DMC 2004 09

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Visayas Avenue, Dilirnan, 'QuezonCity
Tel. Nos. (632) 920-4301 ' (632) 928-0691 to 93
924-2540 ' 928-8592
929-6626 IOC.2012 - 201 4

AUG 3 0


No. 2004


Amending DMC 35, series of 1993 re: Criteria and

Guidelines for the Categorization of Protected Areas
under the National Integrated Protected Areas
System (NIPAS)

Pursuant to Republic Act No. 7586 or the NlPAS Act and in order to provide a
more appropriate criteria that will suit the present biophysical and socio-economic
conditions of protected areas in the country, the criteria and guidelines for the
categorization of protected areas under NlPAS as provided under Annex A of DMC
35 Series of 1993 is hereby amended in accordance with the attached matrix.

SECTION 1. Title
This Memorandum Circular shall be known as the
Amended guidelines for the categorization of Protected Areas under the National
lntegrated Protected Areas System.
SECTION 2. Objective - It shall be the objective of this circular to set forth
the guidelines for the categorization of Protected Areas under NIPAS.
SECTION 3. Definition of Categories:
1. Strict Nature Reserve (SNR) - is an area possessing some outstanding
ecosystem, features andlor species of flora and fauna of national scientific
importance, maintained to protect nature and maintain processes in an undisturbed
state in order to have ecologically representative examples of the natural
environmental monitoring, education and for maintenance of genetic resources in a
dynamic and evolutionary state;
2. Natural Park (NP) - is a relatively large area not materially altered by
human activity where extractive resource uses are not allowed and which are
maintained to protect outstanding natural and scenic areas of national or
international significance for scientific, educational and recreational use;
3. Natural MonumentsINatural Landmark (NMINL) - is a relatively small
area focused on protection of small features to preserve nationally significant natural
features on account of their special interest or unique characteristics;

4. Wildlife Sanctuary (WS) - comprises an m which assures the natural

conditions necessary to protect nationally significant species, groups of species,
biotic communities or physical features Of the
where these may require
specific human manipulation for their perpetuation;

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5. Protected Landscape and Seascape (PLIS) - are areas of national

significance which are characterized by the harmonious interaction of man and land
while providing opportunities for public enjoyment through recreation and tourism
within the normal lifestyles and economic activity of these areas;

6. Resol-~rceReserve (RS) - is an extensive and relatively isolated and

uninhabited area normally with difficult access designated as such to protect natural
resources of the area for future use and prevent or contain development activities
that could affect the resources pending the establishment of objectives which are
based upon appropriate knowledge and planning;
7. Natural Biotic AreaIAnthropological Reserve - is an area set aside to allow
the way of life of societies living in harmony with the environment to adopt to modern
technology at their pace; and
8. Other categories - refer to those areas established by law, conventions or
international agreements which the Philippine Government is a signatory.
Criteria - the following criteria shall be used in the
determination of categories appropriate for each of the protected areas found
suitable for inclusion in the NIPAS
1. Natural Feature - This criterion includes representatives of the various
ecosystems within the protected area, the diversity of biota and habitats,
and the ecological state of the area.

Management Objective - This includes the administration of protected

area taking into consideration social acceptability of the conservation
program, accessibility of the area and the presence of natural and cultural
features of the area.

3. Allowable Human Activities - These include the human activities that are
dependent on the natural features of the protected area including those
that have outstanding physical features.
4. Appropriate Management Zones - This pertains to the recommended
management zones for each of the NlPAS category. The management
zones are established on a need basis andlor usefulness based on
existing and planned land-use inside the protected area.

SECTION 5. Categorization The categorization of the protected areas

shall be done in accordance with the Protected Area Category Matrix attached as
Annex A. This will be substantiated by the results of the Protected Areas Suitabiltiy
Assessment (PASA). For further guidance, Annex B may be used.

SECTION 6. Report The Regional Executive Director shall submit to the

Secretary through the Director, PAWB, a report on the categorization of each of the
protected areas found suitable for inclusion in NIPAS. This report shall also include
the rationaleljustification for the categorization made.

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