Theoretical Study and Computer Simulation of A Modified Quick Return Mechanism
Theoretical Study and Computer Simulation of A Modified Quick Return Mechanism
Theoretical Study and Computer Simulation of A Modified Quick Return Mechanism
Quick return mechanism, (QRM), is considered one of the important
mechanisms. It is always desired to increase machine productivity and/or to decrease
time losses. Shapers, for instance, have a considerable importance in production
engineering, they have gearboxes for speed variation purposes required for cutting, and
most of them employ QRM. This study aimed to introduce coupling with a pre
determined misalignment engaged to QRM in order to obtain an enhanced QRM that
has different time ratios and speed ratios. This modification then applied to shaper for
making precise speed adjustment of the cutting and return speeds of the ram beside the
gearbox. Consequently, the resulted high time ratios (
) enhanced the
productivity of the shapers for the same ram stroke. The lower return time the higher
the productivity. Furthermore, the quick effect of the QRM retained even with
shorter strokes by the present modification. The research tools included mechanism
modeling and simulation using Autodesk Inventor Professional Software. In addition, it
includes theoretical velocity analysis for the resulting combination. Both simulation and
theoretical analyses agreed well.
Key words: Quick return mechanism, shapers, parallel misalignment, time ratio.
. .
) ram(
. Autodesk Inventor Professional
. , , , :
Received: 91 9 - 2011
Accepted: 15 12 - 2011
Al-Rafidain Engineering
No. 5
October 2012
1.0 Introduction
The limited cutting speed and the time lost during the reverse stroke are the main
reasons behind the low productivity of shaping machines [1]. The variety of materials in
production requires manufacturing machines that should have various options, and hence,
speed variation is one of those basic options. For instance, if a steel workpiece is required to
be machined using shaper then the speed of cutting must be suitable otherwise the cutting
process may fail due to high impact load and excessive heat generation because of the high
speed of cutting. In the other hand, it would not be productive as well as bad surface finish
will be obtained if low speed of cutting is used [2]. Furthermore, if the length of workpiece is
small it means that the ram stroke of the shaper will also be small then the quick return
mechanism will have approximately the same speed for both the cut and return strokes and
the same time for both strokes as shall be seen and cured in later. For such case, another
mechanism or modification which is capable of maintaining quick return mechanism again
even with very small strokes is required, as well as capable of changing the speed accurately.
Shaft misalignment, which occurs when the centerlines of rotation of two machinery
shafts are not in line with each other [3], may be used for speed variation purposes.
Misalignment considers a main problem for field engineers who often suffer when they try to
fit components to their right positions, which, in turns, occupies their attention. However, and
among all its demerits, misalignment may have an advantageous usage, which will be
investigated throughout this research. There are three types of shaft misalignment [3] [4]:
parallel, angular and mixed misalignment as shown in figure (1) below.
All quick return mechanisms have time ratios either TR>1 or TR<1 according to the
direction of motion of the flywheel, figure (2). Provided that, and stroke, the time ratio is
constant. This research tends to introduce a mechanism by which, one can vary the speed and
time ratio as required up to the limited range. Depends on the dimension of the machine,
while keeping the direction of rotation and the stroke intact via using yoke mechanism as
coupling with a pre calculated misalignment between the two shafts being coupled, see
figure (2) and figure (3). This task will be done by forcing the output shaft to rotate at
different speeds for each revolution. Hence, the maximum speed of the ram (sliding block)
may occur when it is either at the forward or backward.
Al-Rafidain Engineering
No. 5
October 2012
Where 1 represents the distance from the center of the input shaft to the driving
is the pre-determined offset between the input shaft and the output shaft provided
that the center of output shaft is the reference and hence it is positive upward, figure (4). 2
is the distance from the center of output shaft to the driving pin and this is a time varying
distance during the operation due to the effect of the pre determined misalignment .
Consider the triangle
is the angle determined by
. From the cosine law, 2
can be calculated as follows:
1 2+ 2
Now, the relation between the linear motion and angular motion is used for
determining the angular velocity of the flywheel (i.e. the output shaft) [6-7]. Or,
Where ( 1) is angular velocity of the input shaft and ( 2 ) is the angular velocity of
the output shaft. But 2 is corresponding to the perpendicular component of 1 , see figure (5)
which is related to the geometry shown in figure (4), hence,
is the distance between the
lower pivot and the flywheel center.
is the stroke of the crank.
the angle obtained by
The linear speed of the crank on the
flywheel can be simply calculated as
Al-Rafidain Engineering
No. 5
October 2012
The ram speed of shapers using quick return mechanism is divided into two
categories, the forward (cutting) and backward (return or non cutting or idle) speeds.
Usually, the forward speed is less than the return speed. Then the speed ratio ( ) in this case
will be always greater than unity. However, using the present modified QRM, it will be
possible to make the ram maximum forward speed equals, less or greater than the maximum
backward speed. The relations for determining the maximum forward and maximum return
speeds can be derived as follows:
1- The maximum forward (cutting) speed
This speed occurs at
, where ( ) is an odd integer number,
and it can be calculated using equations (4, 6 and 11) as:
fig (3 a).
, and
Al-Sabawi: Theoretical Study and Computer Simulation of a Modified Quick ---With zero offset, i.e. without the coupling, 3
3 , and equation (15) becomes:
Step 5: Time ratio calculation:
Time ratio is very important in shapers if productivity time is considered [1-2]. The
higher time ratios are always desired. Mathematically, the
time ratio is:
The time required for the cutting stroke,
calculated from fig (8) as:
can be
where 1 is the time varying angular displacement of the
flywheel during the forward (cutting) stroke.
Similarly, the time required for the return stroke
where 2 is the time varying angular displacement of the
flywheel during the backward (return) stroke.
If the offset is not zero then ( 2 ) will not be a constant during a complete revolution
as can be seen from equation (3) due to the presence of the coupling and misalignment.
Equation (4) is simplified to the following first order differential equation:
Al-Rafidain Engineering
No. 5
October 2012
Time ratio
... (28)
Dimensionless parameter ()
Figure (10) Time ratio Vs offset (numerical and simulation)
Furthermore, the time ratio is almost unity if the following condition is satisfied:
No. 5
October 2012
Speed ratio
Al-Rafidain Engineering
Dimensionless parameter ()
Figure (11) Speed ratio Vs offset (theoretical and simulation)
About changing the speed of cutting, it is possible to increase or decrease the speed of
cutting via changing the offset while keeping the input shaft speed unchanged. A precise
adjustment of speed is then possible by changing the offset as well as the gearbox. Thus, for
each step of the gearbox there will be a range of speeds in order to meet almost the exact
cutting speed which is important due to technical and economical reasons.
6.3 Effect of offset on the angular velocity of the output shaft:
Angular velocity ( )
Fig (12) shows the effect of the pre determined offset on the angular velocity of the
output shaft for two values of offset, 0 and 10 mm for a complete revolution, (cut and
Time ()
Figure (12) Comparison between theoretical and simulation
for angular velocity of the output shaft during a complete
revolution (theoretical and simulation)
The blue curve (theoretical) and the black triangular marks (simulation) are for
as they started from a minimum value of the angular velocity because the motion
initiated when the first driving pin, see figure (3 a), was at its lower position. While the red
curve (theoretical) and the squared marks (simulation) are for
as they started from
a maximum value because the first driving pin was also at its lower position initially. Note
7.0 Conclusion
The present study introduces a sort of a new mechanism equipped to the well known
quick return mechanism, the shaper crank quick return mechanism. The effect of the offset on
the time ratio is apparent especially if a comparison is made between the time ratios at
. Thus, it was possible to double or to halve the time
ratio. Further conclusions are as follows:
1- It is possible to use yoke slot as coupling with a predetermined misalignment for
varying the time ratio and the speed ratio while keeping the shaper ram stroke and the
gearbox unchanged. Thus, a smaller gearbox with four speeds, for example, may be
required instead of five speeds if the current mechanism is equipped to the machine.
For the studied range and for this research, the shaft misalignment may be
advantageous and good from an economic perspective.
2- For a very short stroke and without the current modifications, the return time is
approximately equal to the cutting time. A noticeable increasing in the time ratio is
observed with further increase of the offset in the positive direction.
3- For a given speed ratio, the magnitude of the pre determined offset depends on the
distance ( 1), the stroke ( ) and the center distance of the flywheel ( ). This study
enables finding the magnitude of offset required for obtaining the desired time ratio or
speed of cutting. Furthermore, using shaft misalignment is expected to enhance
productivity of the shaper since it leads to quicker return mechanism than the
common used quick return mechanism.
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