSN-1 mAb (Figure 1(b)). ITSN-1s protein expression recovered at 168 h alter siRNA delivery. Actin was
used as a loading control. ITSN-1s knockdown did not aect
the expression of caveolin-1 (Cav1), the structural protein
of caveolae coat [32]. Densitometric analyses indicated a
greater than 70% reduction of ITSN-1s protein levels at day
3, compared to wild-type untreated mice (Figure 1(c), asterisk). Intravenous injection of empty liposomes did not aect
ITSN-1s protein levels (not shown). Ecient knockdown
of ITSN-1s at 72 h following siRNA delivery was further
confirmed by real-time quantitative (q) PCR (Figure 1(d)).
ITSN-1s mRNA levels in ITSN-1s siRNA-treated mouse lung
samples were more than 3-fold lower by reference to controls
(Figure 1(d), asterisk). Delivery of empty liposomes (vehicle)
did not aect the levels of mRNA in mouse lungs, compared
to untreated mice. To get more insights into the eects of
ITSN-1s deficiency on caveolae function we also generated a
mouse model with chronic inhibition of ITSN-1s, by repeated delivery of ITSN-1s siRNA/liposome complexes, every
72 hr, for 24 consecutive days (Figure 1(e)). Western blot
analyses applied on mouse lung lysates of ITSN-1s siRNAtreated indicated continuous knockdown of ITSN-1s for 21
days. For accurate quantitative data, we used again qPCR
analysis. The results indicated that the real knockdown of the
target ITSN-1 gene was about 3-fold by reference to cyclophilin, the gene used as standard (Figure 1(d), double asterisk). In addition, conventional RT PCR applied on lung
samples prepared from controls and ITSN-1s-deficient mice
(Figure 1(f)) demonstrated that the knockdown of ITSN-1s
is specific and ecient. The expression of ITSN-1s mRNA
was not detected at days 10, 15 and 24 alter ITSN-1s siRNA
delivery, while ITSN-2s and ITSN-2L mRNAs were not
detectably aected by comparison to untreated controls.
These murine models generated by liposome delivery of the
cDNA plasmid encoding the SH3A domain and the ITSN1s siRNA were used for a further in-detail study of ITSN-1s
endocytic function.
3.2. Acute Perturbation of ITSN-1s Expression Induces Pleomorphic Endocytic/Transcytotic Structures and Increases
168 h
144 h
120 h
Normalized relative mRNA ITSN-1s
96 h
72 h
48 h
24 h
72 h
10 d
24 d
72 h
10 d
24 d
Ctrl. veh. 10 d 15 d 24 d
12 d
18 d
24 d
Figure 1: Experimental modulation of ITSN-1 expression in mouse lungs. (a) Myc-SH3A domain of ITSN-1s is eciently expressed in
mouse lungs, at 48 h alter delivery of the plasmid cDNA/liposome complexes. Mouse lung lysates (70 g total protein/lane) of control and
myc-SH3A-transduced mice were subjected to 420% SDS PAGE, transferred to nitrocellulose membrane and immunoblotted with myc
Ab. (b) siRNA-mediated knockdown of ITSN-1s in mouse lungs. Lung lysates (70 g total protein/lane) of controls and mice injected with
liposomes/ITSN-1s siRNA complexes were resolved on 420% SDS PAGE and the electrophoretograms were transferred to nitrocellulose
membrane followed by Western blot with Abs against ITSN-1, actin (as a loading control) and cav-1. Note the ecient knockdown of ITSN1s protein for 96 h, starting at day 3 (3 d) alter siRNA delivery. (c) Densitometric analysis of representative HyBlot CL films demonstrates
that treatment with ITSN-1s siRNA/liposome complexes downregulates eciently ITSN-1s protein in mouse lungs. (d) Quantitative RT
PCR of ITSN-1s mRNA in ITSN-1s siRNA treated mouse lungs. Values were normalized to the house-keeping gene cyclophilin and reported
relative to control lungs (set at 1). (e) Chronic inhibition of ITSN-1s expression for 21 consecutive days by repeated delivery of ITSN-1s
siRNA/liposomes complexes. Lung lysates of control and ITSN-1s-siRNA-treated mice were analyzed by Western blot with Abs against ITSN1s and actin, as loading control, at several time points alter delivery, as indicated. (f) Conventional RT-PCR of ITSNs isoforms expressed
in mouse lungs. RT PCR reactions were amplified as described under Materials and Methods using appropriate primer sets for the target
genes, ITSN-1s, ITSN-2s and ITSN-2L, and a house-keeping gene cyclophilin. 5-L of PCR products were subjected to 1.2% agarose gel
electrophoresis and visualized using an Alpha Innotech AlphaImager II system. All data shown are representative for 3 dierent experiments,
(3 mice/experimental condition).
8 nm Au-BSA, 10 min
364.515.6 ng
265.613.2 ng
267.412.2 ng
Empty liposomes
8 nm Au-BSA, 10 min
Figure 2: Increased endothelial permeability, impaired membrane fission, and increased occurrence of nonconventional endocytic/
transcytotic intermediates in the mouse lungs expressing the SH3A domain of ITSN-1s. (a) ELISA applied on mouse lung lysates of control,
empty liposomes, and myc-SH3A-transduced mice perfused with 10 mg/mL BSA-DNP, for 10 min. Results were expressed in ng BSA-DNP/
mg total protein/10 min. Bars SD. Results were obtained in 4-5 dierent experiments, with three mice per experimental condition. (b)
Representative EM image showing the transendothelial transport of 8 nm Au-BSA in control mouse lung. Tracer particles were detected in the
vessel lumen, (t), in vesicles open to the luminal side of ECs (v1), in vesicles within the endothelial cytoplasm, (v2), and in vesicles discharging
their load in the perivascular space (pvs; v3). Tracer particles did not permeate the IEJ and generated filtration residues (arrowhead), in the
luminal introit of the junction. Scale bar: 100 nm. (c) Representative electron micrographs showing transendothelial transport of 8 nm
Au-BSA in SH3A-transduced mouse lung specimens as well as nonconventional endocytic/transcytotic intermediates in ECs expressing the
SH3A domain of ITSN-1. Open IEJ permeated by 8 nm gold BSA complexes (c1) and heavy association of gold particles with the abluminal
exit of an IEJ (c2). Caveolae (c3, c4, arrows) and clathrin-coated pits (c7, arrow) with very long necks, and caveolae with their narrow necks
surrounded by staining-dense collars (c5, c6 arrowheads) were frequently observed. A clathrin-coated pit with elongated neck is shown (c8,
boxed area, inset). Elongated elements and tubular membranous structures, labeled by gold particles (c1, c9, black boxed structures, c9.1,
a9.2) and comprising caveolae and coated pits (c9, c10, white boxed structures) as well as large and uncharacteristic caveolae clusters (c10,
arrow and inset). Bars: 200 nm(c1), (c3), (c7), (c8), (c9.1); 100 nm(c2), (c4), (c6), (c9), (c8) inset, (c10); 50 nm(c5), (c9.2).
47215.6 ng
319.6 13.2 ng
328.3 12.2 ng
Empty liposomes
ITSN-1s siRNA, 72 h
8 nm Au-BSA, 10 min
Air space
Figure 3: Increased endothelial permeability and impaired interendothelial junctional integrity in mouse lung endothelium acutely depleted
of ITSN-1s. (a) ELISA applied on mouse lung lysates of control, empty liposomes, and ITSN-1s siRNA-treated mice, (72 h alter siRNA),
perfused with 10 mg/mL BSA-DNP, for 10 min. Results were obtained in 4-5 dierent experiments, (3 mice/experimental condition), and
expressed in ng BSA-DNP/mg total protein/10 min. Bars SD. (b, c) EM morphology of IEJs in control (b) and ITSN-1s siRNA (c) mouse
lung endothelium. Arrows in B point to the dense protein matrix of the tight junctions sealing the interendothelial space. Arrowheads in (c)
point to three open IEJs. EC: endothelial cell; m: mitochondria. Bar: 150 nm. (d, e) Representative electron micrographs showing open IEJs
labeled throughout their length by 8 nm Au-BSA particles. Arrows in (d) and magnified d1, point to three-four Au-BSA particles located
close to each other in the same plan, indicative of the wide opening of the IEJ. Gold particles are also associated with the abluminal exit of
IEJs. Note also the limited number of caveolae and dilation of the pericapillary space (pcs; asterisks). Bars: 200 nm (d); 100 nm (e).
Figure 4: Acute perturbation of ITSN-1s expression induces pleomorphic endocytic/transcytotic intermediates. (af) Representative EM
images of membranous rings (a, a1, e, e.1, f), tubular elements (b, c, d, arrows) and enlarged endosomes (d, arrowheads), loaded with 8 nm
Au-BSA and associated with caveolae-like morphology. Two tubular structures open to the lumen are shown in (c) and (e). The EM image
shown in (e) was selected from a mouse lung specimen not perfused with 8 nm Au-BSA. Note also the severe dilation of the perivascular
space (pvs) and the proteinaceous edema (a). Bars: 250 nm (a, b); 200 nm (c, d); 150 nm (f); 100 nm (a1, e).
IEJs. The electron micrograph in Figure 3(c) shows a tricellular junction where one side is obviously open. For the
IEJs between the EC2 and EC3, the sectioning of the tissue is
less favorable and one cannot conclude on junctional restrictiveness. By contrast, in control specimens (Figure 3(b)) the
interendothelial space is sealed by the tight junctions, which
are the most apical IEJ structures (Figure 3(b), arrows).
These observations strongly demonstrated that the increased
permeability for BSA-DNP in the lung vasculature of ITSN1s-deficient mouse is due, similar to the SH3A expressing
mice, to the frequent presence of open IEJs. In ITSN-1s depleted specimens, perfused with 8 nm Au-BSA, the pattern
of vesicular labeling was similar to controls, (Figure 2(b)). By
distinction to controls, we detected open IEJs heavily labeled
throughout their length by Au-BSA particles. Morphometric
analysis indicated that about 48% of IEJs counted were open
and penetrated by 8 nm Au-BSA complexes (n = 227). Under
control conditions, mainly in postcapillary venules, we found
alternative endocytic pathways and their morphological intermediates are still present and better represented (Figure
6). Membranous rings with diameters between 100 nm to
400 nm, (Figures 6(a) and 6(c)), free in the cytosol or open to
the lumen and tubules (Figures 6(b), 6(d), and 6(e)), some
of them branching or discharging tracer in the perivascular
space, (Figure 6(b), boxed structure, and inset), and enlarged endocytic structures (most probably secondary lysosomes), many of them fused with typical caveolae (Figure
6(a), arrow) were frequently detected. Often, the tubular
structures connected to the plasma membrane displayed at
their cytosolic termini caveolae (Figures 6, 6(b1)) or coated
vesicles (Figure 6(e), arrowhead). We have also found membrane rues (Figure 6(f), arrow, and insets (f.1), (f.2)) and
macropinocytic vesicles (Figure 6(f), mpv1, mpv2), involved
in tracer uptake, as shown by their gold labeling, and thus,
possibly compensating for deficient caveolae transport.
Morphometric analyses indicated that the number of
endocytic/transcytotic structures is slightly increased at day
24, compared to 72 h time point, with the membranous
ring/tubules labeled by Au-BSA showing a further increase to
14-fold, compared to controls (Table 1). Caveolae number is
partially restored, only 17.8% decrease, by reference to control conditions. Collectively, these observations emphasize
that physiological levels of ITSN-1s are critical for transendothelial transport via caveolae and paracellular permeability in vivo.
4. Discussion
We have shown that ITSN-1s is required for ecient transendothelial transport via caveolae and provided in vivo ultrastructural evidence to suggest that modulation of ITSN-1s
expression activates the paracellular pathway as well as a
previously described, but less understood endocytic tubulovesicular network and membranous rings that seem to
eciently compensate for deficient caveolae transport function. So far, limited evidence regarding nonconventional
endocytic mechanisms were partly obtained in cultured cells
mainly by studies of toxins and viruses [3640]. In this study,
using a murine model expressing the myc-SH3A domain of
ITSN-1s, capable of regulating Dyn2 activity at the endocytic
sites [8], and mice acutely (72 h) and chronically (21 d)
depleted of ITSN-1s via siRNA, we directly demonstrate that
by interfering with expression of ITSN-1s, a key partner of
Dyn in endocytic membrane fission, the caveolae function
was disrupted and alternative endocytic/transcytotic pathways and their morphological intermediates were activated.
Prior studies by others and us indicated that ITSN-1s
functions by recruiting Dyn and regulating its function at the
endocytic site [6, 8, 16, 2123, 41]. Studies in cultured ECs,
complemented by in vitro assays demonstrated that the SH3A
domain of ITSN-1s stimulates both basal and assemblystimulated GTPase activity of Dyn2, as well as Dyn2 ability to
form oligomeric structures [8]. In the presence of SH3A at
the endocytic site, Dyn2/Dyn2 interactions are stabilized, the
lifetime of assembled Dyn2 is prolonged, and despite continuous GTP hydrolysis, Dyn2 oligomers cannot disassemble.
Membrane fission reaction and the subsequent detachment
Table 1: Chronic inhibition of intersectin-1s expression causes the activation of alternative endocytic/transcytotic pathways and partially
restores caveolae number.
Endocytic/transcytotic structures
Caveolae open to the lumen
Caveolae apparently free in the cytosol
Total caveolae (luminal and free in the cytosol)
Abnormal endocytic structures (enlarged endosomes)
Caveolae clusters
Membranous rings
106.6 9.5
173.5 12.0
280.1 21.5
2.65 .34
3.95 .4
1.33 .04
.88 .05
ITSN-1s siRNA, 72 h
50.46 4.8
77.41 6.3
127.86 11.1
11.29 2.7
5.64 1.6
9.47 2.4
4.0 1.3
ITSN-1s siRNA, 24 d
87.15 5.9
143.0 9.5
230.14 15.4
14.93 3.8
11.3 2.5
12.8 2.8
18.84 3.4
300.6 11.2 ng
296.6 12.8 ng
298.4 13.4 ng
Empty liposomes
ITSN-1s siRNA, 21 d
Figure 5: Chronic inhibition of ITSN-1s expression partially restores caveolae number and IEJ integrity. (a) ELISA applied on mouse lung
lysates of control, empty liposomes, and ITSN-1s siRNA-treated mice, 24 d alter delivery, perfused with 10 mg/mL BSA-DNP, for 10 min.
Results were obtained in 4-5 dierent experiments, (3 mice/experimental condition), and expressed in ng BSA-DNP/mg total protein/10 min.
Bars SD. (b, d) Filtration residues in the luminal introit of two IEJs (arrowheads). Mild dilation ( ) of the pvs suggests leakiness of the
IEJs. Multivesicular bodies (mvb), in close proximity of the plasma membrane, have some of their internal small vesicles, labeled by 8 nm
Au-BSA particles (c, d). Bars: 100 nm.
membranous structures, associated with caveolae-like morphology. In addition, the deficient transcellular transport via
caveolae caused opening of the IEJs and activation of the
paracellular pathway, consistent with a functional crosstalk
between the trans- and paracellular transport pathways in
mouse lung endothelium. These observations support the in
vivo role of ITSN-1s, via its SH3A domain, in regulation of
Dyn2 function at the neck of caveolae and the importance
Figure 6: Chronic inhibition of ITSN-1s expression augments the activation of alternative endocytic/transcytotic pathways. (ae) tubulovesicular EM images of membranous rings with diameters between 100 nm to 400 nm, (a, c), free in the cytosol or open to the lumen
and tubules (b, d, e), some of them branching or discharging tracer in the perivascular space, (b, boxed structure, and inset), and enlarged
endocytic structures, many of them fused with typical caveolae (a). Note the tubular structures are connected to the plasma membrane
and displaying at their cytosolic termini caveolae (b1) or coated vesicles (e, arrowhead). Bars: 100 nm (b, c, d); 250 nm (a); 75 nm (e); (f)
membrane rues (f, arrow, insets f.1, f.2) and large macropinocytic vesicles (mpv1, mpv2) labeled by tracer particles. Bar: 150 nm.
injury. Moreover, the increased presence of pleomorphic
tubulovesicular and ringlike structures labeled by Au-BSA
suggests their augmented participation in tracer uptake and
cellular tracking. To our knowledge, this is the first report
showing the in vivo modulation of alternative transport
A large intracellular tubulovesicular network of endosomal origin that extended all the way from the nucleus to the
plasma membrane and involved in receptor recycling has
been previously reported [46]. Later on, a similar system
was characterized by Palades group and shown to comprise
G-protein-coupled receptors for thrombin and platelet activating factor [33, 40, 47, 48]. Structurally, it was shown that
this tubulovesicular network does not colocalize with the
early endosomes, Golgi and endoplasmic reticulum. Moreover, the network was shown to communicate with both
extracellular environment and nuclear compartment of ECs.
HRP uptake studies indicated that HRP labeled this tubular
network, in just minutes of treatment, consistent with the
idea it participates very early in the internalization process
[33]. In the mouse models used in this study, the alternative
intracellular transport routes are upregulated; deficient recruitment and impaired Dyn function at the endocytic sites
due to SH3A expression or ITSN-1s depletion may favor the
formation of tubular structures as shown in cells with conditional Dyn1/Dyn2 knockout [34]. In addition, an impaired
coordination between membrane invagination and vesicle
detachment may lead to formation of large invaginations.
Both ITSN-1s and 2 directly interact with the FCHo1/2 Bar
domain containing proteins [24, 49]. While no direct functional link has been established between ITSN-1s and F-BAR
domain containing proteins in caveolae budding, this interaction is likely to account for the altered caveolae morphology within the tubulovesicular structures and caveolae
clusters. Interestingly, chronic inhibition of ITSN-1s shows
no increase in the DNP-BSA transported to the interstitia.
Widening of IEJs is limited. The number of nonconventional
endocytic structures was greater, with the membranous ring/
tubules showing a 2-fold increase, compared to 72 h ITSN-1s
While our results can be explained by a model where
ITSN-1s modified expression and Dyn2 impaired function
may favor membrane tubulation, a direct action of ITSN-1s
on actin polymerization cannot be ruled out. We have shown
that the temporal and spatial actin polymerization and remodeling subadjacent to the plasma membrane plays an
important role in caveolae internalization [50]. ITSN-1s
binds via its SH3A the N-WASp, [51], an actin-nucleating
factor that acts at the plasma membrane upstream of Arp2/3
complex [52]. The physiological significance of WASp interaction with short ITSN-1, which does not possess the DHPH tandem as the long ITSN isoforms, is still not understood. Impaired caveolae internalization and tracking may
also have eects on cellular signaling. The upregulation of
endocytic membranous structures may provide distinct signaling platforms [53], capable of partially compensating for
caveolae signaling. Moreover, the caveolae number was partially restored, suggesting that the highly homologous ITSN2s isoform may partially compensate for ITSN-1s chronic
Gold-bovine serum albumin
Dinitrophenylated-bovine serum albumin
Endothelial cell
Interendothelial junctions
This work was supported by National Institute of Health
Grants R01HL089462, R01HL089462-02S1 and American
Heart Association SDG0635175N (to S. A. Predescu).
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