Bensely CTD Influence Alloy Carbide Aisi m2 PDF
Bensely CTD Influence Alloy Carbide Aisi m2 PDF
Bensely CTD Influence Alloy Carbide Aisi m2 PDF
mechanical properties of AISI M2 high speed tool steel," published in Cold Facts, Spring 2012, Volume 28, Number 2.
Reckoned on a tonnage basis, tool steel represents only a few percent of the total
quantity of steel produced but its importance to the industry as a whole is immense. New
processing methods such as shallow cryogenic treatment (SCT) and deep cryogenic
treatment (DCT) are being considered as supplementary processes to conventional heat
treatment in order to improve the properties of steel. An improvement in the properties
can be expected from high speed steel (HSS) with a higher amount of primary and
secondary carbides. The present investigation aims to examine the effects of multiple
tempering on deep cryogenically treated AISI M2 tool steel and the resultant mechanical
properties such as hardness and toughness. It has been found that the hardness values of
multiple tempered DCT samples are 30 to 35 VHN higher than the conventionally heat
treated (CHT) samples. The fracture toughness value of CHT, SCT and DCT samples
after third tempering has been determined using Sailor- Corten relation and was found to
be 25.31 MPa (m) , 26.51 MPa (m), and 26.12 MPa (m) respectively. Characterization
analyses have been done on the samples through microstructural and fractography
studies. In order to study the tempering transformation of various heat-treated samples,
Thermo Mechanical Analysis (TMA) has been carried out.
Full version of the abridged article, "Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on alloy carbide precipitations and
mechanical properties of AISI M2 high speed tool steel," published in Cold Facts, Spring 2012, Volume 28, Number 2.
1. Introduction
The need for greater productivity calls for the development of new, higher
performance tools and tool materials capable of higher cutting speeds and feed rates. It is
important to remember that for complex machining jobs that require several tools, floorto-floor time depends on the best performing tool. Generally complex shaped HSS tools
are used, improving their performance brings along higher productivity of the entire
system. Its main applications are for drills, taps, milling cutters, broaches and also bits
where the economical cutting speed is too low to think about carbide tools. In recent
decades interest in low temperature effects have been demonstrated particularly during
heat treating cycles of the tool steels. Research has shown that cryogenic treatment
increases product life, and in most cases provides additional qualities to the products such
as stress reliving, increased service life and increased hardness and toughness
simultaneously [1].
Several papers have been published about the benefits arising from deep
cryogenic treatment (DCT) at 77 K on the properties of tool steels. In particular
depending on the material, wear resistance may increase up to 100 . In this process the
lowest temperature (77 K) can be easily obtained by using liquid nitrogen. Liquid
nitrogen (LN2) is a relatively inexpensive means of cooling. There is some evidence to
indicate that some of the desirable changes are happening very near this temperature
range. However, most researchers believe that cryogenic treatment promotes the
complete transformation of retained austenite into martensite at cryogenic temperature.
Others claim that cryogenic treatment facilitates the formation of fine epsilon carbides in
the martensitic matrix. The extent of benefits of this emerging processing route can only
be suitably exploited, if the underlying mechanism of this process is carefully unfolded in
an organized manner. The main objective of this study is to examine the effect of
cryogenic treatment on AISI M2 high-speed tool steel with respect to microstructural
changes and changes in mechanical properties such as hardness and toughness.
Full version of the abridged article, "Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on alloy carbide precipitations and
mechanical properties of AISI M2 high speed tool steel," published in Cold Facts, Spring 2012, Volume 28, Number 2.
2. Literature survey
Since the late 1930s, low temperature treatment has been adopted by industry
mainly as a part of the heat-treating cycle of tool steel [2]. Cryogenic treatment has been
tried since the early 60s and now draws much attention due to its claimed advantages.
Though many firms and researchers have recorded their experiences regarding the effect
of the treatment, published literature is not unequivocal. Claims are often diverse and the
factors to which they are attributed are varying and sometime contradicting.
Barron [2] investigated the effect of temperature below dry ice temperature on
wear resistance of tool steel material and concluded that the transformation of austenite to
martensite is dependent on temperature and independent of soaking time at that
temperature. Moore [3] conducted research on cold treatment and found the phenomenon
of austenite retention in high- speed steels. It was shown that properties are improved by
cold treatment where more than one temper is involved; at least one temper can be
omitted with cold treatment, which requires one hour, compared with several hours for
tempering. Barron [4] studied the effect of LN2 temperature (77 K) and dry ice
temperature (189 K) treatment on abrasive wear resistance of different metals. It was
concluded that the metal such as tool steel, can exhibit retained austenite at room
temperature can have wear resistance significantly increased by subjecting the metal to a
long soak (longer than 20 hrs) at the temperature of the order of 77 K. The hardness of
the material was not influenced by the cryogenic treatment for any of the samples.
Molinari et al., [5] studied the effect of deep cryogenic treatment on mechanical
properties of tool steels AISI M2 and AISI H13 and concluded that it increases the
hardness and improves the hardness homogeneity, reduces tool consumption and down
time for the equipment setup, thus leading to a cost reduction of about 50%. Flavio et al.,
[6] studied the effect of cryogenic treatment on M2 high speed tool steel. Before the
cryogenic treatment, the tools have previously been subjected to conventional thermal
treatment to obtain the secondary hardness and was concluded that the cryogenic
treatment had favorable influences on the performance of the tools tested. This means
that depending on the application, the cryogenic treatment may be a good alternative for
having productivity enhancement. Yong et al., [7] did a detailed study to analyze the
differences in tool performance between cryogenically treated and untreated tungsten
Full version of the abridged article, "Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on alloy carbide precipitations and
mechanical properties of AISI M2 high speed tool steel," published in Cold Facts, Spring 2012, Volume 28, Number 2.
carbide tool inserts during orthogonal turning of steel. By measuring the flank wear, it
was concluded that the tools under mild cutting conditions stand to gain from cryogenic
treatment, but heavy duty cutting operations with long periods of heating of the cutting
tool will not benefit from it.
Meng et al., [8] studied the effect of cryogenic treatment on the wear behavior of
Fe-12Cr-Mo-V-1.4C tool steel. The precipitation of fine carbides instead of the usual
carbides following cryogenic treatment at 77 K and improvements in both wear resistance
and toughness were reported. It was suggested that the lattice parameters of the
martensite formed are different from that formed in conventional treatments, which may
well account for its subsequent lack of response to extended exposure to deep cold
temperatures. At deep cryogenic temperatures there is a time-dependent decomposition of
the primary martensite. This decomposition causes some initial softening but nucleates
numerous coherent nano-carbides. Huang et al., [9] conducted a research on
microstructural changes of cryogenically treated M2 tool steel by soaking the sample in
LN2 for a period of one week. The microstructural images showed precipitation of
homogeneously distributed spheroidized carbide with a face centered cubic structure in
the cryogenically treated samples during subsequent tempering. Also volume fraction of
carbides in the cryogenically treated samples was higher than the non-cryotreated sample,
11% in the former and 5% in latter. Zhirafar et al., [10] compared the results of various
mechanical tests, including rotating fatigue, impact and hardness on AISI 4340 steel after
various heat-treating conditions. It was concluded that hardness and fatigue strength of
the cryogenically treated specimens increased whereas the toughness had decreased
compared to that of the conventionally treated steel. The transformation of retained
austenite to martensite along with possible carbide formation during tempering is a key
factor in improving hardness and fatigue resistance of the cryogenically treated
Mohan Lal et al., [11] carried out experiments in T1 HSS tool specimens to study
the hardness improvement, induced residual stresses and microstructural variations due to
DCT. The study concludes that the conversion of austenite to martensite is an isothermal
process and the maximum hardness attained by quenching at 203 K is 67 HRC. As the
quenching temperature is lowered, induced tensile stress become more and quenching at
Full version of the abridged article, "Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on alloy carbide precipitations and
mechanical properties of AISI M2 high speed tool steel," published in Cold Facts, Spring 2012, Volume 28, Number 2.
193 K leads to high hardness but induces residual stresses increases which is detrimental
to tool life. Microstructural analysis showed that the larger alloy carbide began to
precipitate into finely dispersed carbides when soaked for two hours and more. Mohan
Lal et al., [12] carried out a study on the improvement in wear resistance and the
significance of treatment parameters in different materials. It was found that cryogenic
treatment imparted nearly 110% improvements in tool life. For the tool samples,
cryogenic treatment should not follow TiN coating and after first regrinding, the tool
behaved like a cryogenically treated tool. It was concluded that soaking time is more
important than lowering the temperature.
Bensely et al., [13] investigated the effect of cryogenic treatment on wear
resistance improvement and microstructural changes in case carburized steel (EN353). It
was concluded that the DCT imparts better wear resistance (372%) compared to
conventionally treated sample and 152% with SCT samples. Bensely et al., [14] has
studied the influence of cryogenic treatment on the tensile behavior of case carburized
steel 815M17. After tensile testing, it was found that there is a reduction in tensile
strength for SCT and DCT samples over CHT by the factor of 1.5% and 9.34%
respectively. The SEM analyses of the fracture surface indicated the occurrence of more
extensive microvoids and microcracks formation for the CHT samples compared to the
SCT and DCT samples.
Leskovsek et al., [15] studied the effect of the wear behavior of vacuum heattreated AISI M2 high-speed steel subjected to vacuum heat treatment in conjunction with
a deep-cryogenic treatment at 77 K. Predetermined combinations of the Rockwell C
hardness and the fracture toughness KIC are obtained by varying the tempering
temperatures. The wear behaviors were compared and discussed in terms of these two
properties and the related microstructures. It is found that the DCT samples have better
wear resistance than vacuum heat-treated samples, which is a result of their fracture
toughness and hardness. The wear mechanisms observed for selected samples were
typically plastic deformation with the formation of surface ridges. Stratton [16] reviewed
current thinking and attempts about cryogenic processing. It was explained that there is
insufficient driving force at liquid nitrogen temperature (77 K) to form the nuclei of the
carbides in the martensite formed at low temperature. If the driving force were increased
Full version of the abridged article, "Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on alloy carbide precipitations and
mechanical properties of AISI M2 high speed tool steel," published in Cold Facts, Spring 2012, Volume 28, Number 2.
Full version of the abridged article, "Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on alloy carbide precipitations and
mechanical properties of AISI M2 high speed tool steel," published in Cold Facts, Spring 2012, Volume 28, Number 2.
Group I
Group II
Group III
impact strength
Arriving conclusions
Full version of the abridged article, "Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on alloy carbide precipitations and
mechanical properties of AISI M2 high speed tool steel," published in Cold Facts, Spring 2012, Volume 28, Number 2.
and triple tempering at 833 K for 3 hours. The Group II (SCT) samples after free air
cooling are transferred immediately to a mechanical freezer at 193 K and soaked for
5hours, and is followed by single, double and triple tempering. Meanwhile the Group III
samples after free cooling are immediately cooled in a controlled manner from room
temperature to 77 K in a cryoprocessor at a rate of 1.26 K/min, held at the same
temperature for 24 hours and subsequently brought back to room temperature at 0.63
K/min. Liquid nitrogen is used as working fluid to achieve very low temperature. After
reaching room temperature immediately it is subjected to single, double and triple
tempering. Table 2 shows the treatment conditions and nomenclature followed for the
present research work.
Conventionally hardened
4.1 Vickers Hardness Test
Hardness test is carried out on an INDENTEC SKV 5030 model Vickers macro
hardness testing machine as per the ASTM designation E92-82[18]. Three readings are
Full version of the abridged article, "Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on alloy carbide precipitations and
mechanical properties of AISI M2 high speed tool steel," published in Cold Facts, Spring 2012, Volume 28, Number 2.
taken for each of the 9 samples. The average Vickers hardness numbers obtained for the
various samples are represented as a graph in Figure 2.
Sample identifications
= 8 (CVN)
Full version of the abridged article, "Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on alloy carbide precipitations and
mechanical properties of AISI M2 high speed tool steel," published in Cold Facts, Spring 2012, Volume 28, Number 2.
5.1 Hardness
The result of Vickers hardness test is shown in Figure 2. It indicates that there is
no large variation in hardness values among the SCT and DCT samples for different
stages of tempering but significant variation is observed between the CHT-1T, SCT-1T
and DCT-1T samples. However, on comparing the improvement caused by shallow and
deep cryogenic treatment, a marginal increase in the hardness values is noted for all the
stages of tempering in SCT and DCT samples when compared with CHT samples.
Generally the wear resistance improvement can be influenced by hardness values. An
increase in hardness can increases the abrasion resistance and the load bearing capacity of
the material [5].
Full version of the abridged article, "Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on alloy carbide precipitations and
mechanical properties of AISI M2 high speed tool steel," published in Cold Facts, Spring 2012, Volume 28, Number 2.
5.2 Toughness
The cutting performance of high speed steel is primarily determined by its
toughness, resistance to both wear and tempering at operating temperatures. The
toughness of high-speed steel is determined by the state of tempering of the matrix and
the spatial and size distribution of the primary carbides. The uniform distribution and
small size carbides in the matrix represents an important toughness advantage. Wear
resistance is generally a function of hardness and of the type, volume, and shape of the
primary carbides present in the materials. Temperature resistance is largely determined
by the composition and growth of secondary hardening carbides [22]. From Table 3, it is
observed that the value of impact energy for DCT-1T and DCT-2T samples have lower
value then all other samples. This is due to the presence of higher martensitic structure.
This can be supported by the higher hardness value reported in Figure 2.
Table 3 Instrumented Impact strength test results
Impact energy
MPa (m)
K Id
MPa (m)
Sample ID
5.3 Fractography
The fracture surface micro morphology of the AISI M2 test specimens are
examined by using scanning electron microscope (SEM) in order to relate toughness
behavior to key microstructural features. Figure 3 (a-c) shows the fractured surface of
Full version of the abridged article, "Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on alloy carbide precipitations and
mechanical properties of AISI M2 high speed tool steel," published in Cold Facts, Spring 2012, Volume 28, Number 2.
Secondary cracks
Secondary Cracks
Flat facets
(a) CHT-1T
(b) CHT-2T
(c) CHT-3T
Figure 3 Fractographic image of conventionally heat-treated sample
Secondary cracks
Shallow Dimples
(a) SCT-1T
(b) SCT-2T
(c) SCT-3T
Figure 4 Fractographic image of Shallow Cryogenically treated sample
Full version of the abridged article, "Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on alloy carbide precipitations and
mechanical properties of AISI M2 high speed tool steel," published in Cold Facts, Spring 2012, Volume 28, Number 2.
(a) DCT-1T
(b) DCT-2T
(c) DCT-3T
Figure 5 Fractographic image of Deep Cryogenically treated sample
M6 C
Full version of the abridged article, "Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on alloy carbide precipitations and
mechanical properties of AISI M2 high speed tool steel," published in Cold Facts, Spring 2012, Volume 28, Number 2.
(b) CHT-1T
(c) CHT-2T
(d) CHT-3T
Full version of the abridged article, "Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on alloy carbide precipitations and
mechanical properties of AISI M2 high speed tool steel," published in Cold Facts, Spring 2012, Volume 28, Number 2.
Large elongated
primary carbide
Small secondary
Spheroided carbide
(a) CHT-1T
(b) CHT-2T
Retained austenite
(c) CHT-3T
Figure 8 Scanning electron microscopic image of conventionally heat-treated sample
Full version of the abridged article, "Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on alloy carbide precipitations and
mechanical properties of AISI M2 high speed tool steel," published in Cold Facts, Spring 2012, Volume 28, Number 2.
(b) SCT-1T
(c) SCT-2T
(d) SCT-3T
Full version of the abridged article, "Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on alloy carbide precipitations and
mechanical properties of AISI M2 high speed tool steel," published in Cold Facts, Spring 2012, Volume 28, Number 2.
Clustered Carbides
(a) SCT-1T
(b) SCT-2T
(c) SCT-3T
Full version of the abridged article, "Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on alloy carbide precipitations and
mechanical properties of AISI M2 high speed tool steel," published in Cold Facts, Spring 2012, Volume 28, Number 2.
(b) DCT-1T
(c) DCT-2T
(d) DCT-3T
Full version of the abridged article, "Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on alloy carbide precipitations and
mechanical properties of AISI M2 high speed tool steel," published in Cold Facts, Spring 2012, Volume 28, Number 2.
(a) DCT-1T
(b) DCT-2T
(c) DCT-3T
Figure 3(a) reveals the presence of uneven array of dimpled facets with a
scattering of large voids. The presences of small cleavage facets many of which are
separated by secondary cracks are also found. The fractured surface is characterized by
quasi cleavage pattern [23]. The Figure 3(c) shows several secondary cracks, which seem
Full version of the abridged article, "Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on alloy carbide precipitations and
mechanical properties of AISI M2 high speed tool steel," published in Cold Facts, Spring 2012, Volume 28, Number 2.
to have grown from the primary crack. On the surface, the carbides have been laid bare,
and in several places, dislodged.
Figure 4 (a-c) show the fracture surface of SCT samples with single, double and
triple tempering respectively. The presence of small spherical carbides in the matrix
which is not present in CHT samples is observed. In this case also the fractured feature is
identified as quasi cleavage pattern. Inter granular fracture features are also identified in
few regions.
Figure 5 (a-c) shows the micro morphology of the fractured surface of the DCT
samples. It is observed that there are small and poorly defined quasi-cleavage facets
connected by shallow dimples on the surface. The presence of dimples gets reduced and
more flat facets are seen on comparison with CHT samples. It can be attributed to the
presence of higher martensitic structure with less carbon content.
5.4 Microstructure
Figure 6 shows the microstructure of AISI M2 raw material. The micrograph
reveals the presence of lamellar pearlite with carbides precipitated from austenite.
Pearlite, which forms the base of annealed steel, has a lower hardness value of 24HRC,
which makes the metal capable of being machined or plastic-worked in the cold state.
Due to annealing at high temperature followed by slow cooling, pearlitic structure with
low carbon concentration is formed, and also more carbide is precipitated at the grain
boundaries [23]. The structure of high-speed steel in the annealed condition consists of
M6C, M23C6, MC types of untransformed carbides in the pearlitic matrix.
Figure 7(a) shows the microstructure of CHT untempered sample. The
micrograph of hardened sample reveals the presence of untempered martensite and
undissolved carbides in the martensitic matrix. The large sized elongated carbides found
along the boundaries are identified as primary carbides and the small spherical carbides
present within the martensitic grains are identified as secondary carbides. When steel is
hardened, it acquires the structure of tetragonal martensite and a certain amount of
retained austenite. Steel in this condition is hard, brittle, highly stressed and liable to
develop quench cracks, particularly tool steels. To overcome this, the hardened steel
should have a potential tendency to attain a stable condition. But this equilibrium or
Full version of the abridged article, "Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on alloy carbide precipitations and
mechanical properties of AISI M2 high speed tool steel," published in Cold Facts, Spring 2012, Volume 28, Number 2.
stable condition cannot be achieved at room temperature because of the low mobility of
atoms. When the temperature increases, the mobility of atoms increases due to
accelerated diffusion rate and, results in a structural change of the hardened steel to give
rise to a stable state [24]. This in effect is the process of tempering. Usually the structure
of high-speed steel in the hardened condition consists of 70 to 80% tetragonal martensite,
15 to 30% highly alloyed untransformed austenite and 9 to 12 % of undissolved M6C and
MC carbides [24]. Figure 7(b-d) shows the presence of retained austenite along with
carbides of various sizes.
Figure 8 (a) reveals the presence of large elongated primary carbides and small
spherical secondary carbides in a tempered martensitic matrix and freshly formed
martensites in CHT-1T sample. Also, the primary alloy carbides elongated in a rod like
structure of M6C type can be seen. For this type of steel MS temperature is well below the
critical transition temperature and so most of the martensitic structure will be present as
plate martensite often surrounded by large amount of retained austenite. From Figure 8
(b), it is observed that the presence of carbides that are spheroidized and distributed
uniformly through out the structure in CHT-2T sample. It is the very initial stage of
secondary carbide precipitation. In Figure 8 (c), no drastic change in carbide precipitation
is observed after triple tempering of CHT samples.
During quench hardening process of tool steel, high carbon and alloy content
leads to increase in the austenitizing temperature. It will produce the harder martensitic
structure but simultaneously lower the martensitic start temperature (MS) and martensitic
finish temperature (MF) so that after conventional heat treatment there will be chance of
20 to 30% of retained austenite content in the steel [22]. In the hardening treatment,
cooling takes place in two stages. The tool steel is quenched in a molten salt bath kept at
temperature above that of the martensitic start temperature. The steel is held there until
temperature equalization is complete. The tool is then allowed to cool freely in air which
results in the formation of martensite. Due to the temperature difference between the
surface and the center during the process, martensitic formation is much lower. This
results in less residual stress and minimum distortion. But the amount of retained
austenite is generally high.
Full version of the abridged article, "Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on alloy carbide precipitations and
mechanical properties of AISI M2 high speed tool steel," published in Cold Facts, Spring 2012, Volume 28, Number 2.
Full version of the abridged article, "Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on alloy carbide precipitations and
mechanical properties of AISI M2 high speed tool steel," published in Cold Facts, Spring 2012, Volume 28, Number 2.
Full version of the abridged article, "Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on alloy carbide precipitations and
mechanical properties of AISI M2 high speed tool steel," published in Cold Facts, Spring 2012, Volume 28, Number 2.
with CHT samples is more due to the complete elimination of retained austenite but the
carbides are coarsened during tempering periods. In DCT samples during first tempering
it is observed that the secondary carbide precipitations started at lower extent and
coarsening of primary carbides also occurs. In the case of DCT-2T sample the carbide
precipitation is more and the carbides are uniformly distributed and also having
spheroidized shape. This is the main reason for higher values of hardness. In the DCT-3T
sample it is found that the carbide coarsening had occurred and there is no further
precipitation of carbides.
/ K)
Temperature( K)
Figure 13.Plot of linear expansion of specimen vs. Temperature (K)
Full version of the abridged article, "Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on alloy carbide precipitations and
mechanical properties of AISI M2 high speed tool steel," published in Cold Facts, Spring 2012, Volume 28, Number 2.
Full version of the abridged article, "Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on alloy carbide precipitations and
mechanical properties of AISI M2 high speed tool steel," published in Cold Facts, Spring 2012, Volume 28, Number 2.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the timely help rendered by the employees of
Chennai Metco, Chennai and Department of Chemistry, A.C College of Technology,
Anna University Chennai for testing.
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Full version of the abridged article, "Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on alloy carbide precipitations and
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Full version of the abridged article, "Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on alloy carbide precipitations and
mechanical properties of AISI M2 high speed tool steel," published in Cold Facts, Spring 2012, Volume 28, Number 2.
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