New E-Learning Method Using Databases

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Database Systems Journal vol. III, no.



New e-learning method using databases

Hyperion University from Bucharest
Academy of Economic Studies, Institute for Doctoral Studies
The objective of this paper is to present a new e-learning method that use databases. The
solution could pe implemented for any typeof e-learning system in any domain. The article
will purpose a solution to improve the learning process for virtual classess.
Keywords: virtual classes, AJAX, dynamic web language, databases, e-learning;

In our days many companies are
trying to create the project e-learning
system in order to offer the best training
from distance. E-learning intersects
numerous fields and practice anc cannot
be trivialized into a sample formula for
success. Therefore our paper will try to
include the database system as a bridge
between traditional learning and modern
learning.When e-learning was first
introduced, it was widely promoted as a
means of electronic networks or CDROMs. It fails learners as individuals
and fails to take into account the social
context in which e-learning occurs. Such
as, approach relies in one way
communication from teacher to learner
attending individual and fails to take into
account the social context in which elearning occurs.

Figure 1. Classic e-learning

Like any process, e-learning depends on
effective communication between teacher
and student, whether this occurs in a face-

to-face classroom or across the Internet. Our

paper research is based on the fact that
communication can be simulated by using a
human knowledge database or using a real
person that has the knowledge required.

Figure 2. The proposed solution for a new

Let consider a prqactical lesson for a virtual
classroom named identification of the best
marketing strategy. None professor could
use for simulating a real marketing
campaign only text books, specialized
programs but also show slides data sheets,
pictures of real objects, or other media
resources. Our research will try to identify
how many students are working better and
understand more when they are using an
interactive program construct on databases.
The interactive program will offer them the
possibility to build step a marketing
campaign using an interactive simulating
model of a company in connection with a lot
of marketing factors. First we gave to the
learners in text books and pictures of real


New e-learning method using databases

objects for identifing the triehedral. We

have noticed that only four students from
ten can succeeded in identifying a correct
strategy for successfully marketing
campaign. The special program will help
nine students ten to understand the
concepts and construct a better and more
succesfully marketing campaign.

Figure 3. Learners capability

understanding the information


The proposed solution will integrate in

the same platform theoretical principles,
applications and tests. The aim of this
paper is to present a solution to improve
the learning process for any virtual
classes specially based on simulation.
This solution is not limited just for
economical classes. The new solution
will help the learners to better assimilate
the information received. The two main
objects of using new methods in virtual
classroom activities are:
1. Optimize performance of existing
activities by using new learning
2. Improve the quality and the
attractiveness of learning using a
new teaching method can be a
great aid in developing a learning
process with high performance
indexes. Moreover, since some
programming languages, like
Java, PHP, Flash are designed for
the Internet and enable to users to
use interactively, the conversion
for virtual classes learning could
be provided all over the world.
The most known six advantages of elearning are:
1. Reduced overall cost is the single

most influential factor in adopting elearning;

2. Learning times reduced an average
of 40 to 60 percent;
3. Important delivery of content is
possible with asynchronous, selfpaced e-learning;
4. Expert knowledge is communicated,
but most importantly captured, with
good e-learning and knowledge
management system;
5. Proof
certification, essential elements of
training and learning activities, can
be automated;
6. The benefits of integrating, I.T.
systems in the high education field
must be very understood by the
students and professors.
Our solution will generate changes in
education and will have impact to traditional
The proposed solution that we are going to
present will have three aspects:
1. The solution will be credible;
2. The solution will resolve many of the
learning problems;
3. The solution will correspond with
necessitties in report with the final
user, the student;
The student will also use interactive
technologies that support different types of
1. Internet access to digital versions
of materials unvailable local;
2. Internet access to search, and
transactional services;
3. Interactive diagnostic or adaptive
4. Remote control access to local
physical devices;
5. Personalized information and
guidance for learning support;
6. Simulations or models of
scientific systems;
7. Communication tools with for
collaboration with other students
and teachers;
8. Tool for creativity and design;

Database Systems Journal vol. III, no. 3/2012


9. Virtual reality anvironments

10. Data analysis, modelling or
11. Electric devices and learners;

Figure 5. Short presentation of the module

system interaction

Figure 4. Technologies involved

in e-learning
The figure presents the proposed
solution. In the case that student can
interact both with the teachers and also
the knowledge databases integrating in IT
system for feedback. Like the professor,
the integrated IT system put the student
in a virtual classroom with the possibility
of interaction like into a natural
environment. The integrating IT system
is containing one server, specialized
software based on AJAX, PHP, and
MySQL databases and a broadband
connection. The advantage is that the
student/learner is able to access the
course and interact with virtual professor
from all over the world. Our research
presents in the Figure 5 a solution to
develop an integrating IT system with a
new specification and using databases.

The new solution permits to the students to

develop their own study plan schedule and
arrange their leisure time to enable them to
study from anywhere via the Internet. The
students can study the multimedia teaching
material interactively since we use web
technologies, HTML, PHP, AJAX and
MySQL. Each students studying status is
controlled by the system, so that the
mechanism to reopen the lesson where the
learner stopped last time, the mini tests
mechanism designed for checking the
students level, and monitoring mechanism
for the students progression are offered.
While learners are reading the course notes,
they also can use the teaching material to
verify what they have learned and to
quantify the results. This is a new method of
learning which we want to teach them. The
knowledge verification could be done using
homework and questions while studying, he
or she can find the paper answers from there
or wishes to know more details about the
questions, the student can use the mailing
mechanism on Communication page and
the questions will be answered by online
Conclusions and intentions:
The paper presented the challenge of
integrating an IT software solution in virtual
classes. The paper described a new method
used especially for simulation real models.
The proposed solution that we have
presented has three essential aspects:
1. The solution is credible;


New e-learning method using databases

2. The solution corresponds with the

necessities in report with the end
users, the learners;
3. The presented solution could be
a great help in learning process
for virtual courses also have some
advantages such as: reducing
learning times, improve the
teaching process, offer to
books, examples and course
2 Content details
E-learning includes all forms of
electronically supported learning and
teaching. For the implementation of the
learning process are used information
systems and communication systems.
Transfer of skills and knowledge is
provided by e-learning. Education
opportunities and collaborative virtual
digital computer-based learning, web
based learning processes are provided by
e-learning. The content is conducted on
the Internet, CD-ROM, satellite, TV,
audio or video-tape. The content can be
instructor or self-paced and includes
media in the form of audio, streaming,
video, image, and animation. In the
technologies are used. Young children
can use the interactive new media and are
able to develop their skills, knowledge,
the perception of the world under the
supervision of the parents. To achieve a
certain objective in this era of the Internet
individual must have the necessary
knowledge in technology. E-learning is
synonymous with IBT (Internet Based
Training), WBT (Web Based Training)
and CBT (Computer Based Training).
The latest estimates of the learning
industry estimated at 48 billion dollars.
The active based of e-learning is the
development of multimedia technologies
and the Internet. In 2008 about one
quarter of post-secondary education had

participated in online courses. Ambient

Insight Report in 2009 states that a rate of
44% of middle school students after the
United States participated in a part of all
online courses. In 2014 this figure will
increase to 81%. In the United States of
America e-learning is moving very quickly.
In the United States of America many
institutions of higher education offering
online classes. Academic leaders of the
survey report belongs Sloan see that students
are as satisfied as online classes, as well as
traditional ones. Members working in these
private institutions should have the
necessary knowledge and be highly trained
in computer use. E-learning is a growing and
doctoral programs have developed and
adopted it.
E-learning is used by k12 schools in the
United States of America. Some e-learning
environments took place in a traditional
class, other allow students to attend classes
at home or in other locations. Around the
country there are many states that use virtual
platforms for e-learning cyber school in the
entire country and they have continued to
grow. Virtual school offers students the
option to connect to synchronous or
asynchronous learning courses from
anywhere there is an Internet connection.
Students use technology in schools,
universities and colleges and must meet for
submitting their work. The progress of
students is maintained by cyber schools and
students have opportunity to select courses,
giving students the opportunity this option to
create their own program. E-learning is
usually used by students who do not want to
go to traditional school and mortar school
because of severe allergies or other medical
problems, fear or bullying and school
violence, and students whose parents want
going to homeschool, but arent qualified.
Cyber schools create a real paradise for
students that want to receive a high and
quality education. The most stable charters
of cybernetics school offer to students a
large and an extra program, which will not
grow curriculum choices, that are offered
and they also offer support for students to

Database Systems Journal vol. III, no. 3/2012

have complete success. One of those

programs includes: Assistance Student
Program for students that want to fight
with other domains as teachers. Open
coordination for those students who need
extra support, carrier orientation, a
lecture title, Gifted Education Services,
special educational services, trips to grow
socialization in a cybernetic environment.
Island of study helps the students to like
mathematics. The supervisor monitors the
progress of the students and offers
communication to students for orientation
and coordination in the carrier. The
private schools are online available.
These offer the benefits for e-learning for
students in the states in which charter
cybernetics school arent available.
E-learning was adopted and utilized form
different companies to inform and
educate the engagers and the clients. The
companies with channels of distribution
have utilized channels to educate the
personnel of sales about the evolution of
the products, without the need of
organization of physical courses.
At the beginning of 1960s the teachers
of psychology from Stanford University
Patrick Suppers and Richard C. Atkinson
have experimented the use of computers
for teaching mathematics and lecture for
child in schools from East Paulo Alto,
California. The Program Standford
Education for Young Gifted has the
beginnings in that early experiment. In
1963, Bernard Luskin had installed the
first computer in a community college of
industry and has worked to the
development of instruction assisted on
computers. Luskin have turned off the
reference point of his dissertation at
UCLA with Rand Corporation, in the
analysis of obstacles at computers
assisted. The first systems of e-learning,
based on computers Computer Based
Learning Training try to reproduce the
criticize styles for teaching in which the
role of the systems of e-learning was


assumed for the transfer of knowledge and

the following systems next developed on
computers CSCL ( the collaborative
learning) have encouraged the development
in common of knowledge. In 1993 William
D. Graziadei had described a course about
online computers, tutorials and evaluation
projects with electronic email. Until 1994
the first online school was elaborated. In
1997 Graziadei, W. D. had published an
article entitled The Construction of
Learning Teaching Asynchronous and
Synchronous Environment Exploration of a
Course / The Solution of a class about
Management System. They have described a
process at University of State from New
York ( Suny ) about the evaluation of
products and the elaboration of a global
strategy for the development of a course
based on technology and management in the
process of learning-teaching. The product
must be easy for utilization and
administered, portable, repeatable, scalable
and easy accessible and must have a high
probability of success for long term and with
cost-efficiency. Today the technology can
be multiple and are utilized in e-learning,
from blogs for collaborative software, ePortfolios and virtual classroom. The most
situations of e-learning use combination of
those techniques.
E-learning 2.0
The term of E-learning 2.0 represents a
neologism for CSCL systems that came in
time of appearance of Web 2.0 about a
conventional perspective of e-learning based
on instruction patches, that were delivered to
student to utilize missions. The tasks were
evaluated by the teacher. The new places of
e-learning have grown and were accented on
social learning and use of social software,
like, blogs, wiki, podcast and virtual world
like Second Life. This phenomenon was
mentioned like learning with long queue.
E-learning 2.0 is not based on CSCL, that
suppose the knowledge (to understand) is
constructed social. The learning is placed
with conversation on the content and
interaction about problems and actions. It


must be remarked that a lot of online

courses like those developed by Murray
Turoff and Starr Hiletz Roxanne, in 1970
and 1980 at New Jersey Institute of
Technology, courses at the University
from Galph from Canada, British Open
University and online at distance courses
from the University of British Columbia
have utilized always on-line discussion
with students. The practitioners like
Herasim based on using networks for
learning and construction knowledge
until the term e-learning 2.0. Exist a
higher utilization of the virtual classes
(on-line presentation, delivered directly)
like an online learning platform and
classroom for a diverse set of learning
providers, like the state college from
Minesota and universities from Sachem
School District.
In plus the social networks became an
important part of e-learning 2.0. Social
networks were used for promotion of online learning communities on subjects
like preparation and testation of the
education language.
Mobile Assisted Language Learning
(MALL) represents a term that describes
the usage of portable computers or
mobile phones for helping at the learning
of stranger languages. Humans think that
schools arent in tendencies with social
networking. The educators of a few
traditional schools have promoted the
creation of social networks with
exception of the case in which exists the
communication with the colleagues.
An approach of e-learning:
E-learning has evolved from the
computers that were used in the domain
of education. Exists a tendency to move
on services of blended learning, in the
case of computer is based on activities
that are integrated with practical
situations or classes situations. Bates and
Poole( 2003 ) and OCDE suggest that
different types or e-learning forms can be
considered like a continuum, from any e-

New e-learning method using databases

learning, like the utilization of computers

and the Internet in teaching and learning,
with help in the class, like the classroom to
realize the lecture of the slides.
Power Point is sliding at the disposition of
the students intermediary of a course of
website or a management system of
learning, of the programs of laptops, in the
case that students need the bringing of the
laptops in the classroom and use them like a
part of a face-to-face in the class, of the
hybrid learning in the case that the time
class is reduced, but arent eliminated, with
a lot of time is reduced, but arent
eliminated, with a lot of time on-line
learning, that represents a form of learning
at distance. This classification is more
similar with that of Sloan Commission
Reports reporting the e-learning statute,
which refers at web consolidation, complete
web and dependent of web to reflect the
grow of intensity of using technology. It can
observe that e-learning describe a large
game of application and is usually
supervised reciprocally by publications of
research which realize from e-learning a
course of discussion. Popular instruments of
e-learning are: Blackboard Inc. and Moodle.
Blackboard Inc. has much 20 millions of
users day by day. Blackboard offers six
different platforms like: Blackboard Learn,
Blackboard Colaboram, Blackboard Mobile,
Blackboard Connect, Transact Blackboard
and Blackboard Analitycs, Blackboard
instruments permits to educators to decide if
their program will be mixed or completely
online, asynchrony or
Blackboard can be utilized for K12
Education, Superior Learning, of Business
and Collaboration of the Govern. Moodle
represents an Open Source Course
Management System. Is free to download
and offer opportunities of blended learning
and the platform for courses of learning at
distance. Moodle website has a lot of
tutorials for creating a program or to become
a student Moodle.
Computer Based Learning
Computer Based Learning it refers at using

Database Systems Journal vol. III, no. 3/2012

computers like a key component of

educational environment. In time that this
thing it can be referred at utilization of
computers in a classroom, on large term it
refers at a structured environment, in
which computers are utilized in didactic
objectives. Cassandra B. White has
researched the important role of
computers that plays in the superior
learning. This evolution, to include the
computer had supported the collaborative
learning, in plus data management was
realized. The type of computers has
changed in the last years from heavy
dispositive, slows that had occupied a
space in the class, at home, at the office
and laptops and portable dispositive, that
are much mobile, in the form and
dimensions and that is minimalized about
technological dispositive that will
Computer Based Training (CBTs ) are
auto-paced from accessible activities of
learning from the intermediary of a
computer or portable dispositive. Usually
CBTs has the content in the presence in a
linear way, also like reading an online
book or to obtain knowledge and abilities
through methods that are much favorable.
From this point of view, they are usually
utilized to teach the statistics processes,
like the utilization of software or
complete of the mathematical equations.
The terms Computer Based Training is
usually used alternatively like web based
for formation (WBT), with the principal
difference by the delivery method. In the
case that Computer Based Training
(CBT) is usually delivered by CD-ROM,
Web Based Training is delivered using a
web browser. The evaluation of learning
in CBT (Computer Based Training)
usually comes with questions with
multiple variants, or other evaluations,
that can be easily obtained by a computer,
like drag and drop, radio button, the
simulation of others interactive ways. The
evaluations are easily marked and
registered by online software, offering
immediately to end-users the feedback


and the finalization state. The users have the

possibility to imprime the registration of
finalization by a certification form. CBTs
offers learning stimulus forward the
methodology of traditional learning from
manual, or class based on instruction. For
example, CBTs
offers friendly user,
solutions for the satisfaction of needs of
continuum education. In replace of
limitation of the students at courses
participations and reading to print solutions,
the students are capable to have knowledge
and abilities by methods that are much
favorable. For example Computer Based
Training offers visual benefits of learning by
animation or video, usually are not offered
by other ways. Computer Based Training
can be a good alternative at the learning
materials edited from reach mass media,
including video clips and or animations, can
be easily incorporated to grow learning.
Another advantage for CBTs is that it can
be easily distributed at a large public, at a
low cost if the initial development is
finished. With all this, CBT (Computer
Based Training) have some problems of
learning, also. Usually the creation of CBT
(Computer Based Training) in course of
development ( e.g. Adobe Flash or director )
is usually much complex that an expert in
the subject or if the teacher is capable using
it. In addition, the lack of human interaction
can limited also the type of content that can
be presented and the type of evaluation that
can be effectuate. Much organizations of
learning start to utilize CBT (Computer
Based Training / Web Based Training) like a
part of a program much complex of online
learning, that can include online discussions
or another interactive elements.
CSCL (The Supported Collaborative
Learning) represents one of promises
innovations for enriching the process of
teaching and learning, with the help of
modern learning of information and
communication. Is unanimously accepted
for distinguish the collaborative learning


from the traditional model of direct

transfer, in which the instructor it
supposed is distributor of knowledge and
abilities, that is given in many ways by
the neologism
E-learning 1.0, even that this method of
direct transfer is the most accurate it
Systems (CBL). Blogs, wiki, Google
environment in the group of teaching
Using the social Web 2.0 instruments in
the classroom is permitted
to students
and teachers to work together, to discuss
ideas and to promote information.
According to Sendall (2008) blogs, wiki,
and abilities of social networks are
investigated to be utile in the classroom.
After initial were used instruments, the
students have reported a growing of
levels of knowledge and of comfort using
Web 2.0 instruments. The collaboration
instruments are preparing to students with
the needed technology the force of work
from today. In function of the activity of
work Cassandra B. White consider that
the continuum aspects of motivation and
success regarding e-learning must be
keeping in the context of the learning
The enriched technology of learning
The enriched technology learning (TEL)
has the objective to offer innovations,
improvement of efficiency of costs) for
practices of e-learning, about the physics
persons and organizations, independently
of time, place and pace.
The technology problems
With the conditions of learning the
technology, the technology of instruction,
the term of Educational Technology is
used to refer the utility of technology in
the process of learning in a much broad
sense different from instruction on
computer or assisted instruction on
computer from 1980. At the same time, is
much larger than the learning of online

New e-learning method using databases

terms, terms or online education that in

general, it refers to the learning based on
web. In the cases in which the mobile
technologies are utilized, the term of mlearning had become more much frequently.
With all this, e-learning have implications
fare from the technology and it refers at the
effectively learning, that has placed by using
these systems.
E-learning is naturally prepared for distance
learning or flexible learning, but can be used
in the conjunction with face-to-face
teaching, in the case in which the term of
combined learning is frequently used.
The pioneer of e-learning Bernard Luskin
sustained that E must be understood in
large sense, in the case that the
understanding of e-learning is efficiently.
Luskin tells that e must be interpreted in
the sense of interesting, energic, enthusiast,
extended, emotional, educational, surplus of
electronic that represents a national
traditional interpretation. This large
interpretation permits to applications of 21
century and bring the learning the
psychology mass-media in equation. In the
superior learning in special, the tendency of
growing is to create a virtual environment
(VLE) that is in some cases combined with a
Management Information System (MIS) to
create an environment of learning managed
in which all aspects of the course are treated
in a consistent standard interface of using
the whole institution.
In time which programs ask students to
participate at ones campus classes or
oriented, a lot are delivered online
completely. In addition, a lot of universities
offer online services for supporting students,
like on-line counseling, the registry of ecounseling, the manual for online buying,
the students governs and students
newspapers. The recent tendency in the
sector of e-learning is screencast. Exists a lot
of instruments of screencast available , but
the recent is the instrument based web
screencast that permits to users to create
direct screencast from their browser and to
realize available online video, so that the
viewers can transmit direct video.

Database Systems Journal vol. III, no. 3/2012

The advantage of these instruments is that

offer to the presenter the possibility to
demonstrate his ideas and the flux of
thoughts. With an video and audio
combination the expert can imitate one of
the experiences from the classroom and
can offer clear and complete instructions.
From the point of view of the student, it
offers the possibility to interrupt and give
to the learner the advantage to pass from
their proper rate that a classroom cant
always offer.
Technologies of communication used in
The technologies of communications are
synchronous. Asynchronous activities
like blogs, wiki and forums of discussion.
The idea is that here the participants can
engage in interchange of ideas and
information, without dependency of
implications of another participants in the
same time. The e-mail is asynchronous,
in which the e-mail can be sent or
received, without the implications of the
participants in the same time. The
asynchronous learning offers to students
the possibility to work in their rate. This
thing is very important and benefit for
students that have problems of health.
They have the possibility to finalize their
works in a reduced environment of stress
and in a flexible time interval. The
interchange of ideas and information with
one or multiple parts in the same time. A
face-to-face discussion represents an
example of synchronous communication.
Synchronous activities appear with all
participants at accession of a date, like
example an online chat session or a
virtual classroom or a meeting.
Classrooms and virtual meetings can use
technologies of communications. The
participants in a virtual classroom use
icons and emoticons to communicate
their feelings and answers at questions at
questions or declarations. The students


are capable to write on board and to

distribute their desktop, when are
administered the rights of the teacher.
communication in a virtual classroom
includes text notes, rights of microphones
and sessions of breakout. Session of
breakout permit to participants to work in
collaboration in a little workgroup to realize
a task, also to permits to teachers to have
private conversations with his students. The
virtual classroom offers, also the possibility
of for students to request direct instructions
from a qualified teacher in an interactive
environment. The students have direct
access and instant at his instruction for the
instant and direct feedback. Virtual
classroom offers a structural program of
classes that can be helpful for students that
can find the liberty to learn asynchronous.
The virtual classroom offers also, a learning
social environment that produces closely
traditional mortar and stone class. The
most virtual class applications offer a
characteristic of registration. Each class is
registered and is stocked on a server, which
permits instant play from any classroom
during the scholar year. This thing can be
extremely useful for students to reevaluate
the materials and concepts for future exam.
This offers also to students the possibility to
visualize from any classroom that it lost so
that cannot be return. It also offers to parents
the possibility to monitor any classroom to
assure that they are satisfied about the
education of children. At online and
asynchronous courses the students continue
in their proper rate. By online courses the
students can obtain the diploma fast and
repeat lost courses. The students have access
at an incredible reach of courses in the
process of online learning and can
participate at online courses at faculty,
stages, sport or work and also graduated
with their classes. In much models, the
communication it refers at e-learning and mlearning. Both communities offer a general
presentation of the models of learning of
basis and of the necessary activities to


participants to work to sessions of

learning in the virtual classroom or in
standard classroom with technology. A
management learning system (LMS) is
the software used for delivery and
management of education/formation. The
LMSs gama of the systems of managed
of formation/ registry of learning for
software for distributing of courses on the
Internet and offer function of online
collaboration. A management system of
content learning is software for the author
content (courses, reusable objects of
content). A LCMS can be dedicated to
produce and publication of the content
which is hosted on LMS or can host the
content. A LMS permits teachers and
administrators to watch the presence, the
load time and the progress of students.
The parents can connect to a LMS to
present the topics and to access the
program of the course and the lessons.
The E-evaluation varying from automate
test or tests grid to more sophisticated
systems became frequently. With one
systems, the feedback can be oriented to
mistakes specifics of a student or
computer and the student can navigate in
a series of questions of adaptation of the
student that can or cant learn. The best
examples are a structure of formative
evaluation and are stocked on a XML
file. A common format standard of elearning is SCORM in time that other
specifications allows the transport of
objects of learning (school cadre) or
metadata categorized (LOM).
An excellent example of e-leaarning , that
refers to the management of knowledge
and reutilization is E-learning Marine that
is available at active service, members of
pensioners and a military dezactivation.
This online instrument offers courses of
certifications to enrich the user in
preparation and sets of competences civil.
The system of e-learning doesnt offer the
objectives of learning but evaluates also
the progress of students. This realization
is an excellent example of knowledge and

New e-learning method using databases

the retention of cyclic process of transfer of

knowledge and the utility of
data and
In the development countries e-learning is a
popular mode of delivering educational
materials in higher education by universities
throughout the world.

Figure 6. Short presentation of the module

system interaction
The e-learning represents a popular mode
of delivering educational materials in higher
education by universities throughout the
world[1]. According to this study it exists
six dimensions and twenty critical factors of
success for e-learning systems in developed
countries. Using Delphy method and
AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) the study
colects seventy six of useful answers.
According to this study factors of success
are important in e-learning systems and in
developed countries. For successful elearning implementations in developing
countries technology awareness, motivation
and changing learners behavior are
This study found six dimensions for
implementing e-learning systems in
developing countries, including learners
characteristics, instructors characteristics,
institution and service quality, infrastructure
and system quality, course and information
quality, and extrinsic motivation[1].
The study called Online or face-to-face?
Students experiences and preferences in e-

Database Systems Journal vol. III, no. 3/2012

learning answers at two questions like

Which aspects of e-learning courses do
students experience as being favorable
for learning? and When do students
prefer online or face-to-face learning
components?. At these questions
responded 2196 students from 29
Austrian universities The 2196 students
have completed the questionnaire that
had like basis the experience and
knowledge acquired in time of the elearning courses and on their own
preferences for online components or
face-to-face of the learning. These
developing countries: A
comparative analysis between ICT
experts and faculty.
The students from twenty nine Austrian
universities in the study research Online
or face to face? Students experiences and
preferences in e-learning completed a
questionnaire on their experiences
attending a course of e-learning. In the
end of this study we conclude that
students appreciated online learning for
its potential in providing a clear and
coherent structure of the learning
material, in supporting self-regulated
learning and in distributing information.
They preferred face-to-face learning for
communication purposes in which a
shared understanding has to be derived or
in which interpersonal relations are to be
established. An especially important
result concerns students perceptions of
their learning achievements:
conceptual knowledge in the subject
matter or skills in the application of ones
knowledge are to be acquired, students
prefer face to face learning. However,
when skills in self-regulated learning are
to be acquired, students advocate online
learning [2].
3 Conclusions
The proposed solution that we have
presented has three essential aspects:
1. The solution is credible;
2. The solution corresponds with the


necessities in report with the end

users, the learners;
3. The presented solution could be a
great help in learning process for
virtual courses also have some
advantages such as: reducing
learning times, improve the teaching
process, offer to student /learn new
materials, books, examples and
course notes;
Xaymoungkhoun, Hangjung Zo, Jae
Jeung Rho, Critical success factors for
e-learning in developing countries: A
comparative analysis between ICT
experts and faculty, Computers and
Education, Elsevier, 2011;
[2] Manuela Paechter, Brigitte Maier,
Online or face-to-face? Students
experiences and preferences in elearning,
Education, Elsevier, 2010;
[3] C. Mohora, O. A. Calin, D. Anania,
Improving high education process using
knowledge management conceptsProceedings of the 6th International
technological Changes, 3-5 september
2009, Alexandroupolis, Grecia, Volume
2, ISBN 978-960-89832-1, ISI WEB of
Knowledge, ISI Proceedings Database;
[4] C. Mohora, O.A. Calin, L. Mohora,
New strategies to improve the
engineering learning process, The 4th
Manufacturing Science And Education
MSE 2009, Review of Management and
Economic Engineering, Indexed in
Ulrichs Periodicals Directory, EBSCO
Business Source Complete Database,
Publishing House, Cluj Napoca, ISSN
1583-624x, pag. 71-79;


New e-learning method using databases

Andreea IONESCU graduated from the Faculty of Cybernetics,

Statistics and Economic Informatics of the Academy of Economic
Studies in 2008 ( Bachelors degree) and Master of E-business in 2010.
She is university assistant in computer science at The Faculty of
Economic Sciences at Hyperion University of Bucharest. She is currently
a PhD candidate at Institute of Doctoral Schools at Academy of
Economic Studies from Bucharest, in Economic Informatics Field. Her
interests include: e-commerce, project management, literature, music, dance and fitness.

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